File #30958: "William Beatty Diary, 1854-1857_16.pdf"


1855 January 1 Went to townmeeting with John Rowsom to Mallorytown fine day the roads very slippy 2 Jock & Father went to townmeeting & voted for James Thompson but he lost the Election by 6 votes 3 fited & shod the two old horses & the colt 4 drew 3 pine logs to Colmans mill brock the slaugh with the fourth log A little rain this afternoon 5 made a beam for the slaugh & put new pines in it Jonney went young mills & got the eight bedposts & paid him 7s.6d for turning them hard frost very slippy 6 drew 4 pine logs to colmans mill 7 no Meeting to Day heavy rain this afternoon 8 Jonney helped Rob to get out timber for a wood house I work in the Blacksmith shop at the boby 9 Jonney helped bo I worked at the bobes 10 went the School Meeting fine Day 11 Jonney choped cordwood in the Drounded land I worked at the bobes 12 Snowed about 1 1/2 inches last night but it is nearly all gone finished the bobes fine whea weather 13 heavy rain this forenoon wind turned round to the North about noon & it began to snow worked at the bed posts 14 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr German preach poor slaing 15 very stormy day worked at the bedposts 16 drew some wood cold day 17 drew 8 pines sawlogs to the sawmill went to Adam Armstrong to the Library meeting & Elected the new committee 18 went to Brockville with Adam Armstrong Paid Mr McKee one pound seven shilling & six pence for --- & Thomas Scott & bought $10 workth of Books for the Library {illegible word}

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