File #30646: "Laura Robinson Sills Diary, 1919_020.pdf"


== April 1919 == 14th Fine. I washed. Alex clipped Polly & Duke up home. Elizabeth helps feeds the calves at night. Alex over to Morrows in Eve & Elizabeth over to Mrs Morrows for dinner. 15th Tue. Fine. Alex went to mill & the doll went over to Morrows & got a tooth pulled, she wouldn't let me do it. Saw the first boat to-day. I raked some of the yard. 16th Wed. Rained all day. H. Sills over. Nothing doing. Alex doing chores. 17th Thur. Fine. Alex raking door-yard. Herb Laidley called. I baked bread & buns. I went over to Mrs Sills & got our syrup. Elizabeth sits here writing with ink. She lives out doors. 18th Fri. Fine. Mabel down in afternoon. Alex finished the yard. 19th Sat. Alex went to station with pigs & calves. Pigs $21.25 Alex to Geo. Fretts in Eve. & the doll & I stayed at Morrows.
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