File #30988: "William Beatty Diary, 1854-1857_45.pdf"


1856 March 1 Jock & Margret went Brockville bought A side of upper leather paid 1s.10d per lb & a dress for Elen I went to Lyn to an Agriculture Meeting it was agreed to purchas sheep with the funds Charles Booth & me was apointed to corispond with Breeders as to price 2 heavy snow lat night & this forenoon snowed about 10 inches no Meeting 3 threashed some oats & drew 2 load of hay from the cap that old Marino Buck Died 4 thrashed oats Father & David went to John yonges it snowed & blowed the most of the day so that the road is all filled up 5 thashe oats stormy Day the road bad 6 thrashed oats still storming Father & david came home from John yonges the roads very bad they upset too three times coming home 7 cleaned the oats had 47 bushel 8 went to Brockvill took A barrel of spitzenburg apples Mr Nickel sold them for 3 dollars & 100 of flour to Hopkns for 16s.3d bought 1 bag of salt 8.9 2 lb tea 5 {in margin} settled with J & S Ross & paid the account 9 9 went to Brockville to get the child babtized the Minister did not come cold Day 10 thrashed oats very cold windy 11 Do Do very windy 12 Do Do 13 Do Do fine Day 14 finished thrashing the peas & oats in the forenoon Wm Clow & wife here on A visit fine Day 15 cleaned the peas & oats had 60 bushel fine Day 16 no meeting to Day fine Day
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