File #23945: "WillyLittle1914-1925_129.pdf"


Sunday, May 3 had come very suddenly, as he was caught in the gasoline engine being knocked unconscious and one big torn off. {illegible} a very large funeral. Nov 11th Luile a fall of snow last night and this morning nearly 5 inches Bought 9 little pigs from Mr Johnson 5 weeks old for $45.00. .. 18th Finished of all threshing at Simons. .. 20 . Brought colts Sandy & Fred home from {illegible} bush. .. 22 .. Started to plow M. Smith east field for oats. . 25 .. Went to Baggar Presbyterian Church St. George. .. 28 .. Maurgarite, Louie & Jack came up for the weekend. 29 .. Drew up 2 loads of nails from fence along the road and saawed them up for wood. . 30 .. Hartley finished working for 8 mos. Dec 2nd A very fine day after a wet one yesterday. Went to Bessie Cornwells sale, which went off very well. .. 7th Finished plowing corn stubble etc in back ten acre field. .. 8 .. Went to Trustee Meeting at Watson McPhensons in evening. . 9 . Went to Mr James Moffats funeral in Galeton in the afternoon .. 14 . Jim McDonald came to work for a week. Start to dig potholes along the road .. 15 .. Went to Brantford & Echo place with a load of potatoes & apples .. 16 .. Went to Sunday School County Council Meeting in Brantford in Y.M.C.A Rev Mr Fletcher of Toronto gave two fine addresses. Rev C. R. Mossow who had been county sec. for many years found it necessary to resign. I was appointed President for the coming year.

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