Febuary, 1926 23 Tuesday. Cold. Snow fences Ella did her washing today. Walter butchered a big pig at Keepke's today. Tonight, Walter, Ellas & Aubrey went down to the Woolwich churchs coheres Mr. Storey showed some lauters slides of the work of the missionaries in South America 24 Wednesday Beautiful clear, cold day. Walter butchered 2 pigs at Herb Nowin's today. Ella was at a guilting at Mm.Ed/ Beudene's and hads a read nine times. Aubrey was drawing manner. 25 Thurday Nice weather. Henrey rice and worthfiend Walter went to Elminas this morning. 26 Friday Stormed all day. Walkter went to Earl Kavanaugh's sale this afternoon. Aubrey got Vernon at Elmina this pm. Charlie Minller visisted we thought.
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