File #23333: "William Thompson Diary handwritten 1841-47 95.pdf"


1847 April
Sunday 11 Pat home - solo - Cattle & Pigs drank or upset all the Sap in Bush fine
Monday 12 W'd at Sugary brot in 25 lbs Pat at fence North Side of road Do cold
Tuesday 13 W'd 1 or 2 hours at D'd Stewarts - aftern'n at Sugary rest of the day Pat at fences 2 or 3 hours then to Camerons Brocksden Do Do
Wednesday 14 pd Duncan McNaughton Smith p Acco't tree't 1.6.5 lefs ~.1.5 1 5 ~ snow show'rs
pd Jno Cowman in full of Simons Wages 20- yoke 3/9 - Simon & Horse thrashing Mill 5/~ 8.9 20.8.9 lefs Cows 10/0 - 1/2 B'l Flour 12/6 -- 1.2.6 pd Simon Acc't prec't 1.~~ pd J Cowmans 18 feb -- 10.~ 14 B'ls Sib Wheat 19 March ---- 2.18.3 1/2 Goods of Mrs Thompson --- 1.~.9 1/2 Cash this day prec't in full -- 4.7.2 20.8.9 4 7 2
Paid M Jun'r so much for sundries Note to Mr Cowmans & included in above account M Thompson {signature} W'd & Pat at D'd Stewarts raising a Barn Mrs Barron, Emily & Child'n & Elizabeth at Sugary 1 ~ 9
Thursday 15 W'd & Pat fencing - Mrs & Mifs Daly Mifs Lee & Mr Wyat brot from P. Office letter Mr to Mrs B - 9d - 3 Churchs & 1 Canadian Stamp quit the Sugar making {line stroked through} snow showers aft'n
Friday 16 W'd to Hamburg for Grist 10 Bush'ls Fall Wheat left at Scotts Mill ins't Pat at fence East --
Saturday 17 Sold - Walmsly 1/4 Ton Hay @ $8 ---- & rec'd W'd & Pat hauling & chopping firewood &c 10 ~ more snow & very cold
- rec'd of Mrs B. for {illegible} 6
Sunday 18 W'd to P. Office with Letters W T. to Aunt Jane M. to Aunt Jos. WT to D'd Scott pd Provincial Nov'r & Bs Canadian to Mrs T - pd Alex Orr took charge of Letter to Isaac for Henry inclosing $10 from Aunt Jane - & to Jno inclosing $10 from Do --- 10 sh'd be L2.8 {illegible} but sent as above 5 ~ ~ fine
Monday 19 morning W'd & Pat at fences Hemlock field - aft'n W'd ploughing Triangle Pat putting up fence north near Hay Stack - Tim Leahy had 100 lb Flour $2 1/2 Old White Sow has a litter of 10 Norht behind Ropers fine
1847 April
Tuesday 20 Wilf'd & Pat ploughing on triangle sold Wm Riley 1/2 Ton Hay @ $8 Cash - rec'd on acco't rem'r to be paid on Saturday next 24. ~ 5 ~ a little rain m'g & Ev'g aftern'n milder thunder
Wednesday 21 W'd & Pat ploughing as yesterday - W'd began West side of Garden but left off the ground being frozen - Bill. Seigm'r Debit W'd 3/yk Reynolds alt'g -- settled this day Swallow
Thursday 22 Paid WH Hine in full to this date p acco't receipted 4 13 11 quite a summer day thunder ev'g with high & violent thunder storm for 2 or 3 hours
rec'd of W'd for old Grindstone sold to Hine in the fall & pd to him W'd & Pat at front Gate & pottering - G Scott brot from P. Office a letter Isaac to Wilf'd & a Church Newsp'r - neither pd 1 3
Friday 23 W'd again at Gate & pottering -- Pat a Hamilton Teamster or Pedlar beg'd accommodation for Self & Horses for the night
Saturday 24 W'd Sowing 8 or 9 Bush'ls Peas near Hay Stack So - Pat dragging Do Mr Forbes brot from P. Office Letter Dr Scott pd - Mr to Mrs B not pd 1/6 Emily & Eliz'th at Sugary for Molafses WR fine
Sunday 25 All ex Self in Waggon to Jacksons Hickey - W'd took to P. Office his letter to Isaac inclosing Agreement signd by him & me for Sale of Lots 37. 1 & 2 Con witnefsed by Mr Barron & Martha fine
Monday 26 W'd & Pat sowing & dragging Siberian in triangle & front of Barn Bush'ls Digging East Border of Garden Do
Tuesday 27 W'd & Pat as yesterday - self Do Do
Wednesday 28 Do Do Do Do first Goldfinches a pair pd Martha for Butter had of Mrs Crerar & Eliza Fisher ~ 3 3 morn'g sharp frost aft'n thunder hail & rain Do in the night
Thursday 29 W'd & Pat Sowing Timothy on Wheat in front & dragging Do Eliz'th took to P. Office Letters Mrs to Mr B - & W.T. to Dr Scott Berlin I inclosing Note #4 Notes Gov Bank 10685 - 23 feb 1839 for his visit to Mrs T. 30 Jan'ry 1847 got pd 41 brot 2 Papers 1 Canadian 1 Church settled Daly & Mickles acco't to 31 Dec {illegible} Note to Prev owner @ 90 days from this date pay'ble at Upper Canada Bk Toronto 2' due 31 July L14.1.5 1/2 H. Cy 2 ~ ~ misly morn'g aft'n fine
paid Wm Macdonald for 8 1/2 lb Mutton had in the fall ({illegible}) had of Mr Wilkins this day 7 lb Beef @ & 3 1/2 lb Tallow 2 1 1/2
Friday 30 W'd & Pat
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