1919 Oct 8 Hendersons came to fill the silo, we were through about {illegible} the {casm?} being within 11 ft of the {the top?} 1st {Hand? fret last night?} - 9. Rained {measly?} all day, went to H. Cunninghams for second load of Oats - 11 - Drew the squash and {pumpkins} in from the field. - 12 Fred Archibald came from Hamilton for Thanksgiving - 13 - Started to dig potatoes, a good crop 14th. Edtith + Leme went to the {Reynolds?} Wedding - 15 - Finished digging potatoes, about {200?} buds of fine large potatoes. - 19 Edith, Leme + I visitied {Brue...} S.S. in the afternoon, going to {Greg?} Dushhams for dinner and to Charlie Robertsons for tea. - 20 - Election Day when we voted in the Referendum and the {Paris?} Elections. Brant {Bo?} went solid for Probition and the Province had of a majority. Harry C. {Hiyon?} {illegible} Was elected by over 800 majority. - 22 Went to Mrs {Bronslie?} Mr {Crocks?} {illegible} in the afternoon and bought b- {Kitelson?} chairs for 30$ each. a fine day - 23. Went to Farmers Club meeting at Glenmoris in the evening. - 24 - Finished drawing in {Mangels?} 7 good {loads?} - 25 - Clarence + Marie came to pick apples in {shares?} - 27 - Helped Rycrofte to {threach?} + look a load of wheat {illegible} - 28 - A very windy morning which was very hard on the apples. Finished thrashing in the afternoon. 270 {loads of oats?} 195 {illegible} of mixed grain and with 315 of wheat before, {ask king?} 780{bue?} in all. - 29. Grandpa Lee and Uncle {Adam?} Sharp came for fallen {apples?}. - 31 - A fine warm day, picked {Spy?} apples.
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