File #30848: "William Fitzgerald Diary, 1892-1893_007.pdf"


== January. 29th. 1892 == === Fri. 29. === Warm and fine, sun shining nearly all day, called n W.M Taslarer === Sat. 30. === A dull cloudy day. Mild. Thawing a little in the afternoon. === Sun. 31 === Beautiful sun shining day, warm. Thawing a little, but still good sleighing. Melissa Luota and myself, walked home with Ms {name}. and enjoyed it very much. Emma Warner {hoe} tonight. == February. 1st. 1892. == === Mon. 1. === Warm and mild mostly cloudy appearance of rain to-night. === Tue. 2. === A few sprinkles of rain. The night {illegible}, Turning very cold towards morning, cloudy, moderating alittle, commenced snowing about noon to-day from the east. The biggest of the season so far. == February. 3rd. 1892. == === Wed. 3. === The storm of yesterday continued nearly all night. with heavy blows drifting considerable, fall of snow from 3 to 6 inches, To-day is lovely, very mild, sunny, and thawing a little. clouding {aoes?} in the morning, clearing off again at night. Lovely moonlight. Methodest Sunday School con-vention Melissa Emma {Harris?} attending. Melissa Emma and Gusta out for a sleigh ride and bought a bag of apples of Mr {name}. Melissa & Gusta first sleigh ride this season. === Thu. 4. === Quite cold, flurries of snow at different times throug the day. sun shining at intervals Lennox Election candidates were Allison & Hilson. The Cattes elected by {21?} majority. 3l. {illegible}

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