File #28221: "pic_2022-11-16_071526.pdf"


July 1914 July 11 A took chop & got Mares shod AM J Chored I took Susanna to Joes & left her there Boys Picked wild oats out of grain PM Amelia & Louis brought Susanna home PM W. looks like showers very very warm but a fine Cool Breeze from East turned to north towards evening pretty strong wind at times Sunday 12 at home A & Amelia went to David Groves to dinner Elias & whole family were here to dinner W. Mostly cler & {illegible} warm a drizzly rain PM enough to lay the dust not so warm 13 J took cream A cultivated Mangels he Picked Wild Oats out of grain & J Cultivated Mangels PM W. Mostly cloudy quite warm East wind not strong A fetched 500 tiles from Cherrywood AM 14 Boys Picked wild Oats out of grain W. very very warm East Wind a foggy Mist drift up from the lake this evening 15 A went to Jacksons Point J took cream then he Chored & Cut some grass along young Ceder swamp & cut some weeds W. rather dull partly cloudy quite warm looked like showers but the kept off so far 16 Boys brought Colt home from Ormand's Pasture AM they Cut Engine wood PM I & Nancy went to Br C's to dinner W. very very warm looks like showers J took 17 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove after supper A Made new Pitman for Binder AM they Topped thistles in Pasture field PM W. quite warm a fine sprinkling of rain today but it {illegible} once again fine Cool air this evening Boys & girls went to Henrys after supper 18 J took cream A took grist Chop AM they Cut wood for Engine J brought Coal for the Threshing Engine PM W. very fine & cool fine Cool Breeze from N West a very welcome change Sunday 19 at home Daniels & Hermans were here to dinner W. a very fine Clear day fine Cool wind from North not strong but fine & cool {second page} July 1914 20 A took 5 Pigs 1090 lbs to Markham for Ferrier @ $84 @ $8.40 per Cwt AM J cut Corner in Wheat behind Cider house they cut about half of field PM W. fine Clear Cool North wind fine day for the horses on the Binder 21 Boys finished Cutting & shocking the Wheat it seems to be a good crop then they hoed a while in the Greystone turnips W.quite warm a few claps of thunder & a slight rain about 10 AM a strong NW wind PM 22 Boys went looking for a Beef Ringer they got none Henry's were all here to dinner W. partly cloudy warm sun 23 Boys Pitched straw out of barn & cleaned wheat for seed W. pretty warm began to rain slow & steady after 8 AM rained on more or less all day till about supper time a very welcome I think the ground is soaked not so warm J took grist Chop & took 15 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 22 cts PM 24 Boys went looking for a Beef Ringer this morning they got none J scuffled Mangels then they began Cutting Barley on Knoll awhile PM W. Cloudy at times pretty warm a slight little shower PM I went to Murisons for butter this morning 25 Boys finished Cutting Barley on Knoll & small piece in root field AM Benj'n & Wilfred & Geo Mayberry helped with team & they drew in 13 loads of our Wheat PM W. quite warm Cool NW wind Sunday 26 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part of 10 C by C Burkholder David Grovs Peter Burkholders & AB's Lizzie Mr & Mrs Wambolt & Delilah were here to dinner & Joes were here to supper quite warm a fine heavy shower of rain about 3 PM a few claps of thunder in the distance Henrys called a few minutes PM 27 Boys cut in Mixed grain in field north of Meeting house didnt finish rain stopped them a few times W. not so warm a fine shower A went after supper to help Cut
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