1920 March 19th Quite a stormy and snowy day after some very fine {rain?} - 20 - Went to School to help saw wood with circular {saws?} - 21 - Called on our new neighbours after S.S Mr + Mrs Henderson, who had bought Aunt Bessies farm. - 22 - Went to the bush to tap maple trees, about {50?} altogether. - 25 - Went to Paris to get new Massey-Harriis {snow Cou Ballins?} - 26 - Took some {timothy?} seed up to Miss Grier to get cleaned. - 27 - Went to Brantford to potato-{grounse?} meeting and to the S.S Executive Meeting in Y.M.C.A. - 28 - Went to Aunt Bette Millers Funeral hold from Will Millers - 29 - Uncle Andrew Sharp came over to exchange some seed grain. - 30 - Finish gatherine up the wood for {sawing?] and sowed {illegible} and radist seed in the {hot-bed?} - 31 . Sawed wood in afternoon with circular saw Apr 1st. Took the last of the apples to town, the best {Spys?} selling for $2.24 / {cut off} - 2nd. Helped Hartleys saw wood in the afternoon - 3rd. Don + Jack Gullen and Fred Archibald came up for Easter. - 5th Started to clean up {fence-bottom?) along W. McPherson's field. - 6 - Helped Rye crofts to saw wood. Still 5 hens on White {Wegandottle?} eggs from Mrs Heisle's - 7 - {burned?} bush in back field along the line fence - 8 - Edith went to Institure Meeting at Mrs {J. Howats?}. - 9 - Milton Lee came out with us from Paris for two days visit. - 10 - Went to Watson McPhersons for 2 loads of straw
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