Sunday, March 8 Mar 16th Kenneth McDonald and his wife and baby came for the evening and as it was very dark and the roads very bad they stayed till morning. .. 17th A cold rather stormy day used the {whesbe?} for the first time after a winter of steady sleighing. .. 19. Drew 4 loads of straw into the barn in the forenoon and started to draw out manure with spreader. .. 20.. Drew 4 loads of manure to the garden, mulched the raspberries. Dr. Dunlog came to see Edith who had a very bad cold & sore throat. .. 21. Angus Cornwell & Marjory came up in the afternoon for some .. 22.. Drew a load of wheat to Paris @ $ 1.80 and bought home a load of shingels & {scount?} of oilcake @ $3.00. .. 23 Went to Mrs D. Robertsons Funeral in the afternoon, as I was one of the Pall-bearers I went to the Cemetry at the Glen. it was quite a wet day about noon, but it faired up later. .. 24 . East {Depew?} went to cleveland for a weeks holidays .. 26 A very warm Spring day, changed the winter gates at the ends of the lane for the summer ones. .. 28 .. Mr & Mrs. Lee came over for dinner and a little visit. .. 29.. Helped R. McDonald to put on a load of hay in afternoon. Very Windy .. 30 .. Drew manure for hot-bed and N.M. Clump came over in afternoon for 50 bus alaska Oats .. 31 Edith & I went to Brantford in the afternoon by car from Paris. Attended S.S. Executive meeting in (?} Apr 1st Went to the Glen to church in the morning to home Rev. Mr Pettigrew preach his farewell sermons.
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