File #23946: "WillyLittle1914-1925_130.pdf"


Monday, May 4 1920 Dec 17th Went over to Moores at Blue Lake to spend the evening. .. 21st Drew up two loads of {sails?} and sawed them .. 22nd Went to Xmas School Concert at McPhensons in the afternoon. .. 23rd Jim McDonald went to Stratford for the car I bought at the sale. Went down at Bessielem .. 25th We all went over to George Lees for Xmas Dinner there was a well laden Xmas Tree of which the wee folks had a large share, we all enjoyed the day. ..27th Went to Nomination Meeting at the Glen. Mr Hall was elected Reve and he will all the council went in by acclamation .. 28 . Sold the geese to Chad.Meggs and took them to Paris 11 at 2.50 {illegible} .. 29 .. Red Heifer frakened. Went to annual School Meeting at McPhersons school .. 30 .. Some more snow fell which made the sleighing good .. 31 . Went to Brantford with the sleigh taking apples & {finds?}

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