Saturday, May 9 Apr 19th Helped Hendersons to saw wood in the afternoon. .. 20 . Took Engine over and helped Mr Johnson saw wood .. 23 Marguirete and Don came up for a day or two. . 28 Sowed mixed grain & {illegible} 3 oats in young orchard. Helped Watson McPherson in afternoon with raising shed. .. 29 Cultivated {illegible} ground in 14 acre field. .. 31 Drew 2 loads of straw from Hartleys in afternoon. May 1st A very fine day. Took the Tophie at 4.P.C.E, at St. George in evening. . 3rd Went to the Glen in forenoon for seed corn. Helped Mr Hartley to cultivate in afternoon. . 4th Plowed the garden and planted early potatoes. .. 5th Went to Brantford Echo Place and Longford going to Bessie Cornwells for dinner and the afternoon. Roan cow had a fine little roan calf. .. 6 .. Plowed mangel ground and rolled it. .. 8 . Jennie & Eluein Stewart and family came out for the afternoon .. 9 .. Cyrid Stewart came out to help for a while and herd cows. Started to draw out manure with spreader. .. 12 .. Took 8 young cattle down to Hartleys bush. .. 13.. Took 2 calfs over to Sayles bush for the summer. .. 14 .. Jim McDonald came down for the weekend. .. 15 . Drove to {Ays?} after Sunday School, stoping at J. Dalgette for tea .. 16 .. Went to Meeting of Programe Committee at Meth. Church. St. George .. 17 .. Finished drawing out manure for corn and sowed the mangels. . 18 . Started to plow corn ground in 14 acre field
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