File #23849: "WillyLittle1914-1925_33.pdf"


Tuesday, January 27 Jan. 17th. Quite a heavy rain last night which spoiled the sleighing. Went to Greene for Tea and Fred Carrie and I went to church. ..18.. Started to cut wood at the bush, Burt H came to help. ..19.. Quite a heavy snowstorm last night almost 6 inches of snow falling which although quite {hose?} it saved the sleighing. Went to Miss Griers to help kill pigs. ..20.. Drove to Galt to meet Sam Miller, the sleighing being extra good. ..21.. Sam and I drove to St. George in the morning and he went home in the afternoon Drew 1st load of wood home. Went to womens institute meeting at the Glen in the evening. Gipsy had a little calf. ..24.. Visited St. George methodist S.S. in the morning and Brantford S.S. in the afternoon, where I assisted in organizing a T.T. Class. Went to Mr. Scotts for tea where I spent a very pleasant evening. ..25.. Very stormy in the morning. There having fallen about six inches more of snow. .. 30. . Drew 3 loads of hay to Blue Lake and went to Williams and in afternoon to take their picture also took one in the house. Having been very fine week we were working in the bush and also got a nice pile home. Feb. 1st. Went to Missionary Banquet at the Baptist church in the evening. Mr Caskey of Toronto gave a fine address. ..2nd Both the 1st & 2nd of Feb were very stormy days with a strong east wind which blocked the roads and railroads badly.

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