Laura Robinson/Sills Diary, 1901
Date Created
Is Part Of
Union of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1801
{handwritten in pen} 1901
{written fairly faintly in pencil}
Laura Robinson L.R. L.R.
Mrs. G. W. Snyder 223 Waring St. Cleveland Ohio {name and address of one of Laura's mother's sister}
W. S. A.
In regard to proportion, the Union Jack is twice as long as it is broad. By referring to cut it will be seen that it is made 60 units long by 30 broad.
As the flag is not printed in color, letters have been placed to denote what colors, stripes, and fields are- 1 represents white, 2 blue, and 3 red.
These are three Crosses used to make the Union Jack, namely, the Red Cross of St. George, White Cross of St. Andrew, and the Red Cross of St. Patrick.
The Red Cross Banner of England (St. George) is claimed by some to have been adopted by Alfred the Great, when in 897 he founded the Royal Navy, and on the Union of England and Scotland in 1707, it was superimposed, or placed on the Scottish flag, which was the White Cross of St. Andrew on a blue ground. Of course if the whole English flag had been so placed it would have completely hidden the other, and so only a narrow strip of the English white "field" was retained about the edges of the Red Cross, to show what the field was, and also because it is one of the rules of heraldry that color should not be placed upon color.
When the flag of St. Patrick, representing Ireland, was brought into the combination in 1808, as the Crosses were the same in shape and size, the difference being only in color, it was decided to divide them into strips, placing them side by side, the St. Andrew's being one-half of its former width, and St. Patrick's one-third. Scotland is the senior of these two countries, so in the left-hand upper corner the white strip, representing St. Andrew, is uppermost, but alternates with that of St. Patrick in the others
We built our house in 1898.
We got our coal stove 1899.
Queen died in 1901.
School also started to-day. Mr Fleming teacher.
4th A stormy day. snowed. All alone, Father was down to Fletcher's in afternoon. George Phippen sows Stover's corn.
5th Home all day. Old Mr Close died this morning.
6th Home all day and tended church.
7th Mabel came and got me in afternoon. I went there and stayed all night. rest were home.
8th Got home this morning and Father Mother and Ethel went to Napanee and I went onto Fletchers. and stayed all day.
9th Mrs Cadman was here all day and Mrs McNabb was here in afternoon. Father was to Bath in afternooon. We heard today Mr Goodue was dead. he lived in Manitoba.
10th Home alone until afternoon when Father set up and got Mabel Gurren to come down and stay with Ethel and I while Father and Mother went to Aunt Frank's to a party. Had taffy on snow. Snow storm turned to rain (jolly {time?}
11th Father took Mabel home this morning. In afternoon he went to Bath for {coal?} Fletcher called here and also Perce Young also called. Mother put down hall carpet.
12th All home except in afternoon we all went down the road for a sleigh ride and done some calling.
13th A fine day. We were home all day alone
14th Mon. Father and I went up the road this morning and invited people to our party. This afternoon Father & Mother went to Bath and brought home our new cutter.
15th Thu. Father and I went to Bath this morning with our new cutter. this afternoon I went to Hawley to get Aunt Frank. and Nellie and Clarence were here this afternoon.
16th Wed. rained all morning. I came home right after dinner and brought Aunt Frank with me. Father bought a Massy-Harris Binder today from W. Roblin and Mr Lee. They were here for dinner, only 6 agents were here today.
17th Thur. Aunt Frank went home to night. We had a party to-night there were about 30 people here. Floe Sloan is going to stay all night.
18th Fri. Father took Floe home this morning. Mother was sick all day. Perce Young called here. Bay froze over.
19th Sat. This afternoon Father and Mother went down to Bath. A very cold day. Father fixed the old cupboard for the wood-house.
20th Sun. All home. Father went to church in afternoon. All at night.
21st Mon. All home today except Father went out to Morven this afternoon with Fletcher to see Davis the carpenter.
22nd Tue. All home. I was sick all day. Ellen McNabb was here this afternoon for awhile. Father and Mother went to Belfours to a {party?}. Queen Victoria died this morning at 6.45 o'clock
23rd Wed. We were home all day except Father was down to Fletchers all day getting out timber
24th Thur. Father was down to Fletchers this morning getting out timber. Mother Ethel and I were out to Grandpas all day. Peter {Beaubio?} had his sale this afternoon.
25th Fri. Father was down to Fletchers all day getting out timber. Mr & Mrs Cam Young were here tonight and spent the evening.
26th Sat. All home except Father was down to Fletchers all day getting out timber.
27th Sun. This afternoon we all went out to Mrs Scotts
28th Mon. We all came home this afternoon. Fletcher Nellie and Clarence were here tonight for awhile.
29th All home except Father went to mill.
30th Wed. All home except at night Father and Mother went to John Young to a party.
31st Thur. All home except Father was down to Dan Morrows all day getting out timber.
end of month.
February 1901
1st Fri. Mother, Ethel and I were home all day. this afternoon Father went down to Uncle Ceylons to go to market. Mrs Carroll and Jack were here for awhile to-night.
2nd Sat. Father came home this afternoon and brought home Uncle Ceylon.
3rd Sun. Uncle Ceylon was here all day. Fletcher, Nellie and Clarence were here most of the day. Mother and I went to church to-night and when we got home Uncle Ebb was here he said Aunt Frank was sick and wished Mother would go out with him so she went out to Aunt Franks.
4th Mon. Father and Uncle Ceylon went up to Harry Phippen this morning. After dinner Father and Uncle Ceylon went down to Fletchers and Uncle Ceylon stayed for tea. Mother has not got home yet.
5th Tue. This morning Father took Uncle Ceylon out to Napanee for a visit. He took out 5 bags potatoes on Binder. Ethel and I went along we stayed to Aunt Maudes. Mother came home with us this afternoon.
6th Wed. All home this afternoon. Father went to Bath to-night. Father and Mother went to Perce Youngs to a party.
7th Thur. All home except Father went to Bath this afternoon.
8th Fri. Father went to Napanee to-day and Mother, Ethel and I to Grandmas and stayed. Father bought the townland and cottage. P. Young called tonight
9th Sat. Snowed and blowed most of the day. Father went to Bath this P.M.
10th Sun. All home all day. Fletcher and Nellie & baby called. We all went to church at night.
11th Mon. Father and Mother went to Napanee. Ethel and I stayed home. Eddie Wemp called.
12th Tue. Mother, Ethel and I were home all day. Father went to the low mill with a log. Father, Mother, went to F. Sills to a party to-night.
13th Wed. All home today afternoon. Father brought up timber he got from D. Morrow.
14th Thur. All home. Father and Jack Carroll started to clean harness this afternoon. Pedlar was here. I was over to McNabbs a while this afternoon. Rev. Roberts was here for tea.
15th Fri. All home. Finished harness. Mr Sleight{?} called here. Bristow was here to see about hiring.
16th Sat. Father went to Napanee with Fletcher this afternoon. Mother, Ethel and I and M. Gurren went for a drive up the road. Tonight Father and Mother Ethel and I went down to Fletchers for awhile. Mrs Charters called this afternooon.
17th Sun. This afternoon we all went for a drive to night we all went to church.
18th Mon. Father went out to Uncle Will's for seed grain. Mother Ethel and I were home. Fletcher, Nellie and Clarence and A. Craven were here to night for furniture for a party.
19th Mother Ethel and I were home all day. Father went to mill this morning, a travelling pedler was here for dinner. Father and mother went to Fletchers to a party to-night.
20th Wed. Mother Ethel and I home all day. Father went to Kingston to Uncle Ceylon's for market this afternoon. Ellen McNabb called also Mrs Hill.
21st Thur. Mother Ethel and I home all day. Father arrived home to night from Kingston.
22nd Fri. All out to Aunt Maude's for dinner. Father exchanged seed grain.
23rd Sat. I was sick all day. Father went to Bath after dinner. Last night in the night Felix Mellow and his wife came here their horse ran away and they came in here. Father took them home.
24th Sun. Father and Mother went to church this morning. This afternoon we all went down to J Wartmans and stayed for tea. A terrible storm came up when we were coming home.
25th Mon. All home. Father went down to Bristols this afternoon. Mr Irish was here all night.
26th Tue. Mr Irish went away this morning. Father home all day. Mother, Ethel and I were down to Mrs Youngs this P.M. for awhile.
27th Wed. Father went to mill this morning. J. Green, Butcher was here to day. Mother was over to McNabbs for awhile this P.M. Fletcher called here, Ethel and I home all day.
28th Thur. Father went to mill this morning. Mother, Ethel and I were home all day. I have a cold. Mr Noah Tomson was here to see about hiring but we have hired Bristo.
March. 1901.
1st Fri. Father and Mother went to Bath this afternoon, and took down our new cutter to get the shafts changed. Ethel and I home all day.
2nd Sat. All home. Bob Wright called here tonight and said Bristo would be up Monday for the team to draw wood.
3rd Sun. All home. A terrible wind came up towards night.
4th Mon. Father went to Bath this morning and got our own cutter. Mother, Ethel and I home all day. Mr McNabb was here for awhile to-night. Fletcher called here.
5th Tue. Father and J. Brown went to Napanee this morning, J. Brown bought the townland. Mother, Ethel and I home all day. Father got medicine in Napanee for me.
6th Wed. Mothers wedding day. Aunt Frank and Miss Long were here to-day all day. Cambridge the pedler was here for dinner. Mary Cadman was here for awhile to-night.
7th Thur. Father, J. Brown and Lynn went to Napanee to-day. Mabel Gurrens as here for awhile this afternoon. John Young brought our book at noon. Rest of us were home all day.
{blank page}
{blank page}
8th Fri. Father went down to Uncle Ceylon's this afternoon for Market to morrow. Races at Bath this P.M. Mary Cadman called this afternoon. Mother, Ethel and I home all day.
9th Sat. Mother sick all day. Father came home tonight from Kingston. Fletcher called to day, Tom Ruttan also called. Bristo called to day. Ethel and I home most all day, to office in P.M.
10th Sun. I went to church this morning. Rev {?} preached. Father, Mother and Ethel home.
11th Mon. All home. Fletcher called twice. J. Young called. Lynn Brown got bag of apples.
12th Tue. Father moved Bristo up to day. Bristo was here to day for dinner. Harry Phippen called here. Mr and Mrs P. Young and children were here last night for awhile. Jack Ruttan called here last night.
13th Wed. Father went to mill this morning, Rest were home all day.
14th Thur. Uncle Will and Aunt Maude were here all day in afternoon. Mother and I went and called on {?}, Mrs Switzer and Mrs H Ellison. Mr Davis the sessor was here. Bristo got a bag of potatoes. Fred Sills called this morning.
15th Fri, Bristo went down for rest of his wood to day. Father went to Bath this afternoon for a load of posts. Rest were home.
16th Sat. Mother and Ethel got boots this morning from Ellie Williams. "Red Waggon". Dr Northmore was at the school-house to-day to vaccinate people. Mr McNabb was here for awhile to-night. Mother, Ethel and I went for a drive this P.M.
17th Sun. All went out to Grandpa's to-day for dinner.
18th Mon. Father, Mother, Ethel and I went to Mr Dorland's for dinner. Fletcher was here this morning for a few minutes.
19th Tue. Cold day. Bob Cadman called this morning. Fletcher and G. Phippen called this afternoon. Father and Mother went to O. Fretts to night to tea. Ellen McNabb stayed with Ethel and I. Mr Fleming called for a few minutes.
20th Wed. Minnie Rikely and Harry Rayworth were married to-day. Rev. Roberts give us a call this P.M. Mabel Gurren and Tommy and Mr Fleming were here to-night to tea. Father went to Bath this afternoon.
21st Thur. (callers) Mr McNabb, George Downey, Fletcher. Father went after his grist this morning to Bath. Mother put up a quilt this morning. Ethel and I home.
22nd Fri. All home. George Downey called for his page wire books. This afternoon I went to the concert at the school-house.
23rd Sat. John Brown was here for a few minutes. Ethel and I were vaccinated by Dr Northmore. All home. Fine day.
24th Sun. We all saw a robin to-day for the first. All home all day.
25th Mon. Fletcher, George Downey and Robert Gallows called here. Tom Mellow came down this morning and invited us up to night to tea and we went. Father went to Napanee to day. Wheels started to day for the first.
26th Tue. Rained all day. Mr Keller and Wall Davis called here. cleaned our cutter for the season.
{transcribed on previous page as continuation}
{transcribed on previous page as continuation}
27th Wed. (callers) Fred Sills, Bob Galloway, John Brown, Lynn Brown, Fletcher. Father and John Nrown went to Napanee this afternoon and Father bought back the townland. Rest home. Bristo got a bag of potatoes.
28th Thur. Father and Lynn Brown went to Napanee to-day and finished up writtings. Ellen McNabb was here for a while this afternoon. Lynn Brown got two bags of apples to-night. Rest were home.
29th Fri. John Brown got 2 jags of straw this morning. Mr Flemings last day of school. Father was working down to Fletchers this afternoon "score-hacking". Rest home. Frank Clark called to-night.
30th Sat. Father down to Fletchers all day. Mr Roberts called this afternoon. All went down P. Youngs to night after tea.
31st Sun. This afternoon all went to church. Home the rest of the day.
1st Mon. Father went to Bath this afternoon. Rest were home, Miss Bruce started school.
2nd Tue. Margaret Cadman here all day, Grandpa and Grandma came out to night, Ethel and I sick most of the day. Rest home.
3rd Wed. Rained all day. Grandpa and Grandma are here yet. C. Huffman here this afternoon and took the census.
4th Thur. Grandpa and Grandma went home this morning. Bristo got the rest of his potatoes.
5th Fri. Good Friday. Mrs. G. Switzer called this afternoon. Father down to Fletcher's awhile this afternoon. Rest home.
6th Sat. Took off out side windows this morning, Mabel Gurren was down all afternoon and stopped for tea. Mr Francis called this afternoon. All home.
7th Sun. Mother went to church this morning. Rest home all day.
8th Mon. Mother's birth day. gloomy day. All home to-day. Maggie Carroll was down for awhile this afternoon. Miss Bruce went to G. Wright to board.
9th Tue. Father down to Fletcher's this morning score-hacking. Rest home all day.
10th Wed. Father, Mother, Ethel and I were out to Aunt Franks to-day for dinner and coming home we stopped to Uncle Wills and got some seed wheat. Mr Hambly pig buyer called to-night.
11th Thur. Grandpa Fretts and Jim Fitchet came out this morning for awhile. Father went to Bath this afternoon. Fred Sills got a load of straw this afternoon. Ellen McNabb called this evening.
12th Fri, "callers" Duncan McNabb. Mr McNabb. Mary Cadman. Ida Ruttan was here for awhile this afternoon. Father worked down to Fletchers this afternoon, while Fletcher sheered "Lucy". Father traded "Beacher" {the word horse noted above} off this morning for a cow with Jim Fitchet.
13th Sat, Father and Mother went to Napanee to day. The first boat for this season came in the gap to day but had to go back on account off ice. Ethel and I home all day.
14th Sun. Mrs. Wartman and Percy came up this afternoon for awhile. Mother and I went to church to-night.
15th Mon. Mrs Carroll was down to day washed and started house-cleaning. "callers" Felix Mellow, Will Roblin, John Brown, Jack Brown, Sydney Brown, Jack Green. Bristo started work to day he and Father cleaned the door-yard and took down the coal-stove.
16th Tue. Father went down to Close's mill to-day, and Ethel stayed at Uncle Will. Bristo sowed a piece for J. Brown to-day, west of J. Brown's place. Mother and I home all day. A photo caller to-day.
17th Wed. Father went up to Will Roblin's this morning and this afternoon he went to Bath. Mrs Carroll was down this afternoon and helped clean house. Mother painted the drawing-room ceiling this morning. {written between lines "1/2 gallon of paint"} The "Hero" made her first trip to-day. Ethel and I helped clean house. A fine day.
18th Thur. Rained this afternoon. This morning Father started "sowing" on our own place. Mrs Carroll here to-day and helped clean house. Father set out the trees this afternoon he got the other day when he went to Napanee. "California Maples".
19th Fri. Rainy day. Father and Mother went out to J. Creighton's to see about buying a horse this morning and brought back an old horse from Grandpas to put in Spring's work with. Ethel and I were home.
20th Sat. Rainy Day. I was sick all day. Father and Mother cleaned the dining room, and Father whitened the walls.
21st Sun. Mother went up to see old Mrs. Lem this morning who is sick and Father went to church this morning. Ethel and I home all day.
22nd Mon. Father took 7 pigs out to Napanee this morning. He got $6.40 per 100 lbs. Mrs Fred Sills called this afternoon. Rest were home.
23rd Tue. Mrs Lem died this morning at 4 O'clock A.M. Father went to Bath this morning. Rained all this afternoon.
24th Wed. Father drew down the lumber from Conway dock this afternoon to fix our barn. Rest were home.
25th Thur. Father helped Fletcher draw down his lumber to-day from Conway dock. Mr Gurren called this morning. Rest were home all day.
April. 1901.
26th Fri. Father and Richard dug the post holes to-day between house and barn. Father got 4 little pigs to-day from Blackadder. Rest were home.
27th Sat. Richard took our calves out to Sam Asselstines to pasture this morning. Mrs Leech called this afternoon. A two master vessel has been on the point for a week and to-night the Rheindeer pulled her off. Home all day.
28th Sun. Had Dr Nelson up this morning to sick cow. Mary Cadman called this morning. This afternoon Mother, Ethel and I went out to Grandma's for tea. Father went to church this afternoon.
29th Mon. Father has not sowed any for 10 days until to-day on account of wet weather. All home.
30th Tue. Father went to mill this morning. Mabel Gurren called to night. All home.
May 1st Wed. Tom Gurren called this morning. Mabel Gurren went around this afternoon and collected for English church to get goods to cover doors. and I went with her. Mother and Ethel went over to Mrs Gallows for awhile this afternoon.
2nd Thur. Rained this morning. I was over to McNabbs for awhile to night. Rest were home. We had 2 little pigs to come to-day.
3rd Fri. All home to-day. Fine day.
4th Sat. This afternoon I went up to Mr Gurrens for a setting of eggs. and Mother and Ethel went down to Fletchers this afternoon to tea. Father was home all day working.
5th Sun. Father, Mother and Ethel and my self went to the English church this morning. and this afternoon we all went to Grandpas and came back before tea. We had to bring 2 little pigs to the house to-day and I fed them for old pig had no milk.
6th Mon. Fine day. An assurance agent called this afternoon. All home to-day.
7th Tue. Mabel Gurren called this morning. Mr. Cambridge was here for dinner "pedlar". Mabel Gurren and I went up to the church this afternoon and gave O. Ball the measurement of the doors for to get the goods to cover them. Rest were home.
8th Wed. All home to-day. Ellen McNabb was here for awhile this afternoon.
9th Thur. Mother was up to Mrs. T. Mellows this afternoon for awhile. Rest were home.
{doodle of a bird at the top of the second page where the entry carried over}
10th Fri. This morning Father went out to Grandpa Fretts for the "disc" and I went too and stayed. They said Mrs Anderson died Wed 8th May. Miss Lily Files "Conway school teacher" was on her way with her "bicycle" tonight to her home when a shower came up and she came in here and she stayed all night.
11th Sat. Rained all morning. Father took Miss Files up to Wrights this afternoon to her boarding house, and then he took Grandpa's disc home and got me. Mrs P. Young and children were here when we got home.
12th Sun. All went back through the fields this morning in the spring waggon and stopped and went through Felix Mellow's new house. This afternoon Father and Mother went to the English church. Rained tonight and nobody went to church.
13th Mon. This afternoon I went up to the church and helped to cover the doors with red felting. Rest were home.
{transcribed on previous page as carried over}
{Letters that make up "Robinson" scrawled on top left}
14th Tue. Charles Eliott called this morning buying up fat hogs. This afternoon I went back to the church and helped finish covering the doors. Tonight Grandpa and Grandma came out.
15th Wed. Grandpa & Grandma went home this morning. An agent called to-day. All home.
16th Thur. This morning I went to church it being "Ascenion Day", and went to Mr. Gurrens for dinner, then in the afternoon we Mabel and I went up to the church and finished the doors. Ethel went down to Galloways this morning and got a little white kitten. Rest were home.
17th Fri. This morning Mother, Ethel and I went to Napanee and Father stayed home and made some garden.
18th Sat. Father took out the old posts, in the front yard this morning along the west side of the lane. Rest were home.
19th Sun. Father, Dick Bristowe and Fletcher went out to Sam Assailtines this morning to see the young cattle. Nellie and Fletcher were here for a few minutes this afternoon. Rest were home all day.
May. 1901
20th Mon. This afternoon Mother, Ethel and I went up to the store. Mabel Gurren called this afternoon for a few minutes. Father was busy all day working.
21st Tue. Father worked up at the Commons this morning for J. Brown to plant, This afternoon Bob Cad{man?} was here putting up fence between door-yard and cow-yard. All were home to-day.
22nd Wed. Put "wire" on west side of door-yard fence this morning. Rained this afternoon. Home all day.
23rd Thur. Fine day. Perce Young, Tom Ruttan and Father got their Massy Harris binders to day at Conway Dock. We all went down to Fletcher's to-night and they had the old barn all torn down.
24th Fri. Victoria Day. This morning Father went to mill and tonight he went to the store. Mother went up to Mrs. Mellow to see about dressmaker coming to sew, "Miss Brandon". Rest were home.
25th Sat. Father took a load of grain this morning to Millhaven. Rest were home.
26th Sun. Father. Mother. Ethel. went back through the fields this morning and while they were gone Uncle Ebb and Aunt Laura came out and were here all day.
May. 1901.
27th Mon. Grandpa Fretts had a raising to day, and we all went out.
28th Tue. All home to-day, Father out in a few early potatoes this afternoon.
29th Wed. Miss Brandon came this afternoon. All home to-day.
30th Thur. Miss Brandon was here to-day. All home to-day.
31st Fri. All home to-day. Tonight Miss Brandon and I went to practice at the Presbyterian church.
End of month.
June. 1901.
1st Sat. Stopped stabling cows to-day. Mother took Miss Brandon home tonight and Ethel went too.
2nd Sun. This morning Mother and Ethel came home they stayed to Grandmas all night. Nellie was here a few minutes this morning. Rained most of the day. Father and I were home to-day.
3rd Mon. Father went to Bath this morning. Mother and Father drove down to Fletchers for a few minutes tonight. Ether and I stayed home. Mabel Gurren was here for a few minutes tonight.
4th Tue. Mary Cadman was here for a few minutes this morning. Mrs Cadman was here to-day for dinner. Father and Richard were busy drawing out manure to-day. All home.
5th Wed. Father & Richard were working on the road to-day. This afternoon Mother and Ethel went down to Fletchers for awhile. Mary Cadman and Mr McNabb were here tonight for awhile. I was home, Fine Day. Miss Keller music teacher called this evening.
6th Thur. Fine day. This morning Father finished work on the road, and this afternoon we all went down to Bath.
June. 1901.
7th Fri. Rained this morning. This afternoon Father was working down to Fletchers. Mother, Ethel and I went down to Fletchers this afternoon and made a batch of 'Boston cookies'.
8th Sat. Rained this morning. Felix Mellow was working over to the school-house to-day laying up wall under wood-shed and came here for dinner. All home.
9th Sun. All went out to Grandma's this morning and came back this afternoon. Uncle Morley, Aunt Bird and baby were there. All went to Presbyterian church to-night. Fine
10th Mon. All went to Napanee today. Fine day. Got hammock.
11th Tue. Fine day. Father and Richard were working up the planting ground to-day. Mother painted kitchen floor this afternoon. All home.
12th Wed. Fine warm day. Mrs. Harry Ellison called this afternoon. Father and Richard were working up planting ground to-day. Mother gave kitchen floor another coat. All home.
June, 1901.
13th Thur. Fine day, warm. Father planted corn to-day. All were at home.
14th Fri. Father and Richard were ploughing to-day away back at the further end of the farm. This afternoon Mother, Ethel and I went out to Grandmas and stayed for tea. Fred Perry had his raise to-day. Raymond Fretts was a year old to-day. The "Hero" was burnt was in Belleville last night.
15th Sat. Father was ploughing to-day. A baby boy came to Dick Bristos last night, Miss Keller came this afternoon and gave me a music lesson. All home.
16th Sun. Fine day. This morning all went to English church. Mabel Gurren came down with us and stayed for dinner and in the afternoon she and I went up to their place and went to Presbyterian church at night. So did Father, Mother and Ethel.
17th Mon. Mother and Ethel went out to old Mr Mellows this morning and got tomato plants. Father and Richard were ploughing to-day. Ellen McNabb called this afternoon. I was home most of the day.
June, 1901.
18th Tue. Father and Richard were spadeing around trees in orchard today, Ellen McNabb called for a few minutes. All went down to Fletchers tonight for a few minutes.
19th Wed, Rained this morning Mother was down to Fletcher's all day helping cook for the raising Father went out to Sillsville this afternoon asking hands to Fletchers raising and got plates for the raising from Methodist church. Oliver Robinson came up this afternoon for raising, tonight he and Father went up as far as Van Dykes asking hands. Ethel and I were home most of the day.
20th Thur. Oliver was here all night last night. This morning Father Mother and Oliver and Richard went down to Fletchers. But could not have raising on account of rain rained hard most of the day The afternoon when they came home Hugh Milling came with them. He was out for the raising. Tonight Father, Oliver, and Hugh went up the road asking hands to raising tomorrow morning. Ethel and I were home.
21st Fri. Fletcher had his raising today. Father, Mother, Ethel, Hugh, Oliver and myself went down to Fletchers this morning and stayed all day. Fine day.
June. 1901.
22nd Sat. Had strawberries today for first. Father's birthday. 41 yrs old. Fine day but warm, Father planted corn & potatoes. Father and Mother went up to church-yard and cut the grass to night,
23rd Sun. Fine day. Last night had a big thunder storm. This afternoon Mother Ethel and I went to English church, and Father took a drive. To night all went to Conway church.
24th Mon. Father went to Bath today. Fine day but warm. Rest were home.
25th Tue. Fine warm day. Father was down to Fletchers helping this morning, cultivating in summer follow. Tonight all went out to strawberry festival at Cravens.
26th Wed. Fine day but warm Father and Richard were working in orchard today. Tonight I went up to Gurrens for a little while. Rest home.
27th Thur, warm fine day. Father was working at the barn to-day. Nellie & Clarence were here all day. This afternoon Mabel Gurren and I went up to Flora Sloanes and spent the afternoon. Rest were home.
28th Fri. Father and Richard started cowstable today, Mrs Gurren was here tonight to tea. Fine warm day. All home.
June, 1901.
29th Sat. Picked about 25 quarts of berries today and done them up. Mr Perdy & Mr Gallagher were here to-day for dinner and put up our "binder". Took lesson this afternoon. This afternoon Mother Ethel and I went out to Grandma's on our way out we met Uncle Marsh Aunt Emma & Floe. Father was home.
30th Sun. Aunt Emma, Uncle Marsh & Floe were here all night last night went up to T. Mellows this morning. This afternoon all went back to the field. All home all day.
End of month.
July, 1901,
1st Mon. Dominion Day. All home. Father started to cut hay this afternoon. Tonight Mother Ethel and I went up to the Conway Store. Father was home.
2nd Tue. Father was cutting hay to-day. Fine day. Tonight all went down to Fletchers. Home all day.
3rd Wed, Father and Richard were working in the hay to-day. To-day Mother, Ethel and I went to Napanee got back to Grandpa's for tea. Father was home, Fine day.
4th Thur. Rained this afternoon, Father and Richard were working in the hay to-day. Margaret Cadman was here this morning seeing about making Father a vest. Mother and Ethel went to Bath this morning. Rest were home.
5th Fri. Early this morning Father went to mill. Father Mother Ethel and I went to Confirmation in our own church. A misty day. Home rest of the day.
6th Sat. Fine day. I took a lesson this afternoon. Tonight Ethel fell down the east wood-house steps about a quarter after six. She hurt her arm so Father and Mother took her down to Dr. Northmore Bath but he rather thought it was only bruised, I went up to Mrs. Cadmans and stayed then Mrs Cadman Margaret and Mary came down with me and stayed untill Father and Mother got home.
7th Sun. Fine day. This morning Mr McNabb and Jack Ruttan were in. Mr and Mrs Wartman and children were here for dinner. Dr. Northmore called about noon Uncle Max was with him he stayed for dinner while Dr Northmore went up the road. Mr and Mrs Sam Dorland called this afternoon. Margaret and Mrs Cadman were down for a few minutes tonight. All were home.
8th Mon. Fine day. Father and Richard were working in the hay to-day. Mrs George Phippen called here to-day. All were at home.
9th Tue. Fine day. Mrs Cam Young called this afternoon. Grandpa and Grandma Fretts came out this afternoon and intend staying all night. Ethel's arm seemed to be a little better to-day but swollen more than as been at all. Think so anyway, she has carried it in a sling since Sunday. Father and Richard were drawing in hay to-day. All home to-day.
{transcribed on previous page as continuation}
July. 1901.
10th Wed, Fine day. Grandpa and Grandma Fretts went home this morning. Yesterday morning when Richard was bringing horses down from field Richard says Dan kicked Major and is supposed cracked the bone in his left front leg. to-day at noon he broke his leg. And Mother and Ethel went to Bath for Dr Neilson. He came up and set it. Father and Richard were busy drawing in hay when not attending to horse "Major". Mrs Galloway was here a few minutes tonight so was Fletcher and William Rose. Rest were home.
11th Thur. Father was cutting hay this morning and this afternoon He and Richard were drawing in. Mrs and John Young called tonight so did Nellies Clarence and Mrs Phippen. Tom Gurren George Galloway also called, Ellen McNabb was here for a while tonight. All home.
12th Fri. "12th of July". {Orangemen's day} Fine day. Dr Neilson was up this morning to see Major. horse. This afternoon Father started his rye. This afternoon I went down to Fletcher's for a while and Mother and Ethel drove down for me then we went back in the field to see "binder" work. Tonight we all went down to Bath.
13th Sat. Fine day. Dr Neilson came up this morning and they put an end to Major. Father and Richard were drawing in hay rest of the day. Tonight Mother Ethel and I went out for a row with Ellen and Jim McNabb in the boat. Father was home. This afternoon Dr. Northmore called and put Ethel's arm in splint.
14th Sun. All went out to Uncle John Milling's to-day for dinner. I went to Presbyterian church tonight. Rest were home.
15th Mon. Fine day. Father was cutting rye this afternoon. Tonight Mrs Cadman was here for awhile. Warm day. All home.
16th Tue. Fine day but a warm day. Father was cutting rye all day to-day. Mr. Haycock from Cataraqui was here this afternoon. All were home all day.
17th Wed. Fine day, but warm. Father was working in the hay today. Mother was raking this afternoon. Maggie Carroll was here for awhile this afternoon. Father and Ethel were down to Fletcher's for awhile tonight. Mother and I were home.
{transcribed on previous page as entry carried over}
July. 1901
18th Thur. Rained a little towards night. This morning Ethel and I went to Bath. Father was cutting hay this forenoon and this afternoon he was drawing in until rain came on. Maggie Carroll was here for a few minutes this afternoon. Mother drove horse-fork for Father while he was drawing in. Home rest of the day.
19th Fri. Fine day. Father was busy drawing in hay to-day. Tonight Rev. Roberts and wife called here I was up to Gurrens to night for awhile and Tom, Mabel and I went for a drive Mother drive horse-fork for Father. All home.
20th Sat. Fine day. Father finished his hay this morning. Mother and I went to Napanee to day and Ethel stayed to Grandpa's.
21st Sun. Fine day. This morning Father, Mother, Ethel and I drive back through the fields and came home around by No 1. This afternoon Uncle Ceylon and Fletcher came up Fletcher went home after tea, but Uncle Ceylon stayed all night. Tonight I went to church alone. Rest took Uncle Ceylon back through the fields.
July. 1901.
22nd Mon. Fine day. Uncle Ceylon went home this morning. This morning Wall Davis and William Rose came to work at putting sleepers in the barn and putting barn doors on. This morning Ethel and I went down to Fletchers and tonight Father, Mother, Ethel and I went down for a few minutes.
23rd Tue. Fine day. Carpenter was here to-day. Mother, Ethel and I went to Conway this afternoon for nails. Father was home working at the barn with the men.
24th Wed. Rained a little towards night. Wall Davis was here this forenoon working at cow-stable. All home all day.
25th Thur. A gloomy day. Father fixed a bridge behind the barn to-day. This afternoon I went down to Fletchers. Mabel Gurren was there and Maggie Saunders. Mother and Ethel went to the office this afternoon.
26th Fri. Fine day. Father was busy to-day drawing stone for cow-stable. This afternoon Mrs P Young, and Myrtle Belfour called. Ethel and I went back to Tom Mellows this evening for honey but could not get any.
July. 1901.
27th Sat. Rained a little this afternoon. Father was diging a trench for cow-stable to-day. Rev. Douglas called this morning. Tonight all went down to Fletchers for a few minutes.
28th Sun. Had a big rain last night. Father and Mother went to English church this morning. All home rest of the day. Rained nearly all day to day.
29th Mon. Rained most of the day. Father and Richard were ploughing to-day. Tonight Father and Mother went to cheese factory. Ethel and I stayed at home.
30th Tue. Fine day. All went to Napanee this morning.
31st Wed. Fine day. Father started his barley this afternoon. Nelly and Clarence were here this afternoon Maggie Carroll was here a few minutes this afternoon also. Father went to Conway tonight for lumber which was to come around on Reindeer. Mabel and Tom stoped tonight for a few minutes. Fletcher was here tonight for a while.
End of month.
August. 1901.
1st Thur. Fine day. Father was binding barley all day to-day, Ovy Benjaman came here tonight. All home to-day.
2nd Fri. Fine day. Father and Ethel went down to Bath this morning. Tonight Mrs J. Young and her little girl were here for a few minutes. Rest were home to-day.
3rd Sat. Fine day. Father started cutting his oats to-day. Mrs P Young called tonight. All home.
4th Sun. I was down to Fletchers all night last night. Fletcher and Overton went to Kingston. All went to church this afternoon. Tonight all went down to Wartman's for a drive.
5th Mon. Fine day. Father was cutting oats today and drawing in barley this afternoon. This afternoon Mother, Ethel and I went to Rickey's mill with a grist.
6th Fine day. Father finished drawing in his barley to-day. Grandpa and Grandma came out tonight. All home.
7th Wed. Rained last night and this morning. Grandpa and Grandma Fretts went home after dinner. Overton Benjamin was here to-day for dinner. This afternoon Felix Mellow was here laying up stone wall for cow stable All home.
August. 1901.
8th Thur. Fine day. very windy this P.M. Felix Mellow was here to-day laying up stone wall for cow-stable. Tonight we all went down to Fletchers. All home.
9th Fri. Rained a little towards this evening. Felix Mellow was here all day. laying up stone wall for cow-stable. All home.
10th Sat. Rained last night and a little this morning. This afternoon Father was cutting oats in townland. Tonight Father took splints of Ethel's arm. All home.
11th Sun. Uncle Will and Aunt Maude called here this morning on their way to Fred Ellisons. Oliver Robinson was here to-day. Tonight Uncle Will and Aunt Maude were here tonight for tea then I went home with them.
13th Tue. To-day Mother came out to Grandma's for me. yesterday Aunt Maude Raymond and I took Floe Card home she has been staying to Grandma's visiting a few days. This afternoon Uncle John and Aunt Frank came out here did not know we were to Grandma's. We came home early and they went home I guess about 10.O clock
14th Wed. Fine day. Father cut his wheat to-day. Mrs John Neilson was here all day to-day. Mr Davis came up tonight and he intends staying all night. All home.
15th Thur. Cloudy day. Wall Davis was here all day clap boarding cow stable. Mother and Ethel were down to P. Youngs this afternoon. Father and I were home.
16th Fri. Fine day. Father finished cutting his oats to-day. All home.
17th Sat. Fine day. Father and Richard were busy drawing in rye to-day. Father and I went to Bath this afternoon and meet Miss Bruce. Mother and Ethel were home.
18th Sun. Fine day. Father, Mother and Ethel went out to Uncle Wills this morning so Miss Bruce and I were alone. this afternoon Miss Bruce and I went to the English church. Tonight we all went to the Presbyterian church.
19th Mon. Cloudy day. Father and Richard were busy drawing in oats to day. All were home.
20th Tue. Cloudy day. Father was working at cow-stable to-day. Miss J Neilson called here tonight. All were home to-day.
21st Wed. Fine day. very warm. Richard was threshing at Gurrens to-day. Father was doing a little of everything to day. All were home.
{carried over from previous page so transcribed on page before}
August. 1901.
22nd Thur. warm day. sprinkled a little towards evening. Father and Richard were drawing in wheat this afternoon. This afternoon I was down to Fletchers for awhile. This evening Miss Bruce went down to Downeys and this evening Miss Grey called and Myrtle Belfour. Father, Mother and Ethel were home.
23rd Fri. A Misty day. Father was working at cow-stable today and Richard was ploughing. Tonight T. Gurren came down and took Miss Bruce for a drive. Tonight Father, Mother, Ethel and I went down to Fletchers for awhile, Ovy Benjamin was here this afternoon for awhile.
24th Sat. Fine day. Father, Mother, and Ethel went to Napanee this morning. This afternoon Miss Keller came up and gave me my lesson. Miss Bruce went down to Fred Sills this afternoon. I was home all day.
25th Sun. Fine day. This morning Mother, Ethel and Miss Bruce went to English church. After dinner Fletcher was here for awhile. This afternoon Father took us all up the {?} for a drive. Tonight Tom Gurren came and took Miss Bruce out to Sillsville. Father took Mother, Ethel and I to Presbyterian church.
August. 1901.
26th Mon. Fine day. Father and Richard were drawing in to-day. Tonight Miss Grey and Miss Belfour were here for awhile. All were home.
27th Tue. Fine day but warm. Father finished his harvest this morning. This afternoon Mother, Ethel and I went up to Eaton's to get gages but they had none. Tonight Tom and Mabel were here for awhile. Father went to Conway tonight for cement for cowstable.
28th Wed. Fine day but warm. Father was drawing gravel to day for cow-stable. All home.
29th Thur. Fine day. This morning Father was drawing stone. This afternoon Father went to Bath. Mother and Ethel went along and stayed to Wartmans and I went along and stayed to Mrs P. Youngs.
30th Fri. Fine day. Father and Richard were ploughing to-day. Ellen McNabb was in a few minutes this morning. Tom and Mabel came down tonight, got Miss Bruce and went to Presbyterian church practice. All were home.
31st Sat. A big rain last evening. Miss Keller gave me my lesson this afternoon. Tonight Father, Ethel and I went up to G. Switzers. Rest were home.
September. 1901.
1st Sun. A misty day. This afternoon Father and Mother went to English church. Tonight would all have gone to church but it rained. Tonight Uncle Ceylon came up.
2nd Mon. Fine day. Fletcher had threshing machine to day so I was down helping all day. "Labor day" so Miss Bruce was home. This afternoon Mrs John Neilson came down and was here for tea. Tonight when I got back Uncle Ceylon went down to Fletchers for a few minutes and Miss Bruce and I went along. When we got back Uncle Ceylon and Miss Bruce took Mrs John Neilson home.
3rd Tue. Fine day. Uncle Ceylon, Father and Richard were putting in cement in cow-stable to-day. Tonight Uncle Ceylon Miss Bruce and I went to Conway store. Rest were home.
4th Wed. Fine day, but warm. Tonight Uncle Ceylon went home, cowstable floor was finished tonight. Felix Mellow was helping here to-day. Tonight Grandma & Grandpa came out intend staying all night. All were home to-day.
September. 1901.
5th Thur. Fine day, but warm. Father and Richard were ploughing to day. Mabel was down for awhile tonight, and Miss Bruce and I went home with her and Tom brought us home.
6th Fri. Fine day but warm. This afternoon Rev. Roberts and wife called and Mother was away to the office and so was Ethel. Father and Richard were ploughing to-day. All home. Father wrote to Uncle John to-day.
7th Sat. Fine day. This morning Father and Richard were ploughing, this afternoon, Father and Richard were threshing at McNabbs. This afternoon Mother Ethel, Miss Bruce and I went down to Bath.
8th Sun. Fine day but cool. This morning Miss Bruce and I went to English church. This afternoon Mrs John Wartman and Percy and Mrs Ally Wartman were here for awhile. Mr and Mrs Azil Schryver called here this afternoon they were out driving. This afternoon Miss Bruce went down to Fred Sills. Tonight Father Mother Ethel and I went to Presbyterian church. Ovy Benjamin was here all night last night.
September. 1901.
9th Mon. Father and Richard were threshing at McNabbs this morning till about 2 O'clock then Father went to Napanee, I went along and stayed at Uncle Wills. Rest were home.
10th Tue. Fine day. Father and Richard finished ploughing first field in town-land to day. All home. Ovy Benjamin was here to-day for dinner.
11th Wed. Rained last night and was misty to-day. Father and Richard were working at other end of cow-stable to-day. All home to-day.
12th Thur. Rained nearly all day. Father and Richard were working at cow stable to day at fixing rest of it. All home.
13th Fri. Fine day. Felix Mellow was here laying up stone-wall for other end of cow stable. Tonight we all went down to Fletchers and got rye for Father to sow to morrow. Father took back Fletchers rye. Ovy Benjamin called here this afternoon.
14th Sat. Fine day. Today Fsther and Richard were working at cow-stable getting it ready for cement "other end of cow stable". Miss Keller gave me my lesson this afternoon. Tonight we all went up to the store "also Miss Bruce".
September 1901
15th Sun. Rainy day. This afternoon Miss Bruce and I went up to Cadmans for a while. Tonight Miss Bruce and I went to church "Presbyterian church". Tom and Mabel were here tonight after church for a while. Uncle Ceylon Robinson came up tonight. Aunt Emma, Uncle Marsh and Florence called here this afternoon. They had been visiting at Mellows and Switzers.
16th Mon. Fine day but terrible wind, this morning Mother, and Ethel went to Napanee for cement. Men were putting in cement floor in other end of cow-stable to-day.
17th Tue. Rained this morning. Fine afternoon. Men were working at cow-stable to-day. Ovy Benjamin was here tonight for tea. Tonight all went down to Fletchers.
18th Wed. Fine day. Father, Mother, Ethel and Uncle Ceylon left about noon and went to Napanee show. Rest went to Aunt Frank's for tea but I got a chance home.
19th Thur. Fine day but cool. Uncle Ceylon went home about 3 P.M. Ovy was here for a while this P.M. Mabel Gurren was here also for a while this afternoon. Tonight all went down to Fletchers for awhile and got 13 bushels of rye. Father did.
September 1901
20th Fri. Cloudy day and cool. Today Father was souring rye in town and this afternoon Mother and Ethel went to the office. Tonight Tom and Mabel came and got Miss Bruce to got to Belfours. Tonight Father went out to Walter Bristos, a house back, to see Walter Bristo, so Mother, Ethel and I are alone.
21st Sat. Fine day. Father and Richard were digging potatoes today. I took my lesson this afternoon. Miss Bruce and I went up this afternoon and got Mabel and went for a drive so Mabel came down and stopped for tea.
22nd Sun. Fine day. Father, Miss Bruce and I went to English church this morning, I went to Presbyterian church tonight.
23rd Mon. Fine day. Father was working at the cow-stable today part of the time then he and Richard were drawing out manure. This afternoon I was down to Fletchers for awhile. Started tonight having tea after dark.
24th Tue. Fine day. After school tonight Mother and Miss Bruce went back to call on (bride) Mrs. Felix Mellow. After they came home Miss Bruce and I went down to Fletchers for tea. Father & Richard were shovelling water furrows to-day.
25th, Wed, fine day. Father and Richard were drawing manure today away from back of barn. This afternoon Mother, Ethel, and I went to Bath. Father was home.
26th, Thur. Fine day. Overton Benjamin was here to-day. Threshing machine same this afternoon. Had 11 men for tea. All home.
27th, Fri. Fine day. Threshing here to-day had 12 men. Therefore we were all home.
28th, Sat. Fine day. Threshing machine left this morning about nine O. Clock.
Ovy Benjamin went down to Fletchers tonight. I took my lesson this afternoon, all were home. Had between 800 & 900 bushels of grain.
29th, Sun. Rained last night, and most of the day. Ovy Benjamin came here about 6 o'clock. Tom Gurren came down tonight and got Miss Bruce. We were home all day.
30th, Mon. Fine day. Father and Richard were moving part of the straw stack to-day. Mrs Carroll washed for us this morning. This afternoon Mother did up her 6 gallon churn of crab-apples. Nelly was here a few minutes this afternoon. All were home to-day.
October 1901
1st Tue.Fine day. Father went to mill today to Millhaven. Mother filled an 8 gallon crock today with crab-apples. Mrs. F. Mellow called here this afternoon. Ovy Benjamin and Miss Bruce went up to Gurrens tonight. We were all home.
2nd Wed. Rained this morning. Dr. Northmore called here this morning. Overton Benjamin was here all day. Father and he took a load of oats to Conway this afternoon. Nelly was here this afternoon.
3rd Thur. Showery this morning. Mother Ethel and I went to Napanee this morning. Overton Benjamin was here tonight for tea. Father and Miss Bruce were home.
4th Fri. A little showery middle of the day. Mrs Perce Young called here this afternoon. Rev. Roberts called here this afternoon also. Tom Gurren was here for a while tonight.
5th Sat. Showery today. Overton was here most of the day. Miss Kellar did not come up to give me my lesson. Father and Mother left for John Creighton's wedding celebration at about 4 o'clock this P.M. Ovy Mabel Tom Fletcher and Nelly were here with us. Mabel is going to stay all night.
October 1901
6th Sun. Father and Mother got home about noon. Stayed to Grandma's all night. Tom came this afternoon got Mabel and Miss Bruce and went off. Rest were home.
7th Mon. Fine day. Richard was ploughing to-day. Father was choring around. Stabled the cows tonight for the first. Overton Benjamin bid us good-bye this morning. Mrs Carroll came down this morning and cleaned little box stove. Father and Mother put little box stove up tonight. All were home to-day.
8th Tue. Fine day. Father and Richard were ploughing to-day. Mrs Cadman was here today helping make our pick-a-dilly. Tom and Mabel came and got Miss Bruce tonight and went off. All were home.
9th Wed. Showery to-day. Mother done up sweet tomato pickles to-day. Men were ploughing. All were home.
10th Thur. Quite a nice day. Men were ploughing. I was done to Fletcher's this afternoon for a while. Rest were home.
11th Fri. Beautiful day. Father and Richard were ploughing this morning and picking apples this afternoon. Mrs Leech called here this afternoon. So did Rev. Mr. Guy. Tommy Gurren is here tonight. All were home.
12th Sat. Fine day. Father and Richard were ploughing to day for awhile the rest of the day they were drawing in corn. Mother was down to Fletchers for dinner to day. Miss Kellar came up this P.M. and gave me my lesson. All we're home to day.
13th Sun. Rained this morning. This afternoon about 2 O'clock, Overton walked in and said that Oliver's wife "Ella" was dead died Saturday noon 12th October 1901. Ovey Benjamin and Alfie Watts came up to Fletchers this morning. Father, Mother and Ethel went to English C. this P.M. Miss Bruce and I went to Presbyterian church. All went to Conway at night.
14th Mon. Fine day. Father and Richard started to dig our late potatoes to day. All were home.
15th Tue. Fine day. Father and Richard were digging potatoes today, had Mollie and Aggie Carroll helping. This morning Ethel and I went out to Grandmas and stayed all day. Ovey Benjamin is here. Rest were home. Ovey is having a great chat with Miss B. when Tommy is not here.
{transcribed on previous page as line carried over}
October. 1901.
16th Wed. Showery all day. Father was helping down to Fletcher's to-day fixing cow-stable. Uncle Ceylon was there. Ovey and Mother went mill "Bath" this afternoon. Uncle Ceylon is here tonight. Tommy Gurren is here to night he cut Ovey out. Finished getting out our potatoes yesterday. Richard got his out to day. Rest were home.
17th Thur. Showery day. Father was drawing grain to Conway to-day Rest were home.
18th Fri. Fine day but chilly. All at work to day same as usual. Ovey left this morning.
19th Sat. Quite a fine day. Father and Mother went to Napanee this morning. Miss Kellar came up this P.M. and gave me my lesson. Rest were home. First chicken I ever picked was to-day. I picked two chickens alone, and scalded them.
20th Sun. Fine day. Miss Bruce, Ethel and I went to English church this morning. Uncle Ebb & Aunt Laura were out to-day. All went to Presbyterian church at night. Tom took Miss Bruce.
October. 1901.
21st Mon. Fine day. Father took 3 pigs over to Napanee this morning got $5.50 per 100 lbs. Rest were home.
22nd Tue. Fine day. Father and Richard were ploughing to-day. All home. Tom Gurren down tonight having a chat with Miss Bruce.
23rd Wed Fine day. Father went to mill this morning. Father and Richard were ploughing rest of day. Rest were home.
24th Thur. Fine day. Father and Richard were ploughing to-day. Father and Mother left at a little after 4 O' clock for Aunt Ida's wedding celebration. Tom and Mabel were here tonight for awhile. Ethel and I were home.
25th Fri. Fine day. Father and Richard were ploughing to-day. All were home.
26th Sat. Fine day. Father and Richard were ploughing to-day. Miss Kellar gave me my lesson this afternoon. Miss Bruce went up the road this afternoon just got back. Tom came to see her before she got back but she came in a little while.
October. 1901.
27th Sun. A beautiful day. Mr & Mrs Wartman and children came up about noon. So this afternoon Miss Bruce and I went to English church. Tonight Mother, Ethel and I went to Presbyterian church. Father could not go being Richard was not here. Tom came and took Miss Bruce to Hamburgh.
28th Mon. Clear cool day. Father and Richard were ploughing today. All were home.
29th Tue. Father and Richard were busy ploughing today. This morning I went down to Mrs P. Youngs for the day. On my way down I called to Fletchers and Mrs Fred Sills. Tonight Miss Bruce came after me and stayed for tea then she went to Sillsville for a grape social with John Belfour and Etta Fry. Mr. Conway, Peterborough was there and I rode up with him. He was on his way to Claringbolds. Tom Gurren came to P Youngs when he saw Miss B had gone he went on to Sillsville too. Hugh Milling, Uncle Will Fretts were here today for dinner. "Drawing grain to Conway." Rev. Roberts & wife & little girl were here tonight to tea. All were home.
October. 1901.
30th Wed. Fine day. Father and Richard were getting out turnips to-day. Uncle Will was here for dinner. Mother was up to Gurren a while this P.M. Mother was not home. Tom came and got Miss Bruce tonight they went off. Mr. McNabb was here for a while tonight.
31st Thur. Fine day. Father and Richard were getting out turnips to-day. Mother and Miss Bruce went down to call on Mrs Willie Hill tonight after 4 o'clock. Miss Frey called for Miss Bruce tonight to go to practice. Uncle Will brought out a load of grain this morning. Halloween night. Bell rang nobody was there.
End of month.
November. 1901.
1st Fri. Fine day. Mother Ethel and I went to Napanee. Father and Richard were getting out turnips to-day. Rest were home. Mother got me bottle of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription.
2nd Sat. Beautiful day. This morning Father and Richard finished turnips. Afternoon Father and Mother were putting wood in wood house & Richard was ploughing. I took my lesson. After lesson Miss Bruce, Ethel, and I went for a drive.
3rd Sun. Fine day. Father and Mother and Ethel were down to Wartman's today for dinner. Burt Robinson and Alfy Parkin wheeled up from Kingston. Tom Gurren was here this P.M. Grandpa and Grandma came out tonight. Tom came & got Miss Bruce tonight and went to church. Presbyterian church. {in margin: You naughty young kitten! What? lost your mitten! Then you shall have no pie.}
4th Mon. Snowed this afternoon. Father was putting wood in wood house today. Mr John Allan school teacher called to see us this morning. Grandpa & Grandma went home this morning. All were home.
November. 1901.
5th Tue. First snow storm was yesterday afternoon, and last night. But fine today. Richard was ploughing cottage land today. Father was sorting potatoes. All were home.
6th Wed. Fine day. Father went to mill this morning "Mill Haven". Rest were home. Tom down to see Miss Bruce tonight.
7th Thur. Fine day. Aunt Laura, Aunt Maude & Raymond were out today. Father & Richard were ploughing 4 horses on 1 plough to-day.
8th Fri. Fine day. Father and Richard were ploughing 4 horses on 1 plough to-day. Miss Bruce went up to T. Mellows tonight to tea. All were home to-day.
9th Sat. Fine day. Father and Richard were ploughing 4 horses on 1 plough to-day. All were home.
10th Sun. Fine day. This P.M. all went to English church. Tonight Mother and I went to P. church. Tom & Mabel came & took Miss B to M. church.
11th Mon. Misty Day. Father went to Sam Assailtines this morning for young cattle with Fletcher. This P.M. Richard and He were ploughing 2 team.
November. 1901.
12th Tue. Rained heavy last night. Misty this morning. Father was ploughing this afternoon while Richard killed his pig. Fletcher called tonight. All were home to-day.
13th Wed. Fine day but cold. Today Father and Richard finished ploughing orchard. Tonight Tom & Mabel came & took Miss Bruce to Adolphustown to memorial service. Captain Chalmers, William Roblin called this A.M. All home today.
14th Thur. Snowed & blowed most of the day. Mother helped milk tonight for the first. All were home.
15th Fri. Fine day. Mother, Ethel and I went out to Grandpa's this morning. Father was home. Tom Gurren called & took Miss Bruce up tonight.
16th Sat. Fine day. Father & Richard were ploughing today. Miss Bruce has not returned as yet. Miss Kellar gave me my lesson today. Mr. Chatman brought her up. All were home.
17th Sun. Fine day. This A.M. Mother, Ethel & Miss Bruce went to English church. Tonight all went to Presbyterian church. Miss Bruce went with us but did not come home with us.
Sovereigns of the House of Hanover George I crowned, 1714; died, 1727 George II crowned, 1727; died, 1760 Frederick, died 1751 George III crowned, 1760, died, 1820 George IV crowned, 1820; died, 1830 William IV crowned, 1830; died, 1837 Edward Duke of Kent Victoria succeeded, 1837; crowned, 1838
{illustration of mast and coat of arms and ribbon with words "This day England expects every man will do his duty}
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- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_01.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_02.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_03.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_04.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_05.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_06.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_07.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_08.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_09.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_10.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_11.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_12.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_13.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_14.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_15.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_16.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_17.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_18.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_19.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_20.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_21.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_22.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_23.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_24.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_25.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_26.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_27.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_28.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_29.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_30.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_31.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_32.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_33.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_34.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_35.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_36.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_37.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_38.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_39.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_40.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_41.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_42.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_43.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_44.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_45.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_46.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_47.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_48.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_49.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_50.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_51.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_52.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_53.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_54.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_55.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_56.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_57.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_58.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_59.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_60.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_61.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_62.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_63.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_64.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_65.pdf
- Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1901_66.pdf