Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1926-1927
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{Black front cover.}
Ella Maurer's diary
for the year 1926.
January, 1926.
1 Friday. New Year's Day. Milder and very windy. Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Weaver, Willard, Mildred, Doris and Howard Ross were here for dinner and supper. Christ. Clements, formerly of Creekbank and non-engaged in selling nursery stock and seeds came here this after-noon and stayed for tea and the night. Grandpa Maurer attended the funeral of Jacob Weiderhammer at Waterloo today.
2 Saturday. Dull and dreary. Aubrey and Vernon worked in the bush today. Elmo came over for her after tea and we played crokinole. When they got ready to go home they found that their horse had taken French leave so Walter hitched, up and took them home.
January, 1926.
3 Sunday. Foggy. Raw east wind blowing. Walter, Ella & Vernon went to Sunday school this morning and went over to Milton {Eix's?} near Floradale for dinner.
4 Monday. Mild, foggy & drizzly Ella did her washing. Walter butchered 2 pigs at Allen Wagner's today. George & Gordon Bolender visited us tonight.
5 Tuesday. Mild, foggy & drizzly. Walter took Ella to Floradale this afternoon and she helped to quilt at Bert's. Walter was there for supper too.
6 Wednesday. Snowing & storming. Walter went up to Jake Beuders this morning to butcher but it was too nasty so he came home again.
7 Thursday. Clear and cold. Walter & Aubrey took 5 fat pigs to Elmira this morning. They took a sow Walter sold over to Jake Spies this p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Miller spent the evening here.
January, 1926.
8 Friday. Fair. Cold east wind. Walter butchered 4 pigs at Jake Beuder's today. Aubrey worked in the bush.
9 Saturday. Snowed all day. Vernon and Aubrey worked in the bush. Walter entertained his callers at the barn viz. - Alfred Shantz, Oscar Schierholtz and Alfred Ritter.
10 Sunday. Blustery. We went to church & S. School this p.m. in the sleigh with Enoch's. Aubrey visited in Drayton. Our company for tea were - Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Miller, Charlie Miller, and Ezra Thur. Noah Miller spent the evening here.
11 Monday. Not very cold. Snowed all day. Walter and Aubrey took Vernon, Ruth and Esther also four little pigs to Elmira this morning
12 Tuesday. Colder. Snowflurries Walter helped Ella do the washing this morning and went to Mrs. Jim Watson's sale. He had his dinner and supper at Sim's
January, 1926
13 Wednesday. Fine day. Walter called at Enoch Schneider's this morning and at Sim. and Liue. Weaver's this afternoon. Mrs. Enoch S. is sick in bed with blood poisoning.
14 Thursday. Beautiful morning Snowed and stormed this afternoon. Ella took down her dining room and kitchen curtains, and washed them. Walter and Aubrey took some fat pigs to Elmira and took 3 over to Oscar Schierholtz.
15 Friday. Stormy. Walter made two trips to Alma this morning and this afternoon he took the Minorca here up to Alex Borovoy. Vernon came home from Elmira with Ju. Stange.
16 Saturday. Fine mild day. Vernon and Aubrey worked in the bush. Walter went down to Mr. Adams and Jake Beuder called on him.
January, 1926.
17 Sunday.Fair and quite mild. Walter, Ella and Vernon went to Sunday school this morning and to Jus. Schweitzer's for dinner and supper.
18 Monday. Mild and rained all day. Walter and Ella left this morning intending to take Vernon to Elmira and go on from there to Grandpa Krauter's but it rained so hard that Ella got off at Schwindts and stayed there all day until Walter got back.
19 Tuesday. Fine and somewhat colder. We butchered a pig here today and worked it up for Alfred and Orville Shantz. Orville Shantz was here for dinner.
20 Wednesday. Mild & drizzly this morning. Turned colder. Ella did her washing. Walter butchered 2 pigs at Otto Millers today
January, 1926.
29 Friday. Cold. Walter went over to Noah's and did his chores again this morning also tonight. Aubrey was shovelling snow this morning and went to Elmira this afternoon. He brought Vernon and Miller's girls home with him. Tonight Aubrey and Walter, Vernon and Ella went to the Literary at Augus Webers. We hitched up Grace and Donald in the sleigh and took a load over.
30 Saturday. Mild. Vernon and Aubrey worked in the bush this p.m.
31 Sunday. Raw east wind blowing We drove to church & S. School this morning with Enoch's in the big sleigh. Our company today - Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Weaver, Willard Mildred Doris and Howard, Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Schwindt, Ruth, Ruby, Willard Vernon, Kenneth and Maurice.
February, 1926.
1 Monday. Fair and colder. Snowflurries Walter took Vernon to Elmira this morn-ing and went up to Grandpa Krauter's and traded Dexter and Donald off on a heavy team.
2 Tuesday. Fair. We butchered 2 pigs here for Geo. Snider's today. Mrs. Snider was here all day and helped. Geo. Snider was here part of the time.
3 Wednesday. Cold raw east wind blowing. Walter helped to butcher at Norman Snider's today.
4 Thursday. Cold, clear & stormy. Walter spent the day in Elmira Vernon came home with him tonight.
5 Friday. Cold, clear fine day. Ella's birthday. She is 35 years old. Mr. & Mrs. Elmo King were here for supper. Walter & Elmo went up to Liue Weaver's this afternoon and Mrs. Elmo stayed with Ella. Vernon gave Ella a nice box of chocolate for her birthday.
February, 1926.
6 Saturday. Changeable. Walter was gadding all day and had his dinner at Thur's. Tonight Walter and Ella went to Silas Bauman's Their neighbors and friends had a farewell party for Mrs. Silas Bauman and a shower for Mr. & Mrs. Isaiah Bauman.
7 Sunday. Cold and clear. We went to Woolwich church & S. School this afternoon and Walter went to practice tonight.
8 Monday. Cold. Snowflurries Ella did the washing. Walter & Aubrey went to Elmira Monthly Fair this morning and Vernon & Noah's girls went along.
9 Tuesday Cold wind from the east Snowing and storming. We butchered 2 pigs here for Grandpa Maurer's and Mr. Maurer and Ezra helped. Uncle Jue Sitter of Alliance, Alberta was here for dinner. Other callers - Jue Shoemaker, Ezra Thur and Abe Horst.
Febuary, 1926
10 Wednesday Clear and very cold Walter & Ella went to Mrs. Silae Baumans sales this afternoon and Aubrey hitches up Grace and went to Floradale.
11 Thursday Clear and very cold. Walter shipped hoop at Elmina, had this deminea at St. Jacob and went to Kitchner. Vermones came home switche hime tonight.
12 Friday Juice and melder. We butchered 3 peg here for Edler's Luceothe Eddle's helper and waw here for dinner and supper. Callen-Yes. Snider, Addines Reiet and Emersons Stichway.
12 Saturday. Feines mild day. Walter's bud Aubrey took two at cattets Elminein their morning - Repeates L'arse and another dereford heifer. This afternoon they hitches up Grace and drove around the neighbourhood
Febuary, 1926
14 Sunday. Breasy and quite mild We drove to church St Sechord with Enoch's in the beg sleigh. Our company for chleiners - Mr & Mrs. L'eons Wagner Eldon and Ruby.
15 Monday Stormy Ella did her evolving. Walter took Vermont's Elniras this morning and went to Creekhawk and Ellen's this afternoon
16 Tuesday Very storymy. Cleared up by night. Walter & Ella went new to Auguse Weler's sales today and went though for dinner and supper
17 Wenesday Fair. Walter was buchering at Addiner Reites today. He went owes to Otto Millenes tonight and clained as cow. Ella was coming sweet apples today and did her monring Callers. Charles Miller and Ray Normin.
18 Thursday Not very cold and rained all day. Walkter & Ella went to Addein Weben sale today. We had dinner and supper at Grand Krauten. Verman came home with use. We saw a crow this mornig
February, 1926
19 Friday. Cold and stormy. Walter and Aubrey went to Floradale this afternoon and brought home the bed and sleigh from Augus Weber's. We were invited to two parties tonight but didn't go to either as the roads were very heavy. {Name?} was at Augus Weber's and the other one at Dick Dousling's.
20 Saturday. Cold. Snowflurries. Vernom and Aubrey cut down a dead tree in the orchand.
21 Sunday. Cold. We drove to church with Enoch's in the sleigh. Rev. Storey inelligble of S. America gabe an interesting talk. Name? called in and left a.. Aladdin Lamp here on trial.
22 Monday. Fair and cold. Walter took Vermon to Elmina this morning, had his dinner at Leon Wagner's and managed to get home for supper. Callers - Charlie Miller, Ezra Miller and Ted. Normie.
Febuary, 1926
23 Tuesday. Cold. Snow fences Ella did her washing today. Walter butchered a big pig at Keepke's today. Tonight, Walter, Ellas & Aubrey went down to the Woolwich churchs coheres Mr. Storey showed some lauters slides of the work of the missionaries in South America
24 Wednesday Beautiful clear, cold day. Walter butchered 2 pigs at Herb Nowin's today. Ella was at a guilting at Mm.Ed/ Beudene's and hads a read nine times. Aubrey was drawing manner.
25 Thurday Nice weather. Henrey rice and worthfiend Walter went to Elminas this morning.
26 Friday Stormed all day. Walkter went to Earl Kavanaugh's sale this afternoon. Aubrey got Vernon at Elmina this pm. Charlie Minller visisted we thought.
Febuary, 1926
27 SaturdayClear and very cold. Walkter left after breakfast and took a load of grit to Floradale but they had a breakdown there so he had to go to Elmina with it. The bauls around the builidng here are heighes that they're even beer since we moved here. This pm Vermons shovelled awayre gone past and dig comes hore and it pures lasted grod for peupper.
28 Sunday Not quite so cold. Snowflowing. We went to Woolwight church and S.Selhorl where Mm. L'ee of Gauots gave we a goof Temperances addresses. Mr & Mrs. Allens Wagner and children, Beattrice and Mabel was here for dinner.
March, 1926
1 MondayChangeable weather Walter & Ella took Vermow to Elvira this morning. We had the heavy team hitched to the slegh and took a load of grist. It snowed something feirce when we were going down. Ella had some work done at Dr.Helline's and they had their dinner at Art Kleinek's Jakes King came alone up from Elmirne Walter killed a beef at Louis Miller's this afternoon.
2 Tuesday Snowing and storming Walter was butchering at Louis Miller's today. Ella did her washing. 2
3 Wednesday Ferice storm all day. The snow banks are higher than ever. Walter butchered a cow and two big pigs at Liercohes Weaver's today. Weley Weasver of Seulae, Sask. came home with him and was here for the night.
March, 1926
4 Thursday Clear and very cold. Walter & Wesley Weaver went to Elviras this morning and Vernow came home with him. Walter and Aubrey went to Dick Wousleigh's sale this afternoon.
5 Friday Ferice, clear very cold day. We butchered one pig for ourselves and one for Sams Breakard today. Earl Miller was here for dinner.
6 Saturday Fair and milder. Raw east wind blowing. Norman Miller visited Vermon this afternoon. Aubrey hitched Graee to the little old sleigh and took the bed he brought from Walter up to Graytow.
7 Sunday Snowing. Walter went to prayer meeting this morning and we all went to church this p.m. and Walter, and Ella went again tonight
8 Monday Fine morning. Very storymy p.m. Walter & Aubrey went to Elvira's this morning. and took Vermans down. Ella did her washing.
March, 1926.
9 Tuesday. Clear and very cold. Walter and Aubrey went to Robert Yale's early this afternoon.
10 Wednesday. Fair and cold. Walter & Aubrey were out on a horse hunting expedition today and had their dinner at Reuben Lawson's but didn't get a horse. Born - On March 9 to Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Shuhs, a {illegible} - Howard Anderson.
11 Thursday. Fine day. Walter chipped hogs at Elmina today. Ella was quilting at {Noeplce's?} all day. Yearge got hen this morning and brought hen home tonight. Edna, Rachel, Martha Hill, Mis Yen. Bolender and Mrs. {name?} Banman helped.
12 Friday. Clear cold and windy. Walter took a load of chopping to Floredale this morning. Name? & James Banman got a load of hay this afternoon. Calden - Mr. & Mrs. Allen Wagner, Beatrice & Mabel. Emerson & Irene Spien, Aurie Snider & Laurice Miller and Rev. E.H. Beau. Aubrey got {illegible} at Elmina this p.m.
March, 1926.
13 Saturday. Clear cold & windy. Walter took a load of grist to Floradale this morning. Called at Louise Millers this afternoon and had his supper there. Laura & Norman Miller were on wistons this afternoon. Josiah & James Banman got another load of hay.
14 Sunday. Clear windy & very cold. Walter, Ella & Vernom went to church & S. School this morning went over to Otto Millers and stayed for dinner & supper.
15 Monday. Fine sunny day. Not so cold. Started to snow towards evening. Ella did her washing and cleaning. Walter took Vernam to school this morning and managed to get home by ten-time.
16 Tuesday. Fine, clear, cold day. Walter butchered 3 pigs at Wilbert Beuder's today. Aubrey was drawing {ma....?}. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Miller spent this evening here and we played crokinole.
March, 1926
17 Wednesday. Fine clear day. Walter took a load of grist to Floradale this morning and they took the drill up to Allen Wagner's this afternoon.
18 Thursday Lovely mild day. Walter and Aubrey went to Elmina this morning. brought home the paino from Clegorn's and Vermon came home with them. Ella and Esther helped me cut quilt patches this afternoon and Earl and Wesley came up for supper too.
19 Friday. Cloudy. Shower of rain this evening. We hitchered a fig here for {Tra...?} Lynchs today. Our company for dinner - Mr. & Mrs. Ezra Maurer and Mrs. Meren Trey and for supper Mr. & Mrs. Leicohn Weaver, Dorice & Howard.
20 Saturday. Lovely spring like day. Vernom spent the afternoon at Addiene Reist's and Walter went to Schechl's for the butter.
March, 1926.
21 Sunday. Beautiful day. Beginning of spring. We all went to Woolich Church and S. School this afternoon. They took up the following new members - Emerson Stauge, Roy Boleuder, Aulta Boleuder, Ruth Esther and Laura Miller and Eva Schmeider. Our company tonight - Mr. & Mrs. Noah Miller, Esther, Ruth, Margaret & Orpha.
22 Monday Fair, cloudy and mild. Walter took Vernom to Elmina this morning and went to {illegible} Walch's sale with Louis Miller this afternoon. Aubrey was drawing manure. Ella pieced a blue and white quilt.
23 Tuesday. Snowed all day. Not very cold. Lots of water all over. Walter & Ella were mending grain bags and Aubrey was carring wter out of the stables.
24 Wednesday. Cloudy & dull. Snow tonight. Walter & Ella were mending grain bags and did the washing. Silas Bachman visited us and was here for tea and the night.
March, 1926.
25 Thursday. Fair, Cold wind. Silas left for home after breakfast. He is leaving for Columbiana, Ohio next week. Walter shipped hogs at Elmina and Vermon came home with him.
26 Friday. Fair. Cold wind. Walter and Aubrey were driving around all forenoon looking at houses. He heard the {meadonslarks?} singing today. We moved on this farm eight years ago.
27 Saturday. Cold clear and windy. Aubrey was drawing manure. Walter's called - Wesley Mills & Allen Wagner.
28 Sunday. Clear. Very cold wind. Walter, Ella & Vernom event to church and Sunday school this morning and visited at Emond Schwindts and stayed for dinner and supper.
29 Monday. Changeable. Snowed this a.m. Walter took Vernom to Elmina this morning and got home for supper. Called - {Name?}, Alfred Ritter and Laura Miller.
March, 1926
30 Tuesday. Raw east wind blowing. Ella hung out her washing this morning. We had an early dinner and Walter went to Dan Bowman's sale with Earl Miller. Ella went along too and called on Rachel and then went over to Lincoln's and stayed there for tea. Mrs. Louis Miller intended to visit Ella this afternoon but as she was gone Mrs. Miller visited at Lincoln's too.
31 Wednesday. Rain and Sleet. The telephone is out of commission and the only neighbours we can speak to are Stauge's. No traffic on our road at all. Noah Miller visited us this afternoon.
Born - On Mar. 26. To Mr. & Mrs. Addison Reist, a daughter. Born - On Mar. 27 To Mr. & Mrs. Herb Norris, a son.
April, 1926
1 Thursday. Real April Fool weather fierce blizzard. Snowing and storming. Walter shipped hogs at Elmira and Vernom came home with him.
2 Friday. Cold and clear this forenoon. Turned cloudy and raw this p.m. Mrs. Louis Miller spent the afternoon with Ella and stayed for tea. Louis and Charlie came up after tea and spent the evening here.
3 Saturday. Snowed and stormed all day. Terrible weather.
4 Sunday. Clear and cold. Walter Ella & Vernom went to Woobirch church and Sunday school. Aubrey visited at Yes. Stone's today.
5 Monday. Snowed all forenoon. Turned cold towards evening. Walter took a load of grist to Floradale. The snow banks are as high if not higher as they have been all winter.
April, 1926
6 Tuesday. Snowed. Clear a.m. Cloudy & raw east wind this p.m. Ella & Vernom did the washing. Walter took a load of grist to Floradale, stayed all day and had his dinner at Ezra's.
7 Wednesday. Rain and sleet this morning. Cloudy and milder this p.m. Walter went to the Annual Meeting at church this forenoon. New callers - Charlie, Noah and Earl Miller.
8 Thursday. Cloudy. Walter chipped hogs at Elmira, also took the Tamworth hay to Elmira for Noah {Last name?}. Ella has the grippe. Aubrey went to Alma tonight.
9 Friday. Fine day. Vernom has the grippe. Aubrey was drawing manure.
10 Saturday. Fine day. Aubrey was drawing manure. Walter visited at Sim. Weaver's and Peter {Schmechl's?} this afternoon. Vernom and Ella feel somewhat better.
April, 1926.
11 Sunday. Clear and cold. Walter went to church and S. School this morning. Earl and Ella Miller visited us this afternoon and were here for tea.
12 Monday. Fine and milder. Walter went to the Elmira Monthly Fair this morning and made a day of it. Aubrey was drawing manure. Mrs. Jacob Brown was buried at Elmira.
13 Tuesday. Fine spring day. We butchered a big pig for Richard Day here day.
14 Wednesday. Mild this morning. Showers at noon. Turned cold this afternoon and some snowflurries. The Northern Lights were beautiful tonight. Walter butchered at John Kuhl's today.
15 Thursday. Clear and cold. Walter spent the day in Elmira. Willard Weaver was here for supper. Other callers - Mrs & Mr. Otto Miller & Laura, Irene {Spei...?} Annie Schneider.
April, 1926
16 Friday. I mowed this morning. Turned colder again. Walter called on some of the neighbours and had his dinner at Noah Miller's. Irwin Schneider was here for supper. Aubrey & Vernom were cutting wood in the orchards.
17 Saturday. Clear and cold. Vernom and Aubrey were cutting wood. Walter went to Schmehl's for the butter this p.m. Mrs. Atkinson was here for dinner.
18 Sunday. Clear and cold. We all went to Woolwich church and S. School this afternoon and Walter and Ella went to Bev. Maurer's for tea.
19 Monday. Clear, cold and windy. Vernom and Ella cleaned the storeroom this forenoon and did the washing this afternoon. Walter went to Henry Witzel's this afternoon and stayed for supper. Roy Melitzer was here for dinner.
April, 1926.
20 Thursday Tuesday. Fine and warmer. Walter's callers - Enoch Schneider, ?? Wagner, George & Lincoln Edler and Alex Young.
21 Wednesday. Mild spring like day. Thunderstorm and little shower at noon. Walter & Ella left after breakfast and drove down to Hilliard's in the buggy. We had our dinner there and Ida and Ella drove to Kitchener and did some shopping. After supper Walter, Ella, Bert, Vera and Charlie went to Kitchener in Charlie's car and saw the war picture " Ypres" at the Capital Theatre. Aubrey helped to saw wood at Enoch's this afternoon.
22 Thursday. Another fine day. Walter shipped his hogs at Elmira and then Charlie went down to {Dumart's} plant. We left Hilliard's after tea and arrived home at 10.10 p.m.
April, 1926
23 Friday. Beautiful warm day. Walter & {Name?} were pruning apple trees this afternoon. Allen Wagner got two jage of hay and Willard and Ednund Schiwndt got a load of grain. Heard the frogs for the first time here although we heard them down in Hilliard's swamp on Wednesday.
24 Saturday. Thunderstorms and showers all day. Walter helped Edler's take a wild steer to Elmina and had his dinner at the Chinese Cafe.
25 Sunday. Cold and very windy. Walter, Ella and Vernun event to S. School this morning. Ellas was writing letter this afternoon. A car went up the road past here, the first ones for this year.
26 Monday. Cold and windy. Then men were tearing down the fences in the pastimes field this afternoon.
27 Tuesday. Fair and warmer. Ella & Vernam did the washing this a.m. He and Aubrey worked at the fence this afternoon. Mr. Hill of Zergus turned both the pianos today and was here for dinner. Ella raked the front part of the yard.
28 Wednesday. Rained hard last night. Snow flurries today. Aubrey got his higgy at {Enock?} Martin's today. Walter and Ella went to a S. School meeting at the church tonight.
29 Thursday. Cloudy, cool & drizzly. Walter shipped hogo and spent the day in Elmira. Vernom and Aubry worked at the fence. Tonight, Walter and Ella went to the Literary at Philip Beisels. We drove in the buggy and took Ms. Sam Bird along.
30 Friday. Changeable weather. Eplrain Martin was here and bought a Herefird bell from Walter. Walter took {grist?} to Floradale this p.m.
May, 1926
1 Saturday Lovely warm day. Walter went to Elvira to pay the internet. Vermon and Aubrey went to Creekbank to get some flour. Laura & Norman Miller were our callers the p.m. Saw swallows today.
2 Sunday Very warm and just like summer. We went to church and S.School this afternoon. Our company for tea - Mr& Mrs. Leiohw Weaver. Doris and Howard, Annie, Eva and Bruice Scheider.
3 Monday Thunder, rain & wind last night. Very cold & windy today. The news were working at the fence. Walter called at Chneider & Earl's.
4 Tuesday Fair with cold wind. Ella did her washing and the news worked at the fence. Our callers after supper were - Mr. & Mrs. Sum- Weaver and Wesley Miller
May, 1926
5 Wednesday
May, 1926
9 Sunday. Fair. Cold wind blowing. We went to church & S. S. this morning and were at Lincoln Weaver's for dinner. We had company for tea - Mr. & Mrs. Albert Krauter, Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Krauter, Marie and Erla. Aubrey visited in {Lebanon?} today.
10 Monday. Cloudy, cool and windy. Walter opent the day in Elmina went up to Grandpa Krauter's and had his supper there. Aubrey was cultivating. Vernom and Ella were working in the garden all day. Our callers tonight - Charlie Miller, Ezra and Wilfrid Shur & Harry Auger.
11 Tuesday. Clear, cold & windy. Vernom and Ella finished digging the front part of the garden this morning and Ella planted some flower seeds. Walter sowed grain in the field beside the house and Aubrey harrowed. Earl and Ella visited me tonight after tea.
May, 1926
12 Wednesday. Fair. Aubrey was cultivating and Vernom & Walter were making fence. Mrs. George Snider was here this afternoon and we were boiling soap. Ella planted dahlia roots and sweet tea seed today.
13 Thursday. Fair. Walter shipped hogs at Elmina this a.m. and he and Vernom worked at the fence this afternoon. Vernom & Walter called at Kings, Stickney? & {Name}'s tonight. Ella planted the gladiolus and cleaned the little parlor.
14 Friday. Fine and warm. Ella cleaned the dining room today. The {mew?} were seeding and making fence.
15 Saturday Wesley and Esther visited us tonight.
15 Saturday. Fair & warm. The {mew?} were seeding and making fence. Ella varnished the linoleum.
May, 1926
16 Sunday. Fine warm day. We all went to church & S. School today, did up the chores and were at Enoch Snider's for tea and the evening. Sidney Scheifele called and got some horseradish.
17 Monday. Warm day. Walter and Vernom helped Ella clean and whitewash the cellar today. Aubrey was seeding. Walter's callers tonight - Clarice Stone, Earl Miller and Frank Simmons.
18 Tuesday. Fair. A little cooler. Vernom and Ella did the washing this morning. Aubrey was seeding. Walter & Vernom worked at the fence. Enoch & {Name?} Martin got a wad of hay and Lincoln Weaver got some seed grain.
19 Wednesday. Cool & drizzly all day. Grandpa Krauter was here for dinner. Sam Umbach called on Walter. We boiled one batch of Grandpa's soap.
May, 1926
20 Thursday. Cool and windy. Ella & Vernom raked some of the garden today and boiled the soap over again. Walter shipped hogs and Aubrey was seeding. Walter went to practice tonight. Calles - Linc. Weaver and {Name?} Schneider. Dr. Bechtel of Elmira was buried today.
21 Friday. Cloudy and Warmer. A few little shivers. Walter finished the seeding today. Aubrey was harrowing. Our callers tonight - Mr. & Mrs. Earl Miller Sam Umbach & Lloyd Farncombe.
22 Saturday. Cold cloudy drizzly windy. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale this morning. Aubrey & Vernom were spreading manure.
23 Sunday. Clear and cold. We went to church & S.S. this morning. Our company today - Mr. & Mrs. George Schmidt, Homer, Arnold, Floyd and Mella and Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hebel and Glen. We called at Ezra Maurer's tonight.
May, 1926.
24 Monday. Clear windy & cool. The mew worked at the fence. Ella and Vernom did the washing this morning and Ella boiled another batch of soap. Walter's callers - Noah Miller, Addison, Harvey & Lorne Reist, Mr. Oppertshauser, {Name?} King, Louis Miller, Jus. Stange and Mr. Kraft, Edmund Bonn. Walter visited Leon Wagner tonight.
25 Tuesday. Fine cool day. The mew worked at the fence this forenoon. This p.m. Walter, Ella & Vernom went to Kitchener and got Vernom some new clothes. We stopped at the church and Walter attended the {?} meeting. Aubrey was harrowing.
26 Wednesday. Fine day. Aubrey and Vernom were plowing and cultivating the mausel ground. Ella boiled the soap over again. Alex Letson's house on the 12th of Peel burned down today.
May, 1926
27 Thursday. Fine day. Walter shipped hog at Elmina this a.m. and sowed the maugels this afternoon. Aubrey made the ridges this morning and put out several loads of manure this p.m. Ella called on Mrs. Elma King tonight. Our callers tonight - Mr. & Mrs. Earl Miller, Lincoln Weaver, Homer and Normal Heuderson, Hugh Machaugall, Bill Keith and Mr. Letson. Vernom and Ella worked in the garden all day and planted potatoes, corn, pumpkin, beans, beets, cucumbers, muskmelons, zucchinis, balsam and {unknown}.
28 Friday. Fine day. Walter spent the forenoon at Leon Wagner's. Aubrey was drawing manure. Mr. Milt. Auman was here for dinner. Mrs. Geo. Snider visited Ella this afternoon.
29 Saturday. Fine. Aubrey was drawing manure. Walter & Enoch Schneider went to Fergus this p.m. Walter & L. Wagner went to Alma tonight.
May, 1926
30 Sunday. Fair. A few little sprinkles of rain. We went to church & S. School this afternoon and Mr. & Mrs. Ezra Maurer were here for tea.
31 Monday. Very warm day. Ella & Vernom did the washing this morning. Aubrey was drawing manure. Walter & Vernom worked at the fence. Callers - Irwin Shoemaker, Solomon Geigrich, Bill Keith & Mr. Letson. Albert Letson bought Aubrey's car and got it tonight.
June, 1926
1 Tuesday. Showery. Very windy this afternoon. Ella cut the potatoes and the mew planted them. Vernom & Aubrey were plowing this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Elma King visited us tonight.
2 Wednesday. Cool cloudy & showery. Vernom & Aubrey were plowing. Walter's callers tonight - Jus. Stange, and Emanuel Bauman.
June, 1926
3 Thursday. Fair, cool & windy. Vernom & Aubrey were plowing. Walter shipped hogs at Elmina this morning and took Enoch over to Fergus and left our coupe there to be painted. Tonight he went over to church at FLoradale to attend a Quarterly Board Meeting.
4 Friday. Fine and warm. Vernom & Aubrey finished plowing the corn field. Walter went to Elmina this forenoon. Callers - Irene Spies & Norman King.
5 Saturday. Fair and warm. Aubrey was cultivating & harrowing the cornfield. Walter took a load of grist to Floradale this afternoon.
6 Sunday. Showery & very windy. The wheel on our wind mill blew down today. We went to church and S. School this morning. Mr. & Mrs. Harvery Schmidt, Rhoda and Gladys were here for tea. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Miller visited us tonight. Vernom went to practice with {name?}.
September, 1926
1 Wednesday fair day. Maurer {Smoked?} threshing around 9 a.m. and the outlet moved over to Euoch Schneider and {Misspelling of Walter, crossed out} Walter & Aubrey helped there till 3 p.m. Vernon feels sick today.
2 Thursday. Cloudy & cool. Aubrey helped to thresh at Reioto all day and Walter shipped hog this morning and also helped at Reioto this p.m. Ella & Vernon got some small {core?} for pickling. Our callers this p.m. were - Ruth & Ruby Schmidt and Annie Schneider
3 Friday. Cloudy & windy. The {new?} Aubrey & Walter helped to thresh at Addison Reioto in the foreu and at Eph. {name?} in the afternoon.
September, 1926
4 Saturday. Elmira Fair Day. Drizzly and miserable weather. Aubrey and Walter helped to finish Eph. Snyder's threshing this forenoon and Walter took a load of grist to floradale this p.m.
5 Sunday Foggy, dismal, drizzly day. Walter, Ella & Vernon went to Woolwich S. school and church where Reu. O. Y. Hallmau of Kiteheuer preached
6 Monday. Labor day. Drizzly this morning. Cleared up fine this afternoon. Ella & Vernon did the washing this morning. Walter, Ella & Vernon went to Elmira this p.m. Walter & Vernon went to the Elmira Fair and Ella took the train to Toronto. Vera {last name?} went with Ella and they stayed with Ms. Davison at 168 St. John's Rd. They went to the Wonderland Theatre tonight and saw "Lorey Mary" 258,000 people at the Toronto {illegible} today.
September, 1926
7. Tuesday. Lovely day. Ella & Vera spent the whole day at the Exhibition and stayed for the evening performance "Oralia" which was very good.
8 Wednesday. Fine day. Ms. Davison took Vera, Ella and Ms. Ward all over the city today We had our dinner in "Eatre's?" Walter & Aubrey helped to thresh at Addison Reioto this afternoon.
9 Thursday. Rain this morning Cleared up fine this afternoon. Ms. Davison took Vera & Ella downtown this morning and went to the Pautages Theatre. The picture was "{illegible}" by {illegible} and the vauderille was also good. We left west Toronto at 3 50 p.m. and Ella got back to Elmira around 7 oclock. Walter shipped hogs at Elmira and went to {illegible} with {Leon?} Wagner's and got Ella at Elmira tonight.
September, 1926.
10 Friday. Perfect day. The men were plowing wheat ground. Vernon helped to thresh ad Addison Reioto 3/4 day and Aubrey also helped for a while this afternoon, Walter got the {illegible} at Alma this morning. Walter went to Elmira with {name?} and Otto Miller tonight and attended Euleis meeting
11 Saturday. Fine day. Vernon helped to thresh at Addison Reisto this forenoon and Aubrey helped at Otto Miller's this afternoon. Walter {illegible}one piece of wheat this afternoon.
12 Sunday. Dreary dull day. Walter, Ella & Vernon went to Woolwich church and S. School this morning and to Grandpa Krauter's for dinner & supper and to the meuronite church at Elmira tonight. Rev. Oscar {last name?} of Breslaie preached.
September, 1926
13 Monday. Perfect day. Ella & Vernon did the washing. AUbrey helped to thresh at Louis Miller's this forenoon. Walter was cultivating and harrowing this a.m. and sowed the other piece of wheat this afternoon.
14 Tuesday. Cool day. Dominion Election Day. Walter was {illegible} people to the polls all day. Ella went over to Floradale this afternoon with Ella & Earl Miller and had her tea at J. Q. Otto. Tonight Mr. {last name?} barn on the 12th of Peel burned down. Walter & Ella went to Kitchener tonight to hear the election returns. Wm. D. Euler, Liberal, was elected in N. Waterloo with a majority of 4, 036. Marriages on Sept. 15 - Howard Yroff and Florence Wright Jack Suehuer and Erma Aleerle
September, 1926
15 Wednesday. misty morning thunderstorms and heavy rains The men put in the posts for the {loue?} fence
16 Thursday. Showerey this morning. Cloudy & sultry. Walter shipped hog at Elmina this morning. Vernon & Ella went to the School fair at Parker with Otto Miller's. Creekbank got 2nd prige for their school parade. Walter & Ella went to the Mennonite church at Elmira tonight with Eph. Snyder's. Rev. C. F. Derstrie preached.
17 Friday. Cloudy. Walter took a loud of wheat to St. Jacobs today. Vernon & Aubrey cut the {illegible}. Walter & Ella went to Elmira Mennonite church at {againg?} with Eph. Snider's tonight.
September, 1926
18 Saturday. Cloudy & sultry The men worked at the feuce this morning and Vernon & Aubrey were plowing this p.m. Ella spent the afternoon and evening at Lincoln Weaver's Edna had all her teeth pulled yesterday
19 Sunday. Warm & sultry. Walter & Noah Miller went to the Mennonite S. S. and church at Elmira this morning. Walter, Ella & Vernon went to Woolwich church S.S. this afternoon and to Elmira Mennonite tonight. Mr. & Ms. {illegible} Jefferson, Ray and Lars were here for tea.
20 Monday. Fine day. Vernon and Aubrey were flowing. Walter helped Ella do the washing and cleaned some wheat. Earl and Ella Miller about the evening with us.
September, 1926.
21 Tuesday. Drizzly day Walter went to Jno. Martin's funeral at Elmira this morning with Eph. Snider's. Jno. Martin was electrocuted while at work on a hydro pole last Saturday No this is a mistake the funeral was on Wednesday.
21 Tuesday. Fair. Walter took a load of wheat to St. Jacobs and stayed all day. Grandpa & Grandma Krauter came up to Lincoln's for dinner and Grandpa came down here after dinner and he and Vernon are building a new parliament building. Vernon & Grandpa went to Woolwich church tonight with Eph. Sniders where Rev. Max Richter of {Germany?} spoke. Walter & Ella went to the Adult Bible Class Rally at Elmira where Rev. P. Webster of Hamilton gave an address.
September, 1926
22 Wednesday. Drizzly day Walter went to John Martin's funeral with Eph. Snyder's this morning. Aubrey was plowing. Grandpa Krauter and Rachel Martin came here this p.m. and were here for tea and the night.
23 Thursday. Dull, Drizzly & foggy. Walter shipped hog at Elmira, had his dinner at Norman Snider's came home around 5 p.m. and went up to Creekbank. Talk about your busy men! Aubrey was drawing manure.
24 Friday. Sultry & cloudy. Thunderstorms and heavy rains this afternoon. The men plowed and cleaned wheat.
25 Saturday. Cold cloudy and showery. The men were {gadding?} both forenoon and afternoon.
September, 1926
26 Sunday. First frost last night. Cold & clear day. We went to church S. School this morning and to Leon Wagner's for dinner and supper.
27 Monday. Fair and somewhat warmer. Walter took a load of wheat to St. Jacobs. Vernon was digging a ditch in the {lane?} Aubrey plowed. Walter went to a Sunday School meeting tonight.
28 Tuesday. Fine day. Vernon & Aubrey were plowing this forenoon. This p.m. they were cutting buckwheat with the mower.
29 Wednesday. Fine day. The men finished cutting the buck-wheat this morning and Walter Ella & Vernon went to the School Fair at St. Jacobs where there was a large crowd.
30 Thursday. Lovely day. Walter shipped hogs and cut the flax this afternoon. Vera Hillard came up to preach with Walter.
October, 1926
1 Friday. Threatening. Rain this afternoon. Aubrey went to the Grafton Fair today. Walter helped to cut corn at Allen Wagner's this afternoon. Edna, Willard, Mildred, Doris and Howard Weaver visited us this afternoon and were here for tea. Two of Harry Klinck's chicken pens burned down last night
2 Saturday. Fair. Walter & Aubrey both helped to cut corn at Allen Wagner's till noon. This p.m Aubrey helped at Alf. Shauty's. Tonight we had a surprise party for Grandpa Maurer's birthday and presented him with a Bible These folks were there - Mr. & Mrs. Walter Maurer and Vernon, Mr. & Mrs. Ezra Maurer, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Webel and Glen, Miss Miriam Maurer, Paster Sonny Hamel & Mr. Wilfred Underwood.
3 Sunday. Cloudy Day. Walter and Jake Spies went to Wallace this morning and Ella went to Floradale Sunday School with Mrs. Spies and had her dinner at Spies'. Walter had his dinner at Mr. Sweeney's. This p.m. Walter, Ella & Vernon went to Woolwich church & S. School.
4 Monday. Very foggy this morning. Very hot and sultry day. Thunder-storms and heavy rain tonight. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale this morning, Aubrey helped cutting corn at Alf. Shauty till noon and Vernon cut roads through the corn. This p.m. Walter started cutting corn with the binder
5 Tuesday. Fair. Aubrey was helping to cut corn at Noah Miller's all day. Walter was cutting corn with the binder here. Saw Spies moved his outfit here tonight.
October, 1926
6 Wednesday. Cloudy & dull. Rain this afternoon. Maurer's were cutting corn today. They had to stop for awhile this afternoon on account of the rain. These few were here for dinner - Sam Spies, Peter Sherer, Walter Adler, George Koepke, Mark Sutton, Sam Bird, Allen Wagner, Jack Spies, Noah Miller. They were all here again for supper except Noah with the corn binder at noon.
7 Thursday. Cloudy & cold. Walter shipped hogo this morning George Snider helped Vernon in the oils. Maurer finished cutting corn at noon. We had the same help as yesterday. Homer Henderson was here in Allen Wagner's stead. Aubrey helped to cut corn at Eph Snider's this afternoon. Vernon & Walter cleaned a load of wheat.
October, 1926
8 Friday. Frost last night. Cold and clear day. Aubrey helped cutting corn at Epb. Snyders till dinner and a few hours at Alf. Shauty's this p.m. Vernon and Walter took 2 loads of flour to Floradale this afternoon.
9 Saturday. Clear and warmer. The mew took the buckwheat over to Addison Reists' barn today, 8 loads and Addison & Harvey helped them load 2 loads of flour after dark tonight and they put them in the barn.
10 Sunday. Dull & dreary. We went to Woolwich S, School this morning and then up to Grandpa Krauter's for the day. These people were also there - Mr. & Mrs. Lincohn Weaver and family, Clarence Stones, Norman Atkinson, Mrs. Skauer, Wn. Wogel and Aunt Elgabeth Huehuergard.
October, 1926
11 Monday. Dull morning Wonderful afternoon. Ella did the washing. Walter went to the Elnira Monthly Fair. Vernon & Aubrey took 2 loads of flor to Floradale. This p.m. we took up 6 rows of potatoes. Ges. Snider came here and helped.
12 Tuesday. Fair. This morning we picked up the rest of the potatoes 4 rows. This afternoon they put them in the cellar and brought in 2 loads of mangel Aubrey was plowing.
13 Wednesday. Rain last night Colder today. Walter took a load of wheat to St. Jacobs. Aubrey plowed.
14 Thursday. Fair. A few showers this p.m. Ella went to Elnia this morning with Walter and Vernon and Aubrey plowed. This p.m. they worked at the mangels.
October, 1926
15 Friday. Fair. The men finished the mangels today and brought in 1 load of turnips. Ella cleaned some of the garden and brought in the glasiobs bulbs.
16 Saturday. Dull & showery. The men brought in 2 loads of turnips this morning and Vernon & Aubrey plowed for a while this afternoon but had to give it up on account of the rain. Aubrey called at S climell's for the butter and Emanuel Bowman called to settle for the flour.
17 Sunday. Cloudy & cold. First little snowflurry of the season this morning.
October, 1926
18 Monday. It was snowing hard when we came home from Ezra's last night and this morning there was about two inches of snow. Dismal, foggy, drizzly day.
19 Tuesday. Cloudy and cool. Ella did her washing. Vernon & Aubrey plowed. Walter went to Solomon Bender's sale this afternoon.
20 Wednesday. Snowed all day. Very wet and slushy under foot. Aubrey got a load of tile at Wallenstein this morning and Vernon plowed. This afternoon they got the hides and bones ready to ship. Ella did her ironing this morning and clean the spare bedroom and store room this afternoon.
21 Thursday. Cloudy & cold. Walter shipped hogs this morning and Aubrey took the hides down. Ella cleaned the cellar. This p.m. we brought in the apples - two bags full. Vernon & Aubrey plowed.
October, 1926
22 Friday. Rained all day. The men worked at the ditch for a little while this afternoon.
23 Saturday. Fair and cool. Fred Srehuer came this morning and put on the chimney. Noah Miller helped to dig ditch this forenoon. This afternoon, Aubrey & Vernon helped to cut corn at Sam. Bind's. Ella picked some beech nuts this afternoon.
24 Sunday. Cloudy drizzly and cold. Rained hard this morning. We went to church and S. School this morning and over to Milton Eixe's for {inelligible} and supper.
25 Monday. Cold. Snowflurries Reel snowstorm tonight. Walter took the car up to Alma this morning. They worked at the ditch this p.m. Vernon went to Weiner Roast at Floradale with Shneiders.
October, 1926
26 Tuesday. the ground is covered with snow. Cold. More snowflurries. Ella did her washing and ironing today. The men worked at the ditch this forenoon and Aubrey and Vernon plowed this p.m.
27 Wednesday. Lovely day. Noah Miller helped and they worked at the tiles all day. Ella dug up the dahlia roots and washed off the windows.
28 Thursday. Cloudy & drizzly {inelligible}. Walter shipped hogs this morning and Vernon & Aubrey brought in 4 loads of turnips. This afternoon Aubrey helped Sam Bind cut corn and Vernon & Walter brought in 3 loads of turnips. Tonight we had the beef ring meeting here.
October, 1926
29 Friday. Lovely day. The men brought in the last of the turnips 5 loads. Walter killed a cattle beast for Enoch Shneider. Walter went down to practice at chruch tonight with Enoch.
30 Saturday. Dull & drizzly day. Walter took a load of grist to Floradale and had his dinner at G.J.Ott's. Vernon & Walter went to Creekbank store this afternoon and Walter went to Alma to get the car.
31 Sunday. Fair and cold. Walter & Ella went to Earl's this morning to practice a song for this p.m. Vernon had his dinner at Louis Miller's. Vernon's birthday. He is 14 years old now. We went to church & S. School this afternoon where Rev. Norlock of St. Jacobs preached. We did up the chores and went to Lincoln Weaver's for supper. Aubrey was away.
November, 1926.
1 Monday. Looks like winter this morning. The ground is covered with snow. Rained most of the day. Ella made the sauerkraut and shalled the soup beans today. Aubrey got home at noon. The men made a few rounds with the plows.
2 Tuesday. Real blizzard this morning. Cloudy & raw with snow flurries all day. Ella made some mince meat today. Walter was working at his drain and Vernon & Aubrey plowed.
3 Wednesday. Fair. A few hours of welcome sunshine this forenoon. Ella did her washing. Walter was at his everlasting drain and the other two plowed. Henry Sieling and now Edward were here for dinner.
4 Thursday. Cloudy and cold. Walter & Vernon went to Elmina this morning. Aubrey was up at Lincoln's all day and helped him take in the rest of his buckwheat and top turnips.
5 Friday. The ground is covered with snow again this morning. Snowflurries. Cloudy & cold. Vernon & Aubrey plowed and Walter worked at his drain.
6 Saturday. Fine day. The men were plowing.
7 Sunday. Lovely day. We went to S. School this morning and were at Chas. Hilliards' for dinner and supper. Pearl & Milton were there too. We came back for the service at Woolwich. Rev. Heuriel of N. Easthope and Mr. Drikall of Stratford were there.
8 Monday. Thanksgiving Day. Fair. Our company - Mr. & Mrs. {inelligible}. Maurer, Mr. & Mrs. Ezra Mauerer, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hamel, Margaret, Sonny, Betty & Constance, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Helill and Glen, Mr. & Mrs. Colson Jefferson. Ray and Lois, Miss Mirion Mauerer, Mr. Wilfred Underwoof and Mr. Meroin Smith.
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- XA1MSA249_1-8_EllaMaurerFarmDiary1926-7_147.pdf
- XA1MSA249_1-8_EllaMaurerFarmDiary1926-7_148.pdf
- XA1MSA249_1-8_EllaMaurerFarmDiary1926-7_149.pdf
- XA1MSA249_1-8_EllaMaurerFarmDiary1926-7_150.pdf
- XA1MSA249_1-8_EllaMaurerFarmDiary1926-7_151.pdf
- XA1MSA249_1-8_EllaMaurerFarmDiary1926-7_152.pdf
- XA1MSA249_1-8_EllaMaurerFarmDiary1926-7_153.pdf
- XA1MSA249_1-8_EllaMaurerFarmDiary1926-7_154.pdf