Tuesday, May 12 1921 July 6th Went to Aunt Marguret Greens Funeral in the afternoon about 110 in the shade after over two weeks of very hot weather. .. 7 . Finished drawing in hay off north field. 28 loads & 6 off 3 acre field. 1 load of rakings .. 8 . Finished cutting hay in the morning and drew in a load of rakings, and a heavy but welcome rain about noon, raining nearly all afternoon which came after 3 weeks of extremely hot weather. which was exceptionaly good for the corn. Margurete, Louis & {Minie?} Hewitt came up for a few days. .. 9 Replaced the binder. raining all afternoon. .. 10 Went to Woodstock in the morning, and as it rained nearly all afternoon we did not come back until Monday. .. 11 . Finished drawing in hay 2 loads Lucerne off corner next Hartleys barn Making 36 loads of hay in all. .. 12 Brought 3 young cattle home from Armstrongs .. .. Started to cut wheat in creek field. .. 14 Finished cutting wheat in Hogs back field May me & 2 little folks and Agnes Crogier came up from Brantford. . 15 Cultivated Potatoes 1 {illegible} and went through turnips with diser .. 16 Josie Jackson came down from Galt for the weekend. . 17 Baptismal Services@St.George and took Andrew to be Baptized the day was fine, called at Millers a little while in the evening. .. 18 Started to cut mixed grain in back ten acre field .. 19 A fine rain last night and this morning
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