February, 1926. 6 Saturday. Changeable. Walter was gadding all day and had his dinner at Thur's. Tonight Walter and Ella went to Silas Bauman's Their neighbors and friends had a farewell party for Mrs. Silas Bauman and a shower for Mr. & Mrs. Isaiah Bauman. 7 Sunday. Cold and clear. We went to Woolwich church & S. School this afternoon and Walter went to practice tonight. 8 Monday. Cold. Snowflurries Ella did the washing. Walter & Aubrey went to Elmira Monthly Fair this morning and Vernon & Noah's girls went along. 9 Tuesday Cold wind from the east Snowing and storming. We butchered 2 pigs here for Grandpa Maurer's and Mr. Maurer and Ezra helped. Uncle Jue Sitter of Alliance, Alberta was here for dinner. Other callers - Jue Shoemaker, Ezra Thur and Abe Horst.
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