File #23964: "WillyLittle1914-1925_148.pdf"


142 Friday, May 22 1922 Mar 25th Burned bush in afternoon cleaning up around the house and orchard. .. 27 .. Sold Freddie (a 3 yr. old colt) to Watson McPherson for $140.00 .. 28 .. Finished cleaning seed grain and sweet clover out of oats (2 bags) .. 29 . A fine day, stretched fence from the creek to the road gats. .. 30 .. Took a load of 6 pigs to Brantford {illegible} at less than 6 mos. old .. 31 .. Woke up last night with La Grippe and a very sore finger which proved to be blood poison. The trees were all loaded down with ice again which proved as bad and worse in some places on account of the wind, which broke off large telephone poles by the {illegible} in places Apr 1st Turned out to be a very nice day after Marchs closing storm .. 3rd Tom drew up the manure for the hot-bed & we made it up. Pollyanna had a black & white huifer calf. Trimmed grapes. .. 5th Jane Duncan of Brantford droped in for dinner and a little visit .. 6 . Sowed Tomato. Lettuce& Aster seed in the hot-bed. .. 7 .. Drew in remainder of straw stack. Mr & Mrs Lee came over for dinner .. 8 .. Sowed Sweet Clover on wheat ground & seeded 4 acres at the bush, with Sweet clover Red C. & {illegible} and Timothy about 10 bus fa were .. 10 .. A very warm spring day, took the car out for the first time. going to town and to Will Millers for tea. .. 11 .. A splendid rain last night and nearly all forenoon took. 3 cattle to the Glen to C.E. Meggs. .. 13.. Finished sawing our wood in the forenoon and sawed Johnsons in the afternoon.

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