File #23857: "WillyLittle1914-1925_41.pdf"


{35 is printed in the top right corner} == Wednesday February 4 == May 22nd. Bob McDonald and I drove to St. George at night to a pay of $1.50 for cows being found on the road by {illegible}. " 23rd. Prof. Kirk patrick of Toronto preached our Anniversary Services, also conducted baptism among them Mrr & Mrs {illegible} baby. " 24th Started to plow corn ground and went to Kelly Concert at night at St. George. Isa & Rosie Sharp came over and went with me. I drove them home afterwards and stayed all night at their home and attended Paris S.S. {Convention?} in the afternoon. {Feb 25th is written in the left margin but the writing looks like a continuation form the 24tth of February} Rev R. {Morrow?} having asked me to take his place as County {S.e?}. Mr. Robertson of Toronto gave me a splendid talk on A.B.C. work. A very fine rain in the evening. "28" Drove to Thornhill in the evening and had a nice visit exchanging some plants & bulbs for a new {illegible}. "29" Sowed the corn in the back ten acre field, about 8 acres of some Wisconsin {illegible} "30" Last goose hatched out with 10 gooslings. June 2nd. A very fine rain which in deed welcome, coming as it after a very dry May. Roan cow had a fine light roan calf (steer) " 5th Went to Brantford to attend {E?} and S. Brant Farming Institute Meeting. Had tea with Mr. and Mrs. T. {Moon?} Planted squash and popcorn. "7th. Started to draw manure for {mangole?} and turnips. "8. Went to Guild at St. George., it being my night for to

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