William Beatty Diary & Transcription, 1854-1857


William Beatty Diary & Transcription, 1854-1857


William Beatty


Courtesy of Queen's University Archives




19th Century, Leeds & Grenville County, Yonge & Lansdowne Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William Beatty Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription



Susan Davis began to work Nov 4th Paid her $6

Worked 4 1/2 Days the weed ending Nov 18

             4 1/2      Do       Do        Do          25
             4 1/2      Do       Do        Do           December 2nd
             4 1/2      Do       Do        Do                             16th
             4            Do       Do        Do            January 20th 1855
             5            Do       Do        Do                          27th
             5            Do       Do        Do           February 3rd
             5            Do       Do        Do                          10

May 9th 1855 received 16.3 on Fathers account from James Heigh

February 14 1856 received $5 dollars Do Do Do Do

March 6 1856 received $5 dollars Do Do Do Do

Thomas Davis sens. paid 2L 16s 9d for our school $55 that is as property tax for Jack L s d

                                       2    10 1/2

May 12th Do Do for Wm 18 8 1/2

                               Do   Do  fo  Father     2      10 1/2
                        as poll tax for Jock            15      7 1/2
                              Do    Do   for Wm        16    8

May 15 paid full tax for J & Wm 2 16 9

    Mars                                                        11       3

July 17th order on Holland & Griffin 1 1 12

    cash                                             1          8        2

March 27 1856 settled with Thomas Davis & he was indue L 1.10. that is independent of this years weaving

1855 May received from Robert Armstrong

1 1/2 bushel of black see wheat

4 Do of Peas Paid 4 Bushel Peas

3 Cwt of hay} June 1st 4 Bushel of wheat

46 lbs of flour May 7th 1856 Paid

6 Bushel of S Wheat

he got 916 feet of clapboards or borred


May 1 Went to Mallorytown & was sworn in pathsmaster wet day roads very bad went on foot

2 sowed on barrel of plaster on the south side of the second pile Jock plowing

3 I plowed Jock grafted & trimed in the little orchard

4 went to Brockville to an Agricultural Meeting bought 1 {illegible} of iron for a drag took 87 lbs of pork & gave it to Kilbourn {illegible} per pound got 12 milk pans 10s

5 plowed Jock cut his hand finished the harper field ground very wet

6 plowed on the Thompson place with the {illegible} plow it takes a terrable furrow

7 heard the Rev Mr Chapman preach

8 Samuel Innis came & made a garden rake & hinges for harrow Daniel Ackland worked in the garden

9 John Ackland worked in the garden & made it harrow fine Day Jock finished plowing the Thompson place Lonney drew dung frount of Elize in the forenoon. Jock & him at raising of Adams Armstrong in afternoon

10 Began to Sow and sowed 3 bushel of the large peas that we got of S. Manhart & 9 bushel of the Garner pea draged with both teems 15 Bushel of peas in all

11 Sowed 3 of peas & 6 bushel of peas & oats the ridge next the oats John Youngs peas the Woods look Red

12 Crofs draged the Peas & the peas & oats & sowed about half a pail full of flaxseed all the peas & peas & oats & flaxseed in the Harper field sowed 1 bushel of scotch wheat of the Thompson place fine showr last night


May 13 Sowed 2 bush of wheat on the Thompson & 1 on this side of the fall wheat Jock plowed in corn field

14 heard the Rev'd Mr Chapman Mr Smart preach in caintown

15 sowed 2 bushel of wheat in the corn field I washed it & dryed it with plaster it was sowed on this side seeded it with Thimety & draged it in the forenoon

16 sowed on Crister place East line 3 bushe of poll oats & 5 of the little white oats draged with both teems

17 went to Farmersville with 52 to P Wing very heavy rain last night

18 Crofs draged & let some watter of the oats in the forenoon sowed 6 bushel of oats

19 Sowed 2 bush of oats & crofs draged the rest

20 plowed about 1/2 acre west line below the Bull pasture & sowed 1 bushel of the large oats on it Tonney drew dung in frount of McGlahlins in the forenoon went to Samuel Innis raisin in the afternoon Jock very bad with a boil on his thumb

21 the Rev Mr Chapman preached in caintown

22 plowed in the field frount of the house Tonny drew dung Daniel Nowland worked in the Garden

23 finished Plowing the field frount of the house Tonney & the boys drew dung to

24 began to plow in the field frount of McGlahlins the boys drawing dung I fixed a soaptub

25 heavy rain last night & this forenoon plowed & drew dung in the afternoon D Nowland worked in the Garden 1/2 Day

26 sowed 4 Bushel of Scotch wheat in the field frount of the house then J sowed 1 pailfull on half the 2nd & all the 3 & 4 ridges from the New Barn at the rate of better than 2 Bushel per acre J spred dung for Jock


sowed 1 Barrel of plaster in the field below the house where the fall wheat was last year began east side & sowed to the ridge sart below the house

May 27 Jock finished plowing the field frount of McGlahlins for the corn & potatoes Jonny drage Sowed 1 barrel of plaster on the second field began on the 10th ridge & sowed 9 ridges North the other 9 was sowed in{illegible} in the {illegible}

28 the Revd Mr Smart preach in caintown this afternoon

29 Jock plowed for Rowsom in the forenoon but draged for him in the afternoon we chained the corn & potato ground & began to plant the potatoes the 5,6 & 7 is the potatoes that Jock got at Brockville

30 finished planting the potatoes planted better than 25 Bush & planted part of the corn Charles McCleary helped Washed the Sheep at J Heughs

31 finished planting the corn planted 1 Bushel of Potatoes that Father got from Wm Warren foot of the corn & part of the west side frost last night Jock went to help Robert McLeary with the teem to plow

June 1 laid up some of the fence around the oats at Cristers place Jonny went to Lyn with 25 butter tubs to John McDonald for J Elingham

2 split some rails for the West line Jock & John Armstrong Sheered the Sheep warm wheather

3 made our part of the West line fence opisite McIntoshs Land

4 Mr John Keeller preached in caintown

5 made part of the road fence on cristers place

6 bored & made 40 caps & scills for the fence on cristers place

7 put Jefs & Bel Mares to Alfred Avnce horse to give him 9$ if the three mares has foles and dos well to give him six dollars of it in time for him to go up the country made more off the fence

8 finished the fence this morning heavy rain last night moved part of the fence on this side of the sugar bush

June 9 heavy rain most of the Day sold Jocks cow to John Land for thirty Dollars

10 went to Lyn to an Agricultural Meeting Jock & the boys finished the fence on this side of the sugar bush the Rev Mr Smart held his Sacrament in the Stone Church

12 began to work on the roads I was past master

13 Jock & the boys prepared the Turnip ground & sowed them

14 worked on the roads very warm wheather

15 Do Do

16 finished working on the roads Jock & Jonny cut & split rails for a fence on the Thompson place

17 laid up the fence on the Thompson place I went to Dousley the Rev Mr Clapeson preached in caintown

19 Jock Jonny Margret & Elen went to Brockville I went through the corn with the cultivator in the forenoon & went to A plowing bee of Sammie Younges

20 hoed part of the corn warm Day

21 Jock & Jonny finished the corn

22 went to Brockville & then went to J McNishes for 25 bushel of lime paid 7 1/2 per bushel heavy rain in Brockville about noon

23 loged part of the Day heavy rain in the afternoon

24 rain this forenoon Jonney went to Purvises for A load of sand

25 the Revd McCarns preached in caintown

26 put Plaster on the corn & began to hoe the potatoes

27 worked at the potatos some rain

28 Do Do little rain

29 finished the potatoes little rain

29 put plaster on the Potatoes. Father went to Farmersville with some of the wool

30 rain this forenoon made some logheaps on the Thompson place in the afternoon

July 1 Jock & Margret went to Mateland to visit visit Betsey Elen Jonney went to John Yonges & finished the gabelend of the Woodhouse fine Day

2 Went to Brockville & heard the Revd Mr White preach

3 loged the turnip ground on the Thompson place

4 went to Brockville to an Agricultural Meeting

5 X worked at the turnips hoed & thined them

X Jock & the Boys dug daises on cristers place

6 made A cheese prefs

7 hoed the potatoes two of McCleary sons & two of T Davis helped

8 finished the corn fine wheather

9 the Revd Mr Smart preached in Junetown A little rain this morning

10 began to Mow & mowed in the garden & below the house

11 Do & Thomas Williams raided his old Barn Do mow a little

12 Do Do Do each Day

13 Do Do went to charleston to the nomination Mr Sett was nomated

14 sowed 1/4 lb of white flat turnip next the fence & 1/4 lb of the Globe next on the Thompson place

15 drew 6 load of hay & put it in off mow in the New Barn very dry wheather Jock went to a moweing bee to Robs

16 went to Brockville & heard the Revd Mr White preach & he Baptized George

17 moved the orchard at the old barn

18 mowed the orchard at the house

19 drew 5 load into the East mow of the old barn out of the orchard A little rain very Warm


July 20 drew 4 load of hay from the orchard at the old Barn to the New Barn put it over the horses there was 9 load in the orchard at the old Barn & drew 7 load out of the orchard at the house

21 drew 3 load from the field frount of the New Barn & finished mowing it

22 Mowed in the field last line North side of the road & drew in 3 load from the field frount of the New Barn t

23 No Meeting to day

24 mowed A little this morning below the house J Father went to Joel Parishes with the Widow Frances & her sister Elizabeth

25 in the forenoon drew 3 loads of hay from the field East line north side of the road

25 mowed in the below the house

26 drew in hay all day from below the house very dry weather

27 cut the fall wheat it is badly winter killed

28 finished mowing North side of the road

29 drew in all the North Do Do Jock went to a raising of James Hernesss

30 went to funeral of A Daughter of Edward Davis she was brought from Gananoque & buried in Caintown

31 mowed in the field below the little orchard the grafs very dry


August 1 drew in from the field below the little orchard a little showr this afternoon

2 mowed in the 2 field frount of the house wattie cut the fall wheat that was winter killed

3 bound & stook the fall wheat in forenoon went to Mallorytown to the Election voted for Mr Benjamin Tett in preference to Mr Delong

4 mowed in the cons field Robert Armstrong helped A little rain this afternoon

5 finished the con field & raked part of it

6 no meeting to Day

7 mowed the Thompson place

8 made A stack at the New Barn and cut the large oats below the Bull paster & the grass seed

9 cut the peas & oats & drew in the large oats & drew in the remains of the grass seed & that finished our haying

10 hooked the large peas bound the peas & oats yery very dry weather

11 cut the Scotch wheat on the Thompson place & part of the wheat in con field

12 finished the wheat in the con field & hook peas

13 Mr Fleatcher preached in caintown

14 hooked peas very dry wheaher

15 I began to cut the oats on the crister place rather green

16 worked at the peas

17 Do Do Do

18 worked at the oats

19 Do Do Do


August 20 no Meeting to Day

21 finished the oats on cristers & the peas & oats

22 Jock went to Brockville he is not very well cut the Barley rather a poor crop on acount of the drouth

23 began to cut the wheat in frount of the house went to the funeral of the Widow Booth

24 finished the cuting of the wheat good crop

25 drew the last of the oats from cristers place

26 drew dung to the harper field with both teems

27 the Revd Mr German preached in caintown

28 began to plow for the fall wheat in the harper field the ground very dry drew in the wheat frount of the house

29 drew dung for the fall wheat

30 Do Do Do a little rain last night

31 began to sow the fall wheat sowed 5 Bushels of the wheat that took the preamium last year A little rain to Day

Sept 1 sowed 2 Bushel of the Blue stem

2 Jonney went to help Thomas Scott to drag his fall wheat

3 Rev'd Mr Smart preached at Junetown

4 went to charlestown with Barrels for Bens

5 went Brockville to an Agricultural meeting Jonney fixed the fence around the cabbage & corn

6 moved the fence round the fall wheat

7 Do Do Do

8 went to William Griffins funerall to the stone church the Revd Mr German preached


Sept 10 the Revd Mr Clapeson preached in caintown

11 Thomas Scott came to build the midle wall in the seller for the sistren well Jock & Jonney began to Blast in his well

12 Scott worked at the wall

13 Do Do Do Do

14 went to Brockville & got 1 barrel of watter lime 10s heavy rain

15 worked at the woodhouse

16 Thomas Scott came aplasterered the cistren

17 the Revd Mr Smart preached in caintown

18 made a Door for the seller

19 finished building in the seller stairs

20 laid part of the floor in the woodhouse

21 thrashed the Barley with the horse Jock went to Brockville with Father

22 pulled the corn poor crop

23 cut up part of the corn stalks Jonney to T Sects Bee

24 the Revd Mr German preach in caintown

25 cut the rest of the corn stalk

26 went to Whitefish or Mortue with 30 porkbarrels for John Elingham to Morton & McKee stopt all night at Robert Woods

27 came home from R Woods

28 Jonney drew 1 load of sand from Purvises

29 drew 2 loads of sand from Purvises

28 Samuel Innis thrashed some wheat & the peas

29 thrashed at Hogans Jock & the boys helped Wm Hogan lost his finger with the Machine


1 Revd Mr German preached in caintown

2 this week the peas & wheat was cleared there was 36 Bushels of peas & 22 of wheat

7 went to Charlestown with 28 pork Barrels to Be{illegible}

9 cleaned spring wheat for the show Jonny went to Martin Redman with the Bull very well in the forenoon

10 went to Brockville to the Show took five premium on oats, first on flax seed & a discretionary one on the Bull

15 went to Lyn to the Quarterly Meetting very cold day

16 began to dig the potatoes

17 George Thompson came to make sash for the woodhouse I mixed plaster for the Weavers room Jock & the Boys worked at the potatoes

18 Snowed about an inch this forenoon all gone befoe night

19 Thompson finished the sash charged 12s.6d snowed about an inch last night all gone about noon shut up the Hogs went to Mill with 14 Bushel peas

20 worked at the potatoes two of J Hughes boys helped in the fore noon then they went & helped Wm Daviss at the Machine

21 finished the potatoes two J Hughes sons & J Hills helped Jock & Me went to An Agricultural Meeting

22 went to Charlestown with 28 Pork Barrels to Reeves & 12 to H Green at Lyn Ellery went to Wm Clows on on it visit {illegible}t this is {illegible} Daniel Nowlan worked 1 1/2 days in the Garden

28 Thos Scott & Wm Dixey came & put the first coat of plaster on the weavers room & built chimney

29 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Smart preach

30 Jonney finished plowing the cristies place

31 Tho Scott & W Dixey came & finished plastering the weavers room this afternoon


Nov 1 Jock went to Brockville with a load of Turnips sold them for 1s 2d per Bushel I went to Mallorytown & made the returns off the stautue labour to the Town clark Mr Dowsley

2 Killed the hogs Rob & Rowsom helped

3 pulled the Turnips fine crop

4 drew in part of the & put them in the seller cold wind

5 the Revd Mr Clapeson preached in caintown

6 went to Lyn with 15 Pork Barrels to J McDonald Jonney went to John Yonges Jock helped Rowsom to hill his hogs

7 drew in the rest of the Potatos poor crop

8 Jock Jonney Margaret & L Ellen went to Brockville took 2 Barrels of calvel appels got 3s per Bushel & 7 per lb for sausagausee I covered the Grape vines the trimed the rest

9 Jock & Jonney helped Rob to kill his hogs hard frost

10 Began to plow in the field frount of the house

11 went to charlestown with 28 pork barrels to B{illegible} rain last night & this morning

12 the Rev Mr Smart preached in caintown

13 set up A coalpit a wet drisely day

14 Jonney plowed frount of the house

15 Jock & Jonney helped Rowsom at the thrashing machin

16 Jock & Jonney plowed with both teems frount of the house

17 Began to dig a dich from the Woodshed seller Mr Bulger Grahme & a son of Mr Leader helpd Jock worked with them


Nov 17 Father moved his Loom into a room that we fixed for him in the Woodshed

18 Snowed about 3 inches a verry disagreable day

19 the Revd Mr German preached in caintown

20 went to Mr J H Hough with 7 ewes to a Leister Ram that the township Agricultural Society purchased slept all night Jonney brought the horses home

21 I went to Brockville to atend the court as a Juryman the roads is very bad hard frost

22 Jonney took Lizie Clow home she worked one month at Jocks

23 took 7 Ewes to Mr J McNishes to a Southdown Ram that the township Asociation Purchased fine Day

24 Jonney went to Charlestown with 28 pork barrels to Mr Bews heavy rain this afternoon

25 heavy rain all night & this forenoon snow & frost all gone came to Wm Clows with him Dismisted from the Jury was locked up from thursday till saturday 3 oclock it was thift there was 11 of us agreed & one would not agree the Judge dismisted us without a verdic

26 26 came from Wm Clows home the roads very bad

27 put ceader polls in the dich & partly covered them

28 filled the ditch & craped the earth from the back of the woodshed & John Bail Died

29 wheeled some of the earth from between the houses in the forenoon John young came here to go to the wake I went with him to Bails

30 stopt all night at S youngs & went to the funeral he was Buried at caintown the Revd Mr German preached


December 1 hard frost thrashed some oats

2 Drew some wood & thrashed some oats

3 the Revd Mr Clapison preached in caintown very Stormy Day wind & snow

4 still Storming Snow about 12 inches deep fixed the partition in weavers room

5 made a door for weavers room still stormy drew 3 load of wood very cold

6 cleaned 22 Bushel of oats stormy Day wind came to day from the south

7 still Storming the wind turned to the North East again Samual Innis came to thrash & thrashed all the Wheat

8 went to charlestown with 20 pork barrels for Mr Bews roads heavy

9 went to Mr Houghs for the sheep he would not charge anything for keeping the sheep Mr James McNish brought the sheep that was at his place home

10 no Meeting to Day

11 I went to John Youngs with Leather Jock went to Brockville with a load of turnips got 1s.8d to 2s per Bushel he gave six bushel to Mr Willie as pay for the Recorder till till the first of January 1856

12 began to clean the wheat

13 I came home from John young I fixed slaugh for him

14 cleaned the wheat a little thaw

15 finished cleaning the wheat had 20 Bushel of fall & 40 of spring


Jock went to Brockville with a load of turnips

17 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr German preach

18 Jock went to McElheneys Mill with 24 Bushels of wheat & 2 of corn

19 I worked at the house very cold & severe frost

20 Jock helped W H Davis & J. Rowsom to kill a cow each Jonney went to yonge mills with {illegible} scantling to get 82 set of Bedpost turned by Andnes

21 drew some wood very cold wheather

22 Killed the Bull W H Davis & J Rowsom helped

23 Jock went to Brockville with 14 turkes got 2.6 a 3s each

24 Alfred Evrys oldest son was bured at the stone church the Revd Mr Smart preached the funeral sermon

25 Wm Hazelwood & Betsy & all the family was hear all Day fine day a little rain at night

26 drew a little wood I worked at the house

27 Jonney threshed some oats snow nearly all gone

28 John Innis come hear & made turned 15 horse shoes

29 J tocaulked shoes for Jefs & Jock put them on

30 Jock went to Brockville with 10 bushel of turnip & two turkes

31 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Clapson preach


January 1 Went to townmeeting with John Rowsom to Mallorytown fine day the roads very slippy

2 Jock & Father went to townmeeting & voted for James Thompson but he lost the Election by 6 votes

3 fited & shod the two old horses & the colt

4 drew 3 pine logs to Colmans mill brock the slaugh with the fourth log A little rain this afternoon

5 made a beam for the slaugh & put new pines in it Jonney went young mills & got the eight bedposts & paid him 7s.6d for turning them hard frost very slippy

6 drew 4 pine logs to colmans mill

7 no Meeting to Day heavy rain this afternoon

8 Jonney helped Rob to get out timber for a wood house I work in the Blacksmith shop at the boby

9 Jonney helped bo I worked at the bobes

10 went the School Meeting fine Day

11 Jonney choped cordwood in the Drounded land I worked at the bobes

12 Snowed about 1 1/2 inches last night but it is nearly all gone finished the bobes fine whea weather

13 heavy rain this forenoon wind turned round to the North about noon & it began to snow worked at the bed posts

14 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr German preach poor slaing

15 very stormy day worked at the bedposts

16 drew some wood cold day

17 drew 8 pines sawlogs to the sawmill went to Adam Armstrong to the Library meeting & Elected the new committee

18 went to Brockville with Adam Armstrong Paid Mr McKee one pound seven shilling & six pence for --- & Thomas Scott & bought $10 workth of Books for the Library {illegible word}


January 19 went to Charlestown mills with 38 flour barrels for Mr Bews the roads very poor Jock drew cordwood that Jonney cut on the drounded land beech & mapel

20 worked at the bed posts Jock thrashed in the forenoon & Jonney in the afternoon

21 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Smart preach very stormy in the afternoon

22 heavy rain last night rain & snow all day with heavy wind cold & clear at sundown

23 Jock went to Brockville with 12 bushel of turnips & Margret & Elen went with him snowed in the afternoon

24 Jock went to Brockville with a load of wood sold it to Mr Levet for 11s.3d he is to take him 6 load or cord fine day

25 Jock took another load Jonney & me drew fire wood yesterday & to day

26 Jock went with another load to day very stormy with snow and wind all day

27 still snowing the snow fell about 12 inches

28 went to caintown and heard the Revd Mr Robinson from Newbourough preach a Mifsionary sermon

29 thrashed the peas & oats put 10 bushel In a bin for seed put 9 more in the bin for feed heavy thunder with Snow & rain

30 thrashed the fall oats & cleaned them had about 6 bushels very stormy day heavy wind & snow with & a great drift

31 began to thrast the little oats Jock & Jonney drew hemlock logs to Colmans sawmill


Febuary 1 I went with Father Elen & Margret to James Thompson on A visit Jonney thrashed oats Jock drew hemlock logs

2 Jock went to Brockvile with aload of wood he gave it to Mr Levet I went to Charlestown with 62 flour Barrels left them at the mills for Bews Jonney thrashed oats some snow & wind

3 Jock went with another load of wood to Levit cleaned 30 bushel of oats fine day

4 no Meeting to Day I went to Adam Armstrong he was taken very sick on thursday he is better

5 Jock went to Brockville with wood to Levit I thrashed oats very cold day

6 Jock went with another load of wood to Levit I thrashed oats the themomitar is down to 34 & some said it was down to 38

7 Jock & Jonney drew wood I finished thrashing the oats alittle snow

8 Jock took another load of wood to Levit that made eight load or cord that is all he wants I drew wood and put A shoe on the slaugh

9 Jock took a load of wood sold it in the street for 11s 3d Wattie & me cleaned the oats had 47 Bushel put 35 in the bin next the door Jonney choped wood & I drew it in the afternoon

10 Jock went to Brockville with A load of wood & sold it for 11s 3d be bought 20 lb of Barley 3 1/4 {illegible} Jonney & me drew 3 load of hay from the ca{illegible} Wattie & Ellen went to Christopher younges

11 no meeting to Day

12 went to charlestown with barrels

13 I cut down 3 oke trees for hames Jock drew them up to the house


Feb 14 heavey rain to Day sawed & made some hems

15 still rain & sleet worked at the hames

16 Do Do Do Do Do Do

17 went to McElheneys Mill with 14 bushel of wheat & 2 1/2 of barley roads very bad

18 went to Lyn to quartly meeting

19 Jock went to Brockville with a load of wood I went to Belemys Mill wih 14 2/3 bushel of oats got 205 lb of oatmeal fine Day

20 drew 3 load of wood from marsh Jock went to Brockville with wood

21 went Brockville with 10070 beamsticks got L 2.3 for them {in margin - bougth {illegible}} Jock was down with wood ouht 6 11/16 lb of caff cowhide 1s.10 per lb & 21 3/4 sole leather 1/4 1/2 L.2.2.4 shoe thread 5

22 Jock went to Brockville with wood I fixed a cutter shaft for John young this forenoon dew 1 load of wood

23 Jock went to Brockville with a load of wood for Rev Mr Smart I drew 2 loads of wood to the house

24 went to Brockville to the Annual Meeting of the County paid five pounds to the widow Philips gave me to Pamlor. Lee he endorsed A Note that he held to her husband Agricultural Socity was chosen President got Buel's Not paid him 7s.6d thee was 1s of intrest

25 went to caintown heard the Rev Mr Clapeson preach cold Day

26 went to Ninons for A load Bark that the Widow Philips got from Mr Tutt the Bark was very dark coloured it was damage Tutt took his two foot mill & trid to mesure the quanty but he could not for it was not piled so that he could Mr Willson saw it was Not work over 12s.6d

27 drew 6 loads of wood I choped Jock drawed

28 Do 3 Do Do in the forenoon went to Samuel younges on A visit very hard frost


March 1 went to Charlestown with a load of barrels for Elingham left them at charlestown Mills for Buels high winds

2 cut 2 oke trees on the drowned land for hamesticks high winds south south west

3 went to Lyn to an Agricultural meeting Elen & Margret went James Clows on A visit

4 went to Junetown & heard the Revd Mr Smart preach

5 drew rails & railscuts to the Eastline worked at the rails & wood the most of this week

10 went to Brockville to an Agricultural meeting it was desided to sell the stock that belonged to the socitie on the first of May

11 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr German preach

12 went to Websters Mill for A load of stuff for John Yonge Cristopher & Benjmin yonge went with me & we got 3000 fett of 1 1/2 plank went to Charlestown acrofs the Lake got to Johns about nine oclock

13 came home it began to storm in the afternoon

14 stormed all day

15 drew rails this forenoon Ben Bail helped it stormed & rained in the afternoon

16 drew rails in the for to the West line Bail helped in the forenoon he burned his hand so that he could not work

17 went to Brockville with 700 haim stick got 4s per 1000 John yonge & his Wife came here on A visit very stormy this afternoon


March 17 Jock drew 4 hemlock logs to Colmans Mill

18 no meeting to Day

19 drew rails to Westline I went to Brockville with little Elen & little Wat to hear Mr Dunlop read in the courthouse paid 7 1/2 d each

20 stormy day mended some of the childrens shoes

21 drew trails to the west line

22 went to McElhenys Mill with 14 Bushel of wheat & 5 bushel of Peas Jock drew 9 logs hemlock to Colmans Mill

23 went to Brockville with Rowsom bought 1 bos of glogs Paid 7s.6 for it 3 lb puttie 3 1/2 per lb

24 drew rails & wood Jonny helped there was no shool

25 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Clapeson preach good sleighing James Robinson came hear from Ramsy last night Wm Hazelwood Children is very bad with the Measels

26 drew up load of wood heavy drift

27 James Robinson started for home drew 4 load of wood

28 Jonny & Me cut 12 oke logs Jock drew

29 drew 5 okes & 6 pine logs drew 59 barrels to Lyn fr Colman

30 drew 2 okes to colmans Mill & 6 loads of wood went to Lyn with 58 barrels for Colman

31 drew 39 barrels for colmans & 65 for Elingham all to Lyn got L1.2.6 from Colman for drawing his.


April 1 went to Caintown & heard the Rev Mr Smart preach he told us that is the last time he would preach in caintown Jock sick

2 very stormy day fixed sapbukets

3 drew 5 loads of ceader. Jonney drew I choped Jock & Margret went to Aunt Marys on A viit he bought five Bushel Scotch wheat paid eight shilling & six pence per Bushel from Wm Cowan

4 drew 6 load of ceader & 3 load of ash rails John Ackland helped

5 taped the sugar bush 99 trees Rowsom move to his Father David went with hime with the Horses & slaugh

6 went to Charlestown with Elingham Jock taped more of the bush

7 drew 3 basswood & 3 oke logs to colmans mill

8 went to caintown& heard the Rev Mr German preach fine Day

9 drew oke logs & 5 pine log

10 Do 5 pine logs we sold all the oke logs to Mr Dicson but 2 there was 19 1/4 standards log he paid me fou pounds & he owes me three pounds three shillings & nine pence very stormy rain & snow

11 drew 1 oke log 15 ft & 2 12 ft in the forenoon Snow & rain in the afternoon

12 very hard frost this morning drew 3 elem & 3 black ash log to colmans saw mill

13 drew 5 loads of rails to the barnyards

14 fixed the fences along the road very rainy to day

15 no meeting to Day fine Day

16 went to Samuel Innes & got the hand hamer faced


April 17 Henary Armstrong came here & we worked at a boreing machin

18 Do Do Do no frost tis Morning or last night this is the first this Spring

19 finished the machin this forenoon went to Wm Davis Senr with his sone Thomas with the machin & bored about 100 pair

20 went to Wm Davis with the Waggon A got the horsepowr & riged it up here made some alterations on it & bored about 220 peices

21 hard frost last night finished boring Thomas Scott came & put a coat of pure waterlime on the cistern Jock & Jonny split rails on the west line fine Day

22 went to Caintown & heard the Rev Mr Clapeson preach A sermon on Temprence

23 went to Mallorytown to the Count of Revitoin

24 went to Brockville with Walter he is going to Mitchel in the Township of Lagan to Mr Rath to learn to be a survaor Jock & Jonny finished spliting the rails fine Day

25 Jock Began to plow & plowed in the field south side of the road East line

26 heavy rain this forenoon shoe the horses

27 Jonney Armstrong & me began to iron the Buggy

28 heavy hard frost this morning set the buggy tine Jonney went to James Marchel raising in the afternoon I went Dicksons Mill with 3 bushel of wheat & 2 bushel of corn paid 2s.6 for grinding the wheat @ 10d for the corn

29 no Meetting to Day A littlee rain & snow

30 finished plowing the field at the New Barn sowd Cabbage seed in the hotbed


May 1 Went to Brockville to an Agriculture Meetting M JW Hough bought two cows & one Bull Mr C. C. Jones bought the 3 year old bull he gave him to Me to Keep till the first of May 15 1856 plowed on the Thompson place Jonney drew stones of the field below the little orchard

2 Jonney finished plowing the Thompson place Jock began to plow below the little orchard

3 Jock went to Brockville for the Bull from C C Jones Jonney plowed below the orchard the boyes & Me made the fence on the West line in the bull paster Daniel Nowland worked in the garden

4 worked in the Blacksmith hop with J Armstrong at the buggy Jock drew dung in the afternoon to the field frount of Elizas Jonny plowed below the orchard

5 Began to Sow & sowed 5 bushel of peas on the Thompson place Jock plowed West line the Wood begin to look Red

6 no Meeting to Day

7 Sowed 5 Bushel of Peas on the field south side of the road East line went on foot to Turner mill open the afternoon {in margin} in all 10 Bushel Peas

8 Sowed 6 Bushel of Peas & Oats same field Daniel Nowland worked in the garden {in the margin} 6 Bushel peas & oats

9 crofs draged the Peas & Peas & Oats the Woods looks Green very Dry weather

10 finished crofs draging Jonney went to John Youngs to get Boots & shoes made Sowed 2 Bushel of Black see wheat Bought of Fred Moore Paid 11s.3 per Bushel it came to first big stone frount of the house

11 Sowed 1 1/2 bushel more that Jock got from bob sowed both on the winter face sowed grafssed & dragged it in Sowed 1 quart of Red top 1 quart Kentucky Blue & 1 quart of orchard grafs seed in the headridge at dich red top next Board fence


May 12 Sowed in the field South side of the Road West line 2 bushel of own Scotch wheat on the first 4 1/2 ridges then 4 bushel that Jock got of Wm Cowan & that finished the potato & turnip ground very Dry whether went to Caintown to the Funeral of Joseph Wamens Wife she was A Daughter of James Ferguson the Rev Mr German preached

14 fine Showr last nigh sowed grass seed on the field frount of Eliza old house Jonny draged the field on Cristies place

15 fine Showr last night Jock finished plowing the field below the little orchard & then went to Christies place to plow

16 fine rain last night Sowed 1 bushel of Scotch wheat on the first 2 1/2 ridges of green sward that finished Cowans wheat then Sowed 2 bushel of Scotch wheat

17 Sowed 3 1/2 bushel of Poll oats in the field below the little orchard next the ditch went to James Ferguson funeral the Rev Mr Clapeson preached

18 Sowed 1 1/2 bushel of Scotch wheat cross draged the green sward {in margin} bushel of wheat in all

19 went McElhenneys Mill with 4 bush of wheat & 8 1/2 bushel of peas got 4 bushel of the peas from Bob bought 100 of flour five dollars & half the 110 & 100 of indian meal fiefteen shillings paid hime two shilling & sixpence for grinding the four bushel of wheat

20 went to Caintown & heard the Rev Mr Clapeson preach there was A quarterly meeting

21 Jock finished plowing cristies place & began to plow in harper field the boys & me chained for corn & potatoes


May 22 Planted 1 1/2 Acres of corn & 1 1/2 bushel of ayrly potatos groung in good order

23 planted 1 bushel of Marinos 1 1/2 bushel of round cups on the 2 ridge from the corn then 8 bushel of the Thompsons 11 of cups & Eyeless 25 bushel of potatos in all on the Cristies place

24 sowed 1 1/2 bushel of barley on Do Do {Cristie place} A little showr last night ground very dry

25 sowed 6 bushel of oats in the harper field

26 sowed 3 1/2 bushel of oats then 1 1/2 bushel of the large oats all in the harper field 14 bushel of oats in all the groung very dry that finished the Spring work we have not lost A minit this spring with rain

27 no Meeting to Day

28 washed the Sheep warm Day one of the sheep Died when washing

29 went to Morvies for lime got 13 bushel for ourself 4 for 2 Hogan 2 for Wm Doves paid 8 per bushel

30 got some fat pine to make tar cut it up & slack the lime Dry wheather

31 went to Brockville bought 7 bushel of corn paid 6S.3d per bushel 50 lbs barly 3 per lb 15 1/4 lb sole leather 1S. 6d per lb A coat 17.6 vest 10 cap 5 belt 2


June 1 Seared the Sheep Jock & Granpa & made some tar & s{illegible} the lime A little rain this morning

2 Jonney went to mill with the corn we began to make the line fence last line Jock went to A rasin of John Henrey Henarys fine rain we are in great need of it heavy rain to night

3 went to caintown there was no Meeting

4 planted upwards of 500 cabage plants Granpa & Jonney started for Ramseys int Buggy that we got from Turner Lilie fine Day everything is growing

5 went to Mallorytown with a yoke of three year old Steers that we sold to A Yankie for fortie Dollars

6 picked the stones of the Turnip ground & plowed it

7 hoed the erley potatos very showry

8 fixed A reach & axel for the buggy showry

9 draged the Turnip & fured it up

10 No Meeting to day

11 Jock & the Boys sowed the Turnips this forenoon bought the seed of Turner paid 5S per pound worked on the roads

12 Worked on the roads little rain Father came home from ramsey left Jonney at

13 Do Pacinham his print shop to com{illegible} from the

14 Do Do Do Do

15 little rain made some of the line fence

16 went to John Yonges with Jock Betsey Margret & Ellen on A visit

17 1 no Meetting to day

18 drew lumber from Weeks Mill in the forenoon went to A raisin of A Woodhouse for Bob


June 19 went to McElhennys Mill with 4 bushel of wheat that we got from bob bought 100 of flour p{illegible} 4S.3 Jock & the boys began to hoe the Corn

20 rain last night & this forenoon bottome chairs

21 hoed corn the corn cut with the grub

22 heavy rain last night & still raning

23 finished hoeing the corn Jock went to Brockville with 1 sheep 1 calf alive & 1 calf dead got 12.6 for the sheep 10S for the calf & 15 for the dead one got 3d per lb for the hind quarters & 2 d for the fore quarters

24 no meeting to day it rained all day

25 I fixed a spare & hooks to cut the thistles out of the wheat Jock let the water of corn & potatos

26 worked on the roads for colmans commutation money

27 put ashes on the turnips & some on the corn at the lower end of the field peeled hemlock bark on the T land

28 very heavy rain & thunder last night & this morning peeled Bark

29 very warm day peeled Bark

30 peeled Bark very warm day


July 1 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr German preach & Mr Hanry in the afternoon

2 hoed the potatos warm day

3 went to Brockville Sale 70 lbs Wool 3S 3/4 lb & 33 3/4 at 1./3 & 1/8 per lb & got cloth for coats & vests

4 hoed the potates Jock went & helped jame Herkness to take down a Barn

5 went to Charlestown with 33 pork barrels to Buise for I Elingham

6 Jock went to a raisin of a Barn of James Harkness I went trough the Turnips in the forenoon drew oake stuff from the sawmill in the afternoon

7 thined the Turnips in the forenoonwent to Davisons Mill for Father he was fishing with Mr Hick since Friday

8 Established a Sunday School in our Schoolhouse no Meeting

9 began to hill the corn very poor

10 finished the corn & began the potates

11 worked at the potatos Jock went to A Dung bee of Adam Armstrong

12 finished hilling the potatos & hoeing the Turnips the second time warm Day with thunder at the North & aperently heavy rain

13 transplanted five rows of Turnips very heavy rain

14 plied the P hemlock bark

15 went to caintown & heard the Mr Beumen preach

16 began to Mow & mowed in the garden & the spinegrafs below & part of the peace next the woods south side of the road


July 17 went to Brockville to an Agricultural Meeting sent $10.10C in A letter to Dr Ryrson for Books for School Library Father paid Sherwood & Steel $10 as retaining fee he paid $10 before very heavy rain

18 mowed the remainder of the peace at the woods rain to Day

19 fixed at the Cap rain to Day

20 fine Day raked the hay

21 Drew in six small load of hay that is the first

22 no Meeting to Day

23 mowed in the 2 field the uper half very cloudy

24 mowed in the field North side of the road East line drew in 2 loads of hay from the 2 field

25 mowed in forenoon North side road east line cock part 2 fields very warm day themometer 80 in shade

26 rained most of the day worked A little at John Yonges cradle

27 raked hay in the 2 field & in the dich North side of the road

28 worked at the cap rained parts of the day

29 went to Caintown & heard the Rev'd Mr German preach

30 finished puting the roof on the cap rained parted of the Day

31 raked & drew in the hay in the field North side turned over the cockes & drew in 9 loads from that field

August 1 Began to cut the fall wheat rained in the afternoon

2 worked at the wheat fine Day

3 finished the wheat this forenoon& drew 2 loads from the orchard at the house put over the horses fine Day

4 heavy rain last night finished mowing the orchard at the house & began to mow in the orchard at the old Barn dull cloudy Day with showrs

5 the Rev'd Mr Harvey preached in our School house fine Day

6 drew 3 loads of hay from the orchard at the house put 2 of them over the horses & 3 load from the orchard at the old Barn put the 3 over the horses there is 3 large loads & 4 small loads over the horses fine Day

7 drew in 4 loads of fall wheat this morning heavy rain the rest of the Day

8 mowed in the field below the house rain in the afternoon John Yonge came here he has finished his haying

9 dull day mowed a little

10 rain last night John Yonge went home Jock & Granpa went to Brockville & brought Box of Library Books for our School Section 59 volumes cost $20.20C the boys & me raked & cocked part of the medow below the hous

11 drew in 4 loads of fall wheat & 7 loads of hay from the field below the house finished mowing the field below house Wm Hughs helped


August 12 Went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr Benning preach fine day

13 drew in 7 loads of hay finished mowing the 2 field fine Day

14 drew in 4 load of hay & finished mowing 2 field

15 began to mow in conszion field Robert Heughs came to help mowed 2 swarths & then quite his sythe was no good he went home & Wm came at noon

16 mowed in the cons field Wm Heugh & Robert Armstrong helped showry Day finished the field

17 spred & raked & cocked part of the cons field Robert Armstrong & Wm Heugh helped half the Day Moores thrashing machin came here

18 the thrashing Machn thrashed the fall Wheat & had 56 1/2 Bushels & 2 1/2 that we thrashed before, 59 in all finished rakeing the cons field

19 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr Throup in the afternoon he is A new ministerof Fence Church

20 drew in 10 loads of hay from the cons field had tow waggons

21 began to cut the Black see wheat

22 finished the Black see wheat it was very thisely

23 mowed the Thompson place very warm day

24 began to cut the oats & peas Jock & the boys raked the Thomspon place fine Day

25 went to charleston with Barrels for Elenhany Jock & the boys finished the raking

26 went to Caintown & herd the Rev M German preach

27 made A stack & that finished haying drew in the Black see

28 Jock & the boys began to hook the peas & cut the oats & peas

29 worked at the peas finished the peas & oats


August 30 Began to cut the schotch wheat in the field south side of the road west fence hard frost

31 worked at the wheat hard frost last night

Sept 1 went to Brockville sold 1 firkin of Butter 9 1/2 per lb Egs 9 per Dozen set a letter to house heavy rain afternoon J grubed

2 heard the Mr Harvy preach in our shool house

3 worked at the wheat fine Day

4 Do Do Do

5 went to McElhenneys mill with 16 bushel of fall wheat Jock & the boys helped John Ockland at thrashing Georg Evens & Michel McAvoy was buried to Day

6 drew dung to the pea ground in the forenoon with 2 waggons & drew in afternoon wheat from the west line south side near

7 drew dung with 2 waggons Jock plowed

8 spread dung in the forenoon cut the Barley in the afternoon Jock plowed fine Day

9 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr Benning Preach in the forenoon

10 Sowed five Bushel of fall wheat in the field South side of the Road East line cut part of the oats in the harper field in the afternoon

11 went to Brockville with three Barrels of Apples got 11S.3d for one barrels of the Brockville Beuty & 10S for two barrels of the Americans

12 Jock & the boys hooked peas on the Thompson place & cut oats in the harper field Jock & the boys hlped Hogan at thrashing heavy rain last night & this morning

13 worked at the oats Robert Armstrong helped

14 worked at the oats Robert Heugh helped to mow them they were lying on the ground

15 cut the wheat below the little orchard P Wm Heugh helped

16 went to Caintown & heard the Rev Mr Trook Preach


Sept 17 drew in the oats from the Harper field in the forenoon heavy rain in the afternoon

18 heavy rain most of the Day C{illegible} our Books

19 went to Brockville the Widow Ferguson went with me & got the Will of her Husband recorded I was A witness to it I make {illegible} to it took 3 barrels of American got 10 & 8s per barrel Jock finished cuting the wheat

20 cut the Poll oats went to Malorytown a made the returns of road work

21 Jock & the boys drew in 3 load of wheat & bound the oats I went to Charlestown with 32 pork barrels to Bews & brought 60 flour b{illegible} back

22 Stacked the oats & wheat Granpa helped that finished the Harvest work

23 went to Caintown & heard the Rev W. German preach

24 went to Lyn with 60 flour barrels for Elingham & got for him $19.59 units

25 went to Brockville to an Agricultural Meeting

26 Jock began to plow the Thompson place for Rye

27 cleaned grain for the Show Jock plowed

28 went to Mr Moorehouses for seed Ry got 2 1/2 bushel & threashed the Mulicolic had nearly 1 bush Jock finished the plowing

29 Sowed the Muticolic Rye on the first seven ridges East line the first ridges twelve pace ther a pile of stones at the end of the ridge the half of the eight ridges is sowed with the Mulicolic, sowed the 2 1/2 Bushels that I got from Morehouse on the rest of the field Jock went to Brockville with chickens got 7 1/2 each

30 the Revd Mr Throop preached in caintown


Oct 1 went to Farmersville with the cloth to the fulling mill broke the tire of the waggon got A wheel from W Barington

2 went to Brockville to the cattle Show took the 2nd on fall wheat 2nd on oats 2nd barley fine Day

3 Samuel Inis came & set the waggon tire & turned 8 horse shoes

4 went to Lyn to the cattle show took the first premium on the yearling Bull 2 on 2 year old heffer 2 on 1 year old 1 on fall wheat 1 on oats

5 the Revd Mr Throop & Mr McNish came here on A visit Jock & the boys was at Granpas at threashing machin & shod the colt fine Day

6 went to Lyn to A Pomological meeting was chosin President of the Pomological socitie there was a fine show of Apples

7 went to Caintown heard the Revd Mr Bening preach

8 went to Lyn with 60 flour barrels for Colmans

9 went to Brockville gave Henery McDonald 2 barrels of Snow apples 8s 9d per Barrel sold I & S Rags 1 tub of Butter 84 lb 10 per lb

10 began to pull the corn Jock helped Samuel Innis to iron whipeltrees for Littlejames

11 finished the corn poor crop the boys helped John Ockland at thrashing Machin

12 went to Charleston with 20 pork barrels & 10 to {illegible}

13 Shod the old horses heavy rain all Day

14 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr Throop preach in the forenoon

15 began to Dig the potatoes some of them rotten ground very wet

16 went to Brockville with 8 Barrels of Apples got 7s.6d per Barrel snows

17 Innises came to thrash & thrashed the Peas fine Day

1855 October 18 thrashed A stack at the New Barn of wheat & oats they were put into green it was heated so that was spoiled the wheat was black & the oats brown A little rain last night

19 healped Wm Hogan at thrash Buckwheat

20 Jock went to Farmersville with the Widow Seaten she was hear on A visit. I picked Appels A fine Day warm Jennet McIntosh is down on A visit from Ancaster

21 went to Caintown & heard the Rev Mr German preach fine day

22 worked at the potatos A few rotten

23 Do Do Do Do Do

24 picked the Spitzenburg appels had 4 barrels began to Snow this afternoon & snow hard

25 snowed about 5 inches last night & is still snowing A very stormy Day worked in the Blacksmith shop

26 made A crout box very sloppy with the snow the roads very bad

27 gathered appels the snow nearly gone

28 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr Throop preach roads bad

29 worked at the potatos William Hagan helped I am to make A Lathe for Janis loom fine Day A little frost last night

30 worked at Hoggan Lath Jock & the boys worked at the Potatos

31 worked at the Potatos Rob Armstrong & David Ackland helped fine weather


Nov 1 Finished the diging of the Potatos

2 began to pull the Turnips a great many of them rotton just above the ground

3 worked at the Turnips fine Day James Hazelwood Wife Died of consumption

4 the Revd Mr Benning Preached in caintown I went J. Hazelwoods wifes wake

5 went to the funeral of J Hazelwood wife at the Stone Church the Revd Mr Benning preached the funeral sermon there was 52 or 54 Buggies & waggons & some horsemen

6 went to Charlestown with 24 pork barrels

7 Jock & me went to Cristies Younge this afternoon on our way to Gananoque with Mr Roth Wat came home from Balaclava where he was survaing

8 went to Gananocque & Bought A Durham heffer one year old from Dr Beckman paid him 36 dollars 40 was the price of her but he gave him 4 dollars as a luck penny came to Ben Yonges and stopt all night

9 came home to day from Gananoque

10 went to Lyn to an Agricultural meeting received $5s.50s. Jock received 4$ as premiums for the year Father went to the quarterly meeting

11 no meeting here to Day

12 drew dung to the field below the little orchard fine weather

13 finished drawing all the Dung from the old Barn

14 Jock began to plow in the field below the ol Barn the boys & me drew in 4 loads of potatos from the Cristie place

15 Jock plowed I went to A dung Bee of J J McIntosh the boys finished Drawing the Potatos A Good crop


Nov 16 heavy rain last night & to day with thunder banked the house in the afternoon geting very cold

17 hard frost last night gathered the cabbage fine crop

18 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr German preach the ground hard frozen

19 thrashed 30 shaves of oats for straw for to make cider. Jock & the boys cleaned some of the peas John Yonge came hear

20 made A Shaving Horse for John Yonge he went home to Day bad roads

21 finished cleaning the peas had 57 1/2 bush snowed about 3 inches George Two brought the thrashing

22 made cider for Rob Armstrong Wm Daves & James Evens about barles

23 made cider Rob Armstrong George Two Wm Hazelwood & 1 barrel for ourselves in all about 5 bar

24 went to Lyn bought 22 1/2 lb sole leather 1s.6d per lb got 4 lbs of upper leather which made 13 3/4 lb that we had got from Henry McDonald at 2 per lb he got 2 barrels of snow Apples at 8s.9d pr barrels made 17s.6 & I paid A Hanary 10s which makde 27s.6d

25 25 went to caintown & heard the Rev Mr McGee preached he is just come from Inland roads very slippy

26 made our own cider fine Day rain some snow in the afternoon

27 Jock took 3 Ewes to George McNish fine Day in waggon

28 made cider for David Tennent & the Widow Phillips & A Armstrong fine Day

29 went to Henery Manharts with 7 Ewes to the Southdown Ram

30 drew some wood & made an axe helve hard frost


December 1 Helped Rob Armstrong at thrashing machin wind blew so hard from the southwest that we had to quit fine Day otherwise

2 the Revd Mr Benning preached at caintown & the Revd Mr McGee preached at the Stown Church

3 helped Robert Armstrong at thrashing Machin

4 David McDonal Died this morning of cranps in the Stomack he was takeing on Saturday night I went to John Yonges by Farmersville stopt all night

5 came home from John Yonge & went to the wake

6 went to the funeral of David McDonald the Revd Mr McMurry preached the funeral sermon

7 went to Brockville with Walter he started for Michel fine Day the roads very hard & ruff

8 Jock & the boys helped Wm H Daves at thrashing machin

9 no meeting to Day A little snow this morning heavy rain throw the Day

10 Jock helped Revd Armstrong to kill hogs & Wm Hogan to Kill A Cow & fixed shoes for the horses blustery day

11 shod the old horses very windy hard frost

12 drew some wood in the forenoon went to Lyn to A pomological meeting went on foot roads very hard & ruff

13 went to Charlestown with 30 pork Barrels for Elingham to Bews

14 killed the hogs in the forenoon went to Chiristopher Littlejohns Funeral he was killed by being thrown from A Horse on his head on monday last the Revd Mr Benning preached

15 salted the pork the hogs weighted 317.294.255. 219 David went to mill with 10 bushel of fall wheat snowed a little last night heavy rain to Day snow all gone

16 the Revd Mr German preached in caintown heavy rain

17 Jock helped Adam Armstrong to kill his hogs I fixed the roof of our house fine day

18 Do Do the North side of the roof

19 Drew some wood fine Day.


December 20 fixed shoes for Jigs mare Jock drew dung to the potato pit

21 Killed the hardy cow Rob Armstrong helped

22 Jock & Margret went to Brockville got 8d per lb for sausages 1s.3 for turnip 1.6 A pair for chickens & choped wood A fine day till sundown then A little snow

23 No Meeting to day went out to Adam Armstrong A little rain

24 Mended the harness Jock went Innises for some cold with the waggon fine Day

25 fixed shoes for the young horses in the forenoon Wm Hazelwood & family here for Dinner they came here with the Slaugh it snowed last night & the most of the Day about 6 inches in all

26 drew some wood with the slaugh

27 went to Mr Houghs with a sow & then to A Boar that the Agriculture Socitie bought at Coburg $50 went to Mr Manharts for the Sheep that was there to the Ram paid hom 2s.6d for their keep A very stormy day hevy wind & drift

28 Jock went to Brockville with 11 bush of turnips for TD Camble Esq 1s.3d per bushel & thrashed oats

29 thrashed oats for straw for the cattle Jock drew tamarack wood very cold Day

30 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr Bening peach snowed about 6 inches last night poor slaughing

31 mended the childrens shoes


January 1 Benjamine Younge stopt here all night mended the childrens shoed cold Day

2 made A halter for the Jack horse

3 Jock went to Brockville with 5 barrels of Appels gave Mr A Turner 1 barrels of cooking & 1 of snow sold 1 barrels of snow 1s & 1 of cooking 7.6 to J & S Bags & 1 of snows to A groser for 10s 2 of the snows was for star but he did not want them & mended harness

4 drew wood very cold Day

5 Elen was put to Bed of A Daughter very Cold Day no meeting to Day cold weather

7 choped wood

8 went to Lyn with A Elens cow that I sold to Bilea Colman for 23 Dollors very cold Day & drift

9 Jonny Elen & the younge Robinson went to Brockville the brougth Jonny down from Ramsey on Monday night Jock & me atended the School meeting & was chosen Trustee

10 got wood & choped it at the house

11 Innis came to thrash he took the job for 5 dollars to thrash all the wheat

12 finished the wheat at noon John Yonge came here on his way to Lansdown stopt all night cold Day

13 heavy Snow & wind last night & all day so that there is meeting nor any stirr

14 John Yonge went home the roads is so heavy that he cannot got to Lansdown drew 2 loads of wood & choped some of it for the School house

15 took 1 cord of wood to the School house & cleaned 16 1/2 bushels of wheat

16 went McElheney mill with 16 1/2 bushels of black see wheat roads very heavy


Jan 17 went to Brockville with Margret & Jonny bought a cap 2$ 1 pair pant 3 1/2$ muffler 5s r{illegible} 4s.6d 1 par mitts 1 side sole leather 15 1/2 lb 1s.6d per lb & some other things in all 14$ 26s

18 fixed the buflow skins cold Day

19 fixed the harnefs & choped wood Jonney & Elen went to John Younge & got it pair of bools for me & A pair of shees fo harn{illegible} Jock has been helping bob to score all this week but monday he is geting timber for A Barn

20 the Revd Mr Harvey preached at our School House in the afternoon

21 Started for Ramsay & went to unckel James Scot

22 went to John Robinsons fine Day

23 went to Packenham with Jonney took dinner & tea with Mr Riddle & came back to J Robinson

24 went to Wm Robinson then to Archeble Robinson then to Mr Chellock he is marred to Jenne Robinson then to younge John Robinsons then to the old mans al night

25 started for home Mr Riddle came with us he never at the front before came T. Scoots

26 got home about 7 oclock all well

27 27 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr Benning P preach fin Day

28 went to Mr McClearys with Mr Riddle to see his Dog churn come home & started for Brockville & saw the railcars come in Mr Riddle never saw the cars nor the gafslight to thougth they were splendid

29 took Mr Riddle to Lewes to meet the stage for Perth I saw him into stage & then I went to TW Hugh for A sow that we had there to the Boar she took the Boar on Saturday

30 drew wood fine Day

31 Jock went to McElhenys mill with 20 bushel of B see & choped 1 1/8 cord of wood at the school in the forenoon went Yonge Mills with 62 flour Barrels for Elingham


Febuary 1 worked at the cleaning of the wheat a little snow

2 finished cleaning the wheat had 111 bushel of scotch wheat & 36 1/2 of black see

3 no Meeting to Day

4 cleaned the tailing & pufsey seed had 19 bushel

5 went to Charlestown with Elingham & wife, had 4 pork barrels & took 19 bushel of pufsey seed to mill

6 worked at A bed stead Jock worked at trunelbed

7 made A scive for John Yonges faning mill snowed most of the Day

8 drew 3 loads of wood roads very bad

9 went to Brockville & heard the Revd Mefunes Morison &

10 went to Brockville to the Scacrement

11 finished the Bedsted for the kition & put it up

12 drew some wood snow very deep

13 helped Wm Hogan at the thrashing machin

14 Do Do at Colmans place

15 Do Bob Armstrong to thrashing machin in the afternoon very cold wheather

16 drew some wood roads very bad A little snow with heavy winds & drift most evry day

17 no Meeting to Day high winds with some snow & heavy Drift

18 drew some of the tan Bark out of the woods snow very deep

19 went to Brockville to see Mr Buiel why he had not advertsed the Annual Meeting of the County Agricultural Socitie

20 Jock drew A load Bark to Lyn Roads very bad


Febuary 21 Mr Dowesley came here from Lansdown & wrote to Walter B nineteeth Jock went to Lyn with A load of bark

22 Andew Thompson & sister left this for the back country they were here all night Jock went to Lyn with A load of bark

23 Jock went to Lyn with the last of the bark I choped wood

24 no meeting to Day cold Day Wm Hazelwood & Betsy was here

25 drew wood

26 Do Do Do Do

27 went to Brockville to the Annual Meeting of the county Agricultural Socitie Jock & Margret went to

28 thrashed some oats cold Day

29 drew some wood


March 1 Jock & Margret went Brockville bought A side of upper leather paid 1s.10d per lb & a dress for Elen I went to Lyn to an Agriculture Meeting it was agreed to purchas sheep with the funds Charles Booth & me was apointed to corispond with Breeders as to price

2 heavy snow lat night & this forenoon snowed about 10 inches no Meeting

3 threashed some oats & drew 2 load of hay from the cap that old Marino Buck Died

4 thrashed oats Father & David went to John yonges it snowed & blowed the most of the day so that the road is all filled up

5 thashe oats stormy Day the road bad

6 thrashed oats still storming Father & david came home from John yonges the roads very bad they upset too three times coming home

7 cleaned the oats had 47 bushel

8 went to Brockvill took A barrel of spitzenburg apples Mr Nickel sold them for 3 dollars & 100 of flour to Hopkns for 16s.3d bought 1 bag of salt 8.9 2 lb tea 5 {in margin} settled with J & S Ross & paid the account

9 9 went to Brockville to get the child babtized the Minister did not come cold Day

10 thrashed oats very cold windy

11 Do Do very windy

12 Do Do

13 Do Do fine Day

14 finished thrashing the peas & oats in the forenoon Wm Clow & wife here on A visit fine Day

15 cleaned the peas & oats had 60 bushel fine Day

16 no meeting to Day fine Day


March 17 Went to Lansdown to look at land that the Messers Colmans wanted Father & Jock to take for the damage that is done to there Land it was lot No 10 & the west half of 11 on the sixth consesinon the snow was so deep we could not travel on it but we looked at the frount of it it is one compleet set of nolls or rocks with very little good land we gave it up for A bad job Samuel Yonge went with us

18 drew wood Benj Yonge & his Wife & Boy came with us & stopt all night so as to go to Johns

19 Father & Jock went to Lyn to let the colman know that the Land is no good & that they will not take it & diged up some of the cabage they were good

20 drew wood

21 drew wood fin Day

22 Jock went to McElheneys Mill with 13 bushel of Scotch wheat & 4 bushel of peas & went to Brockville gave A Turner A barrel of spitzenburg Apples & I had some cabage sold for 6 & 7 1/2d each attended Sidney Jones Esqs funeral

23 23 went to Brockville & heard the Revd Mr Spence of Bytown he Baptized Elizabeth fine Day Mr Watson daughter was likewise Baptized

24 drew wood snow in the afternoon

25 drew wood fine Day

26 went to Younge Mills with 54 flour barrels for Elingham & brought {illegible}

27 drew 2 load of wood then fixed the appels

28 Jock went to Brockville with 3 barrels of Appels got 3 dollors per barrel & 4 A head for cabage & went to John Yonges to make a lader for him cold with Snow

29 came home from John Yonge cold

30 no meeting to Day fine Day

31 went to Brockville took 1 barrel of appels sold them for 3 dollors Pomgrees sleighing nearly gone hard frost last night


April 1 went to Yonge Mills with 32 flour barrels for J Elingham sleighing nearly gone the snow is 4 feet deep in some places roads bare snow nearly gone in other places hard frost last night

2 drew some wood had to roll it on the crust we cant breack roads on count of the crust & the deeth of the snow

3 went to Brockville on horseback the roads very bad rain last night & to day snow going very fast

4 Jock taped some of the Sugarbush

4 made 2 buckets for to cary sap with & fixed buckets

5 cut & split some wood at Wm H Davis for A cold pit Snow going very fast

6 the Revd Mr German preached in caintown roads bad

7 set up a Coalpit at Wm Davis's snow going fast

8 killed 2 calfs & made 2 pails fine Day

9 cut wood in the Sugarbush Do Do

10 Jock went to the funeral of Elijah Adams he was buried at Booth buring place & before they got home his Barn & all that was in it was burned it was thougtt that it caught fire from the children playing with matches on a straw stack close to the Barn I fixed an axel for the wagon roads very bad fine Day

11 made some bunks for the line fence

12 drew some wood for the sugarbush heavy rain the snow nearly gone cleaned the cistren A little snow this afternoon prefsing hard {in margin} first rain this spring

13 no Meeting to Day

14 made some bunks for fence fixed hotbed

15 John Armstrong began to work at the Buggy & helped

16 worked at the Buggy Jock helped in the Sugarbush

17 worked at the Buggy Jock helped in the sugarbush

18 Jock went to John Yonge the family is all sick with Scarlet fever seed cabage seed


April 19 went Brockville with the Waggon bought A plow at Lyn for 8$ payable 1 January bought A lock for the school house 7s 6d iron for the buggy 17s plow shin 2s.6d tea kettle 4s6d

20 went to caintown heard the Revd Mr Benning preach

21 worked at the line fence west sideline nort side of the road Sowed cabages in the hotbed {in margin} X X

22 finished the line fence this forenoon Jock began to plow below the Bull paster

23 drew stones to the line fence & hoghole it Jock plowing

24 finished drawing stones this forenoon Began to plow with the colts in the field at the New Barn very warm Day

25 plowed at the New Barn Jock plowed the sod

26 Do Do Do Do Do very warm Day

27 went to the funeral of Dr Weeks he was buried at A pine noll on the old place he Cut his throat with a razor at his son Henary his son

28 Began to Sow & Sowed 3 bushel of Scotch wheat at the New Barn ground in fine order warm Day

29 cleaned the furrows in the forenoon plowed in the field below the house in the afternoon

30 Sowed 5 bushel of Peas went to Granpa raising of A Barn Davis draged


May 1 Sowed 4 bushel of Peas & crofsdrged part 9 bushels of pees in all Sowed cabage seed at the end of the house

2 went to John Yonges to the funeral of one of his sons his Name is Benjamine A very wet day

3 let the water of the peas in the forenoon fine day Sowed 3 bushel of Peas & oats Davie draged

4 The Revd Mr German Preached in caintown

5 sowed 3 bushel of peas & oats & 2 1/2 of oats John Ackland & Danual Nowland worked in graden {sic} Mrs Bradley was buried at caintown

6 cross crofs draged the peas & oats & oats Danuel Nowland worked in the graden

7 Sowed 3 1/4 Bushel of wheat the Peas the Peas & oats the oats & the wheat were all sowed in the field below the Bull paster it was meadow last year

8 plowed at Cristies place in the forenoon went o A bee of L.B.Bailes in the afternoon with the Drag brought home the Buggy box from Anders gave him 140 lbs of flour box is to be 9 dollors

9 plowed at cristie place A fine rain most of the Day the woods look red

10 Jock finished plowing the cristie place in the forenoon the boys drew some dung to the field below the little orchard & Jock began to plow in it I helped John Armstrong to finishe the Buggy

11 11 no meeting to Day Granpa went to Lyn yesterday to the Quartly meeting Woods look Green fine Day

12 Sowed 8 bushel of Scotch wheat on the cristie place the ground in faine order draged with both teams {in margin} Bushel's wheat in all

13 finished draging & furing sowed timothy gave it one stroke of the drag after sowing the grafsseed

14 drew dung to the field below the little orchard Jock plowed in the same field

15 Do Do Do Do Do Do


May 16 draged in the field below the little orchard Jock finished plowing & the draged fine weathre & A fine Showr

17 Planted better than 1 acre of corn 1 1/2 bushel of thompsons 1 1/2 of Scotch Erleys & 4 bushel of Cups A little Showr after sundown

18 no Meeting to Day heavy rain most of the night & all Day

19 let the water of the field below the house & the cristies place in the forenoon plowed in the harper field in the afternoon ground very wet

20 went to Brockville & got A box of Potatoes from William Armstrong from Trenton bought 1 barrel of salt 10s

21 planted 4 bushel of cups the ground too wet jock plowed I went to Mr Kincaids his Sister the Widow Ferguson fell from the Scaffold in the Barn & was killed yesterday

22 finished plowing the harper & went to the funeral of the Widow Ferguson in caintown the Revd Mr Benning preached

23 Sowed 5 bushel of Poll oats from John Yonges & 5 bushel of little oats all in the harper field then planted 5 bushel of cups that we got from J Yonge then 1 1/2 bushel of round cups then 1 1/2 bushel of whole Thompsons 2 rows each 1 bushel of W Armstrong first row 4 sets in hill second row 3 sets in hill in the field below the little orchard {in margin} 30 1/2 bushel of Potates in all

24 then some purple 2 bushel Marino 2 bushel cups

25 the Revd Mr preached in caintown

26 painted the Buggy

27 fixed irons on the Buggy

28 went to Charlestown with 40 flour barells left them at the mills for Bews rain in the forenoon

29 went to John Yonges & helped him to plow

30 hore frost this morning the ice as thick as a copper on the trough that we watered the horses

31 planted corn at J Yonges in the forenoon came home in the afternoon


June 1 Went to Junetown & heard the Revd Mr preach in the afternoon a little rain in forenoon

2 Mr C. E Jones sent for the Bull painted the Buggy Jock & boys drew dung to the turnip Ground

3 Jock plowed the turnip ground & made the wood of deel for to work the corn

4 Jock drew some plank & slabs from Mcs I made the teeth for the deel hevy rain

5 helped to whitewash

6 draged & fured & sowed the the turnip Washed the sheep water is very cold

7 hoed the early potatos painted the buggy

8 Went to Brockville to the conference heavy rain

9 I helped Robert Armstrong at his Barn

10 Jock & Margret went to Brockville

11 Jock & Granpa shered part of the sheep

12 finished the Sheep

13 Began to work at the corn

14 Do Do Do I worke with Rob 5 1/2 Days at the Barn this week

15 heard the Revd Mr Benning preach

16 began to work on the roads fine day

17 Do Do Do

18 went to Brockville with the boys for to let them see the orngemen walk they were chose then Grandmaster it was A Grand posestion the head officers were all dressed in scarlet robes

19 finished the Road work warm Day

20 howed some of the potatos A hive of bees come of A very large swarm

21 went to Brockville to an Agriculture Meeting & got 13s per 100 for flour & 3 1/2 per lb for Butter


June 22 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown & the Revd Mr Harvy in our school house

23 worked at the potatos

24 went to McElhenys Mill with 24 bushel of Scotch wheat did not get it grown

25 helped Rob at the Barn

26 Do Do Do the boys worked the potatos Jock went McElhenneys Mill with 30 bushel of Scotch wheat

27 worked 1/2 with Bob at the Barn we finished & that made 8 days at 5s per day finishd hewing the potatos warm day

28 Jock Elen Granpa & me went to John Yongs on A visit he was not at home there was a great meeting at New Dublin conserning the Railroad & he was at it went there too & left Elen at Johns very warm Day with high wind

29 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr German prech

30 went through the Turnips with the deel & then cleaned the rows very high wind & very dry

July 1856

1 hilled the corn fine Day dry weather

2 hilled part of the potates

3 Do Do Do Do

4 finished hilling the potates Dry weather

5 went to Brockville to An Agriculture meeting bought 4 caststeel scyths one of them was for Mr Roberts 5s & 1 snath 2s6 stone 5d

6 went to Junetown & heard the Revd Mr McMury preach

7 Began to Mow & mowed front of the orchard

8 finished the orchard & cut some in the field below the house

9 mowed in the field below the house

11 Do Do Do raked & drawed in

12 {illegible} finished drawing in the orchard & the field below the house

13 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Benning preach warm day

14 mowed the little orchard

15 fine rain last night drew in the little orchard to the cap warm day

16 mowed in the field west line south side of the road

17 Do Do drew in part of the hay in the field I worked with John Innis in the Blacksmith {illegible} he made two leafs for the buggy springs

18 drew in all the hay in the field at the west line & mowed some in the second field frount of the house warm day

19 drew in some of the hay in the second field & moved some

20 went to the stone church with Elen & David & Jocks wat to the Revd Mr McMurrys Bible class & hear him prech


July 21 mowed in the second field & drew in the 4 loads of hay a little rain last night

22 went to Brockville with Elen & took 1 tub of butter 101 lbs & 53 in smalls got 8 per lb sent two pair of pants to Jonney by Mr Wattson Jock & the boys finished snowing the second field

23 Began to cut the fall wheat cut 51 stook dry weather

24 finished the fall wheat this fore noon good crop

25 mowed the peice frount of the blacksmith shop & some in the harper field

26 drew in the hay in frount of the blacksmith shop & the harper field very dry weather cut part of the rye in the Thompson place

27 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr German preach

28 finished cuting the rye fine showr this afternoon mowed in the harper field

29 finished cuting in the harper field & began to mow in the consession field Rob Armstrong helped

30 mowed in the harper field Rob helped in the afternoon

31 finished mowing the harper field


August 1 went to Mr John Kincards funeral the Revd Mr Bennan preached

2 stacked front of the hay in the harper field

3 the Revd Mr McMurry preach in Junetown in the afternoon

4 mowed the Thompson place

5 mowed the peice next the woods below the field at the old Barn

6 finished the stack & the haying

7 the boys went John Yonges Jock & made A fence at the foot of the harper field

8 cut the S spring wheat at the New Barn straw very short

9 cut the S wheat in the field below the house

10 no Meeting to Day quarterly at Green Bush

11 cut part of the oats in the field below house

12 heavy rain last night & this morning went to Brockville to an Agriculture meeting heavy rain at noon

13 finished the oats & peas began to hook the peas

14 drew in some of the wheat at the old New Barn rained in the afternoon

15 worked in the peas drew in some of peas drew in some of the wheat below the house

16 drew in all the peas in the forenoon & began to cut the wheat on the cristies place


August 17 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in the stone church & had the scacrament

18 worke at the wheat in cristies place

19 Do Do Do

20 Allen Erels died this morning about 5 oclock I helped to lay him out rained all Day

21 rained most of the Day

22 went to lansdown with funeral of Allan Elers the boys went to help Rob to bind

23 finished the wheat at cristies rained draged in the pea ground

24 the Revd Mr German preached in caintown

25 cut the oats in the harper field n


Sept 1 Began to sow the fall wheat sowed 2 bushel of blue stem next the west line first frost our popular A little hurt then 2 bushel of bearded wheat both was old wheat that took the premium

2 thrashed 2 bushel of new seed & sowed it Elen & me went to Maitland on A visit to Mr James Halls fine Day

3 begun to cut the poll oats worked the forenoon at them then went to A dung Bee of Bobs Jock & the boys went in the forenoon

4 finished cuting the oats Jock & the boys rake & bund them that I cut yesterday & drew stones of the Thompson place to the east line & laid them 4 feet wide for A fence

5 drew stones this forenoon Jock & the boys bound the oats I went to Yonge Mills with 50 flour barrels

6 Jock drew in the oats & drew stones

7 the Revd Mr Binning preached at caintown

8 drew dung to the Thompson place Margret put to bed of A son

9 helped John Ocklane at the thrashing Machin

10 began to plow on the Thompson place

11 Jock plowed I drew dung

12 Do Do Do Do & finished the plowing & dunging

13 Sowed 3 1/2 bushels of the Muticala Rye


28 the Revd Mr McMurry preache at Junetown

29 fixed the door of the house it was brockdown

30 heavy rain last night & all today the Scots from Perth was here & Mr Alexander Dods his is newly Married Margret Scott

1856 1856

October 1 Jock went to Samuel Innises & got the old horses shod & worked at A whellbarrow

2 drew some Wood heavy winds

3 picked the corn & husked part of it at night

4 husked & sorted the corn had 2 1/2 wagon loads of good corn & considerable of hog corn

5 the Revd Mr Bining preached in caintown

6 Jock took me to Brockville & I went on board of A steemboat for kingston got there in the afternoon took the stage for Tamworth on tusday got there after night the distance was 40 miles stage faire 7s.6d went to see the Land Agent found A boy that acted as Agent he could not tell me anything conserning distance or the Land only he gave A list of the lots that was to be given out I hired a horse or A anamel that answered in its place & started for the woods went 6 miles to the River Clare 2 miles the to wood then 14 miles I went over 12 hills or Mountains varing in height from 150 to 300 feet & 77 crossways varing in leanth from 2 rods to 85 got to A shanty about 8 oclock at night paid 7 1/2d for A sheaff of oats to fead the horce started the next morning in company with Mr Chamberlain about 12 miles in the woods we thought that we had gone far enough the land or Rocks was not fit for A farmer to go on to we saw only 2 farms that was good for anything


Oct 13 David & watt went to Charlestown with pork barles for Bews

14 picked Apples & went to Adam Armstrong Elen & Margret was on A visit

15 went to Danial Nowlan for a sheep to kill he had 6 six on shares he is to give 4 four this year & 15 fifteen in three years from this Date

16 made 3 doors for Rob Armstrong

17 Robert Hengry came to fraim A wood house for Jock Jock & Rob & me Score for him & he hewed

18 worked at the timber some rain

19 went to caintown & heare the Revd Mr German preach

20 went to Brockville to An Agriculture Meeting got A Ram lamb in behalf of the Township Socitie he cost 50$ I bougth 1 side of sole leather 1s.10 1/2d per lb & 1 side of uper leather 2s per lb went to John Yonges to get him to make A pair of boots for Watt he has hurt his sholders that as done nothing for 5 weeks fine weather

21 came home & the boys was diging the potatos

22 helped Henary at the timber Jock & the boys & James Ackland helped them at the potatos

23 worked at the potatos James Ackland helped

24 drew some wood Mr Ruben Moot & Wife came here & went Heneys Wiks & then came & slept all night hung 3 doors for bob this afternoon

25 Showed Mr Moot the drowned land on both places went to Lyn this afternoon to an agriculture Meeting

26 the Revd Mr McMurray preached in Junetown

27 went to Brockville with Father he had to go on Mr Ki{illegible} will I took 1 1/2 barrels of snow & 1 barrel of Calvell apples to Turners 10s per barrel

28 Rubert Henery raised A wood house at Jocks

29 the boys finished plowing the field at the new barn

30 rained most of the Day

31 went to Lyn to an agriculture meeting


Nov 1 Went to Lyn to an Agriculture Meeting the money funds to bye A Bull

2 the Revd Mr Benning preached in caintown

3 began to pull the Turnips the Revd Mr Morrison & James Hamilton came here from Brockville & stopt all nigth Jockes very ad with Rheumatism

4 worked at the Turnip fine weather

5 very heavy winds last nigth with A little rain finished the Turnips good crop drew in the corn stalks very cold Day

6 drew 5 load of wood cold Day

7 drew in some potato in the forenoon went to A plowing Bee of George Erels

8 drew in 1 load of potatos it rained most of the day went to Lyn with Father to the Quarthy meeting there was A terable squal about 1 oclock of wind & rain

9 the Revd Mr McMurry preach in caintown

10 drew in some potatos put 2 loads of cups in our seller & 1/2 load of them {illegible} went to A plowing Bee of Wm Hazelwood in in the afternoon cold Day

11 killed the Hogs Wm Davis & Bob helped we killed 5 for us & 1 for Davis

12 went to Brockville with 1 hog got 7$ & 3/4 per cwt & 1 barrel of apples got 2 barrels for cider from A Turner

13 drew some wood & fixed the Cabbage

14 draged A part of the potato land & began to plow it

15 salted the pork & made A Barrel of crout the boys plowed

16 the Revd Mr German preached in caintown hard frost last night


Nov 17 Went to caintown to look at A thrashing machin at Jachab Hogeboms that Thomas Davis senior bought from Thompson & Greagne & I bougth it from him little snow last night

18 went to caintown with Robert Armstrong for the thrashing Machin Paid Thomas Davis $40 dollars which he gave to Jacob Hogeboom as Thompson & Greagorys Agent Davis likewise gave Hogeboom A Note for 40 dollars paiable in 14 moths & signed it as {illegible} I am to give Davis one pair of two year old steers two sheep that is at Daniel Nowlan now & seven dollars next fall which payes payes for the Machin in full

19 Jock went to Brockville with Elen & got 8d for saussuges I & the boys thrash with the machin it went well

20 cleaned the wheat had 11 bushel Jock went James Cuming & got 17 bushels coal

21 Samuel Innis fixed shoes for the horses Jock & the boyes helped Rob to kill his hogs

22 fixed the cider press the boys drew some {illegible} here

23 no meeting to Day John Younge came here

24 Made cider for Adam Armstrong Bob Armstrong & ourselves fine Day

25 went to Manharts with 4 south down Ews & C & Jakes with 4 leaster he has an imported leisster Buck belongs in to the county socity snow A little tonight

26 took the chimny down to the chamber floor

27 built A brick chimny for the stove Jock shingle {illegible}

28 took the remainder of the chimny down

29 plastered the house where the old chimny was with {illegible} went home with John Young he stopt here all the evening he as A lame sholder

30 heard the Revd Mr Trumain preach in John Youngs New School house.


December 1 Came home from John younges with the Buggy the snow is about six inches deep

2 drew up sleepers for the house & 3 logs for A shed at the New Barn fine day

3 hewed the sleepers for the house very stormy

4 finished the sleepers for the house

5 Jock went to Brockville with A load of turnip

6 got 1s.6d per Bushel

6 Jock went to Brockville with A load of turnips for James Hutchison sold them for 1s.3d per Bushel he retailed them again I went to Charleston with 36 pork Barrels for D Bews then went to Farmersville & got our cloth 41 3/4 gave Mr Camble 4 dollars in part gave John Kincaid 1 1/2 bush of turnips

7 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in Junetown

8 Jointed boards for the floor of the house

9 fixed the floor upstairs & killed 2 spring pigs Jock & the boys drew some wood

10 tore up the floor of the house & took out the sleepers & put in new ones Jock went to Brockville with turnips

11 worked at the house Jock went to Brockville with A load of turnips for Wm Hutchison A very stormy day rain & sleet

12 worked at the house fine thaw day

13 Do Do Do A Granson of the Widow Hill was buried in Caintown

14 no Meeting to Day it was so stormy rain & snow

15 worked at the house

16 drew sum wood from the drown land

17 went to Mallorytown A sale bought A chain pump for 2 dollars twelve feet long


December 18 worked at the stairs in the house very cold Day

19 put the chain pump in the Bull well

20 worked at A band whell for the tharshing machin very high winds last night with sleet & snow heavy rain & wind to day

21 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown

22 finished the band whell for the thrashing machin

23 drew some wood in the forenoon & killed the Bull in the afternoon cold Day

24 went to Brockville with some sausageuses got 8s per lb & expected to meet Jonny from Packenham but he did not come took 2 barrels of apples to A Turner 2 dollars per barrels

25 Wm Hazelwood & family was hear for Dinner Thomas Ackland got five sheep on shares 1 ewe & 1 lamb of Sises 1 Ewe of Isables 1 of Tennets & 1 of Marys A little snow to day

26 helped Rob Armstrong at the thrashing machin went to Lyn & bought 1 side of sole leather paid 1s.10d per lb

27 Jock Jonney & Elen went to Brockville the boys & me thrashed 7 bushel of wheat & cleaned it up & they took it to mill & 2 bushel corn

28 the Rev Mr Benning preache in caintown fine Day

29 went to Mr Manharts & to Mr Houghs for the sheep those that was at Houghs I marked with A black strike on the forehead paid one shilling per head that is {illegible}

30 thraashed the poll oats in the forenoon

31 cleaned the poll oats had 40 bushel


January 1 Worked at the stair in the house fine Day

2 Jock went to Brockville with some Apples got 5 shillings per bushel for comon & 6s.3d for pomgree I made 3 window fraims for Jocks wood shed

3 shod the colts the Boys went to John Yonges & they took 7 Bushel of turnips 6 per Bushel to John Kincaids & that made 10 bushel that he has got it is A very stormy day now

4 no meeting to Day

5 started this morning half past 3 oclock for Ramsay with Jonney Elen & Hanna Hazelwood got to John Robinsons about 8 oclock they are all Well

6 went to Kellocks & young Johns

7 went to Arches James & Gemals

8 went to Packenham with Jonney very cold Day

9 came to Scots to Day

10 got home all well very cold week

11 went to Brockville & heard the Revd Mr Morrison preach very cold Day

12 threashed & creaned 40 bushel of oats

13 went to Charleston with 20 pork Barrels for John Elingham to David Bews

14 went to the School meeting & then went to Mr Vansons for the reports Elen went J Scotts on A visit cold Day

15 Jock went to Brockville for the Revd Mr Morrison & he preached in caintown to night

16 Mr Morrison examined the children in the chatechism this forenoon & we thrashed in the afternoon

17 went to Aunt Mary with Granmam & Elen Robert Robertson died yesterday very cold day.


Jan 18 Went to funeral of Robert Robinson he died on the fifteenth there was 34 sloughs& cutters at the funeral he was buried in the Brockville cemetery very cold day

19 drew some wood very cold Day

20 Jock went to Greenbush Mill with 24 Bushel of wheat he did not get his grist

21 went to Brockville to an Agriculture meeting very stormy

22 drew some wood A very cold day

23 Jock went to Greenbush for his grist he got his cheeks frozen it was A very cold day I worked at A slough for John Younge

24 we went to lyn to the Anual Meeting of the Agriculture Society Jock & Margret give R Colm{cut off} A deed to {illegible} A part of the cristy place & he received A note for seventy five pounds paible in three mounths with intrest

25 no meeting to Day

26 cut down five oaks some of them for hubs

27 drew up the hub stuff & 3 logs of the big tree 2 of them 14 feet long stormy day A king of tho{cut off}

28 thrashed 1000 sheafs of spring wheat Jock went to Seelys with 4 hubs logs no one there

29 went to Johns youngs with Elen Margret & Jock on A visit fine Day

30 cleaned the wheat had 35 bushel

31 drew 2 load of wood A very stormy snowed very heavy all Day the boys took A sow to Wm Tennents boar


Feb 1 No Meeting to Day roads very bad

2 worked A little at John young Hough went to wood bee of Thos Davis in the afternoon roads very heavy bad

3 thrashd part of the fall wheat

4 finished the fall wheat stormy day & put it all through the faning mill

5 went to the woods & drew 4 loads of wood in the forenoon very stormy day Jock & the boys finished cleaning the fall wheat had 44 bushel

6 worked in the blacksmith shop at slaughtoring for J young

7 finished the toung & riveted the end of the beems the Snow nearly gone the ground is bear & all in A flood

8 no meeting to day heavy rain I got ready to go to Mr Thomas banstons funeral he Died on friday & his Wife was buiried the thursday before

9 hued A crook for John Yonge slaugh it is no good

10 hued another & worked at it

11 finished the slaugh

12 Wm Clow & Wife came hear on a visit roads very bad fine day

13 drew some wood roads bad

14 thrashed the Rye

15 went to caintown with the Buggy & heard the Revd Mr McMurry Jock is very sick with cold

16 cleaned the rye had 19 bushel rain

17 fixed the irons for the School Stove warm day


Feb 18 Fixed the floor of the horse stable fine day

19 a little snow lsat night drew A load of wood from the sugarbush to the School house the roads very bad

20 went to Yonge Mills with 45 flour barrels in the waggon roads very rough snow in the afternoon

21 cut some of the oake on the drowned land & drew it up to the house

22 went to Brockville to the scarement with the cuter roads bad

23 drew logs up to the house fine day

24 Do Do in the forenoon the roads has got so bad that we cant draw any more & the water is rising very fast

25 went to the funeral of A son of Mr Dixson the Miller at Mc's with the Buggy roads very bad

26 worked at the line fence on the south side of the road East line

27 Do Do Do in the forenoon made some bunk in the afternoon cold Day

28 went to Brockville to an Agriculture Meeting it was the Annual Dr Richmond came home with us A very cold Day we had the Buggy


March 1 Went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMury preach

2 went to Mallorytown with Dr Richmond in time for the cars at 8 oclock AM

3 went to Lyn to an Agricultural Meeting with the Buggy cold Day

4 drew logs to Dixsons & some wood

5 Do Do Do Do

6 snowed about 6 or 8 inches last night to Day drew the oake logs that we had on the Road to Dixsons

7 drew hub log to Niblocks with both teems 172 feet of large & 81 of smal four sents for the large & tou sents for the smal that is 9 inches & 7

8 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr German preaching

9 drew up wood for the house

10 drew oaks for hubs & fine wood

11 Do Do Do Do

12 drew hub logs to Niblocks with both teams

13 Jock & the boy drew fire wood Samuel Innis came & fixed the shoes for the horses & put them on

14 Drew up wood

15 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown

16 drew up wood fine Day John Yonge came here

17 Drew some logs to Dixsons taped 21 tree it run well

18 fixed bukets rained A little

19 rained all Day fixed bukts


March 20 Snowed about 12 inches last night went to Mill 14 Bushel of wheat then I went to Mallorytown with 42 butter firkins to F Lee for I Elingham but Lee was brock down & we had to bring them back

21 Snowed all Day made 3 buckes

22 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Benning preach

23 went to Lyn with 42 firkins roads very bad hard frost last night taped 140 trees this afternoon the sap runs a stream

24 worked in the Bush the bukets mostly full

25 fixed some buckets taped A few more

26 worked in the Bush sap runs well

27 went to Dixsons with A Mapel log 9 feet long for tromps for the threshing machin then Drew in part of A stack of hay

28 went Weeks with A slough cruke then finished drawing in the hay the snow nearly gone of the roads Granp& walter boiled 70 pailfulls of sap it has been A great week for sugar

29 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMurry preach

30 worked in the sugar bush warm Day

31 went to Mr Niblocks got L3 from him for hub stuff

Sold Dixson 5 pound worth of oke logs & Niblock 5 pounds 6s of hub stuff

John Younge Dr for stuff for his slaugh oil 1s.6 red lead 3 iron 16.3


April 1 Very stormy Day with snow sowed grass seed on the Rye on the Thompson place very erly this moning

2 worked in the Sugar Bush

3 Do Do Do

4 went to Brockville with the Wagoon took some cabage got 4 per head 11d per lb for Butter 10 for Eggs paid 9s.6d for A Barrel of salt & 2s.3d per lb for sole leather

5 went to caintown & heard the Rev Mr McMurry German preach

6 worked in the Sugar Bush snowed most of the Day

7 worked in the Bush

8 fixed & made 2 New pails

9 drew wood in the sugar bush

10 Do Some Do & worked Do

11 went to the quarterly examination

12 no Meeting to Day

13 made some bunks for the East line fence Jock went with Granpa & Elen to Lyn Granpa got A chest of tea from M Younge that he sent for by him to Mountreal

14 very stormy snowed about 6 inches worked at A wheel Barrow

15 fixed the hot Bed cloudy with A little sunshine

16 worked at the line fence on the East side hard frost last night

17 picked up stones in the field below the hill


April 18 Moved the fence on the west side of Jock house making the cabbage pach agreat deal larger this forenoon sowed cabbage seed tomattoes & pepers in the hot bed very hard frost last night

19 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Benning preach roads very bad

20 drew some leached ashes to the orchard in the forenoon then Joseph Davis came & worked in my place & I worked at A drag for him & he drew chip dung to the orchard hard frost last night

21 the boys drew stones in the field North of the road in the forenoon I cleaned out the ditch frount of the house or in the field frount of the house the boys drew stone & filled {illegible}

22 drew stones of the 2nd field & put in the Ditch

23 went to Mill with 8 bushel of fall wheat & 1 1/2 of corn Danuel Nowland worked in the garden

24 Jock & Granpa went to Brockville Dr Reynolds says liver is afected the boys & me went to McCormacke raising

25 began to plow & plowed in the field below the house the ground is very wet it is stuble ground

26 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMurry preach

27 rain this forenoon plowed in the hay Harper 2 field in the afternoon Mr Roth from Mitchel came here with Mr Lillie

28 plowed in the Harper 2nd field horses go very fast

29 went to Lyn for A land side then plowed

30 plowed the boys drew stones to the Dich Jock plowed his garden with the old horses


May 1 Plowed in the 2nd field frount of the House the boys drew stones to the Dich

2 went to Charlestown with A letter that sent here for Mr Roth heavy rain most of the Day roads very bad found Mr Roth at the Widow Johnstons

3 {line stroked through} no Meeting to Day there was a quarty Meeting at Lyn

4 plowed in the 2nd field John Ackland dug in the garden till the rain came on about 3 oclock

5 rained all night & the Day

6 Do Do Do made A drag for Wm Hogan & helped to Davis to make one

7 plowed A little this afternoon ground very wet the boys moved the fence below the house

8 plowed to Day, the boys drew the old rails from the line fence

9 finished the plowing of the 2nd field Wat began to plow in the field below the house

10 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown rain this afternoon very cold

11 plowed with both teems in the field below the house very hard frost last night & very cold all Day

12 plowed in the field below the house

13 finished plowing the field below the house in the forenoon then we began to sow & sowed 3 bushel of Peas in the 2nd field

14 Sowed 7 bushel of peas in he 2nd field wat plowed in the field below the little orchard {in margin} 10 bushel of peas in all

15 crossed draged the peas in the forenoon A little rain sowed 1 1/2 Bushel of scotch wheat in the 2nd field


May 16 Sowed 5 1/2 bushel of scotch wheat in the 2nd field David draged wat plowed in the field below the orchard the Bett Maire was cast in A furrow & we had to take the foal from her it was dead

17 went to John Elinghams with the Buggy & took the corpse of A Baby of his to caintown & there was a child of Mr Leaders that died on Friday taken too both funerals took place at the same time in caintown the Revd Mr Benning preachd

18 David finished the draging of the 2nd field I sowed 4 1/2 lbs of flax seed on A ridge 50 pace one way & 6 the other drew dung for the corn with the old horses frost last night warm day

19 the woods begin to look green the young horses plowed in the field below the little orchard

20 finished Do plowing the field below the little orchard this forenoon sowed 4 bushel of Poll oats in the field below the house {cut off}ey Mare foaled this morning

21 Sowed 4 bushel of the Poll oats & 8 of the little oats John Ackland worked in the garden

22 Sowed 1 1/2 bushel of Barley all in the field below the house this is the first day that is warm

23 Plowed in the field at the New Barn with the yonge horses drew dung with the old horses fine Day

24 the Revd Mr McMurry had the sacrament at the stone church

25 Sowed 8 bushel of wheat below the little orchard & 1 pailfull of the chinea wheat Samuel Innis fixed A wheelbarrow

26 planted about 1 acre of corn at the New Barn

27 plowed at the New Barn

28 finished plowing the field at the New Barn

29 3 1/2 bushel of York reds one bushel of cups

30 sowed 9 1/2 bushel of Peas & oats in the harper field finish the Spring work

31 no Meeting to Day



1 Went to Brockville with Granpa & Elen sold 34 lbs butter for 11d per lb & egs 8d for doz got the number of several lots of land to look at very dry weather

2 plowed the turnip ground & washed the sheep the water was very cold

3 Sowed 2 rows of the Olleringham carrot as far as the dich then I think some more of the Olliringham then the long orng of 1848 the 1/2 row & 1 then of sugarbeet & {cut off} of turnip seed then we went to granpa & rmstrong to Isabla's Weding she is married to Thomas Smith

4 trimed some of the Apple trees in the forenoon Isable & her husband came here in the afternoon

5 went to Lansdown to Ben Younges with Elen his wife if very sick then Jock & me went to look at some land in the 5 & 6 consessinon fine low land but there is a chanch of it being flowed by the Marblerock dam

6 draged & ridged up the turnip ground then sowed them Jock & Granp sheered part of the sheep

7 very heavy rain last night went to caintown & heard the Rev Mr McMurry preach

8 moved the fence down to the woods in the field below the little orchard Jock & Granpa finished sheering the sheep fine day

9 made A bolster & stakes for the waggon Jock went to Harkenness for lime but it was good for nothing the fixed the brush fence around swamp

10 made 2 pokes for the horses Jock went to William Hickes got 350 feet of hemlock boards

11 heavy rain all day shod the horses

12 planted betwen 3 & 400 cabage worked at picing Bee

13 cleaned away the stones betwen the house

14 the Revd went to Brockville & heard the Revd Mr Morrison preach


June 15 Worked on the Roads began at eave's hill

16 went to Brockville to an Agricultural Meeting sold 43 lbs of wool at 4s.6d per lb bought 3 bundles of {cut off} yarn 7.{cut off}

17 heavy rain went to S Innises & put in A set of Buggy bo{cut off) for him & got 28 bushel of coal from I Cumins

18 Jock fixed A flour in his cookhouse I worked at A table A little rain

19 went through the potatos in the 2nd field the boys hoed {illegible} Jock & Margret went to Brockville

20 went to Brockville for Revd Mr McMurray he is to preach to Morrow he stopt with us all night

21 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMurry preach

22 went to Willard Weeks for 1000 of shingles that Granpa got from R Beattie

23 started for to go Merrickville to look fo A farm examend Bryans farm very poor & so is Steels got to Frank Halls they are All we

24 looked at Ronalds poor land look several toher

25 got home to night Adam Armstrong went with us

26 went with Granpa to Colemans for to see when he could get the Money Dick not at home

27 hoed the potatos warm Day

28 no Meeting to Day warm Day

29 Granpa went to Colemans & gave them A Deed to flow & receved A note for 286 pounds paible 1 of Sept finished hoeing the potatos I fixed four raks for John Young he was up at Lansdown heavy rain this afternoon

30 heavy rain last night & this forenoon finished A table for ourselfs

July 1857

1 Granpa Jock & me went to Frank Halls to look at some Land one farm for 10 dollars per acre another 22 another 24 another 32 & another 40 the Rose farm looked so bad with the wet that we did not stopt to look at it heavy rain

2 So we came home without doing anything to John Youngs stopt all night

3 came home all well warm

4 peeled hemlock bark on the Iland

5 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMurry preach

6 pulled some thisels out of the wheat Jock helped Rob to hoe the boys went to Brockville to A showe

7 the boys & Jock worked at the Turnips I went to Brockville for the Revd Mr Morrison he came on A pastoral visit he preached at caintown at half past 5 heavy rain very few

8 went to Mr Davison with Mr Morrison & the to Lyn

9 Jock & Granpa went Westport with the Wool to Mr Clarks the boys & me hoed at the potatos warm day

10 finished the potatos & part of the Corn John Clow & wife hear on A visit

11 finished the corn very poor Jock & Granpa came home with the wool from Clarks

12 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr Benning preach very warm Day

13 pealed Bark on the Iland all that was on it

14 Began to Mow & mowed in the garden & the orchard at the house

15 finished the orchard in the forenoon the Messers Charles Booth Wm Cowan & James Brikenridge came here as crop veiwers Began to mow in the harper field

16 finished mowing the harper field very heavy rain

July 1857

17 Jock Margret & sis went to Brockville & sold 98 lbs of Butter at 9d per lb very dull Day fixed waggon rack the boys went through the turnips

18 mowed in field below the house in the forenoon drew in loads of hay

19 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMurry preach

20 went to the field to catch Jess Maire found her lying Dead in the Sugar Bush no Marks of any kind on her. the colt took up with Bet I was looking whether she had any milk she kicked me on the lame leg can do no more drew in the hay of harper field

21 heavy rain this forenoon finished mowing the field below the house leg A little better

22 raked in the field below the house

23 heavy rain last night & this forenoon made 2 rakes poor hay weather

24 moved the fence between the paster & the field below the house & rake the last of the field hay very wet

25 Mowed the consession field Mr Edgly & his son helped he bought A sheep to kill for 4 dollars & gave 2 days work in part the boys drew in the hay from the field frount of the house in the afternoon

26 the Revd Mr Mills preached in caintown my leg so sore that I could not go

27 raked & drew in all that was cut in the consession field A about 8 acres

28 heavy rain last nigth mowed the little orchard

29 mowed the field frount of the house this forenoon drew in part of the little orchard to the cap poor hay

30 mowed frount of Elizes house fine Day {illegible line}

31 Drew in hay frount of Elizes houses

August 1857

1 Began to cut the fall wheat good crop A little rain this afternoon

2 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown

3 heavy fog & Dew mowed frount of Elizes till the Dew dried of the wheat

4 finished the fall wheat fine Day

5 finished cuting the field frount of Elizes

6 cradled the Rye & drew the hay frount of Elizes Adam & Rob Armstrong help in the afternoon

7 mowed the field at Cristies place

8 raked & cocked ti & drew in the fall wheat Rob & Adam helped in the afternoon to draw the wheat

9 the Revd Mr Milles preached in caintown

10 Stacked the hay at Cristies place fine Day

11 mowed in the consession field & put 3 Shoes on the charley horse Messers C Booth Wm Cowan & J Breckenridge came here to veiw the crops I went to left for I Clows in order to go to Winchester to look for Land Jock went to Aunt Marys with Rob Armstrong to help her with the haying for two Days

12 the boys mowed in the Thompson place went to Winchester with I Clow stopt at Mr McCarggos got there after Dark all in bed

13 rain this forenoon went Winchester village no land for sale work bying came to McCarggos stopt all night

14 started for home examined lot 18 on 2 consession Mountain good lot came by Wrights corners got to Clows betwen 10 & 11 AM

15 went to Brockville from Lyn in the cars Erman Jones is general Agent for Stewart he wrote for me to know what is the price of 18 in 2 Con Mountain heard of land in Kitley got home all well

August 1857

16 Jock & Elen went to church in Brockville hear the Revd Mr Morrison preach

17 heavy rain most of the Day I am very sick took an emetic

18 Jock went to Kitly to look at land it is good but {cut off} old Mr Roth is dead he died yesterday

19 Jock Granpa Walter Lucie & sis went to John Yonges to Mr Roths funeral he was buried at Dublin the boys cut the Barley

20 cut & bound some of the seed hay rain

21 finish Jock went to Colmans Mill with 11 1/2 bushel of fall Wheat & 4 1/2 of corn

21 Jock & the boys cut & drew up the Grass seed & stook it up in the field frount of the house that finished Hay for this season Jock very sick

22 the boys went through turnips with horse cleaned the wed out

23 the Revd Mr Mills preached in caintown

24 thrashed fall wheat for seed

25 Jock & David thrashed A little more wheat & cleaned it had 8 3/4 bushels of seed wheat

26 began to cut the oats below the house brock A finger & put in another

27 finished cuting the little oats

28 began to cut the Spring wheat in the 2nd field south side of the Road poor crop there was very heavy rain last night an old house of Henary Weeks was Burned up last night Mallory & his famley came near being burned up in it they lost there all

29 heavy rain this morning went to Brockville bought {illegible} A barel of salt paid 8s I got tokens for Jock Waggon

30 went to Brockville to the sacrament Jock Margret & Elen fine day

31 worked at the wheat Jock & the boys at the peas

Sept 1857

1 finished cuting the spring wheat in the second field & the chenee wheat that I got from I Robinson Ramsey very good not so stillf straw as the sotch Wheat & the hooking of the Peas

2 began to cut poll oats below the house good but rather thin all leaning warm day

3 worked at the oats in the forenoon then went to Samuel Berenels with John Ackland to look at A farm off Mr Throops not what I expected very warm day

4 looked the farm & came home

5 began to draw dung on the pea ground for the fall wheat drew in the poll oats I cut 23 stook of the spring wheat below the little orchard rather green heavy rain to night

6 the Revd Mr Benning preache in caintown

7 cut more of the Spring wheat & drew dung to the pea ground had Robs horse with Bet maire Jock began to plow

8 worked at the wheat

9 Do Do Do

10 Began to sow the fall wheat sowed 4 bushel Jock & Margret went to Brockville with A tub butter got 10 1/2 per lb

11 Sowed 4 3/4 bushel that is 8 3/4 bushel in the 2nd field south side of the road west line

12 worked at the wheat Jock water fured the wheat fine weather

13 the Revd Mr McMurry Preached in caintown

14 worked A little at the wheat John Young came here on Saturday went home to day

15 rain last night finish cuting the wheat

16 began to cut the oats in the harper field drew in some of the wheat

Sept 1857

17 Finished drawing in the wheat very dull day worked at the oats they are down so that we have to mow them

18 finished cuting the oats & drew in some of them

19 finshed drawing in the oats & that is the last of our harvest the crops ginarely good

20 the Revd Mr Mills preached in caintown

21 draged the stuble in the harper field before plowing Jock Robert Armstrong & John Youngs went to look at Roses farm in Montague

22 began to plow the harper field for Rye rain this afternoon

23 Plowed Do Do Jock got home he made A bargin for the Roses place 2500 dollars heavy rain last night

24 plowed in the harper field

25 finished plowing in the harper field

26 sowed 5 bushel of Rye

27 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown

28 heavy rain this morning & heavy hail about noon finished sowing the Rye except the head ridges

29 went to Lyn for Elingham with 30 pork barrels & 12 butter firkens took 1/2 bushel of wheat to mill

30 plowed the head ridges cleaned the furrows of the Rye sowed in all 6 1/2 bushel in the harper field

October 1 thrashed for John Ackland his buckwheat

2 killed A hog & then picked the corn & husked it at night

3 sorted the corn had about 75 bushel of good corn in the ear ]

4 the Revd Mr Benning preached in caintown

5 went to Brockville with Rob Armstrong got {illegible} for the stove oven 3s.9d & A {illegible}


Oct {illegible} & then went to John younge {next few lines illegible - too faint to decipher}

9 thrashed some fall wheat not good {illegible} barley & cleaned it

10 {illegible} Mr McMurry preach {illegible}

{two line illegible}

13 went to Brockville {illegible} fair got the first premium on fall wheat 2 on spring wheat first on Rye first on flax seed 2nd Barley & first on fl {illegible}ing A very good day took the societie Ram home

14 Jock went to tell Mr Rose that the Mi {illegible} Colmans ahad disapoints him in the money diged some of the potatos consideral rot

15 Heavy rain all day

16 {illegible} some grain & picked apples Jock came home from Roses he is greatly disapointed

17 diged potatos I went to Lyn with S {illegible} took premium in the Ram & Ewes wheat {illegible} grass seed

18 went to caintown heard the Revd Mr Mills preach in the afternoon

19 diged Potatoes cold

20 Do Do snowed A little

21 cold with rain & snow

22 worked at the potatos

23 working at the potatos Mathew {illegible} helped for the Davis we finished the field at the Barn

24 Jock & the boys finished all the potatos I went to Lyn to An Agriculture meeting Elen went to Wm Clows on A visit & took a grist to Colman Mills

October 1857

25 the Revd Mr McMurry in caintown

26 {illegible line crossed out} cleaned out our celler heavy rain

27 drew in the potatos to our cellar there was 4 loads

28 pulled 6 load of turnips rained A {illegible} in the forenoon heavy rain in the afternoon

29 cold with A little rain no work

30 drew some wood

31 finished the turnips good crop Jock went to look at Leachs farm

Nov 1 the Revd Mr Benning preached in caintown

2 David plowed where the fall wheat was Jock & me went & looked at A farm of Colmans near N Booths it would {illegible}

3 went to Brockville with Apples gave {illegible} 1 barrel R Colman 1 Turner 1 Watson 1 they were Snows got 12s.6d per barrel bought tire for the waggon 18 per {illegible} weight 1c 3v 12 cwt

4 Samuel Innis came hear & set the tire

5 went to Lyn with pork 20 barrels & 12 firkins

6 I borrowed 250 bricks from C B {illegible}

6 drew wood from the Cristies place

7 went to Brokville with 4 barrels of Apples 2 for Turners & 2 for his clerk got 10s bought 1 side of sole leather 1s.9 1/2 d per lb

8 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown

9 heavy rain most of the Day

10 heavy rain most of the night helped Rob to kill his horse

11 Jock Rob & me went to Landsdown to look at A farm of Leaches good land but very dear here

12 worked at the foundation {illegible}



13 {illegible} Jock went to Brockville with A 10 bushel of turnips 1s.3d bush

14 snow & rain last night drew some wood with the slaugh the ground has frozen

15 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Mills preach fine Day

16 killed the hogs Rob helped

17 thrashed 7 1/2 bushel wheat & some oats Jock went to Charles Garners with 10 bushel of turnips {illegible}

18 Jock went to Lyn with a grist I worked at A slaugh for John Young

19 went to helped bob to thrash the wind to high came home brought & put the horse powr up for the cider Walter came home from Mitchels he is well

20 made cider for Rob Griffins & H Hazelwood hard frost & snow

21 Jock went to Breckenridges with 7 sheep to the Southdown I let our ram out & bricked the lambs very high winds with snow

22 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown very stormy Day

23 helped Rob at thrashing machin very stormy snowed about six inches

24 helped Rob in forenoon finished his wheat worked at slaugh

25 finished I Younges slaugh very cold Day

26 went to Farmersvill with 18 pork barrels for H Green

27 helped Rob to Kill A steer in the forenoon helped W Hows at the Machin

28 Jock & Elen went Brockville & got 8s per lb for sasaguss I thrashed for John Ackland John Young came for his slaugh fine Day snow going very fast

29 the Revd Mr Benning preached in caintown {illegible}

30 made cider for Adam Armstrong Widow Philips & ourselves fine Day

Dec 1 Thrashed for John Ackland heavy rain last night

2 Samuel Innis & Wife came here with A {illegible} & I got him to {illegible} horse shoes

Dec 1857

3 Shod the young horses A little snow with wind & frost

4 Johnny & Elen went to Brockville with Walter saw him on board of the cars for Toronto Johnny came home {illegible} today from Pacinham the ground hard frozen

5 Jock thrashed peas I hurt my knee by A fall

6 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown {illegible}

7 heavy rain & sleet last night thrashed 12 bushel of wheat

8 went to Dickson Mill with 4 bushel of wheat & 3 or corn Thomas Home went to H Weeks to see him about A sill for church house {illegible}

9 heavy rain all day fixed the billys shoes

10 finished building the oven John Ackland helped

11 went to Lyn with 55 flour barrels hard frost last night

12 went to Farmersvill with F. Scott to convention B. Tutt chosen

13 Revd Mr Mills preached in caintown hard frost

14 drew chipdung to the orchard & some wood

15 Jock went to Brockville with turnips got 1s & 1s.3d per bushel

16 thrashed Peas & oats fine Day

17 cleaned the peas & oats had 40 bushel very wet Day I made A stairs J Ackland helped

18 heavy rain Jock went mill with 8 bushel of wheat

19 killed the bunty cow fine beef drew some wood

20 the Revd Mr McMurry preache in caintown

21 thrashed 3 peas cold day

22 finished the peas heavy snow

23 went to Farmersville with B Tut he stopt hear all night

24 went to Lyn with 50 flour barrels to B. Colman

25 W Hazelwood & family was hear for dinner

26 drew wood cold Day

27 the Revd Mr Benning preached in caintown

28 drew bank fine Day


March 23 Work done for John Elingham 1 load of Firkins to Lyn for Baxter 30 & for Purvis & Yonge 12 6 3
June went to D Bewes with butter firkins 6 3
July 28 Do to Lyn with 25 Butter firkins to N Baxter 6 3
Sept 29 Do to Do with 30 pork barrels & 12 butter firkins 6 3
Nov 4 Do to Do with 20 Do Do Do Do 6 3
26 Do to Farmersville 18 Do Do to W. Green 6 3
Dec 11 Do to Lyn with 55 four Barrels for R. Colman 6 3
24 Do to Do 50 Do Do F Do 6 3
1858 January 2 Drew wood half Day 6 3
19 Do to Lyn with 55 flour Barils for R. Colman 6 3
Feb 8 Do to Lyn with 55 Do Do Do Do Do 6 3
March 8 Do to Lyn 50 flour Barrels for N. Baxter 6 3
April 20 Do to Farmersville with 50 flour Barrels & 4 butter tubs 6 3
to P. Wing & 10 butter tubs to H Green 6 3
Do 30 Do to P. Wing with 50 flour barrels & 4 Butter tubs & 9 butter tubs to H Green 6 3
May 16 Plowed his garde & drew 2 loads of hemlock stuff from Weeks 6 3
June 3 went to Lyn with 24 firkins B 14 Do 10 6 3
19 Do to Charlestown with 26 firkins to Bews 6 3
30 Do to Lyn with 27 firkins to Baxter 6 3
July 10 Do to Lyn with 22 Do to Darlin 6 3
August 4 Do to farmersville to Greens 18 firkins 6 3
25 Do to Lyn for N. Baxter 27 Do AW Lewis 6 3
Sept 11 Do to Charlestown 28 firkins for Do Bewes 6 3
Oct 1 Do to Lyn 10 pork barrls to Darlin & 12 to Baxter 6 3
15 Do to Charlestown 30 pork barrels to Bews 6 3
29 Do Do 24 Do Do Do 6 3
Nov 12 Do to Farmersville with 21 pork Bls to Green & 3 to Blanchard 6 3
Dec 1 Do to Lyn with pork B 6 to Darlin 5 to Baxter 6 3
6 Do to Charlestown 20 pork Barrels to Bews 6 3
22 Do to Do 26 Do Do Do 6 3


borrow 3 small wood pailfulls of salt pan

March 23 Pay received from Baxter on Elingham Acount
candy 2/4 coffe 1s bit 9d knife 1s3d shoe thred 6d
tocks 7d matches 4d pink & cinnie 6d 5 3
June from D Bews 1 hoe 2s horse nails 1s.3d shoe thread 11 1/2 d 4 2
shoe takes 6 pencil 2d 8
July 28 1/2 lb tobaco 1s matches 9 1/2 d 2 yrd cotton & thread 1s.4 1/3 d 2 9
Sept 29 1 lb tobaco 9d. finle 1s.3d grogse of macher 3s nails 6d slate 1s.1d 7 7
Nov 5 2 flour Barrles 1 Keg 1 tub 8
26 1/2 gallon oil 3s1 1/2d red peper 7 1/2 d Rope 1s.2 1/2d 4 11
1858 1/2 lb tobaco 10
Feb 8 received from John Elingham five dollars 1 5
March 8 recived from Baxter for Elingham fish 2s.6d papers 10d 3 4
salaraties 7 1/2 d starch 6d envelops 4 1/2 cash 2d 1 8
April 20 received Wind & Blams 1 lb hors nails 1s.3d Buck 1s.3d 2 6
spoons 1s Pills 1s.3d Buttons 1d twist 3d paper 7 1/2 slack 2s 4 3
Do 30 1 wooden bowl 3s.9d cotton 1s.8 coffee 7 1/2 from 6 1/2
H Green & two plugs tobaco 6d from Wing 6
June 3 received from Baxter 2 plow sheers 5s borax 6 5 6
2 boxes blacking 5d file 4d 9
8 1 firkin 2.6 2 6
19 receved from D. Bews 1 lb peper 1s.2d spice 7 1 9
1 lb starch 1s shoe thread 6d nails 7d soda 7 1/2 screws 9 1/2 3 6
30 horse nails 2s6d oil 1.3 cotton Baxter 1 lot 1.1 machs 4 x S. papr 2 6 4
July 10 7 1/2 yrds cotton 7 1/2 buttons 2 4 10
August 4 horse nails 1s.3d Book 7 1/2 paper 6d cotton 3s shoe thread 3 1/2d 5
25 1 firkin 2s.6d 1 plow sheer 2s.6d candy 2d shoeties 2 1/2 lb tobaco 9 1/2 6 1 1/2
Sept 11 powder 9d coffee 1s.4d spice 7 starch 1 saspan 2 shoe thread 6d 6 2
Octo 1 from Baxter 6 bunches bating 3s.9d candel wick 5 4 3
1 doz teaspons 8d file 7 1/2 d 3 ginbles 7 1/2 Blitsters 1s file 7 1/2 2 11
15 from Bews N. needles 2d buts 10d screws 1s chalk 4 2 4
rosin 4 tea 1s.4 1/2 d thread 1s.3 buttons 8 3 7 1/2
29 fro Bews 1 lb of coffe 1s.4d 1 4
Nov 16 from Green horse nails 1s.3 cut 1.s.3d nails 7 1/2 3 1 1/2
pills 1s.3d candles 2s Blacktea 1s Batting 2d matches 4 7 1
Dec 1 from Baxter currycomb 1s.3d nails 1s.3d sugar 1.s3d nails 8 1/2 ink & maches 6 4 10 1/2
{illegible} from Bews paper 1 {illegible} 3s.9d {illegible} 5 11

Bought of J & S Ross 1854

L s d
Feb 28 1 side of sole leather 1s.4 1/2 per lb 16.1/2 lb
March 20 1/4 yrd of lienskin 7.5 per yrd 1N3 1 10 1/2
April 18 1 silk hankercheef 5s 8 yrd calico 5d 3 4
14 yard calico 9 per yrd 10s.6d 10 6
4 yrd Do 7 1/2 per yrd 2 6
10 lb tea 3s.6d per lb 1 15
1 lb of tobaco 1
June 12 1 Bonnet 4s.6d 2 yrd ribon 1s.10d 1 yd ribon 10d linneng 8 1/2d 7 10 1/2
June 19 16 lb soleleather 1/6 lb 1.4 per lb 2 bunches yarn 1 14
4 spools 1s, 1 yard rold cambric 4 1/2, 1yrd Do 6 1/2 1 11
1 remnent linen 1s.1d Do 7 1/2 Do 9 2 5 1/2
3/4 doz spoons 4s.6d 5 yrd furniture strip 3s.6 12d 8 1/2
6 yrd print 5s.3d 7. Do 4s 4 1/2d 3 Do 2s 4 1/2 12
5 yrd check linen 3s 9d 1 3/4 yrd grey linen 2s.2 1/2 5 11 1/2
7 yrd cambric 4s.4 1/2d 7 yrd cotton 2s.7 1/2d 1 paper pins 5 7 5
1 yrd Jacinett 1s.1d. 1 pair cotton stocking 1s.1d 1 yrd ribbon 8 1/2 2 10 1/2
1 butter bowl 2s.6d needls 2d 1/2 yard persion 8 3 4
1 bag salt 8s.9d 2 bags salt 1s 8d 1 hoe 1s 9 12 2
July 4 1 pair fo match plains 7/6 2 sythe stones 8 8 2
1 silk hat 17/6 half round file 1/5 18 11
2 hand saw files 1s. 2 cakes of soap 9 1 9
1 lb extract of logwood 1s 1/2 lb blue vitrol 4 1/2 1 4 1/2
4 lb alum 1/2 4 lbs soap 1/8 one pair Childrens shoes 2/6 5 6
1 1 bunch cotton yarn 5s 1lb tobacto 1/3 6 3
1/2 lb tea 1/6 1/2 tea 1/4 1/2 one hat 10 3 8 1/2
August 22 1/2 lb Indigo 3/3 1/4 lb thread 1/7 1/2 4 10 1/2
2 yrd cotton 1s 2 yrd twist 6 1 gross buttons 10 2 4
gave Isabba Hazelwood an order for 18s 18
Sept 5 3 bunches of cotton yarn 15s & trimings for Fathers coat & vest 15
14 12 lb sugar 5s 8yrd cotton 4s 2 bals shoe 9 9
1 barrel of waller lime 10 10

Paid J & S Ross 1854

June 22 one tub of Butter 93 b 9d per lb 3 9 9
one tub 2 6
Oct 25 one tub of Butter 91 lb 9 1/2 do per lb 3 12
Nov 1 by cash 1 5
June 11 Bonnet 4/6 2 doz Buttons 1/10 6 4
1 doz Buttons 10 1/2 yrd linning 8 1/2 1 6
1857 March 11 bought of Mr Vannnomon
40 3/4 yrd cotton 7d per yrd 1 5
7 Do Do 5 Do Do 3 2

Ar Articles bought in the year 1854

L s d
Jan 17 Iron 8s. 7 1/2 1 ax 5s.6 oil 3.1 1/2 17 3
lamp 1.3 wick 3 cap 10 7 1/2 paper 12 1 1/2
paper 1 book 1.6 almanac 7 1/2 3 1 1/2
rope 9 nails 7 toll 7 sundry 1.7 3 6
18 paid to the Libary 5
24 1 Axe 5.6 5 6
Feb 28 1/2 Barrel of white fish L1 oil 3.1 1/2 spirits 3.1 1/2 6 3
1 Phiel e{illegible} cinimon 7 1/2 1 8
March 14 lb horse nails 1s.1d 2lbs shingles nails 7d bell 1 8
bell of Locks clock 7 1/2 coppy book 6d 1 1 1/2
20 postage 3 tobacco 9 Borax 1/4 lb 5 1/2 1 5 1/2
April 18 1 pair of buggie springs 1 17 9
20 lbs oval iron 5s tire for buggy 5
4 tires for buggie 1 5 9
spirits of turpentine 7 1/2 spirits 3 1/2 3 9
cotton yarn 14s.3d books & paper 3s 3 6
May 4 1 bar iron for Drag 7s.8d seeds a gum 1.4 1/2 9 1
spelling books & paper 3 9
Do 10 1 lb horse nails 1.2 Dinner 1.3 2 6
June 13 1 pair shoes 8.9 1 Do 7s.6d 1 Do 6s.10d 1 Do 4S 1 7 7
1 hat 8s 9d 4 caps 8s 1 pair of shoes 5s 1 1 9
1 pair of shoes6s.10d 1 paire braces 1s.8d 1lb shot 6 9
22 horse medicin 10s cup for 3d bottol for 4 10 7
neat foot oil 7 1/2 fishhooks4d kail seed 4 1 3 1/2
toll 6 cakes 5 wattie 1s.3d lime .25 bushel 15s.7 1/2 .25 17 9 1/2


Sept 5 43 lb sweeds iron 3 per lb 10.6 10 6
1 lb powder 1/6 1 st of buggy box 2/6 4
6 1/4 lb malliable iron 9 per lb 4/8 1/2 4 8 1/2
14 1 teapot 2/6 1 canister of powder 1/3 3 9
21 Jock 1 barrel of salt 10s. 2 lb of tea 5/6 15 6
1/2 lb tea 1/3 1/2 gallon of oil 3/ 1 1/2 4 4
spirits 2/ book 10d
octo 11 plow 2s.10 1 Jug of Mustard 3.9 1 lb tea2s.6d 2 16 3
1 side of sole leather
25 400 lath 4d & sundries other articles 15 11
25 1 Barrel of salt 10
8 1 lb tea 2 9 paper1 10.2 lock 7 1/2 horse nails 1.3 6 6
sundre articles 16 10
Black oil one pint of fish oil one ounce of spirits of turpentine two ounces of vitrol White oil one pint of vinegar one ounce of spirits of turpentine one ounce of vitrol strong oils for takeing of silfasts or spavins two oz oil of oreganum two oz of oil swallows two oz of oil of spike shake the above together in aplying merely damp the hair

Bought of Winks & Hudchison

June 19 1 Black silk hankerchief 5
1 cotton Do Do 6
Nov 1 paid the above
1857 Jun 3 took John Kincaid to be taned 1 Bull hide
1858 Feb 4 got bull hide
Sent by Rober Armstrong 1 cow hide 1 cip 1 colt skin & 7 calf skins to John Kincaid s/p he taned it)
Feby 9 1 calf skin (it was Elens calf that the boys kill by running it to John Kincaid
Feb 1858 4 took to J Kincaid to be tanned 1 cow hide & 3 sheep skines with wool


Work done by James Hughs or on his acount

August 11 Wm Hugh mowed one Day
15 Do Do Do half Day
16 Do Do Do one Day
17 Do Do Do half Day
Sept 14 Robert Hugh mowed oats & raked & bound one Day
15 Wm Hughs raked & bound wheat

Produce sold in the year 1854

or Money recived

Jan 7 to John Elingham 400 lb fo flour at 16s.3 per 100 3 5
17 to Mr Wright 175 lb of flour at 16s.3d per 100 lb 1 8 4
Feb 28 Barrel of pork L 3.7.6 per Barrel 3 7 6
April 17 sold C Lillijohns the Hardy cow 6 7
June 7 Do John Lamb Jocks cow 7 10
1856 June 3 Bought of J Hazelwood 60 yrd cotton at 6d per yrd 1 10
5 pailfull of lye 10 per pail 1/2 day crew 1 1/2 4 3 1/2
gave him 35 1/2 lb Butter at 9 per lb 1 14 3 1/2
<1.6.7 .1/2/td>
1857 March sold 10 dozen of Egs 1s per dozen 10
April 4 Do 7 Do Do 10 Do 5 10
18 10 Do Do 19 7 6
24 4 Do Do 8 2 8


L s d
May 8 Bought of John Kincaid 1 cowhide
weight 5 1/4 lb 2 s per lb 10 6
April 29 gave John Kincaid 14 Bushel of oats 1s.6d per Bushel 1 1 0
Jan 3 Do Do Do 10 Bushel turnips 1s.6d per bushel 15
Feb 4 Do Do Do 10 Do Do 1.3 Do 12 6

for 1854

the Quantity of Grain ground of the crop of 1853


Dec 9 took 5 1/2 bushel of fall wheat to Mill
23 Do 4 bushels of s wheat & 2 bushel of corn
26 Do 12 1/2 Do of F wheat & 10 bushel of S wheat
Jan 4 Bushel of corn
10 Bushel of scotch wheat
Feb 24 6 Bushel of scotch wheat
March 10 24 Do Do D & 4 Bushel of corn
April 1 Granpa setted with Robert Armstrong and we are endue him at this Date L . 7.6 off this money that I got for Walter yet
May 13 got 4 cwt of hay from Robert
15 he got 1 1/2 bushel of Peas from us
take 1 grain of Digtalis 1 grain of oxide of zink 1 dram of fine flour or A teaspoonful for 20 or 100 pils take from 1 to 6 per Day cure all Deases

thrashing done by Innis 1854

Peas -- 36 Bushel February 9 Paid 1 1/2 {illegible}

Wheat 82 Do Febuary 21 Paid 16s.3d to Innis

thrashing Done by Innis 1855

Wheat 9 1/2 Bushels

Oats 53 Do

Peas 57 1/2 Do

Paid April 1858

2 1/2 Bushel of Peas

2 1/4 Do Oats

5 Do Wheat that settled all our thrashing

1857 April 1 endue Granpa L 1


January 1 Charles Wilson got 1 box of honney 15 lb there remains 5 lbs to be paid for at 8s per lb less the weight of the box

1858 January 27 the sow that I took to Mr Hough took the Boar

Benjame Thompson had A sow that our Boar the same time

Transcription Progress



William Beatty Diary, 1854-57.pdf
William Beatty 1854-1857, Diary Transcription.pdf


William Beatty, “William Beatty Diary & Transcription, 1854-1857,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 11, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/397.
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