Thursday, March 5 1916 Dec 13th. Edith, Earl and I went to Aunt Nellies for tea in the evening, Nellie, Mayme & two of the children were there. .. 14.. Drew cinders from Blue Lake (3 loads) ..15.. Went to St. George to pay taxes, Ordered 25 gals of Lime sulphur & 20 lbs Arsonate of Lead from J. Rosebrough. Started to draw out manure with spreader. .. 18.. Edith & I Drove to Galt and had tea at Mr Moffats ..20.. Killed 3 pigs and started to pick geese ..21.. Went to Brantford market and sold 5 geese alive at $2.00 each & sold dressed ones @ 20c per lbs. also 7 chickens @ 20c per lbs. got a calf from McKenzus ..22.. Held our annual S.S. Social Evening and Xmas trade in the S.S. norm. Stocking were made for the children and home made candy was served instead of lunch, a programe was given by the children. ..25 Xmas day we went to Xmas dinner at Alvalis, after a scumptous dinner a heavily laden Xmas tree was distributed and we all fared well indeed. 26th Drew a load of tunrips to Paris. ..27 Edith & I went to Woodstock for the day and spent the evening with Mr & Mrs. Robt. Veil. .. 28 + 29 Went to St. George for a ton of Bran $33.00 .. 31 A very nice day but rather cold to end the Old year.
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