File #29665: "Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_114.pdf"


=== Friday, July 26 === Weather - fair Morning all men worked at alsike. Laura & I picked beries in morning & chickens in afternoon. Pat - Norman {pares?} green potatoes in the afternoon. Will was hoeing potatoes. I took Laura down home at night. === Saturday, July 27 === Weather, fair & very very warm. Men finished cutting alsike this a.m. Douglas went to city hurried home and got a track around the wheat. I went to Institute with Mrs Burr to {illegible name}. Norman left before chore time for a boat trip to Niagara. Pat & I went to Richmond Hill at night. Fern Firth up for her Sunday S book.
Produce - . 26 chickens.
70 Dz eggs
18 pts cream.
211 qt baskets Beans.
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