Monday, April 27 1920 July 13th Finished cutting hay in creek field. J 14.. Graded big hill which had been washed badly with the big storm on July 2nd. .. 15 .. Drew 6 loads of sweet clover to the barn for Mr Johnson getting 1 load for drawing and storing it. . 16 Finished drawing in hay off creek field 9 loads. .. 17 Drew in 3 1/2 loads of fine sweet clover off 3 acre field. .. 18 First Sunday of Union Services at St. Georgian Baptist Church as there was a very heavy rain the attendance was small. .. 19 Started to pick English cherries in forenoon. .. 20 Bessie & Angus Cornwell came up for a visit and to get some English cherries. Grandpas Lee came over and we stapled to shingle north shed. .. 21 Helped Hartleys to finish up their hay and drew a load for Johnson. . 22. Got the binder out and started to cut wheat. . 23 Finished shingling north shed. a showery day. .. 25 Went to Glen to church and S.S in the morning and we drove over to Will Millers after Sunday School. .. 26 Held Trustee meeting here in the evening. .. 27 Finished cutting wheat in 6 acre field a fair crop. Drove to Brantford in the evening. .. 28 Mr Buchanan, Don & I went up to help Miss Grier draw in hay in the afternoon. Uncle Jim and Aunt Lizzie came to spend the evening.
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