File #31059: "William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_06.pdf"


May 1858
1 Drew dung with both teems to the field below the house
2 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Mills preach
3 plowed in the field below the house with both teems John Ackland worked in the garden Saturday & to day
4 Do in the forenoon Do began to sow & sowed 6 Bushel of peas in the harper field ground in good order
5 sowed 6 bushel of Peas in the bull paster about 4 quarts of flaxseed & nearly 1 bushel of the large oats
6 fine rain last night & this morning sowed 3 3/4 bushel of scotch wheat on the fall wheat ground whear it was winter kille & 3 bushel of peas & oats below the house 4 1/2 bushel of oats same field
7 sowed 5 bushel of Chinie wheat & 3 1/2 bushel of scotch wheat in the field at the New Barn fine Day sowed 4 bushel of peas & oats below the Bull paster {illegible} bushel peas & oats in all {in left margin}
8 plowed in the 2nd field & sowed grafs seed at the New Barn gave it one stroke of the drag Jock went Lyn for a landside & took Granpa to the Quartly Meeting fine Day
9 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown
10 plowed in the field below the house
11 sowed 5 bushel of poll oats raind this afternoon the Woods begin to look green thunder & lighting first this year
12 plowed in the field below the Bull paster for the corn & potatos
13 finished the field {in left margin} 8 bushel poll oats
14 Sowed 5 bushel of poll oats & 2 pails of Barly A little flat 20 pace by 6 sowed white carrots seed 1/2 bushel peas & oats 4 bushel of wheat below the house
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