File #23842: "WillyLittle1914-1925_26.pdf"


26 Tuesday, January 20th 1914 Sept 30th. Mr Burke of St George gave a nice address after Mrs W. Patton gave a splendid address on mission work Rev Mr Pettigrew was here and gave a short talk while Kenneth McDonald sang a very nice solo. .. 21 .. Helped Simons to thresh fill their silo .. 22 .. " " R.Aitkin to fill his silo in the afternoon .. 24 .. Took some apples, turnips, flowers. and oats down to Paris Show in the forenoon. Helped J.Aitkin to thresh fill his silo. .. 25 Went to Paris Show in the afternoon, the day was very fine and it was a splendid Show, and a large crowd. I secured 1st Prize of Sweet Peas and also first on Hand Bouquet, and third on Oats (No. 72.). .. 26 .. Started to do road work on hills, cleaning out the ditches etc. .. 27 .. Went to take tea with Mr & Mrs Coates Paris, and we all went the Methodist church. .. 28 .. Finished fixing hills on the sideroad, and in the Evening we held a corn Roast, quite a number of our own people were here, and about sixty or more of the young people of the English Church in Paris came out in three large loads and an auto, the evening was fine, with good moon light and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves to the utmost.

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