File #23879: "WillyLittle1914-1925_63.pdf"


Thursday, February 26 1916 July 9th, Edith and I went to Ada & Bob {home?} for tea. J 11.. Finished cultivating corn second time and sowed some Greystone turnips of an acre also some {sweden?} where the mangels had been eaten off by the ants and wood chucks. .. 14 Finished drawing {Liarned?} hill next Cunningham place sload. .. 16 {illegible} & {illegible} S.J. Miller& {illegible} J. Rennee motored down from Millbank for the day and we had a very pleasant visit. .. 17 Finished drawing hay off field most Cunningham place & loads of fine mixed hay. Light roam cow had a {soam?} stem calf. .. 25 Finished drawing in hay 20 loads off creek field and 5 1/2 off far hollow. .2{illegible} Drove to Brantford in the evening. Took some cherries down and went to see Roy before he sett sail with the with Ball. 26 Cut 4 {aerce?} of wheat for Mr Johnson and started to cut our own in Clump fields. George the came out to pick English cherries in the afternoon. .. 27 Finished wheat in Clump field using over 7 balls of {illegible} .. 28 Put Paris Green & {Arsenate?} of lead on field potatoes. . 29 Finished cutting wheat in young orchard and at front of hill. Aug 1st " " mixed grain in back ten acre field a splendid crop. borrowed {&?} Cunninghams cultivator to go throughtohite turnips Best helped Mr Johnson to draw in his wheat. .. 2nd Drew in wheat from young orchard ten loads & 2 at front of hill .. 4th Cut early oats (Alaska & {illegible}) on top of north hill a good crop. Finished picking the Red and Russian cherries.

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