Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1929


Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1929


Gertrude Brown Hood




20th Century

Date Created


Is Part Of

Gertrude Brown Hood Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


year book



United States Fidelity

and Guaranty


Arthur. F White

lnsurance of Every Kind

Personal Client Service


Toronto kentwd 2525 w. unionvuiz

2 Thornton Avenue Box 29, Phone 41

Frid Aug 23-1929 St Johns church struck by lightning & burned down.

{Under the above handwritten note, there is a calendar of 1929. At the bottom of the calendar, "Made in U. S. A. " is typed out.}

silverware Paul Revere.




R. HOWARD BLAND, President


Weather, cloudy Rain & sleet towards evening

Newton & girls came up & got Norm & they went to Sharon

Churned 78 lbs butter in morning Yertie & I had a big New Years dinner ate a goose all but its body

Intended going to city at night but stayed home on account of the slippery roads

Sertie started a little rug

{At the bottom of the page, "Accident Insurance" is typed out.}

{"Wednesday, January 2" is typed out at the top of the page.}

Weather, fine.

Men drew manura all day

Della came up for a while in afternoon. Went down to Browns, to a shower held for Jean & Bob.

{New page, "Thursday, January 3" is typed out at the top of the page}

Weather, cold strong S.W.wind with snow. Men drew manura

Jim Athinson came in afternoon brought us picture of Jean & Murray Newton was also here

Weather, Mostly fair

Churned 48 lbs butter in morning men filled chop bins

We all went down to Wm Boyingtons in afternoon & baled hay (a ton) Laura came up in afternoon Muriel Boyington died tonight Yertie went out to Craigs at night

Weather, fine in morning, heavy rain by night & all night

Market day produce from farm

Butter 125 lbs butter

Cream 30 pts

Eggs 55 doz

I tryed my luck at North Tronto Mkt but slower than snales. Newton took Gertie, Laura & Della over to Boyingtons in afternoon art. White brought in two calenders

Weather, mild on morning turning colder in afternoon, with strong wind & snow flurries attended S.S. & church in morning went over to funeral of Murril Boyingtons in afternoon & then went to Paymond Brillingers for tea

Weather cold strong wind & mostly fair John & I went to city for the day not much doing for the men Yertie rugged most of day & attended a {Ji?} Institute meeting at night Municipat election today.

Weather. cold & windy

Norm took hay press down to Rodicks in afternoon nothing doing all day Jordon Jooleys little girl died today Exibition of speed skaters at Unionrille first skating of the season

Weather, milder & cloudy with light snow at night

Norm & I baled straw at Rodicks all day & Fred looked after chores Yertie finished her rug & put in another Mrs Fraig came up in afternoon to get W.M.S. rip out filled out

Weather, mild, cloudy, clearing in afternoon + strong S. W. wind Baled straw at Rodricks, Fred looked after chores. Art. White called in at noon with this book. John brought Mr Brown. Marguerite + baby up for short visit in afternoon. Went to Unionville at night to early meeting. Gertee + Norm went also

Weather, cloudy stormy all day (not so cold) Moved hay press over to Charley Boyentons in morning + baled hay in afternoon (8 ton). Fred did the chores Len Clement called in morning to see some cattle First hockey match at Unionville

Weather. Fair in mourning, strong winds cold + stormy in evening Market day. Produce from farm No butter Cream 47 pts + two cans to creamery. Eggs- 42 doz Apples 5 bu Tried the North Toronto market again Norm + Bernice Padget baled hay at Pratts

Weather, mostly fair. strong winds + cold (zero) attended S. S. + Church in morning spent the day + evening at home Mr. Hoofer broke small bone in his leg today.

Monday, January 14

Weather, Fair + cold, cloudy in afternoon + light snow in afternoon Butchered three hogs in mourning One was for Fred Filled chop bins in afternoon + cut up the pork Gertie washed in morning New Market play Markham tonight Buttonville play milliken at Unionville"

Thursday Tuesday, January 15 17

Weather cloudy. East wind milder with rain Nothing much doing. Fred went home with a lame back Went over to see Mr Hooper at night along with Gertie which she meeting at Hoopers to audit the books of M. M. S. (This all happened Thursday a mistake on my part (Pat) Roads got very icy at night Len. Clement came in & bought three calves & took same away

Wednesday, January 16

Weather, Mostly fair + cold Cut up fat + meat for sausage + ground some. Men drew manura Jim Paterson + Pinders were around on a rabbit hunt Went over to Pinders at night Len Clement bought three cows + took some away

Tuesday, Thursday January 17 15

Weather, Fair + cold (zero) Churned 42 lbs butter in morning then cleaned pigs feet + heads for head cheese + started cutting up fat Norm went to city for the day Fred did chores + went to lee to draw wood from bush for Earnice Walton In Evening went to Unionville to Curling meet + Gertee went along and stayed at Mrs. Ort Whites

Friday January 18

Weather, Cloudy, misty, icy + heavy rain in afternoon + night. Took Gertee + a few more up to Victoria Square to Sunday School Convention for the day Churned up 49 lbs butter Fred did not come up today Norm had a wreck on the litter carrier track + was fixing same Man came in afternoonto put gas pump up + I took him to Unionville when through

Saturday, January 19

Weather, Fine + little cooler Market day Produce from farm Butter 48 lbs Eggs 32 doz Cream 60 pts Apples 4 bu Fred came up in moring but had to go home on account of his back Norm did chores + repaired litter carrier Went up to see Bob + Jean at night, Dorothy went with us Mrs {name} Brillinger + daughter + Myrtle Burr were here for supper. Dell + Dorothy were also here

Mrs Walton 38 yrs to-day.

Sunday, January 20

Weather, strong West + N. W. winds fair + cold with ocasional bluster Attended S. S. + Church in morning Mr. Auld of Markham took the service as Mr. Woods + Mr. Auld arranged to exchange pulpits for the day Spent the afternoon + evening at home

Monday, January 21

Weather, Fine + moderatly cold Filled chop bins in morning put fresh glass cloth on one window in hen house Norm took tractor over to Armond {Vanhom's?} ready for baling to morrow Took Gertee down to church in afternoon to W. M. S. meeting and then went on over to get Norm + we went out to see Stan. Woods. but he was not at home Attended Anual Meeting of the church at night

Tuesday, January 22

Weather, fine + not so cold with east wind snow at night. Fred did the chores. Norm + I went over to arm and Vanhoms to bale hay Gertee went with us as far as the church to help wash dishes after the night before Norm + Gertee attended a meeting at Stevensons at night + I went to Unionville {illegible} curl

Wednesday, January 23

Weather, Mostly fair. strong west + N.W. winds + colder Norm + I baled hay all day + Vanhom's Fred did the chores Dress Carnival at Unionville tonight

Thursday, January 24

Weather, Mostly fair. East wind, not so cold Churned 75 lbs butter in morning Norm picked over some beans Fred got horses front feet showed Tightened clutch on car in afternoon Went to Unionville to curl at night along with Jim Attinson {Atkinson?}

Friday, January 25

Weather, Strong east wind with snow in morning turning to rain by noon wind changing to strong west + colder Picked over apples + prepared produce for city in morning + men picked twelve old hens. Went to Markham to Curl in afternoon along with R. Boyinton. Jack + Mr. Grant got beaten 13-5

Saturday, January 26

Weather, fair + cold, W + North. W. Winds Market day Produce from farm Butter 96 lbs Cream 61 pts Eggs 30 doz Apples 6 bu 12 fowl Gertee + Della went to city with me Nothing much doing

Sunday, January 27

Weather, fine + cold Attended S. S. + Church in morning. Mrs Craig came home with us from church + stayed the rest of the day. Della + Dorothy came up in the afternoon Attended Young Peoples meeting at the church at night. Lantern slide entitled His Dominion. This was the fist time to try the new lantern

Monday January 28

Weather, Mostly fair + cold Fred drew manura most of day Prepared form for wall for cement between milk house + ice house Went to Agincourt in afternoon to curl got beaten 13 - 14 by Ted Mason's rink

Tuesday January 29

Weather, Mostly fair. Strong winds + cold Les. took load hogs to city 13 - $10.65 2610 lbs Norm went to city with Les Fred drew manura Went curling at night to Unionville played W. Colwells rink beat the 6-16

Wednesday, January 30

Weather, Fine not so cold Norm + I baled straw at J. Atkinsons Fred did the chores Oil truck came in and left first one hundred gal gas in tank Gertee went down to Hookers in afternoon In evening we called for Dell Stevenson and went up to D. Browns for the evening

Thursday, January 31

Weather, Mostly fair. light snow Churned 67 lbs butter in morning Norm + Fred were bothe away all day Went curling at night at Unionville Played W. Clarks rink beat them 9.14 Gertee went down home + I called for her on way home. Walt Craig went over with me


Friday February 1

Weather. Mostly fair + cold Picked over apples for city in morning Fred drew maneerra + Norm started pruning apple trees Filled chop bins in afternoon Attended Young Peoples litterary Meeting + spelling match at the church at night

Saturday, February 2

Weather. Mostly fair + cold Market day Produce from farm Butter 48 lbs , Cream Eggs 38 doz Apples 4 bu + two bags potatoes Gertee attended a W. Institute meeting at Victoria Square in afternoon

Sunday February 3

Weather, Fair + cold Attended S.S. + church in morning Spent the day + evening at home

Monday, February 4

Weather, Mostly fair, moderatly cold Gertee + I went to city for the day Handed in gas account for refund Fred drew manura + Norm pruned apple trees

Tuesday, February 5

Weather, Fair at first then cloudy + E. wind Men were pruning apple trees Gertee went to quiltin at Mrs Stivers for the day under the J. Institute I went dow to North Toronto Market at night

Wednesday, February 6

Weather, Fair in Morning, cloudy in afternoon with east wind and snow by night Fred drew manura + Nom pruned apple trees Did some repair work on hay press Gertee attended W. M. S. meeting + quilting at the church in afternoon Attended preparatory service at the church at night Norm joined the church to night

Thursday, February 7

Weather, Cloudy. Mild. clearing at night. Churned 57 lbs butter in morning Jim + children called in mrning + stayed for dinner Fred went away till chow time John bought Mrs Brown + Laura up fo most of the afternoon Joh + I went down to see hockey match at the arena, Markham (3) + Aurora (2) Gertee went down home while we were away

Friday, February 8

Weather, Calm with fluffy snow all day Not much doing but getting things ready for market spent the morning at home

Saturday, February 9

Weather, Mostly fair moderatly cold Market day produce from farm Cream 95 pts Butter 72 lbs Eggs 41 doz Apples 4 bu Men put now in ice house and got the light sleighs down ready for hawling ice Bun's girls brought over two cats Laura came up and spent afternoon stayed for tea. aslo myrttle Burr. Janet + Edith were here in afternoon

Sunday February 10

Weather, Fine + cold Attended S. S. + Church in morning Dell + Dorothy came up in the afternoon + stayed for supper Bob + Jean came down for supper + the evening

Monday February 11

Weather, Fine + cold Started cutting + drawing ice today Went down to hockey match at arena at night Markham 5 + New Market 2

Tuesday, February 12

Weather, fine + cold Cut + hauled ice all day Attended a progressive euchre at Stevensons gotten up by the Junior Institute Gertee went down home in afternoon I took 10 pts cream out to Tang staff and met Shapmans there

Wednesday, February 13

Weather, Mostly fair with light snow + cold Finished ice in morning + filled chop bins in afternoon Went over to Bells gravel pit in afternoon to see about getting a few loods for milk hous Attended Skating party at night at Unionville rink + then back to the church for lunch

Thursday, February 14 Weather, Mostly fair light snow & cold Went away on a rabbit hunt with the gang but no good Fred got two loads of gravel. Norm did the chores Went to Unionville to curl at night Della was up to day

Friday, February 15 Weather, Mostly fair light snow cold & moderate wind from west. Churned 51 lbs butter in morning and got things ready for city Fred got two loads of gravel

Saturday, February 16 Weather, Fine & Not so cold Market day Produce from farm Cream 95lbs Butter 61 lbs Eggs 50 doz Apples 3 bu Fred got himself a load of gravel & took the box home, Norm put snow in on the ice & re-arranged the pigs Gertie went down home at night

Sunday, February 17 Weather, Fine & little colder Attended S.S. & church in morning spent the afternoon at home Gertie went to Young Peoples meeting at night & I went down to see mother

Monday, February 18 Weather, Mostly fair & cold Fred drew manura all day & Norm went away in morning & swept down cob webbs in afternoon Gertie went down home for the day.

Tuesday, February 19 Weather, Fair & Cold Les took nime hogs to city $11.00 lot 1950 lbs Fred went home most of the day Took cream out to young St for Chapman & Gertie went down home for the rest of the day Went curling at night & called for Gertie on my way home

Wednesday, February 20 Weather, Fair & decidedly cold Fred put saw dust in on the ice todayt Took the day off. Gertee & Mrs. W. Boyington & I went up to visit Marguerite & Jack Ash. Norm took top off the stack (Part of it)

Thursday, February 21 Weather. Cold light snow & then clearing Churned 47 lbs butter to day took along time to come Fred drew manura & Norm house cleaning in drive shed Went curling at night Gertie wind down home while I was away

Friday, February 22 Weather, Fine & Colder again Norm went away in morning & worked in drive ahed in afternoon Fred drew manura & cleaned hen house Prepared produce for city Gertie attending a meeting someplace

Saturday, February 23 Weather, Fine & cold Market day Produce from farm Cream 101 pts Butter 45 lbs Eggs - 50 doz Apples - 5 bu Fred went out & got lumber at Cunninghams in morning & then drew Manura WQent to Richmond Hill to curl at night

Sunday, February 24 Weather, Light snow fall East Wind & Milder Attended S.S. & Church in morning Spent the afternoon at home & attended Young Peoples meeting at night Latern slides on a lumber camp.

Monday, February 25 Weather, Mostly fair & cold Went curling in afternoon with Mrs John. Elgin, & Will Colwell to Locust Hill. got beaten by 12.17. Went to Thornhill to euchre & dance

Tuesday, February 26 Weather, Cloudy & mild & rain in afternoon Went to city in morning Men cleaned up a load of wheat & filled chop bin in afternoon. Took fourteen pts cream out to Chapman in afternoon

Wednesday, February 27 Weather, Cloudy & little colder Leo took load of wheat to city $1.40 Men cleaned up another load. Attended Euchre at Padjits at night gotten up by the Junior institute

Thursday, February 28 Weather, Cloudy & milder Norm went to city & Fred drew manura Churned 46 lbs butter in morning


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Memorandum {blank page}

Friday, March 1

Weather, Fine & mild Fred drew manura & Norm pruned apple trees Kellys came up to test a cow for T.B. Rep. came in for. Trithwey Orsian. Prepared load for city First goose egge of the season

Saturday, March 2 Weather, Mostly fair & mild Market day Produce from farm Cream 106 pts Butter 46 lbs Eggs 49 doz Apples 4 bu 2 bags potatoes Men pruned apple trees & cleaned hen house. Norm put new rad, on his car

Sunday, March 3 Weather, Mostly fair & mild Attended S.S. & Church in morning Mrs. Walton & Murray came home with us for dinner & the afternoon then Gertie & I went home with Mrs. Walton & stayed for supper & the evening

Monday, March 4

Weather, Fair & mild. Men pruned apple trees & cleaned up seed, grain, (mixed & barley) Attended board meeting at the church at night Kelly & Craig. colision, Took place over near the fifth line this evening Edith Craig here in Afternoon.

Tuesday, March 5

Weather, Mostly fair & mild Leo took load of wheat to city Men cleaned wheat & pruned apple trees Mr. Goldstien came out again the afternoon on business Mrs. Brooke. Mrs Padjet & Mrs. Paterson & Mrs Craig were here at night putting in a quilt for. W.M.S. meeting next day

Wednesday, March 6 Weather, Mostly fair mild rain at night Les took load of wheat to city men pruned apple trees W.M.S. meeting here in afternoon attended Euchre party at Padjits at night in aid of J. Institute

Thursday, March 7 Weather, Strong winds snow & colder stormiest day of the winter Nothing doing I went to city on business & on my return home went on trip {There is a dried flower on top, hiding som of the writing} Les. as he had a bad leg ?ut red & white quilt in ?lted most of the day

{duplicate page of previous. Dried flower is moved.}

Wednesday, March 6 Weather, Mostly fair mild rain at night Les took load of wheat to city men pruned apple trees W.M.S. meeting here in afternoon attended Euchre party at Padjits at night in aid of J. Institute

Thursday, March 7 Weather, Strong winds snow & colder stormiest day of the winter Nothing doing I went to city on business & on my return home went on trip north for Les. as he had a bad leg Gertie put red & white quilt inand quilted most of the day.

Friday March 8

Weather. Mostly cloudy + little milder Churned 43 lbs butter in morning took Leo over to Unionville to the Doctors to see about his leg + then went on his trip south washed bottles + prepared for city load Mrs. Brown + Laura were up in afternoon + stayed for supper John + Dorothy came up for them at night Fred went to city today

Saturday, March 9

Weather, strong cold wind + mostly fair Market day Produce from farm Cream 1 pts Butter 40 lbs Eggs 58 doz Apples 3 bu Mrs Craig was up for afternoon + stayed for supper

Sunday, March 10

Weather, Mostly fair + cold Attended S. S. + Church in morning Spent the afternoon at home Gertee went to Young peoples at night

Monday, March 11

Weather. Fine + turning quite spring like Prepared in morning to bale hay in afternoon about 6 ton then put it back in the barn when finished Gertee washed in morning Attended Euckre + Dance at {Thornhill?} given by York Market Ladies at night Newt. Brown had his car stollen while attending a hockey match at arena

Tuesday, March 12

Weather, Partly fair + mild Took old shingles off milk house and set the roof boards up close + started to put new roof on Took cream out to street for {Chapman?} Gertee went to Craigs in afternoon a W. M. S. bee

Wednesday, March 13

Weather, Cloudy + showery by night Finished roofing milk house by noon Norm went away for his licencce after dinner + top dressed his car in afternoon. Fred pruned apple trees in afternoon Took Gertee over to Padjets in afternoon along with Mrs Burn Dell Stevenson + Laura + Then I went over at night for them Mrs. Bell died tonight

Thursday, March 14

Weather, Cloudy very misty + rain Norm went to city for the day Churned 46 lbs butter in morning Fred started to clean up oats in after Attended tractor school + pictures at Richmond Hill in afternoon

Friday, March 15

Weather, Cloudy Misty + rain Thunder at night Fred cleaned oats in morning + Pruned trees in afternoon Norm picked up brush all day Leo went to city to night

Saturday, March 16

Weather, Stormy snow + colder Market day Produce from farm Cream 100 pts Butter 45 lbs Eggs 65 doz Potatoes 2 bags Men clipped cows to day Roads were bad to day Gertee attended J. J. at Hoopers

Sunday, March 17

Weather, Fine + cold Attended S. S. + Church in morning Dell came home with us for dinner in afternoon Gertee, Della + I went down to visit Alex + family. I took Alex to work + then went out to see mother on my way back to Alex.

Monday, March 18

Weather, Fine + milder Started putting stone on the forth to day Men worked in orchard + filled chop bins in afternoon. Fixes brake on car in afternoon Mrs. Butter died this morning at {Ancarter?} Dell came up in evening

Tuesday, March 19

Weather, Fair + milder in morning + cloudy with thunder storm in aft. Fred cleaned up see oats. Attended mr. Farrows sale in afternoon bought team horses at the sale Gertee went over to R. Stevers in afternoon + I went over in the evening

Wednesday, March 20

Weather, Light snow storm in morn. 4 cans + cleaning in afternoon Started selling milk today four cans Men went up for horses in morning + worked in orchard in afternoon Attended funeral of Mrs Butter in afternoon. Mother, Edith, Robert Cunningham + Robert Robertson went along with me Gertie spent the afternoon down at her home.

Thursday, March 21

Weather, Partly fair, Thunder storm in the evening heavy rain Churned 47 lbs butter in morning Men worked in orchard all day Fred went on north trip with Les Repaired front of two horse stalls Dell came up in afternoon

Friday March 22

Weather, partly fair with heavy thunder storm in late afternoon Norm picked over potatoes Fred pruned apple trees

Saturday, March 23

Weather, Partly fair + misty Market day Produce from farm Cream 19 pts Butter 41 lbs Eggs 74 doz Potatoes 8 bags Men worked in orchard

Sunday, March 24

Attended S. S. + Curch in morning Alex + family came out home today + had the baby christened Spent the afternoon at home Gertie went down to Young Peoples at night. I wrote to Gordon Jim + Jean were here all afternoon.

Monday, March 25

Weather, Partly fair Leo took old sow + three pigs to city Fred finished his time today Norm worked in orchard in morning + went to Unionville in afternoon Attended Mr. + Mrs. Hords twenty fifth annivarsary at night

Tuesday, March 26

Weather Mostly fair Started to repair milk house.

Wednesday, March 27

Weather, Fine with little shower by night Worked at milk house Went down to church at night to practice Uncle Jim Drany died today

Thursday, March 28

Weather, Cloudy windy + cool Nell got loose in stable + kicked Billie bad. Kelly up to doctor same Len Clement came in + bought row Laura came up an stayed for the night

Friday, March 29

Weather, Fine + mild Food friday {Held?} milk to-day + to-morrow Did some {chopping / chipping} in afternoon

Saturday, March 30

Weather, East wind + showery cooler Market day Produce from farm Cream 38 pts Eggs 90 doz + 1 doz duck Potatoes 4 bag two bu apples Gertee, Mrs Brown + Bill + Jim went to city with me Norm did chores finished choppings picked over potatoes Norm went away to night for over Sunday

Sunday March 31

Weather, Cloudy, North East wind cool + sleet by night Attended S. S. + Curch in morning Spent the afternoon at home Attended Young Peoples at night Lantern slides on British Columbia Indians


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Monday, April 1

Weather, Very strong wind S. W. to N. W. Wind took north barn door off

Tuesday, April 2

Weather, Partly fair + cold

Wednesday, April 3

Weather, Fine + warmer Gertee attended W. M. S. meeting held at Mrs. Woods at Markham in afternoon

Thursday, April 4

Weather, Thunder storms + warm attended Euchre + dance at Unionville at night

Friday, April 5

Weather, Thunder storms + warm Worst floods these parts have ever seen bridges + culverts washed out every where John brought Mrs Brown Laura + Isabel Sroth {Sroll?} up for the afternoon + The put a quilt throught the mill Jim came over for a little while brought over a bu. clover seed

Saturday, April 6

Weather, mostly fair with thunder at night Market day. Produce from farm Cream 34 pts Eggs 93 doz 1 doz duck eggs Apples 2 bu Potatoes 8 bags Got up a four in morning to help Les down to corner + at night had to go down with tractor to pull him out of mud hole

Sunday, April 7

Weather, partly fair Thunder storms + warm Attended S. S. + Church in morn went home with Brown to dinner + spent the afternoon Went over to Markham to see the wash out Spent the evening home

Monday, April 8

Weather, Showery + cooler by night Made a bargain with Garfeild Firth to start work on 15th Euckre + dance at Thornhill at night but could not go on account of the road

Tuesday, April 9

Weather Clearing + strong drying wind Norm cleaned harnesses {at bottom of page} Mrs Craig 60 years old to-day.

Wednesday, April 10

Weather, Fine + warm Leo toos 25 bags potatoes to city Filled chop bins + took grinder to Markham to get some repairing {scribble} me Went over to W. Robinsons at night to see about some seed wheat Gertee attended a meeting of Institue at Stevensons in afternoon. Mrs A. Summerfeld died to day

Thursday, April 11

Weather, Fair at first turning cloudy + strong east wind + rain by night Norm cleaned harness + I picked over apples in afternoon Gertee went up to see Jean in afternoon Attended Euchre + dance at Unionville at night Alex little boy was operated on today

Friday, April 12

Weather, Cloudy + showery + cool Norm cleaned harness I dug up drain from to house sink + cleaned same

Saturday, April 13

Weather, Mostly cloudy + showery + cool Market day, Poduce from farm Cream 31 pts Eggs 101 doz 1 doz duck Apples 4 bu Potatoes 4 bags Took Teddy down to Humane society today finished and took rug out of frame in afternoon put in another at night a shaggy one.

Sunday, April 14

Weather, Mostly cloudy + cool Attended S. S. Church in morning Went up to see Jean in afternoon Spent the evening at home

Monday, April 15

Weather, Cloudy, East wind not much rain Garfeild Firth started work today Heck Baterson came over + we put the cement work in for the outside wall, Garf. picked stones off alfalfa meadow + in afternoon the men carried in straw Gertee started to repair mens room washing off the walls ready for painting

Tuesday April 16

Weather, Cloudy N. S. Wind cool Men picked stones off meadows today Helped Gertie wash wall in mens room Went to Markham to get grinder

Wednesday, April 17

Weather, Fine + cool strong wind Did some chopping in morning. Heck Paterson came over + we put the milk vat in for milk house Men clipped horses in afternoon

Thursday, April 18

Weather Fine + cool strong wind Men clipped horses

Friday, April 19

Weather, Fine + cool strong East wind Put floor in milk house to day in morning Men started on land in afternoon

Saturday, April 20

Weather, Cloudy + showery in afternoon Market day, Produce form farm Crean 30 pts Eggs 106 doz 8 duck Apples 2 bu 2 bags potatoes Men worked land + sowed 4 acres wheat in morning Went to Markham at night and got some milk strainers Gertie attended institute meeting at Padgets in afternoon Mrs Granes was out

Sunday, April 21

Weather, Fine & cool. Attended S.S. & Church in morning In afternoon Gertie & I went down to visit Alex & family Mr. Button was buried at former Methodist cemetary in afternoon

Monday, April 22

Weather, Fine + cool Garf harrowed in morn + cultivated in afternoon Norm filled in furrows and harrowed in morning + men tractor in afternoon Started with tractor in morning + went to Oak Ridges for seed barley in afternoon Gertie washed, painted, + went down home at night

Tuesday April 23

Weather, Fine and warmer Sowed 12 acres of barley to day Norm drove the tractor + cultivater Garf cultivated with spring tooth Leo took 5 hogs + 1 old sow to city Gertie was painting room above the kitchen most of day

Wednesday, April 24

Weather, Mostly fair cloudy by night mild warmer Garf harrowed big field at the back Norm sowed 4 acres mixed grain + about 9 acres oats. Made a stone boat today. cleaned chicken house out Went to Markham at night Used rhubarb for the first today

Thursday, April 25

Weather, East wind with rain most of day Men cleaned calf boxes out mixed the mixed seed grain + several other jobs Boarded up the milk house ready for white washing. Did some chopping for cattle Leo brought up gas to put in the tank Bof Pinder came over to get 8 bu wheat Gertie painted all day

Friday, April 26

Weather, Fine + little cooler North wind Men drew in straw stack out of barn yard in morning + burned the bush in south orchard in afternoon Finished repairing milk house in morning + moved the chicken house set up the stove in afternoon Tim Paterson came over for some seed oats Gertie painting in room over kitchen + went down home at night

Saturday, April 27

Weather, Mostly fair little warmer Market day Produce from farm Cream 34 pts Eggs 105 doz Apples 4 bu Men were on the land all day Gertie + I went up to Sherron at night got two bags of cobbler potatoes for seed Mr. Hellems brought 500 chicks over in afternoon Dorothy came up in afternoon

Sunday April 28

Weather, Cloudy rain in afternoon Had a busy day looking after chicks Gertie went to S. S. and Church in morn Mr. Auld of Markham took the service Spent the evening at home

Monday April 29

Weather, mostly fair, {crossed out word} Garf harrowed + Norm took out some manura in orchard and ploughed some in Busy tending to chickens + white washed milk house + got ready for use by night Gertie painted ceiling in room over kitchen + most of wood work

Tuesday, April 30

Weather, Mostly fair + showers by night Norm + I were spraying orchard Garf harrowed in morn + ploughed in afternoon Went to Markham at night Took Gertie down home + called in for her on way home


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Wednesday, May 1

Weather, mostly fair with rain at night Finished spraying in morning Garf ploughed all day + Norm in afternoon Cultivating with tractor outfit in afternoon Gertie got room over kitchen finished up + moved the boys in for night gosslings of today. 10.

Thurday, May 2

Weather, East wind with heavy rain Garf went home for the day Norm picked up brush in morn + picked over potatoes in afternoon Went to Markham in afternoon + stoped in at Garage on way home + had the breaks relined Set the old goose + one hen at night Gertie cleaned the spare room

Friday, May 3

Weather - fine

Saturday, May 4

Weather, cold north west winds. Market day - Produce. Cream 30 pts eggs - 106 doz apples 3 bags potatoes 1 bag norman + Garfield fixed fences in forenoon and raked front lawn in afternoon. Gertie attended annual meeting of the W. I. meeting at Mrs {Waltres?}. Douglas brought home a lovely {illegible} for my birthday. Jack, mauguerite + Daven came down to - night.

Lana made {Sac + Dress?} to-day

Sunday, May 5

Weather - Cool, but light Douglas + Maiguerite attended church Jack went up to celebrate but got back in time for dinner, I stayed home and kept the baby. John + the grile came up in afternoon and brought Father and Mother who stayed for tea also. Jack's went home after tea Douglas + I took Father + Mother home then went on to {Grent?} Ellen's for the next of evening.

Monday, May 6

Weather - fine day. rained hard at night Washed to-day Attended social at the church, given by the young people's society + the programme by the young people of St {scribbled out word} Columbus church Toronto a large attendance present. men ploughed summer follow

Tuesday, May 7

Weather, cloudy + cool. Douglas, Mother Della + I went to the city for the day got a coat + single bed. Men harrowed. Mrs Craig here in evening

Wednesday, May 8

Weather, fair Pat + Norman put in few potatoes in the orchard. Norman sowed killed out patches in the fall wheat. Douglas + I raked all afternoon. I finished moving in forenoon. Newton came up at night + got Billy, I rode down with Norman to the church, the W. M. S. meeting.

Thursday, May 9

Weather - fine day - men ploughed in morning and cultivated in afternoon. Douglas went to Markham at night Norman + I made new flower bed at her south of Cane, Cora Hooker came here for the evening.

Friday, May 10

Weather - fine day. Men seeding all day. I finished cleaning up stairs to-day. concert at Victoria Square by Y. P. S. We to busy to go But Douglas + I went up to Mr W Brown's for to sitting ducks eggs. Jean's goose eggs hatched to - day. 8 out of 10.

Saturday, May 11

Weather - fine at first then rainy. Men sowing in morning. Norman drew earth down for flower bed. Laura came up for the afternoon. In the evening Bob Jean + Mr Begg came down + spent the evening. One of Jean's gosslings taken to-night. thunder storm at night. market day + produce. Cream 29 pts eggs 92 doz. apples 3 bus potatoes 2 bags

Sunday, May 12

Weather - Cloudy all day. Attended S. S. + church in morning took my hydrange down as it was mother's day so used the programme in S. S. + church. Slept in afternoon + attended Y. P. at night.

Monday, May 13

Weather - fine + cool Washed upstairs curtains in forenoon. at night dug flower bed out the lane. Men drew stones of the meadows today.

Tuesday, May 14

Weather - fair in morning with rain at noon rained hard all afternoon. Men seeding in morning. in afternoon men cleaned up driving shed. I attended J. I. meeting at Kelly Jr. in afternoon, Mrs Cook addressed the meeting. We attended Y. P. S. at church at night slides on Korea.

Wednesday, May 15

Weather - mostly cloudy with some sun. men fixed fence in pig yard, in morning. Cleaned up around barn in afternoon. John came up in forenoon. Newton came up about noon with a single bed for men's room + got 25 bus outs Less took 2 ton baled hay to city Mr Pratt her to see about {baling?}. Fred came up at noon to get five bags of cement. in afternoon Edith Craig came up and visited all afternoon. Bob + Jean called about five O'clock for their gosslings. (seven)

Thursday, May 16

Weather, strong cold N. W. winds with some snow flurries. Men just did odd jobs all day cutting wood down drawing loom for flower beds etc. Gertie cleaned kitchen to-day. Operated on Mrs R. L. Stiver to-day. John went away to-day with Jim Russel on a fishing trip. Less took 2 ton baled hay down to city. On account of strong wind men did not go to Mr Pratts to bale. Norman planted flower seeds in small barrels to-night.

Friday, May 17

Weather - fine day. Pat + Norman went over to bale at Mr Pratts. Garfield took his departure this a.m. Leslie took load hay to city. Douglas went on south trip in afternoon for Les. Norman discked mangle ground. D N + I went to Markham at night. I stayed with Auntie + got a flower. Marguerite very sick to-night.

Saturday, May 18

Weather - fine with rain at night. Norman seeding Douglas went to city Produce. Cream 30 Eggs 94 Potatoes 5 bags I cut grass in afternoon Mr + Mrs Hellems were over for a short while Mrs Hellems visited with me Two Miss Scotts came up for eggs at night but did not get any. Douglas Woods came over to-night to hire for the holiday season.

Sunday, May 19

Weather, Lovely. Attended S. S. + church in morning. Went up to visit Bob + Jean after dinner Douglas having to come home to help Norman milk thence went back for tea. Norman went up with the folks to Marguerite's. John came home to-day after fishing trip.

Monday, May 20

Weather - lovely day. Wash day for me. Norman was plowing. Douglass odd jobs. Douglas + I went down to St Columbus Church on St Clair St about {party?} from our church present. Mr Craw spoke Charlie Hoper gone a poker Mildred + Dorothy played.

Tuesday, May 21

Weather - Cloudy at first then fine day Norman harrowing + cultivating. Douglas finished seeding to-day. Mr Patterson here in forenoon to fix door on milk house lightning rod men here to put rod up for the chimney. Milk inspector here at chore time. Mr + Mrs Woods, Aline Cora were here a night to arrange Institute programme. I cleaned sitting room + bed room to-day. Got 2 setting duck eggs to-night from Mr D Brown.

Wednesday, May 22

Weather - fine + lovely Douglas rolled field West of Barn Norman {rest of line is blank} milk inspector here this afternoon, Douglas + I attended choir practice at church to-night. Put young heifers out to pasteurize in flats this afternoon.

Thurday, May 23

Weather - cloudy with rain at night, men sprayed orchard in forenoon and woked at root ground in the afternoon. Jim +children were over this a.m. Douglas + I went down to Fred Leafs at night for gladolio bulbs (100 for 200 €) called in home on way back.

Friday, May 24

Weather - rather cloudy all day + fine. Douglas + Norman sowed mangle sud in morning, then Norman took rest of day of. Douglas sowed beans in garden before dinner and he + J planted garden seeds + bulks all afternoon also washed car. Mr pinder came over in afternoon for fence stretcher

Saturday, May 25

Weather - lovely day. Douglas went to city Produce Cream 32 pts Eggs 100 doz glad-bulbs. Onions Potatoes 4 bags 1 hen $1.80 Norman was rollin + harrowing and plougher potato ground. Douglas hired a man to-day at market. I oiled kithcen floor to-night. Douglas Woods called in this evening but Pat was down at the garage

Sunday, May 20

Weather - fine and warm. Attended S. S. + church in morning, Mr Baynes of Markham preached. Rested in afternoon. Mr Murphy came here about six O'clock. Norman, Laura + Dorothy called in for a short while in evening. Les went on fishing trip to-day. Wrote to Marian + Mrs Stiver to-night.

Monday, May 27

Weather-fine and rather warm with light showers at night. I cleaned cook house and oiled the floor at night. Let the milk cows out on grass Douglas was {rest of line left blank} Norman + Bill ploughed all day. Douglas + Norman went out to see Stan Woods at night (but nothing doing) Jimmie brought up two fish to-night. Rev R. P. Mackay died this a.m. at Moodstock

Tuesday, May 28

Weather - heavy showers in morning but cleared of about ten. Norman went to city to-day. I cleaned coal oil stove in afternoon. Douglas fixed drain from milk house + chopped etc. Mr Murphy swept down cobwebs. Mr Woods came in about 530 stayed for supper. I attended a meating of the Jr Instit, at Mrs Pinders. Mrs Craig came up this evening.

Wednesday, May 29

Weather - very hot all day. Norman + Will ploughed all day. Douglas etc. Practice at church to-night we did not go as we were in the garden till dark then were to tired. In morning Douglas + Norman sprayed the trees again

Thursday, May 30

Weather - very hot. Norman + Will ploughed Douglas also in forenoon in the afternoon he went to Richmond Hill for new threshing machine for Mr Hookers. I cleaned cellar in afternoon. Mrs Hood + Betty came up + stayed for tea, later, Douglas attended a meeting at Mr Woods I wet to Auntie's for 2 setting duck eggs. Father was appointed from this charge representative to the Presbytery.

Friday, May 31

Weather - a lovely day. Men ploughed + harrowed. I took my socks and went out to Craigs for a couple hours + did the darning while visiting. Set hen to-night on W. P. duck eggs.


{blank page}

Saturday, June 1

Weather - lovely + cool. Norman ploughed with tractor. Bill harrowed. Douglas went to market Produce from farm - Cream - 31 pt Eggs - 89 doz Dorothy came up in forenoon, but went home in afternoon. I went out to {Abie's?} at night for some flower slips. Harold Boyinton married to-day

Sunday, June 2

Weather - Cooler yet. Attended S. S. + church called in home and brought Alex, Mavain, Baby + Della up for the rest of the day. Went down home for a white at night then took them home, John went along also.

Monday, June 3

Weather - fair + cool. Wash day for me. + honing. Norman men tractor all day. Will harrowing. Douglas planted corn pumkins etc. at night Douglas took mother, Laura myself over to Alex Bells to get our premiums from H. S. a rose I {illegible} plants

Tuesday, June 4

Weather - lovely day. Douglas + Norman sprayed most of day Will harrowed till noon the cut seed potatoes. Alice Wilkinson came up in forenoon Laura came up in the afternoon + stayed for tea as the W. M. S. held their June meeting here + packed the bale 14 members present. Douglas went down to Boyington's to see about spraying their orchard.

Wednesday. June 5

Weather, Mostly fair. little rain in morning. Men cleaned stable out in morn, + finished cutting potatoes Planted potatoes in afternoon Planted asters at night. Elloit picnic at Agincourt to-day we were to busy to go.

Thursday, June 6

Weather - rather cloudy - with thunder storm at night. Douglas + Norman fininshed spraying orchard this morning + took sprayer down to Boyington's, Douglas went down after dinner to spray. Will dug among berry bushes all day. We planted tomato plants at night then went to choir practice at church. Norman cultivated summer follow in afternoon.

Friday, June 7

Weather, Shower in early morn then fine + cooler. Finished planting potatoes + did some chopping for hogs in morn. Tractor cultivating + striking out summer follow in afternoon Bill spudding thistles in afternoon Gertee sttended Horticulture meeting at Unionville at night

Saturday, June 8

Weather - An ideal day. Market day Produce from farm Eggs 93 doz Cream 31 pts Douglas went to market, Laura went along also. Called at his mothers in morning. Took some dark lilacs to market. I went to Craig in afternoon to get my hair cut. Miss M Douglas, Auntie, Ellen, Agnes, + Lizzie called. Planted dutchmen pipe {illegible} Douglas went down to St John's cemetary to plant flowers then called in at church for me. hed meeting to arrange about S. S. picnic.

Sunday, June 9

Weather - fair + cool Attended S. S. + church. Norman took Will to Yonge St in morning, both away all day - Mr Auld of Markham preached here in morning. We went down home for a short while in afternoon. Mr + Mrs Hellems came over, had tea + spent the evening with us.

Monday, June 10

Weather - fair + cool. drew manure all day to orchard. Douglas ploughed summer follow. We went down to church at night to choir practice. Planted cabbage plants before we went.

Thursday, June 11

Weather - fine + quite warm Douglas ploughed all day Norman drew gravel for lane in afternoon Will spud thistle. Della came up for short while in evening, later we went down home as they had taken Newton to the hospital for an operation.

Wednesday, June 12

Weather - cloudy most of day with light showers in afternoon. Norman + Will drew gravel all day Douglas ploughed all day I took Mrs Burr, Mother, Laura, Mrs Brooke, + Mary Rodrick over to Locust Hill United church to the 3rd Annual Convention. Which was well represented and enjoyed by all. Our folks went down to see Newton to - night. (doing fairly well.) Douglas + I attended practice at the church. Today Katie Craigs graduation.

Thursday, June 13

Weather, Cloudy + quite warm Men drew gravel all day finished the lane out by Kellys Finished ploughing in morning Cultivated mangels in afternoon

Friday, June 14

Weather, Cloudy + showery looking in morn clearing + warm Gertie + I went to city Norm ploughed + scuffled potatoes Bill harrowed summer follow + Buck wheat ground

Saturday, June 15

Weather, Cloudy in morn + clear in afternoon Market day Produce from farm Cream 18 pts Eggs 84 doz Norm ploughed in orchard Bill finished harrowing + then cut thistles Laura + Dorothy came up in afternoon for little while Leila Dunean married to - day.

Sunday, June 16

Weather - quite warm Attended practice down here at church then we went to St John's Anniversary,taking Della S and Mrs Padget with us. We spent the day at Aunt Ellen's Wexford choir sang at night.

Monday, June 17

Weather - very hot. Douglas cultivated summer follow and buckwheat ground. Men ploughing + hoeing. Peas in orchard. Wash day for me. Churned about 15 lbs butter in the afternoon. Douglas, Mother + I attended concert at St John's at night.

Tuesday, June 18

Weather - very warm Douglas cultivated then took the tractor apart. Men were hoeing mangles to - day. Gordon Scott here to - night to arrange for some baling to be done. Then we all went to Richmond Hill.

Wednesday, June 19

Weatehr - very warm with a heavy thunder storm abut noon. Doulas went to Richmond Hill for repairs before dinner, Less + Will went to Ratcliff for load of saw dust. Norman scuffled mangles {probably means mangels} in morning. I spent the afternoon down home. had two cows killed to - day three lightning we expect. Doulas went down to Mr Looley's to - night. L hens hatched 16 ducks to - day. 20 - 4 died

Thursday, June 20

Weather - very warm. Men drew cattle up the bank ready to load, Harrie came up about 630 for them. Norman took {tr....?} & {helen?} down to Scotts before dinner Douglas going down later. Will cut top of sweet {illegible} all day. I went over to stephenson's for a short visit at night. Mrs Leather died to-night. Institute meeting to-day at stouffille chesterfield suite & matthews came this morning.

Friday, June 21

Weather - warm. Men went away to bale again Will harrowed in back field. Jim & kids were here. Bee inspector here this a.m. Mother & Laura came up for a visit this afternoon. I went out to {illegible place} for short while to-night.

Saturday, June 22

Weather - - fine day

market day 84 Dz eggs 30 pt cream

Norman cultivated buckwheat ground Will cut top on sweet clover & spud thistle. Douglas & I called at Mr Leathersat night then went on to Markham for valve for pump.

Sunday, June 23

Weather - rain with light showers in afternoon & more in evening again.

Attended S.S. & church in morning Mother & Father came home with us for dinner and we all went to Mrs Leathers funeral in afternoon calling in home on our way back. Spent the evening at home my account of the rain.

Monday, June 24

Weather - warm day Douglas cultivated buckwheat ground in morning & Norman sowed buckwheat in afternoon. Will & Norman walked at roots in morning Will hoeing in the afternoon. I worked in garden all morning cleaned south cellar up in afternoon. Dorothy up for a while in afternoon. Iwas out at Craigs for a short while in the evening.

Tuesday, June 25

Weather - steady rain to 1030 clearing & fine in afternoon Mr Leathers came up in morning with the Home Helpers collections & book. Men hoed mangles & finished sowing buckwheat today. I went down home to help mother with sewing all afternoon, Newton came home from hospital while i was their, planted beans in garden at night.

Wednesday, June 26

Weather - rain & cool with light showers. Will finished rolling buckwheat ground. Norman cut hay in morning sowed buckwheat in orchard after dinner then worked at mangles rest of day. I worked most of day in the garden Myrtle Burr came over about 930 stayed until after dinner.

Thursday, June 27

Weather - cool light showers at night then heavy rain during night Men hoed & scuffled potatoes in am then worked at thistles in afternoon. Douglas fixed mower in morning & went to R.H. Laura & Dorothy brought Newton up in the afternoon. Douglas & Norman attended preparatory service at church I went down home Newton stayed here.

Friday, June 28

Weather - coudy & cool. Men topped thistle all morning after they brought the cutling for down from Jonathan's. Laura was up for for a short while this a.m. {Illegible name} picnic to-day to busy to go.

Saturday, June 29

Weather - strong S.W. winds fair and cool. men spud thistle all {illegible} put hay up in afternoon. Douglas did not go to market to-day. Produce. Eggs 88 pg. Cream 25 pts. I attended a meeting at Kelly {f..?} in afternoon to arrange for strawberry special. Newton went home this afternoon. Doughlas & J. attended entertainment at Cedar Grove given by melody {illegible} was a splendid event & good crowd.

weather - cloudy at first then clearing. attended S.S. & church {mum?} work {illegible} the S.S. commission service today {smaller text} in afternoon we went down home (all home today)

{blank page}

weather- {moderately?} warm with showers at night. men all toppled {theaitte?} in {fremon?}. norman cut hay in afternoon Will {hammered?} & {had?} potatos. Douglas did {illegible} joke {illegible} faith & {illegible} {smaller text} with {went?} in morning today about gathering {illegible} to picnic tomorrow wash okay for me, pretty funy day to.

Tuesday, July 2

Weather - cold & windy

S.S. picnic at Woodbridge Norman Douglas & I went, I went with our {word cut off} Will had miling & chores done when I we got home. Douglas Woods came here after the picnic to start working.

Wednesday, July 3

Weather - cloudy & cool light showers.


Mrs Walton came over for dinner then we went down to the Royal York to the rose show. Della Stephenson & Cora Hooper went along also. I drove car down. Went down home at night. Got a crate of strawberries to-night.

Thursday, July 4

Weather - rainy with thunder storms. Men whitewashed stable. Ed Irish here in morning. John & Mr Padget here also (etc.)

Friday, July 5

Weather - lovely day.

Will & Douglas W cut thistles in flats Douglas was to the church yard to a bee. Men picked chickens in afternoon and sprayed orchard. I was away at night (etc.)

Saturday, July 6

Weather - fair with heavy rain & {word cut off} at night

Douglas went down home after breakfast and got Laura. Men hoed until hay was dry then they put it up in lumps, late on in afternoon Douglas took Will to the street then Laura rode down as far as home.

Market day 25 pts cream.
74 Dz eggs.
about 1 1/2 lb each. 25 chickens 60¢ a piece

Sunday, July 7

Weather - fair rather cloudy.

Attended S.S. & church Mr Gundy preached. fair attendance.

Douglas W Douglas & I rested & was reading in the afternoon then we met Will at the corners and went on to Markham & thence up to the camp meeting.

Monday, July 8

Weather - dull and cloudy.

Men hoed in the morning and put hay up in the afternoon.

Wash day for me and ironing.

mother up for a while in the afternoon.

Jimmmy stayed for supper, Dorothy and [Ella?] came up to practice ball at [?] so called here frist.

Douglas and I went down to [McQu...?] [?] taking down some,planks for here and Mr. Hoopers.

Built boooth and platform tonight.

Little duck got leg cut and broken in trap.

Tuesday, July 9

weather-fine in morning with storm and heavy rain in afternoon.

Men- Douglas and Will hoed, Pat cut weeds, etc.

Norman scuffled beans and [mangles?]

In afternoon men cut grass in the lawn took old sweet clover out of silo.

Billy and jimmy up this afternoon.

13 little piggies out in yard during night.

Ms.helleme here this a.m. wanted to arrange a fishing trip.

Wednesday, July 10

Weather - lovely day rather cool at night.


Douglas took Laura & I over to McQuays about 330 in afternoon to help with getting ready for the strawberries festival. Keswick Institutes put on the play "The old flag" had a splendid crowd. Gate receipts about $160.00

Thursday, July 11

Weather - fair warmer

Men Norman Douglas hoed in morning Will harrowed summer fallow.

Pat helped to look for white ducks in morning, found them down the bank. Will, Norman, Douglas drew in four loads hay in afternoon. Pat started cutting sweet clover for silo in afternoon. Laura brought Marian, baby, Doreen and Marguerite up for a short visit. (in John's car.) Norman & I went down to McQuays to help clean up. Douglas went to Richmond Hill for repairs.

Friday, July 12

Weather - fair & warmer.


Douglas powdered potatoes in mroning & went to Richmond Hill to get more repairs, started to cut sweet closer before dinner and cut all afternoon. The other 3 men drew in hay. Della came up to help me in afternoon, picked 12 chickens after milking was done. Douglas went to Unionville at night for meat so Della got a ride down home.

Saturday, July 13

Weather - mostly fair, rain started about 430 oclock.

Silo filling to-day. Douglas did not go to market.

Produce cream 25 pts.
. eggs 74 Dz
. chicks 12 (70¢ each).
Laura came up to help me for the day.

Sunday, July 14

Weather - fair cool.

We did not go to S.S. or church, Mr. Barnes of Markham preached to-day We left here at eleven taking Father & Mother up to Margarites for dinnner, then we went for a drive in afternoon.

Monday, July 15

Weather - fair warmer

Wash day for me.

Douglas { & Douglas and?} sweet Clover had break in afternoon had to go to Richmond Hill, finished cutting {afront?} 815. Mr Woods came over at night to see Douglas.

Tuesday, July 16 Weather - fair & Warm. finished filling {nito?} in morning had dinner about eleven. Della came up to help me. men worked at {hay?} in {frild? illegible} from church in afternoon & shocked the nest{rest?} of sweet Clover. I ironed all afternoon.

Wednesday, July 17 Weather, Fine & warm {He?} filled silo this morning Drew in hay in afternoon {Jertie?} picked black currants & cherries Laura & Della came up to night newton brought up 1 bag potatoes in afternoon.

Thursday, July 18 Weather, mostly fair turning coolerat night. men worked at hay all day {Pat?} used up most of the day. I picked black currants all afternoon, Wrote Dorothy to-day. Laura came up to-night stayed over.

Friday, July 19 Weather - fair & cool {norman scuffled?} potatoes in morning Will & Douglas hoed beans. Douglas (H.?) went to Richmond Hill & newmarket in forenoon afternoon Will & {norman?} went over to {padgats?} to fill {silo?}. Pat & Douglas worked at {lhay?}. Laura & I picked fruit all morning and picked {chick?} in afternoon.

Saturday, July 20 Weather - fine & warm. men lumped hay & drew in some sweet Clover. Douglas Woods went to city. Laura & Newton here in afternoon. Laura helping to pick currants, Laura & Della here in evening. Produce {Cream?} 19 {pts?} Chicks 25 eggs 74 Dg. Douglas took Will to yonge st at night.

Sunday, July 21 Weather - fair & Warm. Douglas went down to city for Mr Mills. norman & Douglas W left for {grimsby?} I went to S.S. In afternoon We took mr mills to St Johns.

Monday, July 22

Weather - fair & very warm cool at night.

Men drew in sweet clover & hay all day, helped Padgets for a few hours first thing in morning. I picked berries in morning, did up cherries in afternoon.

Tuesday, July 23

Weather - warm with a few showers in afternoon with strong N.W. winds.

Men finished haying about 5 o'clock. Norman went back to scuffle beans. Laura was up all day helping me pick fruit and preserve.

Wednesday, July 24

Weather - fair & warm.

Norman cut alsack early in morning then he & Will hoed potatoes. Pat helped Mr Lundy all day to put chaff blower on threshing maching. Mr Walton here at noon. Pat & I went to Richmond Hill at night for mower repairs.

Thursday, July 25

Weather - fair & very warm.

Mr Lundy finished chaff blower. Norman ploughed summer fallow, heavy rain from midnight till morn. Newton, Jean & Marian Evans called for a short visit. I picked berries. Laura came up and stayed over night.

Friday, July 26

Weather - fair Morning all men worked at alsike. Laura & I picked beries in morning & chickens in afternoon. Pat - Norman {pares?} green potatoes in the afternoon. Will was hoeing potatoes. I took Laura down home at night.

Saturday, July 27

Weather, fair & very very warm.

Men finished cutting alsike this a.m. Douglas went to city hurried home and got a track around the wheat. I went to Institute with Mrs Burr to {illegible name}. Norman left before chore time for a boat trip to Niagara. Pat & I went to Richmond Hill at night. Fern Firth up for her Sunday S book.

Produce - . 26 chickens.
70 Dz eggs
18 pts cream.
211 qt baskets Beans.

Sunday, July 28

Weather - warm with thunder storm and heavy rain

Pat & I left at eleven called for Mr & Mrs {illegible name} & went for a 110 mile motor drive. Orangeville, Bolton, Beeton, etc.

Monday, July 29

Weather - fair & cool.

Men cut & shooked wheat, Douglas ploughed until dark. I picked berries most of day. Della & Dorothy up at night. Aunt Marian Scott died to-day.

Tuesday, July 30

Weather - fair & warm.

Men cutting wheat again. Wash day for me. Dorothy came up for the day. Newton called at night for her. Made new apple sauce to-night

Eggs 130.

Wednesday, July 31

Weather - fair - fairly warm. Douglas cut barley. Norman, Will shocked wheat Les came up for a short while in the afternoon to help. Della & Dorothy drove up to help pick berries. Mr Woods brought Douglas back to-night

Got 147 eggs to-day.


Thursday, August 1

Weather - fair & cool Douglas finished cutting barley three men shocked barley, then in afternoon drew in 3 loads alsike & threshed it. Newton called up in at night, took some berries down for marian. {chivened?} Nelson to-night.

Friday August 2

Weather as cool

men drew aslike and Thriched all day

two loads to thresh in the moring,butthey got the field cleared.

l'ella came up to help me for the day

Billy helped with the chickens.

miss hood came up in the evening.

mother and laura called in for Della.

Saturday August 3 Weather- showers in the moring

fair and cooler.

Douglas and norman finished threshing abike and threshed some barely.

Will and Douglas W. hord potates.

Produce- Eggs 700g.

Cream 14 pt

Chicke 25.

Douglas went to newmarket in the afternooon will srode to the st with him

Norman and douglas cleaned aligesal in the afternoon.

newton and laura called in the afternoon

mr worc came over at night for douglas.

Sunday August 4

weather-strong w.wind and cool all day.

attended the s.st church

Mr worcs back to-day

Ella,Jack,Msrggrunte and babe herez dinner,neture came upat not.

Jim Atkinson and murry here in the afternoon.

spent evening alone at home.

Monday August 5

Weather-fair cool,strong w winde.

Men drew manure.Douglas worked at threshing machine and chopped feed.

mr. cromibsby here in morning to talk about fraing.

Mr Sloan here at none,about beled straw.

I picked berries all day.

John and boy brought billy (twas) home at midnight.

Will had the day off.

Tuesday, August 6

Weather - fair & cool Men drew manure in forenoon Douglas was repairing machine. then in the afternoon they threshed wheat. Dorothy & Mildred came up for a short while in afternoon. W. M. S. meeting to-night I was to busy to go

Wednesday, August 7

Weather - fair - Warmer. men drew & threshed wheat all forenoon, and baled straw in the afternoon. Leslie, Johnnie, {Herbie?}, + Mr. Walton helped in forenoon. Mr {McKnill?} here in afternoon. Les took 1 load baled straw down to city in afternoon. Mother here all forenoon helping me. Fern {last name?} here in afternoon. Mrs Craig here in the evening.

Thursday, August 8

Weather - Cloudy - with rain on in the afternoon. men drew & threshed wheat up until rain came about 5 Oclock. John & Herbie here to-day. Laura came up all day to help me. Fern {last name?} here in the evening. Leslie took 1 load baled straw to town. Mr. {Irish?} here for baling wire.

Friday, August 9

Weather - fair & warmer- men scuffled & hoed potatoes in the forenoon. & threshed 2 loads wheat. baling in the afternoon. mr Hooper mr Walton, mr {Pinder?}, Mr {mcKnill?}, John Herbie, here helping. Mrs Craig here in forenoon for apples. Laura came up to help me with the chickens after dinner. Mrs. {last name?} & children here in afternoon.

Thursday, August 8

Weather - cloudy - with rain on in the afternoon.

Men drew & threshed wheat up until rain came about 5 oclock. John & Herbie here to-day. Laura came up all day to help me. Fern Firth here in the evening. Leslie took 1 load baled straw to town. Mr Irish here for baling wire.

Friday, August 9

Weather - fair & warmer -

Men scuffled & hoed potatoes in the forenoon & threshed 2 loads wheat, baling in the afternoon. Mr Hooper Mr Walton, Mr Pinder, Mr McRuth, Joh Herbie, here helping. Mrs Craig here in forenoon for apples. Laura came up to help me with the chickens after dinner. Mrs Firth & children here in afternoon.

Saturday, August 10

Weather - rain early - then cleared a little, but heavy rain & storm came at noon. Men fried manure spreader. Until wheat dried {up?} then they threshed John & {boy?} & Laura came up. after first stormover John came up for Laura & Herbie.

{list} Produce - cream - cream - 18pts. apples - 2 bus. Eggs - 64 Doz. Chickens - 20.

Mr. Woods came over in the afternoon for Douglas. Rained heavy at night. Mr Russel had cow killed by lightning.

Sunday, August 11

Weather - Cloudy with rain then clearing about 830, fine & warm. attended S.S. & Church, rested in the afternoon until about 330 leaving then for a motor drive to Port Perry etc. called at Mr Woods on our way home for Douglas. Douglas with two others boys called in the afternoon for Norman.

Monday, August 12

Weather - fair and bright. men ploughed {alrike?} ground Douglas Woods shocked some fallen {sheaves?} " sharpened {binden?} & mower Knives. Wash day for me. Laura, Dorothy & Mildred came up for awhile this afternoon, all spent evening at home. Picked berries all afternoon.

Tuesday, August 13

Weather - fair & cool. men drew manure. Douglas cut mixed grain & oats threshed some barely for feed, just before {close?} time. Mervin {Firth?} here for ({letter}) bye {illegible} Laura came up in the afternoon for the boys {forkes?}. Douglas went over to Mr {Harfens?} to help them with tractor. then to Unionville to get meat & hair cut.

Wednesday, August 14

Weather - partly fair - with heavy rain in the afternoon. men drew manure. Douglas ploughed. I went to an instittute meeting 1/2 ml north Stoufville & took Cora ({H.?}) Edith Craig in the afternoon. Mr Reed here at night, norman took him to city, but both came here for the night. Aley & Laura came up & spent the evening with us.

Thursday, August 15

Weather - fair & cool. men (Will & Douglas) shocked grain all day Pat ploughed in the forenoon cut oats in the afternoon. Norman took his father to city in the morning & ploughed in afternoon. Mildred & Dorothy came up in the forenoon. Charlie Hooper shot mr Stephenson dog back in our potatoe patch in the morning. Cora & Charlie here at night for apples Leslie took 1 load baled straw to city.

Friday, August 16

Weather - fair. Pat finished cut oats in forenoon. men shocked & Norman & Billy picked apples. threshed 10 loads wheat in afternoon. Alex & John came up to help. Laura came up also to help pick chicks. the three girls went home with John. Mrs Craig here in evening for some apple.

Saturday, August 17

Weather - fair with light shower during night. men drew & threshed barely all day, John & Newton here helping. (chopped at night.) I attended {for?} Institute meeting at miss M. {Rodiche?} took Laura, Cora, Edith C.

{list} Produce - Cream 15 pte apples 10 bus. Chicks 20 eggs 63 Doz.

Mr Woods called for Douglas in the evening. Will & I took Will to Thornhill then we went on up to {Marguerites?}.

Sunday, August 18

Weather - lovely day. Attended S.S & church. rested in the afternoon. Went down {home?} at night. Mr Woods brought Douglas over to-night.

Monday, August 19

Weather - fair & Warm. men baled wheat straw all forenoon {messino?}, Hooper, Pinder, Walton, Dennis & our 3 boys helped. Norman went down {home?} in afternoon to help draw barely. Laura up in the forenoon to help me. planted flags in the afternoon. Russell Brillingen came over to-nighte and buried his dog.

Tuesday, August 20

Weather - fair & lovely Douglas cut goose wheat in morning after 1 hours baling wheat straw Norman cut alfaka {alfalfa?}, Douglas W. on sick {lest} in forenoon. Will shocked wheat Leslie took load straw to town. Newton & Laura called up here for a {list} to get for me before going to town. All the men worked at mixed grain in the back field all afternoon. I made jelly (apple) to-day & cucumber pickles.

Wednesday, August 21

Weather - fair - warmer men finished cutting mix grain to-night. Norman raked hay in afternoon Les took 2 loads straw to city. {Jr} Institute picnic at Stouffville, but to busy to go.

Thursday, August 22

Weather - fair & warmer Pat ploughed summer follow in the forenoon the other 3 men put hay up in lumps. Three men came up from home, and they got 12 loads grain threshed. cooking demonstration down home at night which I attended.

{on separate paper} A creature not {to bought} & good, for human natures daily food. {3 dashes} Mrs Woods address "The Modern Girl." Mrs. Brook, "League {illegible Yahon?} Roll ball. What do you consider the most important virture for a girl to possess. Home. Mrs. Woods. Music arranged by hostess. Hostesses Yertie, Cora, {illegible}

{on separate paper} {list}

2 quilts 8.00

8 6 night gowns 50 4.00

8 combinations 50 4.00

4 dresses & bloomers 2.00

5 slips 25 1.25

4 cotton dresses 50 2.00

2 rompers 50 1.00

3 caps {symbol?}04

2 bonnets {same symbol?}04

2 coats

1 apron 10

1 cotton slip 25 25

1 cotton combination 50 50

4 vests 35 2 140 5 25.90 5 25. 26

Friday, August 23

Weather - heavy rain & {covered by folded corner} in the morning then clearing

St John's Church was burned, was struck by lightning. Will & Norman ploughed in forenoon Douglas W picked apples. Pat went down to see the ruins then {illegible} to the Aunties. picked chicks in afternoon. Pat ploughed with tractor. Horticulture show to-night to busy to get away.

Saturday, August 24

Weather - fair & warmer Will harrowed wheat ground in the forenoon also Norman harrowed alsike ground. Pat ploughed & Douglas herd cows West of barn. two boys came up from home in the afternoon, they finished threshing oats & the goose wheat. Mr. Woods came over in the evening for D. Produce {list} - cream 17 pts chick 18 apples 6 bus. Eggs 58 doz. Douglas attended a meeting at the store to arrange for St. John's Church service.

Sunday, August 25

Weather - fair & warm Attended S.S. & Church. After dinner Douglas & I went down and called for father & mother & took them across the lake to {place} & {place} leaving Toronto about twenty five to four returning about eleven O'clock standard time, had a wonderful trip, lake was lovely.

Monday, August 26

Weather - lovely day. Wash day for me, I spent the day alone as the men all went down home to thresh, & got 21 loads grain threshed. I had milking done when they arrived home. Mr {Fosythe} here to sell some aluminum ware, but I did not get any.

Tuesday, August 27

Weather - cloudy & cool men all went down home again to-day to thresh. I ironed then rested until milking time as I did not feel extra good all day. I cooked some corn for my dinner the first to have it. had milking & chores nearly all done when men got home.

Wednesday, August 28

Weather - cloudy to-day. men all went down home again to thresh, came up with machine about 3P.M. then drew in 2 loads mixed grain and chopped feed. Les took another load of straw to-day to Mr Hellems. Swim postponed to-day.

Thursday, August 29

Weather - cloudy with sprinkle of rain in the morning then clearing. The four boys came up from home and helped all day, threshing mixed grain. Laura came up also & stayed over night. she brought up parcel from Eatons. {small rectangle of paper added in at bottom with markings}

Friday, August 30

weather - fair & bright. mens swim to be held to-day. four boys came up from home and they finished the threshing at noon. Norman & Will picked apples all afternoon the two Douglas', Laura & I picked chicks then the D's worked at the tractor till choring time. Pat went to Richmond Hill at night, Norman to Unionville, Douglas went with Newton to Markham, Laura went home.

Saturday, August 31

Weather - fair & Warm Will cultivated wheat ground. Norman went to city, Douglas went to the Ex. with Newton, as his time is up he got paid of. Pat went to market to-day. Produce {list} cream 16 pts apple 12 bus. chicks 18 Eggs 51 Doz. Took Bill to Yong St at night


Sunday, September 1

Weather fine & warm Gertie not feeling well we did not go to church were alone all day

Monday, September 2

Weather fine & warm Bill did not put in an appearance till night Repared tractor & fences, and did some chopping in morning Finished threshing at Browns in afternoon Went to Unionville at night Laura came up in afternoon

Tuesday, September 3

Weather fine & very warm Norm went to exibition Bill ploughed all day Cultivated sweet clover ground worked at it all day Will came up in afternoon

Wednesday, September 4

Weather, Fine & very warm Norm & Bill drew manure all day Finished cultivating in morning & ploughed in field by the fourth in afternoon Laura was here all day Went to Unionville at night

Thursday, September 5

Weather - Fine & very warm Men drew manure in morning Norm baled straw at Bob. Scotts in afternoon & Bill ploughed in sand field Ploughed all day over the creek

Friday, September 6

Weather, Cloudy & cooler Norm finished baling straw at Scotts in morning. then picked apples Bill cut weeds in mangelo & then picked apples. Finished ploughing over the creek then we all picked chickens

Saturday, September 7

Weather, Cloudy & little warmer Market day Produce from farm {list} Cream 17 pts Eggs 48 doz Chickens 16 apples 14 bu Men drew manura all day Jean called in for a visit in afternoon Laura went home at night after being here all week

Sunday, September 8

Weather, Cloudy & warm Stayed home all day Dr. McKay came over to see Gertie Mrs Craig came up at night Laura came back at night

Monday, September 9

Weather Cloudy & strong east wind Men drew manure all day Crushed lumps on fall wheat ground with the {packer?} Dr. McKay was in again to see Gertie. Bill Brooke came in to see about getting fertilizer drill Les. brought out two ton of fertilizer

Tuesday, September 10

Weather, Fine & cooler. very strong W. wind Repaired drill in morning Bill cleaned up wheat Norm cultivated wheat ground with power outfit Leo brought 1 ton fertilizer home Men drew gravel for lane in afternoon Took Gertie to hospital in afternoon Went to Richmond Hill at night

Wednesday, September 11

Weather, Fine & cool Men drew gravel all day Ploughed all day & did some choping Mr. Brown developed pneumonia today Went down to see Gertie at night

Thursday, September 12

Weather Fair little warmer & cloudy by night Men drew gravel all day Ploughed all day Will Brooks called in & got seed drill Laura & Dorothy were up part of day Went down to see Gertie at night & found her doing fine

Friday, September 13

Weather, Showery in morn & clearing in aft. Ploughed in morning Bill picked apples in morning Norm went to city " " We all picked chickens in afternoon Laura & Dorothy were up in morning

Saturday, September 14

Weather, Fine & cool Norm cultivated & harrowed all day with power outfit Bill harrowed field over the creek in morning & picked bartlet pears in afternoon Laura & Dorothy were up during the day Gordon & family called in afternoon In evening went down to see Gertie Gordon & Grace went with me Produce for market {list} Cream 12 1/2 pts Chickins 14 & 8 hens Eggs 41 doz Apples 11 bu

Sunday, September 15

Weather, Fine & dandy Gordon & Jim came over for me in morning & we went to city called to see Gertie & then home again at home rest of day

Monday, September 16

Weather, fine & warm south wind Sowed fall wheat all day Norm cultivated & packed all day Bill came home at noon & harrowed in afternoon Laura & Isobel were here most of day Went down to see Gertie at night

Tuesday, September 17

Weather, Fair during Early morning clearing & cooler, shower in afternoon All worked on fall wheat land all day Bill also pulled beans in garden Laura & Isobel were here again today they also went to city to see Gertie in afternoon

Wednesday, September 18

Weather, Fine & cool strong wind. Finished sowing wheat on {summerfallow?} Bill was rolling & harrowing wheatt ground Norm finished packing wheat ground & then cultivated ploughed oat field We then did some chopping for hogs Went down to see Gertie at night

Thursday, September 19

Weather, Fine & warmer Cleaned cistern out at the house & then went at the buckwheat cut & stooked eleven acres by night Went to Richmond Hill at night

Friday, September 20

Weather, fine and much same time Men picked apples for city Picked old hens in afternoon Laura & I went down to see Gertie at night

Saturday, September 21

Weather, Fine & warm in day time cool at night Men pulled beans in morning Fuller came down and got the drill to sow wheat Picked flemish beauty pears in morn. Threshed Browns buckwheat in afternoon Market day Produce from farm {list} Cream 18 pts Eggs 29 doz Hens 18 Apples 20 bu also some pears

Sunday, September 22

Weather Fine and warm (cool at night) Attended church in morning Aninarsary Services today Mr. Mr. {Glauchles?} preached morning & evening full house both times Went to city in afternoon & brought Gertie home & spent the evening at home. {pressed leaf? flower petal? below}

Monday, September 23

Weather, Fine & warmer Norm & I went to {Bof Deatts?} & balled 12 ton of hay Bill pulled beans & then we picked apples rest of afternoon Corn roast at night in Earny Wattons flats at night, by Young People

Tuesday, September 24

Weather, Fine & warm Norm & I baled straw at Dr. Duncans Brought the press home & on over to {Pinders?} Bill picked apples in morning & went to John Boyington's with Les. to cut corn Went to Unionville at night. Laura went home (not to stay)

Wednesday, September 25

Weather Cloudy & very warm Men were away filling silo's all day at Brooks & Rodicks Started cutting seed clover in morning took Gertie & Laura down home & picked apples in afternoon Mr. & Mrs Woods called in the afternoon Must down to get Gertie & Laura at night

Thursday, September 26

Norm & Bill were filling silo at Rodicks in morning Baled hay at Pindero all day Laur & Gertie were down home in afternoon Bill picked apples in afternoon

Friday, September 27

Weather, Fair in Morn. clouding in afternoon & warm Men filling silo at Young Bros in morn & Hooper's in afternoon Cut clover for seed in morning & picked fowl in afternoon

Saturday, September 28

Weather, Mostly fair & warm Threshed buckwheat to-day left three loads Market day Produce from farm {list} Cream 16 pts Eggs - 22 doz Hens 12 Pears & apples {Gork?} Bill to Thornhill at night Della Burr came over this fore-noon to see Gertie & brought her a bouquet of roses.

Sunday, September 29

Weather, Cloudy showery in morn & cooler Gertie & I were home all day Marguerite Dawn & Newton came up in morning for a while & in afternoon John & Marguerite & {Doreen?} called on there way home

Monday, September 30

Weather, Cloudy. Cool & clearing in afternoon Bill went silo filling at Jack Allens Norm & I finished threshing buckwheat put machine in barn & then drew in couple of lots of beans Newton Brown came up in morning to get a {hufer?} off Laura came up in morning with Newto stayed all day



Weather, Fine & quite warm Norm & I baled straw at Rodicks all day Bill picked apples Laura & Gertie

Tuesday, October 1

Weather, Fine & quite warm Norm & I baled straw at Rodicks all day Bill picked apples Gertie & Laura went down home in morn afternoon. Mrs Craig here in forenoon.

Wednesday, October 2

Weather, Cloudy cool & strong East wind Picked apples first then threshed beans & got the rest in Les took load of straw to city Men filling silo at {fno.?} Calvert in afternoon (finishing silo filling) Laura & Gertie down home in the forenoon. W.M.S meeting at church to-night.

Thursday, October 3

Weather - Strong S.W. Wind drew in 1 load clover to windy for the job so, rake it up. then men went at cleaning the slio out. Laura & I went down home in afternoon.

Friday, October 4

Weather fair with cool wind. Men drew in clover. Douglas made cider in between loads. Douglas picked hens in the afternoon.

(TO MUCH SPACE) {three crossed out vertical lines below}

Laura went down home after dinner came back at night with John. Douglas Woods called for Norman and they went to teh city at night.

Saturday, October 5

Weather - lovely day. Markham fair day. Douglas went to market. Produce {list} 2 {number or?} more bus apples. 10 hens 22 doz eggs. 23 pts cream Douglas took Laura & I down home at night for a while to see Father. Laura made the tomato soup in afternoon. men finished drawing in clover to-night.

Sunday, October 6

Weather - strong S.W. wind fair & bright. Douglas & Norman attended church sermon on {place?} In afternoon Douglas & I went for a drive, then went in home & stayed for tea, {illegible} Charlie {last name} were here while we were away. Jack & Marguerite called for some jars.

Monday, October 7

Weather. cool & bright. Men started at {mangles?} this morning {mr?} Knights were here to see about baling.

Tuesday, October 8

Weather - fair & cool Men worked at roots to-day 1 cow & 1 load hogs went away to-day. Laura & I went down home in the afternoon, Newton here at night. Father had been very sick in the morning. Mr Wilkinson had another stroke to-day. Mr. Padget called in to ask for Father this morning. Jim over in the afternoon to get the potato digger.

Wednesday, October 9

Weather - fine & cool Men finished {mangles?} late noon Picked apples & drew in the pumpkins in the afternoon. 1 mangle weighed 15 Ibs 10 g. Laura & I went down home again this afternoon. Mrs Craig here {<- added in later} in the evening.

Thursday, October 10

Weather - very heavy frost this {illegible} fair & cool. Men & Laura went down home in the forenoon, men to bale a stack of hay. I started to make Douglas smock.

Friday, October 11

Weather - cold east wind all day rained during night. Norman went over to Jim G. to bale Pat hired Newton to go also. Will picked apples all forenoon Pat & Billy made cider, 13 gallons {amount added later}, in the afternoon all picked hens afternoon Laura & I went down home for the afternoon. John came up at night for {canvase?} cover to put on baled hay.

Saturday, October 12

Weather - cloudy at first then clearing to a fine day, then cloudy in p.m. Norman & Will chored till it dried of then picked apples rest day and finished the {illegible} Douglas went to market produce - {list} 22 pts cream 15 hens 11 gal. cider 2 {bends snow?} 1 bus STL. apples. about 5 {baracks?} 23 eggs. Norman took Laura & I down home in the afternoon, Pat called in on way home from city, but I stayed until night. he took Will to Yonge St. Mr Wilkinson died to-night.

Sunday, October 13

Weather - rather cloudy. Douglas went to church, he took me down home first & took Newton around to church with him. I stayed at home all day. Dear Father died about eight {Deboch?} at night, all home but Alex at the time.

Monday, October 14

Weather - fair & cool. Men picked apples all day. Douglas took me down home after dinner & came down at night for me. Miss Brooking from the Alexander Industrial home called in the afternoon. Douglas & I called at Wilkinson's on way up at night.

Tuesday, October 15

Weather - fair & warmer Men started to pick potatoes Les & boys were up in the forenoon. Douglas & I went to the city in the forenoon, & went down home at night for a while. Mr Wilkinson buried at Thornhill this after noon.

Wednesday, October 16

Weather - cloudy & cooler men finished potatoes abotu eleven O'clock. Isabel came up for me about ten thirty Dear father buried this afternoon. We stayed for tea.

Thursday, October 17

Weather - bright & much cooler. Men picked apples. Douglas attended Pinders sale in the afternoon, bought a jersey cow $162. I was alone in the afternoon.

Friday, October 18

Weather. cool Men picked apples Douglas made cider & picked hens. Norman went to Unionville at night, Will & Douglas caught {pullets?} at night & put in hen house.

Saturday, October 19

Weather - fair & cool. Men picked apples. Douglas went to market Mr Hooper went down with him. He called at his mother's on way home. Dorothy came up for the day. Laura called in on way up to Janet French. Jr 2. meeting at Mrs Calverts. Produce - {list} hens - 20 Eggs - 18 Doz. Cream - 21 pts Apples - Cider - Douglas & I went down home for the evening. Alex {illegible} were out, Marguerite's & {Brockle-bonks?} were down also.

Sunday, October 20

Weather - fair & warmer. Attended church service. We went for a drive in the afternoon, spent evening at home.

Monday, October 21

Weather - Cloudy, looking like rain. Men picked apples all day. I had a big washing. Mother & Laura were here for a short while in afternoon. Douglas attended at meeting at Mr {F Streis?} at night to arrange about hunting trip.

Tuesday, October 22

Weather, strong east wind with rain Men clipped cattle, & worked arround the stable Repaired a bale block Did some chopping in afternoon

Wednesday, October 23

Weather, Cloudy & showery Put up seven bags of potatoes Norm went to city Bill & I picked some apples had to stop on account of rain then clipped two cows John came up and got Gertie then took them up to Sharon Della was up all day

Thursday, October 24

Weather, Cloudy & showery all day Men swept cobwebs down in stable cleaned up the beams. cleaned out {evtroughs?} on barn also picked over apples for city. Kept back all day Attended a political meeting at Richmond Hill at night

Friday, October 25

Weather, Clearing & little cooler Picked apples all day Made cider in afternoon Dell came up to-day Went up to Sharon at night for Gertie & Mrs. Brown took Della & Dorothy along Mr Woods called for a short visit.

{Left Page}

Saturday, October 26

Weather Mostly Fair

Men picked apples all day

Market day Produce from farm

Cream 20 {illegible}

Eggs 21 dz

Cider 13 gal

Apples about 20 {illegible}

Laura came up for a while in afternoon.

Took Bill to Sheet at night

{Right Page}

Sunday, October 27

Weather Fair. Strong winds a little cooler attended church in morning Mr Barns of Markham took the service.

{Cut off by newspaper clipping} in for a basket of apples

while in afternoon

Y.P.S at night

an adress on Well

{Newspaper Clipping}

Pavillion, to Mr and Mrs W. Ross Strike (nce Eloie Classelman), bowmanville, a son. 09

=== WALKER === - On Monday, 26th March, at the Wellesley Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Walker, a daughter. 09


=== BAXTER - MAXWELL === - On Saturday, March 24, 1928, at Deer Park United Church, by the Rev. Dr. R. P. MacKay, Elizabeth daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Maxwell, Locust Hill, to Mr George Baxter, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Baxter, Agincourt 09

=== INGS - ATKINSON === - On Thursday, March 22nd, at the Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill, by the Reverend C. A. Mullen Aileen Alfreda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson, Richmond Hill, to Mr. Jasper Harold Ings, B.A.Sc., son of Lieutenant - Colonel A. E. Ings and Mrs. Ings of Prince Edward Island. 09

=== McCONNELL - THOMPSON === - On Saturday, March 24 1928, at Davenport Road Presbyterian Church, Toronto, by the Rev. J. A. Hilts, Lena, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson, 46 Highview Crescent, to Arthur Pearson McConnell, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McConnell, Toronto. 09


=== BEATTIE === - At the residence of his father and mother in the Township of Binbrook, Harold Winford Beattie, the son of Harry and Martha Beattie, aged {cutoff} years.

=== BEER === - On Monday, March 26, Olive May, beloved wife of Gordon S. Beer and eldest daughter of Thomas F. and

{Other part of the newspaper cutout slipped in shows a photo of David H. Scott captioned with "MOURNED BY FRIENDS" and with a blurb about him: "Popular Official of the T. Eaton Company, Limited, Whose Funeral Yesterday Was Attended by Many Friends.}

Sunday, October 27

Weather, Fair. Strong winds & little cooler Attended church in morning Mr Barns of Markham took the service Nat. Lewis called in for a basket of apples Newt brought Jean & Mrs Brown up for a little while in afternoon, We attended y.p.s. at night Mr Bowes gave an adress on Will {Hoeyey'o?} life.

Monday, October 28

Weather - fair & cool Men picked apples to-day. Douglas feeling not extra good today Jim Allen brought furnace coal in the forenoon. Les up in after noon drawing apples to cellar. I picked up some sweet apples for apples butter & did up blue grapes.

Tuesday, October 29

Weather - cold East wind all day. Men picked apples. I spent most of day sewing. Stocks were away down to-day. Everybody stayed home to-night and listened to Sinclair & {Cam Cody?} & speaches. {Liquid splotches near the end}

Wednesday, October 30

Weather - a dull drizzle day but milder. Men chopped in forenoon & etc. pulled vegetables & Glads & Dalies Election day Douglas & Norman went out to vote. Douglas did some plowing with tractor

Thursday, October 31

Weather - Cloudy with rain in the evening. I took nine bags apples over to {Lapp's?} milk to make apple butter Laura went along also had a fine visit at Scotte, Dima's & attended Halloweene Concert at Miss Freeman's school got home about seven O'clock. Men ploughed & picked apples.


Friday, November 1

Weather, rainy all day long. Della came up to help me for the day. Men picked hens, made cider, and did some plowing. Mr Woods called in the afternoon. Oil truck here to-day. at night Pat took me over to the Dr's Della went along also.

Saturday, November 2

Weather - fair & warm (lovely day.) Men picked apples all day. Douglas went to market, Laura, Dorothy, and I went along, went on up to Richmond Hill on way home but did not find Mr {Lunar?} home. Newton here to-day for a while. Della went home to-night. Pat went out to store at night to arrange for hunting trip. Produce - {list} Eggs 27 Dz. Cream 23 pts Cider 14 gallons hens 16 apples. 5 barrels & more.

Sunday, November 3

Weather - fair - mild. Attended church serivices. {Boy?} Grove anniversary to-day. {Lorne?} & Della came up in the afternoon for a visit. Douglas left at eleven O-clock p.m. for the hunting trip. Laura came up for the night.

Monday, November 4

Weather - cool with some showers. Men picked apples till noon & finished the picking. Norman ploughed all afternoon, Will picked up fallen spies. Laura picked up a few {sutton beaty?} then Norman & Laura went up to Marguerites at night. John brought Mother up to stay with me, then went on to Unionville. (etc.) Will did not feel good all day so rode to Yonge St with Norm and went on to the city. I washed to-day. Will Brooke here in the afternoon for a while.

Tuesday, November 5

Weather - fair & cool. Norman & I in for chores milking etc. as Will did not get back. Norman ploughed all day. Billy (horse) brought back this morning. Mother & I had a busy day mending.

Wednesday, November 6

Weather - cool South West wind. Norman & I did milking & chores in morning. Then he ploughed all day. Will arrived at noon. Mother & I walked down home afterdinner then went on to the W.M.S. meeting at the church, stayed for tea & the Thank Offering meeting at night it was a lovely meeting Mrs Forbes of Weston addressed the meeting & had views on her work of Trinidad. Not so large a crowd as usual, ploughing match on at G.S. Henry's. Mother & I called in home on our way back & rode up with Norman. Will cleared out hen house & pig pen and picked up more apples in afternoon. {65?} eggs. to-day.

Thursday, November 7

Weather - fair & milder. Men ploughed in forenoon, Norman broke tractor, then went to Richmond HIll got back at noon. Men ploughed potatoes out in the orchard afterdinner then they ploughed wiht the horses. Clarence Pinder here for a bale of Straw. Mr {Lunar?} came out to see me about Norman going to Hamilton to-morrow with him Mother went down home after breakfast and John brought her up about 8.30 at night. Norman went away.

Friday, November 8

Weather - fair & cool Norman left shortly after seven to go to Mr {Lunua's?} then on to Hamilton, did not get home until six p.m. Will & I did chores at noon & night. Men made cider at night. Will ploughed all day. John here at night, also Mr Flett for four his spies. Norm went out to store about ten for the truck. 53 eggs to-day.

Saturday, November 9

Weather - fair & cool Norman went to market. Will & I did chores all day. Mother walked down home in the afternoon got back at chore time. Will ploughed in afternoon, but just chored all forenoon. Produce from farm - {list} 30 1/2 eggs cider 6 gall. apples 53 eggs to-day.

Sunday, November 10

Weather - fair & bright with rain at night Mother walked down home in forenoon. litter {carnies?} broke this morning. I did not got to church, I heard Rev Rich-Roberts of Sherbourne United Church preach an {armistesee?} sermon. Norman went away after dinner. Mr Lewis & wife called for a basket of Macintosh apples. Mother got back about 530. all_ spent the evening at home. 54 eggs to-day

Monday, November 11

Weather - cloudy with light showers occasionally. Men ploughed all day. Mother & I got {forer?} ready to roast. John & the girls came up for tea, then John went on over for Isabel & mother went home for the night. 42 eggs to-day.

Tuesday november 12

weather-dull & rather warm.

men ploughed all day.Chopped feed for a while after dinner.

katie craig come up at noon for some ice,but had none.

Isabel and I spent the day doing fancy work etc.

Jack brought,mother,Marguerite and Doreen here to-night.

norman went to the dis tonight.

45 eggs

Wednesday november 13

weather-rained most of forenoon and dull all afternoon.

men chored etc in forenoon (picked up apples)

ploughed all afternoon.

John up in forenoon,girls drove up in the afternoon,mother went home with them.

Isobel,marguerite and doreen went over to isobels home at night while john was at preparatory service.

I rode down with norman.

Quite a number present.

Leslie came home to-night.

45 eggs.

Thursday, November 14

Weather - cloudy with rain in the afternoon & heavy rain at night. Norman finished ploughing with tractor in afternoon, then, cleaned out the gents stall, Will ploughed all day. John brought mother up in the morning and took Marguerite & Isobel to city returning about two p.m. so mother went home with him. we {Rept Doreem?} 52 Eggs.

Friday, November 15

Weather - bright & cool. Men ploughed all forenoon. In afternoon. Will made 14 gallon cider. Norman ploughed & picked over apples. Laura came up in the afternoon and took, Isobel, Marguerite, and Doreen down home, I went down at night with Norman & brought Marguerite, Doreen home, Isobel went home. Douglas returned about one O'clock a.m. brought one deer home. 45 eggs

Saturday, November 16

Weather - bright & cool. Men ploughed all day, Norman took prince out to Kelly (with lame foot.) Douglas went to market to-day. at night took Will to Thornhill, Marguerite Doreen & I went along. Institute to-day at Burn's. Mr Pinder, Newton Burn & Jim were here at night & cut the deer up. Produce - {list} 14 gal. cider 26 1/2 Doz eggs 24 pts cream. 49 Eggs.

Sunday, November 17

Weather - dull & mild. Attended church service & {communion?} Marguerite cooked the venison dinner. Jack came down for dinner and they left about four O'clock. I attended youn peoples at night Mrs Woods adressed the meeting, (On Quebec.) quite a number present. Norman & Will off to-day. Douglas took venison over Mr F {Stevens?} and called at church for me. 45 Eggs.

Monday, November 18

Weather - strong East wind with heavy rain, turning, cold at night. Douglas put some apples in cellar & put on storm doors, Norman chored & picked over snow apples. Will came back at night. Teacher traing class held at Markham got ready but did not get over to it.

Tuesday, November 19

Weather - bright & cool. Will & Norman ploughed in forenoon, men chopped feed right after dinner. Wash day for me. Douglas took Bales up to Mr R Nichols to bale hay to-morrow. Mrs Walton was here for tea and she - I attended a meeting at Burns to arrange Supper list for oyster supper.

Wednesday, November 20

Weather - fair & cool Douglas & Norman baled 8 tons hay at {Rons?} Nichols. Will did chores & drew manure in garden. Laura was up for the afternoon. Della Burn was here at noon. Party at D Brown's we did not go.

Thursday, November 21

Weather - bright & cool 1 heavy frost. Douglas & Will clipped two cows in forenoon, put apples down celler cleaned hen house etc. Norman took part of day of. Man here selling tin parts. had another roast of venison to-day. Edith Craig has typhoid fever. 36 eggs.

Friday, November 22

Weather - bright & quite cool. men made cider and picked 4 ducks and 2 geese. Ruby & {Mirrin?} {Finth?} here this a.m. Mr Woods called in the afternoon. Douglas Woods here in the evening. Practice at church for xmas entertainment (first practice) I do not go on account of city to-morrow.

Saturday, November 23

Weather - fair & cool. Norman spent most of day in bed and going to see the Dr. Will did chores & was digging at a dead apple tree. Pat went to market, Della Burn, Mildred Woods, Dorothy, & I went to town, met Helen Rodick at 2.45 then went to the museum on Bloor St. West. Produce from farm - {list} Cream - 22 pts. eggs - 25 1/2 doz. Cider - 14 gallon. ducks - 4 geese - 2 apples. - {list end} Pat called for us and we all went to Rodicks for {illegible} pat came down at night for me. Della {illegible} house for me.

Sunday, November 24

Weather - fair & cool. We attended S.S. & church in forenoon, Newton & Della came up for a venison, dinner. I took my class to-day first since I was sick. Norman spent most of day in bed. I went out to Craigs for the evening.

Monday, November 25

Weather - fair a little milder. Norman went to city for the day. Will & Pat raked & burned leaves Pat helped me to stuff my down comforter.

Tuesday, November 26

Weather - fair & bright. Pat burned brush piles & leaves all forenoon, Will was raking leaves. Norman took most of day of. Mrs Joe Frisheller did about 4.15 p.m. to-day at her son (Edward's)

Wednesday, November 27

Weather - cloudy with light showers. Men raked leaves & picked over potatoes in morning, in the afternoon they were plowing. Pat took me down to the church in the afternoon then we went on to Richmond Hill. Oyster Supper at church at night splendid crowd & {cment?} given by Mr A. Pack of Toronto. Alex here in afternoon with another man.

Thursday, November 28

Weather - brighth & cold. Men ploughed in the forenoon Pat & I went down to help clean up after oyster supper, Della Burn went along also. In afternoon we went to city to see Roleon & Jolson. then on to Royal Fair. Many Rodick Will Brooks & Rhea Scott had tea with us at Cole's. Fern Firth up in the morning. Saw 23 people we knew at the fair.

Friday, November 29

Weather - very cold. Men picked fowl & made cider. Mrs J Calvert & Janet French were here in the afternoon. Douglas Woods called in the evening. Pat & I attended a 10{cent symbol?} social at church and some decided we would not have a Christmas entertainment just a Xmas Supper & games. Mr Hills barn burned to-night. (Coldest weather since 1875 for so early.) Made xmas cake to-day.

Saturday, November 30

Weather - Cold Strong S.W. Winds. men chored all day 1 pipes froze up so they had to water cattle by pail. Douglas went to market took Will to Thronhill at night. Produce - {list} 14 gal cider 28 pts cream 5 ducks. 2 geese. 24 1/2 Doz eggs.



Sunday, December 1

Weather - still cold but not such strong wind snow at night We attended S.S. & church. Norman went away after dinner. We rested in afternoon and attended young pepoles at night. Slides on Pilgrim Progress, Alice went down with us. 49 Eggs

Monday, December 2

Weather - ground covered with snow rather cold. Pat & Norman chopped feed, Pat took car down to garage then on down to Scotts & Rodicks to see abotu baling. Mr Pinder here in forenoon. Ruby Firth up for milk. At night I took Alice Wilkinson over to the teacher training class which we both enjoyed very much, sorry it was last night. Will came back at night. Wash day for me. 14 hogs went to town in afternoon. 48 Eggs

Tuesday, December 3

Tues - Weather - lovely bright day rather cold. Pat & Norman went down to Mr Rodicks to bale straw. Will did chores all day. Mr Pinder brought scales back. 39 Eggs

Wednesday, December 4

Weather - cold & blustery roads pretty heavy in places. Pat & Norman went down to Mr rodicks again to bale straw. Will chored all day. I attended the 20th annual W.M.S. at church in the afternoon. I was relected Treasure (for the last nine yrs.) a S.S. meeting & board meeting to be held at night was post poned on account of roads. 54 Eggs.

Thursday, December 5

Weather - Cloudy & milder. Pat & Norman baled hay all day at Mr Rodicks, then Norman took bales down to Mr Scotts. Pat took me to Langstaff before he went to work, for the 8.15 car. Met Marguerite and Isobel at Eaton's at 12 Oclock. I arrived home at 9 p.m. Will made 15 1/2 gallons cider. 59 Eggs to-day.

Friday, December 6

Weather - north east wind and cloudy. Pat & Norman baled hay at Mr Scotts in forenoon. in afternoon they picked fowl. Will made 10 gallon cider. Della came up up for short visit in the afternoon, Norman went to Unionville at night. Pat rode down to garage with him to get his car.

Saturday, December 7

Weather - Cloudy with snow at night. men chored & drew out manure. Douglas went to market. Newton came up in afternoon for Young's scalding trough & brought up some turnips. Produce - {list} 25 1/2 gallon cider 27 Doz eggs. 26 pt cream. 2 geese 5 ducks.

Sunday, December 8

Weather - lovely day a little sunshine in the afternoon. Attended S.S. & Church in forenoon. John came up for dinner with us. called in home on our way down for mother in afternoon then, we went on up to Marguerite's for the rest of day.

Monday, December 9

Weather - cloudy not ver cold. Pat & Norman went down to Mr Scotts to bale in forenoon, broke baler, and norman got home about eleven Oclock. Pat & Mr Lunar went on to Hamilton for repairs. Laura was up for short while late in afternoon, also Ruby Firth. Pat & I got ready after supper to go to unionvill when fuese blew out in car so I stayed at home. Pat went on with the hunter crowd to FranklinSthen's to an oyster supper. made mincemeat to-day.

Tuesday, December 10

Weather - milder with heavy snowfall at night. Will drew manure to-day & chored Douglas & Norman went down to Mr Schotts with repairs for baler took most of day to repair it, so no baling done. John came up in afternoon with with some fresh pork for us. at night Douglas took me to unionville. S.S. meeting at church but we did not go. Russel Burs three here hunting rabbits. 63 eggs to-day.

Wednesday, December 11

Weather - cold day. Douglas & Norman went down to MrScotts & finished baling there at noon then moved on to Thomson's for the afternoon. Will drew manure & chored all day. Will & I did milking. Mr French down at night for milk.

Thursday, December 12

Weather - Cold north Easterly winds, with snow. Douglas & Norman went on over to bale for the day. Will chored, and he & I did milking. 58 Eggs.

Friday, December 13

Weather - misty, mild day. Douglas & Norman baled in forenoon. In afternoon they picked fowl. Will chored & made cider.

Saturday, December 14

Weather - cloudy & mild. Douglas went to market Billy went along. men chored & drew manure. I attended Jr {Inot?} at Della Stephenson's in afternoon. Pat took Will to Yonge St at night. Produce from Farm {list} 4 bus apples. 2 geese 3 ducks. 29 1/2 Doz eggs. 25 pts cream 12 gallon cider.

Sunday, December 15

Weather - cloudy a little colder. attended S.S. & church. Mr & Mrs Rev Woods had dinner with us and Mrs Brooke came for dinner and spent the day with us. We attended young people at night calling in home on our way back. miss Laura Frierheller died at noon to-day. age 49 Will came back to-night. norman went away for afternoon & evening.

Monday, December 16

Weather - north east, cold wind. a little snow. Douglas + Norman went over to finish baling at Thomson, amount 46 tons. J Calvert down in forenoon for calf, gas truck up this morning. Will chored & drew manure. Wash day for me. Laura came up in afternoon to celebrate her birthday (gave her some silverware). They went to show at night.

Tuesday, December 17

Weather - Fair cloudy with sleat all day.

Men moved on over to Mr A Vanhorne's started about 11 P.M. Will chored & picked over apples. Miss Furheller funeral to-day. {Short?

{Shut?} of with milk to-day so had to separate twice.

Wednesday, December 18

Weather - cloudy with sleat all day. men still baling at Vanhornes. Will chored & drew manure. Warren Boynton ask us to go to a Xmas entertainment at Headford, in his sleigh. stormy so did not go.

Thursday, December 19

Weather - cold north east wind quite stormy, mostly sleat. I sent my xmas parcel over to Auntie's to-day with Dorothy. Men finished baling at Vanhorne's, 47 tons. I spent the afternoon with the Craigs. no cars going up & down fourth to-day.

Friday, December 20

Weather - very cold & blustery. fourth still closed for cars. Pat & norman went over & got bales brought it, to Charlie Boynton's and brought tractor home to grind feed. Will made cider & chroed. Douglas norman & I finished picking the geese. Norman drew truck down to corner with the team. newton and Della were up in afternoon took parcel over to Burrs for me.

Saturday, December 21

Weather - North West wind, cold. norman drew car down to corner so Pat could go to town. Will went down to bring team back as norman went into our place to help thresh, but broke machine so he came home for dinner. Produce from farm - {list} cider 18 gallons. Eggs 33 1/2 Doz. cream 36 pts geese 4 apples 5 bus. {list end} Della came up for afternoon - Laura called for her. Ruby Firth here. norman drew car up at night {from?} Hoopers. went to corner to meet Leslie.

Sunday, December 22

Weather, Ideal, bright Sunny day. no one went to S.S. or Church as Pat & norman had boils on neck. norman went out to see Edith Craig in afternoon. Mother & Dorothy came up for a short while in afternoon, then went on out to see Edith. Charlie Hooper came over in the morning and took our milk to corner. {line of watery ink stain below}

Monday, December 23

Weather - East Wind, with heavy snow fall all day. Norman went to city for the day. Sleighing party for S.S. put of on account of storm, just had the aupper, not many present either. I did not go as Will went to city about 4 Oclock, so Pat and I were alone for chores. {dot-like watery ink stain below near bottom left corner.}

Thursday, December 26

Weather, cloudy with south west wind somewhat blustery. Charles Hooper took our milk down this morning. norman went out & got rad for the tractor & chopped feed in forenoon. I got my shaggy rug out in morning. took Sleigh on norht trip this p.m.

Firiday, December 27

Weather,-cloudy & mild. norman took milk to corner then went on to Boyington's for goose from Curl & took Les & {growirs?} down & brought bread back. Douglas took car to garage to get teh clutch fixed. Della came up in the morning & stayed for the day. Douglas went over to Padget after dinner to get a young goose as Curlo turned out a gander also. We sent our old one to market alive weighing 19 Ibs.

Saturday, December 28

Weather - Cloudy & mild with light showers. Mother & I went to city with Douglas, Mr Cummingham rode to Thornhill with us. got picture for {Dett?} to-day, also 1Dg (14) towels & 3 Dg handkerchiefs for the range orphange norman alone to-day. Walter Craig was up in afternoon. Produce - {list} 30 Dg eggs 33 pts cream 3 ducks 1 goose 8. bus apples. {list end} Pat won african gander at store at night in the ripple for 204. held m

Sunday, December 29

Weather - Some Sunshine, mild turning colder at night. Douglas took me down to S.S. hut he came home on account of boils on his neck, I Walked up after S.S. and did not stay for church. norman away for day. Cora Hooper & Eileen Pratt here in afternoon. Spent evening at home reading etc. 70 eggs to-day. held milk to-day.

Weather - fair & cool.

Norman went over home frenoon returning in afternoon at chore time. Newton up in up in afternoon at chore time. Nestor up in frenoon. I chert here at noon with two fees and they bought Billy (horse).

Douglar attended the nomination at unimimile in afternoon a good crowd. Will came home at night.

Pat killed old goose & picked her in the morning.

I washed storm windows in afternoon ha ha.

Weather - bright & mild.

Douglar & Dorman went over to Charlie. Boyotins to take for the day. C.Hopin took our milk to corner for us. Dorothy come up in morning to help me, but went home in afternoon. Ruby firth up for milk. Had to separate to night.


Books I read during winter of 1929 + 1930 + 1931

The keeper of the bees

The girl from Montana

Polly and Eleanor

A minister of Grace

The white flag (Gord)

Her fathers daughter (Lord)

With Lee in Virginia

At the south gate

Painted fires

Mr Miller 62 Feb 23/29

E Harper 31 Dec/28

J. Ash 39 Nov 2/28

Mr Walton 42 June/29

Sun July 21 = 1928 D & J - took Mr Mills to St John's pm {symbol below?}

Fri Aug 23. 1928 St John Church struck with lightning & burned

{Back cover}


Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_001.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_002.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_003.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_004.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_005.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_006.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_007.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_008.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_009.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_010.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_011.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_012.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_013.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_014.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_015.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_016.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_017.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_018.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_019.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_020.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_021.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_022.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_023.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_024.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_025.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_026.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_027.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_028.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_029.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_030.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_031.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_032.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_033.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_034.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_035.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_036.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_037.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_038.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_039.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_040.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_041.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_042.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_043.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_044.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_045.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_046.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_047.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_048.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_049.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_050.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_051.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_052.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_053.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_054.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_055.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_056.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_057.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_058.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_059.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_060.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_061.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_062.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_063.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_064.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_065.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_066.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_067.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_068.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_069.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_070.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_071.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_072.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_073.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_074.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_075.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_076.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_077.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_078.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_079.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_080.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_081.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_082.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_083.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_084.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_085.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_086.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_087.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_088.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_089.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_090.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_091.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_092.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_093.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_094.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_095.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_096.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_097.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_098.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_099.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_100.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_101.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_102.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_103.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_104.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_105.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_106.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_107.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_108.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_109.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_110.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_111.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_112.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_113.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_114.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_115.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_116.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_117.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_118.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_119.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_120.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_121.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_122.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_123.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_124.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_125.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_126.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_127.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_128.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_129.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_130.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_131.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_132.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_133.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_134.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_135.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_136.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_137.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_138.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_139.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_140.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_141.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_142.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_143.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_144.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_145.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_146.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_147.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_148.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_149.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_150.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_151.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_152.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_153.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_154.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_155.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_156.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_157.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_158.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_159.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_160.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_161.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_162.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_163.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_164.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_165.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_166.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_167.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_168.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_169.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_170.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_171.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_172.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_173.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_174.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_175.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_176.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_177.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_178.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_179.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_180.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_181.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_182.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_183.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_184.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_185.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_186.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_187.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_188.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_189.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_190.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_191.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_192.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_193.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_194.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_195.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_196.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_197.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_198.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_199.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_200.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_201.pdf
Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_202.pdf


Gertrude Brown Hood, “Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1929,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 9, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/381.

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  1. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_001.pdf
  2. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_002.pdf
  3. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_003.pdf
  4. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_004.pdf
  5. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_005.pdf
  6. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_006.pdf
  7. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_007.pdf
  8. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_008.pdf
  9. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_009.pdf
  10. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_010.pdf
  11. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_011.pdf
  12. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_012.pdf
  13. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_013.pdf
  14. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_014.pdf
  15. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_015.pdf
  16. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_016.pdf
  17. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_017.pdf
  18. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_018.pdf
  19. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_019.pdf
  20. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_020.pdf
  21. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_021.pdf
  22. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_022.pdf
  23. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_023.pdf
  24. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_024.pdf
  25. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_025.pdf
  26. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_026.pdf
  27. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_027.pdf
  28. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_028.pdf
  29. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_029.pdf
  30. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_030.pdf
  31. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_031.pdf
  32. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_032.pdf
  33. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_033.pdf
  34. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_034.pdf
  35. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_035.pdf
  36. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_036.pdf
  37. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_037.pdf
  38. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_038.pdf
  39. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_039.pdf
  40. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_040.pdf
  41. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_041.pdf
  42. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_042.pdf
  43. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_043.pdf
  44. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_044.pdf
  45. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_045.pdf
  46. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_046.pdf
  47. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_047.pdf
  48. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_048.pdf
  49. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_049.pdf
  50. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_050.pdf
  51. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_051.pdf
  52. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_052.pdf
  53. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_053.pdf
  54. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_054.pdf
  55. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_055.pdf
  56. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_056.pdf
  57. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_057.pdf
  58. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_058.pdf
  59. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_059.pdf
  60. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_060.pdf
  61. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_061.pdf
  62. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_062.pdf
  63. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_063.pdf
  64. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_064.pdf
  65. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_065.pdf
  66. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_066.pdf
  67. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_067.pdf
  68. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_068.pdf
  69. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_069.pdf
  70. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_070.pdf
  71. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_071.pdf
  72. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_072.pdf
  73. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_073.pdf
  74. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_074.pdf
  75. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_075.pdf
  76. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_076.pdf
  77. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_077.pdf
  78. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_078.pdf
  79. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_079.pdf
  80. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_080.pdf
  81. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_081.pdf
  82. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_082.pdf
  83. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_083.pdf
  84. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_084.pdf
  85. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_085.pdf
  86. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_086.pdf
  87. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_087.pdf
  88. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_088.pdf
  89. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_089.pdf
  90. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_090.pdf
  91. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_091.pdf
  92. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_092.pdf
  93. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_093.pdf
  94. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_094.pdf
  95. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_095.pdf
  96. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_096.pdf
  97. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_097.pdf
  98. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_098.pdf
  99. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_099.pdf
  100. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_100.pdf
  101. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_101.pdf
  102. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_102.pdf
  103. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_103.pdf
  104. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_104.pdf
  105. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_105.pdf
  106. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_106.pdf
  107. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_107.pdf
  108. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_108.pdf
  109. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_109.pdf
  110. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_110.pdf
  111. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_111.pdf
  112. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_112.pdf
  113. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_113.pdf
  114. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_114.pdf
  115. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_115.pdf
  116. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_116.pdf
  117. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_117.pdf
  118. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_118.pdf
  119. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_119.pdf
  120. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_120.pdf
  121. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_121.pdf
  122. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_122.pdf
  123. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_123.pdf
  124. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_124.pdf
  125. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_125.pdf
  126. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_126.pdf
  127. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_127.pdf
  128. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_128.pdf
  129. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_129.pdf
  130. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_130.pdf
  131. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_131.pdf
  132. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_132.pdf
  133. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_133.pdf
  134. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_134.pdf
  135. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_135.pdf
  136. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_136.pdf
  137. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_137.pdf
  138. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_138.pdf
  139. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_139.pdf
  140. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_140.pdf
  141. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_141.pdf
  142. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_142.pdf
  143. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_143.pdf
  144. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_144.pdf
  145. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_145.pdf
  146. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_146.pdf
  147. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_147.pdf
  148. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_148.pdf
  149. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_149.pdf
  150. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_150.pdf
  151. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_151.pdf
  152. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_152.pdf
  153. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_153.pdf
  154. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_154.pdf
  155. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_155.pdf
  156. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_156.pdf
  157. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_157.pdf
  158. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_158.pdf
  159. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_159.pdf
  160. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_160.pdf
  161. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_161.pdf
  162. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_162.pdf
  163. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_163.pdf
  164. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_164.pdf
  165. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_165.pdf
  166. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_166.pdf
  167. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_167.pdf
  168. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_168.pdf
  169. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_169.pdf
  170. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_170.pdf
  171. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_171.pdf
  172. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_172.pdf
  173. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_173.pdf
  174. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_174.pdf
  175. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_175.pdf
  176. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_176.pdf
  177. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_177.pdf
  178. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_178.pdf
  179. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_179.pdf
  180. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_180.pdf
  181. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_181.pdf
  182. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_182.pdf
  183. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_183.pdf
  184. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_184.pdf
  185. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_185.pdf
  186. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_186.pdf
  187. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_187.pdf
  188. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_188.pdf
  189. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_189.pdf
  190. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_190.pdf
  191. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_191.pdf
  192. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_192.pdf
  193. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_193.pdf
  194. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_194.pdf
  195. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_195.pdf
  196. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_196.pdf
  197. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_197.pdf
  198. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_198.pdf
  199. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_199.pdf
  200. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_200.pdf
  201. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_201.pdf
  202. Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_202.pdf
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