== February ==
4th Mon. Father and Uncle Ceylon went up to Harry Phippen this morning. After dinner Father and Uncle Ceylon went down to Fletchers and Uncle Ceylon stayed for tea. Mother has not got home yet.
5th Tue. This morning Father took Uncle Ceylon out to Napanee for a visit. He took out 5 bags potatoes on Binder. Ethel and I went along we stayed to Aunt Maudes. Mother came home with us this afternoon.
6th Wed. All home this afternoon. Father went to Bath to-night. Father and Mother went to Perce Youngs to a party.
7th Thur. All home except Father went to Bath this afternoon.
8th Fri. Father went to Napanee to-day and Mother, Ethel and I to Grandmas and stayed. Father bought the townland and cottage. P. Young called tonight
9th Sat. Snowed and blowed most of the day. Father went to Bath this P.M.
10th Sun. All home all day. Fletcher and Nellie & baby called. We all went to church at night.