== October, 1926 ==
18 Monday. It was snowing hard when we came home from Ezra's last night and this morning there was about two inches of snow. Dismal, foggy, drizzly day.
19 Tuesday. Cloudy and cool. Ella did her washing. Vernon & Aubrey plowed. Walter went to Solomon Bender's sale this afternoon.
20 Wednesday. Snowed all day. Very wet and slushy under foot. Aubrey got a load of tile at Wallenstein this morning and Vernon plowed. This afternoon they got the hides and bones ready to ship. Ella did her ironing this morning and clean the spare bedroom and store room this afternoon.
21 Thursday. Cloudy & cold. Walter shipped hogs this morning and Aubrey took the hides down. Ella cleaned the cellar. This p.m. we brought in the apples - two bags full. Vernon & Aubrey plowed.