Thursday, July 23
July 8th Paid Davie $3.00 Mr Lewis $2.00 {horoyes?} rep. 10c | $5.10 | |
Aug .. Horse shoeing 30c 1 kettle 20c mirrirs 30c chopping 24c | 1.04 | |
.. .. 1 lb of tea 50c co 10c fish 28c | .68 | |
.. 13 .. 1 bale of hay to Pitts 125 lbs | 10 | |
.. .. 6 bus of wheat to A.B. Cornwell @ $1.00 | 6.00 | |
.. .. 11 bags grain chopped 66c 1 can haddie 15c | .81 | |
.. 13 To Brantford Carriage works for repairing buggy wheels 2 new tires, part new rim & setting tires | $5.65 | |
.. 14 Paid Mr Foreshaw for 3 days hoeing | 3.00 | |
.. .. plow shares $1.05 wire nails 10c bread 20c | 1.35 | |
.. .. 2 qts milk 10c | ||
.. 15 Davie 75c 1 dz bananas 20c steak 30c co 15c | 1.40 | |
.. 18 Sold 7 bales of hay to E. Pitts 865 lbs @ $14.00 | 6.05 | |
.. .. 9 bags chopping 55c kettle rep 30c groceries 60c | 1.45 | |
.. .. 2 gang plow share 50c 1 pick handle 20c | .70 | |
.. .. 1 pack promo films 75c bread 10c fish 20c | 1.05 | |
.. 19 1 cut sugar of 7. P. Pallin $4.85 groceries 55c | 5.40 | |
.. .. Milk cheque for july | 34.77 | |
.. .. rec from council cheque (1 1/2 loads nails for engine) | 4.50 | |
.. 21 11 lots of milk 55c 1 dz eggs 25c milk 5c | .85 | |
.. 22 Old buggy wheels rep. tires sett 2.00. spokes & 1/2 rim $1.75 | 3.75 | |
.. .. Horse shod 50c groceries 35c 100 lbs salt 50c | 1.35 | |
.. .. Developing 2 packs of films 50c printing 10c | .60 | |
.. .. water sett 1.50 (?) meat 70c envelope & postage 10c | 2.35 |
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