File #23892: "WillyLittle1914-1925_76.pdf"


Wednesday, March 11 1917 May 6th. Earl went to Hamilton on Sat. for over Sunday. Will Millers came over in afternoon and stayed for tea .. {ink splat} 8th Finished sowing no. 3 oats in 14 acre field of clumps 9th Seeded clump field with clover & Timothy. .. 10 & 11th Cultivated & harrowed corn ground. ,, 12 .. Sold 5 fat cattle to Jim Wallace, shipped at Glenmorris .. 13 .. Mr & Mrs Moore and Lillian and Mrs Moore came over and we all went down church, it being "Galts . church . {seams?} .. 14 .. Started to draw manure to corn ground with spreader. Drove to Galt in the afternoon. going to council meeting at the Glen to get Path masters instructions. Came home from Galt by Mr C. Scotts and stopped at Duncan mill for tea. .. 15th Stretched wire fence at north of driving shed. Drove to Brantford by Paris, took 2 bales of hay to Gordon and some potatoes & apples to Mary Anne. Also drove down to Williamsons for a little while. .. 17th. Plowed the garden and planted early potatoes, a few hills of Empire state, 4 rows of Irish Cobbles & 2 of {cut off}.Mr & Mrs Lee and Miss Rutherford came once for dinner and brought a yearling heifer to put to pasture. .. 18th PLanted & sodded mangel ground. .. 19 .. Took 13 young cattle to the bush and repaired the {fence? --> cut off}. Cemented around stone chimneys etc. Dolly & {cut off} came over for the night. A very heavy thunder-storm.

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