=== Thursday, December 26 === Weather, cloudy with south west wind somewhat blustery. Charles Hooper took our milk down this morning. norman went out & got rad for the tractor & chopped feed in forenoon. I got my shaggy rug out in morning. took Sleigh on norht trip this p.m. === Firiday, December 27 === Weather,-cloudy & mild. norman took milk to corner then went on to Boyington's for goose from Curl & took Les & {growirs?} down & brought bread back. Douglas took car to garage to get teh clutch fixed. Della came up in the morning & stayed for the day. Douglas went over to Padget after dinner to get a young goose as Curlo turned out a gander also. We sent our old one to market alive weighing 19 Ibs.
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