William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893
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64 Pages
W. Fitzgerald
Camden East {sut?}
{Weathen?} Record, 1892,
William Fitzgerald
Camden East
{inelligible}, Dec 25th, 1891
Some event which took place before the commencing of the following record.
Saturday, Oct. 24, 1981.
Started for the Backwoods in a Deer hunting expedition.
Sunday . 25.
Arived at our camping ground
Monday 26.
Shot my first deer on Stony lake
Wednesday 28
Shot my second deer on Stony lake
Sunday Nov. 7.
Started for home having bagged {fiae?} deer. Messrs. John & Myers Warner and myself comprised the hunting party.
- The year 1891, as near as I can remember was as follows, Winter, considerable show and many Thaws, Springe was early,k Summer was quite warm, with much lightning Thunder & Rain Fall was unusualy Fine and warm, perpetual sunshine. Till about the 28th of Nov, there we had avery rainy season till Jan 1st 1892,
Weather Record, 1891.
Friday Dec. 25
Beginning Christmas Day. A dull cloudy and misty day. Spent the day at Af. Brown's Moscow. The party included Mrs Warner, Melissa Warner, Augusta Warner, Lola Warner, and myself. We drove home at night through a dense fog.
Saturday ,, 26
Raining in the {forenoon?} turning a little colder towards evening with high winds from the west.
Sunday ,, 27
Cold and partly cloudy
Monday ,, 28
Cold and clear, wrote to M, F, W, M for sit. Ans.
Tuesday ,, 29.
Cloudy and windy, commenced raining at noon, turning to snow. Thence to rain at night.
December 1891
Wednesday Dec 30.
Cold clear and windy. School meeting in Camden East School House. a hot time was anticipated, but peace and quietness prevailed, cause of trouble if any arises from {hiring?} {Mip?}. Clara Boyle. assistant teacher, she being a Catholic. Mr Cynus Edgar appointed {Westees?} for 1892.
Thursday ,, 31
Very cold in the norning turning warmer at noon. Shy overeast and theatening a storm at night.
End 1891.
January 1st, 1892.
Fri 7.
Cold in the morning, ground covered with a sheet of ice caused from hail and rain in the night. Turning warmer Sun shining at intervals gloomy at night. South wind pending rain, non appearance of {Ag?} Bown, Wife & Motheras expected, Gusta Suffering from headache.
Sat. 2.
Raining, sun shining at noon turning colder and cloudy at night.
Sun. 3.
Snowing nearly all day turning colder at night.
Mon. 4.
Cold and clear beautiful day. Town Ship Elections of Canada. Mary Hayden Wedding day.
Tue. 5.
Another lovely day. Meeting {afta?} the organization {s?" a, {name(s)?}
January 6th. 1892,
Wed 6.
Snow storm from the east fall of snow, 4 to 5 inces. First {slighing?}
Thur, 7,
A beautiful day
Fri, 8,
Another lovely day with light fluries of snow
Sat, 9.
A beautiful day. Fluries of snow
Sun. 10.
Lovely day
Mon 11,
Mostly cloudy, soft wind from the east, having the appearance of a {gawwiny?} thaw.
Tues, 12.
Rain and sleet early in the morning, turning mild, now melting rapidly clearing after night and turning colder.
January 13th, 1892
Wed 13,
Very cold, snowing till noon wind east, dark and cloudy preparing for a storm. Wrote to President Pine River Cheese Factory.
Thur. 14.
A light snow sotrn druing the night previous, and untill day light this morning, the day cloudy raw and cold, lobely moon light at night.
Fri. 15.
A beautiful day, clear and cold. The boys finised drawing wood, the largest pile I ever saw in the yard at once, Wrote to P, W.{ans?} E.
Sat. 16.
Beautiful winters day. lovely sleighing and beautfiul moonlight night.
Sun 17.
A beautiful day, but slightly hazy turning cloudy at night. having the appearance of a sotrm. The last of my wild {oats?} commence on a new page tomorrow.
January, 18th 1892.
Mon, 18.
Quite mild in the morning. commenced snowing about eleven Oclock. from the {south?} turning north east and snowing very heavily all day with the appearance of continuing all night,
Tue, 19.
Snowing till noon. fall of snow about 6 inches, turning very cold often it cleared off. Unto to P.M {illegible}
Wed, 20.
Very cold, {Thermometer?} at 30: {zero?} A beautiful bright day {morning?} considerable. but cold again to/night
Thu. 21.
Cold. but beautiful day, drifting some in the morning. Helped to catch Naval {stonees?} horses which ranaway at the station while unloading hay
Fri. 22.
Quite mild in the morning, and commenced snowing about noon and turning almost to rain at night
Jany. 23rd. 1892
Sat. 23.
Beautiful day. mild and clear. appearance of snow at night.
Sun. 24.
Snowing all day. but very, light partly clearing off at night. {Grih?}
Mon. 25.
Lovely winters day. very mild. sun shining at intervals, An unlucky day for the boys. {Houring?} upset their load of hay twice. and {straep?} mce, turning colder at night with high winds and squalls.
Tue. 26.
Very cold, sun shining in the morning. very cold wind all day. Thermometer 20 {degrees symbol -}
Wed. 27.
Cold and raw, cold west wind with a light snow fall towards night, Mrs Warnes. and Ida visiting at Alfred {Broron's?}
Mild, very fine snow falling nearly all day, h.{illegible} {harin?} desailed at {Najance Mills?} played crochet with H Bechell {illegible} test {illegible} saw Henry, {name?}.
January. 29th. 1892
Fri. 29.
Warm and fine, sun shining nearly all day, called n W.M Taslarer
Sat. 30.
A dull cloudy day. Mild. Thawing a little in the afternoon.
Sun. 31
Beautiful sun shining day, warm. Thawing a little, but still good sleighing. Melissa Luota and myself, walked home with Ms {name}. and enjoyed it very much. Emma Warner {hoe} tonight.
February. 1st. 1892.
Mon. 1.
Warm and mild mostly cloudy appearance of rain to-night.
Tue. 2.
A few sprinkles of rain. The night {illegible}, Turning very cold towards morning, cloudy, moderating alittle, commenced snowing about noon to-day from the east. The biggest of the season so far.
February. 3rd. 1892.
Wed. 3.
The storm of yesterday continued nearly all night. with heavy blows drifting considerable, fall of snow from 3 to 6 inches, To-day is lovely, very mild, sunny, and thawing a little. clouding {aoes?} in the morning, clearing off again at night. Lovely moonlight. Methodest Sunday School con-vention Melissa Emma {Harris?} attending. Melissa Emma and Gusta out for a sleigh ride and bought a bag of apples of Mr {name}. Melissa & Gusta first sleigh ride this season.
Thu. 4.
Quite cold, flurries of snow at different times throug the day. sun shining at intervals Lennox Election candidates were Allison & Hilson. The Cattes elected by {21?} majority. 3l. {illegible}
February 5th 1892.
Fri. 5.
Lovely winters day, cold. and clear all day. moonlight to-night.
Sat. 6.
Very cold. 20 ' below zero, fine and clear during the fore-noon, afternoon cloudy and very light snow fall, cloudy to-night Mr. C.J. Hooper very sick, did not come to-night.
Sun. 7.
Cold and cloudy. Gus too Melissa and I drove out to Alfreds Brown. Commenced snowing just after we arrived, about eleven O,Clock and continued till about five. O.Clock, wind shifting from the east, and turning milder Mrs Warner came home today
Mon. 8.
Mild, almost a rain all day, at present it is snowing Emma Warner, gone home today
February .9th. 1892.
Tue. 9.
A light fall of snow early in the morning , clearing off and being very lovely the evening, I speny at Mr John McCaul's
Wed. 10.
Lovly all day, clouding around night, with the apperance of snow.
Thu. 11.
Snowing all day from the east clouding a little in the evening, again, snowing all night
Fri. 12.
Stopped snowing, fall of snow about 4 inches, clearing off at about 8, O,Clock, cold and clear all day. Clouding over at night with a light fall of snow. Clearing again and turning very cold
Sat. 13.
Very cold and clear sun very bright. Thermometer 18º below zero, but getting considerably hotter in the day, Brilliant northern lights very _continued on next page_
Febuary 13 th 1892
Sat. 13.
Very Brillant northern ligths tonight. So red and beautiful {their?} reflection on the snow made it appear coloured,
Sun. 14.
Cloudy and cold. Commenced storming about 3, OClock, P.M. from the east severest of the season eclipsing all previous storms and still stroming at nine P.M. Alfred Brown & wife here to-day. and brought Ida home with them. after a visit of about three weeks. Alfred and Nancy stay tonight on account of the strom.
Mon. 15.
Cold. but beautiful day, yesterday snow storm was about 8 inches.
Tue. 16.
Very cold day, 20º below zero. but bright lovely day
Wed. 17.
Bright and lovely day, 28º below zero this morning
February 18. th 1892
Thu. 18.
Quite mild in the morning. sun shining for a while then dull and cloudy, sun shining a little while at sunset. Jack, dealt for Stallion
Fri. 19.
Dull and cloudy, commenced storming about 3 OClock P.M. from the east
Sat. 20.
About 3 inches of snow fall during the night previous, dull and cloudy to-day wind east accompanied by a light mist, almost rain
Sun. 21.
Warm, dull and cloudy, misty tonight
Mon. 22.
Beautiful day snow melting fast
Tue. 23.
Another lovely day snow going fast
Wed. 24.
Still another fine day, as the two above
Thu. 25.
Beautiful bright warm day thawing
Fri 26
Bright and warm in the foremorn. Turning colder about 3 OClock P.M. heavy gale kept up all night from the north east very cold about midnight. grand northern lights illuminating the whole heavens,
February 27th 1892
Sat. 27.
Clear bright day, but cold, gale of the night previous about spent, about 10º below zero this morning.
Sun. 28.
Beautiful day. But cold strong. light snow from the south west, turning eastward at night turning to a heavy gale about 11 .P.M.
March 1st 1892.
Tue .1.
Clear and cold with heavy north East wind.
Wed .2.
Clear and cold, with heavy gales from north east, calm at night, Mr. A. Pringle and myself visited Thompsons paper mills.
Thru. 3.
Lovely day warm, five, at night very lovely sun-dog was seen on north side of sun
March. 4th 1892.
Fri. 4.
Another Beautiful day five and warm. clouding over at night. having the appe-arance of a storm
Sat. 5.
Cloudy this morning trying to storm, Clearing off about noon, thence fine {the ballance?} of day
Mon 7.
Another lovely day warm and fine, clear and bright. Singer {Singer Sewing Machine} Agent here to day, Talking very unbecoming for a gentleman, wrote to Bob, {fay Eoy?} Belleville for reccommend
Tue .8.
Cloudy commenced raining about nood, turning to snow about 4. P.M, again to rain about {8?} P.M., again to snow at 5. P.M, only very light fall
March 9th 1892;
Wed. 9.
Very foggy this morning A light flurrying snow. clearing {up?} partly, Cloudy and cold in the afternoon, light flurrie of snow {deering?} the night.
Thu. 10.
Mild, but partly cloudy sunshining at intervals, commenced snowing about 3. oclock. quite a blizard just now. (Evening).
Fri. 11.
Last night's storm was one of the fiercest of the season from the west, piling the snow in huge banks, very {illegible} made today, {heavy?) gales driving The {moon?} subsiding about 3 oclock quite pleasant the {illegible} of the day.
Sat. 12.
Snowing during the forenoon Clearing off, turning cold, wrote to L.W. Murfing Kingston for checse factory.
March 13th. 1892.
Sun. 13.
Extremely cold for march, but lovely day, bright and clear, 10,° below zero.
Mon. 14.
Very cold and windy drifting all day, the worst storm and roads experienced for a number of years. 10.° below zero. (bright)
Tue. 15.
Cold and clear, quite windy roads almost impassable 10,° below zero,
Wed. 16.
Beautiful day, bright and clear, thawing a little this after noon, but 18,° below zero this morning.
Thu. 17.
Bright and mild day turning a little colder, and cloudy about 3. oclock
Fri. 18.
Quite mild, snowing all day, from the east, wrote to {Robt.foy.?} Belleville for V.X
March 19.th 1892.
=== Sat, 19, === High winds from the West, very {Hlustery}, reads almost impassable again, calm tonight, cloudy, {stroght} attacks of {grip?}
=== Sun, 20, === Cloudy in the morning clearing off, after {nill} and {Lorrdy}, s-o below zero.
=== Mon, 21, === lovely day mild and warm. {?} {?}
Jan 21. Nice day, fine warm, did not
work hard poor pile put up.
Jan 22. Lively day mild warm and splen-
did day. I mean to talk about the nice weather, I had after not having been around much.
Jan 23. Very warm day, but lovely up
till 3:30 P.M. when a most terrif- ic thunder storm came up, the rain that fell for the time, has never before seen its equall and I never remember of the wind blowing so hard while the storm lasted it was almost impossible to see without a light so black was the cloud accompanying the rain.
Jan 24. Queens Birthday. Very cold and
windy, but very fine bright Miss Hopkins teacher minded her chum to Hampton, consequently had to call
Jan 25. Nice and warm, a light dash of
rain about noon, but of little account.
Jan 26. Mild and partly cloudy
Feb 14. Cool and cloudy, commenced
raining this aft. at noon, but did not amount to much a heavy fog this evening.
Jan 27. Lovely today quite mild
took to Sidney, attended Church this evening Rev Mr. Campbell in the pulpit. He preached a good sermon and perhaps it's the last being Absent next Sabbath night.
Mon 28. Good blusterful day got
early at work thin, Big frost this is clear and bracing today.
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- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_024.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_025.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_026.pdf
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- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_028.pdf
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- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_030.pdf
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- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_039.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_040.pdf
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- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_043.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_044.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_045.pdf
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- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_047.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_048.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_049.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_050.pdf
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- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_059.pdf
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- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_061.pdf
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- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_070.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_071.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_072.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_073.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_074.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_075.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_076.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_077.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_078.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_079.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_080.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_081.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_082.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_083.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_084.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_085.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_086.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_087.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_088.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_089.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_090.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_091.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_092.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_093.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_094.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_095.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_096.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_097.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_098.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_099.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_100.pdf
- William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_101.pdf