Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1911-1915


Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1911-1915


Benjamin B. Reesor


Courtesy of Queen's University Archives




20th Century, York County, Markham Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Benjamin Reesor Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


The Whale

Scribbling Book

Dec 1911 Jan 1912

27 A took cream AM they both chored PM W strong wind rain from East last night wind turned to the west today very strong getting colder, squaals of snow

28 A & Benj'n helped Flavius kill hogs & took grist chop & took 3 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 40 cts per doz W. strong W wind some squaals of snow PM about an inch of snow last night {illegible because of rip but possibly says 'quite'} cold about 13 above

29 A went to Cedor Grove with 9 Pair Pigeons for G Beatty he took grist along & chored W. clear sharp quite cold

30 A brought 2 loads of coal from Locust Hill lbs @ $ {blank space} J chored W. quite cold about II above this morning cold N East wind beginning to snow after dark.

Sunday 31 at home J A & Amy went to Daniel Ramers to dinner W wind from East drizzly snow turned to light rain PM wind turned to west towards evening not cold

New year day Jan 1 1912 at home all day nobody here J A & Amy went to David Groves, to supper W. mosly clear pretty cold

2 J helped wash J went to B S S & got Horse Billy / Sharped AM They Cut wood in bush PM W mostly Clear quite sharp Alma & Frank Barkey were here to dinner Flavius Eva was here PM

3 Boys cut & picked up falled limbwood in bush AM they drew out onto Pile PM W. quite sharp mostly clear

4 A & Susanna went to Daniels to dinner J Chored & gathered wood in bush W partly cloudy slow light fall of fluffy snow AM pretty sharp

5 Boys cut off willow limbs off old tree beside dam the they Oiled Harness AM A went to Ceder Grove PM W. Cler strong W wind getting very Cold 5 above through the day 5 below this evening

6 Boys Oiled Harness AM they took Cop to Davids PM W about 15 deg below early this morning below all day Cler & Calm

Sunday 7 J & A went to Hermans to dinner Flavius & Fanny & Eva were here to dinner Joe & Anne were here to supper w. mostly Cler very Cold 9 deg above this Morning 3 below this evening strong W wind PM Herman's bought the Coakwell farm on 10th Con Markham 50 acre @ $5200

8 J helped wash AM he went to Elias's PM A oiled & mended Harness W. snow & wind from East all day getting milder

9 Boys Chored W. snowed about 5 inches last night Milder today but a very strong W. wind snow drifting all over

10 Boys Chored J took Chop PM A went to Locust hill with Alick Milroy when he took cream the roads are badly drifted in places W. very Cold a strong biting west wind all day

11 A Mended & Oiled Harness J took 3 doz & 3 Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 37 cts he went to Armstrong for Medicine for Horse Billy he is not well he went to M{illegible last line}

Jan 1912

PM to tell them that Susan Hoover (Abrahams widow) died today She will be buried on Sat AM W. quite cold yet first Calm & Cler there is fair sleighing

12 A worked at Harness he went to Ceder Grove this morning J chored W. II deg below Zero this morning about 5 below today below this evening clear & calm

13 Boys finished harness AM they took grist PM W. II deg below this morning at 5 through the day 5 deg this evening clear & calm

Sunday 14 all went to meating at Hebron except J sermon on St Luke part of II C by Br. C Henry's & Hermans Harvey Russell & Lewis Grove were here to dinner Benj'n & family were here all PM W. Cloudy AM clear awhile PM mist cold thin sleighing Boys & Amy went to Joes to supper

15 J helped wash AM A Chored J Chored PM A brought load Oil Cake from Markham with sleigh pretty fair sleighing W. a few inches light snow last night Calm AM Colder PM storm west wind we sent for Dr Dale he Came this evening to see me I have a bad Cough yet he says it is Bronchitis

16 Boys chored about engine W. Cold strong wind quite cold

17 A took cream AM he took grist chop to Whitevale PM J Churned W. Cloudy all day not cold Herman was here to dinner

18 Boys Chored AM A dressed a calf PM & took 5 doz eggs to Ceder Grove @ 35 cts PM W. cloudy all day doing with sleet AM slow drizzly, rain PM mild

19 A took the calf to Cherrywood station on the C N R & shipped it to E Lewis in Toronto AM he helped Thomas work at a store house at the Cherrywood station PM he is building a small one Daniels called a little while PM W. Clear colder a stormy N wind PM a little snow last night

20 A helped Thomas all day at station & took cream & took grist along to Davids he went on to Armstrong to get something for Horse Billy he has a bad leg W. Cold wind AM fine steady snow all PM not drifting yet

Sunday 21 at home A Susanna & Amy went to Henry's to day Thomas & Adeline were here PM W South West wind pretty Cold snow blowing a little

22 A helped Thomas J helped wash AM he Chored PM W. pretty Cler ot so Cold

23 A took 7 {probably pigs, but cut off} 1280 lbs to Markham for Shank @ $6.30 per Cwt AM Chored J went to Funeral of D Lapps wife at Ceder Grove W. Mild mostly Cloudy Herman Came to stay all night

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Jan 1912 Feb

24 A went to Toronto on Train J Chored took grist W. Clear quite sharp Cold N West wind A spectacle Pedlar was here last night Nancy & I got pair each Amy took Susanna to Joes with horse Major & Cutter J brought her home this evening

25 A helped Thomas all day at station J chored Henrys called a little while PM W. Cler Cold about 10 deg below AM but calm J took 6 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 32 cts per doz

26 A helped Thomas all day at Station J Chored Henry's Called a little while PM W. Cler Cold about 10 deg below AM but Calm J took 6 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 32 cts per doz

26 A helped Thomas all day J Chored W. Cler Cold about 10 below this morning below all day Air from N East a little snow in the Air PM

27 A brought 1/4 ton Brewers seed from Cherrywood Station for Cow feed AM J Chored they both went to Locust Hill PM Hermans were here to dinner W. Calm Cler sharp Air

Sunday 28 at home nobody here W. Clear AM Cloudy PM Cold about 5 below this morning getting Milder 10 above this evening

29 Boys Chored W. Cloudy strong East wind drizzly snow sleet & rain all day not Cold

30 Killed big fat sow Flavius & Benj's helped Made lot of sausage & lard W. Mild some snow AM Cloudy Called Dr Dale he Came this evening Nancy is not well My Medicine was done he gave me some more he says I am doing well

31 J helped wash A took grist AM they Chored PM David Groves were here to dinner Herman's Called few Minutes PM W. Cler a cold pretty strong NW wind PM J salted the Meat PM

Feb 1 Boys Chored AM they hitched young horse Sandy with Billy & took 5 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 32 cts W. fine Cler Milder J went to Johny Reesors for Butter AM

Candlemas day 2 J went to Whitevale & got pair double lines A Chored W. Cloudy mild some snow at times Some Sunshine

3 Henry & Willis Came this morning Willis stays Henry & A went to Toronto on Trolleys on Business Elias's Ada came this morning she stays all night J Chored W. quite Cold Clear a little fresh snow last night

Sunday 4 at home Martin Barkeys & Elias's Children were here to dinner W. cler Cold sharp NW wind

5 J helped wash AM A unlocked Hebron Meeting house & put on fire this is the day for appointing Trustees I did not go I am not well M Barkey Albert Reesor Isaac Reesor & Johny Ramer were there A brought load of Pine Roots PM W. quite Cold Cler J is not well A went to Funeral of J Milroy he died on Saturday evening Herman & Henry were here to dinner W. pretty Cold west wind Cler Joes Called this evening.

Feb 1912

7 J not well yet A Chored W. Cold S West wind some flurries of snow A dressed a calf PM

8 J is some better he took the calf to Cherrywood station & shipped it to E Lewis AM he took 5 1/2 doz. Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 32 cts per doz W cler quite sharp

9 Boys chored W cler some snow blowing very cold 9 below this morning 2 above at noon 9 below this evening strong S W wind PM

10 J some better A took chop PM W 21 deg below this morning 8 today 9 below this evening it is about Calm Daniels came to stay all night

Sunday 11 I & Nancy J & Susanna staid at home A & Amy went to meeting at Hebron Menno Reesor's were here & Elias's were here to dinner & all their children Flavius Children were here PM W. about as cold as yesterday some milder that evening it seems moderating Some I am not very well yet here some spells of coughing yet

12 A helped wash AM J is some better A took some chop PM W. cler pretty sharp Herman was here to dinner

13 A took 5 hogs 1035 lbs to Locust Hill for Shanks 6.30AM he went to draw Ice for Beatty from Davids Pond PM J is some better but Susanna is worse we sent for Dr Dale he came he says she must keep her bed for a week J got some medicine too W. fine cler milder David Groves called a little while PM

14 Boys chored A took some chop PM W. very fine cler sharp Ada Mayberry Came to help while Susanna is sick A took cream this morning

15 Boys chored J took 7 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 34 cts PM Henry's were here to dinner Benj'ns Fanny was here awhile PM W. very fine Cler mild

16 Boys chored AM They went to Funeral of Tilman Shank PM he was killed in {Speight} factory on Monday Morning W. very fine Cler we called Dr Dale this evening Susanna is worse he came at 11 & gave here some Medicine

17 A took cream J chored J went to Coakwells sale on 10th Con Adeline & Flavius Fanny were here awhile PM W. quite fine & cler thawing in the sun Susanna about the same Russell Grove was here to dinner

Sunday 14 at home Joes were here to dinner W. quite Misty This morning everything cover with white frost cleared up fine today quite mild sun Thawing 

19 J helped wash AM A went to Markham PM he sold some apples & some Lard the apples @ $2.50 per Brl & the Lard & 15 cts per lb Susanna is no better. Dr Came PM he says she must keep he bed awhile yet W quite mild thawing Cler

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Feb 1912 March

20 Boys chored hitched up Colt Sandy & Took chop PM W very fair clear Johny Ramers & Keturah {illegible} Called PM Susanna about the same Mary & Anne Called few minutes PM

21 A took chop he went to D Murisons for some Butter SB Lehmans & Jake Wideman were here to dinner W. snow & strong East wind all day quite strong at times not Cold a lot of snow

22 Boys chored A took 8 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM & 34 cts per doz W Wind turned to West last night strong all day Turning Colder towards roads drifted no Mail came & no Baker

23 A helped shovel on the roads the mail came Through Today & the Baker Came Towards evening W. very fair day not Cold Susanna about the same

24 Boys chored They hung up Pork to smoke Dr Called PM Nancy had a spell of weakness while he was here it was due to over work attending Susanna he gave her some Medicine She is pretty smart again Joes & Elias were here awhile this evening W. fair mild

Sunday 25 at home Joes & Eliass Called little while This evening PM W. very clear & mild Thawing

26 J helped wash A took Barrel Apples & Lard to Markham that he sold last week AM they Chored PM W Strong East wind began to snow about 10 oc Snowed heavy all PM a very heavy storm not Cold

27 A helped Benj'n Butcher J Chored W Strong wind from west AM pretty Cler PM some colder

28 A went to Coakwells place to help get house Clean ready for Herman's to Move tomorrow J took 7 Pigs 1390 lbs @ $6.50 per Cwt to Locust Hill for Shank AM he chored PM W. very fair clear sharp air

29 A went to Coakwells to help at Herman's Moving They moved in today J Chored & took 13 doz eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 34 per doz W. fine & Cler Sharp air

March 1 A brought 2 loads Brewers grain for Cow feed from Cherrywood station one for David Grove Russell & Louis came for it PM W. very fine & Cler sharp Air

2 A took Chop AM & brought home 8 Pigs from Thomas's @ $6.25 per Cwt live weight they weighed 795 lbs

Mar 1913

he went to Ceder Grove PM took Some lard to A Dimma PM W. clear all day Sharp NW wind quite cold

Sunday 3 at home J A & Amy went to Johny Reesors to dinner Joes were here all PM W cler quite sharp

4 A helped wash AM J took chop AM & got horse Chief Shod A dressed Calf & they cleaned out our East Chimney PM W. clear & bright quite Cold about Zero this morning

5 Boys chored A M & Took chop & went to Ceder Grove A helped Johnny Reesor get things ready he is having a Sale Tomorrow he has rented his farm to P Gates W. very fine v clear cold sharp air

6 Boys Took 3 of our Cows to Johnny's AM they went to Sale PM W. fine clear sharp The cows were sold @ Daniels & Mart Davids & Henry's were here to dinner & nearly all of them to supper The one Cow sold @ $46.50 the other two @ 36 & 38 each There was none of them fresh

7 Boys Took load Mangels to Hermans A M A brought load coal from Locust Hill PM & took 17 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 32 cts PM Susanna is worse we Called Dr Dale's PM he Came & says she must stay in bed awhile he will Come again W very fine

8 A took Horse Billy to Dr Armstrong AM They chored PM W. mild cloudy a little drizzle of snow PM

9 Boys chored Herman & Harvey called awhile PM W {illegible} cold air from NW Susanna about the same Anne is well Dr Called Flavius is sick Lumbago Stone & Kidney Trouble Dr is attending him Boys helped shovel snow at meeting house PM

Sunday 10 A Nancy & I went to meeting at Hebron J staid with Susanna remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Luke 9 by C Burkholder Menno Burkholder & Matty were here to dinner Henry Boyer too MN's Called PM W. very fine clear quite sharp about Zero this morning Susanna about the same

11 J helped wash A went to Markham AM They Chored PM Dr Called PM he says Susanna Can Get up a few hours at a time Lydia & Bertha & Thomas's girls called PM W fine cler but raw air

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Mar 1912

12 Boys Chored AM A got Mares Jennie & Gwen shod & brought load Coal from Locust Hill PM Elias & Merry & little Wilbur Called little while PM W. cloudy Mild a few in snow last night Susanna not quite so well has headache

13 A took cream & brought load Coal J helped Clean house AM he went to Lowrys sale on 10th Con & A helped Clean house PM W. very fine Cler sharp Air Anne was here PM

14 Boys Chored & sorted Apples A took 17 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 20 cts Teenie Stover was here to dinner A Forster was here Assessing he took dinner too W. partly Cloudy quite Mild thawing

15 Boys Chored W. Mild pretty strong wind from East heavy snow all day heavy wet snow

16 A took cream J shovelled snow around the place there was a heavy fall of snow Cler & Colder today

Sunday 17 at home J went to Henry's to dinner J A & Amy went to Benj'ns to supper W. fine Cler Mild all day thawing fast looks like spring

18 J helped wash A rubbed pork with Mustard then J went with Russell Grove to Cherrywood for a load of Brewers grain Russell staid for dinner W. very fine & Mild snow going fast Amelia Ernie & Carl Called awhile this evening

19 J helped house Cleaning A went to Ceder Grove W. very fine & Cler snow going fast Johnny Ramer's Called PM

20 J helped clean house awhile A went to Ceder Grove then they Chored W. quite Cold NW wind froze hard

21 Boys Chored A went to Joe's PM & then he took 20 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 20 cts PM W. strong storm of wind & snow from East last night & all AM Cleared up PM roads not badly drifted not very Cold

22 A helped J BB Reesor (Johnny Reesor) move to Mount Joy he has Rented his farm to P Gates J Chored W. Cler Cold wind Called Dr Dales Susanna is worse he says she must keep her bed awhile

23 Boys Chored A went to J Murisons for Butter AM he went to Bob Milroys Sawing Bee PM W. cler sharp East wind Susanna about the same

Sunday 24 at home Joe's & Benj'ns were here to dinner Flavius Eva too Thomas's girls were here PM

Mar 1912 April

Herman's were all here This evening. Dr. called PM Susanna about the same W. clear rain Cold N wind

25 J helped wash a chored A M he went to Arthur Milroys Sawing Bee PM & went to Ceder Grove PM Nancy went along as far as Flavius Flavius is not well he has had the Dr a few times he has a stomach trouble he is up & around the most of the time W Cler quite sharp The sleighing is getting thin. The sun is thawing

26 Boys helped at house cleaning & went to sale near Milliken PM Henry called few minutes PM Joe & Anne Called few minutes this evening W. Milder a few in soft snow PM it patched the sleighing fine

27 Boys took a load Mangels to Herman's AM A took a load chop PM W. bright & clear snow thawing again David's called few minutes PM

28 Boys cut down 3 trees in bush for fire wood David Groves came to dinner W very fine clear AM some cloudy PM Thawing fast

29 A want to Toronto on C N.R. J chored Flavius here to dinner he is getting better W cloudy mild this morning cleared up today Thawing blowing up colder this evening

30 Boys pitched straw stack into barn AM Carl helped A went to Flavius sawing Bee PM J chored W sharp frost last night clear today sun thawing waggons running

Sunday 31 at home Mary Frank & Ada were here to dinner They walked there are some very high snow banks in the roads it in neither good Wheeling or sleighing cloudy. Mild & a drizzle of & rain awhile after dinner

April 1 J helped wash AM he went to Ceder Grove PM A trimmed some trees in bush AM he went to Raymonds In Clarkes Hollow to look for a girl PM got none W rain NE air AM some snow from East PM

2 J went to Henrys AM we heard that Willis had Grippe & Influenza he is better again A took grist & Chored we had Anne helping today the boys intend having a Sawing Bee tomorrow W. fine clear cold N wind. There was a few in fresh snow pretty good slipping this morning but the Sun takes the snow J went to Henry's with Cutter

3 Boys Trimmed some tree & J took 13 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 20 cts AM They had Sawing Bee PM about 11 hands W Cler Cold N wind Sharp frost last night

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April 1912 Anne & Herman's Lydia were here too

4 Boys split wood A went to {illegible} Milroy Sawing Bee PM W. mostly cloudy sharp frost last night

Good Friday 5 I Nancy& A went to meeting at Hebron J staid with Susanna remarks by C Burkholder Sermon on St Mark part of 15C by Br C Johnny Reesor's were here to dinner W. fine & clear quite warm Snow going very fast water high & roads sloppy

6 Boys split wood AM A took chop PM I went to Semiannual Conference at Hebron PM all passed off well W. Mostly Cloudy Warm the roads are very very bad & Soft snow going

Easter Sunday 7 Nancy J & A went to meeting at Hebron I staid with Susanna I am not well had bad cough last night & am weak C Burkholder Thomas's brought Bishop Paul Martin & wife & old David Martin v Johnny Ramer's were here to dinner Ernie Carl Amelia Eva were here PM W. steady rain all AM clear awhile PM roads very bad very few at meeting

Easter Monday 8 Boys had Holiday A took grist chop AM J does not feel well W ground white with snow this morning sun took it away but there was a raw Cold N wind all day There was a very heavy freshet in all the Creeks there is hardly a dam standing on the big Rouge north Don Humber Credit Etobicoke

9 Boys helped wash v then cleaned & then cleaned the summer Kitchen at other end they cleaned Some Seed grain P M W snowed nearly all AM partly cloudy PM we heard Today That Henry's Willis & Ada have Diptheria & their house is quarantined we dont know how bad they are

10 J took cream A took 8 hogs to Markham for Shank @ $8.00 per Cwt 1270 lbs AM J took chop PM W. a little frost last night clear today thawing

11 Boys helped clean kitchen at other and J took 16 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 18cts PM W. Cloudy Misty all AM cleared up PM Mild roads bad they papered the pantry at other end too

12 A was at Hermans putting on wall paper J split wood in bush W. cloudy drizzly AM Cleared up fine PM.

April 1912

13 A worked in bush & took cream AM he went to annual meeting of Ceder Grove Threshing Co at Flavius PM W. clear & steady raw East wind all day Frank Barkey came to dinner he stays all night Amy goes home to stay

Sunday 14 at home Frank Barkey was here all day J & A went to Henry's PM They are doing as well as can be expected W. cloudy foggy at times drizzly rain at Times roads very bad

15 Boys cleaned seed grain W. Mostly foggy & misty warm a Thunder Shower went around South East There was a heavy Thunder Shower last evening after bedtime & heavy rain

16 Boys Cut wood in bush Herman helped W. fine Clear Cool Air A went down creek intoThomas's field & shot 3 suckers with his rifle

17 Boys cut wood Herman called for some seed oats. Uriah Drudges were here to supper Dr called to see Susanna She is not so well Boys went down Petticoat & got 4 more suckers There are a lot in Petticoat & in Rouge at Davids

18 Boys chored W mostly cloudy

19 A went to Markham AM They cut willow {illegible} at dam & some Apple limbs PM W. cold N wind

20 Boys cut up rubbish for summer wood A took grist chop PM W. fine clear cool air from north Eva Carl & Hermans Harvey came This evening & A went with down Petticoat for Suckers There are a lot caught in Petticoat & Rouge They got 13

Sunday 21 at home Joe & Anne Flavius & Fanny Amelia & Eva were here to dinner Ernie & Carl came PM W. North cloudy cool air from north white frost last night

22 J helped wash A Ernie & Carl went fishing along Rouge AM They caught 31 They chored PM W. Some squaals of rain partly cloudy Russell Grove came this evening A went with him down Petticoat to look for suckers they got 3 Boys Trimmed Raspberry bushes PM

23 A helped iron the wash AM They sorted apples PM W clear cold N Wind roads drying off fast ground while with a light fluff of snow this morning

24 A & Herman went to Toronto 5 Barrels Apples ${illegible} per Barrel 2 of Herman's Pigs $11.50 per Cwt J chored & took grist chop PM W. Cold strong W wind some rain last night.

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April 1912 May

25 J helped Scrub Meeting house A drew dung into back garden AM they began spring seeding sowed about 4 acres oats in NE Corner field PM the ground works well W. very fine Cler J took 18 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove after supper @ 18 cts

26 Boys worked at Seeding till about 3 PM drizzly rain stopped them J took some grain for Chop this morning I rode with him to Br C's Cloudly all PM

27 Boys worked on the ground W. strong Cold N Wind

Sunday 28 at home Adeline & Martin Ramer were here to dinner Elias's & Family & Flavius & Fanny & Eva Called awhile PM W. Cloudy Cool N wind Clear AM

29 Boys worked at seeding Mrs Mayberry was here today washing W. Cloudy a pretty strong wind from N East all day raw & Cold

30 Boys worked at seeding W. clear sharp Air from North white frost this morning Joe's & Herman's Called this evening Thomas's girls Called this evening

May 1 Boys worked at seeding I got Horse Major shod all around at Ceder Grove AM I & Nancy went to Elias's awhile PM Called at Teenie Stovers W. rather Cloudy at times a raw Cool wind from East

2 Boys worked at seeding W. . warm mostly Clear some Cloudy J took 15 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove at 18 cts after supper

3 Boys worked at seeding W. very fine Cler Cool air yet steady Air from East for about a week getting very dry

4 Boys finished seeding except 5 acres to harrow W. partly cloudy looks a little like rain

Sunday 5 went to meeting at Hebron J staid with Susanna suitable remarks and sermon for the Celebration of Lord's Supper C Burkholder C Gayman & Levi Groves & Br C on St Luke 22 & 23 Chapter Enos Nighswander & Martin Menno Burkholder & AB's Lizzie were here to dinner Daniels Called few minutes PM W. strong East wind & Mostly cloudy all day began to rain after sunset a little thunder bedtime

6 Boys dug some garden this morning then A Rolled & J grubbed in Mangel ground north of bush I went to Elias's this morning W. Misty awhile then Cleared up fine & Clear

May 1912

George Mayberrys wife was here to dinner the other Mrs Mayberry was here helping to work she will help us nearly every day now for awhile heavy Mist again this evening

7 A rolled J ganged north of bush Henry Willis & Ada were here awhile PM W. Misty awhile this Morning clear & fine today things are growing nice

8 A rolled J ganged north of bush Br inlaw John Hoover Called few minutes PM W. fine warm clear

9 A rolled J ganged north of bush W. cold NW wind slight rain this morning some more towards evening nice little shower last night

10 A finished rolling J worked at Mangel ground W. very fine clear day sun warm cool air from South west I forgot to say that A took 16 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove last evening @ 16 cts per doz trees budding out nicely our Clover & fall wheat look well but the Air & East wind is pretty Cool

11 J took cream & Called at Hermans to put on some grafts AM he Chored PM A worked on Corn ground W. cloudy sprinkling dribbling rain off & on PM warm

Sunday 12 at home J & A went to Henrys to dinner Benj'n & family Amelia Ernie & Carl were here awhile PM Ada Mayberry Frank & Ada Barkey were here to supper W wind light rain AM more rain PM a very heavy shower after supper very welcome

13 A took grist with Billy & Sandy he got Sandy shod on front feet J Chored & went to Ceder Grove PM Herman's Lydia Harvey & Frank were here {illegible} PM W. rough Cold south west wind light rain drizzle Mixed with snow quite Cold

14 A worked on Corn ground J took grist Chop AM he worked on corn ground PM W. white frost last night fine clear today Elias's little Wilbur was here today Elias's & Anne Called here to dinner they were in Markham

15 J sowed Mangels A Made Drills & worked Corn Ground W. partly Cloudy pretty warm

Ascension day 16 A & Nancy went to Meeting at Hebron I could not go have Neuralgia in Eye & face W. drizzly rain all PM {illegible} J & A went to Hermans PM

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May 1912

17 J & Nancy went to Daniels to dinner Daniel is not well he has Sore Eyes A Chored I have lame back can hardly get around W. drizzly light rain AM cleared up fine PM

18 Henry & Family Came this morning Flavius J & A went along with them & Willis to the dead water & they caught a lot of fine fish W. cloudy this Morning cleared up today strong W wind PM warm

Sunday 19 at home J & A went to David Groves to dinner W Cloudy Cool West wind

20 J washed a lot of old clothes that were in wood shed A Chored J brought a Barrel of lime from Locust Hill PM A uncovered the Cistern PM they intend to Cover it with Cement W. Cloudy some heavy showers of rain some thunder last night a few claps PM Creek pretty high

21 J boiled slop A chored W. rain rain rain not very fast Creek high

22 Boys worked Cistern W. rain till near noon blowed up cooler pretty strong W wind PM J washed AM he took 12 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove this evening @ 19 1/2

23 Boys {two words illegible} Flavius & Carl came PM they went with them down to the old Laughlin farm & they Caught about 15 & one fine Carp W. quite warm day

24 Boys went gathering Mushrooms AM they got about a Peck they didnt do much PM Hermans were here awhile PM W. pretty heavy thunder showers early this Morning quite warm from change after dinner & cool trees out in full leaf everything look well Boys caught 25 suckers down Petticoat this evening

25 Boys finished covering Cistern & fixed {illegible} Chored W. a very fine clear day very pleasant

Whit Sunday 26 A & Nancy went to Elias's to dinner But there were visitors here too Adeline & Martin Reesors & Thomas's Harvey were here to dinner W. very fine & clear all day Daniel is in Toronto General Hospital he has a very sore Eye he wrote home that he is doing as well as can be expected

Whit Monday 27 Boys planted Silo Corn I & Nancy & Susanna went to Flavius to dinner W. fine some cloudy slight rain & distant thunder this evening

28 Boys finished plastering the Cistern W. strong west wind very heavy rain towards evening some thunder

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May 1912 June

29 Boys started to go fishing with hook & line to dead water they turned back too rainy then J Boiled soap W. rain off & on all day raining yet Bedtime

30 J took Susanna to Dr Dale AM A Boiled Soap A went hunting Mushrooms PM he got about a Peck W. fine & clear A took 16 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 19 cts after supper

31 A was at Hermans making fence J took chop to Davids they chored PM W. very fine

June 1 Boys fetched load Pine roots from Flavius then A went to Toronto on train from Cherrywood J Chored PM W. very fine

Sunday June 2 Nancy A & Susanna went to Meeting at Hebron I staid at home am not strong & cough some yet Adeline & Mart Ramer were here to dinner Flavius & Eva were here about all PM David Groves Called too Henrys Called few minutes this evening W. Mostly Cloudy some shower AM & PM just very warm

3 Boys cut up Pine roots behind barn for Engine wood AM J & Nancy went to Hermans PM Lydia has Blood Poisoning in her blood is getting better w. pretty warm cler A trimmed Ash trees along bank line fence PM

4 A & Susanna went to Markham J Piled Pine roots & Made some garden W. fine Cler quite Cool this evening

5 A helped Benj'n all day J dug some garden then he harrowed the Corn it is coming up W. fine & Cool

6 A went to help Benj'n J went to help Herman they both came home about 10 AM it rained pretty steady all AM then they Plowed back garden & planted it with Potatoes Esther Groves & Louis were here to supper fine & Clear PM quite Cool A took 11 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove this evening @ 19 cts

7 Boys helped Benj'n Plow Mangel ground W. slight rain this morning cleared up quite Cool

8 J took cream he brought Willis with him he stays over night A took grist AM he Chored PM J helped Benj'n PM W. Clear Cool wind some fost up north last night

Sunday 9 at home Elias's were here to dinner Hermans Henrys & Benj'sn Wilfred were here awhile PM Amy Mayberry was here to supper J & A took Willis home after supper W. fine Cler all day Cool wind

10 A helped Herman J took 7 hogs nearly 180 lbs each #8.20 per Cwt AM he chored PM Alma & Ada Barkey Came this morning they stay all night W. fine Cler

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June 1912

11 J Cultivated Mangels with Seeder A & Susanna were to Markham AM Boys topped thistles PM Henrys were here to dinner W. fine a little cloudy at times Alma & Ada Barkey went home this evening

12 Boys cleaned & scrubbed cellar floor AM they cut seed Potatoes & drew dung on Potatoe ground PM W. fine showers

13 Boys Planted Potatoes 16 drills I & Nancy walked to Benj'ns to dinner Abraham Widemans wife was here to supper W. very fine Cler day Cool Air

14 Boys topped thistles I & Nancy went to Aunt Lizzie Burkholder a few hours PM W. East wind

15 Boys Topped thistles awhile rain stopped them then they cut wood in woodshed A went to Ceder Grove PM W. Cloudy some heavy showers Delilah Came yesterday she staid all night was here today is staying tonight

Sunday 16 at home Elias's were here to dinner Benj'n & family were here all PM Flavius & family wee after supper W. Cloudy all day some showers PM

17 Boys Cultivated & scuffled Mangels & topped some thistles W. Cler strong west wind fine & cool

18 Boys Topped thistles Susanna & Thomas's Esther went to Markham AM with Hore Billy W. Cler cold wind

19 A helped herman fixing his stable J scuffled & thinned Mangels W. partly Clear Cool

20 A was at Hermans J Benj'ns man & Ernie & Carl thinned mangels W. Cool a short shower after dinner some distant thunder Flavius boys took 10 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 20 cts per doz

21 A was at Hermans J Benj'ns Man Ernie & Carl thinned mangels W. warm partly Clear Cool Air

22 the same hand finished thinning Mangels they are looking well. I & Nancy went awhile to Teenie Stovers W. Cler warm sun Cool air Sunday I went to Murisons for Butter & to Davids mill for a bag of Flour AM

Sunday 23 at home Adeline & Martin Ramer Herman & family were here to dinner Elias's Made a Call PM W. fine Clear quite warm very warm

24 Boys drew gravel for statute labor with one team W. very very warm partly Cloudy

25 Boys both worked on roads AM

June July 1912

J Cultivated Corn PM W. very very warm Cler I got horse Major shod all around AM

26 A helped Herman J Cultivated Corn & Chored W. quite warm a fine shower AM Susanna & Mrs Mayberry went to Markham with horse Major AM

27 A helped Herman J Cultivated some roots & Chored he took grist Chop & took 5 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 20 cts PM W. Cler Cooler

28 A was at Hermans J Cut some swail hay & chored W. very very warm over 80 deg Clear David Reesor made a Call this evening

29 A was at Herman J & Nancy went to Davids AM Esther is sick J raking & Cocked some swail hay PM Edward Moyers were here to supper W. clear quite warm

Sunday 30 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat part of 22 C by Br C John Brillinger & Willis were here to dinner Elias's were here all PM Thomas Dillers were here to supper Br C's Thomas gave us a Call after supper W. very fine cler Cool

July 1 A was at Hermans J helped Flavius at Mangels W. very fine & clear I took Susanna to Teenie Stovers AM & brought her home PM

2 A was at Hermans AM then he Came home J cut Meadow on Knoll they took in some swail hay PM I & Nancy were at Hermans to dinner W. Clear quite warm

3 J helped Flaius hay A cut fence Corners awhile then he Tedded hay PM they raked & Cocked PM W. quite warm South wind wind looks like shower this evening

4 Boys took up a load hay off Knoll AM A cut hay south of bush J took 6 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove after supper @ 20 cts per doz W. very very warm some thunder showers went around PM some heavy Claps

5 Boys drew in hay AM A went to Burkholders barn raising near Boxgrove J raked & cockedhay south of bush I went to Joe's for Bread & to Murisons for Butter AM W. very very warm thunder clouds going around all day.

{second page}

July 1912

6 Boys drew in rakings off Knoll & began south of bush Ernie helped PM & they finished it loads W. very very warm I think the warmest so far

Sunday 7 I & Nancy went to Joe's to dinner J A & Susanna went to Henrys to dinner Willis Came with the he stays awhile Flavius Fanny & Eva were here after supper W. very very warm

8 A Cut grass below garden J helped Flavius hoe Mangels A helped too awhile then he Tedded took grist this evening I & Nancy went to Daniels to {illegible} Called here while at Daniels PM W very very warm Some distant thunder at times

9 J took cream AM he raked & cocked the hay below garden PM he cut weeds along fence and scuffled mangels PM W. very very thunder clouds going around

10 J & A Cultivated & Scuffled Potatoes Corn & Mangels then drew 2 loads hay from below garden when heavy thunder storm stopped them a very heavy Clap shocked My Dear Nancy We Called Dr Dale he Came attended to her she is around again it did not rain very much but it was welcome warm yet

11 Boys helped Benj'n all day Flavius Fanny Called Henry was here awhile AM he took Willis home Christian Brillinger Called PM Anne & Elias Ada Called John Widemans Widow was with Brillingers rather Cloudy not so warm

12 Boys helped Benj'n AM they took in last of hay below garden & grubbed Corn PM W very vine & Cool Hermans made a short Call AM Nancy is geting some better

13 J took cream they hoed Corn all day W. partly cloudy Esther & Levi Grove were here to dinner quite warm

Sunday 14 at home Br inlaw Jesse Hoover was here to dinner Amelia & Eva were here all PM Daniels gave uas a good Call after supper W. quite warm Cler

15 J & A helped Benj'n draw in hay with team till about 2 PM when very heavy thunder & rain stopped them very heavy thunder sharp lightning a heavy welcome rain

{unfortunately too faint to decipher any writing on either page}

July 1912

16 Boys hoed Corn J took cream this morning & took some chop after dinner Old Saml G Reesor & wife & Herman's Called after supper W. very fine cool & Clear today Dr Called to see Nancy she is doing very well

17 I went to Murisons for Butter & to Davids for Flour this morning Boys hoed & scuffled Corn Henry's were here to dinner Boys brought a load of hay from Benj'ns Ed Lewis & H Hibbert were here to dinner W. very fine Cler

18 Boys hoed Corn rain stopped them a slight shower about 3 PM a fine rain about supper time Cooler warm AM

19 Benj'n helped J Plow south of barn the Clover stubble A hoed Corn A Plowed PM & J hoed W. very fine & Cool Cler I took 6 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove AM Alma Frank & Ada Barkey were here to dinner

20 Boys Rolled sod below bush A hoed Corn W. rather Cloudy Cool

Sunday 21 at home Amelia Ernie Carl & Eva were here to dinner Elias's were here all PM Benj'n & Family were here after supper Joes were here to supper W. fine heavy rain this Morning Clearned up PM not so warm

22 Benj'ns man helped Plow sod on Knoll J Plowed too A Plowed AM he helped Herman's PM at hay W. fine & Cool

23 A hoed Corn Hermans Harvey helped till after dinner J finished Plowing Knoll W. rather cloudy cool Frank Grove was here to supper

24 J harrowed sod A hoed & Paris Greened Potatoes W. East wind warm

25 Boys hoed second time in Mangels I & Nancy were to Henrys to dinner W. mostly Cloudy slight shower this evening about sundown

26 Boys finished hoeing the mangels W. Clear Cool towards evening

27 J & A cut the wheat in field behind barn they finished about 5 oc a very fine Crop A shocked it I went to Murisons for Butter & to Ceder Grove for Twine AM W. a very very fine Cler Cool day Most beautiful

Sunday 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat part of 24 C by C Gayman Joseph Groves Joseph Boyers Willis & Ada were here to dinner Jacob & Anne Diller were here to supper W. quite warm but fine Breeze mostly cloudy looks like rain.

{second page}

July Aug 1912

29 A was at Hermans J Cultivated sod & scuffled Potatoes I went to Elias's PM W. warm sun cool Breeze Teenie Stover was here to supper

30 drew dung on Knoll with 3 teams Benj'ns man helped with team Ernie helped to fill W. very fine & Cool about a dozen cut the weeds in graveyard after supper

31 the {illegible} finished drawing dung AM Benj'ns man spread dung PM A went to J Larkins barn raising PM J put Paris Green on Potatoes PM Hermans Came PM for Raspberries PM W. fine Cloudy at times Cool

August 1 J cultivated Corn A hoed Potatoes AM they drew in 6 loads Wheat & I took 8 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 23 cts PM W. a little distant thunder PM Cloudy Cool air from East

2 Benj'n & his man Came & they in loads wheat {illegible} then there Came a drizzly cool rain they had to quit drawing A Disked sod below bush J is sick we Called Dr Dale last night about midnight he said there were symptoms of Inflammation has bad pain in his {illegible} has sick spells in his stomach W. rather Cool Cloudy

3 A finished Disking Sod on Knoll AM J took some chop to Davids he is not well yet he went to Dr Dale PM A & Benj'ns Man & Wilfred drew in last of wheat PM 5 loads W. Cler Cool Herman & Ernie & Carl Called this eveing Anne was here awhile too

Sunday 4 at home all day nobody here W. Cloudy awhile this morning Clear a little Cool today J is not very well yet but he is up & around

5 A helped Benj'n draw in Wheat all day J went to W Shanks to buy some Pigs he bought 11 3 or 4 month old @ $3.00 each he went to Davids to dinner he is getting better slowly Mary was here today Picking Raspberries w. fine Cler Cool

6 Boys cut & shocked field barley north of Meeting house I went down to Murisons for Butter AM W. fine Cool Clear Flavius Fanny Amelia & Eva were here all PM A took cream this morning

7 Boys drew home stove wood out of bush AM they Plowed in Creek East of Orchard PM W rather Cool partly Cloudy

Aug Sept 1912

8 J took cream & took 11 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 23 cts A got horse Sandy shod AM they Plowed in Wheat stubble PM W slow steady rain AM rather cloudy PM ground well soaked

9 Boys Plowed W rather Cloudy slow drizzly rain at times some heavy rain & distant thunder after dark quite heavy at times some rain last night

10 Boys Plowed AM A went to Scotts Barn raising on 11th Con PM J finished Plowing PM I went to Joes for Bread I took Susanna & Mrs Mayberry to Benj'ns PM & brought them home again W warm some clouds going round dark a little like showers

Sunday 11 at home J A & Susanna went to Benj'ns to dinner W. rain off & on AM some heavy showers some thunder over the lake this evening there is a lot of water in our Pond

12 A took 7 hogs 1290 lbs @ $8.20 to Locust Hill for Shanks then they harrowed the Wheat stubble that was Ganged I & Nancy went to Br N's Lizzy to dinner Menno Burkholder brought Catherine McGregor to supper W. quite warm rather Cloudy

13 Boys cut part of field mixed grain behind Cider house & part of Oats in NE Corner field I & Nancy went to Menno Reesors he was not at home then we went to Uriah Drudges to dinner W very warm

14 Boys cut Oats I & Nancy went to Davids to dinner W quite warm Clear A helped Benj'n draw dung with team AM

15 Boys cut oats AM they drew in 7 oads barley PM Benj'ns Wilfred helped I took 10 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove AM @ 25 cts Teenie Stover was here to dinner W. Cler Cool

16 Boys finished drawing barley 1 load of raking AM they cut Oats PM W. fine Cler Cool

17 Boys cut Oats AM they finished field East of dam & last few acres behind Cider House then they drew in few loads Mixed grain & few loads Oats W. Cloudy all day drizzly rain this evening I went to Joes for Susanna's bread

Sunday 18 at home Henrys Russell & Louis Grove were here to dinner Hermans Harvey was here PM Elias's Called awhile PM W. Cloudy about all day

19 Boys ganged in field North of Meeting house AM they cut in Peas & oats N West corner field PM I went to Murisons for Butter PM W. Cloudy nearly all day

20 A helped Benj'n thresh J cut Peas & oats in NW Corner AM Machine came after dinner began threshing at 2 PM to until did not get done W. cloudy {illegible}

{second page}

Aug Sept 1912

21 finished threshing about 1/2 past nine then they went to Flavius A helped thresh at Flavius J ganged PM W. Cloudy this Morning Cler today I forgot to say that Eli Stover from Vancouver was here to supper last night Anne was here awhile PM

22 A helped James McCreight thresh AM he ganged PM J took load Chop to Davids then he Cultivate the sod for the Wheat W. fairly warm rather cloudy clouds going around south this evening after supper a fine shower

23 Boys ganged W. rather cloudy a heavy shower after dinner I took Susanna to Joes after dinner brought her home PM

24 A finished Plowing north of Meeting house & then he fixed up shocks he helped Alick Milroy thresh PM J finished Cutting Knoll I went to Ceder Grove AM then I went to half yearly Conference at Hebron all passed off well a few visitors a little while after conference from Pennsylvania & Waterloo MN was here to supper W. quite showry some distant thunder showers going around PM

Sunday 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Bishop Paul Martin sermon on St Mat 18 C by Pre F Horst from Pennsylvania Daniel Ramers were here to dinner Flavius Called awhile {illegible} very very warm Cloudy Mostly Cler PM

26 Boys harrowed north of Meeting house AM Benj'n & his Man & Wilfred helped with team they drew in 8 loads Mixed grain till about 5 PM when a very heavy storm of thunder lightning & rain stopped them it was very warm today Cooler now some heavy Claps of thunder a heavy heavy storm

27 Boys ganged in East end of big field AM they laid down some shocks after dinner then they drew in 3 loads PM W. fine Cler & Cool Susanna & Amelia went to David Groves with Horse Major lightning struck B Dillers barn last evening did not Burn

28 J helped Thomas thresh AM A helped Benj'n draw in AM they were both at Benj'ns PM drizzly rain stopped them about 4 PM Cloudy all day

29 A helped R Milroy thresh AM & helped P Gates thresh PM J ganged in big field & harrowed & laid down Oat shocks PM I took 10 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 25 cts per doz.

Sept 1912

Teenie Stover was here to dinner Hermans Called after supper

30 Benj'n & is Men helped & they drew in 21 loads W. Cler AM Cloudy PM Cool W. Air

31 Boys went to Benj'ns to help draw in heavy shower stopped them they Came home & ganged in field east of dam I went to Murisons for Butter & to Joes for Bread PM W. sharp AM partly Cloudy PM stead East wind

Sunday Sept 1 at home J went to Henry's PM brought Willis with him he stays all night J & A & Willis went to Elias's after supper W. some thunder Early this morning & some heavy rain cloudy AM some Cler PM

2 Boys & Benj'ns Man finished ganging field East of dam & began in NE Corner field Henry Came PM for some seed Wheat Willis went home with him W. Cloudy all day

3 J & Benj'n finished ganging A helped JD's thresh AM he ganged too PM W. Cloudy Mostly AM Cler & quite warm PM

4 Boys finished ganging NE field AM they harrowed PM W. Misty & Cloudy AM Clered up PM Herman was here for some grain PM M Barkey got a lot of Duchess Oldenburg Apples

5 J took Cream & took 9 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ AM A helped pick some Imperial Gages I took 5 Baskets to M Barkeys PM he takes them to Toronto Boys helped drew in one last of harvest Ernie & Carl helped awhile then our Boys helped Benj'n PM a very heavy storm of Rain thunder & lightning after supper not so very near but Menno Groves barn was burned & a few More west from here

6 A cleaned seed Wheat alone AM J went to Ceder Grove he got Horse Billy shod they Picked Golden sweet aples & then harrowed PM W. very very warm some thunder showers went around PM

7 J took cream AM then Plowed A Plowed too they both helped Benj'n finish drawing in PM I took grist chop to Davids PM Flavius Fanny helped us AM W. very fine Cool & clear, warm through the day Henry's were here this evening

Sunday 8 A & Susanna went to Meeting at Widemans Alma Frank & May Barkey were here to dinner Aunt Lizzie Burkholder was here all PM W. fine & cool AM warm PM {illegible line}

{second page}

Sept 1912

9 A helped Benj'n draw dung with team J took cream then stopped at Hermans & helped him draw in {illegible} W. partly cloudy quite warm

10 A helped Benj'n draw dung J Cultivated in sod AM he helped Thomas to thresh PM W. Mostly clear very very warm I walked to Elias's PM got very tired

11 J helped Alick Milroy thresh AM A helped Benj'n draw dung AM he helped NB thresh PM J Cultivated south of Pasture PM W. a very welcome change in the weather very {illegible} & Cool North Breeze all day slight shower last night some thunder not raining

12 Boys sowed the Wheat south of bush & on Knoll I & Nancy went to JD's to dinner W. fine Cler East Breeze Boys took 13 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove this evening @ 25 cts

13 Boys Plowed in Wheat stubble NW Corner field I & Nancy went awhile to Elias's & awhile to Joes PM W. quite warm PM Turning Cooler wind from East this evening

14 A Plowed at Benj'ns J Plowed at home W. Cloudy & warm nearly all day slight rain awhile PM Herman's Called this evening

Sunday 15 I & Nancy walked to Thomas's A went to Herman's Susanna went Lydia & Bertha went Joes we were not at Thomas's long till Willis & J came for us Henry's were here then Benj'n & family Came they were all here for dinner W. a steady rain after dinner rained a few times some distant thunder over the lake PM warm

16 A Plowed at Benj'ns J Plowed at home I went to Elias's with some Cucumbers Susanna & Mrs Mayberry were at Hermans PM W. Cooler

17 Boys both Plowed I took grist to Davids PM we Peeled a lot of Apples this evening for sauce Flavius & Thomas's helped W. partly Cloudy not so warm

18 A Plowed J took some apples to Lapps for Sauce AM he Plowed too PM they finished NW Corner field Teenie Stover was here PM & to supper partly Cloudy warm PM

19 A & George Mayberry Plowed west of dam J took grist Chop AM he put up Wire fence along wheat south of bush to keep Cows off where they are in the {illegible}

Sept 1912

W. showers Early this Morning blowed up Cool after dinner a little distant thunder A took 8 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove this evening Dr Dale Called this evening to see Susanna & Nancy. Nancy needs Tiring up she is up & around

20 Boys drew dung in field north of Meeting house Benj'ns Man helped with team Ernie & G Mayberry helped a little rain this Morning Cler Cool today

21 Boys nearly covered field Benj'ns Man helped AM A & G Mayberry finished PM & spread a lot J went to Joseph Burkholders sale PM (at Davids home) he bought some {illegible} Joes Willis Came home with him W. Cloudy a rain Cold East wind all day

Sunday 22 all went to Meeting at Hebron sermon on St Mat 26 & 27 Chapts by C Gayman & Br C Lords Supper was Celebrate C Gayman & wife & Peter Burkholder & wife & daughter were here to dinner W. Cloudy some air from East this Morning Slight drizzle toward evening some heavy showers after supper

23 Boys Plowed A helped Elias Barkeys thresh PM I & Nancy were at Elias's to dinner W. quite heavy rain last night Creek running lively this Morning Mostly Cler today pretty warm

24 Boys Chored a steady rain from East all day not heavy Cool

25 J took some Wheat to Whitevale & exchanged it for Flour & went to Henry's AM A spread dung AM They both Plowed PM W. partly Cloudy Daniel came here to dinner

26 Boys Plowed A helped Benj'n thresh AM Carl plowed in his place W. some showers & some distant thunder AM fine & Cler PM Cool

27 Boys Plowed A helped Flavius at Cemetery Ernie came & plowed in his place I went to Murisons for Butter & then I took grist Chop PM W. sharp frost last night fine & cler today this my 76th Birthday

28 Boys Plowed Ernie Plowed awhile in A's place Frank Barkey was here today W. drizzly nearly all day Cloudy

Sunday 29 at home David Groves & Elias's were all here to dinner Joes Called awhile PM Herman's Harvey & Benj'ns Wilfred Called PM W. some rain & Cloudy AM Cler PM rather cold air all day

{second page}

Sept 1912 Oct

30 A Plowed J took Cream & then took grist he Plowed too PM I went to Joes & Elias's AM little Wilbur is sick W. Cloudy slight drizzling rain PM

Oct 1 Boys plowed I & Susanna went to Elias's this morning to see how little Wilbur was he is Better again W. fine Cler Cool NW wind

2 J took cream A Plowed J brought in Pumpkins & some Potatoes he Plowed too PM W. some frost last night no damage fine & cler today

3 A helped A Dimma fill silo & started at Arthur Reesors J Plowed AM began to Cut Corn PM I & Susanna went to Joes & Called at Elias's PM W. Misty Cloudy Cool SW wind

4 Boys fixed fence around old orchard then they went to Markham W. fine Cler Benj'n Musselman Came to stay all night A helped Arthur Reesor fill silo AM J took cream & took in a lot of Beets AM they drew in 7 loads Mangels PM M Barkey was Pulling them W. very fine & warm I went to Murisons for Butter AM

Sunday 6 at home A & Susanna went to Meeting at Widemans Amelia & Ernie Came & Br N's widow Lizzie were here to dinner Ed Wilson brought his Parents & Mrs & {illegible name} in his Auto & staid about an hour W. a very lovely October day

7 A helped J Dimma fill silo he went after 9 oc J Drew in Mangels Carl helped with team PM they took in 17 loads Barkey finished Pulling them W. a little cloudy this Morning cleared up Morning Colder a raw biting wind strong

8 A helped Dimmas fill silo awhile then he drew in Mangles J drew Mangels AM he finished cutting corn except 1 round Nancy & Susanna went to Benj'n Stovers to dinner with Horse Major W. fine Clear white frost last night

9 J finished cutting corn A brought in last of Mangels we have 34 loads I took some chop to Davids this morning A took load PM & got horse Sandy shod W. air from East AM rain awhile PM J & A went to Henrys after supper

10 Boys Plowed AM they Picked snow apples PM took 7 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 26 cts PM & went to Murisons for Butter W. pretty cler not very Cold

Oct 1912

11 Filled our Oils AM A helped Thomas's PM J Plowed PM Teenie Stover helped our Women w. Cloudy all day, East wind after dark the silo is full within a few feet of the top

12 A helped Thomas fill silo AM he helped Flavius PM J Plowed W. heavy shower of rain last night Some thunder not very heavy partly cloudy a very strong West wind PM not Cold but heavy wind

Sunday 13 at home Henry's & Joes were here to dinner Amelia & Eva were here PM W. partly cloudy Mild

14 Boys Plowed AM A helped J Murison fill silo PM J Plowed PM I got Horse Major shod all round AM W. Cler Cool Air

15 A helped Petty fill Silo till after dinner then he helped Flavius draw Mangels J Plowed AM he went to Mill PM W. Partly Clear very Cold NW wind Susanna & Teenie Stover went to Markham & to Christian Stovers to dinner

16 A helped N Burkholder fill silo with team till after 3 PM then he Picked Winter Apples J Plowed AM he Picked apples PM W. Cler very sharp West Wind heavy white frost last night

17 J took Chop then brought Potato digger & Plowed out some potatoes they are a good crop but some are rotten A helped Pilkey fill silo till 3 PM then he helped at Potatoes W. very fine cler

18 Boys dug Potatoes AM they helped Benj'n draw in Clover PM I went to Ceder Grove & to Joes PM W. cloudy at times south wind some rain after supper

19 Boys Plowing awhile AM then they Picked winter apples they finished digging Potatoes PM I swept Hebron meeting house PM got very tired W. Mostly cler

Sunday 20 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat part of 22 by Levi Groves C Burkholder & Tilman Reesor's were here to dinner W. very fine Cler

21 Boys Picked winter apples AM they helped Benj'n draw in Clover PM I went to Murisons for Butter PM W. very fine & cler

22 Boys Plowing W. rain awhile AM {rest of line illegible}

{second page}

Oct Nov 1912

23 J took load Chop to Davids A Chored awhile then they both Plowed W. pretty strong NW wind we boiled a lot of soap

24 Boys Plowed awhile rain stopped them then A went to Ceder Grove they plowed in Mangel ground they ganged it PM drizzly rain at times cloudy

25 Boys Plowed W. cloudy drizzly this Morning Cool

26 Boys Plowed A helped J Bean fill silo PM W. Cler Cool NW wind Willis Came from Creamery with Alick Milroy he stays

Sunday 27 I & Nancy J Susanna & Willis went to Hermans to dinner W. quite fine a sharp white frost this morning this is the 55th Anniversary of our wedding and I can say that I have never regretted it yet

Thanksgiving day 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Willis he has bad Cold remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part of 12 C by C Burkholder Hermans & Daniels were here to dinner J took Willis home PM he was some better w. a pretty fine day raw air from East

29 A helped J Beane fill silo he helped Benj'n PM J Plowed AM he went to A Jacksons sale on 4th Con Pickering I & Nancy went to Henry's to dinner W. cloudy this Morning Cleared up fine today East wind pretty strong at bedtime

30 A Plowed J took cream then he Plowed too they both helped Benj'n take in Clover PM W. Cool wind partly Cloudy

31 A helped Benj'n draw Clover J Plowed AM they both Plowed PM J brought few loads wood from bush this evening I went to Joes PM W. rather cloudy Mild beginning to rain at bedtime

Nov 1 Boys cleaned a load of Wheat AM A helped W. Taylor thresh & J Plowed PM W. rain last night & awhile AM Clear Cold trong NW wind PM

2 A helped W Taylor thresh J Plowed J took Cream this morning W. sharp white frost last night Clear Cold today

Sunday 3 A & Susanna went to David Groves to dinner Flavius & Eva were here to dinner W. sharp frost last night ground froze very fine today

4 A helped Taylor fill silo AM he Picked Apples PM J Plowed W. Cler Cold SW wind

5 A helped P Gates thresh J Plowed W. clear Cool Teenie Stover was here to dinner

{duplicate of previous page}

Nov 1912

6 A helped P Gates finish threshing till about 1/2 past & then he Plowed J helped Benj'n Plow till about 3 PM rain stopped them slow drizzly Came heavier rain at Bedtime heavy at times

7 A brought 6 sacks Coal for threshing from Locust Hill this Morning then he Plowed J Plowed too white frost this Morning Mild today

8 Boys Plowed W. White frost partly cler

9 Boys Plowed & Chored got barn ready to thresh on Monday Machine Came PM A helped Flavius thresh awhile W. Mostly cler strong NW wind PM

Sunday 10 at home J A & Susanna went to Joes to dinner Thomas & Adeline were here all PM Amelia Carl & Eva were here after supper W. Cler fine nearly all day Mild sharp white frost last night

11 threshed all went well threshed abou Bus W. a very fine Clear Mild day Boys called Dr Dale last evening he came today he says I have Chronic Bronchitis he says I must not go out much I have a bad Cough at times & dull headache but do not feel sick I Can sleep well for which I am thankful

12 A Plowed J took Chop W. Cloudy drizzly rain at times

13 Boys Chored W. Cloudy drizzly rain from N East more or less all day I feel about the same

14 A Made 50 gals Cider J Chored A dressed a Calf after dinner then he went to help Herman PM J Chored & took the Calf to Barkeys they take it to Toronto w. Cler this morning awhile then Cloudy & drissly at time Esther Groves & her hired girl were here awhile PM

15 A staid at Hermans all night he helped him today till 3 PM J Plowed AM he picked Apples PM W. Cleared up strong NW wind Colder

16 A helped Henry J took about 50 Bus Wheat to Whitevale @ 95 cts & brought about a ton of Coal from Locust Hill @ $8.00 AM he went to sale below Menno Reesors PM W. Mostly Cler Mild

Sunday 17 Nancy & A went to Meeting at Hebron I did not feel fit to go have bad cold in head MN & Levi Grove & wife were here to dinner Henry's & Joes were here to supper W. mostly cler cold NW wind Herman Called awhile PM

18 Boys drew field corn they drew in Apples & put them down Celler except one load Ernie helped awhile AM A helped R Milroy thresh J Plowed strip Corn stubble where shocks stood W. very very fine cler day

19 J finished all our Plowing A helped Thomas thresh AM they Picked Cider Apples PM

{second page}

Nov 1912

Susanna & Teenie Stover went to Dr Dales with Horse Major AM W. very fine Cler day

20 J took load Cider Apples to Lapps @ 25cts Cwt AM he drew a lot of stovewood from bush PM A & Nancy went to Almira for some sheeting they were at S Lehmans to dinner W. a very fine Cler warm day sharp White frost last night

21 A was at Henrys J took load chop to Davids AM he drew stones off fields PM JH Ramers were here to dinner W. very very fine cler warm day Our hired woman Mrs Mayberry that was here all summer left tonight

22 A took Mrs Mayberry to Locust Hill this Morning then he drew off stones J helped Elias Barkeys thresh PM W. very fine Clear

23 A helped Elias Barkeys thresh till about 3 PM J took Chop AM he took Nancy to JD's after dinner Susie is very sick with Pneumonia then Ernie Came & helped Boys put apples down into the Cellar W. rather cloudy strong wind from East this evening we Called Dr Dale he Came this evening Susanna has Bronchial trouble

Sunday 24 at home Elias's were here to dinner W. drizzly rain turned to soft snow a few inches on the ground this evening Susanna is some better today

25 A helped NB's thresh AM J helped wash AM Amy Mayberry came to work for us for the winter Boys Chored & Piled the wood in the shed PM W. Cold strong NW wind not thawing much

26 A went to Markham to Dentist J Chored AM J went to Sale East of Cherrywood PM he bought a Large Farm Bell @ $2.00 A chored PM W. flurries of soft snow nearly all day Joes were here this evening helping to Peel Apples Herman's were here too this evening pretty strong Cold NW wind this evening

27 A took Cream AM he took lot apples & some Crocks to Lapps to get some Made PM J sorted lot of apples in Cellar AM he took 2 Barrels to Joes PM they take them to Toronto W. mostly Cloudy pretty Cold some snow flurries

28 A was a Hermans J brought some gravel for the hens AM he brought the sauce home PM W. partly Cler quite Cold

29 A was at Hermans J Chored & brought home 8 Pigs he bought them off J McCreight @ $2.50 each

Nov Dec 1912

W. cloudy Milder looks like a storm

30 A was at Hermans J took cream AM he took grist AM & went to Joes PM W. Mild Cler thawing snow going fast

Sunday Dec 1 at home J & A went to Daniels to dinner Joe & Anne were here awhile PM. W. Mild cloudy all day thawing

Dec 2 Boys chored AM A went to Henry's PM W drizzly rain all AM strong SW wind PM

3 A took 6 Pigs 1060 lbs to Locust Hill for Shank @ $8.00 per Cwt J went to Dr Dale AM he is not well A Chored & brought some limb wood from Bush PM. W dull cloudy froze last night

4 J is some better A Chored AM he gathered limb wood in old bush PM W. Cloudy AM Cler mild PM

5 A helped Flavius at tile draining J took grist Chop & went to Cedar Grove he is not quite well yet W. strong East wind quite Mild white frost last night

6 Boys Chored Alma & May Barkey were here today they stay all night W. Cloudy pretty strong SW wind white frost this Morning

7 A worked at Flavius J Chored Frank Barkey was here today with his little sister Russell & Levi Groves Hermans Harvey & Flavius Carl Called this evening W partly Cloudy raw SW wind

Sunday 8 at home Amelia was here awhile PM W. strong Cold NW & N East wind flurries of snow

9 A Chored AM Ernie helped him saw wood in bush PM W. raw cold strong SW wind this is my Nancy's 73 Birthday

10 A helped Benj'n Kill Hogs W. strong NW wind not very Cold Jesse Reesor from Josephs Island was here to dinner

11 Killed our 2 Big Hogs Flavius & Amelia Benj'n & Fanny helped W mostly cloudy some short squaals but a pretty fine day not Cold

12 A Salted the Pork AM he Picked 14 Roosters PM he took them to M Barkeys this evening he takes them to Toronto tomorrow W strong NW wind quite Cold a few flurries of snow David Groves were here to dinner J went to Judds sale on the old Collin farm PM

13 J & A gathered wood in old bush AM A took grist Chop PM W. SW wind & few squaals of snow PM

14 Boys brought load Pine roots from Flavius AM they drew straw out of East barn into est barn PM W. partly Cler raw SW wind

Sunday 15 I A & Susanna went to Meeting at Hebron Nancy & J staid at home Daniel & Adeline came Adeline is not very well & she did not want to go to Meeting Henrys were here after meeting

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Dec 1912 1912

remarks by Levi Groves Sermon on St John 14th C by C Gayman W mostly Cloudy not so Cold a very slight drizzle of rain towards evening

16 A got Horses Billy & Sandy shod AM Ernie Came PM & they gather down wood in old bush PM W. Mild pretty strong NW wind

17 A went to Markham AM Ernie Came PM & they drew straw into west barn PM Anne was here today helping to sew W. strong NW wind some squaals of snow turned to East PM very dull & cloudy day

18 J went to Claremont with Menno Reesor A took load of Chop & sorted a lot of apples W. a very fine Cler Mild day

19 Boys Picked Geese & sorted apples W. Cloudy a few inches of snow & sleet last night thawed a very little today

20 A went to Toronto 5 Barrels snow apples & 1 of spies $2.00 each 2 Geese 16 cts per lb 2 doz Eggs 45 cts per doz J took grist Chop with Horse Major & got him shod W. mostly cloudy a few fluries of snow

21 A brought about 3100 lbs of Coal from Locust Hill AM @ $8.00 per ton J took cream & took 2 Geese to Markham for H Wilsons AM they Chored PM W. Cloudy Pretty Cold flurries of snow

Sunday 22 I Nancy & Susanna went in Buggy J & A walked we all went to Elias's to a fine Duck Roast & had a pleasant time W. a little cloudy this Morning very fine & clear today Cold SW wind PM & little snow last night

23 A helped Benj'n thresh J brought Coal Oil from Whitevale AM he helped Pick fowl PM Flavius women were here PM helped to Pick Fowl & Bake W. quite fine but a raw Air from SW

24 A was at Henry's AM J went to Ceder Grove W not very Cold a little snow in the Air SW wind Amelia was here PM

Christmas day 25 I & Nancy & A went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by Br C our whole family were here to dinner to a fine Goose Roast also some Chicken & we had a fine reunion & all in good health & spirits for which we should feel thankful to our Heavenly father

26 A helped JD's thresh J took Susanna to Teenie Stovers

27 A helped JD's thresh J Chored W. strong NW wind Cold Flurries of snow some snow last night some sleighs running J took cream this morning

28 A went to Markham with Elias AM he took load Chop PM J Chored W. a strong NW wind some snow blowing

Dec 1912 Jan 1913

Sunday 29 at home Amelia Ernie & Carl were here today W. mostly cler a raw west wind thawed a little very good Wheeling a very little snow would make good sleighing

30 Boys Chored & began making a Chute so that the hens can get up over the Pigpen from the henhouse on the inside in the shelter W. drizzling rain AM turned to soft snow from South west J helped wash AM

31 A worked at hen house J went to Cherrywood with Menno Reesor W. Mostly cler thawing rain Cold Air from South West

Jan1st 1913 I & Nancy Susanna J & A went to Flavius's to a Duck & Chicken roast W. very fine Cler day thawing very good Wheeling raw air from SW White frost this morning

2 A helped J McCreight this AM he worked at henhouse PM J Chored took Chop AM he Chored PM W white frost this Morning Mostly Cler today

3 A worked in Ceder Grove school house J Chored W. drizzly rain AM turned to soft snow at noon sharp SW wind PM & this evening turned to N East

4 Boys Chored W. strong NW wind some squaals of snow J went to Ceder Grove

Sunday 5 at home Herman & family DN Reesor & whole family was here to dinner Joe's were here at supper W. mild partly Cloudy raw Air blowed strong from East & began to storm at Bedtime

6 Boys Chored AM they went o Ceder Grove PM got Horses Billy & Sandy sharped W. Mostly cloudy NW wind Mild thawing & slippy

7 A helped W Taylor thresh J Chored Joe Reesor from the North West was here to dinner W. snow last night & awhile AM strong wind from north PM not very cold

8 A & Amy helped Flavius Butcher J took 5 Pigs to Locust Hill for Shank @ $8.25 per Cwt they weighed 890 lbs W. strong wind & some snow at times pretty Cold

9 A helped Thomas's thresh nearly all day J went to Ceder Grove & Chored W. Cold 6 below Zero this Morning got Mild very fast 20 above PM good sleighing

10 A took grist Chop AM he helped Herman PM J Chored W. very fine Mild cler

11 A went to Toronto on Train from Cherrywood J Chored some rain last night & again this evening sleighing is getting thin

Sunday 12 A Susanna & Amy went to Meeting at Hebron Johny Ramer & Ethel Scott were here to dinner W. a regular blow from the North West heavy fall of snow not so Cold

13 J helped wash AM they went to look for Rabbits PM got none

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Jan 1913 Feb 193

W partly fair pretty Cold Br Inlaw Simon Hoover Came to stay all night

14 A went to Markham AM J Chored they cut wood in bush PM W quite Cold

15 A helped Joes thresh awhile J took grist AM they worked in bush PM W. mostly cloudy drizzly rain towards evening

16 A helped Thomas Kill hogs J went to Ceder Grove with 16 pair Pidgeons for G Beatty @ 25 cts per pair he went to Hagerman Sale PM W. Mild Cloudy & Misty all day Sleighing very thin Mary & Anne & Esther Grove & Teenie Stover were here to dinner

17 Boys Chored AM J brought home scuffler from Hagermans that he bought yesterday they worked in bush awhile PM W. drizzly rain heavy shower AM Cloudy Misty all PM thawing fast Creek high

18 Boys Chored Henry & his Man & Willis were here to dinner Henry took home a Calf from Flavius W. rain last night Mostly foggy all day heavy squaal of snow at times PM strong NW wind drifted

Sunday 19 at home J & Susanna took Willis home he staid yesterday they were at Henry's to dinner J & A went to Elias's after supper W. quite fine some Colder not thawing

20 Boys Chored W. rough strong wind drizzly rain off & on all day J helped wash strong Cold wind this evening

21 A took grist Chop J went to Joes & Elias's AM Elias is sick Dr says he has Typhoid fever Flavius is sick with La Grippe W. fine there are some sleighs running but it is good Wheeling pretty Cold this Morning

22 J took cream A worked in bush AM they both went to Markham to Douglas {illegible} church street Markham PM Lewis Groves Came home with them he stays all night W. fine & Cler Cold

23 Boys Chored AM they Picked few Roosters & dressed a Calf PM J took them to Barkeys PM W. Cloudy shower of rain AM there was some fine snow but it is all gone

24 A brought 1/2 ton Oil Cake from Markham Flavius got a Car load J worked in bush they both saw in bush PM after J got home from Ceder Grove he got Horse Billy shod W. very fine & Cler fine thawing but a sharp air Elias is some better

25 J took cream A trimmed in Orchard & Chored AM he brought some coal from Locust Hill PM

Jan Feb 1913

J went to a sale on 5th Con Pickering but it was stopped by a settlement Delilah Hoover Came to stay all night W. Mostly cler thawing in the sun raw air from East

Sunday 26 at home Delilah Staid for dinner Flavius's Eva was here too W. partly clear thawing in the sun

27 A piled wood awhile then he brought load pine roots from Flavius AM Henry's were here to dinner W. quite fine & cler

28 A went to Hermans & Called at Mill for load Chop AM J worked in bush they both worked in bush PM W. Cler quite Cold NW wind froze hard

29 Boys worked in bush Dr Dale came to see Nancy she has not been very well for some time he thinks she has a touch of La Grippe she is up & around there are a great many sick Just now W. partly Cloudy squaals of snow quite Cold this morning

30 Boys worked in bush W. quite Mild Mostly cler

31 Boys Chored & worked in bush W. drizzly AM strong NW wind PM J went to Ceder Grove & to Joe's PM A brought Corn Binder home from Mannells near Belford PM

Feb 1 A went to Herman's & Called at Mill for Chop AM They Chored PM W. about 5 above Zero AM Cler Cold all day

Sunday 2 I & J Kept house the Meeting was at Hebron {illegible} at Almira Nancy A & Amy & Susanna were at Meeting Br S's Lydia & Bertha G{illegible} Wideman & wife & Jacob Wideman were Baptised Daniels MN's & AB's Lizzy were here to dinner W. very very Cold & clear all day 5 above this Morning 14 above this eveing a Bitter NW wind I was not in Meeting have bad Cough yet & weak Eyes

3 Boys worked in bush W quite Cold yet it was Cler yesterday Cold North wind today this was the day of the Annual Meeting at Heborn for the appointing of Trustees I did not go

4 J went to Whitevale AM A & Susanna went to Markham AM Boys cuting wood in bush PM W. cler quite Cold yet squaals of snow at times PM

5 Boys cut wood in bush W. very very Cold NW wind cler Aunt Lizzy Burkholder fell of the Veranda today & broke her Arm above the elbow today

6 A went to bring Rosanna Culp from Markham station to went on her Mother J took load Chop today W. very very bitter NW wind Cler all day very Cold

7 A worked in bush J went to Joes & to Whitevale then he worked in bush W. very very cold strong NW wind very bitter wind

8 Boys worked in bush AM J went to sale at Locust Hill PM some Milder squaals of snow PM

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Feb 1913

Sunday 9 A Nancy & Susanna went to Meeting at Hebron I did not feel like going have bad Cough yet Russel & Lewis Grove Saml Ramers young folks Menno Reesors young folks Willis & Frank Barkey wee here to dinner W. fine & cler but very sharp air Henrys Called PM Benj'n & family were here all PM

10 Boys Chored W. very Cold 5 deg below Zero this Morning Cold all day some squaals of dry snow not much wind

11 A cut wood J helped wash AM they brought load Pine roots PM W. some Milder strong NW wind & squaals of snow at times

12 A helped Herman at his stable J Chored W. very very cold 5 deg below this Morning Cold all day Calm AM but strong NW wind awhile PM Calm this evening

13 Boys Chored AM they went to Markham & to a sale south of Markham on 8th Con PM W. very strong very Cold SW wind all day about 17 deg above Zero but very chilly now

14 Boys worked in bush W. pretty Cold NW wind Cler Eva was here all PM

15 A took Chop then they Chored w. drizzly raw wind from East PM Mary & May & Wilbur were here PM colder this evening

Sunday 16 at home Elias's were here to dinner W. pretty Cold about 2 in of dry snow last night sharp Air

17 Boys Pulled down Goosehouse & Put one up in East end of shed behind shed {illegible} W. sharp & cler

18 A took Chop & went to Ceder Grove got horse Billy sharped Dr Comes to see him some time I am pretty well but I am quite weak Cough some yet W. quite Cold 5 above Zero this Morning fine & Cler {illegible} roads good for Wheeling little May Barkey has been here a dew days

19 J took cream A worked in bush J was in bush PM W. strong East wind AM More Calm PM Hermans were all here to supper Benj'ns were all here after supper

20 A worked in bush J went to Pearces to try to buy a Bell ringer did not get one I & Nancy drove to see Aunt Lizzy Burkholder she has been Poorly is pretty Easy just now J took 6 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 23 cts W. quite Mild Susanna she is not very well has something like {illegible} She is up & around

21 Boys worked in bush & hung up Pork to smoke W. mostly Cloudy Cold N East wind

Mar 1913 1913

22 A took cream J Chored AM they both went to P Nevilles Sale on 11th Con PM W wind & drizzle AM some soft snow last night & at times through the day

Sunday 23 at home Flavius & whole family & Lydia & Bertha were here to dinner W. very Cold strong NW wind all day 5 deg above this Morning 3 deg above at bedtime very near sleighing good a few Miles north

24 Boys around the house all day they helped to sew Carpet rags W. very fine & Cler but bitter Cold 2 deg below Zero 5 above this evening fine & calm no wind

25 A drew a load of Ice from Reesor's Pond in Markham for George Beatty AM they Chored PM W. Calm & Cold 2 below this Morning 14 above this evening it looks as if it will be milder

26 Boys Chored & worked in bush W. Milder fine fall of snow pretty good sleighing we see loads of saw logs going there are a good many sick around here Br C's Becky has La Grippe JD is sick with Bronchitis & Br N's Jacob is sick too

27 Boys took 4 White Ash Sawlogs to SM AM A took load chop & got Horses Billy & Sandy shod PM W fine JD is very sick Jacob Reesor some better

28 Boys Chored & cut some feed AM they drew some Pine Roots from Flavius's for Engine wood PM W. very fine & mild Br C's Becky is some better JD is a very little better

March 1st Boys didn't do much Henry's were all here to dinner W a little blustry with squaals of snow this morning very fine & cler today pretty cold we hear today that J Diller is very low J & A are gone down this evening to see him they are not back yet they Came at bedtime & said he was no better

Sunday 2 at home Thomas's girls & Ethel Scott were here awhile AM then A & Susanna & Amy went to Benj'ns to dinner W. some squaals of snow at times a very very strong SW wind quite Cold & strong wind we hear that J Diller is able to set up in a chair a little while Br C's Becky is some better too

3 Boys in the house they helped to sew carpet rags J went to Murisons sale PM W squaals of snow off & on all day not very Cold J Diller not much better A is going to sit up with him

4 A took Susanna to Dr Dale AM J Chored took grist Chop PM I rode with him to Br C's Becca is getting better slowly JD is weak W. pretty mild some slight squaals of snow good sleighing

5 J took Susanna to Joes this Morning A took Nancy to JD's PM

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Mar 1913 Mar

JD is no better they Called at Br C's Becca is getting better she intends to get up tomorrow A took Chop PM W pretty sharp Herman's Called this evening after supper

6 Boys Chored Daniels were here to dinner W. very strong NW wind some squaals of snow JD is no better it is getting colder this evening

7 Boys Chored AM they went to a sale at Mrs Wind in Scarboro PM Henry was here to dinner he got some seed Oats W. very Cold 5 deg below this Morning 7 above today 5 below this evening JD is getting weaker

8 Boys Chored AM A went to Markham PM John Diller died after dinner W. Cloudy pretty Cool NW wind Milder this evening John had been sick nearly 2 weeks with something like Bronchitis

Sunday 9 J A Susanna & Amy went to Meeting at Hebron Nancy & I kept house no visitors Benj'ns Called a few Minutes PM W. Cloudy drizzly rain at times sleighing is about gone but it seems to be getting colder this evening

10 A helped dig grave for J Diller J took me a little while to J Dillers PM Flavius brought Louis Brillinger & wife to supper W. very fine & Clear day frost last night thawing to day

11 went to Funeral of John Diller sermon by C Gayman on St Mat 24 C 44 Verse John Brownsburger & wife were here to dinner AB's Lizzie was here too David Groves were here to supper W. very very fine Clear day frost last night thawing today sleighing about done AB's Lizzie stayed all night

12 Boys Chored they went to McRaes sale PM W. frosty & Misty this Morning cleared up fine today Lizzie is here again to stay all night

13 A helped Benj'n J sorted apples Barbara Weaver & Fanny Grove Called PM W. very fine & clear raw air from East

14 J took grist oats with Horse Major & got him shod AM A went to Hermans this evening he took 15 doz Eggs & 4 Barrels apples they got to Toronto tomorrow W. very fine they sold Eggs @ 25 cts Spies $2.50 Russets $1.50 Herman had 7 Pigs @ $13.25 W. very heavy rain last night & this Morning Rouge is very high a few heavy thunder showers on the lake this evening they did not get home till 4.00 AM

Mar 1913 Mar 1913

15 J took grist A got home from Hermans then Chored they both went to Bennets sale on the old White farm PM W. slight shower at time warm getting cooler this evening

Sunday 16 at home Benj'n & Children were here to dinner W. Cold froze hard SW wind mostly Clear flurries of snow

17 Boys Chored AM they cut wood in bush PM W. quite Cold froze hard Clear

18 A & Susanna went to Markham AM J took Nancy & Lizzie to see Aunt Lizzie Burkholder AM she is pretty smart Boys Cut wood in bush PM W. Cler strong SW wind thawing a little

19 J took Cream A brought home Chop AM J cut wood in bush A helped Clean house PM J took Nancy & Aunt Lizzy to Br C's & brought them home this evening W. very fine like spring now NW wind

20 Boys put Pork in garret & rubbed it with mustard A went to Alick Milroys {illegible} Bee & J brought home grist Chop W. very fine roads are drying off in places

Good Friday 21 Nancy & A & Lizzie went to Meeting at Hebron Henry's & Johnny Reesors were here to dinner Daniels Called awhile PM W. cloudy & some drizzly AM Cler & very very strong NW wind PM very strong at times getting Colder this evening Some hard frost holes in the road

22 J took cream Willis went with him A went to Markham AM Lizzie went with him they Chore PM W. frost last night thawing today there are reports of a great deal of damage by the wind storm throught the Country

Easter Sunday 23 at home nobody here W. Mild mostly cloudy pretty strong East wind

Easter Monday 24 at home Boys didnt do much AM they cleaned seed grain PM W. mostly cloudy & strong S East wind PM the creeks have been pretty high there is on account in the papers of a great deal of damage through the whole country from Canada {illegible} to buildings & Timber by the storm

25 Boys helped wash & clean house W. mild Cloudy & some drizzly rain there are a good many cases of measles in the neighbourhood Thomas's children {illegible} it is getting colder & freezing this evening

26 Boys helped at house cleaning W. not very Cold the trees & {illegible} are covered with Ice & it is very slippery walking

{second page}

Mar April 1913

there have been very destructive floods in the western states Ohio & Indiana Missouri & it is lamentable to read the accounts there was some damage in Canada but not very much

27 Boys Chored A took 24 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 20 cts PM W. Snow last night & today till after dinner very fair sleighing not Cold

28 Boys Put in some Ash logs at Mill AM they helped clean house PM Dr Dale Called PM to see Susanna she is not very well W. Cler sharp Air it thawed a little in the sun

29 Boys took away the lumber AM they Chored PM W. Mild Misty clear the snow is thawing

Sunday 30 at home J went to Henry's to dinner Elias's Joes & Ada Mayberry were & Flavius's Eva were here to dinner W. Mild Mostly Cler

31 Boys Chored & worked in bush W. Mild partly Cler strong SW wind PM Cold this evening

April 1 J took Amy home she quit work today then he brought Flavius Amelia she stays awhile they cut up apple limbs PM W. Cold Clear a strong NW wind froze hard last night thawing a little in the sun through the day

2 Boys worked in bush W W fine clear warm roads drying off fine Boys put dung around Raspberries this morning

3 Boys chored & ground Binder knives Mary was here today sewing W strong East wind & rain heavy at times Creeks high A took 18 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 20 cts

4 Boys Chored AM A took load Chop to Davids & J went to Whitevale for Oil PM W. Misty Cloudy & drizzly rain about all day

5 Boys cut wood & fixed Kitchen veranda floor I went to Half yearly Conference PM W. mostly clear some frost last night thawed today some suckers caught in Petticoat & in Rouge

Sunday 6 I & Nancy & A went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat 18 C by Levi Grove (Umfrage) C Burkholder Levi Grove MN & Abrahm Lehman Hermans & Henrys & Uriah Drudges were here to dinner Thomas's were here after supper W partly cloudy thawing a little skiff of fresh snow this Morning all gone very soon

7 A took Horse Sandy to Dr Armstrong AM he has {illegible} they took 2 young sows to Flavius & trimmed Raspberries PM W. very fine Cler frost last night

April 1913 Apr 1913

8 J helped at house cleaning & they spread dung around Raspberries & Chored I walked to Br C's I got pretty tired Dr Dale Called to see Susanna she has been pretty poorly W. Mostly clear slight frost last night thawed today

9 A went to Markham AM he brought Annie Ramer daughter of the late Samuel Ramer to work for us ths Coming summer J took a grist A helped burn the grass in Hebron grave yard PM Daniels wee here to diner frost last night clear today

10 Boys drew home stove wood form bush AM they took 21 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 18 cts & Chored PM W East wind drizzly rain heavy at times PM

11 Boys Clipped Major & Chief Henry was here PM David Groves were here to dinner & supper W. Cloudy Misty AM fine & clear PM

12 A was at Mill for Chop AM J started early before dinner & went to Kirkham dipping suckers he Caught 8 fine big Ones W. clear fine & warm

Sunday 13 we all went to Benj'n to dinner W. very fine & clear all day J & A went to Hermans after supper

14 A was at Henry's Clipping Horses J helped wash AM he scraped roads with log PM . W. very fine warm cler I walked to Br C's this morning he is pretty smart

15 I & Nancy went to Joe's to dinner J took fat Cow to Locust Hill for Shank @ $50.00 she weighed 1180 lbs Boys fixed fences PM W. very fine clear

16 A & Nancy went her old home Peters Mary has not been well she is up & around again they staid to dinner then they went to her Brother Samuels for a good Call J took cream & chored W. very fine cler

17 I & Nancy went to Elias's to dinner Susanna & Anne went to Markham with horse Major A roled behind Cider house J Grubbed East of dam A took 24 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove this evening @ 17 cts Herman Calle this evening

18 Boys sowed nearly 1/2 of field East of dam with Ots I walked to see Aunt Lizzie Burkholder she is poorly W. very very warm a thunder shower Came up after supper did not rain very much pretty heavy thunder over the lake

19 Boys finished sowing field East of dam except on headland W. cler very Cold strong NW wind very cold wind

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Apr 1913 May

Sunday 20 at home little Ada Barkey was here today Thomas's girls & Amy & Ada Mayberry was here PM W. Clear day a strong NW wind froze hard last night, quite hard sun thawed some today but the Air did not thaw

21 A took grist Chop J helped wash AM they grubbed in NE Corner field PM W. pretty hard frost last night Cler Milder PM

22 Boys worked at seeding in NE Corner field sowing Peas & Oats W. slight rain last night cloudy & drizzly nearly all day Milder

23 Boys helped Clean house AM drove down Posts in the Pickering Townline fence south of Meeting house & Chored PM W. a pretty heavy thunder shower this Morning slight shower today pretty warm

24 A went to Markham AM J Plowed furrows to let water off fields they worked at seeding PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM W. fine quite warm

25 Boys worked at seeding W. Clear not so very warm very fine day for working horses

26 Boys worked at seeding W. cloudy nearly all day getting Cooler PM Susanna & Anne went to Joes PM strong wind towards evening

Sunday 27 at home nobody here A Susanna & A{illegible} went to Flavius to dinner W. slow steady rain all day except about an hour PM not warm

28 A went to Markham AM J helped wash AM J took grist Chop A Planted lot of Prune trees PM W. Cler Cool creeks pretty high

29 Boys worked at seeding I went awhile to Meeting house this Morning there were about 20 others scrubbing the Meeting house W. fine Cler worked at seeding they got done except 5 acres in the NW corner field W. fine clear Cool air J & A went to Henry's

May 1st al went to Meeting at Hebron except J & Willis remarks by Br C sermon on Acts part of 10 C by C Burkholder I took a bad spell became unconscious the boys Carried Me & then brought me home & Called Dr Dale he gave {illegible} he said my stomach was affected nearly our {illegible} called PM W. very fine cler day

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May 1913

May 2 Boys finished seeding except few wet spots they began to roll W. very fine Cool air I am feeling pretty well

3 Boys rolled A cleaned up garden awhile PM W Quite warm Teenie Stover & her sister Katy Lehman were here to dinner

Sunday 4 all went to Meeting at Hebron except I J & Willis Willis has a boil on his nose Sacrament was administered today Henry's Peter Nighswander & Lucinda Reesor & Martin Ramer were here to dinner Daniels & Joe's Called PM W. pretty warm partly Cloudy I feel a little better but did not venture to go to Meeting

5 Boys finished roling J harrowed field north of the Meeting house W. pretty warm partly cloudy

6 A dug garden J ganged in root ground north of Meeting house Dr Dales called PM Susanna had a bad spell W. Clear turned quite cool pretty strong NW wind PM

7 J ganged A brought load of chop & dug garden PM he harrowed awhile AM W. pretty Cold NE wind fine & clear

8 J ganged A dug garden & went for Chop & went to Ceder Grove 17 doz Eggs @ 17 cts per doz W partly cloudy quite Cool

9 J finished ganging & harrowing the root ground A took grist drew home some wood & worked in garden W. quite Cool strong north wind we turned the young Cattle inot the root field the grass is all started trees in bloom bush green but it is in a stand still the last few days on account of the cold air

10 J took old Horse Chief to Stouffville he sold him @ $70.00 A took grist Chop & Made garden W. Mostly cler quite cold raw wind Ice formed last night

Whit Sunday 11 at home Falvius's Amelia Ernie, Carl & Eva & Joe & Anne were here to dinner W. fine Cler quite Cool some white frost last night

Whit Monday 12 Boys didnt keep a holiday J worked on the root ground A went to Markham with Elias AM he brought a few Tiles from Cherrywood & chored PM W. pretty cler Cool SW wind

13 Boys sowed the mangels I & Nancy went to Flavius to a splendid dinner of Trout they were at Ringwood yesterday & he Caught a fine lot some of them 9 inches long W. mostly cler cold wind from SW a light rain last night Just enough to lay the dust

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May 1913

May 14 A drew dung on Potato ground in root field J sowed corn W. cler Cool SW air I & Nancy went to Elias's AM to see their nice fat Baby girl born last evening both quite smart 15 J took cream

15 J Plowed Potatoe ground A took grist Chop & took 17 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 17 cts per doz they carried apple barrels out of Cellar & helped girls clean cellar W. strong S East wind cloudy Cool all day

16 A took grist & then they Chored W. not so Cold a very fine rain last night some pretty heavy thunder the grass growing fine Boys brought a load of gravel to end of lane from Collins Pit AM

17 J took cream A took Susanna to Dr Dales AM they brought load Clover from Benj'n & began to Build a Chicken house for young Chicks PM W. fine Mostly cler still a Cool Air

Sunday 18 at home J A & Anne went to David Groves to dinner W. partly clear a little distant thunder over the lake after dinner & a short shower

19 Boys worked at Chicken house J brought some shingles from Locust Hill Davids were here to dinner then they went to Joes & Elias's Nancy went with them I went about 4PM & brought her home W. fine Cler rain Cold wind

20 A took 5 hogs 1100 & 10 lbs to Locust Hill for Shank @ 9.40 per Cwt this morning then he worked at Chicken house I took Nancy to see Aunt Lizzie PM She is pretty smart J stabbed a nail into his Knee he is pretty lame but he planted some Early Potatoes & beans W. fine Cler sun warm but Cool air

21 Boys worked at Chicken house W. Cloudy strong East wind rain off & on nearly all day a very little distant thunder air Cool

22 J went to Locust Hill for some sheeting for Chicken house AM he took 17 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 18 cts & harrowed corn PM A worked at Chicken house W. foogy awhile this Morning partly cler air fine & warm

23 Boys worked at Chicke house I went to Joes AM from some Plants & Susannas bread AM W pretty cloudy pretty warm J finished harrowing the corn it is coming well

24 at home J Harrowed corn & went to Ceder Grove A went fishing to Dead water with Flavius & Hermans he got a mess of fine Catfish W. partly Clear Cool Air

Sunday 25 at home Christian Stover & wife from Church Street Markham were here to dinner Frank Barkey was here to supper W. Bright Clear Cool

June June 1913

Susanna is about the same W. Cler Cool air

11 Boys Cleaned Wheat AM J took 50 Bu to Whitevale @ 85 PM A Cultivated Corn PM W. fine clear a little wamer Anne was here awhile PM Dr Called he had Susanna up in her Chair a few minutes

12 Boys finished Cleaning Wheat they took 2 loads More Making 127 Bus altogether A finished Cultivating the Corn W. fine Cler warm J sorted some Apples PM & took them to Barkeys this evening

13 Boys drew wood home from Bush then A Cultivated corn & J hoed W. very very warm & clear Dr Called PM Susanna is not so well

14 A got Horse Billy shod J Cultivated corn AM they built up the East Chimney on Main house it was badly wrecked W. very very warm

Sunday 15 at home Elias's were all here to dinner with their Baby girl Called Anne. Hermans & Davids were here after supper W. very warm some heavy thunder PM but only few drops of rain heavy shower a few Miles north

16 Boys done road work dress gravel on Pickering townline from Collins Pit Carl helped them AM W. very very warm

17 Boys finished raod work AM J topped thistles & A sowed Grey Stone turnips PM W. fine & cler quite warm yet but fine Cool Breeze

18 Boys hoed Mangels David Groves were here to dinner Teenie Stover & her Sister Barbara & Hannah Stover were here to dinner too Br inlaw John Hoover's were here to supper Henry & Willis Called after supper J went to Markham after supper W. very fine Cool air

19 Boys hoed Mangels W. Cool Air from East Cloudy this Morning began to rain about 9 AM heavy shower AM some more PM J took 17 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove AM per doz this evening

20 Boys Chored A worked at South for Chicken house W. rain last night slow drizzly rain all day

21 Boys hoed Mangels I went to Joes PM for Susannas Bread & Butter W. very fine Clear & Cool

Sunday 22 at home Daniels were here to dinner Benj'n Fanny Wilfred & Vera Elias's were here PM W. very fine & cold A & Anne went to Funeral of W Reesors wife at Locust Hill Dr Called at noon Susanna not so well

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June July 1913

23 Boys hoed Mangels & Topped Thistles W. very very warm

24 Boys Topped Thistles & finished hoeing Mangels W. very very warm & clear Auctioneer J H Prentis & Mr Hartings were here to dinner

25 Boys Cultivated Corn & Mangels & Topped Thistles W. very very warm Distant thunder showers went around PM a slight shower here PM

26 Boys Topped Thistles A got Horse Sandy shod PM & took 12 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 20 cts per doz W. very very warm but a Cool Breeze from SW at times

27 Boys Topped Thistles A scuffled Mangels J got Mares Jenny & Queen shod PM W. very very warm a fine Cool Breeze from north PM

28 Boys A scuffled Mangels J topped Thistles W. very very warm Cool air from East

Sunday 29 Nancy A & Anne went to Meeting at Hebron I & J staid with Susanna Russell & Lewis Grove were here to dinner Menno Burkholder & Matty & AB's Lizzie were here to supper there were a lot of Callers PM W. a very fine day not so warm air from East

30 Boys scuffled & hoed Corn A went to Jonathan Jarvis barn raising PM W very very warm pretty strong & warm wind from SW

July 1 J scuffled & hoed Corn A took hired girl Anne Ramer home then he went to look me for a Beef Ringer he brought Anne home again W. very warm yet Dr Dales Called PM

2 Boys scuffled & hoed Corn W. quite warm a fine heavy thunder shower after dinner not very heavy thunder but a fine rain for about 10 minutes a little Cooler after the rain

3 Boys hoed corn W. fine Clear very warm but fine Cool Breeze A took 16 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove this evening @ 20 cts

4 Boys hoed Corn awhile then they began cutting East part of Meadow west of lane a very heavy thunder storm Came up after dinner very fine rain for a few hours some very heavy Claps of thunder it was a a very welcome rain I went to Joes this Morning little Ada came home with me she stays all night Boys went after supper to look for a Beef Ringer got none.

July 1913

Boys both went to Benj'n after dinner helped the {illegible} back in one load

5 Boys went AM to look for Beef Ringer they got one off J {illegible} a fine one to {illegible} brought him home they finished hoeing corn & thinned Grey stone Turnips W. a little cloudy pretty warm

Sunday 6 at home David Groves & Frank were here to dinner Daniel Ramers Called PM Ed Wilson brought a Auto load of Callers PM A welcome change in the weather a very Cool NW wind all day Hermans Called a little while this evening

7 Boys got up at 400 AM & began cutting meadow west of line they got it cut by noon they Tedded & raked some of it got a lot of it in Cock W. very fine & cool pretty strong North wind at times PM

8 J took cream A took grist Chop then they Tedded & raked hay they took in few loads hay & put the whole field in Cocks W. very fine Cler day Dr Dales Called Susanna seems pretty well

9 Boys worked at Mangels till about 10 then they began to draw in hay they drew till about 4 PM when some fine showers came several heavy claps of thunder I & Nancy went to Joes for some strawberries Just got home before the rain very fine shower

10 A raked in Meadow where the drew the hay off J hoed Potatoes & corn PM I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove PM with 10 1/2 doz Eggs @ 20 cts per doz W. fine clear warm

11 Boys finished taking in hay except 4 Cocks of raking below garden we have about 20 loads of very good hay I went to Murisons for Butter AM I & Nancy went to see Aunt Lizzie Burkholder PM she is about the same W. a very fine day not so warm

12 A took Chop J took cream then they brought in 4 Cocks rakings below garden then they went to Benj'ns with waggon to help them draw in hay heavy steady rain stopped them about 1/2 past 10 they Came home a fine steady rain not so warm I walked to Br C's PM

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July 1913

A struck out lands in new Meadow behind driving house PM we intend to fix it for wheat

Sunday 13 at home Flavius Amelia Ernie & Carl & Amy Mayberry were here to dinner W. Clear a very strong wind fom west A & Anne went to Daniel Ramers to dinner Hermans Harvey was here to dinner too J has something like a boil on his arm A took him to Dr Dales this evening Dr says there is some Blood poisoning in it

14 Flavius's Carl Came this Morning then he & A went with team & helped Benj'n draw in hay W. fine & cler not very warm J's Arm is very sore he was sitting in the house all PM

15 A plowed sod J walked through some of the grain field looking for wild oats his arm is very sore yet the boys took our Beef Ringer to Barkeys this evening it was not our number but we exchanged he is in good order W. fine Cler warm sun & Cool air

16 A Plowed & Put Paris Green on Potatoes J did not do much his arm is very sore yet he got Horse Major shod AM W. very fine sun warm A took girl Anne to Dr Dales this evening

17 A helped Benj'n draw hay J took grist Chop & took 15 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 21 cts W. warm sun Air from East Dr Dales Called this evening Susanna not quite so well J's arm is broke & is running out from he has not quite so much pain

18 A Plowed J went to Whitevale AM his arm is getting better fast he rolled awhile were A Plowed I & Nancy went to see Aunt Lizzie Burkholder PM she is very low W. very very warm clear

19 A Plowed J rolled & Cultivated I went to Joes PM for Susannas bread I Called to see how Aunt Lizzy was She is some better warm air Cool air

20 at home Elias's & Joe's were here to dinner W. not so warm a few heavy Claps of thunder & light rain after dinner another slight shower after supper J & A went to Henry after supper Flavius were here after supper

July 1913 July 1913

July 21 Boys got Out Binder & began cutting Wheat south of bush it is a fine crop there was a Pinion broke & J went to Pickering & got a new one I went to see Aunt Lizzie PM She is no better W. fine Clear a fine Cool Breeze

22 Boys finished Cutting Wheat south of bush then they cut wheat on Knoll it is a fine crop W. a srong SW wind sun warm

23 J Plowed A helped NB's draw in hay AM Aunt Lizzie Burkholder died tonight about 3 AM W. rather Cloudy fine heavy rain after dinner a few heavy Claps of thunder one Clap struck Bob Milroys stable & fired some hay but they saw it in time to put it out some more rain after supper A & a few More Cut weeds in graveyard after supper Mr Powell of Pickering was here PM here PM fixing Binder

24 Boys Plowed I went to Elias's then I took Nancy & Susanna to NB's AM I took grist chop to Davids & took 11 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 22 cts W. not so warm Cool SW wind slight squaal of rain PM

25 Nancy J A & Anne went to Funeral of Aunt Lizzie to Hebron I did not feel strong enought to go Sermon by Br C & Preacher Moir MN Br inlaw John Hoovers C Gaymans SB Lehman's Christian Brillingers & Susie Wideman & Mary Reesor were here to dinner Br inlaw Saml Hoover's & Martha were here to dinner too W. a very fine day Cool Air

26 Boys finished Plowing harrowing & rolling the sod W. a very fine Cler day Cool air warm sun

Sunday 27 Nancy A & Anne went to meeting at Hebron J & Susanna staid with me I did not feel strong enough to go there was nobody to dinner Benj'ns were all here PM W. quite warm close & sultry PM looks like showers going around west & over the lake a little thunder in the distance

28 J harrowed the sod A hoed Mangels 2 men were here to dinner they fixed the Binder I & Nancy went to Elias's PM their Baby was sick is some better again

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July 1913 Aug

28 W some thunder a few showers last night very very close & sultry AM some wind PM but warm Cloudy PM looks like rain but did not come

29 Benj'n helped boys with team & they drew in all our fall wheat 14 loads I & Nancy went to Henry's to dinner I was pretty tired but we had a very fine meal W. a little cloudy at times looked a little like showers but a very fine day not so warm

30 Boys drew some lot of stove wood out of bush then they finished hoeing the Mangels they they cut Corner of barley ready for the Binder they also took in the Wheat {illegible} warm & sultry PM

31 Boys cut & shocked the barley it is a fair crop I took 11 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 22 cts PM W. very very warm a fine Cool Breeze from South

August 1 Boys & Benj'n with Man & team covered field west of lane behind Cider house with dung W. Cler warm in the sun fine Cool Breeze I & Nancy went to see Tilly Burkholder she is very sick with Indigestion W

2 Boys spread the dung then they Cut some Oats East of Pond J went to Whitevale this morning for some Coal Oil he met Willis on the road & brought him home he stays awhile Esther Groves & Franklin & Frank & Ada Barkey Called awhile PM W. warm sun fine Breeze

Sunday 3 at home J & Willis took Susanna to Dr Dales AM Hermans were here to supper Benj'n Wilfred & Flavius Amelia Called awhile PM W. quite warm looked like showers over the lake a little distant towards evening

4 Boys finished Cutting Oats East of Pond AM they cut in Mixed grain behind barn PM I took a Truck wheel to Blacksmith to get Tine set & went to Murisons for Butter AM W fine Cler Cool Breeze

5 A helped Thomas thresh AM J finished cutting Mixed grain behind barn AM they drew in barley 6 loads PM W fine & warm Cool Breezes from East

6 Boys finished cutting Mixed grain behind barn & began cutting Peas & Oats mixed crop in NE Corner field W pretty warm mostly cloudy a slight little shower PM.

Aug 1913

7 A took grist Chop J took cream then they cut {illegible} in NE Corner & then north of Bush I & Willis & Frank Barkey took 10 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 22 cts per doz W. quite warm pretty strong East wind threshing Machine came this evening

8 Threshed AM about 300 Bus full Wheat about 250 Bus barley & a few loads Mixed grain turned out very well got done at noon Boys Cut grain PM W quite warm strong SW wind

9 J took cream A took some chop he went to help R Milroy thresh rain stopped them they shocked some grain PM W. a slow steady rain this Morning a few claps of thunder not very heavy cloudy before dinner very close & sultry PM & this evening I went to Joes for Susanna's bread Dr Dale called AM Susanna not quite so well

Sunday 10 at home Joes & Ernie & Calr Amelia & Eva were here to dinner J & Willis went to Daniels to dinner W. warm AM Cooler PM fine A quite cool this evening heard this evening that Samuel G Reesor dropped Dead in the Ceder Grove meeting house while he was Praying

11 Boys finished Cutting Oats in the NW Corner field which finishes our cutting they took in 3 loads of Mixed grain W. fine Cler Cool air

12 Boys & Benj'n & Wilfred & George Mayberry drew in with 2 teams AM A & Mayberry drew alone PM J helped J Dillers thresh PM Benj'ns Wildred took Nancy & Anne Ramers to the Funeral of Saml G Reesor at Ceder Grove PM W. very fine

13 Boys & Benj'n & his help with team drew in AM then they all went to Benj'ns & drew in W quite warm looks like showers going around I took Susanna to Joes AM & I brought her home PM J & A took Willis home after supper

14 Boys helped Benj'n awhile then they all came down & helped us they drew all our grain in except about 3 loads I & Nancy went to Hermans to dinner W quite warm

15 Boys & Wilfred finished drawing in last of our grain 3 loads then they helped Benj'n PM I & Frank Barkey went to Ceder Grove & then we went to Murisons for Butter W. very very warm & sultry Enos Nighswanders & Martins called awhile PM with Jacob Moyer & wife from Michigan heard today that Henry's have a Baby boy born this AM

16 Boys helped Benj'n finish drawing in last last of this harvest AM J harrowed the sod west of lane A took grist of Chop

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Aug 1913

I took load of chop this Morning with Horse Major W very very sultry & dull AM about 3 PM it began to thunder in the NW & then drew around over Toronto not very heavy thunder began slow & steady rain for a few hours very welcome rain & I think the Air is a little Cooler

Sunday 17 at home Edgar & Charlotte Hoover were here to dinner W. very warm & sultry showers went around at times

18 Boys Chored J harrowed awhile on sod AM they both helped Flavius drew in grain PM I went to Joes PM for Susanna's Bread & Butter PM W. very warm showers going around

19 A helped A Milroy thresh AM & helped J McCreight PM J helped Elias Barkey draw in grain AM he went to Whitevale PM I & Nancy went to Henrys to dinner to see their fine big Baby Boy they are quite smart W. a very fine cool clear day very Pleasant drive

20 A helped Herman I & Nancy went to see Br inlaw Samuel Hoover he fell off a load of Peas the other day & hurt himself so that he is in bed he feels somewhat better today W. very fine & Cool Cool wind from East Dr Called today Susanna not so well

21 Boys cleared some Oats & drew home some stove wood A took some Chop & took 13 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM W. cloudy looks like rain quite warm this evening

22 A helped P Gates thresh J bagged some Oats for Thomas he took them to Davids for Thomas PM @ 35 cts per Bus W. some slight showers through the day a very heavy shower this evening J began ganging east of dam awhile PM

23 Boys ganged in N East corner field I went to Murisons for Butter & to Joes for Bread & Butter for Susanna then I went to the Half yearly Conference but I was rather late it was about over W. fine Cler day but it was a heavy storm last night our Creek was running awhile the Pond was full the ground is well soaked it was a very welcome rain & there was no damage that we heard of J & A went to Henry's after supper

Aug 1913 Sept Aug 1913 Sept

Sunday 24 Nancy J A & Anne went to Meeting at Hebron I staid with Susanna I am not very strong yet Jacob Groves Junior's were here to dinner Flavius & Fanny Called after supper Boys & {illegible} went to Elias to supper W. very fine Cool day pretty strong N wind

25 Boys ganged Finished NE Corner field W. very fine Cler & Cool Chistey Stovers from Church street were here awhile PM they got some wild red Plums

26 Boys ganged W. quite warm, a slight shower PM A pretty heavy dash of rain early this Morning

27 Boys ganged Adeline & Emma were here to dinner W. fine & clear bright sun & Cool Air

28 Boys helped Benj'n draw dung with 2 teams till after 2 PM when drizzly rain stopped then A went to Markham after 3 PM to get something for Susanna Dr Dales Called PM & prescribed a new treatment for her

29 A ganged J harrowed I went to Joe's & Elias's PM W pretty heavy showers last night some thunder pretty warm today strong W wind cloudy this evening some drizzle of rain after dark Susanna not so well

30 Boys helped Benj'n draw dung W. cloudy at times pretty warm PM Dr Dales Called Susanna not so well

Sunday 31 at home Amelia Ernie Carl & Eva were here to dinner Benj'n & family were here after supper W. fine Cler & Cool all day

Sept 1st Boys helped Benj'n draw dung AM Benj'ns all helped us draw dung PM W. quite warm Clear Henry & his children Called awhile this evening they are all well

2 J helped Oliver thresh all day A drew dung Benj'n helped AM Ernie & Carl helped all day quite warm & cler I took grist Chop overt to Ceder Grove PM

3 J took cream then he Grubbed in sod A ganged W. warm shower this Morning some distant thunder cloudy all day quite warm PM showers going around over the lake

4 Boys both helped Flavius draw dung W. very fine & Cool Daniels were her to supper Teenie Stover was here to supper too {illegible} Groves Called AM

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Sept 1913

Br N's Lizzie Called PM Susanna in bed yet {illegible} A helped Flavius thresh AM he ganged PM J Sowed the field behind driving house with Dawson Wheat W. very fine Cler bright sun Cool Air from East

6 A ganged J took cream then he made water furrows in Wheat field then he helped Flavius thresh little while PM then he ganged too I took some Chop to Davids then went to Joe's W. very fine Clear

Sunday 7 at home Br inlaw Jesse Hoover was here to dinner W. very fine warm sun Cool air from East

8 A ganged J Picked 5 Basket Pears & took them to Barkeys he cleaned some seed wheat for McRae J Dimma got some too W. fine Clear Cool Air from East Dr Called today Susanna is not so well

9 A finished ganging behind barn then harrowed then Plowed on Knoll J Plowed on Knoll too they are single plowing it W. fine Cool

10 Boys Plowed AM they spread dung PM Esther & Louis were here to dinner W. fine Cler Cool Air from East Dr was here PM & pumped out Susannas stomach she stood it well he expects she will soon get better now

11 A spread dung J Plowed I took 6 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 24 cts W clear Cool Air from S East

12 Boys Plowed I went to Elias's PM W fine clear Cool Air from north Susanna doing pretty well

13 A helped Herman Cement Pig Pen J Plowed AM he took grist Chop PM & went to Whitevale for Plow Shares this evening W. Clear very Cool NW wind quite Cool

Sunday 14 at home Flavius Fanny & Eva & Thomas's girls & Herman's all family were here to dinner Joe & Anne & Ada were here to supper W Clear & sharp Air some frost last night J went to Henry's to supper

15 Boys Plowed AM A went to Locust Hill for Coal & got Horse Sandy shod on the way J cut a lot of Corn with Binder PM J H Ramers were here to dinner W. Clear quite sharp this morning some frost last night

16 A drew some dung J finished cutting Corn AM the Cutting Box Came about 3 PM

Sept 1913 Sept 1913

they cut about 1/3 of the Corn till evening W. rather cloudy drizzly rain Commenced about 5 PM Esther & Russell Grove were here PM staid after supper

17 got done cutting about 2 PM the silo is about full J worked at Benj'ns & A Plowed PM W. cloudy some drizzly rain at times but it only laid the dust strong south west wind PM & this evening

18 A helped Thomas fill silo AM he helped Benj'n PM J Plowed & brought in a lot of feed corn & Chored I went to Elias & to Joes PM W. Clear pretty warm

19 A helped Benj'n finish filling silo then he helped Armstrong fill his & awhile at J Beans J Plowed AM he cut strip feed corn beside Potatoes & Chored PM W fine Cool wind I took Nancy to Elias's after dinner then I went to Ceder Grove then brought Nancy home Little Wilbur Barkey is sick Dr was there he has Catarrh of the Bowels Boys were there this evening he was sleeping while they were there

20 A helped J Bean fill silo AM he helped W Taylor thresh PM J Plowed Ernie plowed PM with Abes team W. pretty strong S East wind pretty warm a little rain tonight a little distant thunder over the lake

Sunday 21 I Nancy & A & Anne went to Meeting at Hebron J took me back about 1/2 past ten so I need not sit so long sacrament was administered today Henry's were here to dinner with their Baby Boy Norman W. cloudy drizzly rain about all day drizzling yet J A & Anne went to Joes to supper

22 A helped Taylors thresh AM J & Ernie Plowed A helped Gordon Dimma fill silo PM W. cler cold SW wind very heavy dew last night

23 A helped Dimma fill silo J took grist Chop this morning then he Plowed I went to Joes for some Tomatoes PM W. rather Cloudy Cool NW wind Dr Called PM Susanna not very well

24 Boys Plowed W partly warm pretty clear little May Barkey was here today

25 Boys Plowed Mary & little Wilbur & the Boys were here to dinner W. clear warm East wind J & A went to Hermans this evening Anne went along to her {illegible} Daniel

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Sept Sept 1913 Oct

26 Boys plowed W cloudy a nice little shower just before dinner Cloudy all AM Cleared up PM fine & cler this evening

27 J Plowed finished NE Corner field then began in field behind barn Ernie drove 1 team PM A took grist Chop & drew home some wood AM he was at Hermans Cementing PM Willis came this Morning Henry went to Toronto & left him here & Called for him this evening I went to Murisons for Butter & to Joes for Bread PM W Clar strong N West wind PM this is my 77th Birthday

Sunday 28 at home Peter B Reesors Benj'n & family were here to dinner & Amy Mayberry was here to supper W fine clear cool Air A & Anne Ramer were to Henrys to dinner

29 Barkeys started Pulling our Mangels on shares J took the cream A drew Mangels J drew too when he came home A went to Andrew Dimmas to help at filling at silo at 1/2 past 8 W. very fine warm & clear

30 J drew in Mangels A helped Andrew Dimma fill silo AM he helped draw Mangels PM they finished drawing this evening 31 loads J brought in last Beans we have a fine lot of Beans W fine Clear East wind

Oct 1 A Plowed J took cream then Picked the snow apples then he Plowed too I went to Murisons for Butter PM W fine warm clear Cool EAst wind Esther was here to dinner she was at Barkeys for gr{illegible}

2 A helped Arthur Reesor fill silo J took grist Chop then he Plowed W foggy misty drizzly rain off & on cleared up fine towards evening

3 Boys & Anne went to Markham W. a little cloudy cleared up fine a Cool N wind not strong

4 A Plowed J took cream then Plowed too W. very heavy dew last night fine clear today A went to Meeting of Beef Ring at M Barkeys tonight

Sunday 5 A & Nancy went to Funeral of Lizzie Giebner she was Uncle Joseph Burkholder's daughter she was Buried at 8th Con Amelia Ernie & Carl were here to dinner Wilfred & Vera Came PM Ed Wilson Brought a car full of Callers PM W. very fine Clear lovely day Elias's left May & Wilbur here when they went to the Funeral

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Oct 1913 Oct 1913

6 A helped Pilkeys fill silo J helped Henry thresh Anne went with him Dr Called PM he Pumped out Susannas stomach she has not been so well W. quite warm clear a nice Breeze from S.W

7 A helped J Murison fill silo then helped W Taylor thresh J took chop then he Picked Apples he brought 5 gal Coal Oil from Whitevale this evening W quite warm Clear

8 Boys Plowed A helped Flavius fill silo PM with team W. quite warm looks a little like rain

9 A helped W Petty fill silo till about 3 PM then he Picked Apples J Plowed I took 5 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove AM @ 27 cts W quite warm Breeze from SE

10 J Plowed A helped NB fill silo till about 3 PM then he Picked Potatoes J Plowed some out they are a good crop W. very warm

11 J Plowed A Picked Potatoes a light rain stopped them about 1/2 past 10 rained off & on A took some Oats to Davids PM Cler this evening not so warm did not rain much

Sunday 12 at home M Barkeys were here to dinner W partly cloudy some frost last night white frost in spots some squaals of showers PM the dust is well laid

13 Boys finished digging Potatoes AM they are a very good crop they went to a sale in Scarboro PM bought nothing W. cold strong NW wind cler

14 A drew dung J brought home a young sow that we bought from Flavius then he Picked winter Apples Daniels were here to dinner W. Cler Cold Air from East I have a very lame back

15 A drew dung J brought 5 bags Coal from Locust Hill then he Picked winter Apples Christian Stovers & Widow Susanna Nighswander were here to dinner W. fine Cler Cool Air

16 A helped Alick Milroy thresh awhile AM J Chored & got barn ready Machine Came then we threshed PM it runs well they stay all night I went to Murisons for Butter PM W. pretty warm mostly clear

17 A helped Benj'n thresh J took grist & got Mare Jenny shod AM George Mayberry helped draw in feed Corn PM W. cloudy SW wind began to rain drizzly about 4 PM drizzly yet

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Oct 1913

18 A helped Benj'ns thresh J spread dung & Picked winter apples Elisabeth McGucken was here to supper W. partly cloudy pretty heavy shower this morning I still have lame back

Sunday 19 A Nancy & I went to Meeting at Hebron J staid with Susanna remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Luke part of 10 C by Bishop Paul Martin Levi Burkholder & family Martin Ramer & Mr Shirk from Rainbow were here to dinner Henry's Willis Frank Grove & Frank Barkey were here to supper W. Mostly cloudy I did not get very tired sitting in meeting the sermon was not very long Amelia & Eva here PM

Thanksgiving day 20 we went to Meeting again at Hebron J staid with Susanna remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat 6 C by Bishop Paul Martin we had a good few visitors Paul Martin & wife David Groves Henrys & Thomas's & Hermans Harvey W. mostly cloudy Cool Air some rain last night

21 J took 86 Bus Oats to Davids Mill for Thomas @ 38 cts per Bus then they Picked a lot of Apples W. partly Cler strong Cold NW wind we Called Dr Dales about Midnight Susanna had a bad spell she was up again some through the day

22 A took load cider apples to Lapps AM we intend to get sauce Made they Picked winter apples till a drizzly rain stopped them after dinner Air from East there were a lot of young People here this evening Peeling Apples

23 J took the Peeled apples & a lot of crocks to Lapps this Morning then they Picked winter apples My Dear Nancy took a very bad spell after breakfast there were Onions on the table & the Odor affected her we sent for Dr Dales he came & treated her she was bad for some hours she is better now Mary & Anne were here awhile PM Flavius's Fanny Called too PM W. mostly cloudy

24 J brought home a lot of sauce from Lapps this morning A spread dung but rain stopped him drizzly but steady rain all day warm Nancy doing very well she is up and around

25 A took grist Chop then he Plowed J Picked Winter apples & took girl Anne Ramer's home PM she sprained her ankle & is lame Amelia came to help us W partly cloudy Mild Nancy doing very well the ground is well soaked the plow runs well

Sunday 26th at home Elias's were here to dinner Daniels Called a few Minutes PM W. mostly cloudy rather mild Nancy doing very well

Oct 1913 Nov

Oct 27 1913 A Picked Winter Apples J Plowed I was in Hebron Cemetery awhile PM LC Wideman was putting up a Headstone on John Dillers grave W. Cloudy a raw air from N East this is the 56th Anniversary of our Wedding and I have never had cause to regret it

28 Boys Plowed W Cloudy foggy & Misty at times Mild Johny Ramer had a very sick spell the last 3 or 4 weeks a very hard Grippe he is now able to sit up a little he was very bad awhile

29 Boys Plowed J took cream this Morning W. cloudy drizzly rain most all day Boys Killed a Pig after dinner

30 Boys Plowed I & Nancy went to JD's widow to dinner W. mostly clear Mild

31 Boys Plowed & took in a lot of cabbage Hermans were here awhile PM they got a lot of cabbage Mary & Alma were here this evening they were in Toronto to see a Specialist to cure Alma's Eyes they are weak he thinks he can cure her W. sharp frost last night Cler today

Nov 1st Boys Plowed J brought 6 bags Coal from Locust Hill this morning for our own stove W. Cold pretty strong wind from NW I have bad cough Henry Willis & little Ada were here after supper Henry had his hair cut

Sunday 2 at home Widow Anne Barkey was here to dinner A & Anne Ramer were at Flavius to dinner W. bright & cler a very fine day but sharp Air white frost this Morning

3 J began Plowing sod East of Meeting house it worked splendid A took in Greystone turnips W. Cool cloudy a very strong NW wind PM & this evening A finished drawing dung this morning

4 A took grist Chop then he Picked Cider apples he helped Bob Milroy thresh PM J Plowed W. Sharp Clear strong NW wind

5 A helped Peter Gates thresh J helped Bob Milroy finish then he helped Peter Diller finish W. very fine clear all day sharp Air

6 Boys Plowed sod AM A helped Benj'n take down a silo PM he sold it to Alick Milroy J went to Plowing Meeting at Milikin PM W. very fine clear all day sharp Air

7 Boys Plowed sod W. very fine Clear sharp white frost David Groves were here to supper Hermans Called after supper

8 Boys Plowed between showers slow steady rain off & on

Sunday 9 at home all day nobody here W. slow steady rain all day from North East not Cold blowing up Colder at bedtime

10 A took Chop this morning J Plowed then they both Plowed PM W. soft snow all day thawed as it fell wind from West not cold

11 Boys finished Plowing sod & began then Plowed Potato ground & East of dam W. Cloudy soft snow thawed mostly as it fell

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Nov 1913

Nov 12 J Chored AM he went to Tweedies Plowing Bee the W Taylor farm PM A spread dung & chored W. cloudy nearly all day snow nearly all day A brought load Coal from Locust Hill AM

13 A helped Aaron Rittenhouse to Plow on the old Jacob Reesor farm J brought the apples out both Orchards into driving house AM he plowed PM W. dull drizzly nearly all AM fine & clear PM Dr Dales Called PM Susanna is not so well

14 J brought 5 gals Coal Oil from Whitevale this morning then Herman & Frank came Herman helped J Pick Cider Apples they staid to dinner A drew off stones off all the Plowed field W. fine Cool Air

15 A helped Benj'n all day Cementing J Made water furrows in the Plowed fields & took grist Chop I went to Murisons for Butter PM W. cloudy about all day had a Pleasant Call from John Brillingers towards evening

Sunday 16 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by C Burkholder sermon on by Levi Grove Daniels & MN & AB's Lizzie were here to dinner Lizzie stays all night Flavius brought Enoch Weber for a Call PM W. cloudy all day Cool air a little snow drizzle PM

17 A helped wash awhile then he went to Markham Lizzie went with him as far as Drudges he Picked Cider Apples J took load Cider Apples to Lapps AM they Picked some more PM W white frost this Morning fine & clear today Tilman Wideman came to stay all night

18 J took load cider apples took Barrel along & got some made AM they chored & deepened ditch out of Barnyard into Old Orchard PM W. cloudy & foggy all day

19 J helped clean dining room A Made molds for Making Cement Posts W. cloudy drizzly rain off & on all day some pretty heavy showers

20 A worked at M{illegible} & then opened the mouth of some drains East of Meeting shed J brought home Cement & Bunch of shingles from Locust Hill then A fixed gutter on wood shed roof W. very very fine warm & clear Indian summer

Nov 1913

21 A Put gutter in woodshed roof & worked at Molds J took grist Chop they fixed some fence PM Henrys were here to supper W. Cloudy foggy AM clear PM for awhile

22 A helped Benj'n at Cementing J drew 2 loads of gravel from Collins Dr Dales Called PM Susanna not so well he gave Nancy some Medicine too she is not very well but is up around W. very fine & warm like Indian Summer a slight shower this evening quite warm today Amelia & Eva Called PM

Sunday 23 at home had quite a few Callers PM Elias & Mary & Anne were here PM Jake & Anne Diller Thomas's girls & Ethel Scott W. quite Mild Misty cloudy

24 Boys & Benj'n Paved Henhouse with stones & then put a coat of Cement over it W. mostly clear but some heavy squaals of soft snow all melted as it fell we Called Dr Dales Susanna not so well she was in bed all day

25 A went to Hermans to work at Bean filling J Chored & went to a timber sale at the old John Pearce farm PM W most cloudy wind fine S West sharp frost last night Susanna a little better

26 J took cream A drew rails they overhauled fence west of Willow trees up to 11th Con W. partly clear a very fine day Mary & some of the little ones were here PM

27 Put Apples into Cellar out of driving house Ernie helped they commenced to level the ground East of line to the Creek they intend to build a wire fence there W. Cloudy raw East wind quite sharp

28 Boys drew home stove wood from Old bush AM they pulled down board fence along Townline East of lane & west from south of bush Henry Moyer was here to dinner W. hard frost last night Mostly cloudy today didnt thaw very much

29 Boys cleared away rubbish & A dug Post holes for a wire fence with Iron driven Post J took Anne Ramers home Amy Mayberry will work for us now W. raw East wind not strong not very Cold

Sunday 30 at home Amelia Ernie Carl & Eva & Aaron Rittenhouse & Herman's Harvey were here to dinner W. Mild mostly Cloudy

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Dec 1913

Dec 1 A dug Post holes J took grist Chop & Chored W. mostly cloudy Air from East Mild J brought some Ceder from Alberts

2 A helped Flavius Butcher J took grist Chop then he drew home Old Parts & rubbish W. Mild Cloudy some fog & Mist this evening

3 A helped Thomas thresh AM J took grist & went to Ceder Grove AM they both went to W Taylor sale on the Old Hoover farm PM W. Mostly cler cool Anne Ramer came to stay all night

4 J took a Cow to Jake Dillers this Morning to Put up at his sale today Jake has sold the Homestead to his Brother Benjamin & he is moving in the Cow was sold at $85.00 Daniel & Henry were here to dinner & then Daniel & Henry went to the sale I didnt go I am not strong enough to stand around much W. mostly Clear & Cool Air from the north

5 Boys dug some Post holes & brought a load of long Ceder Braces from our swamp in NW Corner field PM Teenie Stover was here to dinner Anne was here awhile AM W. fine & clear Cool N wind Susanna not so well tonight Called Dr Dale

6 Boys worked at fence A went to Markham AM W. raw Cold wind from East mostly cloudy Peter Br Susie & his sister Rachel Henderson were here awhile PM Dr Dales came this Morning & gave Susanna some Medicine she was quite bad last night is some better today

Sunday 7 at home all day J & A went to Henry's PM they were not at home so they came back W. squaaly at times some colder this evening

8 Boys Chored & got things ready to Butcher tomorrow W. some soft snow last night & AM pretty Cold NW wind pretty strong not quite so strong at bedtime

9 Killed 3 big Pigs Benj'n & Fanny Amelia & Ernie helped they were big & fat W. fine & clear sharp Air from south west there is a very light snow over the ground scarcely enought to track Rabbits the County is full of them Flavius & Carl caught 2 they have a ferret this is my Nancy's 74th Birthday

Dec 1913

10 Boys salted the Pork & Chored AM A helped N Burk thresh PM J went to Whitevale with grist Oats & went to Locust Hill for salt PM W. partly clear NW wind

11 A helped Benj'n Butcher J Chored AM he went to help Henrys Butcher PM W. sharp fine & clear

12 Boys Chored & drew home some old Posts AM A helped Flavius thresh PM W. fine Clear sharp Air from S West I walked to Br C's AM he is sick in bed the last few days with lumbago & La Grippe he feels a little better

13 A helped J McCreight thresh AM he Picked up limberwood in bush PM J went to Locust Hill for Wire & Iron Posts for fence along front Townline then he Chored PM W. very fine like Indian summer we Called Dr Dales PM Susanna had bad spell he came & gave here some Medicine Willis came to stay all night Frank Barkey was here to dinner heavy white frost last night

Sunday 14 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mat part of 9C by C Burkholder C Burkholder was here to dinner Daniels & Hermans Called a little while PM W. mostly Cler Cleared up Cold from NW this evening

15 J helped wash AM Both drove Iron fence Posts PM I walked to Br C's AM he is in bed yet about the same W. fine Cler sharp Air froze hard

16 Boys went to Davids to get some slats cut for the wire fence AM they drove a few Posts PM W. foggy & misty with a slight drizzle at times not cold

17 Boys Picked Chickens nearly all day Henrys were here to dinner Henry helped to Pick W. very heavy white frost last night fine & clear today cloudy towards evening sharp Air from west 18 J brought grist & Flour from Whitevale this evening

18 Boys Picked 2 Geese & dressed 3 Calves W. sharp raw Air from North Clear

19 J took grist Chop to Davids AM he brought some Coal oil from Whitevale PM A went to Toronto 3 Calves @ 14 cts per lb 16 1/2 pair Chickens @ 15 cts per lb 2 Geese @ 16 cts per lb W. fine cler Cold NW Air he also got 50 cts per doz for Eggs

20 Boys Picked 3 Geese J took cream AM A brought load Coal from Locust Hill PM I walked to see Br C AM he is getting better slowly W. mostly cler heavy white frost this morning raw air

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Dec 1913 & Jan 1914

Sunday 21 at home all day Flavius's Eva was here PM W partly Clear white frost this Morning not cold

22 A took 2 Geese to Markham for H Wilsons J Chored & we Called Dr Armstrong Old Horse Major had a sick spell he is better again W. mostly cloudy not Cold

23 Boys set Posts AM Chored PM Henry & Willis were here to dinner W. Cold raw wind from East began to snow from East about noon snowed fast all PM getting soft this evening turning to rain

4 A went shooting Rabbits he brought home 2 fine ones about noon he got Mares shod PM J Chored W. Cloudy all day very fair sleighing about 5 in snow a good many sleighs running I walked to Br C's PM he is improving some

Christmas day 25th I & A went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by Christian Burkholder Herman & family Russel & Levi Grove & Anne Ramer were here to dinner Benj'n & family were here PM Benj'n Dillers brought M Gingerich & wife & M Sander & wife for a good Call PM W. cloudy mild all day fair sleighing but a good many wheels running blowing up Cold from East after dark

26 J went to Markham he took 3 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 40 cts per doz A Chored AM he went to Elias's PM to cut Frank & Wilburs hair PM W. pretty strong N East wind quite Cold & seems getting colder this evening

27 A took Nancy & I to Joes then he went to Cherrywood station for some grain for Cow feed J took cream & then brought home PM very fair sleighing quite sharp Air from north

Sunday 28 at home Elias's were all here to dinner W. Cloudy awhile AM Cleared up about noon sharp Air

29 Boys Chored A took grist Chop W. Cloudy all day Isaac Simeon & Susanna & Peter's Levi brought 4 Waterloo girls for a call PM they were 2 of Moses Weaver & 2 Moe Ernie & Amelia were with them too

30 J Chored & went to Ceder GRove PM A went to Toronto with the Waterloo girls W. Cloudy Cool Chilly NW wind Nancy went with J as far as Flavius when he went to Ceder Grove Eva is sick in bed something like Quincy

31 Boys Chored & sorted the hens AM A brought load of Coal from Locust Hill PM I went with Democrat We bought some salt little Wilbur Barkey is sick Flavius's Eva is up again W. Cloudy Chilly Air a light drizzle of snow this evening

January 1 1914 at home Daniels were here to dinner Joes were here to supper W. quite Cold 4 above this morning Anne was here all PM & Joe & little Ada Came this evening


Jan 2 1914 Boys Chored A got Horse Major sharped PM he took Amy to Dr Dale AM she is not very well they made Brine for Pork W. raw Cold Air from N East

3 Boys Chored they shelled some Corn to make Mush W Mild snow & pretty strong wind from East all day very good dump snow to make sleighing

Sunday 4 at home J A & Amy went to Henry's to dinner W. Mild Mostly Cler very good sleighing sharp air from North

5 Boys Chored they took grist Corn to Davids PM J went to Joes awhile W. fine Clear sharp Air

6 A took grist AM he went to Markham to Dentist PM J Chored W. Clear pretty strong West wind Trees all Covered with heavy white frost this Morning

7 Boys went Rabbit hunting they they brought home 2 fine ones J took Susanna to Joes AM & brought her home PM W. fine & clear

8 Boys Chored A went to Pay Donald Stoth for wire PM W. Mild Cloudy thawing some snow getting soft

9 A took load Chop AM they Chored PM W. cloudy soft soft snow & some sleet at times about all day

10 J went to Ceder Grove & to Locust Hill for salt A Chored W. Cler Cold N Wind quite Cold

Sunday 11 Nancy A & Amy went to Meeting at Hebron I did not go have bad Cold in My head & am weak Henry's & Joseph Groves were here to dinner W. vey Cold about Zero this Morning quite Calm but a strong wind came up from North then toward the East & South west after dark quite strong

12 Boys Chored A brought home grist from Davids AM they brought home 6 hogs from Hagermans at Locust Hill PM @ $13.00 each W. Biting Cold wind from SW getting Colder some fresh snow it is blowing 7 deg below this Morning 17 deg this evening

14 Boys Chored Elias brought Mary & Children they all staid to dinner Thomas's girls were here PM Eva was here all day W. 17 deg below this morning 14 above this evening East wind this evening it has been the Coldest spell in 27 years

15 A helped Benj'n all day J Chored W some fresh snow last night & this Morning Mild the air thawed a little good sleighing J helped wash AM

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Jan 1914

J took 3 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 35 cts per doz

16 A helped Benj'n al day J Chored W. Cloudy all day & soft snow from East not Much wind not thawing much very good sleighing

17 Boys Chored AM A helped Benj'n PM W. some snow last night & AM Mild Blowed up Colder PM from North West

Sunday 18 at home little Ada Barkey & Flavius & Eva were here to dinner J & A were at Hermans to dinner they & Amy were at Benj;n to supper W clear quite sharp Zero this Morning

19 J took Nancy & I to Elias's we staid to dinner he came for us PM A helped Benj'n W. Cloudy some snow towards evening quite Mild

20 A went to Markham AM for 1200 lbs Oil Cake AM they Chored PM W some soft snow AM More snow from East PM it is getting deep

21 A took Cream AM they Chored PM W. a lot of snow last night it is about a foot deep on the level some wind not drifted much yet

22 A went to Locust Hill for a Barrel of salt he took grist PM & went to store took 3 1/2 doz Eggs @ 38 cts per doz Flavius is pretty sick Dr was there twice today he is some better this evening it is something like Pneumonia W. cloudy not very cold

23 Boys cut few logs in old bush & chored AM A went to Murisons for butter PM I & Nancy went with him to see Flavius PM he is a little better but is in bed all the time W. Mostly cloudy thawing a little

24 A took cream AM he Painted slats for wire fence PM J Chored W. soft snow & rain AM blowing a little Colder PM Flavius still in bed but improving

Sunday 25 at home Joes were here to dinner Benj'n & family were here all PM Elias's made a Call PM J A & Amy went to David Groves to dinner W. sharp {illegible} from winter day strong wind last night Calm today

26 J helped wash AM A put Brine on Pork they Chored PM W. pretty Mild Mostly Cloudy about 3 inches fresh snow last night

27 A went to Markham to Dentist J went to Dr Dales for Medicine for Susanna AM he took grist Chop to Davids PM W. mostly cloudy slight rain this evening thawing a little all day

Jan & Feb 1914

Jan 28 A went for Chop it was not done then they sorted a Barrel of Russet Apples AM they both went to A Heines sale at Green River PM W Mostly Cler Mild strong wind this evening from East Daniels Called few minutes PM Susanna was at Flavius to dinner

29 A shipped the Barrel of Apples to dealer in Toronto & brought Mary & children they were here to dinner Ada Mayberry was here too he worked at slab gate for wire fence J brought the Chop & took 6 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 35 cts PM W. pretty fair quite Mild thawing

30 Boys worked at slats for fence W. Colder froze some roads getting Icy

31 Boys Chored J went with Ernie this morning to take the cream W. strong east wind with snow snow a bit & a little rain PM blowing yet at bedtime

Sunday Feb 1 at home A & Amy went to U Drudges to dinner Thomas's girls & some of Mayberry girls were here awhile after supper W. Mostly cloudy cold NW wind

Candlemas day 2 A worked at gate J helped wash AM they Chored PM W. Mostly Cloudy strong East wind this evening getting Colder Anne was here awhile PM sewing for us

3 A brought Anne she helped a sewing A went to Markham to Dentist PM J took Anne home & Chored W. mostly cler & Mild Colder this evening

4 J took some Chop to Whitevale AM he went to Ceder Grove PM as far as Br C's PM he is pretty well but does not go out yet

5 Boys dressed 3 Pigs & Picked 33 hens Ernie helped J took them to Joes they sell them in Toronto for in W. very fine cler sharp Cold Air J took 8 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 35 cts per doz

6 A brought a load of ice from Markham for Geo Beatty AM he Painted gate PM J Chored W. a very strong wind from East snow very fast PM not very Cold

7 Boys Chored A brought Butter from Murisons Henry's were all here to dinner W. heavy rain last night snow squaals of snow at times AM strong wind at times PM some Colder this evening

Sunday 8 I Nancy & A went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mat part of 13 C by C Burkholder Frank Grove was here to dinner Russell & Lewis Grove Called PM Levi Reesor was here to supper w. cler Cold strong West & south west wind all day

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Feb 1914

Feb 9 Boys Chored they went to Elias's PM W. clear strong Cold biting SW wind all day Zero this morning not so low through the day they helped wash AM

10 A went to Markham to Dentist J Chored W very very Cold not so much wind about Zero this Morning

11 A went to Shanks sale near Bethasada with Herman J Chored W. very very Cold about the Coldest so far

12 Boys Chored A too 6 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 34 cts & got Horse Billy sharped W. very very Cold below Zero all day about 10 below this evening very Cold all over Canada

13 Boys Chored A took grist Chop PM W 8 aove this Morning getting Milder wind Changed to East some drizzly sow this evening

14 Boys Chored W. partly cloudy cold rain N East to NW wind some squaals of snow

Sunday 15 at home nobody here J A & Amy & Flavius Eva went to Elias's to dinner W fine clear sharp Air

16 Boys Chored W about 4 inches fresh snow last night fine & clear today quite sharp & Calm some wind this evening

17 Boys Chored David Groves were here to dinner W. sharp clear Air from West

18 A took cream J helped wash AM they brought 5 Bus seed Peas from Country @ $1.25 per Bus PM W. mostly clear sharp Air

19 Boys Picked the Hens & filled 2 Barrels with King Apples & A took them to M Barkeys J took 7 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 33 cts per doz J went to Dr Dales this Morning to get some Medicine for Susanna she is not so well W. partly clear very sharp Air from North quite sharp

20 A took grist Chop AM Boys both went to Raineys sale on Peter Lapp farm PM W. clear quite sharp around Zero all day

21 A took cream AM he went to Joes PM W. Mostly clear some snow squaals PM

Sunday 22 at home nobody here all day J went to Henrys short squaals of snow at times nearly Zero tonight

23 Boys Chored A took grist Chop to Davids W. quite Cold not far from Zero all day below this morning

24 A went to Markham to Dentist J went to a sale on 2nd Con Pickering he bought 5 Pigs @ $5.10 cts each W. below Zero this Morning getting milder fast very fine clear day

Feb 1914

25 Boys Chored AM J went with W Taylor & he brought home the Pigs that he bought yesterday Taylor brought home some sheep that he bought A dressed a calf & filled A Barrel with Apples PM W. fine Clear Milder

26 Boys took the Calf to Cherrywood station & shipped it to Ed Lewis in Toronto AM they took a Cow to Hermans PM he Keeps her for the summer W. fine & Mild I am not very well today had a bad spell of Diarhea last night & today some better this evening

27 Boys Cut down & trimmed a wild Apple tree East of lane AM A took grist Chop & Chored PM J went with Benj'n PM to Noah Baker sale near Stouffville W. very fine & mild thawing some I feel a little better today but Susanna is not very well this evening

28 Boys drove down to see the work on the New Railroad in Pearces flats AM they are drawing a great lot of stones to build a Bridge they Cut the Wild Apple tree & a young Elm into stovewood PM W. Mostly clear quite Mild thawing I walked to Br C's PM he is quite smart

Sunday March 1st at home Elias's were all here to dinner Benj'n & family were all her to dinner & Ada Mayberry was here too W. Clear Cold wind very very strong PM a very strong after dark

2 Boys Chored W very strong NW wind last night & all day very strong AM some damage some doors unhinged & boards torn off some buildings not so strong this evening not very Cold a little fresh snow last night all blown in heaps

3 Boys Chored W. fine & Clear not much wind there are a good deal of damage through Ontario buildings unroofed & windows broken in the Cities but I think no lives lost

4 A helped Thomas butcher J went to Ceder Grove AM W. fine Clear Lewis Grove was here to dinner he was in Cherrywood for some tiles light snow this Morning like white frost

5 A helped Henry saw wood J took 6 bags over 1200 lbs to J Miles AM @ $8.90 per Cwt AM he Picked some chickens & took them & some Apples to Barkeys PM they took them to Toronto he took 9 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove after supper @ 29cts per doz W. white frost this Morning quite Mild thawing a little.

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March 1914

March 6 A took grist Chop AM he went to NB's sawing Bee PM J Chored W. Mild a slow steady fall of snow all day from East not fast about 3 in fell

7 A took 5 Pigs 910 lbs to Miles AM @ $9.00 per Cwt J Chored A helped shovel snow at Hebron PM W. mostly cler quite Mild thawing a little a little snow in the Air

Sunday 8 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Susanna remarks by C Burkholder sermon on St Mat 20 C by A Rittenhouse from Vineland Henry Boyer Herman & family Henry & family were here to dinner Isaac Reesor's were here to supper W. partly Cler Mild thawing a little

9 A went to Markham AM J took grist Chop they Chored PM W. a raw N wind not strong mostly cler

10 J took Susanna to Dr Dales AM J some some Medicine for himself too they hung up to smoke too A took grist Chop AM W. fine Clear raw Air from north Daniels were here to dinner

11 A took grist Chop AM J went to Locust Hill AM they went to Bert Beans sale PM J brought 3 shoats @ $8.40 each they hung up Johny Reesor Called PM Thomas's Esther was here to dinner W. Clear sharp

12 A cut up old rubbish for stove wood J went to Johny Ramers AM he took grist Chop & took 11 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 28 cts per doz W. very fine & clear thawing a little in the sun

13 Boys brought home Pigs from Beans AM J took sample wheat to Whitevale to get the Prices then they cleaned a load PM W. very fine & clear

16 A took 2 loads wheat to Leary in Whitevale @ 95 cts J Chored W. fine warm & clear thawing some 108 Bus in 2 loads

Sunday 15 at home Joe & Anne were here to dinner J & A went to Enos Nighswanders to dinner W. very fine & clear thawing sleighing getting thin in places

16 J helped wash A cut down Knotty Plum trees AM they cut down & trimmed some trees in old bush PM W. fine Clear & warm thawing Boys & Amy went to Joes after supper Flavius Amelia Ernie Carl & Eva were here after supper

Mar 1914

Tuesday 17 J went to Dr Dales he some Medicine for himself & some for Susanna & some for Nancy she is not very well A Trimmed trees AM he went to Flavius sawing Bee PM J Chored PM W. a little fost last night fine & Clear today snow going fast

18 J took cream A Chored & filed saw W. snow & storm from NW strong wind PM & tonight not very Cold snow is soft no drifting much

19 A trimmed trees J helped shovel Townline west of 11th Con AM they had a sawing Bee PM 4 saws & splitters going W. clear quite Cold NW wind there are some places pretty badly drifted J took 17 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 27 cts per doz

20 J took grist Chop to Davids AM they could not Chop it there is something wrong with Engine & the water is too low A split wood J helped him PM W. very fine clear but quite Cold a very Chilly air

21 Henry & Willis came AM Elias & Joe came after dinner they helped Cut & split wood W. Mostly clear quite cold & raw

Sunday 22 at home Hermans Harvey was here awhile PM J A & Amy were at Daniels to dinner W. Mostly clear Mild some fresh snow last night some heavy squaals soft now towards evening

23 J helped wash AM he took some Chop to Whitevale & some wheat & got some Flour PM A helped Clean house all day W. quite Mild mostly clear thawing roads sloppy

24 Boys helped clean house A went to Alick Milroys Sawing Bee PM W. Mostly clear quite Mild we heard today that Bishop Paul Martin died his Morning will be Buried on Thursday

25 Boys helped at house cleaning J went to Ceder Grove PM for some Paint they will Paint some of the Plaster W. quite Mild Mostly Cloudy the roads are sloppy drizzly rain after 4 PM

26 J took Susanna to Elias's this morning then he split wood A Painted Susannas Bedroom they both went to a sale at Frank Ramers in Boxgrove PM W. quite warm thawing Foggy at times pretty heavy shower toward evening all night at Elias's Susanna stays

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Mar April 1914

March 27 Boys sorted 2 Barrels apples & shipped them to Toronto to Ed Lewis AM then A Painted & J went to Ceder Grove from some Paint PM & he brought Susanna home this evening W. a steady shower light rain about all day Creeks high Ice breaking up

28 A cut wood & helped at house cleaning J went to Locust Hill with Alick Milroy when he took the cream he got 2 Bunches of shingles to Patch some roofs he Patched some PM W. Mostly clear not very warm Amy Mayberry left tonight her time is up

Sunday 29 at home Amelia Ernie & Carl were here to dinner Thomas's were here awhile PM & William Taylor on the old Dan Hoover Called too he is Moving away & came to say Good Bye W. Cloudy Mild all day strong East wind towards evening

30 J washed then they cleaned seed grain W. Slow steady rain all AM Mostly clear PM

31 J took grist Chop & Patched some roofs AM he Chored PM A cut wood in Bush AM he helped Benj'n PM W. white frost this morning fine & clear today

April 1 Boys sorted some Apples they took 2 Barrels to Barkeys they take them to Toronto W. slow steady rain from East about all day quite Misty PM Amelia Commenced work today she will help us all this summer

2 A took young Cow to Johnny Ramers this Morning they are having a sale today they have sold their farm & are Moving to Mount Joy the cow was sold at $70.00 Henrys came this Morning Henry & Boys went to sale Sarah & little Anne & Norman staid J took 20 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove this Morning &@ 18 cts per doz W. soft snow & drizzly rain AM fine clear Mostly all PM 2 Jews came to stay all night

3 A sawed wood AM he went to Pilkeys sawing Bee PM J got Horse Major shod AM Henry was here to dinner he came to Johny Ramers to take home a heifer that he bought yesterday W. sharp frost ground while with snow this morning all thawed I walked to Br C's this AM

April 1914

April 4 Boys drew some white Ash logs to Davids from old bush AM they sawed some willow into stove wood at the Pond PM I went to half yearly Conference at Hebron PM there were not many there Br C was not able to be there he does not go out yet & Christian Gayman is not well W. raw cold wind squaals of snow at times

Sunday I & Nancy & A went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by A Rittenhouse (they have moved into David Reesors house where James Clarke used to live) sermon on St Mat 18th C by C Burkholder Levi Grove (Umfrage) Enos Nighswander Peter & Lucinda & MN were here to dinner W. sharp frost last night Cold raw air all day

6 Boys sawed willow limbs into stove wood near dam AM they began putting wire onto Posts along Townline East of 11th Con PM W. Mild but raw Cold wind

7 A went to Blacksmith J sawed willow stove wood AM they put up wire fence from 11th Con East to hill PM W. raw Cold East wind sharp frost last night

8 Boys finished putting on the wire W. raw Cold wind Clear thawing in day time freezing at night roads pretty good

9 Boys cut wood & cut feed awhile AM J went to a sale on 10th Con of Markham north of Riggfoot PM A took grist of Chop PM I walked to Br C awhile AM W. cler very Cold N wind a few squaals of snow ground froze hard last night thawed again today

Good Friday 10 all went to Meeting except J he staid with Susanna remarks by A Rittenhouse sermon on St Mat part of 21 C by C Burkholder Daniels & Martin Davids & Franklin Herman & Harvey & little Frank were here to dinner Flavius's & Eva were here PM & Henrys Called awhile Willis stays W. very fine & clear all day frost last night thawing today

11 J took grist Chop A went to Markham AM A went to Locust Hill for some Furniture that we got from T Eaton W. fine cler Cold SW wind great run of sap we have 3 trees tapped around the house Alma Frank & Ada Barkey were here to dinner

Easter Sunday 12 J & A took Willis home I Nancy & Susanna went to Benj'ns to dinner W. Cler cold SW wind quite strong today going down a little after dark

Easter Monday 13 Joes were here to dinner Boys worked a little AM they drew some straw dung for the Beans in back garden & helped Clean back Kitchen W. fine & cler raw air from East

{second page}

April 1914

They rubbed the Pork with Mustard & Carried it up into the garret

14 Boys helped Amelia Pull off old Paper in Kitchen & Put on new J Burned Brush along the new wire fence & drew dung into back garden Br inlaw Simon Hoovers were here to dinner W. Chite frost last night fine & cler today

15 J took cream A helped Amelia paper the Kitchen J helped awhile W. pretty strong raw East wind not very Cold looks like rain

16 J took Susanna & Amelia to Flavius they had a rag sewing Bee A finished splitting stove wood in bush & they Clipped Old Horse Major Frank Groves were here to dinner J took 20 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 17 cts per doz W. quite Mild a very fine rain last night & while this Morning fine & warm today

17 Boys cut up Apple limbs for stovewood & Chored all round W. quite warm & clear the Air is quite different to what it has been for a while back the roads are good and the fall wheat looks splendid

18 Boys grubbed the field south of garden over East to Creek & sowed the most of it with mixed grain the ground works well fine & warm day looks a little like rain

Sunday 19 at home A Susanna & Amelia went to Johny Ramer to dinner J went to Elias's awhile PM W. a little cloudy at times a slight shower about noon pretty strong W wind PM quite warm

20 Boys finished sowing he side of the creek & done a good bit of field behind barn W Misty Cloudy a slight shower & some drizzle this evening I walked to Br C's this Morning he is pretty well

21 Boys worked at seeding nearly finished behind barn & done some north of Meeting house W. Mostly cloudy Cool SW wind

22 Boys worked at seeding W. a little rain last night cool today a strong NW wind PM quite strong & Cool

23 Boys worked at seeding J took grist Chop this Morning Amelia & Susanna took 18 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove PM @ 17 cts PM they went with Horse Major A went to Markham after supper W. a sharp frost last night ground froze fine & clear today

24 Boys sowed Peas & Oats in NE field W. Mostly cler & cool wind from South East pretty strong PM ground getting pretty dry a great run of suckers in big Rouge

April May 1914

April 25 Boys sowed awhile then rain stopped them J went up PM & worked on Knoll awhile A took load Chop PM W. strong wind from East rain nearly steady AM a few heavy showers toward evening we heard one clap of thunder over the lake not heavy

Sunday 26 at home Henrys were all here to dinner Flavius Ernie Carl & Eva were here PM W. pretty cloudy

27 J Rolled Alfalfa south of bush & A rolled in the NW Corner field it is seeded down they helped clear & Paper Pantry Mrs Mayberry helped to clear am room W. rather Cool partly cloudy

28 Boys worked at seeding W. mostly cloudy Air from East rather Cool

29 Boys worked at fence took and old cedar Posts & drove some Iron over W. drizzly rain off & on nearly all day Cool

30 Boys put on {illegible} J took grist Chop & took 18 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove 17 cts per doz W. clear Cool NW wind

May 1 Boys finished seeding but they have a lot of rolling to do yet W. Clear Cool NW wind pretty strong

2 Boys Rolled a lot J took some Chop A went to Murisons for Butter & to Joes & brought Anne to sew awhile PM W fine cler a frost last night

Sunday 3 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St John 14 C by C Gayman Ed Moyer & wife were to dinner W. very fine & clear Cool air from East

4 J finished rolling A dug garden AM & Chored PM W. mostly cloudy some drizzle AM a short heavy shower PM pretty warm air leaf buds coming out

5 Boys plowed Mangel ground W. very thick mist this morning broke up by noon Cloudy warm PM

6 Plowed in Mangel ground J went to Henrys to Put on some grafts AM Nancy went with him then he Plowed too PM Thomas's Adeline brought Elizabeth & Rebecca Martin they staid to dinner JH Ramer came here to dinner & to supper W. air from East cloudy Henrys Children have Whooping cough pretty hard

7 Boys Plowed in Mangel ground J harrowed & Rolled some Dr Dale Called PM Susanna needed some medicine & he took a wart off my hand W. a very fine heavy shower last night very growing time fine & cler today A took 16 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove

{second page}

May 1914

this evening @ 19 per doz

8 Boys sowed Mangels about 24 rows in field East of Dam W. fine & clear East wind

9 J worked on Corn ground A took grist Chop with Horse Major & made a lot of garden W. fine clear

Sunday 10 at home Elias's whole family Ernie & Carl & Hermans Harvey were all here to dinner W. cloudy all day a very slight drizzle of rain after dinner Isaacs Jenny Simon & Abraham were to dinner too

11 J finished working corn ground A worked in garden AM he took load Chop PM W. Cloudy an East wind not strong we Called Dr Dales this evening Nancy is sick he Came & gave her some Medicine he says she must stay in bed a few days she is chilly & fells like vomiting

12 A sowed feed Corn J helped scrub Hebron Meeting house AM W. cloudy a little drizzly AM some steady rain PM Nancy is in bed all day she is not suffering very much we think she is a little better Davids Esther & Lewis Mary & a few others Called Esther & Lewis staid to supper J went to Markham with Flavius PM

13 J took cream AM A Chored they put on uprights on wire fence PM Dr Called to see Nancy he says she has some Conjestion of the lungs not severe she has to keep her bed a few days W. cloudy some drizzle Cloudy I have a very sore hand there was a wart on my right hand for the past year & the Dr took it off a few weeks agao & now it is very sore

14 Called Dr Dales this Morning Nancy a great deal worse we sent word to the Children Daniel Ramers David Groves & Henry Came Flavius & Benj'n in fact they all came except Hermans the Dr Came about 10 PM he attended to her now this evening she is Much better Benj'ns Fanny is here now this evening Boys Chored & finished making garden J took Cream & took 17 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 20 cts per doz Br inlaw Simon Hoovers & his sone Simon's boy were here to dinner W. a sharp white frost this morning clear today

15 A drew dung on Potatoes ground AM he Plowed it down PM J took grist Chop AM he plowed back garden Planted some Early Potatoes PM SB Lehmans were here to dinner W. very fine Clear Cool NW wind Nancy some better Hermans were here awhile PM

16 Boys put on uprights on wire fence & Chored they took a load Chop W. very fine mostly clear Nancy some better but she is in bed all the time Daniels were here to dinner

May 1914

Sunday 17 at home Nancy doing pretty well Dr Called he says she is doing well we had a lot of visitors & callers Henry & family Called their children all have Whooping Cough Joe & Anne & little Ada JH Ramer AB's Lizzie & Jess Johnny Raer & Colon Reesors were here to dinner Gillie Burkholder & Nettie Ineson called Hermans were here awhile this evening W. very fine clear day Cool wind from S West

18 Boys worked at fence uprights they Painted a bit of them W. rather Cloudy but fine & warm

19 our folks had some help at house cleaning Benj'ns Fanny and Mrs Mayberry & Boys all helped they took up the carpets in the dining room W. very fine like Summer Nancy doing well Jacob Reesors made a call

20 Boys finished Painting the fence slats & put on a lot of them Elisabeth Martin & Rebecca Martin Called AM Nancy doing well W. quite warm & clear

Ascension Day 21 Went to Meeting at Hebron J & Susanna staid with Nancy she was not quite so strong this morning remarks & sermon on by Br C Russell & Lewis Grove & Flavius Eva were here to dinner Daniels Called David Groves Called too this evening W. quite warm looks a little like rain I forgot to say that A brought home a great lot of Mushrooms yesterday Morning

22 Boys Chored J took grist Chop & took 15 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 20 cts per doz W. quite warm AM a very fine rain after dinner a nice rain Cooler tonight Lavina Diller was here helping at house cleaning my Nancy is better she was up with her Clothes on nearly all day

23 Boys fixed fence along north end of bush AM J took grist chop A pulled off some Caterpillars PM W. cler fine & Cool NW wind MN was here to dinner J went to Henrys after supper

Sunday 24 at home Br C's Becca was here PM W. Cool Air from East cloudy drizzly rain at bedtime

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May 1914

25 Boys helped Boil soap A Made Iron Weather cock AM they took Colt Teddy to Ormands Pasture PM W. quite warm fine rain off & on AM clear PM

26 A & Susanna went to Markham AM they Chored PM Menno Reesor brought my Uncle Josephus Reesor for a Call PM W quite warm a slight shower & some thunder over the lake early this morning quite warm

27 J & A went hunting Mushrooms AM they got 2 Crockfulls A helped Benj'n PM J trimmed trees in back Orchard PM W quite warm very slight shower before dinner some distant thunder

28 Boys Chored Cleaned up some rubbish along wire fence & fixed pole for swing etc at Creek had a Call from Preacher Isaac Rittenhouse & Preacher Freeman Rittenhouse this evening W. fine not so warm A took 16 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove after supper @ 21 cts per doz

Friday 29 I went to Annual Conference at Hebron there were a good many visiting Brethren there everything went off well in peace and harmony there was meeting appointed for 3 PM I & J & Lizzie went there was a sermon on St Mat 5 Chap by Pre Amos Gingerich & Menno Shants & D{illegible} David Cressman were here to supper J took them to Albert Reesors & to Peter Ramers W. not quite so warm a strong Breeze at times a thunder shower coming up near Bedtime

30 J Cultivated Corn A put in new gate & gate post at back Orchard J & Amelia went to Markham after supper Peter Reesors brought Joseph Wismer for a Call this morning W. fine clear cool didnt rain Much last night

Whit Sunday 31 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he staid with Nancy she is doing well but did not feel strong enough to go to Meeting remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 22 & 23 Chapters by Pre Tobias Martin of Waterloo Bishop Freeman Rittenhouse spoke too Sacrement was Celebrated today W mostly fair very fine not so warm

June 1914

Menno Burkholders & Matty were here to dinner Flavius Eva was here to supper Flavius & Fanny gave us a Call this evening

Whit Monday June 1st A Made a few new gates for back lane & back Orchard & he went to Markham PM J Cultivated Mangels & Corn W. cler & Cool NW wind

June 2 A carried Potatoes out of Cellar into Cider house J took grist Chop & got Mares shod he met with accident at the shop Benj'n was there with his Mare she got excited & sprung against J & Knocked him over & hurt his back Benj'n brought him home & we called Dr Dale he cupped him twice on his back & gave him some medicine W. very fine Cool Clear

3 A & Susanna went to David Groves barn raising Susanna staid J is going around he has some Pain yet he went to the raising awhile PM W. mostly Cloudy pretty strong East wind PM beginning to rain now at bedtime.

4 Boys Cut seed Potatoes AM A made drills for Planting them PM W. cloudy foggy misty AM pretty strong East wind PM did not rain much last night Johns back is not much better he is going around Choring Nancy is doing well

5 Boys planted Potatoes AM J helped a little A Cultivated Corn PM W. Clear pretty strong wind quite cold

6 A Cultivated Corn J took AB's Lizzie home & Came by David Groves & brought Susanna home AM then he scuffled Corn PM W. quite cool East wind

Sunday 7 A & Amelia went to meeting at Altona J went along as far as Henry's W. froze this morning a very heavy thunder storm came up after dinner some very heavy Claps no damage near here that we heard of but very heavy & welcome rain the Pond was getting low but it is filled & the creek is running fine

8 A dug gravel from Collins Pit on Pickering Townline J Chored W.very very warm warmest day so far we heard today about 3 or 4 buildings that were struck by lightning but did not burn up north near Stouffville.

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June 1914

9 A drew gravel he brought home one load from {illegible} J Topped thistles I & Nancy went with him to Flavius AM W very warm yet but not as warm as yesterday

10 A hoed Mangels Benj'n & Wilfred helped awhile J took Cream & got Horse Billy shod AM he cut {illegible} corn PM W very fine pretty strong NW wind PM

11 Boys hoed Mangels Henry helped Benj'ns Wilfred helped too W. fine cloudy at times pretty warm A took 17 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove after super @ 21 cts

12 Boys finished hoeing Mangels after dinner then they helped Benj'n PM W. quite Cool pretty strong W west wind cler

13 A helped Benj'n AM he went to Scotts Barn raising on 3rd Con Scarboro PM J took cream this morning Willis came with him he stays J took grist Chop the he topped thistles W. Cler cool pretty strong NW wind PM Amelia took Susanna to Dr Dales AM with Horse Major

Sunday 14 A & Amelia went to Meeting at Widemans we were at home Henry's & Ernie Carl & Eva were here to dinner Joe & Anne & little Ada Barkey were here too W. Cloudy at times Cool NE wind but a fine day

15 A was at Benj'ns J took 3 Pigs to Markham & 2 for Benj'n they hitched together @ $7.50 per Cwt they weighed 263 lbs W. Misty Cler strong NW wind Cool sun warm

16 Boys Topped thistles J Cultivated Corn PM W. Cler Colder W wind I walked to Br C's AM

17 Boys scuffled Corn W. Cool pretty strong NW wind turned to S West towards evening

18 Benj'ns Fanny our Anne & Flavius Eva helped at house cleaning at our and boys made a Concrete watering Trough W. some warmer looks like showers tonight Beef ring opened today A took 14 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 21 cts per doz

19 Boys finished cement watering trough W. pretty strong wind from SW fine heavy rain very fine about noon freshened this up fine

20 A was at Henrys till about 4 PM J took grist & chored AM he went to Markham PM W. Cloudy at times sharp white frost last night not much damage

June 1914

Sunday 21 J A Susanna & Amelia went to Elias's for dinner Nancy & I Kept house W. clear a little while this Morning a fine shower about 90 above then cloudy & slight drizzle & on all day Mild

22 A went to Toronto on Train J Chored & hoed Corn W. Cloudy drizzly rain at times AM Cler PM

23 A fixed Fire place in shop it was crumbling down J Chored & hoed Corn W. warm some fine showers

24 Boys hoed Corn AM J cut alfalfa south of bush PM W. quite warm strong NW wind PM & this evening some rain about noon a pretty heavy clap of thunder

25 A Tedded hay AM they raked & cocked it PM it is a good crop W. very fine & cler I & Nancy went to Elias's awhile AM J took 16 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove after supper @ 21 cts per doz

26 J took grist Chop A Cultivated Corn & then hoed J cut thistles Corn PM W. Cloudy at times looks like showers Cool NW wind Teenie Stover was here to dinner

27 Henry Came to help draw in hay J first took grist Chop then they took in 3 loads south of bush drizzly rain after dinner then they brought out the Concrete water Trough & placed it at the Pump drizzly light rain off & on all PM Wilbur & Ada came with Henry East wind now bedtime

Sunday 28 I Nancy & A went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by A Rittenouse sermon on St Luke 15 C by Levi Grove we had no company after dinner A & Amelia went to Peters for dinner W. Cloudy & a little drizzly AM some sunshine PM pretty heavy rain this evening there was some rain and a fine Clap of thunder last night

29 J went to Daniels to dinner we heard that his Eye was very bad but it is doing very well A Chored W. Cloudy drizzlying off & on all day

30 Boys Tedded & raked hay they turned out the Cocks & then drew it all in & raked it all over & took in the rakings there were 5 loads in all Frank Grove was here to dinner

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July 1914

Elias's children were here to supper

July 1st Boys finished hoeing Corn W. Dull & cloudy all day a very slight drizzle of rain not much more than a heavy dew

2 A & Amelia went to Kingston road to fish in Dead water got none they went with a great party of Cousins but the fish did not bite W. partly Cler a slight rain this Morning J finished hoeing Corn & scuffled some he took 18 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove this evening @ 21 cts per doz

3 Boys cut a little grass in swail north of Orchard drew home a lot of stove wood from bush & chored W. Mostly Cler Cool Air from East Susan Diller was here to supper

4 A took grist Chop & got some shoeing done at BS shop J helped at house work AM they took swail hay & 2 loads out of south part of meadow PM W. mostly cloudy sun warm air from East a slight sprinkle at sunset

Sunday 5 at home A & Amelia went to Meeting at Altona Elias's Made a Call PM W very fine cler day warm sun Cool Breeze from north Susanna is not well this evening

6 Boys cut most of grass in Meadow & hoed Mangels W. very very warm but a Breeze from East Louis Mayberry began work for Boys today

7 Boys finished cutting meadow except swail A hoed some Mangels they brought in a few loads out of meadow PM & cocked some W. very very warm Air from East

8 Boys worked at hay brought in loads I went to Ceder Grove & then went to Murisons for some butter W. very very warm & sultry looks like rain

9 Boys worked at hay cut some swail East of Orchard I walked to Teenie Stovers AM got very tired W very very warm Cool Breeze from East J took 18 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 21 cts per doz

10 Boys Cultivated Corn & finished hoeing Mangels W very very warm a Cool Breeze from East today but Calm & sultry tonight

July 1914

July 11 A took chop & got Mares shod AM J Chored I took Susanna to Joes & left her there Boys Picked wild oats out of grain PM Amelia & Louis brought Susanna home PM W. looks like showers very very warm but a fine Cool Breeze from East turned to north towards evening pretty strong wind at times

Sunday 12 at home A & Amelia went to David Groves to dinner Elias & whole family were here to dinner W. Mostly cler & {illegible} warm a drizzly rain PM enough to lay the dust not so warm

13 J took cream A cultivated Mangels he Picked Wild Oats out of grain & J Cultivated Mangels PM W. Mostly cloudy quite warm East wind not strong A fetched 500 tiles from Cherrywood AM

14 Boys Picked wild Oats out of grain W. very very warm East Wind a foggy Mist drift up from the lake this evening

15 A went to Jacksons Point J took cream then he Chored & Cut some grass along young Ceder swamp & cut some weeds W. rather dull partly cloudy quite warm looked like showers but the kept off so far

16 Boys brought Colt home from Ormand's Pasture AM they Cut Engine wood PM I & Nancy went to Br C's to dinner W. very very warm looks like showers J took 17 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove after supper A Made new Pitman for Binder AM they Topped thistles in Pasture field PM W. quite warm a fine sprinkling of rain today but it {illegible} once again fine Cool air this evening Boys & girls went to Henrys after supper

18 J took cream A took grist Chop AM they Cut wood for Engine J brought Coal for the Threshing Engine PM W. very fine & cool fine Cool Breeze from N West a very welcome change

Sunday 19 at home Daniels & Hermans were here to dinner W. a very fine Clear day fine Cool wind from North not strong but fine & cool

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July 1914

20 A took 5 Pigs 1090 lbs to Markham for Ferrier @ $84 @ $8.40 per Cwt AM J cut Corner in Wheat behind Cider house they cut about half of field PM W. fine Clear Cool North wind fine day for the horses on the Binder

21 Boys finished Cutting & shocking the Wheat it seems to be a good crop then they hoed a while in the Greystone turnips W.quite warm a few claps of thunder & a slight rain about 10 AM a strong NW wind PM

22 Boys went looking for a Beef Ringer they got none Henry's were all here to dinner W. partly cloudy warm sun

23 Boys Pitched straw out of barn & cleaned wheat for seed W. pretty warm began to rain slow & steady after 8 AM rained on more or less all day till about supper time a very welcome I think the ground is soaked not so warm J took grist Chop & took 15 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 22 cts PM

24 Boys went looking for a Beef Ringer this morning they got none J scuffled Mangels then they began Cutting Barley on Knoll awhile PM W. Cloudy at times pretty warm a slight little shower PM I went to Murisons for butter this morning

25 Boys finished Cutting Barley on Knoll & small piece in root field AM Benj'n & Wilfred & Geo Mayberry helped with team & they drew in 13 loads of our Wheat PM W. quite warm Cool NW wind

Sunday 26 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part of 10 C by C Burkholder David Grovs Peter Burkholders & AB's Lizzie Mr & Mrs Wambolt & Delilah were here to dinner & Joes were here to supper quite warm a fine heavy shower of rain about 3 PM a few claps of thunder in the distance Henrys called a few minutes PM

27 Boys cut in Mixed grain in field north of Meeting house didnt finish rain stopped them a few times W. not so warm a fine shower A went after supper to help Cut

July Aug 1914

much in Hebron & Cherrywood

28 J took grist Chop this Morning then he finished cutting field north of Meeting house A & Susanna went to Markham to Dentist AM A shocked grain PM W. Cooler East wind Mostly clear

29 I & Nancy went to Br N's Lizzie to dinner Boys took in last of Fall Wheat 2 loads then they cut over half of Pea & Oat field NE Corner field W. fine Cler cool Air warm rain

30 Boys helped Benj'n with team drawing in Wheat I & Nancy & Susanna went to Henry's to dinner W. fine Clear Air from East

31 Boys & Benj'n drew in Barley about 6 loads they finished cutting Mixed Peas & Oats & began behind barn W. pretty warm partly cloudy I went to Ceder Grove AM I took 17 doz Eggs @ 22 cts per doz

August 1st Boys Finished Cutting oats behind barn about 4 PM except about 10 Minute work when heavy thunder storm stopped them very heavy thunder strong wind north of us a nice shower the storm was strong at Benj'ns & further north it blew down a whole field of grain shocks at Benj'ns

Sunday Aug 2 I & Nancy & Susanna went to Elias's to dinner J & A went to Henry's to dinner W. not so warm some distant thunder PM some nice steady rain PM Willis came with the boys he will stay

3 Boys finished Cutting the harvest field below garden & East of Orchard W. cler Cool Air

4 Boys chored & let water out of Barnyard AM they drew dung onto Knoll with 3 teams Benj'n helped I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove PM W. fine clear

5 Boys helped Benj'n draw in with team AM A helped Thomas thresh PM J got barn ready for us to thresh tomorrow I asked P Gates to help W. clear warm air Cool Air from East

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Aug 1914

Stivens Machine Came this evening he bought our syndicate Machine & he will run it in this Neighbourhood

6 threshed AM fine crop of Fall Wheat very good sample & a load of Oats & some barley then they drew in a lot of oats Benj'n & his men helped W. pretty warm light wind from East

7 Boys drew in grain Benj'n & Men helped with team I went to Ceder Grove PM I took 12 doz Eggs @ 22 cts per doz we Called Dr Dales he came this evening Nancy is not well she is the same that she was when she was sick the last time Henry's all Called awhile this evening W. very warm Air from south & East there is a terrible war going on in Europe about all the Nations are mixed up in it bad the worst of it is that Great Britain & Germany are opposed to each other

8 Boys helped Benj'n draw in AM they drew in at home PM I took grist Chop to Davids with Horse Major this Morning W. pretty warm foggy & dull smoky Nancy is pretty smart

Sunday 9 A & Amelia went to Meeting at Widemans nobody here till about 4 PM a whole Auto Car full came from Markham H Wilson & Mrs Wilson & some More they staid about an hour W. quite warm a fine Breeze from East

10 Boys helped Benj'n to finish drawing in grain then Benj'n helped finish drawing in last of ours PM W. quite warm a very light little rain & a few claps of thunder last night looked a litle showery today J brought a bag of salt from Locust Hill this morning

11 J helped Alick Milroy thresh AM A took grist Chop AM & drew some dung onto Knoll AM J spread dung PM Amelia & Susanna went to Markham

Aug 1914

AM with Horse Major W mostly clear quite cool N wind pretty strong

12 A took grist Chop then he spread dung J spread dung too A helped J McCreight thresh PM J Discked in Knoll PM I & Nancy went to Joes to dinner W. fine Cler nice & Cool

13 A helped P Gates thresh AM he hoed in headlands of Mangels J Discked in N East field I took 10 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove AM W. pretty warm AM Cooler PM some distant thunder PM a little rain this evening about enough to lay the dust Teenie Stover & Gertie Walker were here to dinner

14 Boys ganged on Knoll I took Susanna to Peter B's AM Amelia brought her home PM Daniels were here to supper W. fine Clear Cool Breeze PM very fine rain last night Puddles of Water in the road

15 A helped Elias draw in grain with team J ganged AM he took grist Chop PM & went to Cherrywood station for some visitors from Pennsylvania & took them to Thomas's W. very fine clear Cool NW wind

Sunday 16 at home A Amelia & Susanna went to B Dillers to dinner widow Mary & Leonard Hoover & family were here to dinner W. Cooler & a very fine rain nearly all PM Flavius & Fanny Called awhile after supper

17 J Plowed in sod in NW Corner field A took 5 Hogs 1030 lbs to Markham for Ferrier @ $9.00 per Cwt AM he Plowed too PM W a pretty heavy shower about noon pretty heavy distant thunder not very warm fine clear PM

18 Boys Plowed very near finished field Ernie & Carl & Benj'ns Wilfred helped Elias helped PM David Groves were here to dinner Albert Reesor brought Abraham Lehman from Pennsylvania & his wife to supper W. mostly clear a very heavy thunder storm passed over last night a very fine rain

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Aug 1914

J Boyals barn was struck & burned down

19 J took cream they finished Plowing the sod A rolled it W. quite warm & clear I took Susanna to Teenie Stovers AM & brought her home PM

20 A harrowed in sod J ganged strip of barley stubble in root field this morning started to rain about 9 oclock rained more or less all day pretty fast awhile about noon J took grist Chop AM

21 Boys ganged behind Meeting Sheds & East of Orchard I went to Murisons for butter AM W. pretty warm & clear AM Cooler PM

22 Boys finished ganging field below garden J took cream this Morning & took 18 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 23 cts per doz A took grist Chop afternoon then harrowed below barn C Gayman & wife were here to dinner then I & he went to Hebron to half yearly Conference W. Mostly clear quite warm

Sunday 23 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he did not feel well remarks by A Rittenhouse sermon on St Mat 18th Chap by C Gayman Enos Nighswanders were here to dinner had a few Callers PM J A & Amelia went to Joes after supper W. warm South wind looked showry all day but did not rain

24 J Disked in sod AM he helped Elias draw in PM A helped Tweedie thresh AM he ganged PM I & Nancy went to Hermans to dinner W. very fine Clear day Cool Breeze from north

25 A helped Benj'n draw Manure all day with team J cut second crop grass at Benj'ns we make it on shares Susanna & Amelia went to Markham to Dentist AM with Horse Major W. clear Cool quite sharp this morning some frost in places

26 J took cream then he harrowed A Disked and cut Alfalfa south of bush Br inlaw Jesse Hoover was here to dinner W. quite sharp this morning Cool air from East

Aug Sept 1914

August 27 J took grist Chop A harrowed AM they both helped Benj'n cock hay PM W partly cloudy Air from East Mary & Children were here today

28 A Plowed awhile in Wheat stubble J struck out some lands in NE corner field then Ernie came after dinner & they began to put in some Tiles in NW corner field J raked the Field south of bush where the Alfalfa was he got some rakings W. partly cloudy not very warm Benj'ns Vera was here to supper

29 Boys worked at drain J brought a load tiles before dinner it rained pretty heavy last night & some at times today the boys cleaned seed wheat when it rained it cleared up before sundown

Sunday 30 Thomas J & Amelia went to Henrys to dinner I had a very bad attack of Dysentary last night & today am very weak W. partly cloudy not very warm

31 Boys worked at drain AM J helped B Diller thresh & A finished drain PM W. Mostly cloudy thunder clouds going around went over the lake PM one Just now going but no rain here

Sept 1 Boys both Plowed till rain stopped them about 1100 then there was a very heavy rain a little while PM & a little distant thunder J went to Ceder Grove towards evening

2 Boys Plowed W. Cloudy with showers at times Anne Ramer came PM she stays all night

3 J helped Herman Plow all day A took grist Chop then he Plowed Susanna & Anne Ramer went to Joes to dinner & to Elias's to supper W. fine & clear till about 4 PM then a heavy storm of wind & very heavy rain came up some pretty heavy thunder but not very near J took 8 doz Eggs with him to Ceder Grove @ 24 cts

4 Boys Plowed AM they worked on sod PM W. very fine & Cool

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Sept 1914

Sept 5 Boys sowed Wheat AM had Benj'ns seeder J finished it PM NW field sod & Barley stubble about 13 acres Threshing Machine (steam) Came PM they cleaned out the Boiler W. clear quite Cool

Sunday 6 at home Flavius's & whole family were here to dinner Teenie Stover & Gertie Walker were here PM Daniels were here to supper W. rain last night cloudy AM a shower after dinner clear this evening

7 threshed a lot of grain AM the Machine ran right along with out a stop Boys Plowed PM W. quite Cool a pretty strong NW wind Clear all day

8 J took 4 Hogs to Markham for Ferrier 940 lbs @ $9.50 per Cwt AM then he Plowed A Plowed all day W quite Cool Henry's were all here to supper

9 Boys Plowed they finished the Wheat Stubble & began below garden W. quite Cool Clear Anne was here about all PM

10 J took grist Chop & took 9 1/2 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove @ 24 cts per A helped Benj'n draw dung W. Cler Cool Uriah Drudges were here all PM

11 Boys drew dung Benj'n helped with team Ernie helped too with team W. quite Cool Clear

12 Boys drew dung Benj'n helped AM Ernie helped all day W. clear sharp Air from N East Cool

Sunday 13 at home A & Amelia went to Menno Reesors to dinner nobody here all day very fine clear day Cool air from East

14 A helped Flavius draw dung J Plowed W. cler cool East wind

15 A helped Flavius draw dung J plowed at Benj'ns AM & began cutting feed corn PM Susanna & Annette went to Markham with Horse Major AM W. fine clear East wind

16 A helped Elias Barkey thresh J Plowed at Benj'n AM he plowed at home PM I & Nancy went to Elias's were there all day W. very fine warm & clear The War in Europe is going on with unabated fury Germany is opposed to Great Britain France & Russia

Sept 1914

the old Kaiser of Germany seems to be at the bottom of it he was beginning to oppress Belgium & Great Brittian would not Consent to that

17 J & A Plowed at Flavius's George Mayberry spread dung for us David N Reesor Came with his Automobile & took Nancy & I & Susanna to Daniels to dinner then we called awhile at Samuel Ramers & awhile at David Groves W. very fine clear warm day

18 Boys Plowed East of orchard I went to Murisons for Butter Nancy went with me to Teenie Stovers & staid till I came back W. very warm & clear

19 Boys Plowed I took 14 doz Eggs to Cedar Grove @ 25 cts & got Horse Major shod on hind feet AM I went to Joes PM for Susanna's Bread & Butter PM W. quite warm air from East

Sunday 20 all went to meeting at Hebron J did not feel well & came home after sermon on St Mat 26 C by C Gayman & on St Mat 27 by A Rittenhouse then Br C administered sacrament David Groves and their Boys Johnny Ramers & Hermans Harvey were here to dinner & Thomas Dillers were here to supper W. Clear quite warm Carl & Eva Called PM

21 J took cream A cut nearly all the Ensilage Corn W. very very warm & close

22 A helped Gordon Dimma fill silo J finished cutting Ensilage Corn then he took grist Chop he Chored & got things ready to fill silo tomorrow if all goes well W. very very warm a strong south west wind through the day Calm this evening thunder clouds SW distant thunder & lightning over the lake at bedtime a very little rain

23 the hands came but there was a light drizzle of rain one pretty heavy shower some more showers PM but they got done this evening in time for supper now the ground is soaked & the air nice & cool

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Sept Oct 1914

There is a great change in the Air

24 A helped Thomas fill silo J helped W Petty they both Plowed PM Daniels were here to dinner W. fine & clear fine & Cool I took 6 doz Eggs to Ceder Grove AM @ 28 cts per doz very heavy showers after Dark

25 Boys finished Plowing field South & East of Orchard AM A helped A Dimma fill silo PM J began ganging in N East Corner field PM W. fine quite Cool

26 A helped A Dimma fill silo J took cream then he ganged W. sharp frost last night fine clear today warm sun cold Air

Sunday 27 I & Nancy J A & Susanna went to Henry's to a chicken roast to dinner W. a very fine day a Cool air from the north warm sun this is my 78th Birthday

28 J ganged A ganged AM he Pulled & dug a lot of Beans & Beets in the Mangel field & brought them home W. a very sharp frost last night Clear today

29 J cut Corn for Benj'n AM Wilfred ganged with our team J & A both helped fill silo at Rittenhouses & awhile at Benj'ns W. looked a little like showers PM warmer towards evening

30 J helped Rittenhouse fill silo AM he ganged PM A helped Benj'n AM & he helped J Murison PM W. clear Cool NW wind

Oct 1 A helped Flavius fill silo J went to Ceder Grove he took 9 doz Eggs @ 26 cts & went by Whitevale for Plow share he ganged PM W. Cool NW clear cool a slight frost last night

2 J & Nancy went to Br inlaw Samuel Hoovers he is not very well they staid to dinner A helped Flavius finish filling silo a few hours then he Picked snow Apples W. very fine cool clear day

3 A helped Pilkey finish filling silo then they started at J Beanes J took cream then he Plowed

Oct 1914

I went to Joes AM then I got Horse Major shod on front feet & went to Murisons for Butter PM W. quite warm looks a little like rain

Sunday 4 at home AM I Nancy & Susanna went to Benj'ns PM for a few hours Br inlaw J Hoover came to supper W. fine clear A & Amelia went to Meeting at Widemans

5 A helped J Beans awhile filling silo then he helped N Burkholders till evening J ganged strip stubble in root field brought home some wood & chored W. quite warms looks a little like rain

6 Barkeys pulled nearly all our Mangels J took grist chop this morning then he drew in Mangels A helped Arthur Reesor fill silo AM then they drew Mangels with 2 teams W. mostly Cloudy cool Air from East

7 Boys drew in last of mangels loads then they drew home a few loads wood W. partly Cloudy cool we have 33 loads of Mangels

8 Boys drew out last of dung I went to Ceder Grove AM I took 7 doz Eggs @ 27 cts per doz W quite warm Air from South East Mostly Cloudy like showers going around this evening

9 Boys went to David Groves to dinner then they went to Markham PM Daniels were here to dinner W. foggy this morning Cleared up by noon fine shower PM quite heavy at times a little distant thunder quite warm today

10 Boys spread dung awhile then they ganged W some rain lat night foggy awhile heavy shower about supper time some distant thunder around west & over the lake pretty warm

Sunday 11 at home A & Susanna went to Hermans to dinner Benj'ns were here awhile PM W. clear cool a pretty strong West wind

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Oct 1914

Thanksgiving day 12 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat 6 C by A Rittenhouse we had a house full to dinner Daniel Ramers & Martin Henry's & a lot of callers PM the Boys Gathered a lot of Beechnuts PM they are a good crop this year Elias's & Joes came after dinner W. quite fine & clear cool Air

13 J ganged in Mangel ground A took grist chop then he ganged too W. a very sharp Chilly wind from NE clear

14 Boys ganged A helped Bob Milroy thresh PM W. pretty strong sharp Bitter East wind Clear

15 Boys Plowed A helped Flavius awhile Pulling Mangels then he Plowed too W. East wind a light drizzle like a fog some warmer J went to BS Shop he got some shoes set & took 5 1/2 doz Eggs @ 29 cts per doz

16 Boys Plowed in sod north of bush W. cloudy & a slight drizzle & light wind from East boys came home about 4 PM raining faster not cold raining faster bedtime

17 A took Susanna to Dr Dales AM he helped Flavius at Mangels PM J Chored then he went to Henrys to dinner then went to Judd sale near Mongolia W. fine Cloudy fogging a while this Morning fine Clear PM

Sunday 18 all went to meeting at Hebron remarks by C Gayman sermon on Ephesians 4 C by Levi Grove no visitors Jesse G Reesor was here to dinner he came from Cedar Grove W partly cloudy Mild

19 Boys to took grist Chop to Davids & went to Poll to vote on Hydro Electric Power Bylaw at D Ramers they Picked winter Apples PM W. quite fine Mostly Clear

20 Boys dug the Potatoes they are a very good crop we have 39 bags W. very foggy & misty & foggy a while this evening

21 J went to Locust Hill for Coal & Came by Whitevale for repairs for Harness A worked at a drain they Picked winter Apples & cut Engine wood PM W. fine quite warm

Oct 1914


22 A worked at drain north of bush J brought load of tiles AM they both went to Frank Lees sale on 5th Con Pickering PM I & Nancy went to Susanna Dillers to dinner W. very fine & warm & clear like summer

23 Boys worked at drain AM J helped Alick Milroy thresh PM A finished the drain PM I took 5 1/2 doz Eggs to Cedar Grove PM @ 25 cts W. very fine clear Cool Air from East

24 A helped A Gates thresh J took grist Chop AM he Picked winter apples PM W. slight rain this Morning Cleared up Cooler through the day we Called Dr Dale today Nancy is not well he gave her some Medicine he thinks he can help her

Sunday 25 at home Joe & Anne were here to dinner W. Cler sharp Air from N East sharp frost last night some Ice

26 A helped Gates finish threshing AM J took Grist chop then he Plowed Boys both went to Elias for his raising PM W. Clear Cold wind from north sharp a few snow flakes PM

27 Boys Plowed W. very Cold pretty strong North wind froze pretty hard this is the 57th Anniversary of our wedding and I have never regretted it

28 Boys Plowed J took cream this Morning Herman helped Plow too W. pretty cloudy not so Cold out a Chilly Air from North

29 J took grist Chop this Morning then they Chored Put Tarpaper on a portion in Pig pen to make it warmer for the hens W. Mild cloudy rain all day not fast

30 Boys Picked winter apples AM they Plowed PM W. Cloudy AM Clear PM quite cool wind Machine came this evening we thresh tomorrow

31 finished Threshing till a little after 1100 the grain turned out very well then the Machine went to Benj'ns A went to help J took a grist Chop & went to Cedar Grove then he Picked some winter apples & took Anne home she was helping us today W. fine Clear sharp white frost this Morning A took Amelia home to stay.

{second page}

Sunday Nov 1 at home some of Benj'ns folks were here awhile W. Cloudy at times A pretty heavy shower towards evening some pretty heavy thunder not very near

2 J helped Benj'n thresh till about 4 PM A brought Eva Ramer from south of Bergeron she will work for us the Coming Winter the he put the Greystone turnips & when J came home they drew them in there were 4 loads W. clear strong N wind quite Cold

3 A helped Flavius thresh AM J Plowed A Blowed PM W cloudy AM fine clear warm PM

4 A helped Thomas thresh J Plowed W. Mostly clear a very strong SW wind very strong not very Cold but very strong Anne was here helping to sew

5 J Plowed A helped Thomas thresh awhile AM then he Plowed too they took in the feed Corn & some Apples PM W. clear cold north wind quite sharp

6 J Plowed A went to Pilkeys Plowing Bee on 3 of Pickering on the old Williamsburg place W. Clear Cool North wind I went to Murisons for Butter PM

7 A drew dung on NE Corner Field it is for next years root crop J took cream & then Chored A picked some Apples W. soft some drizzle AM at little distant thunder AM Blowed up Colder after dark

Sunday 8 at home Henrys all & Sarah Koch & Elias's were here to dinner W. partly clear a cold wind from the north

9 A brought some tiles this Morning then he put some in East of Willow trees in East end of big field J finished plowing Mangel ground & spread some dung they drew the winter apples into driving house I & Nancy went to Flavius' to a Chicken dinner W. Mostly Clear cool air sharp frost last night

10 J & Susanna went to Markham AM A put in some Tiles till storm stopped him Br N's Lizzie was here to dinner W. not Cold storm began after 1000 soft snow & drizzly rain raining yet from East bedtime

Nov 1914

Wed 11 A finished putting in tiles J ganged in NE field then A ganged too W. fine cler AM some squaals at different times PM here was a bit of snow on the ground but it is all gone

12 Boys Plowed finished sod W. partly Cloudy sharp Air

13 Boys chored A got Horses shod & brought load coal from Locust Hill PM J brought load Chop W. soft snow & rain at times few inches snow this Morning about all gone this evening very strong North wind going down this evening getting a little Colder

14 A took grist AM he helped B Diller thresh PM J cleaned the Mouth of the Tile drain AM he brought some gravel for the hens PM W. Mostly clear raw sharp Air Frank & Mary Barkey were here to dinner

Sunday 15 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J he has bad cold remarks by A Rittenhouse sermon on St Luke part of 10 C by Levi Grove no visitors after service W. rain from East all day steady pretty fast some times not very strong wind

16 A helped Benj'n & J helped wash AM he Made about a Barrel of Cider at Lapps PM W. raw cold SW to NW wind Mostly cler pretty cold this evening

17 Boys pulled down fence on south side of field where roots was then they Put on storm doors & cut a lot of feed W. very strong North wind with some squaals of dry snow very strong wind Cold

18 Boys Chored put on Overhead floor into henhouse AM A helped NB's thresh & J went to Ceder Grove PM W. cold raw Air partly clear flurries of dry snow Teenie Stover and her sister Barbara were here to dinner

19 J drew stove wood home out of bush A helped N Burkholder finish threshing till awhile after dinner then he helped J at wood W. partly cler Milder Amy Mayberry was here to dinner

20 Boys Chored around home put Apples down cellar AM Ernie helped them W. quite Cold froze hard looks as if was froze up for the winter

21 A helped J McCreight thesh AM

{second page}

Nov 1914

J took cream in Alick Milroys place AM then A took grist Chop & J Chored PM W. mostly cloudy strong wind after dark I walked to Br C's AM he is not so well Dr Hare Called PM he says he caught cold

Sunday 22 at home nobody home all day J went to Henry's awhile PM A went to Elias's PM they were not at home W. mostly cloudy sharp Air ground white with snow this morning didnt thaw all day

23 J helped wash AM A Chored they worked in young Ceder Swamp PM W. very cold last night 8 above this Morning milder this evening Hermans were all here to supper

24 A helped Tweedie thresh J went to Cedar Grove AM he drew some rails off fence strip along south side of root field PM W. rather cloudy AM pretty strong south west wind PM Many squaals of sleet & rain PM I went to see Br C AM he is a little better his Cold is seated on his stomach he is a little better today he is in bed

25 J went to Markham he took cream with him AM they Chored PM W. quite Mild a strong west wind not cold frost coming out field Midday I walked to Br C's PM he was sitting up when I was there the Dr say he has La Grippe

26 A & Eva helped Benj'n kill hogs J drew rubbish off the fence W. quite Mild strong West wind quite strong PM

27 Boys cleaned off some stones & rubbish on the fence strip A took grist Chop PM W. very fine a clear pretty strong N Wind Boys drew off loose stones off field this Morning

28 A helped Benj'n till after dinner at Cistern J cleaned fence strip then they dug some Post holes Benj'n helped awhile W very hard frost last night raw East wind very hard frost White frost this Morning

Sunday 29 Boys went to Daniels to dinner I Nancy & Susanna went to Joes to dinner W very fine cler day rain East wind not strong heavy white frost this Morning

Nov Dec 1914

30 Boys Chored J helped wash A dug Post holes East of dam Benj'n helped him awhile till about 9 AM it began to rain rained off & on quite heavy shower quite mild they cleaned the shop we are intending to butcher tomorrow if all is well

Dec 1 Killed 2 Hogs Benj'n & Fanny Flavius' Fanny & Ernie helped Herman & Lydia helped too Benj'n Wilfred & Hermans Harvey were here too for dinner W Mild cloudy & misty all day

2 Boys dug Post holes along south of root field Benj'n helped awhile W quite mild foggy & misty all day

3 A helped Herman Build Cement steps J Chored AM J took Nancy & I to Br C's this Morning Br C's about the same he got up while we were there he Mostly sits up all day then J went to a sale near Cherrywood Daniels were here to dinner then they went to Br C's & Came back here to supper W. cool & cloudy

4 A dug the whole garden J Chored AM he went to Pickering with a sample of Wheat they pay $1.15 W. partly cloudy sharp white frost last night

5 Boys cleaned Wheat AM A took 48 Bus to Pickering @ $1.15 PM J took grist Chop PM W. Mostly cloudy cool some frost last night

Sunday 6 at home Joes & little Ada Barkey were here to dinner W. mostly cloudy Cool rain Air from East

7 J helped wash AM A dressed a Calf AM they dressed a Pig & a lot of Chickens & J filled 2 Brls snow Apples PM they took all the stuff to Hermans after supper A & Herman intend to go to Toronto tomorrow W. mostly cler milder a raw Air from N East I walked to Br C's AM he is about the same he gets up about 1000 AM Elizabeth Martin from Waterloo was here to dinner

8 J went to Cedar Grove he took grist Chop along he Chored PM A went to Toronto with Hermans Harvey he took 2 Brls snow Apples @ $2.00 Each Pig 10.23 per Cwt W mostly cloudy raw NE air roads very good

{second page}

Dec 1914

9 Boys Chored A brought a load of Coal from Locust Hill AM W. cloudy began to snow about 10 AM snowed quite fast More or less all PM not blowing Much this is my Nancy's 75th Birthday

10 Boys helped the girls patch the ceiling in the dining then they Painted it all the Ceiling J went to Ceder Grove for the Paint W. a few inches of snow looks like winter Flavius's boys Caught 12 Rabbits today

11 A helped the girls wash the wood work of the living room Benj'n helped J clean wheat PM W. like a real winter day Mostly clear sharp air pretty cold boys brought home some Oil cake from Locust Hill AM

12 A took 53 Bus Wheat to Pickering @ $1.15 AM J took grist Chop AM they went Rabbit hunting PM got W. sharp wintry Air very good Wheeling

Sunday 13 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mat 11 C by A Rittenhouse Johny Reesors & their daughter Martha Levi Grove & wife & Franklin Grove were here to dinner Frank Grove was here to supper & I think he will stay all night W. cloudy all AM began to snow a light drizzle all PM snowing yet bedtime

14 J helped wash A Cleaned & Oiled Harness w. strong wind got up after dinner there was about 5 in of fresh snow it is drifting off the road quite Cold tonight

15 A went to Markham to Meet Dentist Franklin Grove went with him J Chored W. very Cold strong SW wind snow drifting some sleighs running

16 A helped Henry's Butcher J helped Mayberry Kill & dress a Pig PM W. Bitter Cold last night clear today very cold some sleighs running

Dec 1914

17 A & Eva helped Flavius Kill hogs J Chored & went to Cedar Grove PM he took 11 fresh Eggs @ 4 cts Each W. fine Clear Cold SW wind

18 A took grist Chop J Chored they Cut willow trees into stove wood up near Pond PM W. fine Clear raw SW wind

19 Boys Chored AM J went to Murisons for Butter & to Joes for Bread I rode with him to see Br C he is not quite so well but he was up in his chair we got word today that Br inlaw M Nighswander died very suddenly today about 11 AM he will be Buried on Monday at 1:30 PM he had heart failure W. cloudy Mild began to snow at Breakfast & snowed a few in soft snow pretty fair sleighing

Sunday 20 at home M Barkeys & Elias's & Amy & Ada Mayberry were here to dinner W. clear sharp Air A took Susanna to Dr Dales AM she is not very well they went in Cutter

21 J & A went to Henrys to dinner then they went to Funeral of Br inlaw M Nighswander he was Buried at Altona W. about 5 in of snow last night some squaals AM pretty strong south East wind drifting some PM not very Cold J helped wash AM

22 Henrys all came this Morning we Picked a lot of Geese & Chickens Henry & Sarah helped W a strong SW wind drifting some A took some Geese & Chickens to Barkys this evening they take them to Toronto

23 A took cream then went to Markham with 3 Geese for H Wilsons J Chored they both went to Benj'ns awhile PM W mostly clear a cold West wind PM

24 Boys cleaned Henhouse & Chored AM J took load chop & went to Cedar Grove PM W. Mostly cloudy slow calm drifting snow

Christmas Day 25 A went to Meeting at Hebron I & Nancy did not like to go & J stayed at home with us Daniels came here AM & staid W. very very Cold & cler it was down to about 7 deg below zero up through the day down again this evening

{second page}

Dec 1914 Jan 1915

26 Boys Chored A went to Funeral of W Murisons wife she was Isabel Duncan she lived near Agincourt J sorted some apples PM we heard today that Joseph Groves died this Morning he has been sick a good while he will be buried on Monday at Widemans W. Cold this Morning fine & clear it seems Milder away above Zero

Sunday 27 at home J A & Eva went to Daniels to dinner Benj'n & family were here a few hours PM W not very Cold but a raw sharp wind from SW

28 A Chored J went to Funeral of Joseph Groves he went to the house he did not go to the Graveyard Elias's family were here Elias & Mary went to the funeral W not Cold Mostly Cloudy a raw damp Air from S West

29 A went to Markham to Meet the Dentist J helped wash AM they chored PM W. a raw East wind AM began to snow at noon very fast damp snow like sleet this evening not Cold

30 A brought 2 loads Coal from Locust Hill J got Horse Billy shod & Chored W Mostly Cloudy pretty strong NW wind getting Colder

31 Boys chored J took 4 bags Wheat to Whitevale PM & exchanged it for four W. fine & clear sharp Air

Jan 1st 1915 at home David Groves & family were here to dinner W. mostly Cloudy sharp raw Air Mostly from S East

2 Boys Chored J took Eva home PM Old Horse Major took sick spell this evening we Called Dr Armstrong he came & gave him some Medicine he thinks he will get better W. some snow this Morning & AM strong NW wind PM quite strong at spells getting Colder

Sunday 3 at home Elias's were here to dinner W. partly clear sharp air from N East PM old Horse Major getting better

4 A took 8 Pigs 1460 lbs to Markham for Ferrier @ 7.25 per Cwt AM J took grist Chop W Milder partly cloudy

5 A Chored J took 2 dozen & 10 Eggs to Cedar Grove @ per doz PM & went to Murisons for Butter PM Anne was here today helping the girls

{duplicate of previous page}

Jan 1915

we Called Dr Dales PM Nancy is not well he gave her some Medicine he says she needs toning up J bought 7 Pigs off Bismark Reesor @ 18 dollars white hoar frost this Morning

6 Our family were all home today we had roast Geese & Chickens W Cloudy all day a slight drizzle started aout 3 PM quite Mild there were 43 of us altogether besides the hired girl Eva Ramer

7 Boys went to Bismark Reesors AM brought the 7 Pigs that J bought the other day they are fine ones W. a very strong SW wind very strong at times getting Colder the sleighing is very thin in some places

8 Boys heard this Morning that the barn on the {illegible} farm was burned this morning at 3.00 an including 30 head of Cattle 5 horses & a {illegible} Bus of grain they are on the {illegible} of the {illegible phrase} J brought some gravel for the hens A Chored W. Cloudy sharp Air

9 Boys Chored A went to Cedar Grove PM W. partly clear not very Cold

Sunday 10 All went to Meeting at Hebron {illegible} except J remarks by Levi Grove Sermon on St Luke part of 27 C by Bishop Ezra Martin from Waterloo {illegible lines} after {illegible} Bishop Esra Martin {illegible lines} from Waterloo & Abraham {illegible} Joes to supper White hoar frost this Morning

11 A took 6 Pigs to Markham 1150 lbs for Ferriers @ $7.40 the he {illegible line} to dinner & brought a Cow home in the sleigh {illegible} not cold there is pretty good sleighing yet

12 A went to Markham to meet Dentist J took Susanna to Elias's this Morning & brought her home this evening little Anne is sick W. clear a raw East wind

13 Boys chored & brought home from the woods A took {illegible} by the {illegible} PM

{second page}

Jan 1915

Eva brought Susanna home this evening little Anne is some better W. fine bright & clear raw wind from East

14 Killed big Pig Benj'n & Flavius's Fanny & Ernie helped W. quite Mild pretty strong SW wind thawing a little little Anne Barkey is a little better

15 A took a lot of sausage to Markham to sell there he went to David Groves to dinner & staid & helpd them to Pick Chickens PM J Chored & he took Nancy to Elias's PM to see little Anne she is pretty sick yet but has a chance of recovering W. pretty cloudy a raw N Wind not thawing much

16 J took grist Chop they Chored PM J took Eva home PM W. cloudy strong East wind PM not thawing much

Sunday 17 at home Joe & Anne Amelia Ernie & Carl were here to dinner W. mostly cloudy AM clear PM thawing some a shower of rain last night Sleighing getting thin

18 J helped wash AM A Chored J brought some cotton seed from Locust Hill PM W. Mild a steady fall of pretty soft snow AM & a litle all PM it {illegible} sleighing pretty well there is some {illegible} in most places

19 J took grist Chop AM he went to MacIntosh sale PM A went to Dentist AM he brought home Chop PM W. Mild a {illegible} snow last night fine & clear {illegible} for sleighing the man were here to supper little Anne Barkey is doing well

20 Boys Chored A brought Anne Barkey to help Nancy to sew J took her home after dinner W. sharp Air mostly cloudy

21 Boys Picked about 3 doz Chickens J took them to W. Barkeys they take them to Toronto J took 3 doz & 10 Eggs to Ceder Grove PM W about 31 per doz W. partly clear quite cold strong N wind

22 A went to J Boyds Bee to draw gravel J went to Cedar Grove AM {illegible line} W quite cold 8 deg below this Morning {illegible} pretty strong N East wind got {illegible} quite cold tonight

Jan Feb 1915

23 A took grist Chop J went to M Barkey AM then both went to Cedar Grove PM to see a Hockey play W. Mostly Clear a sharp winter day

Sunday 24 at home J A Susanna & Eva went to Benj'ns to dinner W. cler sharp Air very fine winter day I & Nancy were alone all day

25 Boys Chored W. pretty Cold heavy fall of snow nearly all AM not drifting much about six inches fell

26 A went to Markham to Dentist J helped wash AM they chored PM W. a very fine Clear day Sharp air Henrys were all here to supper

27 A took cream AM J brought Butter from Murisons & then both Chored PM W. clear sharp winter day David Groves Called a little while PM little Anne Barkey is getting better slowly

28 A Chored he has a bad Cold J Chored AM he took 5 doz Eggs to Cedar Grove PM @ 28 cts per doz W. cler quite cold NW wind quite cold this morning

29 Boys Chored J walked to Elias's PM little Anne is some better W. cler very sharp SW Air very cold

30 A took cream J Chored A went to see a Hockey Match PM W. {illegible} a very Calm & quite Cold

Sunday 31 at home little Anne Barkey was here all day W. Milder snow from East nearly all day

Feb 1 Boys brought a load of Brewers grain for Cow feed from Cherrywood AM A took load Chop PM W. Cold N East wind pretty strong this evening about 4 in snow last night some rain too but it Keeps the {illegible} this was the day for the Trustee Meeting at Hebron but I did not go it was too windy

Candlemas day 2 Boy Chored W. snow snow drifting from East Changed from West {illegible} not very strong wind not very Cold did not see a team on raod all day the snow is very

3 Boys helped shovel snow there are some drifts in places James Milroys widow died on {illegible} was buried this PM Boys went to the funeral

{second page}

Feb 1915

W. a very fine clear day sharp {illegible} quite cold 4 Boys Chored & sorted apples w. mostly cloudy a little snow at times pretty sharp Air from West

5 Boys took some lard to Cedar Grove & sold it @ {illegible} AM they Chored PM W. mostly cloudy Air from East getting warmer a few squaals of sleet & snow PM Showers of rain after dark

6 Boys helped shovel snow at Hebron awhile AM A took grist Chop PM I rode with him as far as Br C's to see him he is improving a little {illegible} I think he is up every day so far W. Mild soft thawing a little

Sunday 7 all went to Meeting at Hebron except J remarks by Levi Grove sermon on St Mat part of 22 C by A Rittenhouse {illegible} Hermans & Joe Barky Menno Burkholder & Matty were here to dinner Henrys Called awhile PM W. quite Mild Mostly cloudy

8 A helped wash J Chored AM they both went to Bennets sale north of Cedar Grove PM W. mostly cler pretty strong SW wind PM & this evening

9 Boys ripped out some stuff for some new gates & Chored W. clear very cold Bitter NW wind

10 A took cream & May to get shod J went to Locust Hill with R Milroy AM they chored PM W quite cold this morning getting Milder fast PM

11 Boys Cleaned last of Fall Wheat a good load Ernie helped {illegible} they chored PM Evas Father & sister here to dinner W. a pretty strong NW wind some drizzle awhile PM thawing fast quite Mild J took 5 doz Eggs {illegible} J James took 8 doz Eggs 30 cts per doz he comes for them every {illegible} one Barrel of Apples @ $2.25 for Spies A took 51 Bus Wheat to Whitevale AM @ $1.00 per Bus J went to Markham PM Susanna & Eva went {illegible} to Elias with old Horse Major W. very fine Mild {illegible} day

13 Boys Chored AM A took Chop then he drew some {illegible} G Beatty PM W. Cooler pretty strong wind from East Susanna & Eva went to Joes with Horse Major

Sunday 14 I Nancy & Susanna were alone J & A went to Henrys to dinner W. Mostly cloudy Bright sunshine at times bu {illegible} at times {illegible} quite mild

Feb 1915

Feb 14 A took 6 hogs 1240 lbs to Markham for Ferrier AM 7.50 per Cwt A he Chored J went to Frank Reesors at B{illegible} to buy {illegible line} W. Mostly cloudy {illegible rest of line}

16 A dressed slabs for wire fence J Chored & brought some gravel for the hens PM W. Mostly clear Cool Air from the west thawing in the sun

17 Boys cut down some trees on west side of lane that were too crowded A went to Cedar Grvoe PM he got Horse Sandy shod we Called Dr Dale this Morning Susanna is not well he Came PM he say there were symptoms of Pneumonia he says she Must stay in bed a few day W. Misty clear Cool NW wind the snow is going in a {illegible} there was a Naval Battle {illegible} a great Victory for the British

18 A went to {illegible} AM J Chored Esther {illegible} & Lizzie were here to dinner Susanna is a little better but is not very well yet {illegible 2 lines} took {illegible} doz Eggs

19 Boys cut Elm trees {illegible} north of Pond W very clear & fine sharp Air Dr Called PM Susanna {illegible}

20 Boys Chored A has bad cold J went to Markham for B{illegible} Bright & clear very fine day {illegible} from East Susanna is about the same

Sunday 21 at home Benj'n Tilman Flavius Amelia Ernie Carl & Eva {illegible} to dinner Esther & Mary & little Anne were here to supper little Anne {illegible} W. a very bright & clear day sharp Air from East

22 A went to Markham AM they cut a little strip wood out of {illegible} Called Dr Dale this Morning he came PM Susann is not so well {illegible} pretty {illegible} W Mild Cloudy all day a slight drizzle at times PM Snow going J helped wash AM

23 Boys helped Henry Clean {illegible} some Oats Henry came little {illegible} & Anne {illegible}

{second page}

Feb Mar 1915

{illegible line} W began {illegible} rained {illegible line} Henry {illegible} take the Oats with him on account of {illegible}

24 A has bad Cold J went to Joes & Chored AM he went to Arthur Reesors sale awhile PM W quite Mild drizzle off & on Misty all day cloudy all day the wind Picked up a little at noon {illegible}

25 A not quite better yet J Chored & put Brine on Pork of last Pig we Killed he went to Ceder Grove after supper W. pretty strong NW wind squaals of soft snow & rain awhile Blowed up strong wind quite Cold this evening J Jarvis got 9 1/2 doz Eggs 28 cts

26 Boys chored W. a very strong NW wind all day some squaals of snow very strong wind last night oo not so strong this evening

27 Boys Chored W. quite {illegible} strong N Wind wind all day

Sunday 28 at home little Frank Barkey was here all day W. Cold pretty strong N West wind all day there is pretty good sleighing

March 1 A helped Herman in stable J helped in AM W. fine bright cler day sharp Air from N west

2 J went to Stouffville PM for {illegible} for Gasoline Engine A Chored W pretty {illegible} wind from NW squaals of snow at times

3 A helped Thomas Butcher J took Cearm {illegible} W. quite Cold pretty strong NW wind clear

4 Boys Sawed old rails into stove wood {illegible} Susanna Herman & most of family were here to {illegible} W very fine clear day sharp Air

5 A took grist Chop to Davids PM they gathered some limb wood in bush Henry was here for some seed PM W. mostly clear strong East wind PM Cooler

6 A took Cearm then they chored helped some in {illegible} W began to snow from East Early this morning pretty heavy all day soft heavy {illegible} snowing yet bedtime

Sunday 7 A & Eva went to Meeting at Hebron Nancy & I have bad Cold didnt {illegible} Flavius & Fanny Willis & Ada were here to dinner Henrys called awhile PM Thomas {illegible} whole family called after {illegible} fine & clear {illegible}

Mar 1915

{illegible} young folks were here for supper {illegible} Chored A went to Cedar Grove PM the Boys Called Dr Dale this Morning he Came PM to see me I had a pretty bad night he gave Medicine {illegible} told me to take a good rest W. fine & clear day but {illegible} cold N wind not strong

9 Boys gathered wood in old bush W. a very fine clear day quite Mild snow thawing sleighing {illegible}

10 Boys worked in bush AM they went to Funeral of W {illegible} of Locust Hill PM W. a very fine clear day the sun thawed some but a raw sharp Air

11 Boys chored J took grist & went to Cedar Grove J Jarvis took 17 doz Eggs @ {illegible} per doz W very bright {illegible} sleighing is getting thin

12 Boys Chored & gathered wood Herman's Lydia & little Frank were here to dinner J took {illegible} Eva Ramer here to stay {illegible} {illegible} to stay awhile he has {illegible} W quite Cold sleighing going Amelia came to stay

13 Boys sawed wood in bush Henrys came he {illegible} children all except Ada came this Morning {illegible} sharp air sun thawing

Sunday 14 Boys {illegible} to Flavius to dinner W. fine clear day {illegible} about gone snow going fast strong wind {illegible}

15 J helped wash AM he went to Armstrongs Locust Hill for 3 {illegible} PM A took cream {illegible} Bright clear thawing fast

16 A worked at {illegible} J went to sale on 7th Con Markham got nothing W very Cold N wind sun thawing

17 Boys Chored went to sale on the old {illegible} farm W. clear quite {illegible} Air quite Cold Mary & Children were {illegible} to dinner Elias went to sale

18 A done some Carpenter work for A Milroy J Chored W. Clear pretty Cold went to H{illegible} PM W. fine clear Bright sun sharp Air {illegible} bush AM

20 A helped A Milroy till {illegible} AM J took grist Chop AM they worked in J took grist Chop AM they worked {illegible} PM W {illegible} Cold a wind sun thawing

Sunday 21 {illegible} sent for Dr Dale this evening Nancy is sick {rest of page illegible}

{second page}

Mar 1915

22 Boys worked in bush Nancy in bed all day she is not suffering very much Dr says {illegible} AM they cut wood in bush PM W. fine clear pretty strong NW wind Nancy doing pretty well but {illegible}

23 Boys Chored cut wood in bush Nancy in bed but doing pretty well Boys called Dr this Morning I have very bad cold in head W. Mild soft Boys cut wood in bush AM A went to Funeral of D G{illegible} PM he was Killed at {illegible} Factory at Locust Hill working on Tuesday {illegible} down the {illegible} the waggon Box {illegible} {illegible} put & was {illegible} Killed W. fine strong cold {illegible} wind sharp frost last night James took 22 doz Eggs @ 16 cts per doz

Sunday 28 at a lot of the Children were here to dinner & some Just made a Call W. clear thawing fast Nancy in bed yet but doing well My Eyes are very weak my Cough was pretty bad last night out it is some better today

29 Boys Cut wood W pretty strong very cold {illegible} Called him for {several lines to faint to decipher} but seems to be doing well I am pretty well too but have a spell of coughing at times

Tues 30 Boys C{illegible} & Chored W. clear strong North wind strong

{rest of page blank}

{loose page probably from front of diary}

Nov Dec 1911{or 13}

PM {rest of line illegible}

Nov 30 {illegible} A & Amy helped Benj'n Kill hogs J Chored took grist Chop to Davids PM W. cloudy raw Wind

Dec 1 Boys drew wood into shed & Chored A went to Markham PM A worked in stable W. Cloudy little light snow this evening Mild very good Wheeling the line of the CPR has been located it runs not {cut off} the north of the CNR there were about 20 {illegible} Encamped in Thomas's bush for a few weeks to the other day & went near Whitby

2 Boys went shooting Rabbits AM brought one home A went to Markham PM J Chored Eva was here to dinner Benj'ns Fanny & Wilfred were here PM W. pretty sharp Cloudy AM there awhile PM

Sunday 3 A & Susanna went to Dillers to dinner Nancy & J & I were at home W. quite Cold about 9 deg above this Morning Cold

4 Killed our 2 Big hogs Flavius & Fanny Benj'n helped they were very fat & heavy W. partly cloudy cler sharp partly Cold

5 A worked at Thomas {cut off} Chored & salted Pork AM he & Susanna & Amy went to Funeral of Donald Reesor's wife at Hillards PM W. fine cler a raw West wind

6 A went to Markham AM J Chored Henry Willis & Ada were here to dinner W. very fine clear like Indian Summer thawing in the sun but not in the shade very good Wheeling

7 A helped Benj'ns cut straw J Chored Daniels here to dinner W. very fine thawing some

8 A worked stable J helped Thomas drive a Bull home from 2nd Con Pickering AM he took Chop & got Billy & Major shod PM W quite mild partly Clear thawing

9 Boys worked at stable W. very Misty & cloudy a little {cut off} at times Thomas's Adeline was here awhile PM this is Nancy's 72 Birthday

Sunday 10 at home Elias were here to dinner W. very Mild & foggy all AM clear at times roads quite sloppy looks {cut off}

11 Boys worked at Engine they have it running {cut off} to Ceder Grove PM W. very foggy AM {cut off } slow & steady all PM not Cold Almost {cut off} came today she stays all night

12 {cut off} took Thomas's Milk to Cherrywood S{illegible} {cut off} sends it to Toronto J brought a Barrel of {cut off} Thomas {illegible} Kept a few {illegible} for {cut off} {illegible} Collins here today at {illegible} cut off.

{loose page, probably from the front of diary}

Boys chored J went to Nash's sale near Armadale PM slight frost last night W. clear nearly all day

14 Boys drew straw out of East barn into west barn AM they went to {illegible} east of Joseph Collins PM W. Mild partly cler sharp white frost last night

15 Boys chored A took grist Chop he took 2 doz Eggs to Cedar Grove @ 40 cts per doz W. pretty Cler Mild

16 Boys Cut feed wood in bush AM {illegible} new Engine awhile PM W. Cloudy soft snow PM N Came to stay all night

Sunday 17 all went to meeting except J he did not feel well remarks by C Burkholder sermon on Romans 9 C by Joseph Wismer from Vineland Amelia Ernie & Carl were here to dinner Joe & Anne were here to supper W. partly cler some frost last night roads bad Daniels made a short call PM

18 Boys Picked {illegible} of Chickens Carl was here PM he took grist Chop W. Cloudy cold frozen pretty hard Herman was here to dinner

19 Boys got a lot of Chickens & 9 Geese Henry & Willis were here helped J went went to Isaac Reesors & got a fine Gander Flavius' Fanny was here PM helping W. sharp Air cloudy at times

20 J went to Ceder Grove AM he Chored PM a went to Toronto with Billy on Democrat he took 5 Geese @ 14 cts per lb Roosters lbs @ 14 cts a Hens lbs W. sharp clear Air pretty cold

21 A took 2 Geese {illegible} Wilsons lbs @ 14 cts he went to Daniels to dinner he got one there to Br{illegible} J Chored W. Cold raw East wind {illegible} drizzly PM Teenie Stover was here to dinner {cut off} took grist Chop to Whitevale J Chored W. Misty cloudy a slight drizzle all PM

23 A took cream J {cut off} they cut up old Apple tree PM W. cloudy all day {cut off} a little last night

Sunday 24 I & Nancy went to Joes to dinner J A & Susanna went to Flavius to dinner Esther & little Frank Came to stay all night W. cloudy

Sunday 25 All went to Meeting at Hebron except J {cut off} home to helped the woman to fix for dinner {cut off} Levi Grove sermon on St Luke part of {cut off} we had our annual Christmas dinner were here all well & hearty W. mild & {cut off} thawing a little we had 2 fat Geese & {cut off}

26 J helped wash A Chored J went to {cut off} pine roots at Flavius PM W. pretty Clear frost last night

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Benjamin B. Reesor, “Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1911-1915,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,

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