File #23962: "WillyLittle1914-1925_146.pdf"


140 Wednesday, May 20 1922 Jan 11th. Drove Aunt Jean up to Kelmans in the evening where R. McDonald. Miss Chadwick and myself took the affirative side aginst J. Atkin. Edith, Miller & J. Kelman the Debate was Resolved that the Senate should be abolished the negative side won. .. 17 .. Went to annual congregational Meeting of our church in the evening. a good turnout. .. 18th Helped Griers to kills pigs in the afternoon . 19 .. Finished drawing out turnips about 460 bus. Feb 1st Went to T. Burt to bring clover huller for F. Scott. .. 2nd. Threshed clover seed in the forenoon. 5 bus off 3 loads. .. 3rd Went to Prepatory Preparotory Service. Capt Oakes gave a fine talk .. 4th Josie Jackson came down from Galt for a visit. . 5 .. Went to Communion Service at Presbyterian church St. George . 8 . Went to Ahah Lees in the evening to plan for the Golden Wedding .. 9 .. Took 24 bags of potatoes to T.E. Ryersons Brantford@$1.50 per bag. .. 10 . Spent the afternoon taking subscriptions for Presby. Church. .. Went to Kitchens School at night, having been asked to judge on a Debate. .. 12 A very stormy Sunday. . 14 Grandpa and Grandma Lees Golden Wedding Day.

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