File #23836: "WillyLittle1914-1925_20.pdf"


Wednesday, January 14 June 20th. Finished planting potatoes in creek field about 2 acres mostly Sir Walter Raleigh variety. Started to cut Lucerne Clover and went to R. Aitkins in the evening to see Nelson Kelman. .. 22nd Sowed about 2 acres of turnips next electric track mostly Keiths Prizetaker variety. Went to Mr. Angie in the evening to help make arrangements for a union Picnic. .. 23rd Went to Redmans for a little while in the evening and also called on Mr & Mrs Barret to say Good Bye before they left for Prince Edward Island. .. 26th Started to draw in Lucerne hay and went to meet Nellie in the evening. .. 27.. {splat of blue ink or water mark} Rather a wet day, fixed fence around Cunningham place for the colts. Nellie and I drove to the bush in the evening calling Miss Griers. .. 29.. This was Prov. Election -day Scott Davidson and Mr. Westbrook being the candidates, Davidson was elected by a majority of 46. Drove to Brantford in the afternoon, going to Cainsville with Gordon where I got a good harness and blanket and a fairly good buggy for $8.00 .. 30.. Nellie and I went a S.S. picnic in for McKenziee bush the day was fine and was a real nice picnic. drove Nellie to the Glen at night.

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