File #30845: "William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_004.pdf"


== December 1891 == === Wednesday Dec 30. === Cold clear and windy. School meeting in Camden East School House. a hot time was anticipated, but peace and quietness prevailed, cause of trouble if any arises from {hiring?} {Mip?}. Clara Boyle. assistant teacher, she being a Catholic. Mr Cynus Edgar appointed {Westees?} for 1892. === Thursday ,, 31 === Very cold in the norning turning warmer at noon. Shy overeast and theatening a storm at night. End 1891. === January 1st, 1892. === == Fri 7. == Cold in the morning, ground covered with a sheet of ice caused from hail and rain in the night. Turning warmer Sun shining at intervals gloomy at night. South wind pending rain, non appearance of {Ag?} Bown, Wife & Motheras expected, Gusta Suffering from headache. === Sat. 2. === Raining, sun shining at noon turning colder and cloudy at night. == Sun. 3. == Snowing nearly all day turning colder at night. == Mon. 4. == Cold and clear beautiful day. Town Ship Elections of Canada. Mary Hayden Wedding day. === Tue. 5. === Another lovely day. Meeting {afta?} the organization {s?" a, {name(s)?}

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