File #23955: "WillyLittle1914-1925_139.pdf"


Wednesday, May 13 July 21st Finished cutting mixed grain & early oats in young orchard. Tom Reynolds finished hoeing turnips. Went to school meeting in the evening. .. 22nd Finished drawing in wheat 9 1/2 loads off creek field and 5 loads of sheaves & 1 1/2 loads of loose off hogsback field. .. 23rd Cultivated potatoes 2nd time, Mrs Hewill. & Louise came up. .. 24 We all went to Brantford in the car to take {Hewittle?} home .. 25 Started to cut oats in the afternoon. .. 27th Finished cutting oats and put the binder away. .. 29 .. Finshed drawing in mixed grain 6 1/2 loads off back 10 acre field & 3 loads off half of young orchard. Helped W. Mc Phereson to thresh. .. 30 .. Cut weeds around the fences and along thread with the mowing .. 31 .. Went to Paris church in the monring and to Grandpa Lee for Dinner, Mary Lee came home with we for a visit. Aug 1st.. Went to Brantford in the afternoon. .. 2nd.. Grandpa & Grandma Lee over with Aunt Ella for the day and Grandpa finished painting and graining 11 chairs & drawers and bookcases. started to plow for fall wheat in 10 acre field. .. 3rd Helped Hartleye to draw in oats. .. 4th Hartleys helped us to draw in oats ..5 .. Finished drawing in oats 11 loads of no 72 of south east field and 2 1/2 loads of no 3 Oats off young orchards over 2 loads of rakings ..7 .. Went over to W. Miller for tea, it being Jims Birthday .. 8.. T. Reynolds finishing hoeing the turnips, mangels & potatoes. Went to Brantford in the afternoon.

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