File #23961: "WillyLittle1914-1925_145.pdf"


139 Tuesday, May 19 1921. Dec 21st. Went to School Concert at McPhersons School in the evening. . 23rd Went to Brantford with potatoes and to do Xmas shopping. . 25th Went to Clarence Lee's where the Lee's held their annual Xmas dinner, it was a very nice day, about 30 being present, the day was enjoyed by all and especially by the Reddies, Santa being very good to them 28th Went to annual School Meeting .. 30th Dr. Fashen came out in the morning and we dehorned the cattle. .. 31st A good year in this section of Ont. for which we have much to be thankful. 1922. Jan 1st. Went to annual Rally of the Paris S.S. in the afternoon. Jan. 2nd. As New Years day came on Sunday this year we celebrated on Monday, having Mr & Mrs Reynolds and family. Mill Millers and Josie Jackson for the day. .. 3rd Went to Brantford with a load of pigs. .. 5th Drove to Paris and took the to Brantford to attend County Council S.S. Executive Meeting. a good meeting with a fair attendance. I was elected President of the Association for the 2nd year. Went to Presentation at Blue Lake to Mr & Mrs John Moore it sure a very pleasant evening, they were presented with an electric lamp. We were very sorry to hear of the death of Rev. Mrs McRae of Glen-Morris. . 8th Edith and I drove to Ajax taking Miss Watson along with us and going to her home for dinner which we enjoyed very much. afterwards going to their annual S.S. Rally where I had been invited to speek, as also the Press of Oxford and Waterloo Counties the Methodist Church was crowded. {illegible} of J. Dalgells for tea. .. 10th. Aunt Joan Miller came for a visit. Dave were glad to see her. . 11th Went to Township S.S. Executive Meeting in the Meth. Church (in the afternoon) St. George

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