File #23896: "WillyLittle1914-1925_80.pdf"


Sunday, March 15 1917 July 22nd. Went to Baptist church in Paris in evening. 25. Borrowed Herb Cunninghams cultivator with { }through the turnips before thinning. 26th Adam came out in his car before breakfast and helped us thin turnips and drawing in hay. A very severe thunder storm in the afternoon. Dalzells barn was struck with lightning but the barn was discovered in time to put it out. .. 27th. Mayme and her little folks came for a visit. .. 28.. Helped Johnsons to draw in hay. Scuffled mangels. .. 30 .. Finished drawing in Lucerne Hay 27 loads. Aug 1st Bessie and children came up for a couple of days and for some cherries Aug 3rd. Finished " " Hay off top of north hill 11 loads. .. 6th Cut Mr Johnsons wheat .. 7 .. Drew in hay off back ten acre field 20 loads in all, making 58 loads of hay in all. A nice rain at night. .. 10 .. Started to cut wheat and mixed grain .. 11 .. Cut mixed grain for Mr Johnson. .. 12 .. Drove Mayme and children up to the Glen in the evening and Fred Archibald came up to help for a couple of weeks. .. 14 .. Finished cutting wheat and started to cut early oats. .. 15 .. Started to cut mixed grain & helped Johnsons to draw in (wheat). Drew a load of Hay to Mr Simon on Burmingham place. 18 . . Started to draw in wheat, and helped Mr Johnson draw mixed grain 20 .. Drew in seed wheat and started to cut oats in clump field. Mrs Hardisty came 21 .. Finished cutting no 3 oats in clump field. Helped W. McPhereson to thresh. 22 .. Cut Mr Johnsons oats.

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