Febuary 13 th 1892
=== Sat. 13. ===
Very Brillant northern ligths tonight. So red and beautiful {their?} reflection on the snow made it appear coloured,
===Sun. 14.===
Cloudy and cold. Commenced storming about 3, OClock, P.M. from the east severest of the season eclipsing all previous storms and still stroming at nine P.M. Alfred Brown & wife here to-day. and brought Ida home with them. after a visit of about three weeks. Alfred and Nancy stay tonight on account of the strom.
=== Mon. 15. ===
Cold. but beautiful day, yesterday snow storm was about 8 inches.
=== Tue. 16. ===
Very cold day, 20º below zero. but bright lovely day
=== Wed. 17. ===
Bright and lovely day, 28º below zero this morning
February 18. th 1892
=== Thu. 18. ===
Quite mild in the morning. sun shining for a while then dull and cloudy, sun shining a little while at sunset. Jack, dealt for Stallion
=== Fri. 19. ===
Dull and cloudy, commenced storming about 3 OClock P.M. from the east
=== Sat. 20.===
About 3 inches of snow fall during the night previous, dull and cloudy to-day wind east accompanied by a light mist, almost rain
=== Sun. 21.===
Warm, dull and cloudy, misty tonight
===Mon. 22.===
Beautiful day snow melting fast
=== Tue. 23. ===
Another lovely day snow going fast
=== Wed. 24. ===
Still another fine day, as the two above
=== Thu. 25. ===
Beautiful bright warm day thawing
=== Fri 26===
Bright and warm in the foremorn. Turning colder about 3 OClock P.M. heavy gale kept up all night from the north east very cold about midnight. grand northern lights illuminating the whole heavens,