File #24089: "WillyLittle1914-1925_273.pdf"


== Tuesday, November 10 1921==
Apr 4th Church {and?} $5.00 Swiss $2.00 Co 25c {illegible} {illegible} $1.00 $7.25
- 5 doz eggs from the {illegible} for holding {illegible} 1.25
7th Herb for {illegible} $7.00 {20?}{illegible} foots {$1.50?} {illegible}
9- meat 5.59 rubbers {illegible} 1.75 {illegible} {$7.7?} {cof?} {illegible} Bread
- 10 doz. eggs {illegible} 11 bags of potatoes to {illegible}
- 19 bags of potatoes to R. Brown @75{c?} 14
- 5 {gals?} of gas for {illegible} $2.10 2 bulls $1.20
12 5 doz eggs from mrs {RIde?} for selling @ 25c 1.25
15 1 box of {caRes?} 5 lbs @ 25c {illegible} {18c?}
- 2 bags of potatoes to mrs {illegible} 1 {illegible} to {illegible} {illegible} oil + bull for {car.?} $1.15. Bread $1.16
18 Sold 4 young cattle to mrs. {Biskett} 3900 lbs @89 {illegible} ${318.00?}
- 1 {illegible} 1050 @ {6c?} $ 63.00 63 13 doz. eggs @ 27c $2.02 {13?}
- {7?} 1/2 doz. eggs @ 27c {2?}
- mother $85. 00 Aunt hellie {illegible} $11.00 meat $1.25 $7.25
- Weighing cattle 30c {car?} fare 25c steam {rep?} 50c {illegible} 35c 1.40
groceries $5.{08?} Bread 36c {illegible} {shoe?} $2.25 shoe {rep?} 15c 7.76
5 gals coal-oil $1.60 Dry {illegible} 70c {illegible} 25c {orange?} {85c?} 3.40
- Cream Cheque for {mrs?}. 467 lbs {illegible} 24 @ 69c {67?}
- 12 lbs of butter @ 59c $7.08 Bread 56c 7.64
- {Rec?} from mrs. Rye craft {bal?} on 35 {illegible} wheat {18c?} 6.
23 6 bags of {corn+chop?} $12.10 1 lb and peas 40c 12.50
- 5 gals of coal-oil ${1.50?} {illegible} cylinder oil 15c 2.15
- Paid {illegible} {illegible} $102.00 {illegible} $100.00 ${200.00?}

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