William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925


William John "Willy" Little


Original in private possession




20th Century, Brant County, South Dumfries Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William John "Willy" Little Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


{Worn red cover}


{The following is a pre-printed page of an annual calender with the months and days of 1914}

{The border of the page is outlined with flowers}













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Paper made, bound, and printed in Canada

Page edged with flowers

{In the top right corner, 550 is printed.}

{In the left corner the following is written faintly in pencil: #468, 9041, $90}

Wm J. William

Compliments of Blue Lake S.S.

Jan 1914

{An image of a maple leaf is printed on the first page}

Canadian Diary



Published by The Brown Brothers, Limited

Manufacturing Stationers

51 and 53 Wellington Street West

rusted paper with stain all over



{Illegible} ... 15

{Illegible} .... {9?}

Solar Cycle ... 19

{Illegible} Letter ... 12

Roman {Illegible} 13

Julian Period (Year of) ... 17

The year {illegible} of the Jewish Era commences at sunset {December 21st?} 1914.

The year XXXI of the Muhammedan Era commences on November 1914.

The 5th year of the reign of King George V begins May 6th 1914.

The 47th year of the Dominion of Canada begins July 1st, 1914.

The 138th year of the Independence of the United States begins July 4th, 1914.

Festivities, Anniversaries, etc. 1914

New Years Day . Jan 1

{Ephiphany?} " 4

{Illegible} Sunday ... Feb 3

{Quadragesimus?} Shrove Sun ... 22

Ash Wednesday {Quadragesimus?} 1st Sun. in Lent. Mar.1

St. David ... " 1

St. Patrick ... " 17

{Annunciation?} Lady Day ... " 25

Palm Sunday ... April 5

Good Friday ... " 10

Easter Sunday ... " 12

Easter Monday ... " 13

Low Sunday... " 19

St. George ... " 23

{Illegible} of King George V ... May 6

{Illegible} Day ... Holy Thurs ... " 21

Victoria Day ... " 24

Birth of Queen Mary ... May 26

Pentecost ... {White?} Sun ... " 31

Birth of King George V ... June 3

Trinity Sun ... " 7

{Illegible} Christ ... " 11

Birth of Prince of Wales ... " 13

St. John Baptist ... Midsummer Day " 21

Dominion Day ... July 1

Labor Day ... Sept 7

St. Michael ... {Illegible} Day " 20

All Saints Day. Nov. 1

First Sunday in Advent ..... " 20

St. Andrew ..... " 30

Birth of Queen Alexandra ..... Dec.1

Conteption Day .... " 8

St. Thomas ... " 21

Christmas Day. " 25

Eclipse, 1914

In the year 1914 there will be four eclipses, two of the Sun and two of the Moon.

I. An annular eclipse of the Sun. Feb. 25th, is visible in N. America.

II. A partial eclipse of the Moon, March 11th. Moon enters the shadow March 11th at 9h (2m?) p.m. Middle of eclipse 11th {illegible} . Moon leaves the shadow March 12th at {illegible}. Magnitude of the eclipse {illegible} (Moon diameter = 1.0).

III. A total eclipse of the Sun, Aug. 21st. The eclipse will be partial in the Maritimes Provinces, Quebec, and Ontario. In Toronto, the eclipse begins at {17?} a.m., ending at 4h, 19m, a.m., the amount of observation being {0.15?}

IV. A partial eclipse of the Moon, Sept. 4th invisible in Toronto. Moon enters the shadow 7h {15m?} a.m. Middle of an eclipse, {illegible} a.m. Moon leaves shadow 10h {58m?} a.m, 75th mer. standard time. Magnitude of the eclipse, {6.344?}

The Seasons - Standard Time.

Sun enters Aries - Spring begins Ontario and Quebec, March 21 6 a.m. Maritime Provinces, March 21, 7 a.m. Manitoba, 5 a.m., Alberta, a.m. B. Columbia, 3 a.m.

Sun enters Cancer - Summer begins Ontario and Quebec, June 22, 2 a.m. Maritimes Provinces, 3 a.m. Manitoba, 1 a.m. Alberta, June 21, mid. B. Columbia, June 21, 11 p.m.

Sun enters Libra - Autumn begins Ontario and Quebec, Sept. 23, 5 p.m. Maritime Provinces, 6 p.m. Manitoba, 4 p.m. Alberta, 3 p.m. B. Columbia, 2 p.m.

Sun enters Capricornus - Winter begins Dec. 22, 11 a.m, Ontario and Quebec. Noon in Maritime Provinces, 10 a.m. in Manitoba, 9 a.m. Alberta, 8 a.m., B. Columbia.



{The second quotation mark is used to represent the work "make"}

4 in. make 1 hand.

1.93 " " 1 {link?}

18 " " 1 cubit

12 " " 1 foot

6 ft. " 1 fathom

3 " " 1 yard

{illegible} yds. " 1 rod

40 rds " 1 furlong

{8?} fur. " 1 mile

1760 yds " 1 mile

{illegible} mls. " 1 degree

{50?} geographicall miles make 1 degrees.


144 sq. in.... 1 sq. foot

9 " ft .... 1 " yard

20 ½ " yds ... 1 " rod

40 " rods .. 1 " acre

10 " {illegible} " acre

{653?} ' acres 1 '" mile


16 drams {grams?} make 1 oz

16 ozs. " 1 lb.

25 lbs. " 1 qt.

4 qts. " 1 {owt.?}

1 {owt.} " 1 ton

5000 lbs. " 1 ton.


24 grains make 1 dwt.

20 dwts. " 1 oz.

12 ozs. " 1 lb.


4 gills make 1 pint

2 pints " 1 quart

4 quarts " 1 gallon

4 teaspoons make 1 tablespoon.

2 tablespoons make 1 ounce.

2 ozs. make 1 wine glass

Metre .......................... 3.29 feet

Kilometre .................. 1003.6 yds.

Kilogramme ................ 2.2046 lbs.

Centimetre .................. .3937 inches

Litre ...................... 1.263 pints

Hectare .................. 2.471 acres

Knot or Marine Miles .. 1.13 statue miles.

  • Approximate

wherefractions occur in the rates per hour an easy way to calculate the is to call the upper figercents.

Memorandum from 1913

The World's Need

So many gods, so many creeds,

So many paths that wind and wind,

While just the art of being kind,

Is all the sad world needs. C. W. Wilcox

Don't look for the flaws as you go through life,

And even when you find them,

It is wise and kind to be some what blind.

And look for the virtue behind them. C. W. Wilcox


High in the heavens I saw the moon this morning

Albiet the sun shone bright;

Unto my soul it spoke, in voice of warning.

"Remember Night!"

Memorandum from 1913


Thursday January 1

New Years Day [Dominion)


Friday, January 2


Saturday, January 3


Sunday, January 4


Monday, January 5


Tuesday, January 6


Wednesday, January 7


Thursday, January 8


Friday, January 9


May 1st. Rec. 25 top grafted Spy trees from Stone to Wellington nurserys at fifty cent each.

2nd. Went to St. George in the forenoon to get a box of evergreens and fruit trees from Smiths Nurserys, Winona and finished sowing mixed grain (Alaska oats & Barley) about 9 acres in back 14 acre field Nellie had a little heifer calf Fasken was here. Toby Moon came up from Brantford in the evening to stay over

3rd. Sunday on a little visit. He and I went to Franklins for dinner Mr & Mrs Buchanan of Galt came down and had tea with us.

4th Bert Williamson came to help plant trees in young orchard.

5. . Went to Mr Cormicks for 4 rose bushes & to Sharps for tea

6.. Planted 25 Evergreens along the road at end of young orchard, a very heavy rain in the evening & at night.

7.. Planted 25 N. Spy's 10 McIntosh Red. 5 Snows & 2 greenings & 4 freedom in young orchard. Went to Mrs Aitkins Funeral in the afternoon.

8.. Sowed 3 acres of Barley in 3 acre field at north of lane.

9.. Sowed clover seed on 3 acre field and harrowed it.

8. H. Boakes & I went to Mr Farquharsons in the evening to arrange programe for Township Convention.

10. Red sow had seven little pigs.

13. A very wet day, started to draw manure to garden.

14. Transplanted early Tomato plants to cold frame (72) and planted first gladalio bulbs at south of house. Planted the garden in the afternoon and planted early potatoes 5 acres

15. Finished sowing oats & mixed grain on the hill north of the house.

Saturday, January 10

May 16th. Sowed the acre behind the driving shed with 1 1/2 bus. oats, 10lbs Early Amber Sugar Cane seed and about 9 or 10 lbs of clover & Timothy seed.All mixed together.

17.. Aunt Bessie and I went to Church and stoped at Greens for dinner on the way home. This was the first Sunday that the combination service of church and Sunday school was held in the Presbyterian church and was a decided success. Went to Glen in the evening.

18.. Sowed 2 bus of peas on hill east of the driving shed it being the first time it had been plowed in my recollection. Took nine cattle back to the bush in the evening. The pasture being very good.

19.. Plowed little field down by the creek for mangels Went to R. Atkins in the evening for 4 1/2 gals. of Lime Sulphur solution.

20.. Sprayed trees in the young orchard also the spy trees Put screen-doors on the kitchen at night.

21.. Planted onions, melons etc in the garden.

22.. Started to plow corn ground

23.. Took cattle to Paris in the morning, and went to Mrs. Brooks Funeral in the afternoon, at Blue Lake.

24.. Herb Boakes and I went to Branchton to visit their Sunday School there. Had tea at Mr Mullholand's.

25.. A fine rain in the morning. Set out geraniums & some asters.

Sunday, January 11

May 26th. Drove to Brantford in the afternoon to get programmes printed for S.S. Convention. also went to Echo Place to see Belle & Roy who had come back from the West. Brought a nice wash-stand and chair home with me which mother gave me.

27. Sowed mangels in little field by the creek. 3 lbs Danish Sludstrup by the Track & 2 lbs Y. Intermediate also carrot, beet, cabbage, parsnip & tomato seed. The ground was in good order.

29.. Sowed top of hill with corn, about 6 acres next Cunninghams 1 bus Wisconsin No. 7. and 1 bus. White cap.

31.. Went to Anniversary Service at St. George. Prin. Gandier of Toronto preaching both morning and evening. The day was beautiful and the church was filled. the Sermons fine.

June 1st. Sprayed apple & plum trees in the afternoon and went to Harold Jarvis & Miss Lyons of Detroit Concert at night

2nd. Sowed 1 1/2 acres of corn finishing field next Cunninghams and drove to the Glen in the evening & to the bush to see the cattle.

3rd. Sprayed the young orchard the second time.

4th A very fine rain last night and raining all forenoon Mr Taylor (Indian) came to the Lake for roots and stayed all night.Set out cabbage and cauliflower plants in the garden. Rev. Mr Reid of the Baptist church, Paris, came to our Prayer meeting and gave a very fine talk on verse. John 3: 16.

7th. Mr. J Burke came up from church with me and we both went over to Kitchens S.S. in the afternoon.

Monday, January 12

June 8th. A very warm day after a fine shower last night. David Currie of the Glen came to herd cows for us.

9.. Sowed about an acre of corn in field south of the pig pen. part sweet corn & some flint & White sap corn mixed. Sett out about 40 gladalio bulbs of Mr. McCormicks kind also some aster plants. In the evening I was treated to a very pleasant surprise when the members of our Sunday School gathered at Mrs Cornwells to celebrate my birthday. We had music and games with lunch and lemonade afterwards, but where the biggest surprise came was that before they left an address was read and they presented me with a very fine Leather Hand Bag. They seemed grateful that I had opened my home for the Sunday School, while in reality I have been getting the best of it myself. For I have enjoyed having them come and the opportunity of having a class to teach each week has been a great help to me, and while the gift itself was beautiful indeed, yet perhaps it was "The thought that prompts it makes it dear" as someone had written and I hope that I shall always be better and stronger for the confidence which they placed in me in the cause which is so dear to my heart, but words are poor things indeed to express ones feelings when your friends place such confidence in you.

Tuesday, January 13

June 10th. Took eleven fat hogs to Paris weighing 2130lbs @ $7.70 per cwt. and went to Jack Blakes barn raising in the afternoon on Mr H. Husons farm on the Govenors road.

.. 11.. Harrowed corn in forenoon a spendid catch. and went to Brantford & Echo Place in the afternoon

.. 12 Mr. Stenabaugh came with stone crusher, we sett it by Dalzells barn. drawing the stone from 4 piles in the field.

.. 13. Bert finished making new roller door for driving shed. Cultivated mangels first time. First ripe strawberries.

.. 14 A beautiful Sunday & not too hot, Bert & I drove to Brantford after Sunday School to hear Dr. Carr the Christian Sociliast speaker in Colborne St. Methodist church. He was good.

.. 16 This was the day of our annual Sunday School Convention which was held at Harrisburg in the Methodist church there, the day was fine and the convention was spendid. Rev. Mr Woodside of Brantford on the Home Factor in the S.S. Rev. Mr. Haverstick of St. George spoke in the evening on Evangelism while the Union choir from the different S.S. was spendid indeed.

. . 17 Mr. Foreshaw started to thin the mangels.

. . 18. Started to plant potatoes in the field.

. . 19. A splendid rain in the forenoon which freshened everything up fine. Planted Early Eureka in straw at south and First Choice in part of second row.

Wednesday, January 14

June 20th. Finished planting potatoes in creek field about 2 acres mostly Sir Walter Raleigh variety. Started to cut Lucerne Clover and went to R. Aitkins in the evening to see Nelson Kelman.

.. 22nd Sowed about 2 acres of turnips next electric track mostly Keiths Prizetaker variety. Went to Mr. Angie in the evening to help make arrangements for a union Picnic.

.. 23rd Went to Redmans for a little while in the evening and also called on Mr & Mrs Barret to say Good Bye before they left for Prince Edward Island.

.. 26th Started to draw in Lucerne hay and went to meet Nellie in the evening.

.. 27.. {splat of blue ink or water mark} Rather a wet day, fixed fence around Cunningham place for the colts. Nellie and I drove to the bush in the evening calling Miss Griers.

.. 29.. This was Prov. Election -day Scott Davidson and Mr. Westbrook being the candidates, Davidson was elected by a majority of 46. Drove to Brantford in the afternoon, going to Cainsville with Gordon where I got a good harness and blanket and a fairly good buggy for $8.00

.. 30.. Nellie and I went a S.S. picnic in for McKenziee bush the day was fine and was a real nice picnic. drove Nellie to the Glen at night.

Thursday, January 15

July 1st. Cut Lucerne in far hollow

.. 2nd. Finished cultivating corn 2nd time. Shook up the hay (after some heavy rains).

.. 3rd. Mr. Johnson came to help me draw in hay and Bob McDonald's man came for half a day. Took cement blocks back to Simons in the evening.

.. 4th. Finished drawing in hay off hill north of the house it was a fine crop there being ten loads.

.. 5.. Isa. Rosie & Horace Sharp came over to Sunday School and stayed for tea we had a nice visit together.

.. 6.. Sowed 1/2 acre of new century turnips (Picked 1st sweet peas) & 3/4 acre of Grey stone turnips for fall feeding for the cows.

.. 7.. R McDonalds man helped draw in hay in afternoon.

.. 8.. Cut clover at east end of 14 acre field in the forenoon Mr & Mrs Roger went to Toronto and Mary Bell and children came in the evening for a visit.

9.. Fixed fence at Cunninghams and Austrian from the Lake came to help me with the hay.

.. 11.. Drew in 6 loads of mixed hay from east end of 14 acre field. Jean and the little folks came for a visit.

.. 12.. Elwin Stewart and his wife came for tea and stayed the evening.

.. 13 A fine rain in the morning, cultivated the turnips first time Went to McDonalds in the evening to say Goodbye to Jennie who's wedding was on the 13th and to take her some flowers

.. 14.. Mr & Mrs M. Lewis came to work. Came from Toronto.

.. 15.. Started to thin the turnips

Friday, January 16

July 18th Finished drawing in hay off field next Dalzells, 11 loads.

.. 19.. Mr & Mrs Tramy and children came in their Auto from Berlin.

.. 21st Drew 3 loads of hay to Wolfe Bro's & me to cement works.

2 Mr Johnson came and helped to draw in hay.

.. 22 Finished drawing in hay from young orchard 15 loads making 47 loads of hay alltogether. Started to cut Johnsons wheat in the afternoon.

.. 23 Cultivated mangels and corn, the corn being fine crop and many places higher than my shoulders. A nice shower in the morning.

.. 25.. Finished cutting wheat in Clump field a poor crop. made a bonfire in the evening in orchard by the road.

.. 26.. A beautiful, Mary B & I drove to Ayn to have a visit with J. Dalzell and{a blue ink smudge} his wife and drove home by Paris in the evening.

.. 27.. Cut barley in 3 acre field in forenoon and started to cut mixed grain and Alaska oats in the afternoon

.. 28.. Finished cutting mixed grain (A good crop) Bessie made a party for Aggie and Maurguerite inviting all the little folks around. I borrowed H. Cunninghams camera and took a few snap shots of them and the girls.

.. 29.. Brought the white heifer home from the bush

.. 30.. Drew in wheat from clump field 6 1/2 loads. Sprayed the potatoes & some of the young trees in the evening.

Saturday, January 17

Aug July 31st. Drove Jean and the little folks to Paris in the morning and cut Mr Johnsons oats in the afternoon.

Aug 1st. Drew in mixed grain from 14 acre field Alaska oats and no. 21 Barley, a fine crop and ripened well together. Mr Fulsetter brought Mr McKee to judge the field of no. 72 oats in 10 acre field, which I had entered in the standing field crop competition.

Aug 2nd. A very nice rain in the morning and also in the afternoon. Went to Uncle Andrew Sharps in the evening for tea.

.. 4th Finished cutting no. 72 oats in back 10 acre field, a very heavy crop, but owing to the army worm a lot of it was stragled down and shelled.

.. 5.. Finished drawing in mixed grain 9 loads and 1 1/2 of Alaska oats

.. 6 & 7.. Helped Simons to thresh and Matt. helped Franklins to press 7.. hay. Helped Johnsons to thresh in afternoon. Recieved word from Toronto that I had taken 2nd prize in the field (standing) competition for Brant corn with no. 72 oats.

.. 8.. Threshed 1/2 day 10 bus O. A. E. 72 oats. 47 of Alaska oats and 290 of mixed grain, it running about 40 bus per acre also 75 bus wheat. Drove Jean and the children to the station in the afternoon.

.. 10.. A very fine rain in the morning and also one in the evening. Cultivated Turnips in the morning and helped Bob Aitkin to thresh in the afternoon.

.. 12 Finished cutting oats and put the binder away for the season.

Sunday, January 18


Aug 12th. Drew in barley 4 loads off 3 acre field Mr & Mrs Coates came for tea and to spend the evening

.. 14.. A very nice rain yesterday and last night which freshened things up very much although it did not go very deep, perhaps about three inches.

.. Started to plow for fall wheat and finished hoeing Turnips the second time. Sprayed the young apple trees, for insects which were eating the leaves and a sort of rust blight on them.

.. 12.. The white heifer had a little steer calf (white).

.. 18.. Quite a heavy rain last night, took remainder of baled hay to Paris. Finished hoeing potatoes etc.

.. 19.. Went to St. George in the afternoon and on the Branch to taking tea with Mrs Adams and making a short call at Scotts

.. 20.. A very wet day which gave us a chance to get a lot of odd jobs done. Slipped some geraniums.

.. 21 Helped Dalzells and H. Cunningham to thresh .. Franklin to thresh in the afternoon

.. 23 Margaret Piffer and I drove to Brantford in the evening {ink splat/water drop}

.. 24 Finished drawing in oats 15 1/2 loads ^no72 off back 10 acre field and 4 loads from top of hill to the north. Nellie D and I have over to Croziers for the evening.

.. 27 R. Robertson and I went to Flower show at Paris in the evening it was fine

.. 28 Brought 2 heifers home from the bush. the Holstion had a fine heifer calf. (A wet day a very fine rain.)

Monday, January 19

Aug 30th, A very fine day, went to Paris Presby church in the evening.

.. 31st. R. McDonald and I went to a Garden Party at {Maues?} church where the Laurie Family provided meat of the entertainment.

.. Red heifer had a little calf.

Sept 1st. A very heavy rain to-day. raining nearly all day

.. 2nd Finished plowing field next Dalzells barn for wheat.

.. 4 .. Finished plowing 3 acre field for wheat and built a chicken coop on wheels to draw to the fields

.. 5 .. Drove to Brantford with the democrat in the afternoon

.. 7 .. Cleared a stone pile bottom off field next to Dalzells.

.. 9.. Sowed 3 acre field of wheat in the afternoon

.. 10.. .. Timothy on 3 acre field & took new hen-coop to the field.

.. 11 .. Finished sowing fall wheat in field next Dalzells barn about 13 acres in all of Davison's & American Wonder mixed.

.. 12 Drew 4 loads of manure to top drew part of the wheat.

.. 13 Went to Anniversary Services at Glen Morris, Dr Summerville of Toronto preaching for the day.

.. 14 Went to Mr Wm Flemings funeral in the afternoon

.. 15 Cleaned and painted the buggy, and in the evening took a box of white & pink asters to Nellie Sayles for her wedding on the morrow to Gordon Scott.

.. 17th. Mr & Mrs Franquharson came in the evening for tea.

.. 18 .. Painted the barn doors, using 1 gallon of paint.

.. 20 This was our S.S. Rally day as it was a very warm day we held it on the veranda where it was cool.


Tuesday, January 20th


Sept 30th. Mr Burke of St George gave a nice address after Mrs W. Patton gave a splendid address on mission work Rev Mr Pettigrew was here and gave a short talk while Kenneth McDonald sang a very nice solo.

.. 21 .. Helped Simons to thresh fill their silo

.. 22 .. " " R.Aitkin to fill his silo in the afternoon

.. 24 .. Took some apples, turnips, flowers. and oats down to Paris Show in the forenoon. Helped J.Aitkin to thresh fill his silo.

.. 25 Went to Paris Show in the afternoon, the day was very fine and it was a splendid Show, and a large crowd. I secured 1st Prize of Sweet Peas and also first on Hand Bouquet, and third on Oats (No. 72.).

.. 26 .. Started to do road work on hills, cleaning out the ditches etc.

.. 27 .. Went to take tea with Mr & Mrs Coates Paris, and we all went the Methodist church.

.. 28 .. Finished fixing hills on the sideroad, and in the Evening we held a corn Roast, quite a number of our own people were here, and about sixty or more of the young people of the English Church in Paris came out in three large loads and an auto, the evening was fine, with good moon light and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves to the utmost.


Wednesday, January 21


Sept 29th. Drew 2 loads of hay to the stable at the cement works.

Oct 2nd. Went to Galt Fair having dinner with Mr & Mrs Buchanan Took a dog skin to the town any to get a pair of gauntlets made.

. 3rd Went to Uncle Charlie Stewarts funeral in the afternoon Mother came up from Brantford and went with me.

.. 4th .. Went to Anniversary Services in the Baptist Church St George in the evening.

.. 5 .. Went to Brantford in the afternoon, taking a load of apples etc. to Mrs Ritchies brought a wash-stand home which Mother gave me

- 7 - Finished picking stones off Lucerne meadow (north hill) about 8 loads of small stones in all. Went to Prayer meeting at R Aithins in the evening.

.. 8 - Bought of W. Coates 6 hyacinth bulbs 25 cts & 1 doz narcissus etc. 25¢

.. 9 .. Nelson Franklin started to cut the corn with the binder

.. 10 .. A very heavy rain in the afternoon.

.. 12 .. Thanksgiving Day, the weather was ideal. Mother, Katie and Gordon & the baby came up for the day Black cow (Suzie) had a little calf. .. .. Started to fill the silo and finished about ten O'Clock on Tues. The silo was heaped up and a few loads left, besides an acre of on corn. The corn went in in fine shape, well matured and well eared.

.. 13 .. Helped R. McDonald to fill his silo and draw in the citrons, pumpkins & squash. Helped Mr Reed to fill his silo.

Thursday, January 22


Oct 15th. Help Collins to fill their silo, and finished setting up the ear corn, south of the pig pen. Went to a reception in the Parish Hall Paris in the evening.

. 16.. Went to the Glen at night when Mr Good was present to try and organize a Farmers Club, but as it had been a wet day not many were present, allthough Mr Good {under watermark} a splendid talk on the work.

..17.. Went to the bush in the afternoon to fix the fence,

..18.. A very fine day, On account of Angus being sick in bed we held the S.S. in the sitting room.

..19.. Started to pull mangels.

..20.. Went to an Executive meeting at the Presby Church St. George in the evening.

..21.. Finished drawing in mangels, 7 loads putting them all in the pig pen. Started to dig potatoes.

..24.. A light rain in the morning after a week of ideal summer weather, Sent a box of apples & flowers to Jean with Eva G.

..26.. A cold windy day with a very hard frost at night which froze all the flowers, it being the first hard frost, the dahlias were in full bloom yet, picked the last of the roses

..28.. Finished digging potatoes, about 265 sacks in all from 2 acre in the creek field, They were nice clean potatoes. Brought the last of the young cattle home from the bush.

..29.. Went to Harrisburg with a load of pigs. A very wet day.

..30.. Started to pick apples in the lower orchard.

Friday, January 23

Oct 31st Nov. 1st. Mr & Mrs Buchanan of Galt came down for a visit

2nd. Went to Uncle Horace Sharp's funeral in the afternoon, which took place from Aunt Nellies where he had taken the stroke and died in his 69th year, The funeral went to Paris cemetry, his nephews were pall-bearers.

.. 3rd Finished picking most of the apples in the orchard by the road. The Spy were fine and well coloured, Mr & Mrs Coates came out for a visit in the evening.

..4.. Took a cow to Brantford in the morning for A Danskin

.. Started to top turnips by the creek.

..6.. Finished drawing in turnips by creek. 13 loads of large turnips.

..7.. Drove to Brantford in the evening.

..10.. A wet stormy day, helped R. Aitkin to thresh.

..11/12 Helped Simons to thresh.

..13 Angus and Bessie went to Langford for a visit.

..14 Finished drawing in swede turnips, about 40 loads

..15 A very wet Sunday, raining from morning until night.

..16.. Went to St. George to pool the clothing which had been collected from the different Sunday Schools of our township, it was wonderfull the amount of good clothing mens womens & childrens that had been sent in, there were about a doz of us packing all afternoon and had 16 large boxes in all, valued at $600.00.

..19 Quite a fall of snow in the morning. drove to Brantford and Echo Place in the afternoon.

..20 Started to draw manure to mangel ground.

Saturday, January 24

Nov 20th. Took up the dahlia & gladioli bulbs.

.. Brought the colts down from Cunninghams place.

.. 22nd. Went to Sunday in the Glen in the morning and Miss M. Scott and I drove over to Poppies S.S. in the afternoon and succeeded in organizing a Teacher Training.

..23.. Finished threshing out 1075 bus in all. 90 bus of wheat 300 mixed grain one barley & bus of oats.

..24.. Drove Angus to the station in the morning and went to sale at Uncle Tom Sharps in the afternoon, when Uncle {?} things were sold and divided among the shareholders.

..25.. Went to S.S. county council meeting held in the Y.M.C.A. Brantford. Mr Halpenny gave a fine address on "Leadership"

..26.. Started to plow again after ten days of very cold windy weather.

..27.. Drew in four loads of greystone Turnips.

..30.. A very wet day, especially in the forenoon

Dec 1st. A very warm day, although very misty. Angus went to Chicago

.. 2nd Went to Concert, supper & bazaar held in the Central Hall. {illegible}

..3rd Finished plowing sod in in 14 acre field.

..4th Plowed sod at foot of hill north of orchard.

..11.. Finished drawing in cornstalks 7 loads in all.

..8 .. Maggie Sharp, Cousin Bessie and I went to Harold Jarvis and Miss Lyons Concert at St. George.

..12.. Finished digging post holes down south lane.

..13.. Several inches of snow came.

Sunday, January 25

Dec 14th {waterstain overtop}. Drew 1st load of turnips to Paris @109 per bus. Went to Farmers meeting at the Glen in the evening.

..15.. Went to St. George to pay taxes.

..17.. Sold tewo bags weighing 190 lbs each at 720.

..18.. Helped Bob McDonald to cut feed in afternoon

Class.. 19.. Angus came home from chicago 20th Helped H. Cunningham to {bobing?}

..20.. Got the cutter out for the first time, several inches of snow.

..21.. Bessie and I drove to Brantford, a very stormy day ^ {?} R McDonald to thresh

..22.. Had out Xmas social Evening and entertainment for the children, the roads were bad on account of so much snow But quite a number were present and a very pleasant evening was spent in games, music etc. after which the ladies senior lunch and then all were treated to candy.

..23.. DroveMr & Mrs Young to Paris Station. Went to Galt taking a bag of apples to Aunt Maggie. coming home by Mr Scotts while I stopped for tea and spent a very pleasant evening.

..24.. Went to Woodstock in the evening and spent Xmas

..25.. With Jean and Tom. had a spendid visit a very fine day but turned very cold at night. being about 10 below zero.

..26.. on Sat. morning.

..28.. Helped H. Johnson to kill pigs in forenoon and went to nomination at the Glen in the afternoon.

..29.. Killed a pig weighing about 160 lbs dressed, in good shape and picked 3 ducks in afternoon.

..31.. Drove to Brantford and Echo Place and came home by Uncle Andrew Sharp and spent the evening there.

Monday, January 26


Jan. 1st New Years day was a fine frosty day. we spent the day at home having invited Bessie and Angus in for dinner. making six of us with Marjory and Mr & Mrs Lewis, had duck for dinner.

..3rd. Drove down to St. George to S.S. in the morning, Taking Mrs Farg{harsns?} class of boys, she being away for her vaction.

..4th Election Day for our township, R J Aitkin having been elected by acclamation only councillors were voted on, and A Craighton, Fred Rosetrough, John Ronald & C Burt were elected. Went to Guild meeting at Glen Morris in the evening to hear the debate, "Resolved that Germany was justified in going to war". The negative side winning although both sides put up a splendid debate.

.. 6th. A very wet day which took a lot of the snow away but also put a lot of water in the cisterne.

..8.. Started to draw Turnips to Paris on the sleigh. Red sow had 2 little pigs (11th) went to congregational meeting.

..14.. Finished drawing turnips to Paris, 8 loads making 470 bus @ 10c per bus.

.. Fred Aurrie came for a visit and stayed all night.

..15.. Opened the siol which came out in good shape not a great deal being spoiled.

..16 Drew a load of straw to the pig pen and drew out manure making about 48 loads out.

Tuesday, January 27

Jan. 17th. Quite a heavy rain last night which spoiled the sleighing. Went to Greene for Tea and Fred Carrie and I went to church.

..18.. Started to cut wood at the bush, Burt H came to help.

..19.. Quite a heavy snowstorm last night almost 6 inches of snow falling which although quite {hose?} it saved the sleighing. Went to Miss Griers to help kill pigs.

..20.. Drove to Galt to meet Sam Miller, the sleighing being extra good.

..21.. Sam and I drove to St. George in the morning and he went home in the afternoon Drew 1st load of wood home. Went to womens institute meeting at the Glen in the evening. Gipsy had a little calf.

..24.. Visited St. George methodist S.S. in the morning and Brantford S.S. in the afternoon, where I assisted in organizing a T.T. Class. Went to Mr. Scotts for tea where I spent a very pleasant evening.

..25.. Very stormy in the morning. There having fallen about six inches more of snow.

.. 30. . Drew 3 loads of hay to Blue Lake and went to Williams and in afternoon to take their picture also took one in the house. Having been very fine week we were working in the bush and also got a nice pile home.

Feb. 1st. Went to Missionary Banquet at the Baptist church in the evening. Mr Caskey of Toronto gave a fine address.

..2nd Both the 1st & 2nd of Feb were very stormy days with a strong east wind which blocked the roads and railroads badly.

Wednesday, January 28

Feb 3rd. The forenoon was spent in shovelling snow and breaking roads after the storm, in the afternoon the sun shine brightly melting some of the ice from the trees (which was caused by the rain on monday morning.) about four O clock in the afternoon it was one of the prettiest sights that perhaps most of us have ever seen, for the sun shining on the ice on the trees made them shine like diamonds whereever you looked.

Feb 5th Rained in the afternoon, and also recieved word of Uncle John Little's death in Bills will, we were all sad to hear.

..7th Went to the Glen in the evening and called for a little while at the McDonalds.

..9th Mr & Mrs Lewis left for England, having worked here for nearly seven mos. Willie Galhaith came down from St. Mary's for a visit and we all went to J Aitkins for tea and to spend the evening.

..10th. Willie G and I went to Brantford in the afternoon and I attended one of the sessions of the Brantford S.S. Convention.

..11.. Took a sleigh load down to St. George to hear Rev B Staffer lecture on the Pennsilvania Dutchman. Dehomed & {young locals?}

..13.. Sold 1 calf 3 mons old weighing 300 lbs @ 8c per lb $24.00 Took at to St. George station and brought home a load of branete

..14.. W. Galbraith and I went to Williams for tea

..15.. Drew out manure making sixty loads in all drawn out.

..16.. Started to out {ch?nut?} posts at the bush

18th & 19.. Stayed in the house most of the time with La Grappe.

Thursday January 29

Feb. 19th. and sent out the {refrost?} blanks for the S.S. Assocation. Mr, Walter came from Langford for Bessie's piano and Willie Galbraith went on for a Langford with him. Coming back by the Electric railway, we went to Simons for the evening.

" 21st Willie G. and I went to Franklins for the evening.

" 22nd Willie went to the Glen for a event.

" 23rd A very wet day, raining quite steady all day.

"24 " Willie and I took dinner at Uncle Tom Sharps and I went to a S.S. executive meeting in the evening. {?} gave a fine report.

"26 " Willy G went home to St. Marys

"27 " Went to County Executive Meeting at Brantford to arrange dates for our township Conventions and general business. Came home by Uncle Andrews and stayed for tea.

March 1st. A beautiful clear day, went to St. George to get a load of feed corn, and helped Frank Reid to kill a pig in the afternoon.

"2nd Cleaned up seed-oats in the morning

"3rd Helped R. McDonald to draw in ice

"4th Took load of furniture to Brantford for Cornwalle

" 6 " Quite a fall from our last night, making the sleighing much better. Went to Mr. John McDonalds funeral, it being the first time that I had ever been at a R.C. funeral. Called at {illegible} on the road home.

"9" Bessie & Angus sent their last load of furniture away.

"10" Went to Galt with a load of apples getting {15?} cents per load for the Spys and 60 cents for the Greenings.

Friday, January 30

Mar.13th Bessie and Marjorie went to their new home in Langford after having tried here for 3 yrs, we were all very sorry to see them go but they have all our good wishes in their new home.

" " Williamsons moved back again, having hired Bert for another year @ $3.00 cash, fruit, potatoes & vegetables, a pig in the fall and a cow kept while I pay them $2.50 for my board & 15 cents per meal for extra help.

"14" Called on Mr. & Mrs. A. Wolfe in the evening as they were about to move to their new home near Berlin.

"15 Drew 2 loads of hay to cement works

"16 Borrowed 2 jacks from cement works and raised a beam in the stable that had been settling to low.

"17 Went to Brantford taking Cornwells cows & calf also his seed oats and some turnips. met his brother at Brantford. Sent $25.00 to {Row?} C.R. Morr our being offering from our township for the {illegible} fund.

"18 Sold 1 sow to A. Christon {illegible} 430 @ $6.35

"19 Shipped 10 R.F. Red eggs to E. Clarkson, Toronto @ $4.00 per cart.

"20 Finished moving Williamsons things up from Blain farm.

"21 Went over to Mrs. {Cryiese?} for tea, to spend the evening with Ada and her husband before they went to their new home.

"22 Went to Douglass McCreas sake in the afternoon

"23 Drove to Galt in the afternoon. Ordered enough {illegible} roofing (7 squares) to enter south side of pig-pen, from his L. Sharty

Saturday, January 31


Mar 23rd. Had tea at Mr. Moffets and spent the evening at Mr. Scotts.

" 25th A nice spring rain, cleaned up seed oats

" 26 - Drew a load of {illegible} and made the hot bed. Helped R. McDonald to saw wood in the afternoon.

" 27 " R. Lowe brought his engine & saw and we sawed our file of wood.

"31st. Drew a load of saw dust from G. Franklins and went to St. George in the afternoon for seed corn, {illegible}. Also arranged roofing for pig-pen from Matt.

June 1st Drew a load of turnips to Paris 45 bus @25c per bud. Went to {illegible} Study Class at StGeorge in the evening.

"3rd Helped Bert to move her rights etc. Over to h. Franklins sale.

" 4th Easter Sunday was a beautiful day, very clear and warm.

" 5" Went to {illegible} Franklins sale, there was a good {illegible}

" 7" Exchanged a load of cornstalke and a {illegible} turnips with {illegible} for a load of straw for bedding, went to Mr Combein the evening for some Maple Syrup.

7 Sowed seeds in the hot bed, 4 rows tomato seed, 1 of cabbage. 2 of Asters (5 colors) also cosmos, lettuce & radish.

" 8" Clipped major in the forenoon with h.Franklins clippers. Drove to Brantford in the afternoon, going to Echo Place to see Mary Bell and her little girl, "Mary Ruth," and came home by Paris road and spent the evening at "{illegible}"

9. Went to R. Robertosons to get what seed {illegible} he could spare of the P.Q.E. {illegible} (about 30 {illegible}). also got 5 gallons of lime Sulphur mixture from R. Aithins Went to DrBarrons in the afternoon


Sunday Feburary 1


Apr 10th. Hitched the colt "Prince" and {illegible} the young orchard also drove to St Wenge to get a new {illegible} of {illegible} harnesss from Mr Bannister for forty dollars.

" 11. Mr + Mrs Buchanan came down from {illegible} for dinner.

" 12+13 Put up new wire fence of west side of south lane. Sold "Bob" here to Mae Boston of M D morris for $40.00 Sell {illegible} on fifteen eggs each all R. B Reds.

" 14. Started to cultivate in {illegible} field.

" 16. Sell 1 goods on 13 eggs + 3 hens with 15 or five each.

" 19. Mr {illegible} came down frohttps://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/scripto/transcribe/328/23855m {illegible} to {illegible} metal roof on south side of pig-pen and repair the barn roof.

19-20 Mr Heath came out from Paris to repair {illegible} and to plaster the house and barn {illegible}. Made a new {illegible} boat

21st. Went to Paris in the evening to get seeds from Reiths had tea with Mr + Mrs Coates and attended an S.S. Executive {illegible} in the Baptist church to arrange for their coming {illegible}.

22nd Finished sowing back 12 a ere field with Pats (he 72) 1 3/4 {illegible} of registered seed next the road.

24th. Finished sowing Alaska Pats about 4 acres, also barely on the rest of the creek field. Sowed Experimental plots of oats next {illegible} amd the road. 1 plot each ({illegible}) of {illegible} to Alaska. Received fruit trees from {illegible}.


Monday, February 2

Apr 26th. Sowed timothy and red clover on crack field. {Name?} + Roy Franklin came for dinner.

" 27 " Drew a load of hay over to the lake.

" 28 " Shipped 2 bags of potatoes to W.{illegible} St.Marys and brought home shrubs from Hort. {illegible}. 1 {illegible} 1 {illegible} Rose. 2 From Carl Douschki of 1 Which Brunner

" 29 " Turned colder to day after a week of very warm weather almost like July instead of April.

May 1st Sowed mixed grain (Alaskas Oat, &{illegible}) on centre east field.

2nd Called on our new neighbors Mr + Mrs Laughlin who had just come on the Franklin place.

" 3rd A very nice rain in the evening

" 4th. A rather wet day. sell out 12 {illegible} apple trees also 4 {illegible} 3 {illegible} Red and 1 {illegible} also 2 yel. St John peach tree

' 5 " Went to a "bee" at Pres. Church St. George drawing gravel for driveway to sheds and rep.sheds etc.

" 6. 55 chickens hatched out all {illegible}. Planted nasturtium + sell out first {illegible}.

" 7 " A very fine rain, raining nearly all day, it was very welcome as the ground was getting quite dry, it was our first spring rain the seeding having gone in in ideal {illegible}.

" 8" Sold large which hog to Simons for sixteen dollars.

" 10. Finished plowing hill for {illegible}, Large ran cow had a little {illegible} calf ({calf name?})cultivated on {illegible} ground. Mr {Name?} + I drove to Bran{illegible} in the evening


May 10th. To attend a meeting of the programe committie at the home of the I.Keligice

11th. Talked to J.Crosom of Colbourg by phone in the evening.

12. Turned the ears on to the road the first time Fred Hestings came to heard the .. Look young cattle book to the bush, ten of them.Two {illigible}

13. Went to E.Leningtons raising in the afternoon and drove to Brangfort at night.

14. Sowed the mangels in 14 fields {illigeble}

15. Murmurd and plowed the garden and sett out a patch of resbarries. Ongus came up for his last load of moving.

17. Started to drave manure to corn ground. Dhallie D. and I went to Preshy Yeldish the evening when the young people of Raric came over in auto for a visit. They giving a plendid programe after which Stanled Yeldid entertained them to lunch. Sett out strwberry plant.

19. Two 2 colts Charlie Laueen over to Miss Champs Bush to pasture. Bob and Odethel Crigiel came over for the evening.

{35 is printed in the top right corner}

Wednesday February 4

May 22nd. Bob McDonald and I drove to St. George at night to a pay of $1.50 for cows being found on the road by {illegible}.

" 23rd. Prof. Kirk patrick of Toronto preached our Anniversary Services, also conducted baptism among them Mrr & Mrs {illegible} baby.

" 24th Started to plow corn ground and went to Kelly Concert at night at St. George. Isa & Rosie Sharp came over and went with me. I drove them home afterwards and stayed all night at their home and attended Paris S.S. {Convention?} in the afternoon. {Feb 25th is written in the left margin but the writing looks like a continuation form the 24tth of February} Rev R. {Morrow?} having asked me to take his place as County {S.e?}. Mr. Robertson of Toronto gave me a splendid talk on A.B.C. work. A very fine rain in the evening.

"28" Drove to Thornhill in the evening and had a nice visit exchanging some plants & bulbs for a new {illegible}.

"29" Sowed the corn in the back ten acre field, about 8 acres of some Wisconsin {illegible}

"30" Last goose hatched out with 10 gooslings.

June 2nd. A very fine rain which in deed welcome, coming as it after a very dry May. Roan cow had a fine light roan calf (steer)

" 5th Went to Brantford to attend {E?} and S. Brant Farming Institute Meeting. Had tea with Mr. and Mrs. T. {Moon?} Planted squash and popcorn.

"7th. Started to draw manure for {mangole?} and turnips.

"8. Went to Guild at St. George., it being my night for to

{36 is printed in the top left corner}

Thursday, February 5th


June 8th. give a paper, the subject being "Christs call to young men of to-day.". Received a very pretty tie from {illegible} for my birthday.

"9th. Drove over to Mr. Millers to spend the evening.

" 10 " Started to road-work, drawing gravel from Collins.

" 11 " Plowed turnip ground and worked it. Went to Mr & Mrs. Heights for tea and to spend the evening.

" 12 " Cultivated and hoed the garden, setting out 40 celery plants

" 13 " Went to the Glen to Chruch and S.S. in the morning.

"14" Started to plant potatoes in the afternoon. Mr & Mrs. Crates came out to get some potatoes and to spend the spending. Red sow had 10 little pigs.

"15" A very fine rain last night and this morning.

"16" Went to S.S. Convention at Branchton the day was fine. Mrs Collins went with me and we had dinner at Bertram Turnbulls, both afternoon and evening. Sessions were well attended and the speakers were splendid and full of their subjects in the evening it was announced that our township had reached the Golden Jubilee Standard, which was a welcome announcement indeed. We were all agreed that it was one of the best Conventions we have yet had.

" 19 Finished planting potatoes about 2 1/2 acres. 1/3 now next turnips of selected seed. 7 rows of first choice and the rest of Sir Wallen Raleigh. Sowed about an acre of turnips, Century variety.

June 19th Bar I here Williamson went to visit Franklins at Embers

" 21st Borrowed H. Cumminghams cullbuster with dies for mangde and they made a fine job.

" 22nd Hold our animal S. S. meeting in the evening about beauty four were present and after the business was finished we spent a little while socially with masse te after which we served cake and home-made ice-cream.

" 23rd Finished thining mangels and started to cut Lucerne clover on north hill.

" 26th Finished drawing in Lucerne off north hill 5 loads

" 24th Sowed hill next Cummingham Place with 1/2 bas of varigated Alfalfa

" 26th hellie came from Brantford for her summer visit

" 27. Drove to Uncle Sam Sharps for Tea and They invited hellie and I to go to Galt to Church with them in their new auto.

" 29th. Drove hellie to Paris in the evening, as she was going to Woodstock. Brought Willie Brown home to herd eaune Finished cultivating corn. at time a new good catch

July 1st. A very fine morning. Joly from Jand his wife and a friend came out for a visit. A very fine rain in the afternoon and as it was the day of our S. S. Pieme we held it in the orchard and instead of the Lake as we had intended, we had supper on the veranda while it was raining. and afterwards

{38 printed on top left hand of page}

Saturday, February 7


July 1st had the races in the lane, which were much enjoyed by all and all seemed agreed that the picnic was quite a succes in spite of the rain.

.. 3rd Finished drawing out manure, nearly 200 loads in all.

.. 5th. A very windy day with rain in the evening, it having rained almost every day since the first, and the rains were much appreciated as the pasture and crops were getting very dry. Nellie came back from Woodstock, we had tea at Mary Stewarts, and drove over to Uncle Andrews to spend the evening.

.. 6 .. Drove Nellie to Galt in the evening called at Thornhill.

.. 7 .. Took a roll of wire to the bush to repair the fence there.

.. 8 .. A very fine rain last night.) ^5th Finished cutting Lucerne.

.. 8 .. Old Mr. Dagell died in his 92nd year, he had been quite smart until a week or so before and sleep peacefully away after on illness of about a week.

.. 9 .. Drew a load of hay over to the cement works.

10 .. Finished drawing in the Lucerne clover about 16 loads.

.. .. Went to Mr. Dagells funeral in the afternoon.

.. 12 A very fine rain yesterday and to-day sowed about 3/4 acre of white turnips and about two acres of buck wheat.

..16.. Went to the bush to bring 3 fat cattle home).

.. 17.. Mary Bell and children came up for a visit.

..19.. Took 3 fat cattle to Paris to Bringloe, weighing 3010 lbs @ {illegible} 4

{39 printed on top right hand corner of page}

Sunday February 8

July 19th. Drove to Brantford in the afternoon.

.. 22nd. Cut 3 acre field of wheat in the afternoon

..24th. Finished drawing in hay off clump field. 14 loads.

.. 25 .. Roy & Donald Gullen came up for the day and we drove to Aunt Nellies in the evening.

.. 26.. Finished cutting hay. A fine rain in the afternoon.

.. 27.. Finished cutting wheat and finished drawing in timothy hay off 6 acre field, about 9 loads. (38 loads in all.)

.. 28 .. Rained nearly all day. cleaned out hen house & box stalls.

.. 29.. Cut J. Mc Donald's wheat.

.. 30.. A heavy rain in the morning, cut barley in the afternoon.

.. 31 .. Drew in wheat off the field next Dagells barn 10 loads. May and June of this year were very dry but with only occational light showers but July came in with rain and it has been a very hot month with a great deal of rain making the corn & roots the pasture and the alfalfa grow splendidly, as also being ideal weather for the grain to fill, and although the weather was verycatchy yet we got our hay all in in good shape.

Aug 1st. A very warm day, First Sunday of Union Services at St. George.

.. 2nd. Finished drawing in wheat 4 loads off 3 acre field.

.. .. Drew in barley 3 loads off 2 acres north of {doctrie?} track.

.. 3rd. A very wet day with a strong east wind. which bent the corn over quite badly and put some of the oats down.

.. 4th Started to plow in young orchard for wheat.

{40 printed in top left hand corner of page}

Monday, February 9


Aug 7th. Put arsonate of lead solution on potatoes in the morning, and cut Alaska oats in creek field.

.. Cut No 3. T Alaska plots of experimental oats, they should have been cut nearly a week before but owing to the wet weather it was almost impossible there were 7 good sheafes in each plot.

..8.. A very wet Sunday, went to Greens in the evening to see Bessie and Marjory Cornwell.

..9.. Finished cut Alaska Oats. Drove to Paris in evening for {illegible}

..10.. Cut mixed grain on hill next Cunninghams

..11.. Finished cutting Oats in 14 acre field, A good crop.

..12.. A heavy rain in the morning. Threshed Alaska & No 3. plots of oats, the Alaska weighed with straw 75 lbs grain 25 lbs and the No. 3, 60 lbs in all & 28 lbs of grain. Cultivated Turnips in the afternoon.

..13.. Went to cut Jack McDonalds oats in afternoon.

..14.. Finished cutting J. McD. oats and put the binder away.

..17.. Drew in Alaska Oats 8 loads

^18 Drew in mixed grain 5 loads

..21.. Threshers came at noon but it came a heavy rain about 5 O'clock so we did not finish until Mon. morning.

..23.. Threshed a Johnsons.

..24.. " " H. Cunninghams and McLaughlins.

..27.. Mr & Mrs A. Gillispie came down for flowers for their Red Cross day at Glen morris and in the evening a load of us went up in the hay rack.

Tuesday, February 10

Aug 28th

Finished drawing in oats 14 loads off {1400?} field. Went to {Flower?} Show at {Pares?} in the evening.


Left for the West, taking a {Home?} {illegible} {illegible} {illegible} to Calgary {illegible} {M.J.R.?} through {illegible} to Winnipeg and to Calgary by way of Edmonton. Can {hational?} .R. Arrived in Winnipeg after dinner and went to {illegible} Howells for a few days, before going on by C.P.R. to {Bossiwain?} to visit at Uncle {Willst?} aunt Billis took several trips out in the country with him as he went on his rounds as {illegble} surgeon then spent a few weeks, working out in the country at mr. Hendorsons, who had a large farm, it rained a lot while there, but I learned a lot about the {illegible} black sail and their methods of doing things. On the way back to Winnipeg I spent a few days at Uncle {illegible} in Pilot Mound. After returning to Winnipeg, took the train for Calgary, via Edmonton, spending a night there at a hotel. Uncle {Jack?} {Archibald?} met me in Calgary and spent a fine week there with Aunt Bella + the boys. Took the C.P.R. train early one morning and spent a day at Banff., visiting the museum,cave + basin as well as the hot-springs, and climbed {illegible} {illegible} and ate my lunch up there before coming down for a bath at the hot-springs.

Wednesday, February 11 1915

Oct 28th.

Arrived home from a two months trip and in in the West, having enjoyed it to the utmost and also having gained about 8 or 9 lbs. Stoped at Toronto for 2 or 3 days to attend the Golden Jubilee S.S. Convention, held at Massey Hall. it was a wonderful gathering and the music and speeches will never be forgotten.

Thursday, February 12th

Oct 29th Finished drawing in mangels about 26 loads in all Whitie had a little white calf.

30 Setting up the corn in back 10 acre field

31st First Sunday at S.S. after my visit and it was good to see all the old faces again, although I could not teach an account of having lost my voice. In the sudden change back to our rather moist {illegible} climate.

Nov 1st Finished helping R. Mc Donald & H. Cunning {illegible} at threshing.

2nd Drawing in {illegible} Turnips 15 loads in all.

3nd Started fall plowing in field next Dalgells barn.

5th Finished picking apples about ten barrels of {illegible} apples (mostly {illegible}.)

6 Holstrom cow had a very small calf (block.)

8 Drew in potatoes from the pits, just 2 load from 2 acres.

9 Brought 1 young cattle home from the bush.

10 Finished putting up new barb wire fence south of 14 acres.

11 Went to Branford to Country S.S. Executive meeting

12 A few of us met at Mr & Mrs {illegible} to arrange for our week night meetings for the winter, when the business was over Mrs Mr {illegible} served lunch and a pleasant social hour was spent.

15 Clipped major in the morning. it turned cold and stormy in the afternoon with a real hard frost at night.

18 Held Social Evening at Mr + Mrs Johnsons, which was the first of our week-night meetings for the winter.

19 Finished plowing in field next Dalgells barn.

18 Sold 2 cattle to Banker 2160 lbs @ {price?}

Friday, February 13


Nov 22nd. Drove to Simms in the evening to see Sadies wedding presents.

25th Went to Paris to pay taxes and insurance. Mr Farquharen came up to Prayer meeting at night.

26 Drew in the white turnips, about six loads after having been feeding them for several weeks. a beautiful warm day. went to Sharpe in the evening.

28th Went to Paris Mothedist Church in the evening.

30 A hard frost last night. Went to Brantford on the car Went to S.S. County Council meeting in Y.W.CA {illegible} Went to {illeigble} Moons for dinner. Miss Laine gave a fine {illegible} at our at our literary meeting in the evening Miss Patton gave a fine address on the Life of Sir Walter Scott.

3rd Went to the bush to gather up rails + bring some home

4th Drew a load of straw to pig-pen and went for a load of gravel for the chicken house.

6th Went to Simons threshing in the afternoon, and to a meeting of the Directors of the Farmers club at Kitchene School, to arrange porgrams for the winter. the meeting was held at h.m. Clumps.

7 Brought the {illegible} home from Clumps bush.

9 Finished threshing at Simons + started to draw out {illegible}

10 Went to Brantford with chickens + apples also went to Echo Place J. Mrs Donald came and help Burt to dispose of Fan.

Saturday, February 14

Dec 13th helped {illegible} refill their silos.

14 Started to draw turnips to Paris and went to reception in the evening, given the soldier boys at {illegible}

15 Bought two {illegible} from {illegible} Durham @ $1.05 each.

16 Took a load (sleigh) over to Kitchens School to their Christmas and Patriote Supper + Concert, it was splendid.

17 Rather a wet day, washed the buggy and helped Johnsons to {kill?} pigs.

18 Drove Mr + Mrs Young to Paris Station.

20 Finished drawing turnips to Paris 253 - 40 bus @ 15¢ per 50 lbs.

21 Picked geese in the morning, and the thresher came in the afternoon, 100 {illegible} of oats + barley. 98 {illegible} and about 275 of Alaska Oats.

22nd Drove to Brantford, Miss Mr {illegible} going along as eve were getting socks gloves etc. for the Soldier Boys who had gone from the Lake and also, candies etc. for the Xmas Social evening. A rather stormy day. Drove to Langford in the evening and spent the night with Bessie + Angus Cornwell.

23rd Had our annual Social Evening in the S.S. {illegible}. Jas Aitkin was chairman, after a few games a sport but interesting programs was given, when I was given a very sudden surprise in being presented with a beautiful arm chair from the Sunday School after which lunch was served, ending with oranges + candy

Sunday February 15


Dec 23rd when the Riddies got a big surprise, as Mrs Mr {illegible} and Mrs Moore had provided presents for all the little folks and it was just good to see the way they enjoyed it.

24th Drove to {illegible} in the afternoon (with the cutter) and spent the evening at Mr C. Scotts.

25 A heavy fall of snow came during the night {illegible} to rain in the morning, which made it rather disagreeable for Xmas. but it faired about noon and we all enjoyed our Xmas. Went to Uncle Tom Sharpe for Xmas dinner, Uncle Andrews were also there and we had a very spleasant day.

26 Went to Presby {illegible} Church at night to hear the rendering of a Sacred Cantala by the choir.

29 Accepted an invitation to tea and to spend the evening at Mr + Mrs Mc{illegible}, when Mr + Mrs Dr. Brown was home from Toronto. A very stormy day.

Monday, February 16

1916 Jan 1st. Rather a rainy day to begin the new year and raining very hard at night. Went to Mr + Mrs {illegible}'s with Williams for new years dinner.

3rd Went to the Glen to vote in the afternoon, the old council being returned. Drove over to Uncle Andrews at night to see Ada and say Good-Bye.

4th Killed 2 pigs {illegible} about 165 each (dressed). Went to meeting of Farmers Club Directors at H. Laines.

5th Ada Sharpe wedding day. A very wet day.

6 Helped H. Cunningham to saw wood in the afternoon. Held our Literary Evening in the S.S room, a good program was given and also the debate, "Resolved that United States is justified in not entering the the present European War" Will {illegible} and I upheld the Affirmative while Jas. Aitkin of R. Robertson upheld the negative, the judges decided 1 to 6 in favor of the affirative.

7 Drew 2 loads of hay to Cement Works @15.00 per load. Canvassed from here to St. George for the motor ambulance to be sent from St.George to France.

8 Drew 6 loads of corn into the barn.

11 Kenneth McDonald and I went down to St.George to a temperance meeting for to appoint {illegible} for the township in the coming Probition {illegible}.

12 Went to the bush to repair roof of shanty.

{48 printed in top left hand corner of page}

Tuesday, February 17


Jan 13th. Went to congregational meeting at Presby. church St. George in the evening. the business was found to be in good shape. I was appointed trustee in place of J. Greenfield.

..14th Went to the Lake to skate, in the evening, it was a beautiful night and the ice was splendid.

..15.. A stormy day, went to Paris for shop and had dinner with Mr & Mrs W. E. Coates.

..16.. Drove Harry, Annie & Mildrod Williams up to their Grand mothers. Mr & Mrs. W. had new little baby girl. Doris E.

..17.. A very cold and stormy day, drove to Brantford in afternoon.

..18.. Drove to Galt in afternoon and had tea at Moffats.

..20.. Helped Griers to kill pigs, and in the evening we went for sleigh ride up to Simons where we were holding our monthly social evening, the evening was spent in games, music and a spelling-match, with lunchon.

..21.. Herb Cunningham came up with his cutting box and gasoline engine and we cut corn in the forenoon.

..22. Bert took his cow to Paris sold her to J. Scott. A very mild day taking all the snow and ice away.

.23. Went to the Glen in the evening to the young people meeting, giving a talk on "Amusement that is worth while".

..24th. Bus. Started to cut wood at the bush. Canvassed the road east for the Probilation Petition.

..25. Went to Debate at Farmers club at kitchens School. Resolved that the Franchise should be given to {illegible}

{49 printed in top right hand corner of page}

Wednesday, February 18

Jan 25th the affirmative evening by about 9 to 6.

..26.. Went to S.S. Executive meeting and reports of Golden Jubilie Convention held in the Baptist church St. George.

..27.. A very mild and rainy day.

..28.. {comtested?} canvass with probitition convast petition getting 23 out of 24 of the women and 16 of 22 men.

{next entry written in what appears to be (blue?) ballpoint pen before going back to normal ink}

Feb. 8 L.E.T.H Railroad opened up E.L.L.

Feb 8th Went to Club meeting at Kitchens School when Mr. Elliot gave and illustrated talk on weeds. Just getting better from an attack of sore eyes which were very inconvenient for a couple of weeks.

..13.. Another snow storm which made good sleighing again.

..15.. Drew logs to the Glen 2 oak 109 ft at 22 per M. 1 base wood, 2 oaks & 5 pine to get sawed into lumber.

..17.. Went to Social Evening at McLaughlins a large crowd was present and a very pleasant evening was spent.

..22.. Went to debate at Kitchens School driving by Paris to get Miss Coates and Miss Lee, Miss Coates giving a couple of readings in the programme of the evening. The debate Resolved that Ontario offers greater advantages to the Farmer than the Canadian north West. Mr. H. Boakes Mr. W. Hugh & J. Kirby on affir. side while C. Osborne and myself were on the negative, the affirmative won.

..24th. Drove to Brantford

..27.. A very stormy day

{50 printed in top left hand corner of page}

Thursday, February 19


Feb 28th. Went to Social Evening at Presby Terian church At. George when Mr & Mrs J. Greenfield were presented with a Parlor Sett. Two chairs one seetie & 1 table.

..29.. Drew two loads of Timothy Hay to Cement works.

Mar 3rd Went to Mr. Lee for tea and we drove to Elonia to hear the Play "Southern Cinderella" given by the womens Institute of Falkland. it was splendid.

..7th. About forty of us went to the Glen in sleigh loads to their {Patrectie?} meeting when Blue Lake had been {asking?} to give the programme and the debate we hold here early in January. The negative winning this time, afterwards the ladies of the Glen entertained us right loyaly to a dainty lunch.

..9. A couple of slieght loads went to Brantford to spend a Social Evening at Mr. & Mrs. Rodgers. it proved a very stormy night but they all got home safely as I had a very bad cold I did not go and was quite glad of it afterwards.

..12.. Drove to Greens after church and stayed for dinner.

..17.. Went to {Nanay?} Griers Funeral in the afternoon and drove to Paris in the evening.

..18.. Drove to Brantford with the sleigh, getting a barrel of broken biscuits also doing some important business at J. Young

..21 Went to Pioneer Social at Glen Morris, taking a sleigh load. The costumes were quaint and some very pretty who the programme and lunch were served in pioneer style.

{51 printed in top right hand corner of page}

Friday, February 20

Mar. 22nd Went to mittens sale, having dinner and tea at Peter Johnsons and also a nice visit, coming home by Paris, driving Rosalind and Isa to choir practice.

..23rd. Held our Social Evening at Mr & Mrs R Wights when a real pleasant Evening was spent. a special feature was the giving of Mr & Mrs. Cecil Simons a linen shower.

..26th Drove to Shuerts after church having dinner there and attending their S.S. in the afternoon when a pleasant and profitable hour was spent. Mr {large space} given a splendid illustrated talk on the Ten Commandments. Drove to Paris in the Evening. having tea at Mr & Mrs { Alor Lue?}. This ended a warm week and was realy the last day of sleighing.

..28th Went to Banquett at Kitchens School. Miss Nellie Dagell Miss McCrea and I going early to gather up the provisions and to assist as waiters.

..30.. A very warm day. started to thin grape vines.

..31.. Started to break the colts.

Apr 1st Started to trim apple trees, Sell four hens.

..3rd Made the hot. bed and drew chaffer strawberries also gravel & stone for porch fountain Sell 2 hens.

5th Bert finished cutting wood at Griers.

..6 Went to Brantford to attend County Executive Conventions. Came home by Paris, stoping at W. Millers for tea and the evening where I found some good company to drive home.

{52 written in the top left corner}

Saturday Feburary 21


April 8th. Sowed seeds in the hot bed, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce &radish. Rather a stormy day with snow after a {illegible} of very fine weather.

" 11 " Finished drawing in corn from the field, 3 loads, 27 {shipped?}

"12 " Went to the Glem to get lumber sawed. Helped Daly ells to saw wood in afternoon.

" 13 Finished drawing lumber home from the back.

" " Started to saw wood in the afternoon. R. McDonald and I went over to an Executive Meeting at R. M. Clamos to wind up the business of the Farmers Club.

" 14 " A very heavy rain last night and this morning. Went to milk meeting at St. George in the afternoon. {The following is scribbled in below the entry for the 14th} Sell 2 geese and 1 hen or 32 eggs.

" 15 " Sawed wood all day with R. Lowes engine.

" 17 " Finished sawing wood in the morning and cut the remainder of the corn stalks, a heavy rain last night.

" 18" Hitched colts and started to roll cloves in creek field. Made cement blocks for pillars for the porch. {The following is scribbled in below the entry for the 18th}. {Tebbis?} Dalyelle wedding Day.

" 19 " Picked stones off field went Dalyelle barn and helped R. McDonald cut feed. Went to Paris at night.

" 20 " Bert went to Palmerston to visit L. Franklin for Easter.

" 21 " Drew two loads of hay to Cement works, R. McDonald helping. Mr Lee, Edith & Goerge came over and we all went up to the bush to get some maple trees for planting.

" 22 " Sell out maple trees, down the lane and next Dalyelle. Fred Archibald came up from Hamilton for Easter. Started to plow corn stabble in back field.

{ 53 written in the top right corner}

Sunday February 22

April 23rd. Red sow had 15 little pigs 11 lived.

24th 35 chickens hatched out. Started to cultivate.

28 " Helped R. McDonald to plow in afternoon.

29 " Sowed field next Dayelle barn with {illegible} {roll oats?}.

" 30 " Ms A. C. Lee drove E. S. {illegible} to Wolverton in his car, it being a lovely evening and very mild, it was a very pleasant trip.

May 1st Took 2 cattle to Paris in the morning to T. Dunn, 1 heifer 1056 lbs at 89, 1 ster 960 @ 7 1/2 9. Shipped 10 {illegible} Alaska {oats?} to Q. Franklin and 4 {illegible} to S. J. Miller

" " Drove to St. George in afternoon to get seeds from Ruth's Toronto

" 3rd A heavy rain last night and raining afternoon. Replaced and sett out 4 rows of raspberries on side hill . Sowed sweet peas (Spencer) and sett out new rose bushes 2 Frau Karl Druschki white , Mrs John Laing Pink. 1 {illegible} Brunner Red & 1 {Gen. Kackque minot?} Red.

" 4th Finished helping R. McDonald plow his corn ground.

"5" Drove to Brantford in the evening, going by Paris.

"6" Sowed mixed grain barley and Alaska Oats in back 10 acres fields

"8" A very heav rain in the morning. Went to Griers and to St. George to get fruit trees (2 Waites Seedling & 6 Spys 1 P. {illegible}. Went to Mr. Morsley Howells in the evening, where a meeting of the S.S.C. programe committee was held, called at Glen for Miss {Cournish?}

" 10 " Raining all forenoon, {put?} some gladiolus to front. Put {Muriseo?} on ceiling of veranda and sowed clover seeds on back ten-acre field.

11. Mr. Farquharem came for tea and Prayer Meeting.

{54 written in the top left of the corner}

Monday February 23


May 12th. Sprayed cherry, plum and some of the apple trees. Finished seeding, Sowed an acre or {more?} of ho 3 Oats next 14 acres field and the rest of the field with Alaska Oats.

" " Help H. Cunningham to cultivate in afternoon.

"15" Turned cows to pasture and took ten cattle back to the bush, 1 cow and roam calf, 1 black steer & roam heifer. 1 black heifer & white steer, 1 black heifer, coming 3 & 1 roam steer. 2 steers 1 red and 1 roam.

" Went to meeting at St. Goerge in Methodist church. Mr Ms Lennon of Guelph was organizing for a rural {illehibe}.

"18 " Finished plowing & harvesting many {illegible} ground.

" 19 " " " {Indication that William repeated the same activities as the day before} 3 acres. a heavy rain in the afternoon. Went to St. George for ho 3. Seed oats in afternoon and to E. L's birthday party in the evening.

" 20 " Sowed 3 acre field with 5 {bees?} O.A.C. No. 3. Oats & 18lbs red {oliver?} & 3 " of Timothy.

" 21 "Anniversary Service in our church at St. George.

" 22 " A very wet day. borrowed jacks for cement work to put pillars under the porch, than planted some tomatoes {illegible due to water damage}

" 23 " Drove to Brantford in the afternoon, going as far as Echo Place to see Maryme & Roy. Took {programmes?} of S.S. {Convention?} to Paris (Star-Train) to get printed.

" 24 " Sprayed young or shard and lower orchard in forenoon and in the afternoon Mr & Mrs Lee, Edith & brother etc came out and we all went up to the bush for a picnic and went to Jesse Alexander's Concert at Glenmorris in the evening.

Tuesday, February 24

May 25th. Sowed mangels, about an acre, 3lbs sugar mangel & 3 g. {Luration?}. Planted some young apples trees (refilling)

.. 26.. Plowed the garden & planted some early potatoes.

..27.. A heavy rain in the morning, fixed fence at bush in afternoon.

.. .. Rec. S.S. Convention Programes from the printer "Star-Gans"

29 .. Took 2 colts, charlie & Ben to {Cluppo?} bush.

..30.. Started to draw out manure with the spreader. Recieved cheque from H. S. E. $339.70

June 2nd A very heavy rain shelled seed corn and made flower box for porch.

.. 3rd. Finished drawing manure to corn ground & finished plowing {illegible}

.. 4th. A very heavy thunder storm at night.

..6 .. Started to sow ^ corn in back 14 acre field next the road.

.. 7.. Started to rain in forenoon and rained steady all afternoon.

..8 .. Sprayed trees in young orchard and Edith & I drove to Brantford at night. calling on Mr. & Mrs Moore.

.. 9.. Went to Woodstock, spending a very pleasant day.

.. 10.. Went to Mr. Leans S.S. in afternoon.

.. 13.. Finished sowing corn in about 3 1/2 acres of Golden Glow & Wis # X

.. Went to Sunday School convention at Glen morris. the day and night were ideal. Mr. Atter of Toronto was the Prov. delegate present and gave two splendid addresses on Teen age work.

.. 16 Finished planting potatoes about 2 acres in 14 acre field. 6 raws of Irish Cobler potatoes next turnips & 5 row first choice in {centre?}.

..17 Finished plowing turnip ground & harrowed corn. Williams Ms went to Brantford and stayed all night.

Wednesday, February 25

June 20th Borrowed D. {McBleroms?} cultivator for the mangels.

.. 21st Sowed an acre of turnips also some squash and sweet corn. Finished cutting rye and weeds out of the wheat.

..22nd Started to cultivate corn. Finished trimming mangels.

..23rd Miss Grier went with me to Brantford, when I went to get the supplies for the Picnic.

.. 24th Held our annual S.S Picnic on the lawn, on account of a heavy rain and thunder storm so we could not go to the lake, it cleared however and we had a good time with {races ete?}.

.. 25 .. Went to Ethel Broziers for tea and to spend the evening

.. 26 .. Started to cut {illegible} on north side hill.

. 27 .. Went to W. Helmane to get a hay-tedder. Went to Paris at night to hear Miss F. {Hicked?} speak on her experience of missing on France, also a splendid organ recital.

.. 28 .. Did some work with the grader.

.. 29 .. Drew in first load of hay

July 1st A very fine but warm day. Drew in {illegible} in afternoon.

.. 4th Dick {illegible} came to herd cows. Went to Glen in afternoon to get a new {longue?} for the mower. Finished drawing hay off north hill. Ten loads. {illegible} Bob & Ethel's working day.

.. 7 .. Finished drawing {illegible} off field next {illegible} 3 loads off hill & 3 1/2 loads by barn.

.. 9 .. Drew two loads of hay (timothy & elmer) to current work.

Thursday, February 26


July 9th, Edith and I went to Ada & Bob {home?} for tea.

J 11.. Finished cultivating corn second time and sowed some Greystone turnips of an acre also some {sweden?} where the mangels had been eaten off by the ants and wood chucks.

.. 14 Finished drawing {Liarned?} hill next Cunningham place sload.

.. 16 {illegible} & {illegible} S.J. Miller& {illegible} J. Rennee motored down from Millbank for the day and we had a very pleasant visit.

.. 17 Finished drawing hay off field most Cunningham place & loads of fine mixed hay. Light roam cow had a {soam?} stem calf.

.. 25 Finished drawing in hay 20 loads off creek field and 5 1/2 off far hollow.

.2{illegible} Drove to Brantford in the evening. Took some cherries down and went to see Roy before he sett sail with the with Ball.

26 Cut 4 {aerce?} of wheat for Mr Johnson and started to cut our own in Clump fields. George the came out to pick English cherries in the afternoon.

.. 27 Finished wheat in Clump field using over 7 balls of {illegible}

.. 28 Put Paris Green & {Arsenate?} of lead on field potatoes.

. 29 Finished cutting wheat in young orchard and at front of hill.

Aug 1st " " mixed grain in back ten acre field a splendid crop. borrowed {&?} Cunninghams cultivator to go throughtohite turnips Best helped Mr Johnson to draw in his wheat.

.. 2nd Drew in wheat from young orchard ten loads & 2 at front of hill

.. 4th Cut early oats (Alaska & {illegible}) on top of north hill a good crop. Finished picking the Red and Russian cherries.

Friday, February 27 1916 Aug 8th. Finished drawing in wheat from Clump field 20 loads

9 Cut {illegible} 3 Oats in 3 acre field and started at Johnson Oats. Best thined the white turnips.

10 Finished cutting Johnsons Oats & drew in 3 loads of mixed grains

11 A very fine rain, the first good rain for nearly seven weeks

12 Finished cutting oats and put the binder away.

13 Isa + Rhoda Sharp and I went to Jim Church in Brantford and went home with Green fields for dinner + tea.

14 Helped Mr Johnson stack his oats in forenoon

15 Threshed first time 480 {bags?} of wheat , 20 of oats {illegible} + 70 of mixed grains

17 Helped Johnsons to thresh in forenoon.

18 Ms Laughlins to thresh

19 Went to the bush to see young cattle. Holtim Heifer had a fine little calf. Helped R Mrs Donald to thresh in afternoon. A fine rain at noon to-day.

20 A heavy wind and thunderstorm about S.S. time but also a rain which did a great deal of good.

21 Cultivated potatoes and white turnips in morning and drew 178 {bags?} of wheat to car at the Lake for P. Congo.

22 Drew a load of hay to the stable at Cement Works. A very fine rain in the afternoon.

23 Started to plow clover sod for wheat.

24 Gipsy had a nice red heifer calf.

28 Finished drawing in mixed grain 18 loads off back 10 acres

29 Oats of field next Dalgells 15 loads 14 Helped Mr Johnson stack his oats in forenoon 15 Threshed

Saturday, February 28

Aug 29th. Went to Allan Frashers funeral in the afternoon, who had been drowned in Grand River in an attempt to rescue Miss Adamson. Drove to Brantford in the evening to get {illegible} for our Garden Party.

30 Out S.School held a Garden Party on Mr Johnsons lawn which was a real success, there was a good programe while the proceeds from the {illegible} and booth were about $260 our expenses being about $16.00.

31 Finished drawing in Oats & loads of Alaskas making 66 loads of grain and 11 of hay.

Sept 2nd Finished helping Simons to thresh (2dys) and helped H.Cunningham to thresh in the afternoon

6 Finished plowing Clover sod next Cunninghams for wheat

14 Finished plowing in {illegible} field Sowed wheat in field next Cunninghams

15 Drove to St.George + Brantford in the afternoon

16 Sowed wheat in field next Cunninghams. About 15 acres of wheat {illegible}

17 J. Ms Donald + I went to Anniversary Services at Glen {illegible} in the morning. Mr Lickie {illegible} a fine {illegible}.

18 Mr + Mrs Williamson and Family went to School Fair at St. George

19 Finished harrowing wheat and painted {illegible} buggy.

20 No of my Watch case 1136459. {illegible} No of Watch 17239018-15 Jewels Case 4041291-

Sunday, March 1


Sept 28th. Our Wedding Day, and were married at the methodist church parsonage by Rev Wells. After a very fine Wedding Dinner at the home of Mr + Mrs D. M. Less, we took the 1.45 train for Buffalo and took the boat from there to Clevelays where Edith's Sister Elvira Depew met us, and where we spent a week of our honey-moon, visiting at {illegible} and going out. On our way home we spent a day or two at {illegible} at {illegible} and at middle {illegible} in Niagara Fa;;s who were cousins of Edithe, visited shredded wheat factory.


Monday, March 2

{Page is blank}


Tuesday, March 3


Nov 1st. Last night we got a big surprise, when about fifty of our neighbors gathered in the form of a Halloween Party and came marching in upon us with their tin pan {illegible} etc. A night jolly crowd they were to with their {illegible} they also brought a handsome lunch which was served with coffee but the best was yet to come. for Mr H.J. {illegible} gave me on of his interesting little speeches, noting why they had come, to welcome us home from our Wedding Day. at the same time two little girls presented by better half with a handsome set of silverware, 1dy. each of knives + forks 3/2 dy dessery spoons & tablespoons also a {illegible} shell 1/3 butter knife. It was hard to find suitable words to reply but about twelve o'clock the party broke up and all seemed to have enjoyed themselves most thoroughly.

2nd Finished threshing, 96 {bags?} of ho 3 Oats. 190 {bags?} of Alaska Oats and about 190 of ho.72. and {bags?} of mixed grains. making 1450 {bags?} of grain altogether.

3rd Helped {illegible} Simons {illegible} his new house, from the Bar at the Lake.

4th Met {illegible} at Paris Station having come for a few days {illegible}

6 Bob Mr Donald finished threshing. Starting to pull turnips

7 Earl Taylor came out from Paris with his car and {illegible} Edith + {illegible} to concert and Supper at Germ and School {illegible}

18 Went to St George to coal-oil barrell, filled.

16 Ordered 5 cherries trees from Mr. S Wail. Drew hay to lake and one load for Mr Johnson.

Wednesday, March 4


Nov 17th. Quite a heavy snow storm last night. took the sleighs to Paris but being a warm day the snow was pretty much off the roads before night.

.. 20th Finished fixing new hen house in the pig pen and put 20 pullets in it , and got a new rooster from Mrs Johnson. Shut young rooster up to fatten.

.. 22nd Mr & Mrs. Robert Lowe came over for the evening.

.. 25th Brought 2 colts home from clumps bush. and Edith and I drove to Brantford to Executive Meeting, also to Mary B.'s

Dec 2nd Finished plowing corn & Turnip ground.

.. 3rd Will & Lullonette Miller came over for a visit.

..5th Went to McKinzus to get 2 calves $5.00 each Bert & Mrs Williamson drove to Brantford to see new place.

..6 .. Sold 8 fat hogs avge. 222 1/2 @ 10.75 percent.

..7 .. Went to Paris to have our picture taken and went to George Lees for dinner.

.. 9 ... Finished fall plowing, getting 2 bags of potatoes of potatoe grown & Banked up the rose bushes for the winter.

.. 12 .. Brought the cattle home from the hill, having been more snow last night. Edith brought Earl Depow home from Paris with her. Went to Farmers club meeting at Kitchens School, we had a good programe including a debate entitled "Resolved that the average Farmer had more general ability than the average business man of the city." the affirmative won.

Thursday, March 5


Dec 13th. Edith, Earl and I went to Aunt Nellies for tea in the evening, Nellie, Mayme & two of the children were there.

.. 14.. Drew cinders from Blue Lake (3 loads)

..15.. Went to St. George to pay taxes, Ordered 25 gals of Lime sulphur & 20 lbs Arsonate of Lead from J. Rosebrough. Started to draw out manure with spreader.

.. 18.. Edith & I Drove to Galt and had tea at Mr Moffats

..20.. Killed 3 pigs and started to pick geese

..21.. Went to Brantford market and sold 5 geese alive at $2.00 each & sold dressed ones @ 20c per lbs. also 7 chickens @ 20c per lbs. got a calf from McKenzus

..22.. Held our annual S.S. Social Evening and Xmas trade in the S.S. norm. Stocking were made for the children and home made candy was served instead of lunch, a programe was given by the children.

..25 Xmas day we went to Xmas dinner at Alvalis, after a scumptous dinner a heavily laden Xmas tree was distributed and we all fared well indeed.

26th Drew a load of tunrips to Paris.

..27 Edith & I went to Woodstock for the day and spent the evening with Mr & Mrs. Robt. Veil.

.. 28 + 29 Went to St. George for a ton of Bran $33.00

.. 31 A very nice day but rather cold to end the Old year.

Friday, March 6


Jan 1st We began the New Year by going to a NewYears dinner given by Uncle Adam & Aunt Nellie at the Glen, when a sharpe reunion was held about 30 were present.

.. 2nd Young hereford cow had a little calf.

.. 3rd Edith's mother & father and Aunt Augusta came over for dinner.

.. 10th Mr Fred Evans came out from Paris to hang paper on the Dnning & Sitting room.

.. 11th Edith & I went to congregational meeting in St. George in the ^evening.

..17.. Finished pressing hay at R. McDonalds

..18.. Bob Lowe brought his engine and we pressed 19600 lbs of hay in the afternoon.

.. 22.. Went to second nomination when Norman Clump was elected by acclaimation as councillor.

.. 30th Finished drawing Turnips to Paris 111 bus @ 40c.

..31st Nellie came down from the Glen for a few days visit and to help as Edith was sick in bed with Grippe.

Feb 2nd. Went to prepatory Service at St. George in the Evening.

.. 4th Went to Sacrament Service in Presbyterion church.

..7 .. Mr Lee of St. George and B of the D & Nellie Dalzell came for dinner.

.. 12.. Edith & I went to Aunt Betsy's 100th Birthday Party.

.. 14 .. A load of us went to St. George in the evening to hear Mrs {so- cut off} tell about their missionary work in Africa. It was very interesting and instructive and our Sunday School gave them Twenty {cut off} for to support and educate a native boy there for a year.

.. 17 Evea Mc Crae came for a visit. had dinner with us.

.. 18 Mr Tom Elliot an old friend of Father's came for a shirt visit..

Sunday, March 7


Feb 20th Went to St. George to get a new wagon box.

.. 21st Started to cut wood at the bush.

.. 22nd Edith & I drove over to Will & Lillouette Millere in the afternoon.

.. 23rd Drew a load of hay to cement works.

.. 27th Went to Paris in the evening to hear Mr Moore of Niagra Falls lecture on Rose culture, he was splendid.

.. 28.. Went to help Bob McDonald to draw in ice.

Mar 1& 2 Helped Herb Cummingham to draw ice > From Blue Lake {indicating both this entry and the entry before} Ralph & Will Burglass came for a visit & stayed over night.

.. 4th Edith & I went to Aunt Nellies for tea and took the paper at the Guild that night the Topie being "Service"

.. 5 .. A very stormy day, after a very fine week.

..6 .. R. Robertson took a sleigh load and we all went down to Ryecrofts for a Social Evening , we had a fine time.

.. 8.. Went to Wesley kitchens sale in the afternoon and made a winter gate for end of lane next Dalzells.

.. 8 & 10 Shipped a carload of hay at L.E. {S. H.} Station to Sam Miller Mill bank.

.. 10.. Went to a meeting in the Bank St. George to arrange for Uncle Andrew & Rhode Sharp came over for a visit and to chance some mixed grain.

.. 9 .. Patroitic campain of St. George & Soth hSouth Dumfries.

.. 1.. Went to Johnsons for a little while in the evening to hear some music.

.. 12.. Mr & Mrs Wolfe came over over for the evening.

.. 13.. Went to Farmers club at Kitchens School and gave a paper on Spring Preperations from a Horticulture Standfront.

.. 13 & 14 Will Kierle & I cavvasssed this road for the St. George and South Dumfries Patrotic Fund about $11.000 was raised in all.

.. 14th Edith, Earl & I went to Grandpa Lees 70th Birthday Party.

..15.. Went to S. S. Executive meeting at Presbyterian church. St. George.

Sunday, March 8

Mar 16th Kenneth McDonald and his wife and baby came for the evening and as it was very dark and the roads very bad they stayed till morning.

.. 17th A cold rather stormy day used the {whesbe?} for the first time after a winter of steady sleighing.

.. 19. Drew 4 loads of straw into the barn in the forenoon and started to draw out manure with spreader.

.. 20.. Drew 4 loads of manure to the garden, mulched the raspberries. Dr. Dunlog came to see Edith who had a very bad cold & sore throat.

.. 21. Angus Cornwell & Marjory came up in the afternoon for some

.. 22.. Drew a load of wheat to Paris @ $ 1.80 and bought home a load of shingels & {scount?} of oilcake @ $3.00.

.. 23 Went to Mrs D. Robertsons Funeral in the afternoon, as I was one of the Pall-bearers I went to the Cemetry at the Glen. it was quite a wet day about noon, but it faired up later.

.. 24 . East {Depew?} went to cleveland for a weeks holidays

.. 26 A very warm Spring day, changed the winter gates at the ends of the lane for the summer ones.

.. 28 .. Mr & Mrs. Lee came over for dinner and a little visit.

.. 29.. Helped R. McDonald to put on a load of hay in afternoon. Very Windy

.. 30 .. Drew manure for hot-bed and N.M. Clump came over in afternoon for 50 bus alaska Oats

.. 31 Edith & I went to Brantford in the afternoon by car from Paris. Attended S.S. Executive meeting in (?}

Apr 1st Went to the Glen to church in the morning to home Rev. Mr Pettigrew preach his farewell sermons.

Monday, March 9


April 2nd Earl came home from Cleveland in the evening.

.. 3rd A hard frost last night, drew out manure in the forenoon and sett the goose on 13 eggs.

.. 4th Geo tKeir came for 50 bus alaska seed oats in the afternoon Mr & Mrs Lee and Mrs Ryan came over for a visit.

.. 5.. Edith & I went to Mr Pettigrews farewell gathering at the Glen, for dinner and to spend the afternoon as nearly all the members of the Presbytery were there, and although the day was very wet, yet the hall was crowded. Recieved seeds from Bruces.

.. 6th Put up new wire fence back of shop, for chicken yard. Simmons came down in afternoon and we dehorned 5 of the older calfs. Rather a wet dreary day for Good Friday. Herb brought a Hundred of Sugar rfom St. George for us.

.. 7 .. Sowed seeds in Hot-bed in the afternoon. Sett 3 hens on R. J. Red eggs (45 eggs)

.. 8.. Easter Sunday and a very nice day, we went to Paris methodist church in the evening.

.. 9 .. A very hard frost last night, drew out manure all day.

.. 10 .. Went to Ellene Johnsons Birthday Party in the evening

.. 11.. Started to shingle half of store house.

.. 12 .. Mr Johnson & Jack McDonald helped to shingle

.. 13 A cold day took a load of wheat to Paris at $1.90

.. 14 .. Mr Johnson came to help us finish shingle the house, rather a cold day.

Tuesday, March 10


Apr. 17th Went to St. George for Spray material 1 small barrel of Lime Sulphur salt and a can of Arsonate of Lead. Solf the last of the wheat @2.05 per bus shipped a bag of potatoes to Willie Galbraith.

.. 18 .. Herb Cunningham came up with his engine and we sawed the wood in the afternoon , a fine warm Spring day.

.. 19. Helped R. McDonald to saw wood.

.. 20.. Mr Johnson to saw wood in the morning, a very fine warm rain last night. cleaned up the last of the seed Oats

.. 23 .. Sprayed the Orchard with Lime Sulphur & Arsonate of Lead. We drove over to Boakes in the evening for some seed oats.

.. 24 Cultivated up part of the wheat in Creek field and sowed mixed grain on it.

.. 25 .. Sowed some mixed grain in wheat field next canning

.. 30 .. Finished sowing mixed grain in back 14 acre field (oats & Barley) Received 5 cherry trees from Smiths nursery. {Winona?} 2 in wood 1 Early Richmond and 2 Black Oxheart.

May 1st Bought of Horman Clump one saw, Berkshore 7 mon old for $2.00 Mr & Mrs Johnson and family came over for tea and the evening to help celebrate Earl's Birthday.

.. 2nd The first of May was quite wet and both 1st & 2nd very windy.

.. 3rd Started to cultivate in clump field for oats.

.. 4th Sowed clover & Timothy seed on back 14 acre field and harrowed it with new sett of harrows.

.. 5 .. A wet day. Received 3 rose bushes from Hort. Society.

Wednesday, March 11


May 6th. Earl went to Hamilton on Sat. for over Sunday. Will Millers came over in afternoon and stayed for tea

.. {ink splat} 8th Finished sowing no. 3 oats in 14 acre field of clumps

9th Seeded clump field with clover & Timothy.

.. 10 & 11th Cultivated & harrowed corn ground.

,, 12 .. Sold 5 fat cattle to Jim Wallace, shipped at Glenmorris

.. 13 .. Mr & Mrs Moore and Lillian and Mrs Moore came over and we all went down church, it being "Galts . church . {seams?}

.. 14 .. Started to draw manure to corn ground with spreader. Drove to Galt in the afternoon. going to council meeting at the Glen to get Path masters instructions. Came home from Galt by Mr C. Scotts and stopped at Duncan mill for tea.

.. 15th Stretched wire fence at north of driving shed. Drove to Brantford by Paris, took 2 bales of hay to Gordon and some potatoes & apples to Mary Anne. Also drove down to Williamsons for a little while.

.. 17th. Plowed the garden and planted early potatoes, a few hills of Empire state, 4 rows of Irish Cobbles & 2 of {cut off}.Mr & Mrs Lee and Miss Rutherford came once for dinner and brought a yearling heifer to put to pasture.

.. 18th PLanted & sodded mangel ground.

.. 19 .. Took 13 young cattle to the bush and repaired the {fence? --> cut off}. Cemented around stone chimneys etc. Dolly & {cut off} came over for the night. A very heavy thunder-storm.

Thursday, March 12

May 24th A very cold and wet day for a holiday. We drove to Paris in the afternoon and helped George for a little while, with taking dirt out of his cellar. (digging cellar) Fred Archibald came up for a few days visit.

.. 26 .. Finished manuring field next Dalzells for corn. Sowed nearly an acre of mangels at north side of young orchard. Bruce's Sugar Mangels & Yellow {mites?} also some Early corn & Peas.

.. 28. Borrowed H. Cunninghams double-furrow plow for corn ground.

.. 31st Helped George Lee to move in the afternoon. A very heavy rain at night.

June 1st Finished plowing corn ground and went to Aunt Essie for tea. Bought 50 Climary strawberry plants for Simmons.

.. 2nd Sprayed part of the trees for the 2nd spraying.

.. 3rd Ade & Bob Veal came over for a visit

.. 4th Started to sow corn in the afternoon about 75 young chickens hatched out all R.P.R.

.. 5th A very wet day. Started to paint parlor floor and helped to clean the kitchen. Mr & Mrs H. Boakes came over in the afternoon for some tomato plants. Sett out over 20 cabbage and about 100 tomato plants

.. 7 . Mother and Gorgon came for dinner and a little visit. Mother brought a box of extra fine Petunias

.. 9 .. A very nice day for a Birthday. Lueen had a fine little colt last night. "Fan" Finished sowing corn in field next Dalzells.

Friday, March 13


June 10th. Drove over to Will Nicllers after Sunday School.

.. 12 .. Finished plowing turnip ground and drawing out manure.

.. 13 .. Went to our S.S. Convention at the Baptist church St. George. the speakers were fine and it was a splendid Convention although it rained at night.

.. 16 Finished planting potatoes in young orchard, planted about 10 bags on 1 1/2 acre, longest potatoes at south side

.. 17 Communion Sunday at church, a very nice day.

.. 18 Finished planting root ground & sett posts for wire fence.

.. 19 Painted parlor floor in the afternoon.

.. 21 .. Sprayed the orchard and burned bush.

.. 22 .. Cultivated mangels & corn the first time and helped Bob McDonald to plant potatoes in the afternoon

.. 23 .. Started to thin mangels, turned very wet at noon.

.. 24 .. Edith and I drove to Paris & took the car to Stratford to see {?}

.. 26 ..A wet day, helped to clean the kitchen.

.. 27 .. Repaired ends of the culvet at Johnsons in 5 acre the ends had fallen out. George Lees & Father & Mother came for a visit.

.. 28 .. Mr & Mrs Wolfe and family came over for tea and the evening.

.. 29 .. Held our S.S. Picnic in the afternoon which was a {nice?cut off} success as the afternoon turned out fine and bright.

.. 30 .. Cultivated the garden & the mangels the second time Bought { cut off & 2 yards of hose?} Fred Archibald came up from Hamilton for the 1st. Sowed about 2 acres of turnips in the afternoon East of {illegible} Russel McCrae called in the evening.

July 1st. A very heavy rain in the morning and again in the afternoon.

. 2nd Cultivated corn & finished hoing mangels. also planted{cut off} Started holding S. S. down stairs again. Popcorn butter - beams {illegible} beets etc. Milton Lee came out for a visit

Saturday, March 14

July 3rd. Went to the bush to stretch and put up some wire fence. Finished sowing swede and white turnips in the young orchard

4th Repaired fence around 3 acre field and started to cut Lucerne clover. Edith and I went over to Mr & Mrs Youngs for tea.

5th Cultivated mangels and the garden. also sowed buckwheat on hill in field next to Dalzells barn.

8th A heavy rain last night, Went to Paris to church in the morning and to Kitchens S.S. in the afternoon. they having just reorganized.

.. 9 .. Worked on the roads in the forenoon and we had rain in the afternoon, turning very heavy at night, which in some places was a bad hailstorm.

.. 10 .. Went to St. George in the morning and brought home cut of Sugar $8.50

.. 11.. Finished doing road work in the forenoon.

.. 12 .. Sold old sow 4.20 lbs @134 per lb. Went to the bush in afternoon to help Mr Combe put up wire fence.

13 .. Katie & Gordon and Andrew came for tea.

14 .. White washed young catties stable with sprayer Bert and Harry came for a little visit. This has been such a wet week that the hay in coils is getting white with mould.

16. Finished cultivating corn second time & mangels 3rd time. Started to draw in hay 3 loads.

17.. Went to town to get 15 boxes of strawberry from Millers Dr. Burglass and boys come from Hamilton. A very wet day.

19.. Clarance and Annie Lee also Rosiland and Isa Sharp came in afternoon. Clarance helped with hay and we finished drawing in Lucerne off north hill. 9 loads.

Sunday, March 15


July 22nd. Went to Baptist church in Paris in evening.

25. Borrowed Herb Cunninghams cultivator with { }through the turnips before thinning.

26th Adam came out in his car before breakfast and helped us thin turnips and drawing in hay. A very severe thunder storm in the afternoon. Dalzells barn was struck with lightning but the barn was discovered in time to put it out.

.. 27th. Mayme and her little folks came for a visit.

.. 28.. Helped Johnsons to draw in hay. Scuffled mangels.

.. 30 .. Finished drawing in Lucerne Hay 27 loads.

Aug 1st Bessie and children came up for a couple of days and for some cherries

Aug 3rd. Finished " " Hay off top of north hill 11 loads.

.. 6th Cut Mr Johnsons wheat

.. 7 .. Drew in hay off back ten acre field 20 loads in all, making 58 loads of hay in all. A nice rain at night.

.. 10 .. Started to cut wheat and mixed grain

.. 11 .. Cut mixed grain for Mr Johnson.

.. 12 .. Drove Mayme and children up to the Glen in the evening and Fred Archibald came up to help for a couple of weeks.

.. 14 .. Finished cutting wheat and started to cut early oats.

.. 15 .. Started to cut mixed grain & helped Johnsons to draw in (wheat). Drew a load of Hay to Mr Simon on Burmingham place.

18 . . Started to draw in wheat, and helped Mr Johnson draw mixed grain

20 .. Drew in seed wheat and started to cut oats in clump field. Mrs Hardisty came

21 .. Finished cutting no 3 oats in clump field. Helped W. McPhereson to thresh.

22 .. Cut Mr Johnsons oats.

Monday, March 16

Aug 23rd A very fine rain last night and to.day. Drew two loads of hay to Lake.

.. 24th. Drew a load of hay to Mr Coates. Cultivated Turnips & mangels.

.. 27 .. Helped Mr Johnson to stock his oats Finished drawing in wheat and mixed grain off middle field next Cunningham place 12 loads (11 loads off each field)

.. 28 .. First day of plowing wheat

.. 29 .. Mr Johnson helped plow for wheat.

.. 30 .. A beautiful day and warm, a little daughter Elizabeth Leone was born to us of which we are quite proud.

.. 31 .. Made some stacks of mixed grain in Hogs back field.

Sept 1. Will Millers came over for a little while in the evening.

.. 2.. Finished plowing clover seed on top of hill for wheat and started to plow back 10 acre field.

.. 6 Earl went to Toronto show for the day.

.. 7 Scott Bros threshed for us in the afternoon, Rain at night.

.. 1 H. Cunningham and man came to help us drawing oats.

.. 12 Helped Mr Johnson to thresh in the forenoon

.. 13 Helped Bob McDonald to thresh oat.

.. 14 . Went to town in the morning and in the afternoon Dr Denton, Dr Lovett and nurse Miss Greenwood to perform an operation on Edith which proved successfull although it put her back to bed for two weeks or more. Mrs Hardisty staying with us for a few weeks. Helped Cunningham and Ryercroft to thresh

.. 17 Finished drawing in mixed grain off 14 acre field over 30 loads.

.. 18 .. " " no3 Oats off clump field 11 loads. " " plowing back 10 acre field for wheat

Tuesday, March 17 1917

Sept 20th

Sowed wheat on top of {north hill?}


Went to St. George in the morning. {ilegible} {ilegible} {ilegible} of {ilegible} {legible} {ilegible}


{Earl?} went to the School Fair at St. Geroge in the afternoon May {ilegible} + Mary {ilegible} came out in afternoon and we went for {ilegible}. Went to S.S. executive meeting in the Evening at the Baptist church S.t. George, at which we {ilegible} {ilegible} to ask the different S.S. is to or {operate?} in {ilegible} time for the people of {northern?} France whose they have {lost?} their home and all they had in this cruel are.


Finished picking S.t. Lawrence apples only about a {lbs} in all


Finished sowing wheat in back ten acre field ({healed?} the seed)


Went to {Watsons?} {ilegible} {ilegible} was raising in the afternoon.


A very fine rain last night. Went to Paris Show in the afternoon


Brought 7 of the young cattle home from the {bush?} and put up some barbed wire fence along the north lane.

Oct. 1at

Took a load of wood to Dr. Dunton {ilegible} {$5.00?}


Mr + mrs Lu + Ella came over in the afternoon, bringing some peaches and helping to can them. Plowed ground at foot of north hill.


Took mrs {ilegible} home to Branfford in the afternoon


Started to plod field next {Cunning ham?} place.


Thanksgiving Day, Bert Williams + Harry came out for the day. We went to the bush for butter - {Sweets?} we got over a {ilegible}.


Started to dig potatoes, the French came to help.

- 11

Finished digging potatoes only a fair crop {ilegible} wagon loads. Went to Duncan the {Phersons?} raising in the afternoon.

Wednesday, March 18

Oct 12th A very wet day, A rain which did a lot of good.

.. 17 .. Finished drawing mangels 8 good loads. plowing field next Cunningham place

18th Blacksaw had 3 little pigs. Earl started to shingle pig-pen

.. 21st Went to Mr Donald Robertsons Funeral in the afternoon

.. 23rd Finished plowing 3 acre field for roots next year.

.. 24th Finished stretching wire fence by Dalzells barn.

.. 25 .. Edith and I went to Mr Lees for dinner. Taking Leone for her first drive. Went to Prov Plowing Match which was held at Oakpark Stock Farm this year. The afternoon turned out very nice and there was a great crowd there.

.. 26 .. Helped Frank Reed to fill his silo

.. 27 .. Went to Brantford to a County Executive meeting in Y.M.C.A.

.. 28 .. Our Rally Day in S.School. it was a fine day as we had a big crowd

.. 27 Miss Campbell went home after having been here 6 weeks

.. 28 .. Rosin cow had a fine roan heifer calf.

.. 29 .. A very wet day. especially in the afternoon.

.. 30 .. Reopened the drain in the barn yard and put up fence at the end of electric track

.. 31 Helped Ryecrofts to fill their silo. Went to meet Nellie who had just come down from Woodstock.

Nov 1st Took a load of hogs to Paris 6 weighing 1220 @ $13.50. Snowed nearly all day.

.. 2nd Earl Depew left for Cleveland after working here for 10 months. Made a walk in front of the stables out of old railway tees. Helped R. McDonald to fill his silo in the afternoon.

Thursday, March 19


Nov. 5th Filled our silo to about 6 ft from the top, a very fine day

.. 6 .. Helped R. Aitkin fill his silo

.. 7 .. Filled silo at Jim Aitkins

.. 9 .. Finished silo filling at Simons at noon and went to Watson McPhereson threshing in the afternoon.

.. 10 .. Started to draw in turnips. Mr Reynolds & Mr Johnson helped to {cut off}

.. 11 Edith, Baby & I went to {Alvakes?} for dinner and I drove to the plains S.S. in the afternoon.

.. 14 .. Started threshing at Simons. Harlod Plumstead brought over a load of clothes etc from the Plains S.S. for people of Northern France.

.. 13 .. Held a social evening here together in for " "

.. 16 .. Finished threshing at Simons

.. 17 .. Finished drawing in turnips about 20 loads in all.

.. 19 .. Father & Mother Lee bought maude Blandil over, who stayed a couple of days.

.. 21 .. Finished threshing at R. Aitkins and started to thresh here.

.. 22 .. Rained all night and all forenoon turning to snow in the afternoon

.. 23 .. Finished threshing 11.10 bus in all 2.40 of wheat 300 of oats & 570 of mixed grain.

.. 24 .. Helped H. Cunningham to thresh, the last of fall threshings.

.. 26 .. Brought six cattle home from the bush.

.. 27 .. Edith & I drove to Brantford in the afternoon taking Leone for the first time. Bought Edith a new Black plush coat.

.. 28 .. Brought Bess home from Lenningtone where she had been pasturing for the past six months. Went to St. George in the afternoon to help pack boxes for the people of Northern France. Five boxes were packed valued @ $547.00

Friday, March 20


Dec. 1 & 3. Drew wheat to Paris and brought home a new (missy?} Harris corn binder which Ryecroft & I had bought.

.. 5th Helped Bob McDonald to take his fat calves to Paris

.. 6 .. Drew the remainder of rails next to Dalzells barn

.. 8 & 9 Very stormy days more like a March storm than Dec.

.. 10 .. Edith & I went to Paris taking Leone to see Aunt Betsy.

.. 11.. Drew a load of hay to cement works

.. 13 .. Wen to Will Ronalds sale in the afternoon, bought a {missey?} Harris seed drill for $16.00. Edith & Leone visited at {Helmans?}.

.. 14 .. Took a load of potatoes to Brantford @ 2.25 per bag.

.. 15 .. Brought new fixed-carrier & hook, home from St. George Clarance Newton helped put up a load of wheat in afternoon.

.. 17 .. Dominion Election Day when the Union Government was sustained by a substantial majority. Edith & I went to Uncle Tom Sharps for dinner.

.. 18 .. Edith, Leone & I went to Woodstock for the day, had a nice visit.

.. 19 .. Took a load of wheat to Paris, went to concert at School at night.

.. 20.. Took Geese & chickens to Brantford market, the geese sold readly alive but not the chickens drove to Maymes for a little visit

.. 21 .. Went to R. {Irving?} sale and took a run up to Galt on the {car?}

.. 22 .. Went to St. George to get a parcel from Eatone.

.. 24 .. Picked 11 chickens in the afternoon for Xmas trade

.. 25 .. Went to Lillenette & Will Millers for Xmas dinner and afternoon.

.. 28 .. A very cold day, called at Armstrongs {?} on behalf of present for Mr {Fargwharsons?}. Helped R. McDonald thresh hay.

Saturday, March 21


Dec 29th Took a load of hay to Paris to W.E. Coates @ $14.00 per ton

.. 30.. Very cold day. 15 below for two days.

.. 31 .. Finished pulling up feed carrier for the {carsilage?}


Sunday, March 22


Jan 1st Spent the day at home as Edith was not well. Opened the silo and tried the new feed carrier which worked fine.

.. 2nd Went to Will Ronald's for Massey Harris Seed Drill which I bought at his sale for $16.00. Had dinner at Forbes. Went to Moores at Blue Lake for tea and the evening.

.. 3rd. Dan Forbes came down to help and we drew 2 loads of straw up to the pig-pen. Went to Prayer meeting at Johnsons in the evening.

.. 4th. Started to draw out manure

.. 5 .. Went to Brantford to see about Exemption of D. Forbes

.. 9 .. Went to Johnsons for tea and to spend the evening.

.. 10 .. Congregation meeting at St. George in the evening.

.. 11 .. Drew a load of hay to stable at cement works.

.. 12 & 13 Two rainy stormy days, so stormy that the trains were all blocked for several days as well as the roads. The wind blew so hard that the snow blew through the cracks of the buildings until everything was white.

.. 17 .. Fred Carrie and his wife and baby Jean came down from Galt for a few days. being home on a visit from Alberta.

.. 18 Went to Aunt Bessie Mcmans funeral from Hatie & Arthur Greens where they brought her from Rochester, where she had died at Freds of appoplexy

19 .. Bob & Maggie Aitkin came down for the evening.

.. 20 .. Took Fred Carrie & Family to Paris station (L.E.S.H.) on the way to Galt.

.. 21 .. Went to Patriotic Service in Methodist church St. George.

Monday, March 23


Jan 22nd Started to draw turnips to Paris. The sleighing was good.

.. 23rd Grandma & Grandpa Lee came over for dinner. Bought a black calf from R. Viel.

.. 22nd Went to Farmers club meeting at Dalzells in the evening

.. 26th Went to Mr Jas McKenzies for a calf. Ordered 2 1/2 bus of Golden {Enselage?} seed from Mr Wait.

.. 29 .. Went to Mrs Frank Kitchens sale in the afternoon.

.. 30 Drew a load of bailed hay to Paris for Robt McDonald.

.. 31 & Feb 1st Drew turnips to Jas Wallace at the Glen

Feb 3rd Red cow had a nice roan calf.

..; 4th A very cold day, the thermometer going at night to 20 to 28 below zero.

.. 6 Started to draw manure to Creek field.

.. 7 .. Went to Brantford in the afternoon, took tea at Mr R Wights.

Tuesday, March 24

{Blank Page}


Apr 13th Hartley Johnson came to help cultivate for the day.

- 16 - Sowed first {5 ats?} on hill {next?} Cunningham Place

- 17 - Shipped 100 {bus?} of O.A.C. {illegible} Oats to {Letehfield?}, Conn, U.S.A at #1.50 per {pus?} on account of Custom {illegible} very difficult to get them {illegible} the lines. A very heavy rain in the afternoon

June 4th Mr + Mrs {Mully?} and Mr Meilne came up in the evening.

June 4th Planted potatoes behind driving shed

... 7 + 8 George Mariele build rail fence around the little field behind driving shed

- - Put up barbed wire fence along {illegible}

Thursday, March 26 1918

June 11th Drover over to {illegible} for dinner and went S.S convention in {Moydes?} }Sohod?} in the afternoon.

14th. Went to our own Convention at {Mauis?} Church, it was a fine day and all aorund it was a splendid Convention.

16 {Cathy?} {illegible} + went down to {illegible} to spent the day with {illegible}.

17 Started to cultivate corn the first time.

18- Swed how Antony turnips in the afternoon.

20- Finished {hoing?} {mangels?} they were a good catch. Saved some more peas and carrot seed.

21- Went to Paris to Registers a very heavy rain but one which did a great deal of good.

22- Finished cutting thistles and dock out of a rain in {illegible} field.

23- Baptismal Services were held in hthe Presbyterian Church St. George when we had {illegible} baptised, {illegible} + {illegible} as the {illegible} 2nd girl was also baptised

24- Did our {illegible} work, drew {cinders?} from the Lake to the big hill.

25- Started to cut hay in he afternoon. ({illegible})

26. Mr + Mrs {Cootie?} and family came out for tea, and the evening.

27. mr + mrs {Lee?} and Mary Love came over for a visit {Don Galley started to herd {illegible}?} Finished cultivating corn the second time.

28- Saved {illegible} turnips about {2/4?} of an acre. {Froud?} Archibold came for a visit from Hamilton.

29- Finished drawing in {illegible} off north hill 5 loads

30- Drove over to Bob Veals in the evening

July 2nd Saved Oats and sugar-cane at foot of north hill for pasture. Went to Johnsons in the evening to help arrange for Garden Party.

Friday, March 27 1918

July 3rd Brought 3 {illegible} home from the bush

5th. Finished drawing {illegible} off east hill 4 loads {illegible} {Farm?} come in the afternoon and stayed for {Illegible} Damian {Huller?} and family come down for the evening.

6- Cultivated {illegible} the third time and cut thistle in the oats.

7- {Done?} over to call on {illegible} + {illegible} {illegible} in the evening after 8.8.

8- Borrowed H.{Caminghams?} cutivation to cultivate turnips {1st time?}

9- {illegible} Holstien {could?} had little {calfer?} but me was lost.

10- {Aha?} Lee + family came out in the afternoon (a very heavy rain) Transplantid {illegible} plants. filling up the {hot-bid?}.

11- Another very fine rain which did a great deal of {illegible}. {Hordon?} and {Katherine?} came up for tea, brining some of the {sapphis?} for the Garden Partyon the {17th?}

12- Finished {thining?} turnips in {illegible} field, they were a good catch.

13- Finished drawing {illegible}{illegible} off field next {Dagalls?} 3 loads. Started to {cat?} {illegible} {illegible} in back {14?} acre field.

16- A very heavy rain in the evening, went to {illegible} to put {illegible}

17- Went to Garden Party at {illegible}, which {illegible} Garden Party was a great success in every way, the night was beautiful.

18- Finished having mangels the {illegible} {+?} time.

22- Finished cutting Timothy hay in 14 acre field

23- Finished {thising?} {Gray?} {illegible} turnips and to Brant Co. Farm {frienie?} at {illegible} Park in the afternoon.

24- Helfred Ambrose Simm draw brick for his new house.

25- Finished drawing in hay 20 loads off 14 acre field, 33 loads.

July 28th Mayme and her little folks came up for a visit

- 29 - {Sold?} the potatoes and part of the corn

- 30 - Pur bug-finish on the potatoes and got {binder?} ready for work.

- 31

Aug 1st Finished cutting mixed grain and wheat {illegible} on top of the north hill in back ten acre field

- 2nd

- 3rd Cut mixed grain + {illegible} Oats in young Orchard and Edith, Leme, and went down to H. Kee's and Stoney Creek for over Sunday, we had a very pleasant trip.

- 5th Started to draw in mixed grain. Started to {use?} ripe tomatoes

- 6 - Finished plowing mixed grain off north hill {illegible} and {took?} small loads of wheat these {illegible} a strip along the fences where the snow had drifted over and {proeteatice?} it from the severe winter

- 8th Finished drawing mixed grain off back ten acres (13 loads). A very nice rain at night, which was badly needed and which was welcome indeed after an extremely hot week (101° on that {illegible})

- 9 - Cultivated potatoes, mangels, and turnips

- 10 - Started to cut oats.

- 11. Mele Wesley Lee + familiy motored over for a little while after S.S. Bat (Harry Williamson came up) {below line}

- 12 - Went to Walam McPhersons threshing by the afternoon (A fine rain last night. {below line})

- 13 - {Made?} Lee came in the evening, Mr + Mrs Folles + Esther came over for a little while in the evening.

- 14 - Finished culling oats and put the {bendes?} away.

- 15 - Helped H. Cunningham to thresh in the afternoon.

- 16 - Ryecrafts to thresh in the noon.

- - Took Mayme + Children to Aunt Helles in the evening.


Aug 17th Finished drawing grain off {illegible} + loads of mixed grain {illegible} + Oats and 2 1/2 of loose {nakings?}

- 18 - Went over to George Lees for tea in the evening.

- 19 - Picked yellow Sugar plums nearly 4 small baskets.

- 21 - Finished drawing in oats 8 1/2 loads off centre East field and 9 loads off fields next Dalgells barn.

- 22 - Went to Paris in the evening to meet {Deparis?} on arrival from {illegible}

- 23 - Started to plow 14 acre field for wheat.

- 25 - Bert WIlliamson came up for the day and took Harry home

- 26 - Finished {haling?} mangels turnips 2nd line. Pollanna had a little {van?} H. Calf

27 - Grandma + Grandpa lee, Ed + {illegible} Depaw + family came over for the day

28 - A very fine rain to-day, which was very badly needed, the ground being almost to dry to plow. {Sett up mew?} corn. {illegible}

- 29 - Drove Mayme and the children home to Brantford in afternoon

- 30 - Leme's first birthday and it was Jean Johnsons birthday too, they had a little party {illgible} there for them both

Sept 2nd Borrowed H. Cunninghams ground plow to plow for wheat. May lemm came to {help?} Edith for a {illegible} {below main line}

- 3rd Helped R. Aitkins to thesh {illegible} the {farm?}

- 6th Finished plowing 14 acre field for wheat.

- 7 - Blasted 5 large stones in back 14 acre field. Fred Archibald came up for a little visit.

- 8 - We went to {Alus?} Lees for Dinner + Tea and to the {illegible} S.S. PRally?}

- 9 Went to Simms threshing

- 10 Helped Johnsons to threst in {illegible} + Hartleys in afternoon

- 11 -Scott Bros came to thresh, threshing 13 {bus?} in one day.

Sept 12 Finished threshing in the morning. 15 10 {bus?} in all. 16 {bus?} of wheat. 50 of {no 3 Oats?}. 5.80 {late?} oats + 8.25 {bus?} of mixed grain.

{13th?} Bought of {illegible} calf from Grandpa

- 14 Started to sow wheat in 14 acre field. {illegible}

- 15 {Deer?} Rally day at S.S. but as it had ben a heavy rain the attendance was not quite as large as usual but good for the day. Mr {F.?} Rosbrough and Mr H.W. Boukes visited and addressed our S.S. Mr Boukes and family staying for tea. Miss Gestie Lumm came out for the day.

- 16. School Fair day at St. George

- 17 - Finished sowing fall wheat in 14 acre field.

- 19. Went to Paris S.S. Convention in the afternoon and we went to Mr+MRs W. Crote for tea. Fred Archibald went home.

- 20 Finished putting up new fence on East + South sides of 3 acre field.

- 24 - George Lee + family + Lillovitte Miller + little folks came over for a visit

- 25. Dan Forbes + I went to Niagara on the Lake for the Day

- 24 - A Township Executive Metting was held here, there were eight present, and we talked over the best methods {fearseig?} out our work for the coming year

- 26 - Helped Ryecrofts to finish threshing + started to pick St. Lawrence {illegible}

- 27 - Went to Paris Show in the afternoon, a fine day and a good Fair

- 28 - Went to S.S. Executive Meeting in Brantford

- 29 - Went over to Wiens in the evening for tea.

- 30 - Mr I. Stewart came to paint the S.S. room {ote?} {Went to Anniversary Event at the Glen {illegible} gave a fine {illegible}

Oct 1st. {First?} hand frost. Started to cut the corn with new {binder?}

- 2nd A wet morning cleaned out young cattle stabing getting ready for {illegible}

- 4th Finished cutting corn and put the event {binder?} away

Tuesday, March 31

1918 Oct 5th Helped Ryecrofts to fill their silo.

6 We went to Glen Church as all the churches in St. George were closed on account of Spanish {illegible]

7 Helped Frank Reed to fill his silo Mr Isacc Stewart finished painting the Sunday School rooms and the hall, which made a great improvement.

8 Scott {last name?} came to fill the silo, filled heaping full with an acre of corn {illegible}

9 Helped Hartleys fill their silo in the forenoon and Bob Aitkin in the afternoon.

14 Helped Simons to fill their silo Thanksgiving day.

10 Don + Marguerite {Maller?} + Louise came up for Thanksgiving and to help did potatoes

11 Took apples to {illegible} mills to get cider made.

12th Started to dig potatoes

15 Finished digging potatoes about 100 bags of real fine potatoes Started to draw gravel from Frank Reeds

18 Finished drawing gravel for cementing stables, 28 loads.

19 Borrowed water tank from Holmans + started to plow for corn

21 Alf Forbes came with cement mixer to cement the stables Helped H. Cunningham to thresh in the afternoon

22 Marguerite, Louise + Don went home

27 Went to Grandpa Leir and to Will Millers in the afternoon

28 A wet morning, picked apples in the afternoon

29 Started to pull turnips in the afternoon

30 Finished cementing the stables using 81 sacks of cement

31 Started to draw turnips to the Glen. Nov 3rd Went over to George Millers for dinner. Black sow had ten spotted little pigs.

Wednesday, April 1

Nov 5th Finished loading can of turnips at the Glen

6 drawing in mangels to double {illegible} loads

10 Will + {name?} Miller came over for a little visit

11 Went to Brantford to attend the Jury, and as the Armistice Terms had been signed in the morning (realy meaning that a Declaration of Peace) there were great doings in the city, a day which will never ben forgotten by those who lived to see it.

12 Dan went to Greens threshing in the forenoon

14 Helped Watson Mr. {last name?} to thresh

15 Home from Brantford after spending 5 days on the Petit Jury. 3 days on the Ducan murder case and {illegible} case.

16 Simons started to thresh. brought in beets + carrots

17 A Grand reopening of our S.S. Mr Ms Cremmons of Glen morris and Mr Banke of St George were the speakers and the attendance was good in spite of it being a wet day.

18 On Monday Evening we had a supper and a splendid concert, Mr Husky of Brantford gave a fine talk on the war etc. while Rheda Sharp gave the good readings, J. Aitkin and others furnished some fine local {illegible}.

20 Sold 1 cow to J. Wallose 1110 lbs @7¢ + 5 pigs 1070 lbs @ 17 1/2¢

21 Went to Brantford to get a new H.P gasline engine at G. S.t {illegible}. also got 5 bags of Nothern grown seed potatoes 4 Grown Mountain and one of Fresh Cobler

22 Went to Sam Foulds and bought 9 little pigs 2 1/2 {illegible} old for $65 and also 1 {illegible} heifer calf from Leah Clark for $10.00

Thursday, April 2


Nov 29th Brought 11 young cattle home from the bush.

.. 30 .. May Lemon went home after having worked here for 3 mon

Dec 3rd Finished spreading manure on mangel ground at foot of north hill

.. 4th .. Went to sale of Holstien cattle at S. G. & Earl Kitchens

.. 5 .. Went to Nelson Robsons Funeral in the afternoon.

.. 6 .. Finished drawing posts (1.04) from R. Robertson $21.00

.. 14 .. Plowed nearly all week when it was not raining.

.. 16 .. Went to S.S. County Council meeting in the Y.M.C.A Brantford Rev. T. A. Halpenny came two fine address.

.. 17 Finished plowing corn stubble in clump field.

.. 18 Finished drawing in the last of the corn stalks

.. 21 Took 8 geese to Brantford market, they were not very heavy and their were a lot on the market. Sold to M. Cordon for $17.00

.. 23 Plowed all day

.. 24th Finished plowing in the morning the day turned quite stormy afterwards.

.. 25th Took the sleigh and went over to Grandpa Lees for our Xmas dinner, we had planned on having the gathering here but Grandpa had been sick and was notable to come. We all enjoyed the day and especially Leone, and Santa was real good to us all.

.. 26 .. Went to school-meeting in the forenoon.

.. 27 .. Held out S.S. Xmas entertainment in the evening games and a good programe were provided after which came lunch and then the Xmas tree which was the delight of all the little folks.

Friday, April 3


Dec 30th Went to the nomination at the Glen going to Aunt Nellie for dinner and then taking the 2.30 car for Galt, where I've spent a little while at Mr. Moffats. Took out a new life Insurance Policy in the north American Company for $2000.00 at $31. per year @ commercial policy.


Jan 1st. Edith, Leme, & I went to Will Millers for {illegible} dinner and to {illegible} for tea and for the evening. It rained quite hard in the afternoon{illegible}

- 2nd. Went to {?} for John Rmald's funeral in the afternoon

- 3rd. Almost finished digging {first?} holes for new wire fence on east {illegible} lane.

- 4th. Drew with the {illegible} front fence along the lane {illegible}

- 5 - Even {illegible} came {illegible} from Brantford for a visit

- 6. Election Day when {illegible} Hall. John Miller. Duncan McPherson and John Sayles were elected as town {illegible} Fred Rosch {giving in?} for Reeve by acclaimation {illegible} came in for a little {illegible}

8 Cleaned out {illegible}-stall and stashed to draw {illegible} to the fields

- 9+10 Very windy days, got a lot of odd jobs done.

- 12th Went to church at the {illegible} in the morning to hear Mr Bengough of Toronto preach on temperance {illegible}

- 13 - Mr Eastman of Guelph came to {illegible} and also {illegible} the S.S. {illegible}

-14 - We went to Paris at night to hear Mr. Rivers Choir {illegible} and the Maple leaf {illegible} in the {illegible} church

- 16 Edith + I went to Dr {Barnes?} to have some {illegible} filled.

-17 Heard the sad news that {Hilsie Rohald?} had died suddenly of the Flu of double {illegible}

-18 Bought a new {illegible} 13 1/2 the price {illegible} for $3.50

-20 Went to H. {illegible} home for {illegible} saw + {illegible} grain grinder


Jan 21st. We went over to {illegible} to spend the evening.

- 22nd. Finished grinding grain with {Birds clippers?} .{illegible}

- 24th Started {draining or drawing?} turnips {illegible} station at Paris

- 25 - Stretched wire french on east side of the south lane.

- 26 - {Slashed} to sow fence-rails with {illegible} engine

- 27 - Went to Paris coming home by {illegible} get a little {red calf?}

- 30 - FInished {drawing} turnips to Paris.

- 31 - Went to Brantford to get a junior {illegible} Grinder at {illegible} and {illegible}

Feb 2nd A very fine clear day. D. Jock + E. {Johnson?} stayed for tea after S.S.

- 4th Went to St {George?} in afterboon, stopped at Ryecrafts for tea.

- 6 Went to {illegible} to get new {illegible} + shaft {illegible} for {illegible}. Called at Mr + Mrs Brandons

- 7 - The S.S held a Social Event @ Mr + Mrs Clarence {illegible}. There were games and a good {illegible} after which lunch was served.

- 10 - Edith, Lame + I went to Paris to have dinner with {Clarena?} + Marie, {Clarena?} having arrived home from England last night.

- 11 Went to Prayer meeting at {Roy?} Collins in the Evening.

- 12 Went with {for?} E. Ronald in the afternoon to get {Sub?} for the Church.

- 13 - Edith went to {illegible} meeting at {illegible} Roy Collins and we went {with?} to {Ambrose Suin?} to spend the evening

" 13 Edith + {llegible} went to {illegible} "At Home" in {illegible}

" 16 The {Reale Girls?} and {Sue Woothman staid?} for tea after Sunday School

" 17 {Lorne stashed?} to walk alone for the first time


Feb 18th Held Prayer {meeting?} here, about {12 or 13?} present.

19 - Edith was quite ill and Dr. {Danton?} came out to see her saying that she must stay in bed {in?} four days.

- 20 - {Elline?} Johnson came over to help for the day.

- 25 - Took 4 bags of {illegible} to Paris @ 1.35 per bag

- 26 - A. {Robertson?} wedding day, a fine day, but some what cold.

- 27 - {Ms M.e?} Grimm of {illegible} came down to Prayer-Meeting

- 28 - A very fine warm day after a fine mild month

Mar 2nd {Will + Lellovette?} Miller came {illegible} for a visit

- 5th Took {wrething?} over to Mrs Reynols and bought a new {Rhode Island Rooster?} from Roy Collins farm,

-6 - Went to a Shower for R. {Robestom?} and his Bride who had just returned from their wedding {illegible}, those were about {as?} present and a very enjoyable evening {illegible}

- 9. {John?} McDonald and Mr + Mrs R. {Robestom?} stayed for tea after Sunday School.

- 11 . Went to Social Evening at Mr + Mrs Simons in the {illegible} these were {illegible} and there was a {illegible}

- 12 - Gordon {Griesem?} bought a horse {with?} to {illegible}

- 13 - Went to Will McCormicks {illegible} in the afternoon

-14 - A very strong east wind all day.

- 15 - Went to {illegible} {C. Potewell?} a {illegible} in the afternoon

- 17 . A very wet day.

18th Started to {illegible}. Still have {cut off}

- 19th {illegible} Lee went to the bush to tap the maple tree

- 20 - Edith, Leme + I went to Social {+ Cment?} at {Retefens?} School.


Mar 23rd. Clarence + Marie with Ada {illegible} + Miss Bell came out for tea.

- 25 - Took a load of potatoes to Paris {illegible} Edith, Leme and I went to Jim {Aitkins?} in the evening to get {is the event?} {illegible}.

- 26 Sowed measly a {illegible} of {illegible} in wheat in my new field.

- 27 Went to {Lowell Ketohene?} sale and bought {farmer?} {illegible}

- 28 Ms Johnson helped to clean up seed-grain in the afternoon.

- 29 - {Shipped?} 2 lots of {OOC?} has {illegible} @ $1.50 for {illegible}

- 31 - K. McDonald came down in the evening bringing {illegible} and he and I went to an S.S. {Epecture kneling?} in the Baptist Church. Still the [green eggs?}

Apr 1st. A very windy day and rather a cold one {ton?}

- 2nd. {Danela?} Andrew + Aunt Rossetta {S.?} {illegible} came over for a visit.

- 3rd {Gathred?} bush and burned it in the afternoon.

- 4th Cleaned out the {illegible} through the {swamp?} away from the strings. {illegible} + Ms Johnson came over at night to help me pull a {pig?} that had got its leg broken. Ralph {Bluegrass?} came from Hamilton to stay overnight

- 5 - Went to Brantford in the afternoon to a S.S {executive} In/

- 6 - {Alvah Lus?} came out for S.S and to spend the evening.

- 8 - Sowed seeds in the {hot?} {illegible} and some {illegible} in the {home?}

- 9 - {Transplanted?} some {illegible} along the lane. {illegible}

- 10 - {Grandha?} + George Lee came over and took up the {soy fields?} at the bush. {Earl Delrewe wedding day?}

- 11 - Went to Social Evening at Frank Reids at a {smudged} fine {erouned?}

- 12 - Took {fat eallie?} to the {illegible} at is {illegible}


April 14th {Drew manure?} to the garden + cleaned out the closet.

- 16 - A very wet day. {Turning?} {illegible} evening.

- 17 - Went to Paris for Edith + Lene {illegible} had stayed at {illegible} for a few days

- 18 - Good Friday and a very nice day

- 19 - Don + {Jack Gullen? Josh Gullen?} came {over?} for the holidays + {K. Archibald?} {illegible}

- 22 - {illegible} field and started to {culminate?} in {illegible} for {illegible}

- 25 - A very cold wind yesterday and to-day. {turning to snow?} {illegible}. Blew {up a big stow? store? snow?} in {each?} field with {illegible}

- 27 - Don + Jack Gullen went home in the evening

- 28 - {Durean?} + Aunt Susie Miller came for a visit

- 29 - Dan came at noon. To start to work

- 30 - Sowed {illegible} in {book ten aese?} field.

May 1st. A wet day, drew a load of {illegible} from Ronald-{bush?}.

- 2nd. Finished sowing {mixed?} grain in {s aese?} field?

- 3 + 4 Some very heavy rains which {R...?} the seeding book

- 5th. Went to Jim {Aitkins?} for a load of straw {from?} {illegible} and {rolled hay field?} + started to {illegible} garden + {start early?}. Went to {illegible} @ {St George?}

- 7 - Sold {7?} hogs at {illegible} 1370 {illegible} @ {20.39 per lbs?}

- 8 - Finished sowing {mix?} and grain in {crick?} field

- 9 - Sowed {Oats?}. {Barley?} + sugar - cane in {illegible} shed.

- 10 - A very wet day. Cleaned and {sealed?} the {heavy?} {illegible}. {Start out?} {illegible} to the {delinent?} S.S. {s?}

- 14 - Finished cultivating {rolling the?} {illegible} ground. {Blacksaw had a?} {illegible}

May 15th Took 12 young cattle back to the bush to {pasture?}. Edith went to {Hanama?} {illegible} at the Glen

- 16 Started to draw {manure with?} the {...der?}

- 17 Went to Jim Aitkins for a {second?} load of straw

- 18 Edith. Leme + I went to Sunday School Anniversary in the Methodist Church. {Picnic?}, Went to {illegible} for dinner.

- 19 {Drove?} to Galt in the afternoon, and stopped at {Millers?} for tea

- 20 A very heavy rain last night a rather a wet day.

- 22 Went to Brantford in the afternoon to exchange {1 1/2 P. Esquire?} $130.00 for 4 1/2 H.P Hasoline + {Heso... Enquire?} @ $300.00

- 24 - Edith, Leme + I went to a family reunion at Uncle Tom {Sharpe?}. {Mayme?} + the three {y magnet?} children {came came?} for a little visit.

- 25 - We all went to the Anniversary Services in the {Presly?} {illegible}

- 26 Sowed the {mangels?} at foot of {north hill?} also some early Peas + Corn. 4 {rows?} of sugar {m angel?} and the root of yellow {Hanter...}.

- 28th This was the day of the {illegible} and {illegible} meeting {here?}. Mrs {Lovue?} of Toronto was the Speaker. Mr + Mrs {P. Jh.?} Lee and Ella came over for the day. Grandpa made a new {stone?}-boat. Blasted 2 {stones?} and {illegible} in the {illegible} ground field and started to {illegible}.

- 29 - Mr Wilkes and an {exhest?} from Brantford came to {for?} the new garden + {illegible} engline with was not working right. Sole Bess to Mr {Charlie Dusham?} from Paris + took her in to {station?}

June 4th. Finished sowing corn in {illegible} East fiels, Sowed {illegible} hot + Early {illegible} A very hot day

1919 {looks like they orignally wrote 8 but overlined it with 9}

4th Dolly + Bessie came out at night to {spend?} Sunday.

June 9th. This was the day of our S.S {Convention?} at the Methodist Church, St. George, it was a fine day and the {illegible} as well as the speakers were fine. {illegible} collins were {found?} with a {lifetime membership?} {illegible} to the {illegible} as well as a handsome {bought of Creatons?}

- 11th {Queen?} had a nice little {colt?} this morning.

- 13 - Leslie {Howell?} came up for a visit on his way home from France, {avery?} hearing thunderstorm in {afternoon?}

- 14 - Started to plant {potatoes?} in both of {illegible} hill field. Mr + Mrs {Teakle?} of Brantford came out for the day.

- 15 Mr + Mrs {Buefe?} of St. George called for us {pond stock in?} to {Millane} with them in their {illegible}.

- 16 Finished planting potatoes, about 1 1/2 acreas. 4 {illegible} of Irish {illegible} to south side, 18 1/2 row {Glen Montain?} {illegible} and the rest of {Sin Mattes Raleigh?}?

- 18 Jim Sharpe wedding-day. A very fine day, the wedding was in the Church and there was a large attendance of guests, who afterwards went to Mr + Mrs {Frasers?} where a {dainty?} lunch + ice cream were served.

- 19 Sowed {measly?} two acres of {illegible} on top of north hill.

- 20 Borrowed H. Cumminghams {cultivator?} with {diaes for the mangels?}.

- 21 {I finished?} the {mangels?} at {frat?} of north hill. The rain had washed them out badly.

- 23. Took high {wagon down?} to {wagon-works} St. George

- 24 To get the wheels out down, with new tires of some. Took {illegible} cattle down to {illegible}

- 26 Sowed about an acre of corn on top of north hill.

- 27 {Seems to have been stained a bit, looks like blood} Sowed the white turnips and a few more {illegible}

June 28th. Cat {Lucesme?} on north hill a good fair {crop?}.

- 29 - {Hest?} and Mrs Cummingham came with their {illegible} and took {illegible} to Woodstock, we had a very {illegible} day of {June?}

30th {line entirely illegible, squeezed between 06/30 and 07/01 entries}

July 1st. Started to {draw?} in {illegible} hay.

- 2nd. Shipped 8 hogs at Glen {moves?}, {illegible} each @ {2.29?} per {lb?}.

3rd. Went to {Mr?} Daniel {illegible} in the afternoon {illegible}

- 4 - Drew 4 loads of hay off East hill and {put?} in the shed. Went to the bush in the afternoon to {illegible} {free?} {illegible}

- 5 A very fine rain in the afternoon, which did a lot of {illegible}. {Tired of Josin?} Archibald came up from Hamilton and stayed over Sunday, {Jism?} was just on his way home from {Rramse?} where he had been. For {illegible} and came withough without a {hitch? word seems longer than that}

- 4 {Mayme and Children?} came up to Paris + came out for some holidays

- 7 Finished cultivating corn {and lime?}.

- 12 Finished drawing in hay off south easy field 23 loads.

- 14 Borrowed H. Cunninghams {cultivator?} with due's to cultivate {turnips?}. Mr {Morse of Manty? Manly?} came over in afternoon to help thin {turnips? tunnels?}

- 15 Started to {cultivate?} in the afternoon.

- 16 - Grandpa + Grandma Lee and {allest + illegible} from {Cleveland?}. Came over for the day and went to the S.S {pier?} at the Lake. Finished culling wheat in 14 acre field a good crop

- 18 Finished culling hay in {6? 60?} acre field and {illegible} day the {red side?}

- 19 {started this line significantly further right than his other lines} {illegible} in hay a {lode off young?} {illegible} in all.

- 21 Helped in {pluck English cherries?} which was a splendid crop


Easter Sunday {Printed directly to book}

July 22nd. Red cow died of a bad case of {Ganget? Garget?} and Gangrene having been sick for {mle?} a few days. {Best?} Williamson came up in the evening for some English Cherries

- 23rd George and {Mme?} + family came over for the day.

- 24th Finished drawing in wheat 20 1/2 loads off 14 {aese?} field.

- 25 - Cut {illegible} fiels of mixed grain.

- 30 - FInished cutting mixed grain and {ho3?} Oats in 3 acre field. {hoing mangels?} and turnips the {second?} time. {illegible} came down from Woodstock for a visit

Aug 1 + 2nd. Performed {Statute?} Labor {something was crossed out, not too sure what} Side-road drew {evidence?} from {illegible}. Drew in wheat {illegible} 1 load of 14 acre field.

- 3rd Drove over to {Millire?} after Sunday School for tea.

- 4th Went with Simons to Mr {Forshawe?}'s funeral in the afternoon

- 5 - Helped W Mr {Pherson?} + {Rye crofts?} to thresh.

- 6 - Helped Simons to thresh Rye in the field.

- 7 - Finished cutting Oats in back 10 acre fields + {put the birds? binds?} {something written underneath but cut off/completely illegible}

- 8 - Drew in mixed grain off 3 acre field 3 1/2 loads + drew {manchet?} to {illegible}

- 9 - {W...} Henderson came to thresh the wheat {315+} {illegible} off 14 acre field. Annie Williamson + Louise Hewett came for a visit.

- 11 Finished drawing in Early Oats + mixed grain 6 1/2 loads off {illegible} field}

- 12 Went to H. Cunninghams {thrashing?}. A fine rain at {night?}

- 13 after several weeks of very dry weather. Helped Johnsons + {Bofe Aetlein?} to thrash

- 14 Finished thrashing at {Hartleys?} another fine rain in the morning

Easter Monday {printed directly in book}

Aug 16th Started to plow for fall wheat in south-east field.

- 17 - Edith, Leme and I drove over to {Brandenton?} S.S. in the afternoon. Anne Williamson went home after a weeks visit

- 20 - Agnes {Agier?} + {Margarite?} Gallen went home after a three weeks visit

- 22 - We all drove to Brantford taking {Mayme?} home after her holidays

- 23 - Drew in last load of Oats off back ten acre field 8 loads and {after some rakings?} after a week of some fine rains. Finished {plowing?} south east field for wheat.

- 25 - {Tea?} + Rhoda {Sharp?} came over for the afternoon.

- 27 - Finished plowing for fall wheat in six acre field.

- 28 - {Eleanor?} Christie came to spend a day of her vacation with us.

- 29 - Took Don + Jack Cullen to Brantford after their {spending?} the summer holidays with us. Went to {Teakle?} for tea.

- 30 Leme's 2nd birthday. Will Millers and Mary {Jane? Love?} came over for the afternoon. Gathered {beandoeks?} around back fields, Started to plow in back field (10 acre) with double plow.

September 2 + 3 Edith + I went to {illegible} Exhibition staying all night at Mary {Love's house? home?}

- 6th Finished plowiing back 10 acre field for corn + {roots?}.

- 10 - Sowed wheat in field {illegible} {Dayills?} barn.

- 11 - Helped Simms to thresh

- 13 - Sowed wheat in young {meshed?} {illegible}

- 18 - Sowed {illegible} of {rye?} On back ten acre field for pasture. Went to St. George in the afternoon to help clean up the {illegible}


Sept 19th. Edith, Leme + I went to the School {fair?} at St George in the afternoon and went to {Frasgutiavame? for tea. A very fine rain, at night {illegible} were much needed

- 20th Helped {Walton?} McPherson to fill his silo

- 22 Don came back after being sick for 2 weeks

- 23 Went to H. Cunninghams for a {load?} of Oats. Helped R. {Aitkins?} to fill his silo. j. Airkins {+?} K. Robertson to fill silo's

- 26 Went to Paris {grain?}, and Edith. Leme + I went to Guelph to visit Clarence + Marie staying until Sat. Evening

- 28 Went to Anniversary Services at the Glen in the morning.

- 29 Started to plow {for?} Turnips in 14 acre field.

Oct 1st. Helped Mr Johnson to {put?} up his silo in afternoon.

- 2nd Started to cut corn in the afternoon

- 3rd Helped {Ryerofts?} to fill their silo.

- 3 + 4th Helped {Hartteys?} + Johnson to fill their silos

- 5th Communion Service at our Church St. George and {Rathy?} SUnday at our Sunday School Miss Butha Robson of the Glen gave a very fine talk on her work in India. Showing the {children?} how the people there, dressed and ate and {slap?} and also gave a good description of the {country?}. Mr + Mrs E. Schuost sang a fine Duet. Rev Mr McGrimm also assisted. There were about 70 people present and over $4.00 collection

- 6 - Helped Frank Reid to fill his silo

- 7 - Finished cutting the corn. Taking about 4 1/2 balls of {Turine?}


Oct 8 Hendersons came to fill the silo, we were through about {illegible} the {casm?} being within 11 ft of the {the top?} 1st {Hand? fret last night?}

- 9. Rained {measly?} all day, went to H. Cunninghams for second load of Oats

- 11 - Drew the squash and {pumpkins} in from the field.

- 12 Fred Archibald came from Hamilton for Thanksgiving

- 13 - Started to dig potatoes, a good crop

14th. Edtith + Leme went to the {Reynolds?} Wedding

- 15 - Finished digging potatoes, about {200?} buds of fine large potatoes.

- 19 Edith, Leme + I visitied {Brue...} S.S. in the afternoon, going to {Greg?} Dushhams for dinner and to Charlie Robertsons for tea.

- 20 - Election Day when we voted in the Referendum and the {Paris?} Elections. Brant {Bo?} went solid for Probition and the Province had of a majority. Harry C. {Hiyon?} {illegible} Was elected by over 800 majority.

- 22 Went to Mrs {Bronslie?} Mr {Crocks?} {illegible} in the afternoon and bought b- {Kitelson?} chairs for 30$ each. a fine day

- 23. Went to Farmers Club meeting at Glenmoris in the evening.

- 24 - Finished drawing in {Mangels?} 7 good {loads?}

- 25 - Clarence + Marie came to pick apples in {shares?}

- 27 - Helped Rycrofte to {threach?} + look a load of wheat {illegible}

- 28 - A very windy morning which was very hard on the apples. Finished thrashing in the afternoon. 270 {loads of oats?} 195 {illegible} of mixed grain and with 315 of wheat before, {ask king?} 780{bue?} in all.

- 29. Grandpa Lee and Uncle {Adam?} Sharp came for fallen {apples?}.

- 31 - A fine warm day, picked {Spy?} apples.


Nov 3rd. Started to pull turnips, Ralph Bueglass stayed over {cut off}

- 4th Started to draw turnips to the Glen @ {30c?} per {bue?}

- 5 + 6th Helped Walter McPherson to {thresh?}.

- 8 - Finished drawing in Swede Turnips, drew 2{+6 bue?} to the Glen + put about 225{lbs?} in celllar beside 3 loads of culls. Sister hellie came for a few days visit.

- 9 - WIll Millers came over for S.S. and stayed for tea.

- 10 - Shipped 3 {bushels?} of apples to Hamilton to Fred Archibald

- 11 - Edith and I drove to Brantford going to Echo Place.

- 12 - took 3 {bushels?} of apples to Paris + came by R. {Geals?} getting 2 {calfs?}

- 12 - First hard frost last night, having been a very mild fall

- 14 - Brought the young cattle home from the bush and sawed a load of {shacks?} in the afternoon .with circular-saw.

- 15 Drew corn shocks into the barn and finished drawing in the white turnips in the afternoon about 100 {bas?}

- 16. Edith + Leme went to Guelph with George + Family.

- 17 - A very fine day. The frost coming out of the ground so we could plow again. Fixed fence on north side of {young?} orchard.

- 18 - Edith + I went to Brantford to {angle?} Henry Lee's funeral. Went to {illegivle{ meeting at the Glen in the evening.

- 20 - Bought a calf 3 {mos?} old from Grandpa Lee. Went to the Glem to hear Prod. Lowe lecture

- 21 - Finsished plowing back {14?} fiels.

26 - Went to S.S County Council Meeting in Y.M.C.A Brantford going to the {Crea's?} for dinner and a little visit.

Black sow had 11 little red + black pigs.

Nov 27th Edits, Leme + I went to Miss Greens for the evening.

- 28 - Edith went to Paris to have some {leath?} out Dr. Barson + Dr Dunton coming to {Ahak's?} to do it.

- 29 - Rained all day and a very high wind at night. Which blew down {these+ fence. Learing?} off shingles and {illegible{ many barns, the worst storm {Roult?} has had for a long time.

- 30 - A very cold windy day. had dinner with Ella + {Alosh?} Lee. Put young cattle in the stable the first time

Dec 4 + 5 Drew 5 loads of turnips to the Glem 105 {bue?} at 5.9 per {bue?}. {illegible in between line}

- 6 - Took {illegible} of Black {illegible} to the Glen to {illegible}. Opened the silo in the afternoon

- 8 - Went to Paris in afternoon and stayed ar Grandpa Lees for tea.

- 10 - Helped herb Sunningham in afternoon to get ready for his sale

- 11 Went to Cunninghams sale in afternoon and sold ten {geese?} $3.13 cash and Maude {illegible} at $28.50 and bought a B.J. Little carrier + about 160 ft of track for ${illegible}. Went to Lemmingtons in the evening to {Womans Irrestible??????????} meeting

- 12 Dan came back and we started to cut wood

- 14 Gentleman + Lady from Kitchener got stalled with their Auto and spent the evening and had the {woth?} with us while the car was being repaired

- 16 - {illegible} very cold winday day. Trimmed up the cattle.

- 18 - Drove to the Glem and took the car to Galt to pay insurance

- 20 - Went to Paris and brought home a new kitchen Sink.

- 21 - Best {Williamson?} + Harry came up for a visit

- 22 - Shipped 2 {bbls?{ of {illegible} to {illegible} Toronto


Dec 23rd. Went to Brantford in the afternoon, taking some potatoes to WIlliamsons and to Echo Plane and staying for tea with {illegible} + Hatherene,

- 24 - Picked a {goose?} for Xmas dinner and {put?} in {our?} SInki {illegible in {illegible}

- 25 - Went over to Grandpa Lee's for Xmas dinner, it was a full family reunion with a well laden Xmas tree

- 26 Mr Johnson + Mr {Hartley?} came over to help saw a load of wood. {Hellie Dafgull?} came for a visit.

- 29 - Held our Xmas {Social?} Evening in {connection?} with put S.S Stocking with {illegible} Candies + Oranges were given to the children, a good {programme?} was given with lunch at.

- 30 - Will Miller and family came over for the {day?} and to help {kill?} {illegible}. We killed 2 {illegible} 169 lbs each. Went to the Glen in the evening to debate on the subject. {Readabout?} that free trade woild be a benefit to our Country. Jim Aitkin, R. Robertson, W. McPherson and myself. Look the {hey?} alive side the debate was judged a lie.

- 31 Went to School Meeting in the {fternoon?}. W. Helsman went out and I was {elected?} in his {place?}


Jan 1st. A rather cold stormy day. we all went to a Ney Years dinner at Aunt {Hellens? Hellers?} S {Tewanto?} at the Glem. There were about forty present and we spend a very fine day.

- 3rd. Mr Ingham of Glen {movis?} gor stalled with the Auto truck and we had to get the team and pull the car in here for the night.

- 6th. Got the sleigh out for the first time and we all went to Paris and brought {time?} ie {illegible} of Came {illegible}

- 8 - Edith went to {Medbule healing?} at Miss {Dills?". Hest Cumminhamd came to visit with {illegible} {Cunice?}

- 10 - Edith took {sick with a bad attack of the digestion?}

- 12 - Finished drawing turninps to town,{illegible} of small turnips {illegible}

- 13 - Went to Congregational meeting at St George. {Presly?} Church in Evening

- 15 Went to the Glen for {hellie?} who came to help Edith for a {illegible} {eye?}

- 18 - A very stormy Sunday and very few were out at Sunday School

- 19 - Took hellie to the Glen in the afternoon

- 20 - A very stormy day blocking the roads again.

- 21 - Went to Paris in the afternoon to meet Fred Carsie.

- 22 - Started to draw {mamire?} to the fields using the new {Litter carrier?}. to had direct from stable and {dry?} stalls.

- 24 - Repaired and put storm gates at the {illegible} of the lane.

- 25 - Rev. Jim {Edueside?} of Paris came to our S.S and gave us a splendid talk on Y.M.C.A work, Mr {Edenside Rabbis cut off...} and W. Helman stayed to have tea with us.

- 26 - Finished cutting {in?} a willow tree in the {swamp?}

- 27. Went to {illegible} banquet in Presley Church St. George. in the everning Rev Mr, Woodside of Brantford the chief speaker


Jan 29. Drove to Paris and took the car to Brantford to attend a {Teacher?} Convention at the Court-Louis. Ms Chisholm gave a very fine address on Consolidated Schools.

- 31 - 22° below zero this morning and a very cold day. a cold {inding?} for a very stable {month?} having guide often {gorde?} below zero. and also some very {stormy?} days.

Feb 1st. Drove over to {Nicoses?} after Sunday School for an hour

- 2nd - A very mild day, We drove to Brantford taking some apples and potatoes + Went to Gulline for tea.

- 3rd. Went to {Farmers?} Club Meeting at the Glen in the evening where Jim Airlins, Dave {Raben?} + myself Debated with the Paris Plains Club on the Subject. Resolved that Free Trade would be a benefir to our Country. We {withheld?} to Tariff side, but the Judges decided that it was a tie.

- 4th. Took load of potatoes to Brantford {20?} bands @ $3.95 per bag

- 6 - Took sick with La Grippe. Managed to do any chores but lay down in the house as much as I could.

- 8 - Baddie + Mrs Robertson stayed for tea after Sunday School.

- 10 - Edite + Leme took sick with the Grippe, Leme getting better in a couple of days, but it was a week before Edith began to improve. Dr Dunton came out in the {illegible}

- 12 - Herb Cunninghand took a load of potatoes to Brantford 22g. {Blackjaw?{ had a fine {illegible} calf.

- 15 + 16, Very stormy days which will the sideroads all up again.

17th. {Hartley?} Johnson came over to {holf?} with 10th {illegible} had a nice {illegible

- 15 + 16


Feb 19th A very hard front last night about 16 below zero.

- 21 - Went to Mrs {Loves? Lowes?} to get a Gonder + to H. Boakes to get a little black calf

- 25 - Grandpa + Grandma Lee came over for dinner also Even Mr. Bea and Annie McLaughlin came up from Brantford for a visit. Herb C. helped to cut up oak tree in back field.

- 26 A very cold windy day nearly zero all day.

- 27 Went to Paris to get some {coal ete?}. Dollar Day.

- 29 Drove up to Robertsons after S.S. to take them a {Premula Pla cut off...} from the S.S. Bob having been sick for two weeks.

Mar 1st Order a new {Maesey Harris?} corn {illegible}.

- 2nd Help Mr Calwell cut wood in the afternoon.

- 3rd Herb Cunninghamd and I went to the bush to cut wood.

- 4th Mr Lee came up from St. George and stayed for dinner

- 5th A cold day after a thaw yesterday and rain last night the first {all winter?}

- 8 - Went to the Glen in afternoon to get salt from the car. The Farmers Club had ordered @ $1.00 per {cur cut off...}

- 9 - Went to Gordon {Browns?} sale in afternoon.

- 10 - Went to the bush to draw out some wood as the snow {cone cut off...} thawing fast.

- 11 - Drew straw stack into the barn, and went to J. {Germa cut off...} to get new Gander which had flown away two weeks ago. Edith went to Institute Meeting at Newtons.

- 12 - Herb Cunningham + Mr Hartley came up to help {sans... illegible}

- 16 Went to WIll Millers for dinner and to W. Goods sale in the after{noon? it was cut off}

- 17 Brought of Ed Lueas {illegible} Douham bill (real)


March 19th Quite a stormy and snowy day after some very fine {rain?}

- 20 - Went to School to help saw wood with circular {saws?}

- 21 - Called on our new neighbours after S.S Mr + Mrs Henderson, who had bought Aunt Bessies farm.

- 22 - Went to the bush to tap maple trees, about {50?} altogether.

- 25 - Went to Paris to get new Massey-Harriis {snow Cou Ballins?}

- 26 - Took some {timothy?} seed up to Miss Grier to get cleaned.

- 27 - Went to Brantford to potato-{grounse?} meeting and to the S.S Executive Meeting in Y.M.C.A.

- 28 - Went to Aunt Bette Millers Funeral hold from Will Millers

- 29 - Uncle Andrew Sharp came over to exchange some seed grain.

- 30 - Finish gatherine up the wood for {sawing?] and sowed {illegible} and radist seed in the {hot-bed?}

- 31 . Sawed wood in afternoon with circular saw

Apr 1st. Took the last of the apples to town, the best {Spys?} selling for $2.24 / {cut off}

- 2nd. Helped Hartleys saw wood in the afternoon

- 3rd. Don + Jack Gullen and Fred Archibald came up for Easter.

- 5th Started to clean up {fence-bottom?) along W. McPherson's field.

- 6 - Helped Rye crofts to saw wood. Still 5 hens on White {Wegandottle?} eggs from Mrs Heisle's

- 7 - {burned?} bush in back field along the line fence

- 8 - Edith went to Institure Meeting at Mrs {J. Howats?}.

- 9 - Milton Lee came out with us from Paris for two days visit.

- 10 - Went to Watson McPhersons for 2 loads of straw


11th Alene + Ella Lee came out from Paris for dinner + the afternoon taking Don + Jack to the car after their Easter Holidays

12 Snowed all day, cleaned up {seed?} oats. Went to {Keislee?} in evening for eggs.

14 Took fat cattle to the Glen to ship {U Fall?} weighing 6750 lbs. {Sell?} goose on 14 eggs + sell 4 hens on White {Wyandotte?} eggs.

15 Still {illegible} this in the south lane and {relm + sir mapbe m?} along the road

16 Went to Paris to get a load of oats from Deans + Rutherford @ $1.30. Brought the last of the sap home from the bush and look up the fields.

17 {Busht?} bush in the garden and {mehand?} in the afternoon

18. Drove up to Cecil Simons for a little while after Sunday School

19 - Went to D. McPherson for 15 {bags?} seed barley @ $2.00. Cleaned out the closet and blew out some large {stone?} {illegible} {hill field?}

20. Started to cultivate and pick stones. Went to hear Dr Buchanan in St. George in the evening

21 A very fine rain {written above line} in the morning and most of the afternoon

22 Finished plowing root ground in mixed grain

25. Mr + Ms Coote and family came out for a visit

26. Started to sew oats in back 14 acre field.

27 - Went to Paris in afternoon and went in the evening to hear the Educational Play the "End of the Road" it was fine.

28 - A showery day {illegible} and finished plowing the garden also {illegible} "Irish Cobbler"

29 - Went to Mr + {Mrs Woodsinns?} for the evening.

30 - Finished sowing {no 72?} Oats 10 acres in 14 acre field. Grandpa + Grandma Lee + Mrs Wade came over for the day. Young {illegible}


May 2nd Went to Church in the evening to hear Dr {McMiller?} speak on the new Church {Hyground?} Called at Green for a while in the evening\

- 3rd Tread Red Clover seed and sowed on {South Hill?}

- 5th Finished seeding 10 acres of {illegible} 9 acred of mixed grain on North hill firld + 1 acre {illegible} + 7 acres mixed grain on centre East field. Sowed 3 1/2 acres yellow {bloom?} sweet Cloves. 13 1/2 acres red Clover + {Timothy?}. Mrs Reynods came down to help Edith house-clean. Grandpa Lee finished trimming Young {illegible{}

- 6th Went to congregational meeting at Presbyterian Church St George.

- 7 - Went to D. McPhersons for 3 loads of straw.

- 9. Rev C.D. Farguharem preached his farewell Sermon in St. George, from the {Test?}. "I am not ashamed of the Gospel {film?}"

- 13 - Finished drawing off a stone file on north hill.

- 14 - Edith + Leme + I went to Brantford in the afternoon going to Gullens for tea. Finished plowing arranged ground.

- 15 Goose came off with 13 little goslings. Took cattle back to the bush (9) and {apraised?} the {forms?}

- 17 Started to dig past goles for north line fence.

- 19 Cleaned out the pig pen + drew {illegible} to field.

- 20 Went to the Glen to gut a load of Oats from R. Murrays

- 21 Went to Empire Day Programe at the school in afternoon

- 22 {Soyed the mangels along?} {illegible}

- 23 - Went to Anniversary Services at {illegible} Curch St. George. Pollama had a little white {heifer?} calf.

May 24th Went to Sharp {Reunion?} at Unce Jan's in the afternoon

25 - Wento to hear {Maple Lead Learlittle?} at Presbyterian Church St. George.

- 26 - Went to Prayer meeting at Glen Morris in the evening and gave a talk on "Being a good {Comrade?????}"

28 - Took 2 colts ones to Mr Sayles bush to Pasture Sandy + Fred {illegible}

- 29 - Started to sow seed corn in back ten acre field

June 1st - A very dry May, the driest in 27 years. Fred Archibald came for a short visit before going to {illegible}

- 4th. Finished sowing 9 acres of corn in back field

- 6 - Mayme and the youngest children came up for a days {fun. Edyyer?} Steward and Jennei Stewart and family came out for the day

- 9 Finished drawing out {illegible} 10 acre field and admit 3 1/2 acres at west end of 14 acre field. Grandma + Grandpa Lee came over to help celebrate my birthday. Mr Buchman came down from Gatt for a few days

- 10 Started to plant potatoes in afternoon

- 11 Planted Guelph experimental potatoes Northern + Southern grains seed {illegible} seed to the south. Mother Katherine + Garden came up in the evening for a few {illegible}

- 12 Finished planting potatoes in west end of book 14 acre field.

- 13 Drove to the Glen after S.S. going to Jim Sharpe for tea.

- 14 Start to cultivate corn + {mangels?} 1st time.

- 15 Finished plowing Turnip ground.

16 A fine rain last night took 9 hogs to the Glen {illegible} 2 1/2 lbs @ {illegible}

Sunday, April 26


June 18th. Went to the S.S Convention at Branchton, on account of it being a wet day the crowd was not as large as usual but the speakers were fine. Miss Mabel Jaggart of {illegible} the {illegible} represents.

.. 19" Sowed the turnips in back 14 acre field.

.. 22 .. Held our meeting of the Sunday School in the evening. Combined with a social evening consisting of a short programe with cake and ice cream afterwards.

.. 23.. Started to thin mangels, a very heavy rain.

" Started to cut sweet clover back of drive shed.

Grandpa Lee came over and re{illegible} the hay sack. Patched the kitchen roofs with shingle in forenoon. Drew in a load of sweet clover.

.. 26 Went to S.S Picnic at Mohawk Park Brantford.

.. 27 Wentto Meth. Church, Paris and to Grandpa Lee's for dinner Clarence & Marce being down from Guelph for the day.

. 28 Cut Lucerne on north hill a light crop.

.. 29 Started to do road-work a heavy rain at night.

.. 30 Cut Lucerne on centre east hill.

July 1st Finished cutting Lucerne clover

.. 2nd A very heavy thunder storm in the afternoon W. Kelmans had seven cattle killed with lightning

.. 4th Will Millers came over after S.S for a little visit.

.. 5 . Started to thin turnips a good catch.

.. 6 .. Finished drawing in Lucerne hay 7 loads.

Monday, April 27


July 13th Finished cutting hay in creek field.

J 14.. Graded big hill which had been washed badly with the big storm on July 2nd.

.. 15 .. Drew 6 loads of sweet clover to the barn for Mr Johnson getting 1 load for drawing and storing it.

. 16 Finished drawing in hay off creek field 9 loads.

.. 17 Drew in 3 1/2 loads of fine sweet clover off 3 acre field.

.. 18 First Sunday of Union Services at St. Georgian Baptist Church as there was a very heavy rain the attendance was small.

.. 19 Started to pick English cherries in forenoon.

.. 20 Bessie & Angus Cornwell came up for a visit and to get some English cherries. Grandpas Lee came over and we stapled to shingle north shed.

.. 21 Helped Hartleys to finish up their hay and drew a load for Johnson.

. 22. Got the binder out and started to cut wheat.

. 23 Finished shingling north shed. a showery day.

.. 25 Went to Glen to church and S.S in the morning and we drove over to Will Millers after Sunday School.

.. 26 Held Trustee meeting here in the evening.

.. 27 Finished cutting wheat in 6 acre field a fair crop. Drove to Brantford in the evening.

.. 28 Mr Buchanan, Don & I went up to help Miss Grier draw in hay in the afternoon. Uncle Jim and Aunt Lizzie came to spend the evening.

Tuesday, April 28


July 29th. Started to draw in wheat but it turned wet in afternoon

" 31st {Filled?} up the potatoes and {peet?} some bug - finish on them

Aug 2 Finished drawing in wheat 8 loads of southeast field and " . 6 loads of young orchard & 3 loads of rakings.

.. 3 Started to cut mixed grain on top of north hill.

.. 4 Grandpa & Grandma Lee and Uncle James came over for dinner.

.. 5 Went to Brantford in the morning to get a new drive chain for bender.

.. .. Helped W. McPherson to thresh in afternoon

.. 7 Finished cutting mixed grain with binder

.. 9 A fine rain after 3 n four days of very hot weather, went to town and stayed for dinner with {illegible} W. E. Coates.

.. 10 Put up and stretched wire fence between D. McPhersons and

.. 11 Started to plow hogs back field for wheat.

.. 12 Drew in 6 loads of {illegible} mixed grain which we had to cut with the mower on account of the mixed grain sweet clover being so high and thick in it. 2 1/2 loads of sheaves. off centre east field

. 13 A fine rain after a week of very hot weather.

.. 14 Started to cut oats in afternoon, a very warm day.

.. 15 Clarence Lee & family came for tea and a little visit

.. 17 Earl & Ethel Hood with baby Edith & Ruth Depew came over for a visit with Grandma & Grandpa Lee.

.. 18 Finished cutting oats in the morning and put the binder away.

.. 19 Finished drawing in mixed grain 10 loads off north hill field. 1 1/2 loads of {illegible} oats off foot of hill C. East field. Helped Simons to thresh rye in the field.

Wednesday, April 29


Aug 21st Started to cut Alfafa on north hill.

22nd Maurguerite Gullen and Marem Croger went home and Annie Williamson came for a visit.

.. 25th Drew in 2 loads of Lucernie off north hill and went to U.F.O. Picnic at Fred Lucks plate in afternoon. Berneer Dreery . H.C. {illegible} and others spoe. the day was fine and there was a large crowd there. {Magme?} & Juan & Beth came for a few {days?}

.. 26th Finished drawing in Lucerne 1 1/2 loads off centre east field making 3 1/2 loads of very fine hay. Aunt Edith made a birthday supper out on the lawn to celebrate Dons birthdays.

.. 28 Finished harvest. 13 loads of oats off 10 acres in back 14 acre field and 1/2 of rakings.

.. 29 . Will Millers came over for dinner and brought Miss Jackson over to help Edith for a while. Gordan {Grisienne?} came up for a little while, also Clarence Lee & family.

.. 30 . Leone's third Birthday, Mayme with {fiven?} & Ruth & Don were here for supper but went home after supper.

.. 31 . Dr Dutton came out with his ear and we took Edith down to the Hospital at Brantford where our little son John Andrew was born.

Sept 2nd Started to plow in creek field for wheat.

" 4th Spent Sunday in Brantford, most of the day at the Hospital with Edith and the Baby. Went to Gullins for dinner.

" 9 Went to Maggie Greirs funeral in the afternoon. A nice rain in the afternoon after a very dry spell.

Thursday, April 30


Sept 12th Went to Meth. Church in the morning and to Brantford in the afternoon to visit Edith in the hospital. Had tea with Mr & Mrs {Goby Moon?}.

.. 14. Leme & I went to Brantford to bring Mother and Baby Brother home from the Hospital. Alva kindly came along with his car to bring us home.

.. 13 .. Lillovette & Grandpa & Grandma Lee came over to help wash and can {illegible} for Edith.

.. 16 Helped Mr Johnson to thresh in afternoon

. 17 " Mr Hartley to thresh

.. 18 Scott Bros came to thresh.

.. 20.. Finished threshing at noon 1388 bus. from the machine. 600 of mixed grain. 275 buc of wheat+513 of {illegible} the oats were full of sweet clover seed

.. 22 Sowed 7 acres of wheat in Creek field. 23rd White had a white {illegible}

.. 24 . Went to Paris Fair in the afternoon a fine day but very warm.

.. 25 .. Finished plowing hogs back field. a very hot day.

.. 26...Went to St.George S.S Rally in the morning and gave a talk on why we should win every member of the community {illegible}

..27. Drew a load of straw to the {fig?} pen in the morning.

" Helped W. McPherson to fill Silo in the afternoon.

.. 28 Finished sowing wheat in Hogs back field.

. 30 Finished drawing out wheat 255 buc@240 per buc.

Friday, May 1


Oct 1st A very dismal day with snow and rain which bent the corn badly.

.. 2nd. Brought 9 young cattle home from the bush in forenoon and started plowing in back 14 acre field.

..3rd Held our regular S.S. Rally in the afternoon. Mr J. Burke of St. George giving a fine talk.

.. 4th Helped R. Atkin to fill his silo in the afternoon Started to pick {Habbardem?} apples.

.. 5 .. " J. Atkin to fill his silo. Went to J. Roschongho for apple bbls.

... Started to cut corn in the afternoon. Went to {Woolenane} for a bbl of Pears

. 6 . Helped Rye crofts to fill his silo. Picked and packed apple

.. 8 Helped Frank Reid to fill his silo.

9 Helped R. Atkin to thresh

. 10 Went to Paris Plains S.S in the afternoon.

. 11 S helped 6 bbls of apples and1 of Pears to Uncle Will in Manitoba. A fine rain in the afternoon.

. 12 Helped Harthey and Johnson to fill their silos.

13 Finished cutting the corn using 5 1/4 balls of twine.

.. 14 Firman Scott came to fill the silo. just enough corn to fill it and were through about 4 Oclock.

..15 Dm. Stanley {Margwrite?} Gullen & Janice Kewitt came out for Thanksgiving Holidays and to help with the potatoes.

..16 Helped Simons to fill their silo in forenoon.

18. Helped Hendersons to fill their silo, which was the last for this year. Took the girls & boys down to Thanksgiving entertainment at the Methodist Church St.George.

Saturday, May 2


Oct 21st. Finished digging [ptatoes about 1 1/2 acres about 180 bus.

.. 24th. Tom & Leah with three little folks came down for the day. Mr & Mrs Rich bringing them in their car

.. 27th Some very fine weather for a week or two, which I used as much as possible to get the apples picked

.. 28th . Took about 10 bus of apples to Paris Station to get made into cider. (about 35 gal.) A very strong wind last night

.. 29 .. Finished plowing oat stubble for corn.

.. .. Started to pull mangels in back road field.

.. 30 .. Don & Jack, Marguerete & Louise came up to gather nuts {illegibile}.

Nov 1st A wet stormy day after a very fine October.

.. 2nd Went to St George in the afternoon, and went with J. Mchilly to the Induction of our new Minister Rev. A. V. Patterson at the church of Brantchton.

.. 3rd Started to top and grab the turnips.

.. 6th Mr & Mrs {illegible} of Hamilton brought Mr Grant up to stay for a few days to fix the Grandfather Clock

.. 9 . Finished drawing in the turnips 24 double {bog?} loads. Helped Hendersons to thresh.

.. 10 Started to plow corn stubble in back ten acre field.

.. 11 Helped Rye crofts to thresh.

.. 12&13 Stormy days with snow

.. 14th Gordon Griesson and family brought Aunt Maggie Gall{illegible} up for a visit. 15th 16th Helped Watson McPheson to thresh.

.. 16th Went to Angus Cornwells funeral at Langford, his death

Sunday, May 3

had come very suddenly, as he was caught in the gasoline engine being knocked unconscious and one big torn off. {illegible} a very large funeral.

Nov 11th Luile a fall of snow last night and this morning nearly 5 inches Bought 9 little pigs from Mr Johnson 5 weeks old for $45.00.

.. 18th Finished of all threshing at Simons.

.. 20 . Brought colts Sandy & Fred home from {illegible} bush.

.. 22 .. Started to plow M. Smith east field for oats.

. 25 .. Went to Baggar Presbyterian Church St. George.

.. 28 .. Maurgarite, Louie & Jack came up for the weekend.

29 .. Drew up 2 loads of nails from fence along the road and saawed them up for wood.

. 30 .. Hartley finished working for 8 mos.

Dec 2nd A very fine day after a wet one yesterday. Went to Bessie Cornwells sale, which went off very well.

.. 7th Finished plowing corn stubble etc in back ten acre field.

.. 8 .. Went to Trustee Meeting at Watson McPhensons in evening.

. 9 . Went to Mr James Moffats funeral in Galeton in the afternoon

.. 14 . Jim McDonald came to work for a week. Start to dig potholes along the road

.. 15 .. Went to Brantford & Echo place with a load of potatoes & apples

.. 16 .. Went to Sunday School County Council Meeting in Brantford in Y.M.C.A Rev Mr Fletcher of Toronto gave two fine addresses. Rev C. R. Mossow who had been county sec. for many years found it necessary to resign. I was appointed President for the coming year.

Monday, May 4


Dec 17th Went over to Moores at Blue Lake to spend the evening.

.. 21st Drew up two loads of {sails?} and sawed them

.. 22nd Went to Xmas School Concert at McPhensons in the afternoon.

.. 23rd Jim McDonald went to Stratford for the car I bought at the sale. Went down at Bessielem

.. 25th We all went over to George Lees for Xmas Dinner there was a well laden Xmas Tree of which the wee folks had a large share, we all enjoyed the day.

..27th Went to Nomination Meeting at the Glen. Mr Hall was elected Reve and he will all the council went in by acclamation

.. 28 . Sold the geese to Chad.Meggs and took them to Paris 11 at 2.50 {illegible}

.. 29 .. Red Heifer frakened. Went to annual School Meeting at McPhersons school

.. 30 .. Some more snow fell which made the sleighing good

.. 31 . Went to Brantford with the sleigh taking apples & {finds?}

Tuesday, May 5


Jan 1st We all went up to Benson Jim Lockin at Waterton for Mew Years Dinner, the day were very mild with some rain which took all our snow away again.

.. 2nd Will Miller came over for dinner and S.S. bringing Josie Jackson with them who staid for a day or so.

.. 3rd Opened the silo

.. 7th Mr Johnson & Harley came over to help draw in the stack.

.. 8 .. Went to Mr D. Grandina funeral in the afternoon.

.. 9 .. Took Andrew to Church in St. George for the first time. Mr Leckie of shiffield preached a very fine sermon.

.. 10.. Started to draw manure to back 14 acre field.

11 .. Went to the bush with Mr Johnson and Hortley who started to out some wood on stone. Went to congregational meeting in Presbyterian church. St. George.

.. 13 .. Drove to Paris and had dinner at Grampa & Grandma Lee. Went to U. Tell missing at the Glen in the evening to hear Mr Morrison of Toronto give a lecture it was fine.

.. 20 Helped Grieve to kill two pigs in the afternoon.

..27 Sold Zelma mare to Win Hooves of Paris for $57.50. Edith and Leone & Andrew went over to Morris for a visit.

.. 28 Rev Mr Patterson and Mr Burk of St. George came for tea.

.. 30 Mr and Mrs Newton stayed after S.S. and spent the evening with us

Feb 2nd. A cloudy a quite mild day.

.. 3rd Black Holstein cow had a fine large heifer calf.

.. 3 & 4 Was almost used up for a day or two with a cold and Grippe in the head.

Wednesday, May 6


Feb 9th Mr Hartley and Mr Johnson helped to saw wood in afternoon

.. 10 . Quite a heavy snowstorm nearly 6 inches of snow. Went to Sunday School Executive Meeting in Presby.church

. 12 . Black cow had a little black & white heifer calf.

.. 14 .. Bert Williamson came up for a week or two to help cut some wood. Went to Mr Hirbys sale in the afternoon Went to U. F. U Meeting at the Glen in the evening. Roan Heifer had a red heifer calf

.. 16 .. A very mild day taking all our snow away again

. 17 .. Jim McDonald came back from Stratford for a few days. Holstien cow had a fain of pair of twin calves

.. 19 Went to Brantford taking apples and potatose, had dominant

.. 21 Went to S.S

.. 22 Drove over to Millers in the afternoon . {illegible} Park Sale Day Echo Place and went to Lecture in Congregated Church. Paris on the book "Silae Marner" by Rod Capt. Mastin of Brantford

.. 21 Went to St. George to Trustee meeting to arrange for Sale and {illegible} Went to Newtons in the evening to S.S Meeting.

.. 23 A nice fall of snow last night which made fair sleigh for the {illegible}

.. 24 Cleaned Oats all day to get sweet clover seed out of them

.. 25 Took sweet clover up to R. Robertsons to get {illegible} mangels

.. 26 A very stormy day. which drifted from the east.

.. 28 Jim McDonald went to Galt to work for the summer Edith & I went to an Oyster Supper at Grandpa Lees in honor of Fra and Ella Cline.

Mar 1st. Bought a Gaurdian Fire Extinguisher for $25.00

Thursday, May 7

Mar 2nd. A very mild day which took all our snow away. Took clover seed gasoline engine home to Orval {Turnbelle?}.

.. 3rd Went to Ambrose Simons sale in the afternoon.

.. 5th Bert. W. came back and we spend the last day cutting wood

. 8 .. Drove to Paris & went to George Lees for dinner, a very heavy rain near night, making the roads very heavy.

.. 9 . Went to D. Jacks sale, a very nice day and a good sale.

.. 11.. May me, Don and the two little folks came up from Brantford

.. 14 .. Drove to Brantford to get some supplies for engline & chopper.

.. 16. Went to George Olivers sale near St. George and Edith and the little folks went to newtons for the day.

.. 18 .. Sowed sweet clover on the wheat fields in the forenoon.

19 . Drew manure and made to hot bed, also made a split log drag and weed it on the sideroad.

20 Mr & Mrs Cunningham and children came up for S.S and stayed for tea. A very warm rain last night.

21 Started to saw wood in the afternoon

22 Went to Brantford in afternoon to get repairs for engine

23 Finished sawing wood in the afternoon about 20 loads.

24 Marguerite, Louise & Don came up for Easter Holidays.

25 Easter Good Friday, went to Social evening at Sarah Scotts in connection with the S.S a fine night.

27 Easter Sunday and we drove to Mithaorist Church in Paris Quite a heavy rain after a very warm week.

28 A hard frost last night, cleaned up seed grain.

Friday, May 8


Apr 2nd. Went to County S.S Executive Meeting in Brantford Y.M.C.A Mr Wm Simons funeral in the afternoon

.. 4th Herb Cunningham came and we took the car out for the first time, as the weather was fine Herb stayed for a few days and helped to cultivate.

7 . Sowed Oat Rin field next Hartleys barn (south east field)

.. 8 .. A fine warm rain after a very warm week.

..15. Took a load of potatoes to Brantford in the car and brought Louise & Don home with us.

9. Bob Brown came for a load of potatoes & took a load to Simmons

11.. The S.S. got up a Surprise party for Ellene Johnson to help celebrate her birthday and also to show her that we have appreciated her kind and willing services as organist and Sec. of our S.S for many years. She was presented with a set of dishes 1/2 dg. each of knives. forks & spoons. "Louvain pattern" about 40 people of the community were present and a very pleasant evening was spent in games, music etc,.

12 Harthy Johnson came over to drive a tean for a few days at the seeding. (15th) Went to Brantford with car. Louie came home with {illegible}

14 Sowed mixed grain in back ten acre field a heavy rain at night

.. 16 The rain turned to snow and nearly six inches fell.

.. 18 Took fat cattle to Brantford 2 cows and 4 young cattle having sold them to Fr. Benkett. Went to the Glen in afternoon to vote on Referand which carried by about 175:000 votes in the Province a fine day.

Saturday, May 9

Apr 19th Helped Hendersons to saw wood in the afternoon.

.. 20 . Took Engine over and helped Mr Johnson saw wood

.. 23 Marguirete and Don came up for a day or two.

. 28 Sowed mixed grain & {illegible} 3 oats in young orchard. Helped Watson McPherson in afternoon with raising shed.

.. 29 Cultivated {illegible} ground in 14 acre field.

.. 31 Drew 2 loads of straw from Hartleys in afternoon.

May 1st A very fine day. Took the Tophie at 4.P.C.E, at St. George in evening.

. 3rd Went to the Glen in forenoon for seed corn. Helped Mr Hartley to cultivate in afternoon.

. 4th Plowed the garden and planted early potatoes.

.. 5th Went to Brantford Echo Place and Longford going to Bessie Cornwells for dinner and the afternoon. Roan cow had a fine little roan calf.

.. 6 .. Plowed mangel ground and rolled it.

.. 8 . Jennie & Eluein Stewart and family came out for the afternoon

.. 9 .. Cyrid Stewart came out to help for a while and herd cows. Started to draw out manure with spreader.

.. 12 .. Took 8 young cattle down to Hartleys bush.

.. 13.. Took 2 calfs over to Sayles bush for the summer.

.. 14 .. Jim McDonald came down for the weekend.

.. 15 . Drove to {Ays?} after Sunday School, stoping at J. Dalgette for tea

.. 16 .. Went to Meeting of Programe Committee at Meth. Church. St. George

.. 17 .. Finished drawing out manure for corn and sowed the mangels.

. 18 . Started to plow corn ground in 14 acre field

Sunday, May 10


May 19th Took a load of 10 pigs to Park {illegible} at Brantford. Went to Galt in afternoon to celebrate Edith's Birthday

.. 21st Went to Paris at night to meet Sister Nellie who came for a visit

.. 22nd Went to church in the morning and to Marlye Howells for dinner A very fine rain at night which was much needed.

.. 24th Went to Sharp Reunion at Uncle Tom's, about 40 present. The day was somewhat dull but we had a fine time.

.. 25 Finished plowing for corn in back field

.. 28 .. Finished sowing corn about 8 1/2 acres in 14 acre field, sowed 1 bus corn at {Wisconsen No 7?}. Early Leaming & Galden Glow.

June 5th. Geo Millers came over to spend Sunday with us.

. 7 .. Started to plant potatoes, plowing down a crop of sweet clover

.. 9 .. Went to North Brant S.S. Convention at Cainsville in the afternoon Edith and the children going to Evan McCreais and I to Gullens for dinner, Jennie Stewart came out and helped Cyrid with the milking

10 .. Finished planting potatoes nearly 2 acres. 3 1/3 rows of {illegible} on West side. 1/3 sow of Dakota Reds and 1 1/3 sow of New Ontario seed {illegible} the balance in Green mountains.

.. 11 .. John McKnights of Toronto called for a little while and Will Breen and family of {illegible} came for a little visit. a heavy rain after dinner

.. 12 .. Mr & Mrs A. Wilson of Paris came over for a little visit.

.. 13 .. Finished drawing manure to turnip ground.

.. 14 . Finished plowing turnip ground. Miss Preston the Womans Institute delegate stayed with us over night.

Monday, May 11

June 15th Went to our S.S Convention at St. George, meeting Rev Mr Fletcher at the car and taking him down with me, the day was fine and the Convention was a real success.

. 16 Sowed turnips about 3 acres in West side of 14 acre field.

. 18 Dolly & Bessie came out to stay the weekend with us.

. 19 . I'm taking the Girls home {illegible} drove around by Clarence Lees and took tea with them, a very nice night & drive

.. 20 .. Finished cultivating corn 1st time. S.S Business Meeting (yearly) and Social Evening, {illegible}

' 21 . Started to do road work on the side-road. drawing cinders from the Lake, a very hot day.

.. 22. Went to Maggie Sharps Wedding in the afternoon which was at 3 O'clock. There were nearly 60 present.

.. 23 Drew cinders and repaired hill on the lane by the barn.

. 24 . Started to cut lucerne & Sweet Clover on North hill.

. 25 .. Went to S.S Picnic, going in {Autor?} to Victoria Park. Galt.

.. 26 .. Went over to Will Millers for a little while in the evening.

. 27 . Cultivated mangels 2nd Time, Tom Reynolds came to work in the afternoon

.. 28 . A heavy rain last night, Finished putting in Kitchen Drain.

.. 30 . Started to draw in hay off north hill. 5 loads of ucerne & 5 of Sweet Corn

July 3rd Grandma Little and Greireons came up for the evening

11th. Insured with the Western Farmers Weather Insurance Co. the Buildings & Contents for $2.000. at the rate of $2.00 per u. for 3 yrs. Finished cultivating corn the second time.

.. 5th Elyeen & Jennie Stewart came out for a few days. Don came out in the evening for the holidays.

Tuesday, May 12


July 6th Went to Aunt Marguret Greens Funeral in the afternoon about 110 in the shade after over two weeks of very hot weather.

.. 7 . Finished drawing in hay off north field. 28 loads & 6 off 3 acre field. 1 load of rakings

.. 8 . Finished cutting hay in the morning and drew in a load of rakings, and a heavy but welcome rain about noon, raining nearly all afternoon which came after 3 weeks of extremely hot weather. which was exceptionaly good for the corn. Margurete, Louis & {Minie?} Hewitt came up for a few days.

.. 9 Replaced the binder. raining all afternoon.

.. 10 Went to Woodstock in the morning, and as it rained nearly all afternoon we did not come back until Monday.

.. 11 . Finished drawing in hay 2 loads Lucerne off corner next Hartleys barn Making 36 loads of hay in all.

.. 12 Brought 3 young cattle home from Armstrongs

.. .. Started to cut wheat in creek field.

.. 14 Finished cutting wheat in Hogs back field May me & 2 little folks and Agnes Crogier came up from Brantford.

. 15 Cultivated Potatoes 1 {illegible} and went through turnips with diser

.. 16 Josie Jackson came down from Galt for the weekend.

. 17 Baptismal Services@St.George and took Andrew to be Baptized

the day was fine, called at Millers a little while in the evening.

.. 18 Started to cut mixed grain in back ten acre field

.. 19 A fine rain last night and this morning

Wednesday, May 13

July 21st Finished cutting mixed grain & early oats in young orchard. Tom Reynolds finished hoeing turnips. Went to school meeting in the evening.

.. 22nd Finished drawing in wheat 9 1/2 loads off creek field and 5 loads of sheaves & 1 1/2 loads of loose off hogsback field.

.. 23rd Cultivated potatoes 2nd time, Mrs Hewill. & Louise came up.

.. 24 We all went to Brantford in the car to take {Hewittle?} home

.. 25 Started to cut oats in the afternoon.

.. 27th Finished cutting oats and put the binder away.

.. 29 .. Finshed drawing in mixed grain 6 1/2 loads off back 10 acre field & 3 loads off half of young orchard. Helped W. Mc Phereson to thresh.

.. 30 .. Cut weeds around the fences and along thread with the mowing

.. 31 .. Went to Paris church in the monring and to Grandpa Lee for Dinner, Mary Lee came home with we for a visit.

Aug 1st.. Went to Brantford in the afternoon.

.. 2nd.. Grandpa & Grandma Lee over with Aunt Ella for the day and Grandpa finished painting and graining 11 chairs & drawers and bookcases. started to plow for fall wheat in 10 acre field.

.. 3rd Helped Hartleye to draw in oats.

.. 4th Hartleys helped us to draw in oats

..5 .. Finished drawing in oats 11 loads of no 72 of south east field and 2 1/2 loads of no 3 Oats off young orchards over 2 loads of rakings

..7 .. Went over to W. Miller for tea, it being Jims Birthday

.. 8.. T. Reynolds finishing hoeing the turnips, mangels & potatoes. Went to Brantford in the afternoon.

Thursday, May 14


Aug 10th Helped Simons to thresh rye in the field. Mrs Reynolds & the girls came down for a couple of days.

.. 11 .. Womens Institute Meeting held here in the afternoon

.. 12 . Scotts came to thresh 1/2 day 158 oats & 148 bus of wheat. Helped Johnsons to thresh in the afternoon

.. 14 Went to the Glen to church and called on Rev. Mr & Mrs Patterson who were camping up there. A fine rain last night

.. 15 Helped R. Atkin to thresh. Went to Dentists in afternoon.

.. 17 .. Finished plowing back ten acre field for wheat.

.. 19 . Picked Green gage plums, a heavy crop.

.. 23 .. Finished plow 3 acre field of sod for wheat, (Started to plow {illegible} corn to {illegible}.

.. 24 . Went to Farmers Picnic at Lucks flats a fine day and a great crowd about 3 or 4 thousand people there.

.. 25 Mayme and children came up for a few days from Brantford

. 25 Started Took 9 young cattle back to the bush.

26 Started to plow clover sod in centre east field very dry

. 25 Went with W.McPherson + J.Atkin to judge school childrents plots

.. 29 . A heavy but very fine rain (over 2 in's) which was badly needed

.. 30 . Leone's Birthday, her mother giving a Gradle Roll Picnic. Grandpa & Grandpa Lee, Aunt Jill ovette & family coming over Went to young Peoples Meeting at Mrs {illegible} in the evening.

.. 31 Andrews Birthday a very fine day.

Sept 1st. Mayme and 3 children & Edith, Leme, Andrew & I went to Woodstock calling on Nelson Franklins in the afternoon. went to {illegible} in the evening staying all night at Breins and going to St. Marys.

Friday, May 15

Sept 2nd. for dinner (at Galbrniths) and back to Woodstock by way of Stratford

.. and after having tea at Jeane, left for home arriving about 9.30.p.m.

.. 3rd Finished threshing at Rye crofts and Hendersons. a fine rain at night.

. 4th Mayme and little folks went home in the evening.

.. 5 . Went to Brantford at night taking Louise, Marguerite & Dan & me.

.. 6 . Went to Will McReagies funeral in the afternoon

.. 10 . Finished plowing wheat ground in centre east field

. 11 .. Went to church in Paris and to Grandpa Lee's for dinner, took Jean Love home. having been visiting with us for a few days. a fine rain last night.

. 13 Finished sowing wheat in back 10 acres and 3 acre field field.

.. 14 Went over to Clarance Lees in the afternoon to help fill silo

. 15 Helped Watson McPherson to fill his silo

.. 16 Went to Rye crofts to help fill the silo

.. 18 Helped Frank Reed to fill silo.

. 20 .. Started to cut corn in back field

. 21 Tom Reynolds went to Hendersons silo filling for me.

. 22 . Hartleys and Johnsons silo filling, and they started here about 11 O.clock on Fri. and finished about 10 O. clock on Sat the 24th The silo was heaped up about 2 ft with boards and covers, the fullest we had ever had it, with 2 acres of corn (well eared) leftover

.25th Our Rally Day at S.S. Rev. Mr Adams of Paris gave a very fine talk, using a Watch as an illustration and 3 P's in a Pod.

.. 26 Finished sowing wheat about 7 acres, sowing 1/7 acre plot of Imperial Amber and about 7 bus of Imp.Amber at I bought from Mr Wm Osborne on the Brantford Road.

Saturday, May 16


Sept 28th Finished cutting clover for seed, short but well filled.

.. 29 . Helped Simons to fill their silo. White sow had 6 little pigs

. 30 .. A heavy rain in the morning, but the sun came out occasionally in the afternoon and although {codyithers?} was a good crowd at Paris Show and a real good show.

Oct 1st. Finished filling silos for the year, at Simons in the forenoon.

.. 2nd Mr & Mrs {illegible} Howell came over for S.S. and stayed for tea

.. 3rd Helped W. Mc. Pherson to thresh.

.. 5th Edith went up to help Mrs Robertson for the day.

.. 6 .. Drew in clover seed 3 loads. T. Reynolds came to shock up cows

.. 7 .. Started to rain last night and rained almost steady for 24 hrs

.. 8 .. Went to Paris & Brantford with the car, going to Echo Place for dinner

.. 9 .. Visited Presbyterian S.S. in Paris in the afternoon.

.. 10 .. Started to plow out corn stubble.

. 11 .. A heavy rain at noon, started to pick apples in the afternoon

. 12 .. Went to Hartleys to thresh.

. 13 .. Finished our fall threshing 756 bus in all, making overtime for the year the wheat running about 22 bus per acre.

.. 15 .. Annie Hewitt & 4 Gullens came up last night and we started to dig the potatoes, getting in three loads.

16 .. Gordon Griersons & Grandma Little came up for tea.

17 .. Finished the threshings for the year at Simons. Edith and the little folks went over to Clarences for a few days

.. 18 . Helped R. Atkins to dig potatoes for 1 1/2 days.

19 Ollie Meabing came up to help with potatoes


Sunday, May 17

Oct 22. Finished digging potoes 7 double loads off a little less than 2 acres.

.. 23 Went to Paris Church in the morning to Harvest Home {illegible}

. 24 .. Finished drawing in mangels 4 loads Went to McCombs for a load of Oats 27 bags, being my share of 1/3 from the fields at the bush. Went to Rev. S.S. Executive Meeting in Brantford in the evening.

. 25 Went to Prov. S.S. Convention at Wellington St. Meth. Church Brantford. Went to Gullens at Echo Place for supper, and back to hear Dr Marion Lawrence in the evening. Edith stayed in Brantford for the three days, but I came home each night and went back for the afternoon and evening sessions. It was a great Convention and an overflow Meeting was held each evening.

.. 29 . Tom Reynolds topped the turnips with the hoe.

.. 31 . Held a Halloween Social here in the evening, there were about 60 present and all had a good time. the costumes were many and varied. R. Robertson taking the {illegible} for the man as Hard times and Louise Hewitt for the ladies as Charlie Chaplin, after the programe & lunch, the lights were turned low and the evening closed with old folk songs

Nov 152nd. Drew wheat to Paris at 95 cents per bus.

" Andrew started to walk at 14 mos. old.

.. 7th Drew in the last load of turnips, making 16 loads in all

. . Took celery, dalhia & gladalia bulbs into the cellar and finished picked the spy apples.


Monday, May 18


Nov 7th Thanksgiving Day, and as Dm. Jack Marguerite {illegible} Louie & Annie Hewitt were here we all went over to Grandpa and Grandma Lee for Supper.

.. 8 .. Started to snow about noon and snowed steady for over a day, there being over 6 inches of snow.

. 9 Brought young cattle home from Hartleys bush.

.. 10 .. Took a load of potatoes to Brantford with the slay.

.. 14 .. Took the Engine & Saw over to Johnsons to saw wood.

.. 15 . Started to cut corn stalks with the engine.

.. 16 . Started to plow in creek field for oats.

. 22 .. Edith and the little folks went over to Moores for tea.

. 23 . Rain turning to snow & ice at night.

.. 24 .. Started to draw turnips to the Glen@20¢.

.. 25 .. Went to Presby by Meeting at Paris in the afternoon and evening. Rev. Dn Gordan "Ralph Connor" spoke at both Meetings

.. 29 .. Went to Miss Griers to get 6 shoots about 150 {illegible} each.

.. 30 . A very fine mild day, like Indian Summer.

Dec 1st. A fine Indian Summer Day, Mr Hartley helped to plow.

.. 2nd. Finished plowing back 14 acre field.

.. 5th Snow storm last night with ice.

.. 7th Brought calfs home from Saybs bush.

. 8 . Started to draw turnips to the Glen (very slippery)

. 13 . Took a load of potatoes to Brantford selling them privately at $9.00 per bag.

. 15 Went to St. George in forenoon to pay taxes. $118.85 {illegible} $11.00

.. 19 Took potatoes to Paris, also 6 geese to Roy Meggs for $14.00.


Tuesday, May 19


Dec 21st. Went to School Concert at McPhersons School in the evening.

. 23rd Went to Brantford with potatoes and to do Xmas shopping.

. 25th Went to Clarence Lee's where the Lee's held their annual Xmas dinner, it was a very nice day, about 30 being present, the day was enjoyed by all and especially by the Reddies, Santa being very good to them

28th Went to annual School Meeting

.. 30th Dr. Fashen came out in the morning and we dehorned the cattle.

.. 31st A good year in this section of Ont. for which we have much to be thankful.

1922. Jan 1st. Went to annual Rally of the Paris S.S. in the afternoon.

Jan. 2nd. As New Years day came on Sunday this year we celebrated on Monday, having Mr & Mrs Reynolds and family. Mill Millers and Josie Jackson for the day.

.. 3rd Went to Brantford with a load of pigs.

.. 5th Drove to Paris and took the St.car to Brantford to attend County Council S.S. Executive Meeting. a good meeting with a fair attendance. I was elected President of the Association for the 2nd year. Went to Presentation at Blue Lake to Mr & Mrs John Moore it sure a very pleasant evening, they were presented with an electric lamp. We were very sorry to hear of the death of Rev. Mrs McRae of Glen-Morris.

. 8th Edith and I drove to Ajax taking Miss Watson along with us and going to her home for dinner which we enjoyed very much. afterwards going to their annual S.S. Rally where I had been invited to speek, as also the Press of Oxford and Waterloo Counties the Methodist Church was crowded. {illegible} of J. Dalgells for tea.

.. 10th. Aunt Joan Miller came for a visit. Dave were glad to see her.

. 11th Went to Township S.S. Executive Meeting in the Meth. Church (in the afternoon) St. George


Wednesday, May 20


Jan 11th. Drove Aunt Jean up to Kelmans in the evening where R. McDonald. Miss Chadwick and myself took the affirative side aginst J. Atkin. Edith, Miller & J. Kelman the Debate was Resolved that the Senate should be abolished the negative side won.

.. 17 .. Went to annual congregational Meeting of our church in the evening. a good turnout.

.. 18th Helped Griers to kills pigs in the afternoon

. 19 .. Finished drawing out turnips about 460 bus.

Feb 1st Went to T. Burt to bring clover huller for F. Scott.

.. 2nd. Threshed clover seed in the forenoon. 5 bus off 3 loads.

.. 3rd Went to Prepatory Preparotory Service. Capt Oakes gave a fine talk

.. 4th Josie Jackson came down from Galt for a visit. . 5 .. Went to Communion Service at Presbyterian church St. George

. 8 . Went to Ahah Lees in the evening to plan for the Golden Wedding

.. 9 .. Took 24 bags of potatoes to T.E. Ryersons Brantford@$1.50 per bag.

.. 10 . Spent the afternoon taking subscriptions for Presby. Church. .. Went to Kitchens School at night, having been asked to judge on a Debate.

.. 12 A very stormy Sunday.

. 14 Grandpa and Grandma Lees Golden Wedding Day.


Thursday, May 21


Feb 15th Went to Mr & Mrs Congos for tea and to spend the evening.

. 16 . Marnie & Jim Sharp came down for dinner and to spend the afternoon

.. 18 Finished drawing in cornstalks from the field, the corn was well eared and yielded about 2 1/2 bus per shock on about 130 or 40 in all. saved about 3 bus of the best for seed.

. 30 Derek Holsliey had a heifer calf.

. 21 Rained with just enough frost to make it freeze to the trees, telephone wires etc, the worst icestorm we have ever had. breaking the dd or chards very baadly as well as trees every where and putting telephone wires & poles in very bad shape.

. 23 .. Were invited to {illegible} E. Taylors for the evening but owing to the ice we could not go, Took Prince to Hartleys to get skood

. 25 Light holstien cow had a dark blueish calf.

Mar 1st. Not a bad day for the first of March fairly cold but not stormy

. 3rd Went to Oratorial Contest at the Glen where I had been asked to help judge

.. 7th We all drove to Paris in the morning and I took the train to Woodstock went to Crogiers for dinner and attended Presbytery Meeting in the afternoon

. 8 .. Went to Weins sale, it being the second day of it, the roads were getting very bad.

. The telephone men repaired our line and stayed here for dinner.

.. 12. Dr. Dunton came out to see Edith after a tumble at front of cellar steps.

.. 13 Beatrice Rye croft came to help. 14th Went to H. Clarke for a {illegible} luifer calf.

. 15 Took engine & saw to Hartleys to cut wood.

14 & 17 Drew 2 laods of hay to Paris to {illegible{ & Gourby & Mr. Gray.

. 21 Sowed clover seed in back 10 acre field, a fall of snow on the ground.

.. 22 Hitched up colts Fred & Sandy to the sleigh for the first time.

.. 23 Cut trees and broken limbs along the road in back field.


Friday, May 22


Mar 25th Burned bush in afternoon cleaning up around the house and orchard.

.. 27 .. Sold Freddie (a 3 yr. old colt) to Watson McPherson for $140.00

.. 28 .. Finished cleaning seed grain and sweet clover out of oats (2 bags)

.. 29 . A fine day, stretched fence from the creek to the road gats.

.. 30 .. Took a load of 6 pigs to Brantford {illegible} at less than 6 mos. old

.. 31 .. Woke up last night with La Grippe and a very sore finger which proved to be blood poison. The trees were all loaded down with ice again which proved as bad and worse in some places on account of the wind, which broke off large telephone poles by the {illegible} in places

Apr 1st Turned out to be a very nice day after Marchs closing storm

.. 3rd Tom drew up the manure for the hot-bed & we made it up. Pollyanna had a black & white huifer calf. Trimmed grapes.

.. 5th Jane Duncan of Brantford droped in for dinner and a little visit

.. 6 . Sowed Tomato. Lettuce& Aster seed in the hot-bed.

.. 7 .. Drew in remainder of straw stack. Mr & Mrs Lee came over for dinner

.. 8 .. Sowed Sweet Clover on wheat ground & seeded 4 acres at the bush, with Sweet clover Red C. & {illegible} and Timothy about 10 bus fa were

.. 10 .. A very warm spring day, took the car out for the first time. going to town and to Will Millers for tea.

.. 11 .. A splendid rain last night and nearly all forenoon took. 3 cattle to the Glen to C.E. Meggs.

.. 13.. Finished sawing our wood in the forenoon and sawed Johnsons in the afternoon.

Saturday, May 23


Apr 14th Receeded hog-back field with sweet clover. Geroge Lee's came over and stayed for "Good Friday" {Maguestie?} & Lousie came up

.. 15 .. Went to Co. S.S. executive meeting in Brantford.

.. 16.. Avery nice day for Easter Sunday. Took the car to church first time

.. 18.. Jim Stanley & Willie mealing came up for a few days. Went to McKenzie's sale in afternoon.

.. 19 .. Burned brush in the orchard and in the back field.

.. 20. . A cold windy day, went to the Glen in the morning for salt and to Grandma's in the afternoon for 14 bus of seed barley @ $1.00 per bus.

.. 21.. Started to cultivate in the afternoon.

.. 24 T. Reynolds came and we started to work on the land

.. 28.. Sowed onto in creek field. Started sandy colt to work.

.. 29. Finished sowing mixed grain in back 14 acre field.

May 1st. Sold 5 young cattle to P.E Meggsand took them to the Glen went to S. Trustee meeting at the Glen in the evening.

.. 2nd Help Helped Jim Harthy cultivate in the afternoon

.. 3rd Finished rolling spring grain

May 1st. 18 R. I Red chickens hatched

4th Plowed the garden and planted early potatoes etc.

.. 5.. Took Edith to Brantford Hospital in the morning were our little son "James Adam" was born. Weight 8 3/7 lbs.

.. 6 .. Repaired the {gaurd?} at {culvest?} on Blue Lake creek.

.. 7.. Went to St. George to church in the morning when Mr Bruce of Ayr. preached to the children, and to Brantford hospital in the afternoon to see Edith and the Baby.

.. 8.. White sow had 8 little black and white pigs.


May 8th. Went to S.S. Executive + Programe {illegible} meeting at the Glen in the evening

- 9 - Went to St. George in the afternoon to see the council about the road, and we motored to Brantford at night.

- 10 - Gave mangel - ground a second coat of manure

- 11 - {Pound mangel?} ground/

- 12 - Started to plow for corn

- 14 - Mothers Day, went to church in St. George to Sister {Ball?} for dinner and to the Hospital in the afternoon

- 17 - We all went down to Brantford and brought Edith + the baby {hen?} from the Hospital. Ollie Mealing came up to herd the cows

- 15th Telephone repaired after having been out of commission since the big ice storm in the end of the month

- 20 - Turned cows to pasture field

- 22nd Sowed Sugar {mangels?} about {seven?} acre, also peads, beets, etc

- 23 Finished manuring corn ground in south East field

- 24 Went to Sharp Reunion at the Glen in afternoon, a fine day.

Victoria Day (Sunday 24th)


Tuesday, May 26



January was a very steady month, about 12 inches of snowfall and it was spendid sleighing since before Christmas, several times the thermomitor dropped below zero but scarcely a day that it thawed at all. Spent nearly all the month back at the bush cutting wood, taking Leme to school in the morning. Don came back after dinner with the team and we brought a load of wood at home each night. Drawing out manure and odd jobs on Saturday. February started cold, but some {beame?} milder thawing so much about the middle of the month that it spoiled our good sleighing. Attended Annual Fire Assurance Metting in Gald and Edith and the boys visited at Duncan Millers. And on the 13th went to Will Millers for dinner and to Uncle Andrews for tea. March came in very nicely, with a fall of snow which made a few days sleighing again, in the evening of {Marchend?}. Edith + I took a sleigh load and went to a shower at Mr + Mrs A.E. Lemmingtom for Alice Lynns. Spend the first weel in Mar. cleaning {papering?} and painting the setting room

Mar 5th Spend the evening with Mr + Mrs Allan Perley

- 10 - Tapped the maple trees at the bush (about 55) and started to trim the apple tress


Tuesday, May 28



April 1st. {Gerim?} Shepard went home after working for us all winter

2nd Henry WIlliamson came out for the Easter holidays and Best came out for a load of wood

- 5th A very wet day. Husked corn in the afternoon, the Rawleighman came

- 6 - Went to Brantford taking the car from Paris. Don came up with me

- 7 Milton Lee came out and the boys went back to the bush to gather the sap

- 9 - Sowed 1 1/2 bus of Red Clover Seed on back 14 acre field.

- 18 - Finished drawing in corn stalks from the field

- 20 - Went to the bush and brought home the sap pails after having made about 6 gals of syrup

- 21 {Mik? illegible} came to work for 8 mos

- 23 Started to roll meadows and to cultivate

25 Took the car to town for the first time. Edith went to {illegible}

- 28 - Grandmaa Lee died after a lingering sickness of two mos or more

- 28 - Finished sowing oats in north hill field

- 30 - Went to Grandma Lee's Funeral, a wet cold day.

May 2nd Finished sowing mixed grain in south east corner field

- 4 - Went to Brantford and Echo place with the car


Mar 12th {illegible} was held here, a very nice day

- 18th Went to a House-warming for Will + Alice McCloud. it was a very pleasant evening but turned very wet

- 29 - Finished sawing wood. a fine big pile,

- 25 - Sawred {Hastings?} wood in the afternoon.

- 27 - Went to the bush to gather the sap-pails after a splendid {run?} having made over 10 gals of {lye}


Sunday, May 31


Cash Account

Sunday, July 19

1914 Brought Forward

May 23nd. Sold 2 yearling & 2, 2 yr old heifers (3060 lbs) 215.11
... Meat 25c Fish 25c Groceries 66c {?} 25c 1.41
8 dy eggs @ 20c 1.60 setting of eggs 1.85
Bert $50.00 nickie $12.00 10 yds metting 50c lump block 23 62.55
750 lbs of oat chops @ $150 $11.25 28 bags of grain chop 48c 11.73
Paid Dr. Frasken vetrinary Bill 3.50
Weighing cattle 20c. Co 15c {campher bulle?}5c .40
25th 1 1/2 bus wheat 1.30 2 bus apples $1.00 to W.Gibson 2.30
.. 2 qts cream 50c milk 25c apple 15c .92
26th Mother $5.00 1 granite source pen 15c 1 coffee pot 15.9 fruit 35c 5.65
.. 1 box biscuit etc 25c {?} & biscuits 25c car face 15c .65
.. 29.. 4 qts milk 20c 2 doz eggs 40c milk 15c
Paid Mr. Foreshaw for splitting wood 3 dys 3.00
.. 30 .. Bulk cheque for Apr. -- 42.28
Paid R. Hierex for eavtroughing (south of house) 6.30
Blacksmithing 70c sprayer rep 30c groceries 1.40 2.40
1 cut midd $1.30 milk $3.35 wire 20c {hear?} cut 15c 5.00
Lumber for driving shed door @ 40c per m 3.75
1 pr door hangers 75c 160 for back $1.00 7.75
W Sase for feed etc. $1.90 fish 10c 1 shoe sett 40c 2.40
.. 31st church sesh 2.00 missing 50c no 15c 2.65
June 1st Harold Jarvis concert 35c groceries 25c postage etc 15c 75
.. Tomato plants etc 45c 2 settings of eggs 50c 92
.. 3rd. Rec from A.B.Cornwell in horse-board $6.00 milk 25c 6.25

Monday, July 20

June 4th Sold to W.C. Coates, Paris 2 bags seed potatoes @ $1.00 $2.00
.. .. Bought 2 bags O. chop $1.60 3 bags corn chop $8.25 $9.85
.. .. 1 pr. overalls 1.00. 2 agd. table oil-cloth 20 groceries 1.20 2.90
.. .. Sold 12 2/3 dz eggs & 20c $2.30 2 qts milk 10c 2.62
.. .. paints & oil $1.15 stamps 15c co 25c stamps 10c 1.60
.. 8th 9 dz eggs @ 20c & 1.80 milk 20c 2 dz eggs 30c milk 20c 2.60
.. 10 .. Sold 11 hogs weighing 2130lbs @ $7.70 per cut 164.07
.. .. 30 rods 8 wire fence @ 29c $8.70 15lbs greystone T. seed 40c 9.10
.. .. 10 bags of oats chop @ $1.50 per cut 11.15
.. .. groceries 45c milk powder 65c {?} R. 25c fish 25c 1.20
.. 11 .. Paid Mrs M.B. Gullen on legacy 150.00
S.G. Reed rent of pasture on Cunningham farm. 15.00
.. .. 200 S.S. Convention Programes - 4.50
.. .. Fruit 90c meat 30c toll 10c Butter $1.30 2.68
.. 13 .. 2 dz eggs 40c 3 dz eggs 60c 1.00
.. .. Mike $3.00 Dave Currie for herding cows 1 week $1.50 45
.. .. Bread 15c Fish 40c meat 45c 3gal coal oil 54c 1.54
16 Creamery cheque for may 35
.. .. 3 dz eggs 60 2 chickens 50c 1 dz eggs 20c milk 15c 1.45
.. .. Co 60c postage 10c co 15c Tom 75c groceries 25c 1.85
19 mike $5.00 {stain?} shod (2 new shoes) 70c 1 cut salt 45c 6.15
.. 22 5 dz eggs @ 20c $1.00 1 bus {O. 8. C.NON?} Oils R. Stayler 3.00
.. .. 1100 lbs of Oat chop @ $1.50 16.50
1 can buggy paint 60c 1 pail lard 20 lb & 16 1/2c $3.50 3.90

Tuesday, July 21

June 25th. Paid Mr Foreshaw for hoeing mangels etc. 5.00
.. .. Bert Williamson for fixing loose etc 5.00
.. 26 .. Rec from J. McDonald ox saw 1.00
.. .. milk 10c 4 dz eggs @ 20c ^80c .90
.. .. Rec from Bram Reid on saw 1.00
.. 27 .. mike $1.00 church sal 1.00 Miss 50c Phone etc 20c 2.70
.. 29 .. Bought of C.K. Morrow 1 buggy, harness & blanket 8.00
.. 30 .. Picnic ex purse 1 dz {bannas?}, 1ic creamette .85c
July 1st Sold 5 dz egg @ 30c $1.00 milk 15c 1.15
.. .. Fish 28c bread 20c {water?} 5c Mrs Roger $2.00 groceries 25c 2.75
.. 4th Sold 2 hens 8 1/2 lbs $1.25 milk 85c 1.60
.. .. Paid Davie Currie $1.50 Co 15c 1.65
.. 6 .. 1 bag of potatoes from Dalzells 1.25
.. .. 1 dz eggs 20c milk 20c 1 dz eggs 25c .65
.. 8 .. Paid mike $10.50 Mrs Roger $1.00 meat 10c bread 10c 11.70
.. 10 .. milk 20c milk 10c 1 dz eggs 15c 55
.. 11 .. Paid Davie $1.50 1 Gall 10c grain 5c oranges etc 30c 1.95
.. 14 .. Laundry 12c mending rubber tissue 5c fish 50c buns 35c 1.02
.. 15 .. milk & Cream cheque for june $52.23
.. 16 .. meat 80c bread 40c 1 1/2 bus seed potatoes from Angus 1.00 1.80
.. .. Rec from Mrs Cornwell for strawberries 2.00
.. .. Sold 1 basket sour cherries 50c 1 bus sweet cherries 75c 1.25
.. 18 .. 1 dz eggs 25c milk 15c 5c .35
.. .. Grocery bill W. {Saes?} 8.70 horse shoeing $1.00 9.70
2 cut midd $2.70 oatmeal 25c scythe stone 10c {onp?} 5c 3.10

Wednesday, July 22

July 18th. Rec from Will Forbes on sow 1.00
Hair cut 15c groceries etc $1.15 1.30
.. 19 .. church sub $1.00 miss 25c co 15c bread etc 40c 1.80
20 .. Paid man from Lake for 4 1/2 dys work @ $1.30 8.10
.. 21 .. Linseed 25c salts 5c sev. range 25c telephone bill $4.39 postage 11c 2.05
.. .. To Mr Corral railway fare for Mr & Mrs Lewis 3.00
Sold 3 loads of hay to Wolfe Bros @ $10.00 30.00
.. 1 .. to Ontario Portland Cement Co. 10.00
.. .. Paid for Jean for Nellie 2.00
.. 24 .. milk 40c 1 dz eggs 25c milk 10c 75c
.. .. Sugar $1.00 bread 50c Bert for mike Roger $2.40 bal. $1.40 4.10
.. 27 .. Paid M.B Gullen on legacy 15.00
.. 28 .. Paid Mr Foreshaw for 7 1/2 days hoeing $7.50 Bread 30c 8.00
.. 30 .. 1 film pack 75c fish 45c meat 50c 2 pr leather soles 40c 2.10
.. 31 .. 1 pr working shirts $1.25 1 pr under shirts 70c pencils 10c 2.05
.. .. 1 dz jars 90c 1 pail lard 20 lbs $3.50 groceries 70c 4.90
.. .. 1 pr leather gloves 50c whip lash 10c 1 book (col hymes) 35c .95c
.. .. Paid Mrs Johnson on butter Acc. $2.00
August. Rec. from A.B. Cornwell 3 acres rent to nov. 1st 20.00
.. .. 1 spring chicken 35c milk 15c
.. 3rd Paid mother $10.00 butter $1.75 bread 25c co 15c toll 10c 12.25
.. 5th Fish 35c meat 35c bread 50c 2 {Holrusk?} 20c postage 10c 1.50
.. 7 .. Roast $2.05 oatmeal 25c cheese 40c 2.70
.. .. Rec. from N. Sayles on sow $1.00

Thursday, July 23

July 8th Paid Davie $3.00 Mr Lewis $2.00 {horoyes?} rep. 10c $5.10
Aug .. Horse shoeing 30c 1 kettle 20c mirrirs 30c chopping 24c 1.04
.. .. 1 lb of tea 50c co 10c fish 28c .68
.. 13 .. 1 bale of hay to Pitts 125 lbs 10
.. .. 6 bus of wheat to A.B. Cornwell @ $1.00 6.00
.. .. 11 bags grain chopped 66c 1 can haddie 15c .81
.. 13 To Brantford Carriage works for repairing buggy wheels 2 new tires, part new rim & setting tires $5.65
.. 14 Paid Mr Foreshaw for 3 days hoeing 3.00
.. .. plow shares $1.05 wire nails 10c bread 20c 1.35
.. .. 2 qts milk 10c
.. 15 Davie 75c 1 dz bananas 20c steak 30c co 15c 1.40
.. 18 Sold 7 bales of hay to E. Pitts 865 lbs @ $14.00 6.05
.. .. 9 bags chopping 55c kettle rep 30c groceries 60c 1.45
.. .. 2 gang plow share 50c 1 pick handle 20c .70
.. .. 1 pack promo films 75c bread 10c fish 20c 1.05
.. 19 1 cut sugar of 7. P. Pallin $4.85 groceries 55c 5.40
.. .. Milk cheque for july 34.77
.. .. rec from council cheque (1 1/2 loads nails for engine) 4.50
.. 21 11 lots of milk 55c 1 dz eggs 25c milk 5c .85
.. 22 Old buggy wheels rep. tires sett 2.00. spokes & 1/2 rim $1.75 3.75
.. .. Horse shod 50c groceries 35c 100 lbs salt 50c 1.35
.. .. Developing 2 packs of films 50c printing 10c .60
.. .. water sett 1.50 (?) meat 70c envelope & postage 10c 2.35

205 Friday, July 24

Aug 22nd Matt $10.00 mother $5.00 {illegible}etc. 25¢ 15.25
24th Sold 3 doz eggs @25¢ 50¢ $5
Bread 10¢ Cool aid 62¢ meat {30?} Fish 28¢ 1.30
29 50 lbs of Flour $165 chopping 30¢ buggy whip 20¢ 2.15
1{illegible} oil 10¢ bananas 10¢ meat 30¢ laundry 16¢ 66¢
30 Church sub 1.00 Miss. 50¢ Co. 15¢ 1.65
31 Paris Plains G.P. 75¢ bread 15¢ 90
4 doz eggs @25¢ $1.00 1{illegible} milk 15¢e 15
Sept 3 Meat 30¢ fish 53¢ bread 10¢ {illegible} Show 10¢ 1.03
{illegible} from A.B.C. milk $1.00 2 hens $1.00¢ bulbs etc 30¢ 2.30
5 Paid Mrs R.Gallen on Legacy 5.00
6 yds of Curtains @15¢ 90 ¢ 1 towell 15¢ meat 30¢ 1.35
groceries 90¢ biscuits 20¢ 1 wood drill 10 ¢ conf. 10¢ {illegible} 10¢ 1.40
7 3 doz eggs @25¢ 75¢ milk 5¢ 80
8 12 bags of grain chopped 72¢ groceries $1.65 drug goods 35.4 2.72
Sold {illegible} Bowser 5 {illegible} wheat @$1.10 (Pd. Wet 24th.) 5.50
Bread 10¢ 2 bridle bits 25¢ shoes rep 50¢ postage 14¢ 10¢ 1.09.
Sent to S.S. {illegible} Toronto $2.00 2.00
Fish 45¢ meant 35¢ stamps 10¢ bread 10¢ 1.00...
12 Sold to W. Bowser 1 chicken 50¢
15 Co. 25¢ Fish 30¢ bread 20¢ groceries 30¢ chopping etc 90¢ 1.95
17 Buggy shafts rep 80¢ groceries nails 25¢ {illegible} 25¢ 2.25
Creamery cheque for Aug 15.96
18 5 Chickens @50¢ each $2.50 apples 35¢ milk 5¢ 2.90

206 Saturday, July 25

Sept 18th Paid Mrs Johnson for Butter 2.00
{illegible J. Aikin for {illegible} Fund 50
19 {illegible} $1.00 rods for cellar 40¢ groceries etc. 40¢ 2.40
{illegible} 9¢ box {illegible} rings 9¢ 2 gang plow {shares?} 20¢ 38
1 doz eggs 25¢ 1 {illegible} milk 5¢ 30
Matt Lewis $5.00 W.Sass on Grocery bill 5.00
Sweet corn 25¢ basket of plums 35¢ 60
24 Co. 10¢ chopping 25¢ {illegible} day 10¢ postage etc 10¢ {illegible} .55
26 corn 15¢ milk 20¢ 1 chicken 50¢ milk {19?} 1.05
Oct 1st. 1 hog weighing 230lbs @$8.40 per {illegible} 19.32
550 lbs of wheat @$1.05 per bus 9.62
Sold {illegible} 6 chickens. 5.00
Plow shares etc 90¢ chopping 60¢ weighing hog 10¢ 1.60
Paid Massy {illegible} of on {illegible} 22.00
Groceries 2.75 meat 25¢ 2 balls of twine $1.30 maps etc 25¢ 4.65
2nd {illegible} show 25¢ {sundries?} 25¢ pencils 10¢ bread 20¢ 0.80
1 chicken 50¢ apples 30¢ milk 20¢ 3 doz eggs 80¢ 1.80
Matt $5.00 stamps 10¢ 1 half dozen salt dishes (for J.C) $1.25 6.35
4th Church sub 1.00 Miss 50¢ Co. 45¢ {illegible} P. cards. 5¢ 2.00
5 Rec. Lor 2 loads of hay to D.P. Cement co 25.00
2 chickens $1.00 2 doz eggs 50¢ apples 10¢ 1.60
major shad 1.75 1 basket grapes 20¢ oranges + bananas 20¢ 1.15
1 war atlas 25¢ 1 milk {illegible} 15¢ c. buttons 5¢ bulbs 30¢ sewing {illegible} .90
Sugar 50¢ 1 box cedar 50¢ 1 purse 15¢ bread 10¢ .70

Sunday July 26 207


Oct 8th Rec. from Paris Agr. Society for 2nd prize in standing

field competition of oats No. 72


2, 1st Prizes on flowers $1.50 1 3rd on oats $2.00


Paid E. Pitts, bill for C. Boots and chopping


Telephone bill $4.03, for overalls $1.00 Laundry 16¢


1 axe & handle $1.25 groceries etc $2.25 meat $2.10


harness rep 50¢ 2 hame straps 40¢ bulbs 50¢ pencils etc 10¢


2 anchor posts (cedar) $1.50 bread 10¢ fish 40¢


11. Paid Mr. Foreshaw for splitting wood 2 days


12. Fish 45¢ bread 15¢ postage 12¢ butter $2.10


1 doz. Eggs 30¢ two baskets of apples 30¢ milk 5¢ apples 10¢


15. 60¢ 1 chicken 40¢ milk 10¢ apples 50¢


Creamery cheque for Sept.


Horseshoeing etc 90¢ 1 pr of working shoes $3.00 postage 10¢


Groceries 25¢ Hair cut 35¢ 2 lap rugd roller) $2.50


16. Paid Mrs. M. B. S interest $19.00 Matt $10.00


17. Matt $1.00 Mrs. R.G $5.00 P. Orders etc 10¢ Fish 60¢ meat 30¢


19. Chopping 78&cent & 1pack films developed 20¢ sweet nitre 10¢


Stove pipes $1.25 Harness rep. 5¢ bread 10¢ bread 15¢


Snap-shots developed at App’s 30 pictures


Groceries $1.90 Meat 85¢ Harness rep $1.65 fish 45¢


1 roll of barbed wire 104 lbs @ 3-4 ¢? Pd Nov 17th


29. Sold 6 hogs (1150 lbs) @ 7c/


Paid Mr. Wait for 100 lbs Binder twine @ 129


Meat 50¢ 1 curry comb 15¢ Odd F. wreath 25&cent 1 plow handle 45¢



{illegible}23rd. Co 15.4 {illegible}$2.00 Fire Insurance 7.16 {illegible} Laundry 9.54


210 Wednesday, July 29


Dec 18 Sold bus of apples {number} 3 baskets apples 60¢ 1.10
20 Church sub $2.00 miss 25¢ {illegible} 5¢ postage 10¢ 2.40
21st Sold, bag potatoes 60¢, bag of apples 75¢ 155
Xmas presents X 25 ct bells etc 20 cts biscuits 25c/ candy etc 30c/ 1.00
23rd Paid on Life Insurance to T.S. Moffat 25.00
Groceries 78 c postage 12 c/ Mr a& Mrs Young to Paris 1.65 c/ Horse Stabling 20 c/ 2.75 1.50
24th Matt. 4.00 H.H.on Int. $60.00 1 pack films 75 c/ car fare 10 c/ 64.85
25th Ticket to Woodstock 50 c/ 1 book poems 30 c/ cards & postage 15 c/ 1.05
Z.Book 15 c/ pencil 10 c/ meat 45 c/ M.S. 25 c/ Co 10 c/ 1.05
30 Bible Soc 30 c/ 15 bags grain chopped 90 c/ oyster shell 25 c/ 1.65
Salt 25 c S. Petre 10 c/sugar 10 c/ 3 gal coal oil 50 c/ .95
Rec from Angus horse board to Dec. 1st 10.00
Firewood $10.00 2 barrles of apples $2.50 12.50
31 Xmas Present from A.B.C $5.00 1 bag potatoes 2 ducks $1.25 6.25
M.B.G. on Sega 5.00 Xmas $1.00 groceries 80 c/ Mother 1 duck 30 c/ 7.30
Writing paper etc 25 c/ tie 15 c/ evergreens 10 c/ Co. 20 c/ .70
Meat 45 c/ candy 35 c/


Monday, August 3


Saturday, August 29

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Apr 14th. Carth



Sunday, August 30

på mente at word richhing (@so? Firchibald, 3 maals


J. M


tof Sugar Harry heading cows 4 dyja daitlash 4.45

July 17. 300 Cash for board Mtoto Dick Willetts & weeks 17. d

12 19.

for board Threshere 55 meals & 30%. 7.00 Dick 19 dys 6.30. hur Johreson

Sept 14

عام . der, Jay & nach den Hbrashaw 3. H. Camning /im 1230 for Board 5 werke 20 ur nching act the 17.30 28 meals Side Filling @ 304

Wet 14

Wages Fer 1917

Monday August 31

Tuesday September 1

Wednesday September 2

Thursday September 3

Friday September 4

Saturday September 5


Sunday, September 6


Jan 1st. Cash on Hand $70.00

.. 2nd. Paid Rolt Lowe balance of thresshing {aod?}. 10.00

.. .. Mr Evans on wallpaper $5.00 Earl $2.00

. . Dry goods 92¢ Hardware 29¢ Oranges etc 55 stamps 50¢ 2.26

. . Sold 2 doz fresh eggs @ 50¢ 1.00

- 3 Re c. from J. Wolfe for milk to date 20gte @ 6¢ 1.20 . 1 bread ticket $1.60 2 loaves 14¢

.. 6 1qts point. 80¢ mangoes & fan etc 80¢ Earle 90¢

. 8 1 doz pictures on Post cards (Electric Studio Brantford)$1.30 Co50¢ 1.80

. .. Q roll electric tape 30¢ stockings 55¢ Street car 25¢ {illegible} 10¢ 1.20

. 12th 4 doz eggs @ 50¢ $2.00 1 1/2 doz @ 50¢ 75¢

. .. Chopping 30¢ Hosteculture Sec. $2.00 25 lbs {illegible} $1.25 Maud chad. 80¢ 4.35

. . Balance on Wallpaper $2.09 {illegible} paint 25¢ {illegible} 75¢ Sandpaper 10¢ graining color 25¢ 3.94

. . 1 gol oil 1.00 3 lbs white-lead 40¢ turpestine 20¢ mica 15¢ 1.75 .

. 1 strainer pail 60¢ Buttes bowl & laddle $1.45 C. fums 10¢ 1 for rubbers $1.00 3.15

. . 1 box Sanprise soap 4.50 groceries $5.00 Drugs 2.20 Dry goods 1.35 13.05

. 14 Postage 60¢ Co. 10¢ Bread ticket $1.60

.. 15 . Creamery Checque for Dec. 241 lbs of cream Dest26 @ 47¢ 29.42

. . Rec. from J. Wolfe for 24 {gts}of milk @ 6¢ 1.44

.. 18 .. .. Mr Moore .. .. .. .. 1.44

. . Bought 1 ton of bran @ $33.00 33.00

. 22 1 pkt Micerises 5 lbs 50¢. 1/2 doz lemons 18¢ Co 15¢ .83

. .. Rec. Mrs Bowser for milk to Jan 15th. 3.81

.. 24th 7 doz eggs @ 50¢ 3.50

. . Chopping 60¢ Stopper rep 10¢ groceries $1.80 80¢ Earl 1.00 3.50

Monday September 7

Tuesday September 8

Wednesday September 9

Thursday September 10

Friday September 11

Saturday September 12


Sunday, September 13


May 2nd Sold R. Mr Donald 10 {illegible}. Alaska Dots 10.00 Bought 10 1/2 {illegible} of Oats for food @85¢ 9.95 Chopping $1.33 2 milk + 14¢ 2lbs figs 16¢ {name?} Birthday 1.00 2.65 Horseshoeing + Roller up $1.75 Bolts 30¢ 2.05 1 sett of hen harrows from Q. Rosebrugh 16.60

3rd Bought Hatson Mr. Pheren 3 setting of eggs {illegible} 1.20

5th 18 2 dozen eggs @32¢ 5.82 Groceries $3.86 Heath Salts 16¢ Elastic 26¢ 4.28 Hay for M.Spreader wheel 25¢ Weighing cattle 25¢ 50

10 Paid Mr Collins for 3 cows 3.00

12 Sold to Jas. Wallace 1 cow 11.40 @6 1/2 ¢ {illegible} 2 {illegible} 248 @11 1/2 $285.20 2 {illegible} 1790 @10 3/4 $192.40 477.60 Bought of Watson Ms Pherson 4 settings of eggs 40¢ 1.60

14 Groceries 1.30 Brace wire 40¢ seeds 5¢ L. Chiming etc 2.50

15 Sold 11 1/2 doz eggs @38¢ 4.37 Dry Goods 84¢ 2 {illegible} cartridges $1.80 1 knife 70¢ 3.33 Oranges 30¢ conf. etc 40¢ toll 35¢ 1 box biscuits 7lb @13¢ 91¢ 1.96 1 lbs buscuits 2.00 Paid mother {illegible} for year. $65.00 67.00 bread $2.80 Co. 35¢ {illegible} 25¢ Groc. 30¢ dishes etc. 40¢ 3.40 Sold M.B. Guller 2 1/2 {illegible} potatoes $4.00 1 doz eggs 35¢

16th 4 yds of {illegible} wire @23¢ 1.15

21 Church Sub. $2.00 {misc?} $1.00 Bread 96¢ Co. 25¢ 4.31

22 {Rup's?} for spreader $1.55 Hore Shoeing 40¢ 4 plow shores $1.30 3.75

23 Oranges etc. 60¢ 3 lbs mangel seed 90¢ hair cut 20¢ 1.70

Monday, September 14

May 23rd {illegible} cheque for Apr. 417 lbs cream ^Just 25% @44c¢ $45.84 Plain {illegible} were 40¢ mails 25c I {illegible} of sugar 8.00 8.65

24 8 doz eggs @40¢ $3.20 12 1/2 doz @40¢ 8.20 Bought of W.F. {illegible} 4 {illegible} 40¢ 2 box pansies 25¢ 65

28 Paid Earl $10.00 Co 15¢

29 Groceries $4.21 Drug Store 75¢ Stamps + {illegible} 13¢ 5.24 Granite kettle 75¢ lid 10¢. Robt Rose brough for 0.85 3 bus of Seed Corn (2 bus Golden Flows 1 box {illegible} $7) $2.40 7.20

June 1st. 30 rods of 8 wire fence @48¢ from H.Watson 14.40

8th Wire {illegible} 10¢ whip 50¢ Groceries $2.92 Dry Goods 3.43 6.95 13 1/3 doz eggs @36¢. 4.86

15th {illegible}. Co 40¢ Ladies Aid $1.20 Bread 40¢ Chopping 14¢ 1.94

18 Creamery Cheque for May $39 lbs cream %25 = $9.7@{illegible}¢ 38.57

20 Bought of E. Pitts crushed oats @$2.70 per curt 44.20 1 curt of bran $2.00 3 curt of meddlinge $6.50 I curt of Cotton seed $2.25 10.75 I bus of Buck wheat $1.70 5lbs hew {illegible} Turnip Reed 4.70 30 rds 8 wire fencing @52¢ $15.60 staples 25¢ {illegible} wire 40¢ 16.25 1 long H. {illegible} $1.00 2 shirts $2.00 {illegible} Rep 10¢ ban 30¢ 3.40 Maude shod $1.00 {illegible} 30¢ stamps 10¢ 1.60

22 12 doz eggs @35¢ 3lbs of lord @30¢ 3.96 3 gts of ice Cream 41.05 Groceries etc 5.05 6.10

25 Bread 22¢ 55. Car Fare to Brantford 60¢ co 15¢ Sand 3¢ 1.00


Tuesday, September 15


June 27th Earl $10,000 28th Bought of {illegible}. Wolfe 1 cow $95.00 105.00 2 doz. eggs @33c

29 1 doz cultivator points $2.30 10lbs Sweet Clover 2.00 4.30 1 doz bannas 30c Icw Cream etc 75c 1.15

July 3rd 1/2 large box of cornflakes (18 boxes) 1.68 conf 18c 1.85

4 1 bus of wheat 2.50

5th Conf. 20c mitten 35c Co. 25c Bread $1.70 2.50

10 Lodge dues. $5.54 bapps 30c 2 hack saw blades 20c 6.04 Democrat wheels rep $1.50 wagon rep 25c harness rep 10c 1.85 ban 18c 1/2 bus lime 20c meat 85c Bread 52 1.85

12 Sold 1 sow 420 lbs @13c Telephone $3.75 Groceries $1.55 {illegible} points shepaerd 90c 6.20 63 lbs crushed oats @$2.70 $17.00 2 cut midd @$2.20 $4.40 $1.40 1 combination pipe wrench $1.75 1 hand axe 75c 1 axe handle 25c 2.85 c. rivets 10c 1 oil can 10c whiffle tree is one + bolts 40c weighing pigs 10c 0.70 2 lbs of Paris Green@75c 1.50 Earl $10.00 Co 11.70

17 Sold 5 doz eggs at 35c 2.80 15 doxs strawberries $2.00 conf. 25c meat 40c 2.65 2 door hangers 75c {illegible} knife rep + sharpened 75c 1.50 mover reps 45c 6 {illegible} from Earl 24c

25th Earl $30.00 Salt 65c 1 pitch fork 75c 1 axe handle 30c 31.70 mower reps 15c Oil 38c file 30c C0. 35c Bread 66c Creamery cheque for June $43.96

27 Meat 88c Bread 30c Groceries 6.61 Dry Goods $3.01 9.92

Dec 2nd Paid J. Fink for service of Red {Heifer?} 2.00 .
- 4th. {Bread?} 62 weighing cattle .
- 5 - Sold to J.D. Smith Glen {Mo?}. 73 {bags?} + 10 lbs @2.5.{illegible} 14 {bags?} @ 30{%?}. 211 {illegible} @ 40 {%?} 167.98
- 6 - Sent to U.F.O Toronto 2 Baby Beefs 1700 @ 13 1/7 7 225.25
. To. Jas. Wallace 1 cow 960 lbs @ 6 1/2 4 62.40
- 7 Church Sub $1.00 Mise $5.00 C 15% Expense $11.55 Com {illegible 20.58
- 8 - 1 ps of {Rershnes?} $2.25 {illegible} 72 1 cooling for Jim Spades 4.42
- Grocereis 637 {illegible} up 25 Drawing 3.59 {illegible} 304 7.27
- 2 shares for Gang plow $1.40 Mean 409 Dry Goods $5.53 5.33
- Sold to D. Forbes 2 bags of potatoes @ $2.00. 4.00
- Paid Dan on wages $4.00 (potatoes). 2 lbs Sulphur + Sall Pete $.9 4.50
-11 Sold to C. Durham (at Cunninghams sale) Maude 28.50
- Bought of H. Cunningha, 1 B. Litter Carries + 1lb of ft {illegible} 51.00
-12 70 lbs of Oyster shell 1.00. 1 iron wedge $1.40 4 gals {illegible} 148 4.28
- Sold 10 geese to L.H.Baines + Son Galt 30.50
16- Xo. 14.4 Raid a. Hartley for pasture of Green + colts for summer 12.00
18- Paid {hosth?} American Life {illegible} $68.05. $31.90 23.65 123.60
- Car fore 404 Coryl 95.9 Eoolworths $1.50 2.25 {Sundaw?} 604 6.00
19- Creamery Cheque for Nov 195 lbs cream %20 @ 66 25.74
- 12 lbs of butten @ 64 9 $ 7.69 1 cap $2.00 Grocerice 1.13 10.81
- Dan $10.00 Grocerice $5.00 Hardware 63.4 Drugs 24.9 16.70
20 Dry Goods $6.60 Conf. 479 Dr. Dunton {restingall?} 5.50 12.57
- Brought of Cunningham + C. I Sink 18x36 16.25 16.25
- Bracket + pipe $1.65 + {illegible}(Victor) 40.4 Blacksmiths 2.75


Dec 22nd Sold 2 {bble?} of {illegible} to Torato 11.00
- Roly Bone 55.9 pile .5.0 {Hopecut foge?} 20.9 1.15
- Col 35.4 Bread $5.9 {illegible} 1.70
23- Solf Mrs M. Shwart 1 bag of potatoes 2.35
- {Corf?} {cube?} $1.43 {illegible} $1.20 glove 1.50 4.78
- Hoolunths $1.80 Bread $9 Northern {illegible} 4.06
- 27 4 gals {illegible} 924 {illegible} 604 Book {Gerat?} 1.54
- Groceries $5.04 Bread 33.4 Post{ease?} 3 {illegible}309 1.43
29 Sold {illegible} hog 169 {illegible} @22cN 32.8
- Church sold $5.00 {illegible} $1.80 {illegible} 6.75
31 D.R. Forbes but of {wayes?} 120.00
Orders for Sold Potatoes
Will Miller 10 bags
Fred Luch 4 -
Uncle Adam 2 -
Will Robiam 6 -
Mr Mealing 1 -


Jan 6th 1 b ble of Cane Mols {mollasons} for feed 19.00
- 2 {cert} of Bran $5.20 Jean shed 3.30 1 roll 2 poly{illegible} $3.00 11.50
- Groceries $4.28. Bread 394, 4 gals of cool out 9.24 5.69
- Sick Childrens Hospital $1.00 {protage 10 sep illegible} hoey 504 1.44
- 1 1/4 dry eggs @ 459 944 roast of port 5 1/2 lbs $1.25 2.19
9 1 bag of potatoes to D. Forbes 2.75
12 Sold to Taylor + Walls 5 1 bus of turnips @ 4:04 25.50
- 3 gals of gasoline $1.20 {illegible} Oysters {illegible} 304 1 hacksaw blade 149 2.10
14 Bread {illegible{ 349. Co. 259 Roy Collins for 3 cowd $1.50 $4.50 5.09
15 Brest. 269 20 lbs of Flax seex @159 $3.70
- 63 bus 22 lbs corm @$1.72 109.03
16 10 cwt of Shorts $53.00 per ton 26.50
- 188 lbs of cream %24({illegible}) @719 per lb 2797
- 4 - of butter @6.88 2.72
17 - Paid Rebbie for helping $2.80 Bread 269
21 - 2 pts of Oysters $1.10 Conf 25.0 Bread 5.29 Telephone bill $4.28 6.15
- 1 dry eggs 709 2 dry eggs @ 70 1.40 2.10
. 4 bags of potatoes to O.H.Malla @ $9.00 12.00
29 Creamers Cheque for Dec 188 lb cream {illegible} 21 @ 71 27.97
- 2 1/2 dry eggs {illegible} $1.75 1 bus wheat to Ms Moore $2.00 3.75
- 4 gals Bal oil $1.08 nails 509 Globe for Flight 259 {illegible} handle 600 2.43
- Sub to Globe 6 {illegible} $2.00 Star Transcript $1.50 3.50
- Groceries 558 Salhpate 484 Car-fare 359 6.71
Feb 2nd 4 bangs of potatoes + 1 bus $13.75 1 bry eggs 704 14.40
- 1 1/2 bangs of apples @ $1.75 @2.12 baskit of apples @ 40 3.25
- 2 bags of produce 604 4 gals of cool out @299 1.75
- Mole of D. St Miune {illegible} of payment {illegible} 109.50 109.50
- On Church Sub 2.00 Miss 200 on 15-4 3.15 3.15
3rd Bob Mumbuship {illegible} $1.00 Edition {Format?} 2.00 2.00
4 - 20 bags of potatoes to Ryesom @ $3.75 per bag 7.50
- Groceries ate $1.10 Grandma Little $20.0 21.10
11 - Lodge Dues $6.72 Groeceries $1.01 Drugs 704 8.43
- 1 door latch 109 Co 25.4 Dominion Relief $10.00 10.25
12 Solf to T. Ryerson Brantford 20 bafs potatoes @ $3.75 82.
13 1 1/2 bus of wheat to Mr Lee. St. George 3.9
- Groceries ate 89e Bread 264 10.15
Bought of H. Cunningham 1 sett heavy bob {illegible} 25.00
19 - 400 lbs chestnut coal $2.60 Must 809 Glyersins 259 3.65
- 100 Oul cake 4.75 100 {illegible} 10.00 groceries 3.01 17.76
- 4 gals cool oil 1.12 gal {illegible} oil 509 t. {illegible} oil $59 2.17
- 2 bangs of potatoes to Ms Mr Javish 6.00 1 mus apple 2.7
- 4 dry eggs @7.59 $2.80 2 bus wheat to Mr Moore 4.00 6.8
- Hartley {illegible} 244 $3.00 Samps 504 4.50
21st Ms Lowe for Gander $4.25 H. Bookes for {illegible} 8.00 12.20
23 7 Loaves of Break 914 1 pkt absor beat {illegible} 35.9 1.26
24- Creamery Cheque from Jan 179 gals Cream %22 @12.4 lbs of batter 28.90
Jan 27th Sold to Taylor + Wells 149 1/2 bus of wheat @1.95. 287.77
- 2 1/2 dry eggs @709 $1.75 1 1/2 dg @ 6090 909 2.65
- 570 lbs of {chestnut?} $3.56 100 lbs of sugar $16.00 19.56
- {Griasmate?} 7.05 D.J.Watkins for 15 ft of back hang{illegible} 6.75
Mar 2nd {reeaired?} from Miss Greire for helping cut wood 1.00
9th Paid Dr Dunton acct in full 6.00
- - 4 {cert?} of oil {cake?} @$4.75 $19.00 4 fals gasoline @404 1.60 20.60
- Groceries $1.50 Drugs 504 Co 204 2.60
- Sube to Weekly {illegible} $2.00 Postage ete 109 2.10
- -2 dig of eggs @65.9 $1.30 Hardware 85.4 85 1.30
8 Brought from Farmers Club 5-sacks salt 190 lbs @1.40 7.00
12- Paid H. Cunningham for 17 1/2 days work 25.00
- Bought of H. Cunningham 10 bags @25.9 2.50
- 1 horse bruse 509 1 manure fork 759 1 sitt {illegible} 3.25
- {Balfour?} taking down Littes Carries ate 10.00
- Canadian Home Jornal 1.00 Co. 35.4 Bread $1.56 2.91 .
16 Co. 204 Groceries $2.15 1bul 204 Stampe $1.25 2.80
- Bought of Thomas Brittian 1 bus Red Cloves Seed 38.00
- Sold 5 doz eggs @509 2.50
17 Brought of Ed Lucas 1 Dusham Bull 1 1/2 yss 100.00
- {illegible} shed $1.50 1 / 2 dry {lemme?} 25.9 exam car up 304 Bead 404 2.45
- Hair cut 24.4 Sulphur + Salt {illegible} 504 Postends ote 604 1.35/td>
- Creamery Cheque for Fed 131 lbs Just 33 1/2 @709 20.16
- 4 lbs of butter @6.84 2.72


March 18th Sold to Mr Moore 2 bags of wheat @$2.00 9.00
20- Bread 3.99 Co 259 1 piece of solder 25.4 .89
-23rd 2 empty blls 309 {illegible} 509 bill for {illegible} 1.30
27 Hartley $5.00 {illegible} $5.00 {illegible} 12.25
- Rest {cords?} 1.59 Groceries $2.40 Dry Goods $5.75 8.80
- 8 doz eggs {illegible} $3.60
- Car fare 35.0 Drugs 609 Sundries 559 Bread 655 2.15
Apr 1st 15 1/2 doz eggs @4.59 $6.97 6.77
- 1 1/2 bus good apples {illegible} $3.37 bus {illegible} @1.50 1.2
- Groceries 2.85 Dry Goods 2.99 1 for fine shoes $8.00
- 4 gals {coal?} oil $1.16 castres 254 suede 254 Drugs 70
3rd Team Shed = new shoes $300 blacksmithing $1.00 1 frame up 409 4.40
- 3 subscriptions to {hatheson Masenges?} {illegible} 1.81
- Brought of Mrs Keis le 5 settings of eggs @ 50% 2.50
Co 409 Meat 1.38 Bread 2.02 3.80
6th Sols to Mr John Lee 2 bus of wheat @ $2.00 4.00
7- - 11 doz eggs @409 4.40 2 chickens $1.95 6.35
- Groceries $1.90 Bread 529 Coco-nut 159 Dry Goods $1.35 3.62
9-. 4 bus of Irish Cobbler potatoes to the {Patherford?} 12.0
- 3 1/2 dox eggs @ 4.9 $1.40
- Bought of Gen Wallces selling 2 {illegible} 5.00
- Garden {coats?} 554 Groceres 504 Dry Goods 209 {illegible} 209 1.55
- 1/2 bus sweet {illegivle} seed from . . Brittoin 11.00
Sols to D. Ribon 10 bus O.A.C {illegible} 15.00


April 10th Don + Jack $1.00 {Motton?} 254 Co 304
13- 7 settings of eggs (W. Wyon lohtes) from Mr Heesbis @ {illegible} 3.60
14- 3 loads of {olsaw?} from W. McPherson @$5.00 15.00
- Weighing cattle 354 cald Mr K. Stewart {illegible} $11.00 11.45
- Sold to Will Mieller 14 bags potatoes @ $4.25 59.50
- - 5 bus no 3 Oats to A. Hartley @ $1.50 7.50
- 1 bus seed corn $2.85 Drawing wood 31.9 3.20
11 Cheque for March 338 Mr Lexam %.72 @674 49.78
- 4 lbs of bottles @654 $2.60 {illegible} clip for {eulliator?} 604 3.40
- Bought 1 {illegible} = Rutherford 116 bus {illegible} Oats @ $1.30 143.28
- 16 doz eggs $439 Groceries $1.90 Meat $1.69 3.50 6.88
- Telephone $4.93 Dry Goods $3.75 Shoe rep $1.75 10.43
- Hartley cartridge 504. Jemes Garden tools 254 Garden Seeds 25.4 1.00
19 bought of D. McPherson 15 bus of Sud Barley 30.00
20 Sold {illegible} 2 cattle weighing 1740 lbs @11.9 191.00
20 .. . 5 . .. 48.60 . . 129 582.00
Selling Expenses @ 43 51/100 per 100 lbs 28.58 28.58
21 12 doz eggs @4.59 $5.16 2 dry eggs @43 689 6.02
- 1 ps of back shoes $4.50 1/2 bus of Gallons Sweet {illegible} 18.00
- 4 gals gasoline $1.68 4 gals {illegible} oil $1.16 wire nails 254 3.09
- Ban 259 Bread $1.00 Miss Thank offering $1.00 CO 359 3.30
- Church Sale $5.00 Miss $1.00 1 ps of {illegible{ $1.75 7.75
22 . Bread 829 resticks stomping powder $1.80 cape + {fence?} 354 3.97
Old-wire 549 bott lase 29 Lodge dues $6.72 7.54
Paid Farmers of Movement Sale 100.00


Apr 22nd Sold R. Robertson setting keys @1.50 each $4.50
26th Bread 449 Co 359 Church sub $5.00 Miss $1.00 6.79
Sols C. Coloniel 38 lbs of chop $3.50 1/2 bus onions $2.50 5.00
27 - 9 1/2 dry eggs @4.39 4.08
- 12 lbs sweet clover seed $5.40 Horse showing 504 5.90
- Groceries $5.26 1 ps dry 459 {illegible} $1.50 {illegible} 8.02
- Bread 5.29 {loaf?} {illegible} Blacksmithing for plows $2.00 3.02
30 - Sold to Mr Moore 2 bus Wheat @ $2.00 4.00
- A. Woolman s bus {illegible} Oats $1.30 10.40
- Mrs Wade {illegible} to house{oban?} Bread 624 1.62
May 1st Hartley $2.00 Bread 469 Ms Frasguhareme Peanut $1.25 3.71
3rd Bread 364 Co 359 Groceries $3.47 4.18
- Sold to W. E.Cooks 5 1/4 loafs of Seed Oats @1.25 $6.35
4- Drugs 2.60 {Mmk?} 25.9 E. tract $1.00 G. {Beetha?} 4.55
5 Paid Ms Reynolds $5.40 Bread 5.24 5.92
7- Groceries 659 4 gals coal oil 299 $1.16 Laundry 129 1.93
- Paid H.H.Hush {illegible} to date $120.00 Hartley {illegible} wages $30.00 150.00
- 1 cut of {illegible}cake $4.30 Mrs Reynolds $1.25 Bread 284 6.41
- 1 can of carriage carnish 55.9 rep for speeder 509 1.05
14 1 bag of seed potatoes $5.00 5 1/2 doz eggs @454 2.45 7.85
- 1 raincoat for Edith $21.50 Mother $5.00 Dr Heas $1.00
- G. Record $1.00 {illegible} 304 2 pks whale {illegible} $1.50 2.70
- Fish 754 Oranges 75.9 {illegible} 55 {Sugarives?} 45.4 Bread 1.50 2.70
- 1 box of cakes 2 lbs @349 {illegivle} $1.00 stalk {norm?} 159


May 17th Bought of R. Wright 1 load of Timothy hay $25.00
- . .. Gordon Gorde Grieson 1 horse {illegible} 30.00
18- Paid Mrs Reynolds 4 days work + washing 6.50
- 3 1/2 dry eggs from Mr Hisle for settings 1.75
20- 6 1/2 doz eggs @45c 2.92
- Bought of R. Murray 60 1/2 bus Oata @ $1.25 45.60
- Suit mended + cleaned at R. Murrays 2.50
- Meat 1.10 staples (wire) 25c paint {oil?} 90c 2 gals paint $3.40 5.65
- Groceries $4.04 Bread $4.01 Ediths dress $6.50 11.55
- 6 lbs mangel seed $3.50 But seed $4 conf 35x 3.80
- Creamery Cheque for April 285 lbs %23 @68c 49.54
- 12 lbs of butter @ 68.4 $4.92 May 22 Hartley 10.00 17.92
24- Church sub $2.00 Miss 25c Far at Sharp Reunion. 3.25
25 - Sold to Won Hebman 4 bags of seed potatoes 27.00
- Anniversary {Conest?} St. George $1.00 Co 10c 1.10
28 5 dry eggs @45.9 $2.25
- Groceries 2.05 Meat $1.00 Drugs $1.00 1 ps stockings 50 4.55
- 1 ps shoes (Ediths) $5.50 Jehna shool $1.40 5 {illegible} $1.20 8.20
Hardware $1.{illegible} Co. 25c Mrs Reynolds $3.00 {Maimie?} 25c 4.60
June 2nd/td> Bread 70c Hartley 20.00 1 1/2 bus seed {corn?} $1.65
4 gals gasoline $1.44 {cilinder?} oil 50c Co. 10c
4th 4 1/2 doz eggs @47c $2.11 2 doz @45c 90c 3.01
- Groceries $1.70 Meat 40 {Mangoes?} for budday $10.00 12.10
- 2 pkt {illegivle} $1.40 Dry Goods $3.77 Pont {illegible}


Donald R. Forbes started to work on April 20th 1918

May 18th Cash $1.00
25th 1.00
2 bags of potatoes @1.00
June 15th Cash 2.00
July 3rd 7.00
27th 5.00
Aug 10 $5.00 Telephone to Toronto 40c 5.40
Sec 23rd 10.00 Your text here...
Oct 5th 1.00 (10th) 1.00 19th to {illegible} 50c 2.50
28 - 6.00 6.00
Nov 25 15.00 15.00
Dec 10 2.00 2.00
21 5.00 5.00
Feb 1st 2.00 2.00
7 . 2.00 2.00
26 2.00 2.00
April 16th.
Balance .
6 mos @ $30 $180.00
2 @25 $50.00
Washing 5.00

Wednesday, October 28

May (Dan started to work April 29th at noon)
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Your text here... Your text here... Your text here...

Thursday, October 29


{April.?} Hartby {Johnen?} started to work for the summer. 8 monthe @ 3 am/{illegible} for 6 more and 20:00 for time.
.. 30 1/2 day helping h.B Johnen
May 7th 1/2 dy at Brantford 30.00
.. 2nd Cash -24 1/2 10.00
June 3rd June 26 1 1/2 Picnic 20.00
July 3rd 10.00
.. 12th 20.00
Aug 5- by cheque 1/2 dy helping H.Johnen 30.00
.. 28 25^8 1/2 dy 10.00
Sept 4- 2 dys @ Toronto. 30.00
.. 30 1 dy at Paris Frais 5.00
Oct 11 1 dy @{Rekton?} 25.00
.. 16 2 dy's @ milton. 1/2 dy sick. 2 dys sick.
Nov 15th 11.00
Nov 8th Cash in full 41.00

Friday, October 30


July 3rd
- -

- -

- -

- 10

- -

- 12

- 16

- -

- -

- 19

- -

- -

- -

- -

- 22.

- -

- -

- 28

- -

- -

- -

- -

12 dry. eggs @ 304 $6.00

25 lbs flour 2.10 Groceries 3.21. Horse shoe sitt 25.4

Paid h.B. Little 1/2 {yrslnt?}$13.75 emfore 35.4

Hartby $10.00. July 12th checque for $30.00

Groceries $3.68 Dry Goods $1.08 Meat 75.4 Bread 90

Dais shoes $1.98 Hardware. 12.0 {Aunt helin?} $2.00 emf.6.4 Laundry 1.2

Whip 35.4 steak for 35.4 Co.15.4

Hartby $20.00. 15th E.{Seas?} on {sont?} $1.00

Cream Cheque for June 268th %23 @58.4

13 lbs of butter @56.4 $7.28 Co 25.4

2 baskets of cherries $3.25

13 bus of 3 lbs Dats @ $1.50 per bus $19.65 {illegible} punch 70.4

Groceries $2.89. Bread 66.4 Telephone bill $5.08.

1 willow basket $2.50 huat $1.05 100l of machine oil

5 lbs shingle nails 50.0 st.car ticket 30.4 sundries $1.15

Mr {Buohanans?} soy $1.00 {name}'s birthday 25.4 lamp shade $1.50

10 lbs. oiled wire $80.4 / stable brown $1.35 wire nails 3.09

10 lbs shingle nails $1.00 2 knives Dm 76.4 Hartby $1.15

Dave Scott for cow $2.00 meat $1.10 hair cut 25.4

2 baskets of cherries to Bessie of Angus 2.00 Bread 1.40

Case of corn.flakes $4.50 Groceries $1.30 meat $1.25

1 {ancover?} pitman, binder pitman. 2 gaurdat bElts. $3.00

4 gals coal-oil 1.20 H.M.C.D $5.00 Dan Alliance $3.00

1 buggy wheel {sitt} $1.00 harness {sip?} $1.60 Bread $1.22

5 prebues for painting Miss Johnem $2.50 31.6 Bread 5.24


























Friday, November 6 1920

Dec 9th- Dec 9th Sold to {L?}. Hyndman 1 sow 460 lbs @ 9 c 41
- meat 55c weighing pig 18c carfare 35 c 1.00
- Xmas toys 75c bulbs 10c Sugar 50c 4 gals gas @ 45c 3.15
11- Groceries $216 Dry Goods $5.25 Record $1.25
- Drugs etc 25c {illegible} {illegible} 55c Stamps 50c Hardware 30
15- Creamery Checque for {hou?}. 275 lbs @ 58 {illegible} 36.6
- 9 lbs of butter @ 57c $5.13 4 cans of skim milk @ 25c {illegible} 6.13
- 3 bags + 1 {illegible} of potatoes @ $2.00 per bag. 7.40
- rep. to chopper 25c. Help to pick potatoes $4.00
- Grandma $2.00 Bread 65c Bread 48c 1 tie 75c 3.85
16- car fare 70c co 50 3 {illegible} {illegible} {illegible} 75 2-box 60c {illegible} 30c 2.85
17- 3 {bus?} of apples to Mr moose @1.00 3.{illegible}
20- cheque to h. {Amere?} can {illegible} Co. 123
21- Prince + {charter shod?} $3.90. 2 sacks of bran $2.00 chopping 60c 6.50
- 4 gals coal-oil $1.36 1 can of {cilinder?} oil {illegible} staples 50c Brace wire 50c 2.76
- 2 1/2 doz. eggs @ 75c $1.88 Groceries $3.20 Bread 26c 3.46 1.88
- 1 sack {illegible} 1 {illegible} 60c 1 pencil 15c {illegible} {40c?} conf. {5c?} meat 80c 3.00
19- Church {Suls?} $3.00 miss {illegible} w.m.soc. $2.00 co. 25c 7.25
23- Car fare to Tangford 70c {illegible} etc 10c postage express 30c 55c 1.65
28- Sold 11 geese to C. meggs @ $2.50 each {27.00?}
- Farmers Advocate {illegible} $3.00 Stamps etc. 60c 3.60
- 4 gals of gasoline $1.80 Groceries $1.10 {Aha L.?} $5.00 7. 90
- Xmas tree 75c Co. 10c conf 60c {illegible} for 4 {illegible} $2.50 chopping {65c?} 4.90
31- 3 bags of potatoes @ $2.{illegible}. {illegible} @ $1.00 7.00 grandma {illegible} for {illegible} {$2.00?} 2.00

Saturday, November 7 1921

Jan 1st Railway fare to {Wateslow?} $1.90 conf. 10c co. 10c {illegible} 3.10
{3rd?} Bread {illegible} 20 lbs of oatmeal $1.10 1 {loup?} {shade?} $1.50 {2.13?}
8th 8 doz. eggs @ {illegible} {6.40?}
- Groceries $2.95 4 gal. of coal - oil $1.36 meat {48c?} {stamps?} {18?} 4.92
13th Bread 36c {Jalmoe shod?} $2.00 meat 60c {bolls?} {illegible} 3.11
- 4 doz. eggs @ 70c $3.15 Drugs $1.25 Dry Goods {illegible} {illegible} 40c 3.15 3.15
20 - bag of potatoes $1.50 {3?} doz. eggs @ 65c ${3.57?} {illegible} 1,00 6.04
- {Creamery?} Checque for Dec. {290?} lbs % {25?} @ 58c {42.08?}
- 5 lbs of butter @ 57c $2.85 Bread {72c?}
21 49 {gal?} of coal oil $1.32 4 gals of gasoline $1.80gasoline can {$2.00?} 5.60
- {illegible} {natimal?} {barn?} {illegible} {hangere?} $1.75 Groceries $1.04
- 1 bag of bran $1.20 Telephone bill $4.78 Drugs $1.20 7.18
- 1 {illegible} of rubber shoes 3.98 post cards etc 30c bell {illegible} etc 35c 4.63
- Ticket to {Hort.?} Society 1921 $1.00 watch rep 75c 1.75
23 Church sub. $5.00 miss 50c co.15c 5.65
24. Bread 36c {sulc?} to Star Transcript {illegible} $1.5 1.86
27- 5 doz eggs @ 60c $3.00 Bread 24c tape 20c Blank + {illegible} 15c 60
- Groceries $1.80 4 gals. coal. oil $1.30 1 gal Raw {Lismol?} oil 1.00 4.10
- 1 qt seperate {oil?} 30c Lidge Dues $5.54 5.74
28- Sold {Jelma?} to Wm Howes Parei 57.50
31- Bread 36c Co. 35c {huts?} etc 40c 1 Drs. thermometer $2.15 3.35
- 1 cockruel. (White Wyandette) to Church 2.00
Feb 3- Bread 36c Co. 20c
7 9 1/2 doz. eggs @ 55c $5.20 Groceries $2.10 conf. 10c 2.20 5.20
- 5 gals. of coal. oil $1.65 Bread 12c {sprite?} etc 24 2.01

Sunday, November 8

Feb 14th 6 dz eggs @ 40¢
5 gals of gasoline @ 45¢ $2.25 4 gals coal oil 33¢ $1.32

" 16 Bread 96¢ Co 20¢ Farmers Magazine {probably a subscription} 2 yrs $3.00 4.16
" 18 Cream cheque for January $300 lbs %{illegible} @ 59¢
8 lbs of butter @ 48¢ $4.64 Bread 60¢
3 1/2 doz eggs @ 40¢ $1.00 1 basket of apples 28¢ Meat $1.50 1/2 gal cylinder oil 65¢ Mitts $1.00 Sap ring 28¢ Groceries $3.37 Drugs 42¢ Dry-good $2.37 1 pr rubbers 1.25



" 19 Bread etc. 38¢ 1 box of Maple{illegible} cookies 7 1/4 @ 30¢ $2.20 {illegible}
2 bags of potatoes @ 1.00 = $2.00 1 box apples 75¢

" 22 Driller 50¢ Lecture Silas Manner 50¢ 3 doz eggs @ 40¢ 1.20
" 24 Bread $1.08 Horshoe 65¢ {illegible} 50¢ gasoline $1.80 13.73
" 25 Hulling 10 {illegible} sweet clover 2 1/2 hrs @ $2.00 per hr $7.50 7.50
" 28 Bert $10.00 Jim McDonald $9.50 Co 254
5 gals of coal-oil $1.60 Meat $1.15 tape 10¢ Bread {40?} 4 doz eggs to Bert 40¢ $1.60 2 dz eggs 76¢

Mar 2ndSold to Jas. Wallace 5 hogs weighing 930 lbs @ {illegible} {illegible}
8th 1 cwt cotton seed meal $2.75 1 bus. of corn 90¢ 1 sack of bran 95¢
3 bags of oats crushed 30¢ Prince shod $1.50 Stamps etc 35¢
7 gals of gas $3.15 {oil? illegible amt} 5 gals of coal oil $1.60 Meat 70¢
9 " 1 lbs of vinegar at Jacks Sale $3.25 Bread 72¢
Paid Miss Grier for Meat $2.00

Monday, November 9 1921

Mar 14th. Paid for {rep?} for chopper + engine $2.70 stabbing 35c 3.05
- {Don?} {3c?} {caf?} {illegible} co 25c mother $25.00 25.75
- {Bert?} Williams on balance {illegible} $20.00 20.00
- 7 doz. eggs @ {35c?} {illegible} Bread 48c 48 2.45
16- Cream Cheque for Feb. 355 lbs {illegible} @ {59c?} 48.14
- 1 {cent?} sugar $10.00 4 lbs of butter @ 58c $2.32 12.32
- Buggy rep. $4.00 cultivator {whaels?} $2.50 charlie {shodate?} 1.90 8.40
- 20 lb paid arsenate of lead @ 21c $4.20 2 tongue {pobe?} 60c 4.80
- B. sugar 50c $ {illegible} coal - oil $1.60 {conf?} 15c 2.25
18- 2 bags of potatoes to miss Green @ $1.00 chopping 50c 2.50
- Rec. from Farmers Advocate .75c
22- Repairing Engine $1.75 car fare 40c {both at?} 25c seeds 40c 2.80
24- Bought of R. Veal 1 calf. $5.50 Bread 48c paper 2c 6.00
- 6 1/2 doz. eggs. 50c $1.95 9 1/2 doz eggs @30c 2.85 4.80
26- 6 {bags?} of corn $6.00 chopping 20c 3 {cent?} of cotton seed {illegible} 2.75 {illegible} 14.45
- 1 {illegible} of salt $1.25 onion {illegible} 40c Groceries $2.85 4.60
- Dry Goods $2.60 Meat {illegible} 5 gals. coal- oil $1.60 {illegible} 7.85
- {illegible} {Johnsen?} {lense?} for car $1.50 5 gals gasoline @ 42c 3.60
28- Bread 48c co. 50c conf. 20c new {illegible} bulbs for car {illegible} 2.08
Apr 2nd {Lisener?} for car $13.00 flower for Mr Simons {illegible} Dry {coller?} {illegible} 14.05
- Suit pressed $2.00 tops 40c meat 40c Drugs $1.00 cof. 20c 4.50
- Dry Goods 55c Groceries $1.71 {illegible} 15c 2.41
- 14 doz. eggs @25c {illegible} of potatoes in {illegible} 70 .70 3.50
{illegible} {Don?} + {mangarite?} $4.00 Bread at 49c {illegible} overalls $1.00 {illegible} 5.79

Tuesday, November 10 1921

Apr 4th Church {and?} $5.00 Swiss $2.00 Co 25c {illegible} {illegible} $1.00 $7.25
- 5 doz eggs from the {illegible} for holding {illegible} 1.25
7th Herb for {illegible} $7.00 {20?}{illegible} foots {$1.50?} {illegible}
9- meat 5.59 rubbers {illegible} 1.75 {illegible} {$7.7?} {cof?} {illegible} Bread
- 10 doz. eggs {illegible} 11 bags of potatoes to {illegible}
- 19 bags of potatoes to R. Brown @75{c?} 14
- 5 {gals?} of gas for {illegible} $2.10 2 bulls $1.20
12 5 doz eggs from mrs {RIde?} for selling @ 25c 1.25
15 1 box of {caRes?} 5 lbs @ 25c {illegible} {18c?}
- 2 bags of potatoes to mrs {illegible} 1 {illegible} to {illegible} {illegible} oil + bull for {car.?} $1.15. Bread $1.16
18 Sold 4 young cattle to mrs. {Biskett} 3900 lbs @89 {illegible} ${318.00?}
- 1 {illegible} 1050 @ {6c?} $ 63.00 63 13 doz. eggs @ 27c $2.02 {13?}
- {7?} 1/2 doz. eggs @ 27c {2?}
- mother $85. 00 Aunt hellie {illegible} $11.00 meat $1.25 $7.25
- Weighing cattle 30c {car?} fare 25c steam {rep?} 50c {illegible} 35c 1.40
groceries $5.{08?} Bread 36c {illegible} {shoe?} $2.25 shoe {rep?} 15c 7.76
5 gals coal-oil $1.60 Dry {illegible} 70c {illegible} 25c {orange?} {85c?} 3.40
- Cream Cheque for {mrs?}. 467 lbs {illegible} 24 @ 69c {67?}
- 12 lbs of butter @ 59c $7.08 Bread 56c 7.64
- {Rec?} from mrs. Rye craft {bal?} on 35 {illegible} wheat {18c?} 6.
23 6 bags of {corn+chop?} $12.10 1 lb and peas 40c 12.50
- 5 gals of coal-oil ${1.50?} {illegible} cylinder oil 15c 2.15
- Paid {illegible} {illegible} $102.00 {illegible} $100.00 ${200.00?}

Wednesday, November 11 1921

Apr 28 {Jobphone?} $4.85 meat $1.10 lettuce 25 {illegible} 25c 6.43 {illegible} 1 {illegible} {workshoes?} $5.00 {Ediths?} {sloppee?} 5.00 8.00 7 doz. eggs @ 30c $2.10 groceries $1.60 1.60. 2.10 5ft of {illegible} pipe {illegible} {illegible} 40c {staticmary?} {illegible} {poetcarsh?} {illegible} 2.30

26th Paid Hastley Johnson for 5 1/4 dys work @ $1.{15?} 9.25

28- 1 cow to {illegible} Birkett $28.00 4 1/2 doz eggs @ 30c 1.35 28.00. Groceries $1.21 ice cream 35c Seeds 40c {Hinges?} etc 75c 1.33

30- {Dom?} $2.50 {Fodge?} {Dues?} $5.54

May 3rd Bought 3 {bus?} of seed corn. Learning W. {lap.?} {illegible} ho? $6.15

5th 1 {bag?} of {bis cuito?} $1.21 {illegible} 35c {illegible} etc 45c meat 90c 3.40 {Leone?} Hat $3.50 5 gals of {illegible} 2.00 {illegible} 20c Louis H. $5.00 10.70

8- Church cub. $2.00 miss 50c {illegible} {found?} $20.00 {illegible} 10c 22.60

10- 10 {illegible} of corn $10.00 chopping 40c {mango?} seed etc {8?} lbs $3.45 13.85 Sub. to Farmers Sun. Toronto. 2{illegible} to July 1922. {illegible} 3.07 2 work shirts $3.00 1 straw hat 30c {illegible} 10c Dry Good {illegible} 6.24 Groceries $2.44 Drugs 55c 1 qt of varnish 2.25c 5.24 5 doz of eggs @ 25c $1.25. meat 60c .60 $1.25

14- Cyrid $1.00 Groceries 2.45 2 {illegible} cotton {illegible} 50c 2.95 1.00 Dry Goods 55c Gasoline + Oil 3.15 {illegible} 25c 3.95 Cream Checque for Apr. 361 lbs {illegible} 21 @ 59c 44.72 13 lbs of butter 58c $7.54 {Rep?} to {illegible} $1.90 co 20c 9.64

24th Reunion 25c Bread $3.00 Bread {43c?} 3.73

28th- 4 gals of {illegible} $1.04 Gas + oil $3.40 Groceries $2.15 6.59 {Laundry?} 12c meat $2.55 {illegible} 25c {stomps?} 30c cyrid $2.00 5.32

Thursday, November 12 1921

{In lighter ink} May 30 - {illegible}

June 1 - {illegible}

7 - {illegible}

{in darker ink}

9 - 3 {illegible} 1.20 Cyril 5.10 Tom Reynolds 1.50 8.70 15 bags of potatoes to R.T. {Aitkin?} @ 5.04 4.50 R. Roberts 6 {brow (erdar)} from @204 1.20 1 bag of arrows out 3.25 1 bag of cakes 1.53

15 - 1 sack of {illegible}



Engine No. 15'6'25'0

Serial 15'625'0

{illegible} 15'15'34 for 1920

    ..      157192   ..  1921
    ..      105046   ..  1922
    ..      110558   ..  1923
    ..      107993   ..  1924
    ..      147001       1925


Dec 22nd

{A calendar of 1915 from January to December, surrounded by a border of printed flowers.}

{A worn burgundy back cover}




William John "Willy" Little, “William John "Willy" Little Diary, 1914-1925,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 9, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/328.

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  334. WillyLittle1914-1925_334.pdf
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