William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860


William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860


William Beatty


Courtesy of Queen's University Archives




19th Century, Leeds & Grenville County, Yonge & Lansdowne Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William Beatty Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript




1 Drew ceders for bunks & put on top of the hill the ice good but no sloughing or any snow fine Day
2 thrashed the poll oats very Stormy Day snowed 7 in
3 went to Brockville with 2 barrels of apples for Mr Turner 12s.6d per barrel they were sold in the fall bought one side of sole leather 1s.6d per lb one side of uper leather 2s per lb 1 bag of cource salt 7s.6d
4 went to Mr Kincaid with turnips he got some before 10 bushel in all 1s.3 per bushel
5 went to John Youngs on A visit Elen Jock & Margret he had A bee makeing A lime heap
6 drew wood fine Day - -
7 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Mills preach A Mifsionary sermon
8 went to Lyn with 55 flour barrels for J Elingham to R Colman ad Bet & the colt Jock went to Brockville with A load of wood
9 went to Lyn with 10 Bushel of wheat Father ewnt & got A Mortgage from Colmans for $1000 on John Adgley & they are to pay the rest in April A very stormy Day snow & wind
10 tinkered round the house Jock went to Brockvill with A load of wood he sold it to Mr Morriesin very windy Day & drift
11 mended the harnefs very cold weather
12 Jock went to Brockville with a load of wood to Mr Morrason that made 3 load went to the funeral of Mary McClean daughter of Tom's McClean
13 Jock took a load of wood to the Rev Mr McMurry & David brought him up in the cutter he stopted hear all Night so as to preach here to morrow


Feb 14 went to caintown with the Revd Mr McMurry to caintown & then to the frount in Adam Armstrongs slaugh & heard him preach both times very stormy Day snowing
15 drew wood of the drowned land, found Jacob Hogabome loading A maple tree that he had cut on the point of land on us & he said that it was him that had cut the white ashtrees or stumps that I showed him & the rest of the stumps that I pointed out to him 15 in all
16 drew wood very cold weather
17 Do Do Do Do Do
18 Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do
19 went to Farmersville on A visit to Mr Samuel Throns & got 3 1/2 calf skin 1/2 cip 1/2 colt skins from Robinson Jock went to Brockville with a load of wood got 7s.6d
20 drew wood from the drowned land little Elen & Granpa went to John Youngs intending to stopt all night & then go to the quartly Meeting at Greenbush
21 went to Brockville & heard the Revd Mr Morrison Preach cold day
22 drew wood & rail cuts to the Bull paster
23 thrashed the fall wheat fine day
24 cleaned the fall wheat had 35 bushel Jock went to colmans mill with 20 bushel stopt at Granps & we all made A visit there at night
25 Jock went to Brockville & took 340 lb of flour to Mr Morrison & that & the wood paid our subscriptions for the curch & his salary & 10s mor which he paid him 10s per 100
26 drew rail cuts to the Bull pasture & 1 load of wood {illegible}
27 went to Brockville & heard the Revd Dr ca{illegible} at {illegible} preach warm day roads all most bair
28 went to Brockville to the sacrament Mr Morrison preahed very stormy in the afternoon snow


March 20 Taped 45 trees & made or rather fixed more buckets fine day
21 heavy rain all this forenoon with wind there was Meeting to Day
22 made 2 buckets & fixed stuff very high wind
23 made 3 buckets & fixed more stuff & drew 3 loads of hay from the cap
24 made more buckets fine Day
25 helped some in the sugar bush
26 cleaned out our cellar the Revd Mr Benning & his wife came here for dinner
27 Jock went to Brockville with cabage & turnips he got 1 1/2 per bushel & 4 per cabage roads very bad after it thawed the Revd Mr McMurry
28 the Revd Mr McMurray Preached in caintown
29 made shaft for Buggy
30 fixed davids boots & cleaned some flax fine weather & A fine run of sap
31 helped Adam Armstrong to make A Roller very warm Day & fine weather


1 Jock went to A raisin of A Barn of John Hayes & began to split rails in the Bull pasture
2 split rails Adam Armstrong helped I went to Aunt Marys in the afternoon & stopt all night fine weather
3 went in to Brockville bought A pair of collors for the horses 17s.6d 4 bland Deeds 2s & sent 210 dollars by check to Waller in Michel
4 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr Shallor preach
5 helped Adam Armstrong to finishe his roller & rig for the plows
6 Jock began to plow in the harper field it is sod that is first plowing field dry
7 hard frost last night plowed in the afternoon the harper field
8 loged some hemlock logs in the Bull paster the frost in the ground John Innis came here with his circular saw
9 sawed & bored 160 sills & 180 caps with Innises saw & auguar used our own horse powr fine Day
10 went to John Youngs to see a farm Jock finished plowing the harper field
11 went to John School house & heard the Revd Mr Truemen preach
12 came home from T Younge did not see the person that had the farm land good
13 fine rain last night & rain the morning & all day
14 moved the fence below the house & plowed


April 15 plowed in the field below the house & drew rails & stones & dung to the garden & dung for hot bed fine Day
16 finished plowing the sod below the house & plowed the garden I worked at the fence in the bull paster the boys drew stones
17 Jock began to plow in the field at the New barn I worked at the fence in the bull paster fine Day
18 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Benning preached
19 finished the bull paster fence Jock plowed
20 went to Farmersvill for Elingham with 50 flour Barrels & 4 butter tubs for P. Wing & 10 butter tubs for H Green heavy rain in the afternoon
21 heavy rain last night the most of the Day fixed the horses shoes & shod them forefeet
22 planted 8 apple trees 3 pound & the rest other grafts sowed the cabbage seed in the hotbed
23 went to Lyn with 14 bushel of wheat o& 2 of corn for a grist raind midle of Day Jock finished plowing the field at the barn
24 began to plow in bull paster, ground very wet snow this afternoon
25 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMurry preach the snow was 3 inches deep this morning
26 plowed in the bull paster. Jock & the boys drew dung to the 2nd field hard frost this morning
27 plowed & drew dung the same as yesterday
28 finished plowing in the bull paster in forenoon drew dung with both teems to the field below the bull paster
29 drew dung to the same field
30 heavy rain last night & this morning went to farmersville for Elingham with barrels



1 Drew dung with both teems to the field below the house
2 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Mills preach
3 plowed in the field below the house with both teems John Ackland worked in the garden Saturday & to day
4 Do in the forenoon Do began to sow & sowed 6 Bushel of peas in the harper field ground in good order
5 sowed 6 bushel of Peas in the bull paster about 4 quarts of flaxseed & nearly 1 bushel of the large oats
6 fine rain last night & this morning sowed 3 3/4 bushel of scotch wheat on the fall wheat ground whear it was winter kille & 3 bushel of peas & oats below the house 4 1/2 bushel of oats same field
7 sowed 5 bushel of Chinie wheat & 3 1/2 bushel of scotch wheat in the field at the New Barn fine Day sowed 4 bushel of peas & oats below the Bull paster {illegible} bushel peas & oats in all {in left margin}
8 plowed in the 2nd field & sowed grafs seed at the New Barn gave it one stroke of the drag Jock went Lyn for a landside & took Granpa to the Quartly Meeting fine Day
9 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown
10 plowed in the field below the house
11 sowed 5 bushel of poll oats raind this afternoon the Woods begin to look green thunder & lighting first this year
12 plowed in the field below the Bull paster for the corn & potatos
13 finished the field {in left margin} 8 bushel poll oats
14 Sowed 5 bushel of poll oats & 2 pails of Barly A little flat 20 pace by 6 sowed white carrots seed 1/2 bushel peas & oats 4 bushel of wheat below the house


May 15 Sowed 3 3/4 bushel of wheat in the 2nd field & some flax & carrot seed had Robs horse finished the plowing & sowing fine day {in left hand margin} 20 bushel of {illegible} wheat in all
16 Granpa & David Wat Liz went Mallorytown to A Quartly Meeting fine Day
17 plowed John Elinghams garden & drew 2 loads of stuff from Weeks Sawmill rain in afternoon {in left margin} plumb trees in full blossom
18 sowed 9 1/2 bushel of oats of on the fall rye it is killed
19 finished draging the oats & whear the corn & potatos is to be planted showery wheather Jock went to John Younges to help him
20 planted about 1 acre of potatos in the 2 field & more than an acre below the Bull paster Robert Armstrong helped heavy rain last night
21 planted 1/2 acre of corn in the 2 field in the forenoon heavy rain so that we could not plow
22 planted about 1 acre of corn below the Bull paster on the first ridge Granpas pumkin & squash is planted & 3 & 4 rows is his corn William Weeks Wife died last night Jock came home from John Younges he has got all sowed
23 went to the funeral of the late Mrs Weeks she was buired in caintown the Revd Mr McMurry preach
24 the boys went to Brockville to see the performance of the Queens Birth Day heavy rain last night
25 David & Wat went to John Younges to help him to atend the Masons
26 went to Aunt Marys to help he & took 11 bushel of wheat to mill
27 Jock & Granpa went to Granadier Iland to fish
28 made two pails for to milk in
29 went Brockville with Mr & Mrs Spencer & met Walter as he came of the Boat from Toronto fine day {in left hand margin} cherry trees in full blossom
30 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr Mills preach
31 began to pick stons & make the line fence on the West line laid the stones 4 feet wide put bunks on top rain at night


June 1 Picked stones on the cristes place & made fence on the west line
2 Do Do Do Do
3 went to Lyne with firkins gave to Baxter & to & got 22 lbs of sole leather on an note or due bill from Colman to Group 24 cents per l Jock 11 3/4 lb of the leather that he is to pay for
4 heavy rain to Day plowed part of the turnip ground
5 went to Brockville sold 2 hams got 5 per lb they weyed 40 lb butter 9 per lb brougth Mr McMurry he is to preach at caintown very heavy rain this morning
6 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMurry preach
7 worked at the stones & fence
8 Do Do Do Do little rain to night
9 rain all Day no work
10 Do Do Do made A gate for the bull paster the ground is in a flood with water from the heavy rain
11 worked on the stones & fence finished them in the forenoon & began to plow
12 went to Lyn with 22 bushel of wheat to mill took 3 1/2 bushel of peas sold them to Baxter got 2.6 per bushel 1 shovel 4.6 & 2 hoes 1.8 each
13 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Goodson preach very heavy rain most of the day
14 heavy rain this morning went on to the roads James Mott the path master caim & stopped us & put it off untill tusday week I then got stuff for cradles


15 picked stones on the cristies place in the forenoon & then plowed
16 Jock went to Colmans Mill with 16 bushel of wheat & 4 of corn David finished the plowing at cristies I steemed cradle stuff
17 got 6 bushel of coal from J Cumins & Innes made shoes for the horses
18 hoed the corn had a picking bee very warm day
19 Jock went to Lyn for A load of sand for Wm Hazelwood & I went to charleston with firkins the boys hed the corn
20 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown fine Day
21 went to the funeral of old Mr Marshel I drew his corps he was buried at Booths
22 sowed the turnips first 4 rows Golden ball ground Still wet but they are late worked on the road {in left margin} Turnips
23 went to Westport with the wool Jock & the boys howed the potatos
24 Do Do Do
25 got home from Westport with the wool stopt one nigth at Clarks & one Sheldos very hot weather had 154 1/2 lb of corn & 179 1/2 25 of granpas in all
26 made a trough for the calfs & one for the bull well very warm Day
27 David draged at Cristes Jock & I went to caintown & heard the Revd M
28 David draged at cristies Jock drew dung to the Harper field I fixed cradle stuff
29 went to A Stewarts for the Revd Mr Morrison he came to visit us & preached at caintown at 5 oclock & I went to Lyn with him after
30 went to Lyn with 27 firkins for Elingham very dry weather David helped W Hazelwood


July 1 Went threw the turnips with Bet the flys is very bad David helped Wm Hazelwood & Jock drew sand from Lyn for him very warm Day
2 went to Brockville with Wat he is going to Toronto to the Board of examination
3 helped John Innis to make a Jack for his thrashing machin A fine Showr this afternoon David draged on the cristie place Jock plowed in the harper field
4 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown
5 David went through the corn & potatos with the cultivator very Dry weather & made pass
6 hoed the potatos the ground very dry
7 Do Corn Do
8 finished the hoeing fine shower in the at night
9 Jock went to Brockville with A calf & sheep he got 3 dollars for the sheep bought 2 scyths 5s.7 1/2d warnted from Ashely & fixed some horse rake teeth for A Armstrong
10 Walter Lucy went to Lyn with firkins for Elingham I went farmersville with the School Mistress she was brough up by Mathew Towe for whipping his son the cace was not sustained it was tryed before Mesefsrs Giles Hazelwood & Parish
11 the Revd Mr Milles preached in caintown
12 heavy rain last night & all day to lay the ground in A swim or flood
13 let water of the Turnips the ground in A flood made a hay rack for bobs waggon
14 Began to mow below the house fine Day
15 mowed in the little orchard grafs good
16 Do Do Do & drew in to the old Barn


July 17 Granpa & David took Elens Black cow to Brockville & left her C.E Jones to get Bulled by his Bull Hilander finished the orchard cutting fine day
18 Jock & the boys went to Brockville & heard the Revd Mr Morrison preach Granpa went a {illegible} Meeting in Junetown
19 mowed in the field below the little orchard & drew in the hay into the cap off the little {illegible}
20 mowed below the little orchard very thisley
21 Do Do Do fine showr this afternoon Granpa came home from Portland he went there along with Mr Nicol for Birds & we sent $15 to Walter by Nicol to be posted in Lyn Wat pasd the Board in Toronto on saturday & he wants money
22 very dull Day went to a Sabath School anniversary at Mallortown with the children there was some good speeches & the band & dinner
23 worked at the hay little rain this afternoon
24 drew in hay from below the little orchard the Revd Mr Smart visited & took Diner here
25 the Revd Mr McDonah preached in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Smart in the afternoon in Caintown
26 mowed frount of Lizeys old house fine Day 27 dr Walter Lusy went to Brockville with Lisader & Addie brought the Black cow home from Mr Jones she took he Bull on Saturday
27 drew in the hay frount of Lizes fine Day
28 snowed in the field frount of Lizyes
29 rain this morning & all Day
30 mowed in the field frount of Lizes fine Day
31 Granpa went to Lyn to Quartly Meeting finished mowing south side of the road & raked up the rest of the Day



1 Went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMurry preach
2 drew in the hay from the frount of Lizeas put loads in the midle floor half next the door for the springs work drew in the fall wheat David & Humphery Yonge mowed the Thomson place beyound the creek
3 drew in 2 loads of hay & that finished the south side of the road heavy rain after 10 oclock the rest of the Day
4 heavy rain went to Farmersville with 18 firkins for Alingham to Green very heavy rain most of the day
5 made A ring for the Bush in the forenoon John yonge & his Wiffe came here on A visit I fixed cradles for him
6 went to Sam Youngs with John & his wife , Margret
7 cut the grafs seed & then went to {illegible line} & raked what we had there
8 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Mills preach
9 stackd & drew in all we had out
10 helped Will Hazelwood to mow David began to crofs plow the fallow at cristie place warm day
11 David plow I made Buggy axel heavy rain in the afternoon
12 went to James Cummins & got 10 bushel of coal paid him 3s 1 1/2d David plowing fine Day
13 went to Brockville with A tub of butter 104 lb got 7 1/2 per lb & pay for the tub pr 30 lb rolls bought a cradle scythe 5s3d {illegible } 7 1/2 that {illegible} got
14 finished plowing the cristie place in the forenoon {illegible line}
15 went to Brockville & heard the Revd Mr Morrison preach
16 Made {illegible} Jock plow put soe shoes on the horses
17 Began to cut the S wheat in the fal wheat ground {illegible} wet to Brockville
18 {illegible line} went to the funeral of the Widow {illegible}


August 19 worked at the wheat at the New Barn {illegible}
20 {illegible}
21 Worked at the wheat {rest of line illegible} began {rest of line illegible}
22 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McDonaugh
23 cut the oats below the house fine Day
24 Elen & Granpa went to Brockville & sld 20 lbs of butter 8 1/2 per lb 1 chees 15 lbs 5 per lb drew in 15 load of wheat at the New Barn & began to cut the oats on the Rye ground
25 finished cuting the oats & drew in the wheat
26 drew in the oats on the Rye ground & the wheat below the house & the Barly
27 drew in the oats below the house in the morning rained after Breakfast David draged at cristies
28 went to Brockville with Wm Hazelwood & heard the Revd Mr preach & got tokens for sacrament David drew dung to the cristie place some showers
29 intended to go to Brockville to the sacrement but rained so that we could not go we went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMurry
30 drew dung to the cristies place a little rain
31 began to plow at cristies place & I thrashed seed very dull & cloudy weather


Sept 1 Plowed at cristies place & thrashed seed
2 finished the plowing & sowed 2 bushel of the Elgan wheat old seed west line then 3 1/2 bushel of the bearded
3 sowed 2 bushel of Rye & plowed the head ridges a little rain
4 cleaned out the furrows & finished the field at cristies in the forenoon then finished cuting the oats & began to hook the Peas
5 went to Brockville & heard the Revd Mr Morrison preach very heavy showr as we got to James Cummins rain in there
6 worked at the peas till tea then drew in 2 load of oats
7 finished hooking the Peas & drew in some
8 drew in the peas & flax & that finished the harvest work fine Day
9 went with a sheep sold it for 3$ got 1 barrel of salt for 8.9 shoe thread 6 salsoda 4d.2 crocks 4s.6d toll 7 cakes 6d
10 put a shoe on horse & killed a sheep
11 went with 28 firkins for Elingham to Charlestown for D Bews
12 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMurry preach
13 went to Willard Weeks & got 274 feet of clapboards & 526 feet of inch boards of John Cavenahs drew 2 small hemlock logs for jice
14 went to Lyn for sand David helped T Davis
15 fixed the neck yolk & picked appels for the Horticulture show to morrow
16 heavy rain all Day did not go to the show put up boards to dry in house


Sept 17 David choped in the Bull paster the brush & old logs I sawed & plained stuff for doors in the wood shed
18 cut the corn up
19 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McDonah preach
20 Samuel Innis made Shoes for the horses put some on
21 he fixed more & fixed 2 colters & we shod the horses all round Mr John Nicol & Mr Rogers Gardener from Brockville come hear to get speciments off Apples for to send to the Provincial Show little rain
22 thrashed the fall wheat fine Day
23 went to Lyn for sand Rob went with me & we brought 2 loads
24 took 14 bushel of wheat to Lyn to the Mill & went to Brockville with some apples to Dr Ronalds for to send to the Provincial show
25 helped John Ackland to thrash with the machin his Buckwheat David & Robert Armstrong drew 2 load of sand from Lyn
26 went to Lyn to the Funeral of Mrs Bagg oldest daughter of Samuel Young she was buried in caintown the Revd Mr Mills preached there was upwards of 100 waggons & Buggys some said it was the largest funeral I ever saw
27 went to Wicks for 6 jice in the forenoon David began to plow in the orchard at the old Barn
28 plowed in the orchard & helped Acklands the ash
29 went to Lyn for sand & got 1 side of soleleather for John Younge 18 3/4 lbs 34 cents per lb or $6.34
30 fixed the barrel rack & chored


Oct 1 Went to Lyn with 22 porkbarrels 10 to Mr Durbin & 12 to Baxter cold Day roads good
2 went to a raising of Adam Armstrong David finished plowing the orchard
3 the Revd Mr Mills preached in caintown
4 went to Mallorytown for Brick I had 450 Jock had 480 I am to get 1000 from F Scott for 3$
5 went for Brick got 487 bought 2000 5000 at 3 dollars per 1000 paid Andres 7 dollars
6 went for Bricks got 400 very wet day
10 the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintow
11 worked at the wood shed untill John Yonge came hear & I went to Landsdown with him in our Buggy to Cristes
12 went to Gananoque Fair & cattel shows acted as Judge on cattel came home to Ben Younges that night
13 heavy rain last night & this forenoon got home at sundown roads bad
14 fixed floor in wood sed the Boys worked at the {illegible}
15 went to Charlestown wiht 30 pork barrels to Bews & got A pair of cart wheels from Wm Hicks the price 8 dollars & the iron on the hubs
16 worked at wood shed the Boys finished the potatos
17 the Revd Mr McDonauh preached in caintown
18 worked at the wood shed David plowed in the field below the house


Octo 19 David plowed I took the roof of Lizes old house
20 plained stuff for woodshed fine weather
29 went Brockville Granpa Bought A chest of tea
24 the Revd Mr Shaw preached in caintown he is a Free Church Minister & is expected to preach hear every Sunday fine Day
25 thrashed 8 wheat it was Jocks that he had on the 3rd field
26 cleaned the wheat had bushels I got 8 bushel & sent it to McIntoshs Mills & we began to move
X 27 We moved over to Jocks & movd over to ours house fine weather
28 began to take down the chimney & got it down as fare as the floor David & John thrashed peas
29 David went to Charlestown with 24 pork barrels for J Elingham to Bews I built A chimney for the stoves
30 took down the remainder of the chimney
31 the Revd Mr Mills preached at half past ten & the Revd Mr Shaw preached half past two fine weather


Nov 1 Drew in 2 load of potatos & cleaned up the peas had Bushel & cut out a door whear the chimney ws fine weather went for lime brot the tire of the waggon paid 2s.6d for retiring it road bad
2 Drew in more of the Potatos nearly half of them roting worked at the Door
3 worked all the weak at the house
7 the Revd Mr Shaw preached in caintown
8 worked at the house the most of the week
10 kill the hogs wat came home
11 John Ackland helped David to under pin the wood shed
12 went to Farmersville with 21 pork barrels gave 3 to Wing & Blanchard & 18 to Green
13 very stormy Day with snow the first this season drew some wood
14 the Revd Mr McDonner preach in the forenoon and the Revd Mr Shaw in the afternoon fine Day
15 went to Samuel Innises to the funeral of his son Willian howe Died on Saturday
16 drew some wood after shoeing the slaugh the slaugh went weel
17 worked at the woodshed
18 went to Brockville with sasugues got 7 1/2 per lb & 9 for butter bought 1 bar of sweds iron 4d per lb
19 John Innis came and made shoes for the horses & I put some of them on
20 worked at the wood shed in the forenoon & A little at the oven


Nov 21 Went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Shaw preach in the afternoon
22 finished building the oven John Ackland helped Mr Wm Rath was here Wat took him to Fred Purvis fine Day
23 David took Wat to Lansdown to survay very stormy Day with snow I put A roof on oven let the Ram to the Sheep
24 worked at the wood shed
25 helped Rob to thrash fine day
26 drew wood from the sugar bush
27 cleaned the peas had 15 1/2 bushel
28 went fo caintown & heard the Revd Mr Wills preach fine Day
29 helped W. H. Davis to thrash
30 David went with Wat to Lansdown snowed about 4 inches last night
Dec 1 David went to Lyn with pork barrles I worked at the wood shed
2 David went to Mallorytown for Brick brought 500
3 thrashed oats with Jock horse had 18 bushel or 9 bushel each
4 worked at the woodshed & fixed the s shool house very stormy wind & snow this afternoon
5 very stormy Day snow & rain the Revd Mr Shaw preached in caintown this afternoon
6 went to Charlestown with 20 pork barrels has to Bews roads very bad
7 thrashed our spring wheat hard frost
8 cleaned the wheat paid Jocke the 8 bushel that I borrowed & sent 6 1/2 of good & 1 1/2 of tailings to the Mill & 6 bushel of buckwheat that Granpa got from John Ackland
9 made A toung for John Younge slaugh & got our deeds from Granpa & gave or exchanged our deeds for the Thompson place & the criste place John Yonge & Wat witnefsed them
10 clapboard part of the wood shed stormy in the afternoon
11 finished the clapboarding fine Day
12 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McDonah preach in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Shaw in the afternoon
13 thrash oats rain & snow
14 killed A sheep & tow pigs heavy rain this afternoon snow nearly gone
Dec 15 Elen was put to Bed of A Daughter this morning heavy rain most of the night
16 made a door for the room in the woodshed snow this afternoon
17 worked at the wood shed
18 Do Do Do Do
19 the Revd Mr Paterson preached in caintown fine Day
20 worked at the floor in the wood shed
21 threashe our poll oats snow & rain most fo the day
22 went to Charlestown with 26 pork barrles & to Bews roads poor
23 finishe the floor in the wood shed cold day
24 went to Brockville with sausagues got 7 1/2 per lb very cold bougth an axe from McMillen & Fleches warrent for 30 days
25 made A handle for the axe Wm Hazelwood & famley was hear for Dinner cold Day
26 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Paterson preach & the ?Revd Mr Mills
27 helped Jock to kill A cow then went to Mallorytown for a load of Brick 600
28 David went to Mallorytown for 600 Brick I built
29 drew some wood of the drowned land
30 Jock & the boys thrashed oats I gave Elen anemic she is very sick
31 built some brick in the wood shed


January 1 Built A part of a chimney in the woods & then went to Adam Armstrongs very fine day
2 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Patterson preach in the afternoon
3 went to Mallorytown Town Meeting there was two meeting owing to a rong advertisiment the Conservatives chose Mr. Dowsley for chairman & Elected Mefsers Thompson Scott Every Flow & Morton by aclamation
4 thrashed oats fine day
5 David went to Mallorytown for I Scott to plaster the weavers house
6 atended on T Scott plastering
7 Do Do rained & thawed
8 finished plastering the cuberd this morning & went home with Scott his was 2 1/2 days at work fine day
9 David went to caintown with Granp to night & froze both is Ears coming home
10 worked at a cupboard for Jock very cold{in left margin} {cut off} hard frost
11 Do Do Do
12 worked at the weavers room
13 thrashed in the forenoon & went to colmans in the afternoon & got 17 lb of leather at 34c & paid by bill 2.6c which left $5.50 that was charged to Jock
14 Drew wood of the cristies place rained in the afternoon & went the Funeral of Thomas Dicke in caintown {in left margin} moved the Loom


Jan 15 worked at the weavers room & fixed the loom
16 went to caintown & heard the Rev Mr Clark preach A mifsionary sermon
17 thrashed for John Ackland
18 drew some wood fine Day Revd Mr Morrison preached in caintown at 6 1/2 oclock
19 went with Revd Mr Morrison to James Hunter
20 went to Mallorytown to an Agriculture meeting was chosen President fine day
21 thrashed spring wheat little rain this forenoon the Revd Mr Patterson came here on a visit
22 finished thrashing the chinee wheat
23 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Mills preach in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Patterson in the afternoon
24 David went to Charlestown Farmersville with Barrels for Elingham to P Wing
25 began to draw logs to McIntosh Mill of the point
26 Do Do Do John Armstrong made some irons for A neckyoke
27 drew sawlogs to Mc fine Day
28 snowed about 7 inches last rain this morning thrashed this forenoon drew sawlogs in the forenoon
29 James Clow & John there Wifes came here on A visit I went to Mallorytown to an Agriculture Meeting in the afternoon
30 the Revd Mr Patterson preach in the afternoon fine Day
31 cleaned the wheat forenoon Drew logs John Armstrong made evens for whipeltrees & shod Jocks horses


Feb 1 Thomas Scott & Wife have all night on A visit drew S logs in the afternoon
2 drew S logs very cold day
3 thrashed spring wheat & finished it very stormy Day wind & snow
4 drew S logs cold Day
5 Do Do Do Do
6 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Patterson preach in the afternoon snowed most of the Day
7 drew 8 ash S logs for Braces & 1 hemlock that made 99 logs that we have got in
8 cleaned the wheat had 24 bushel John Younge & his Wife came here on A visit & we all went Wm Hazelwood
9 Snowed all day we went with I Younge to Samuel Younge on A visit
10 drew the old stack of hay from Cristies place ver cold Day with wind
11 went to Brockville & got 1 per lb for Butter & 6s.3d for Spitzenburg bought an axe
12 drew some wood & made an axe handle
13 went to Brockville & heard the Rev Mr Morrison preach very cold Day
14 Harvy Hays came hear & began to hue the timber for the Barn & shed he is to get fifty dollars for geting out the timer & framing & raising the building
15 worked at the timber for the building
16 Do Do fine Day
17 Do Do Do
18 rained most of the Day


Feb 19 Drew out of the swamp all the timber that was hewed snowe nearly gone fine Day
20 rained most of the Day the Revd Mr Harvy preached in our school House
21 choped down two of the big Elms trees at the edge of the sugar bush & drew up some of the tops to the house David cut his foot
22 Harvy Hays came & huwed more of the timber
23 worke at the timber fine Day
24 Do Do Do Do
25 finished huwing the timer this forenoon & drew out some of the timber Davids foot very bad Dr Keer looking at it yesterday
26 drew the rest of the timber that was huwed a very stormy Day snow & rain
27 27 the Revd Mr Patterson preached in caintown this afternoon
28 very stormy Day


March 1 Wat went to Brockville for Dr Ronalds to come & see Davids leg or foot it is very bad
2 drew ceader from cristes place
3 drew girths & joice out off our swamp
4 went to Lyn for Dr Ronalds to see David
5 finished cuting & drawing the girths & jice thawing fine Day
6 Jock went to Brockville & brought Dr Ronalds to see David he is very bad the Revd Mr Harvy preached in our shool house he stopt hear all night he took Dr Ronalds home
7 went to John Fergusons & got out all the rafters for the Barn to the Road at his house fine Day slaughing gone John Younge came here to David
8 very stormy Day Davids foot started a bleeding sent for Dr Ronalds he came & stopted all nigth
9 Adam went home with the Dr
10 Rob went for the Dr again & I took him home fixed buckets tapt a few trees
11 Jock went for the Dre cant get the Blood stopt he came & pluged it s as to put A pressure on the artre
12 I went to Mallorytown expeting to meet Dr Richmond to so as to consult with Dr Ronalds but he did not come
13 Jock went Brockville for the Dr but he said there was no need of him coming till tusday when he heard how he was


March 14 fixed buckets heavy rain & sawed stake {illegible cut off}
15 fixed up fence Jock went to Lyn for the Dr in the morning I took him back at night David is doing well roads very Bad
16 made some bunks fine Day
17 went to Mc Mill with 12 1/2 bushel of wheat the roads very bad
18 made bunks for the Bull paster Jock went to Lyn for Dr Ronalds he did not come the Roads very bad
19 went to Lyn on horseback & then walked to Brockville to see Dr Ronalds about Davids foot his Brother Wm is very sick he gave me direction how to drefs it came to Lyn on the cars very stormy rain & snow
20 the Revd Mr Shaw Preached in caintown
21 altered the Bull paster fence below the house
22 drew 2 loads of hay from the cap heavy rain this afternoon made a pair of bunk bars
23 worked in the sugarbush this forenoon & then at the Bull paster fence
24 worked a little the fence very wet day
25 worked at the Bull paster fence
26 finished the fence
27 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Shaw preach in the afternoon
28 went to Mill with 3 1/2 bushel of corn 8 of oats roads very bad
29 sawed stuff for staks & made them & bu{cut off} Margret was put to Bed of a Son
30 Lay all day in Bed with inflammation in the left Eye
31 went to a raisen of a shed of McClarys fine Day

1859 David & Elen went to G McClearned & got there teeth fixed

April 1 Worked at Bunks bored & made fine Day
2 shaved some stuff for whipeltrees & drew some hay & the bunks for the road fence
3 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McDa{cut off} in the forenoon & the Revd Mr Shaw in the afternoon Preech fine Day
4 made Bunk fence on the Road west line south side very high winds
5 very sore Eyes did nothing
6 made Do Do Do Adam went to Ly
7 made A Door for the woodshed & drew stone from Wm Davis for the foundation of the Barn hard frost last nigth
8 drew dung for the hot Bed & the garden
9 drew hay in the forenoon & stone to the road fence for hogholeing in the afternoon hard frost last night
10 the Revd Mr Boyed preached in caintown
11 heavy rain all Day fixed at A New drag
12 fixed around the house cold Day
13 went to Brockville Paid Dr Ronalds twenty Dollars & I owe him yet 13 dollars he came 7 times to see Davids foot & charged 5 dollars A trip he throwed off 2 dollars& that was 33 dollars I qualified {in left margin} fine Day
14 Jock is very bad with Rumatism I went to Hiram Booth to get him to make what he called sulphate of steel he tok A thick piece of blister steel heated to a whiteheat, held over a pail of water then put a piece of brimstone on the steel & droped into the water. This is taken & hammered fine and put into gin 3 wine glass a day {in left margin} heavy rain all day


April 15 very cold made the hot bed in the forenoon rained all the afternoon the ground is all in A swim
16 drew A load of hay from the old barn in the morning & shod the horses drew stones at the cristes place
17 the Revd Mr Harvy Preached in our school house in the forenoon & Mr Shaw in caintown in the afternoon
18 went Mallorytown to an Agricultural Meeting the Boys drew stones at cristes fine Day
19 all worked at the stones Do Do
20 finished the stones
21 went to John Younges got some peas stopt all night
22 came home from John Younges they are all well
23 very stormy snow & wind the snow above six inches deep
24 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKinze preach
25 went to Samuel Innis to get drag teeth made & yoke for the horses
26 David began to plow & plowed at cristes ground too wet
27 plowed at cristies I came home from Innises
28 I worked in the garden David plowed
29 finished the plowing at cristes
30 David went to Innises with Granpa he was going to the Quartley meeting
May 1 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie
2 scraped A dich across the field below the Bull paster & fixed the fence around the field David went to Brockville for Map paper for Wat
3 Began to sow & sowed from John Young & 5 Bushel of our own & 1/2 bushel of Spring Rye in the Cristies place warm & dry {in left margin} 6 bushel of of Peas in all
4 David finished draging the cristies Place
5 draged the orchard very warm & dry {in left margin} woods look green
6 plowed in the orchard Do Do Do
7 draged the orchard fine day
8 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie Preach in the afternoon
9 a little rain this morning plowed in the orchard
11 finished plowing the orchard that was for potatos & began the plow below the Bull paster
12 draged the orchard for the potatos begun to plant the potatos in the orchard
13 finished planting the potatoes 3 bushel of Thompsons west side then 5 bushel of the Dones 3 of cups then 2 rows of Morinees then the South Amarican & some Scotch Greays {in left margin} went to J. Hazelwood on A case between Wm Murry & J. Cavinaugh for trefspafs
14 Sowed 6 bushel of Chinia Wheat below the Bull paster sowed 3/4 of A bushel of timithy seed gave it one stroke of the drag ground very dry
15 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Mills preach in the forenoon & the Revd Mr McKenzie in the afternoon


May 16 drew dung to the field below the Bull paster
17 finished drawing dung & went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach
18 began to Plow for the corn I thrashed hay for seed Jock & me ewnt to Lyn with the corps of Mrs Edgly she died on Monday morning 1/2 past twelve Elen & her Mother was there Rob plowed with us today in the old bull paster
19 plowed in the field below the house
20 Rob plowed in the old Bull paster david draged the corn ground & I sowed 3 1/2 bushel of Schoch wheat & see it down gave it one stroke of the drag {in left margin} 9 1/2 bushel of wheat in all
21 Rob helped to plow & I planted the corn in the field below the house the ground very dry Granpa put A handfull of ashes in every hill as we planted little rain last night
22 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach in the afternoon
23 Sowed 4 bushel of the poll oats & 5 1/2 of the little while & 1 of the large oats in the field west line North side of the road begining next the house & 5 quarts of flax seed on 50 pace by C
24 the Boys all went to Brockville to the Queens birth day & I finishe the draging
25 went to Lyn with Butter firkins for Elingham
26 plowed & sowed 1 bushel of Barley between the dich & the line & seeded it down
27 drew dung for the turnips in the orchard fine rain to night
28 finished the dung & plowed part of it
29 the Revd Mr Harvy preached in our School house
30 finished plowing & draged & furrowed part up {in left margin} washed the sheep
31 planted 9 rows of sugar beets 3 rows of carrots & 20 rows of turnips steeped part of the seed over night


June 1 Went to Mill with 12 Bushel of wheat & drew 3 loads of boards had Bobs horse Keat was lame
2 went to the funerl of Robert Woods son he was drowned at the Narrows washing sheep
3 drew the rafters from Fergusons Rob helped & 13000 shingles from Weekeses I sold him a cow for them 26 dollars
4 Scored for H. Hayes he has been here since tusday with 2 hands framing the Barn
5 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
6 worked on the Roads
7 Do Do Do very Dry weather
8 scored for the Barn considerable rain
9 worked at the foundation of the Barn
10 Do Do Do A little rain
11 raised the Barn & shed stable then between 50 & 60 Men all Day finished about 5 oclock in the afternoon fine Day Paid Hayes 16$ dollars
12 the Revd Mr Harvy preached in our school house & the Revd Mr McKenzie in caintown in the afternoon
13 heavy rain to Day made a lader
14 worked at the Barn fine Day Plowed at cristies
15 Do Do Do
16 little rain this morning sowed 1 bushel of Buckwheat at the cristies East line Trall came & cut Jocks Horse about 11 oclock & about 7 his guts came down so that we had to kill him Mr Hornybook came to see Watt from Merrickville


June 17 opened Jocks horse there was a reginal pasage along the cord like a gut worked at Jocks corn & worked at the Barn
18 went to Brockville & bought 1 chest of tea 2.4 & 2 kegs of nails for the Barn 112 lbs each 4 cents per lb from Robinson & Easton & Co
19 the Revd Mr Green Bible agent preached at the stone church in the afternoon
20 worked at the Barn the boys worked at the corn
21 began to shingle the boys at the corn
22 worked at the Barn the boys at the potatos in little orchard I went at tea time form 4000 shingles Jock is geting from David Tennent
23 went to Brockville & got A peace fo iron & A side of soleleather from Colman 17 1/2 lb 33 cents per lb $5.77
24 worked at the Barn warm day
25 Do Do A little shower
26 the Revd Mr Harvy preache at our school house & the Revd Mr McKenzie at caintown in the afternoon warm day
27 worked at the Barn
28 Do Do Do
29 Do Do Do
30 Do Do Do the Boys worked at the Potatos very dry weather


July 1 Worked at the Barn Jock went to Brockville at the corn bags
2 Do Do the & Jock worked at corn & potatos
3 no Meeting to Day a little rain this morning
4 worked at the Barn
5 David & Granpa went to westport with the Wool to get carded very warm
6 worked at the Barn Jocks wat fell & hurt himself Dr Keer bleed him
7 finished shingleing the Barn
8 worked at Barn alone David & Granpa came home from westport
9 worked at the Barn Jock went to Brockville the boys hoed the potatos in the orchard
10 went to Brockville to the sacrament the Revd Mr Morrison came home with us & preached in caintown at half past six oclock this evening & slept all night
11 went to James Hamiltons with Mr Morrison the boys worked at the corn & potatos
12 drew 20 peices for 2 inch plank from John Cavinnaughs he gave them to Granpa for work 596 feet board messure & 350 feet from J J McIntosh Wat began to Mow around the house
13 worked at the Barn floor
14 Drew in the first hay to the the New Barn
15 Began to cut the fall wheat at cristies place good crop
16 A little rain last night finished the fall wheat this forenoon
17 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown this afternoon very warm day


July 18 Cut the fall Ray good crop drew in a load of hay
19 the boys helped Jock to cut his fall wheat & shelled 5 of Bushel Corn & got 3 bushel of wheat from Bob & went to Mill got 650 feet of boards pine from J.J McIntosh
20 went to Brockville with Elen & met Jonney & brought him home he came on the cars from Caralton
21 drew in hay front of Elizes hay very light Wat helped bob to cut his fall wheat
22 the Boys mowed & I shingled part of the stable
23 mowed a little & drew in from Eleyes
24 the Revd Mr Harvy preached in our School house & the Revd Mr Willson in caintown
25 heavy rain this morning David went to Charlestown with firkins for Elingham Adam & me raked up some hay in the afternoon
26 mowed this morning heavy rain about 9 oclock
27 mowed below the orchard grafs very light showry weather
28 drew in 2 load of hay in the forenoon & the Bal{cut off} wheat after dinner then rain & heavy thunder
29 drew in the rest of the fall wheat & Ry & drew in some hay below the orchard
30 finished mowing the field below the orchard in the forenoon Wm Moores came here with the Head stone for Mothers Grave Granpa & e went to the Graveyard with him & put it up at the head of the grave & he came home with us
31 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach


August 1 Drew in the hay below the orchard
2 Mowed at cristies place F Moors went home gave him twenty dollars as part pay for Mothers head stone it is thirty dollars
3 drew in the hay from cristies & that finished our haying it is A poor crop
4 fixed the thrashing Machin put in some new threads heavy rain most of the Day
5 thrashed & cleaned 11 1/2 bushel of fall wheat very good
6 went to Lyn with the wheat to the Mill Wm Henry had A raisin of A Barn stopt to it when I was coming home
7 the Revd Mr Harvy preached in our School house in the forenoon he stopt hear all night fine Day
8 made the frount Barn doors John Armstrong made the hinges for them
9 worked at the stable & Barn the boys worked at the turnips
10 Granpa & me went to Mallorytown he went to Jacob Vandusenns to get buds & left IL Thompson acount to be sued
11 thrashed part of the fall wheat in the forenoon & went to the Funeral of Jane Purvis daughter of George Purvis she was buried at the Stone Church the Revd Mr Mills preached the church would not hold half the people
12 thrashed the Blue stem fall wheat had 12 1/2 bushel I had 38 1/2 bushel in all sowed 5 1/2 bushel little rain
13 thrashed A little Rye but it was so hot A Day & the horses sweat so much that we quite
14 went to the Quartly Meeting at Lyn Granpa went yesterday there was a great many there very warm Day


August 15 Went to marsh at the head of Larues pond to cut hay David Jocks Watt with Me & we went with John Ackland I helped Mr Rosenberg till noon then he is to help to slack
16 worked in the marsh very warm
17 cockd & stacked & finished what we cut in the marsh
18 worked or mowed A little this morning for Mr Rosenberg & came home with Mr Edgly Mary is very sick Dr Keer says it is the watter in the head
19 the Boys worked in the swamp below the orchard I did nothing the Baby is very low
20 the Boys began to cut the peas I cut A little of the Barley Granmam & betsey has been here since thirsday the Baby is so low that they never its side
21 Revd Mr Harvy preached at our school house the Baby is so low that I did not go
22 Mary Breathed her last about 7 oclock this morning she suffered a great deal before she died
23 Mary is buried at Granmam feet the Rev Mr Morrison preached there was A great many there
24 rain most of the Day thrashed the Rye
25 Began to cut the spring wheat good crop
26 finished the chinee wheat then cut the large oats warm Day
27 cut the Scotch wheat heavy rain & hail this afternoon
28 Revd Mr Mills preached this forenoon & the Revd Mr McKenzie in the afternoon
29 drew in the scotch wheat & went to Mill with 11 Bushel of Rye wat cut some of the oats
30 drew in the chinee wheat the large oats the Barley & John Youngs peas & spring Rye
31 hooked peas in the forenoon rain in the afternoon


Sept 1 Finished cuting the little oats very short
2 finished hooking the peas part of them took a second growth they are green
3 drew in Peas fine Day
4 the Revd Mr Harvy preached in our school house
5 draged & drew stones of the pea ground dull & wet time
6 drew dung on part of the pea ground for fall wheat
7 plowed for the wheat
8 Do Do Do & drew some dung
9 Sowed about 2 1/2 bushel of the Blue Stem wheat on the cristies place
10 very wet Day shod the horses
11 the Revd Mr Willson preached in caintown very rain & wind this afternoon
12 thrashed for Jock
13 plowed for the Rye drew the last of the peas
14 Sowed 2 1/2 Bushel of Rye in the morning then went to Thomas Davis dung Bee fine Day
15 went to the Funeral of Thomas Sharp he was Buried in caintown the Revd Mr Mills preached drew in the last of the oats they are the poll oats
X 16 very hard frost last night everything is Killed David plowed where the Rye was I cut some of the corn


Sept 17 Sowed 2 1/2 bushel of Rye that makes 5 bushel of Rye & 2 1/2 Bushel of wheat all on the cristie place
18 the Revd Mr Harvy preached in our school house
19 cut corn very much brock down fine Day
20 fixed the lids of the stove very wet day
21 heavy rain most of the Day the boys thrashed peas
22 began to work at the stables dug earth out of the horse stable & filled into the cow stable
23 went to Farmersville with pork barles for Elingham
X 24 worked the forenoon at the stables Picked the snows this afternoon great fog yesterday & to Day
25 25 the Revd Mr Mills preached in caintown in the forenoon & the Revd Mr McKenzie in the afternoon
26 went to Brockville with 2 Barrels of American Apples got 10s per Barrels & atended an Agriculture meeting
27 choped old logs on the cristies place John Yonge came here on foot to tell us Wal of some work at crosby
28 went to the toll gate with John Yonge this afternoon the Boys choped on cristies place
29 went to Mallorytown with the Buggy to meet Mr Hornabrook an aquantance of wats that is going to Toronto to the Collage
30 thrashed the Buckwheat fine Day


Oct 1 cleaned the Buckwheat had 17 bushel very wet day
2 the Revd Mr Mills preahd in caintown & the Revd Mr Harvy in our school house heavy rain & hail
3 I helped John Ackland to thrash his Buckwheat the boys drew the pumkins
4 went to Brockville with 3 Barrels of snow Apples 1 Barrels I rolled every apple in paper it is to go to Glasgow the other 2 is for Mr Robinson own use got 3 dollars & 12s.6d each for the other two
5 went to John Younges with Jock Elen & Margret on a visit Jock & me went to Kitley Fair fine Day
6 helped John Ackland to thrash his wheat
10 helped John Ackland to thrash his oats
11 had a loging Bee on the Cristies place got A fine job done fired the most the heaps very dry wheather
12 worked at fire & logheaps
13 worked at the fire in the forenoon & began to draw in the corn the wind rose to a great very high & blew the fire into the stumps & into the old fences between Ackland & us & then into acrofs Ackland into Hogan fence burned all the old stable


October 14 diged Potatos the ground very dry
15 fine rain last night & to Day huskcd at corn it is very poor the white corn is the best
16 the Revd Mr Harvy preached at our school house
17 went to Brockville with 2 barrels of apples 1 1/2 of snows & 1/2 f calvels 12s.6d per barrel sold 1 tub of butter 17 cents per lb
18 diged potatoes hard frost at night
19 finished diging the potatos & killed a hog
20 went to Farmersville with a hog sold it for 5 .1/4 dollars per hundred it weigh 257 lb bought a plough for 9 3/4 dollars 1 extra mold & 2 extra shares
21 shod the horses
22 david began to plow on the cristie place
23 the Revd Mr McKenzie preach in caintown in the afternoon
24 david plowed the ground very dry I cam home from John Younge I went there on Saturday he got himself hurt he is better
25 dug the carrots good crop
26 David went to Brockville with A load of turnips for Hucheson 1d per bushel
27 puld turnips hard frost
28 finished the turnip fine crop hard frost
29 drew in the potatos
30 the Revd Mr Harvy preach in our school house
30 drew wood a sleepers for the stable


Nov 1 drew sleepers for the stable in the forenoon hewed some of them in the afternoon
2 Went to Mallorytown to the cattle Show took the premium on the 3 year old Bull & on the year old 2 on the Bull calf & on the Black cow 1 on 2 year old heffr 2 on the year old heffer 1 on fall wheat 1 on turnips 1 on Sugar Beets 2 on carrots 3 on fall wheat in the field 1 on turnips in the field
3 killed the hogs Bob & Wm Davis helped in the forenoon went to caintown heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach & helped to dig A grave for Samuel Younges child it died last night
4 went to Samuel Youngs child funeral the Revd Mr Harvy preached in caintown church there was a large funeral fine wheather kind of smokey
5 laid the floor in the horse stable
6 went to Lyn for Granpa he was at the Quartly meeting cold day
7 went to Larzena Mats & trade horses {illegible} is to give him 15 dollars next spring then I helped Edgly to thrash
8 helped Edgly to finishe thrashing his wheat worked at the stable in the afternoon
9 worked at the stable in the forenoon thrash oats for Edgly in the afternoon
10 I Killed a Bull of Robs & gave him ours 2 part at his his was 2 year old ours 1 year old rained & snowed all day


Nov 11 worked at the stable Jock & the boys drew stones
12 went to Brockville with Sausagues sold them 7 1/2 lb settled with Baxter & payed him L 2"6"1
13 rained & snowed all day so that there was no Meeting
14 worked at the stable Jock & Granpa went to Mallorytown Granpa sued J.L. Thompson for 45$ got 4 loads {illegible}
15 I worked at the stable put the horses in it for the first time had them in at the uper barn hard frost
16 worked at the stable fine Day
17 worked at the cow stable began to pa{cut off}
18 Do at the paving of the stable
19 finished the paving fine weather for the paving nailed up the rest of the Boards
20 snowed a little in the forenoon the Revd Mr McKenzie in the afternoon
21 worked at the stable jointing board
22 Do Do Do
23 went to the funeral of Charels Booth he was buried at the Booth bureing ground the Revd Mr McKenzie prached at Lyn
24 worked at the Bails for the cows & got them in for the first time
25 fixed shoes for the horses & shod Bet
26 shod Duch & went to Lyn with 15 1/2 bushel of turnips 1s.3 per bushel sold 6 yrd fullcloth 4s per yrd Bought a coat for David settled Lee & Lamb & payed them 12s.2d
27 the Revd Mr Mills preached at caintown
28 went to Lyn with 25 Bushel turnips 1s.3d per bushel
29 fix at the horse stable put in a window Killed the Bull
30 helped Jock to show his horses


Dec 1 Thrashed 8 1/2 bushel of wheat cleaned & went to Mill & took 2 bushel corn little rain
2 stormed all Day wind & snow chored
3 helped W Hogan to put tow logs on his stable in the forenoon killed 3 sheep in the afternoon very cold Day
4 no meeting very stormy Day
5 went to Charlestown with 3 pork barles to Bews & took our full cloth to Farmersville & a check web for Mr Clark left them at Parishes
6 went to John Younges with Elen & Jock fine morning began to rain about noon rained all night so that we had to stay all night snow all gone then snowed
7 we came home with the slaugh after dinner roads bad
8 killed 3 sheep for Jock & 2 hogs 1 for Willson Granpa went to Mallorytown with {illegible}
9 David helped W.H.Davis to thrash & mended shoed seen him for 37 years {not sure what this related to}
10 cobled shoes & thrashed some oats
11 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Willson preach cold Day
12 cleaned 22 bushel oats sold a South Down Ram Mr John Green 4$
13 thrashed some of the little oats
14 made shoes for Bill
15 Do Do Do George
16 thrashed oats for Jock
17 went to Brockville with sauguses got 7 1/2d per lb met Jonney & Watt they came from Packinham


Dec 18 very stormy Day no Meet meeting heavy snow
19 stormy snow drew wood in the afternoon
20 went to the funeral of the Widow Bail she died at her Fathers Mr John Mansils
21 went for our hay at the Marsh Bob & Wat went with me
22 Do Do Do Do Do
23 went with Bob to the marsh he bought A stock for eight Dollars
24 thrashed with Jock at his oats in the forenoon then went to Charlestown with John Elingham & to Farmersville to see about our cloth
25 heard the Revd Mr Harvy preach in our shool house very cold Day
26 went to Farmersville for Blue cotton yarn got 2 bundles paid 10s per bundle & took 8 bushel of turnips to John Kincaid he got 2 bushel on the 11 of December that made 10 in all I got 7s worth of mogezins leather & I fell at Kincaids & cracked one of my ribs
27 not able to work with my side
28 Do Do Do very cold weather
29 Do Do Do Do Do Do
30 snowed about 5 inches last night


1 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown this afternoon very cold Day
2 went to Mallorytown to the Town meeting there was 15 councillors nominated vote for Loranzo Mott Wm Tennent Wm Forester Amisa Mallery & came home
3 went to John Younge to peg Boots he could not peg with his he had sore legs very cold weather the boys went to school
7 Adam came for me to John Younges for came home we made a pair of Boots for Adam. David Robert & Granpa shoes for Elen & Isable A heavy rain most of the Day
8 intended to go to Brockville to the screament the roads was so bad that we could not go rained midle of the Day the Revd Mr Willson preeched in caintown & the Revd Mr Harvy in our School house
9 thrashed the spring Rye side very sore
10 the boys cleaned the Rye had 2 1/2 bushel & thrashed John Youngs peas & cleaned them about {illegible} bushel
11 went to the school meeting selected Thomas Davis again Johny went ot S Stewarts for the Revd Mr Morrison he preaches in caintown to night
12 the Revd Mr Morrison came last night he heard the children say Ten oclock Jock took him to Lyn to Day


Jan 13 Thrashed Jocks fall wheat fine Day
14 Do our Scotch wheat this forenoon David went to Mallorytown & ought a great coat for $8 dollars gave 5 yards {illegible} fullcloth 4s.6d per yard paid the rest in {illegible}
15 the Revd Mr Randals preached a mifsionary sermon this forenoon a the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in the afternoon
16 went to Mill 6 bushel of Buckwheat & 10 bushel oats fine Day
17 cleaned the scotch wheat had 13 1/2 Bushel
18 thrashed the chinne wheat this forenoon
19 cleaned & went to the Mill with 12 bushel of wheat
20 cleaned part of the wheat in the forenoon then went to Mallorytown to the Annual Agriculture meetting was put President again the nearly gon roads bare
21 finished cleaning the chinnee wheat had 46 Bushel good crop we have raised 100 Bushel of wheat in all this season
27 began to cut pine saw logs in the swamp Jonney helped Jock ade & me our teem
28 all hands worke a the logs & both teams
29 went to Meeting
30 worked at the logs
31 Do Do Do
1 {illegible line} was up in the frount {line illegible}
2 {illegible} back to {illegible} all Day fine wheather
4 went to Brockville to an agriculture meeting {illegible} went with me {illegible} brought a lot of {illegible} at {illegible} paid 10 dollars toward them he owes 11 or 12 yet
5 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Willson preach snow nearly gone
6 went to Elerrys sawmill & got 14 shillings worth of Butternut lumber
7 drew firewood out of the swamp
8 drew ceder of the drowned land at cristies for fences there the fields nearly bare
9 worked at the cedar fine Day
10 Do Do Do
11 Do Do Do David helped yesterday & to Day
12 No Meeting to Day in caintown it was quarterly Meeting at Lyn the roads so bad that we did not go they were bair
13 drew the small hemlock that was piled for the fence on the line betwen Ackland snow
14 began to Draw pine logs to Mc Mill drew 14
15 went to Lyn with 68 flour Barrels for Colman
16 went to Elbe to see John Robeson about Wats Mare she got a nail in her foot a fortnight ago he will come & see her tomorow
17 drew 12 pine saw logs to Mc's Mill
18 drew 12 Do Do snowed this afternoon snowed & blowed all day did not go to Meeting


Feb 20 cobled shoes very stormy in the forenoon drew 8 logs to Mc Mill
21 drew 20 pine logs to Mc Mill
22 rained so that the snow is nearly gone thrashed 23 the poll oats
24 drew 9 loads of wood of the Lake & put 2 shoes on dutch
25 went to Beverly to see Mr Cosgrove about wat Mare & brought him in with me we went with the Buggy the roads good from Farmersville
26 did not know that there was any meeting the Revd Mr McKenzie preached
27 fixed the Buggy drew rails of the Lake
28 I fixed the slaugh the Boys drew of the Lake
29 rained all the forenoon at night we skined the Gery colt she got her leg brock about a mounth ago by a kick


March 1 Wind south in the morning 9 oclock south East at 3 oclock wind North Shod Jock horses fine Day
2 put 2 shoes on Bet little rain, cleaned he oats
3 David went to Mill with 16 bushel of oats & put 15 in a bin thats was 30 of poll oats
4 the Revd Mr Willson Preached in caintown
5 worked at the Buckets
6 Do Do Do David went to Lyn with a cord and half of Bark sat on Leader and Coax for selling liquor with Lisence fine 1 pund with costs
7 went to Mill with 18 bushel of wheat went to Anders with Waggon Wheel for Huntly to fix it is to go on Tennents acount he got a cow from Me last fall Valued at 17 dollars in work
8 went to Mill with 18 bushel of wheat
9 drew rails & wood out of the swamp frount of the house the swamp good but there is no snow in the fields
10 worked in the swamp at rails & wood
11 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown in the afternoon
12 worked in the swamp at ceeder & wood


March 17 Went to Lorenzu Motts & Paid him fifteen Dollars that I owed him on the trade of horses
18 the Revd Mr Mills preached in caintown
19 Sawed Bunks in the calf paster {in left margin} stormed 6 times to Day rain & snow
20 went S. Innises & got the waggon tire welded & punched an old crobar for an arbour for the boreing machin that am makeing very stormy Day
21 went to Rueben Fields to see about our annual report he did not sent it when he should
22 came home from Fields roads very bad
23 drew wood from the hill in drags snowed {in left margin} snow
24 went to Brockville in the Buggy got 2 1/2 per pound & 2d per lb for the fore quarters paid the Widow Ronalds twelve dollars that I owed the Dr for atending David
25 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
26 worked at the frame for the boreing Machin
27 went to Lyn with 54 flour barrels to Colman with Edglys waggon


April 1 No Meeting to day owing to a quarterly meeting at Mallortown fine Day roads very bad
2 drew dung to Cristes place for corn where the fall wheat was last year above the road hard frost
3 drew dung the same I worked at the boreing machin {in left margin} drew dung for hot bed
4 thrashed the Barley & cleaned had 4 bushel in the forenoon Bored over 100 bunkbottoms it works well {in left margin} rain
5 works at the boring finished ours & some of Jock fine Day {in left margin} A little snow
6 finished Jocks this morning over 200 st{cut off} all together went to the Funeral of John Miller he Died on wedenday he was buried at the stone church the Revd Mr Bell preached the church could not hold all that was there the roads is very bad
7 split a few rails on the line between Jock & me blow the orchard David went to Yonge M{cut off} A fishing got some pike
8 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach in afternoon fine day after the rain
9 worked at the rails & bunks fine Day
10 went to Mill with 15 bushel of oats that wat bought of WZ Davis I worked at a drag for John Innis
11 at cristes but could not the frost was in the roads he had to quit the boys made bunks
12 finished puting up the line fence on the second field fine Day
13 made a fence no the side of the 2 acres next the East line


May 1 Begun to sow & sowed 5 1/2 bushel of chinnie Wheat in the field below the Bull paster ground very dry {in left margin} 7 in all of peas
2 Sowed 7 bushel of peas at cristies place 3 of them I got from John Younge Sowed the Hungarian grafs seed in the garden
3 {in left margin} wood look green split rails at cristies in the forenoon went to A raising off a house of Mr McClearys in the afternoon very warm & Dry weather
4 Sowed poll 7 bushel of poll oats at cristies
5 Sowed 9 bushel of oats 5 of them poll 4 off them I got of John Young they are next Edgleys line very warm & dry no rain this spring yet
6 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown Granpa went to Lyn yesterday & came home to Day on foot to the Quarterly meeting
7 David finished draging at Cristies I planted corn in the Garden put plaster in the drill the first row on the top next the Barn next row leached ashes then 3 rows with ashes on the top {in left margin} planted Sugar Beets thunder showers to the East
8 split rails at cristies John Edgley helped very warm
9 {in left margin} a little shower this morning sowed 1 1/2 bushel of Rye next the barn David plowed there yesterday plumb Trees in full blossom
10 laid up the fence at the foot of the hill at cristies
11 laid up the fence next the woods at cristes
12 went to Farmsvill with 32 firkins 8 to Mullvenue 10 to Demin 14 to Green warm Day
13 the Revd Mr Willson preached in caintown
14 sowed 5 bushel of scotch wheat 2 of it I got from Mr Lawson & 3 from Ferguson the first 4 ridges is Lawsons the Fergusons al in the west of the Barn
15 David plowed the potato ground Ad helped Jock to plant very dry weather
16 I trimed some dry limbs of the apple trees & spread dung for the corn

1860 snow & rain last nigth

snow & rain

April 14 Went to Mallortown to an Agriculture Meeting the boys choped wood hard frost this morning
15 Mr Fletcher preached at caintown Mr Mills sick
16 David began to plow at cristies place below the road I split rails on the line next Ackland
17 {in left margin} shower of rain Sowed some cabbage seed in the hot Bed & dug up some old trees in the orchard
18 planted 11 trees in the orchard 4 at the house
19 made A waggon box fine Day
20 went to Brockville with Jonney he is going to Packinham to work Bougth 4 barrels of Plaster 1 of waterlime 1 of salt the plaster 6s.3d lime 7s.6d salt 7s.6 roads very good
21 Sowed 2 barrels of Plaster on the frount of Lizies next the line west side on the line got a hefer calf from Adam
22 the Revd Mr McKnzie preached of caintown
23 went to Thomas Scotts to get him to come & plaster the scistren
24 began to make the line fence on the cristies place next Ackland {in left margin} little snow last night Do this morning
25 Planted 6 Appel trees in the orchard David finished plowing below the Barn at cristies very bad with my stomac
26 Thomas Scott plastered the cistren plowed the Garden & 1/4 acre for carrots & Beets in the orchard
27 hard frost this morning planted Early potatos in the garden David plowed in the field below the Bull paster
28 hard frost this morning David Do in forenoon went to Samuel Younges & got 10 bushel of oats 1s.9d per bushel
29 the Revd Mr Willson preached in caintown
30 fnished plowing below the bull paster then draged furowed up the carrot ground the boys raked a& sowed the carrots & 1/4 lb Mangol seed 1 row & 1/2 I took Elen to Lynn she is going to school there & board at the Clows {in left margin} Woods begin to look Red


May 17 Planted 12 bushel of potatos at cristes Mr Lawson planted a peice with us I went to the Funeral of Mr John Booth he was buried at the Booth Buring place there over 90 buggys & carrages the Revd Mr McKenzie preached
18 plantd parted of the corn & sowed nearly 2 1/2 bushel of oats on the Rye ground & 1 1/2 bushel of wheat on the fall wheat ground where they were killed out fine shower this afternoon {in left margin} rain & showers
19 finished planting at cristes corn & potatos a fine rain to Day every looks well
20 Revd Mr McKenzie Preached at caintown {in left margin} frost this morning
21 drew dung to orchard for turnips fine /day
22 finished drawing the dung & plowed some potatos first now the Great Chillie potato a seedling the net No 1 seedling
23 finished the plowing in the orchard planted 4 Bushel
24 went to McIntosh Mill with 2 bushel of corn & 14 of wheat & drew a load Boards David went Mallorytown to traning Adam went to Farmersville great works to be done
25 draged & furrowed the orchard for the turnips
26 sowed the turnips 2 1/2 lbs fine rain this morning
27 the Revd Mr Mills preached his farewell sermon {in left margin} rain this morning
28 took the roof of the old barn & washed the sheep
29 drew the to old Barn or logs of it into the road fine Day
30 dug part of a dich next the Barn
31 drew stones from the old Barn to the dich a fine rain to night {in left margin} rain


June 1 drew stones & worked at site of the old Barn in the forenoon sheered the sheep in the afternoon Jock & Bob helped fine day
2 plowed & planted the old Barnyard in squasses melons corn & cucumbers moved the fence of the Bull paster line in the orchard warm day
3 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Green the Bible Society Agent preach
4 moved part of the Bull paster onto the line in the orchard
5 plowed & scraped the noll at the road opisite the Barn so as to level it for the dich fine rain this afternoon
6 worked at the dich at the Barn
7 went through the corn with disk & began to hoe it fine morning wind south in the afternoon the wind was south west with rain & colder
8 worked at the corn in the morning then it rained
10 no Meetting to Day
11 Adam works on the Roads I went to Lyn withe 64 flowr barrels for Thomas Willson & drew five loads from his shop at Lyn to the Mill & station 64 in 4 of the loads & 8 in one in all 328 flour barrels
12 works on the roads fine Day
13 I went to Farmerville with 32 firkins
14 works on the roads
15 Do on the roads
16 Jock had a dung Bee


June 17 No Meetting to Day the Preachers is at conference
18 worked at the Beets & carrots very dry weather rain this morning & this afternoon
19 went to Brockville paid Mr Reid twelve dollars on acount Bought a circle & iron for the Buggy sold a calf 2d per lb
20 went to charlestown with 20 butter firkins for Bues rain2
21 went to Westport with the wool rain to Day
22 got the wool carded & came to Mr Childings stopt all night
23 came home with the wool warm Day
24 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached this afternoon the Bees swarmed a very large swarm
25 worked at the turnips fine Day
26 Do Do Do very heavy showr this afternoon rain
28 finished the turnips & plowed the potatoes in the Garden
29 went to Charlestown for a load of bolts very heavy rain at Keyes & most of the road home again {in left margin} rain
30 the ground to wet for to hoe worked at two hay waggon racks warm Day put the Bett Mare & the Dutch to Lees horse or the Black hawk to give him 7 dolars & he insures both mares


August 1 came home from the march there was not of hay for to keep us & we gave it to Edgly & Hogan to stack & five us one half of his part raked & took in the hay below the bull well fine Day
2 mowed at cristies & the grass seed had 130 sheefs
3 raked & drew home the hay from cristies rained
4 cut the Rye at cristies & the fall wheat they were both very badly winter killed
5 Quarterly meeting at Lyn Granpa went to Wm Clows yesterday with Bet & the Buggy Wat & Elen went to a field meeting beyond {illegible)oones & then to John Youngs on a visit
6 the boys hoed the Beets & Carrots & I worked at the Backbarn door Jocks Baby A Robson over here I had him on my knee at the table he went down & fell on the harthstone & pulled the teakettle on to himself it was Boiling & scalded his face breast & arm very bad Dr Keer put lime water & linseed oil on it
7 began to underbrush in the swamp very warm day
8 Sandy Stewart & Wife came on a visit & to see the Baby
9 underbrushed a little rained in the forenoon fair & fine in the afternoon worked in the swamp
10 worked in the swamp in the forenoon drew in the Rye in the afternoon John Clow & Wife were here on a visit & to see Robson
11 drew stones from the gangway of the old Barn to the dich between the garden & the Barn
12 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach
13 rained all day Thomas Scott & Wife here all day to see Jocks Baby he is very bad David went to Farmersville with Wat & brought a sheepskin from Kincaids for mittens to bind with


July 17 Mowed frount of Elizes fine Day John Yonge & wife here
18 Do & raked & cocked some of the hay a little rain last night
19 rain little lost night fine Day
20 Drew in 6 load of hay very warm Day
21 mowed a little heavy showr this forenoon quite cool
22 the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in caintown
23 Mowed frount of Elizes & drew in one load rain at noon
24 David worked for Jock mowed & drew in one load rain this afternoon
25 finished mowing frount of Elizes the boys drew in 2 loads with of hay
26 went to John Youngs got 5 1/2 bushel of wheat & saw Clows Reaper cut fall wheat on the farm of Petter Davis there was to have been 4 Reapers there but there was only Clows & Cossets Cosset & Clow could not agree about there Judges & Cosset would not reap & left the field some rain
27 went to Lyn with 9 1/2 bushel of wheat got 150 lb of corn meal 7s.6 per hunder lb drew in all the last of the hay frount of Elizes
28 mowed below the Bull well & drew in 2 load from it fine Day {in left margin} rain
29 rained all Day didnot got to meeting
30 very dull this morning Bob David Robert Armstrong & me went to the March on Sherwood place
31 rained this forenoon {in left margin} rain


July 1 Went to Brockville & heard the Revd Mr Morrison preach fine Day
2 hoed the potatos in the orchard & went through the Beets & carrots
3 Began to hoe the potatos at Cristies rained in the afternoon
4 finished the potatos & plowed through the corn
5 went to Sam Innises put a new axel reach & headblock in the Buggy heavy rain last night & most of the Day the ground has got a compleat weting
6 mended the harnefs this forenoon the ground to wet to hoe
7 went to Brockville to hear a sermon before sacrament stopt at Aunt Marys all night she is very poorly
8 partook of the sacrament Jock Margret & Elen came down this morning I came home with them {in left margin} rain
9 went to Lyn with 28 flour barrels & 5 firkins for J Williams Darling got the firkins & colman the barrels heavy rain at noon {in left margin} rain
10 helped Rob to fix his hay rack fine day
11 worked at the turnips carrots & beets the Revd Mr Morrison preached at caintown & stopt at Jocks all night he brought him up
12 I went to Lyn with the Revd Mr Morrison the boys worked at the {cut off}
13 went to Charlestown for a load of bats David began to Mow a little fine Day
14 the boys al went to the mountain to huckleberry I mowed a little in the forenoon
15 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
16 began to Mow in the field frount of Elizes went to Lyn with {smudged out} flour Barrels for Colman & 5 firkins to Baxter rain about noon {in left margin} rain


Sept 1 began to cut the Scotch wheat beyond the barn fine crop
2 the Revd Mr Har{illegible} preached in caintown
3 went to Brockville to see the Prince of Wails he was to be at 5 oclock he did not come in till after dark saw his hat & that was all the town was beautifully luminated at night & a torchlight prosession went along with him through the streets got home at one oclock
4 worked at the wheat & oats John Edgley & Rob Armstrong helped John Yonge & two of his Boys came hear on there road to Lansdown to help Cristie
5 finished the oats a most of the wheat Rob helped fine Day
6 finished all the cutting fine Day the Wind North East
7 drew the peas & the oats from cristies & part of the wheat west of the Barn this forenoon fine crop rain in the afternoon
8 drew in the rest of the wheat west of the Barn this forenoon fine crop rain in the afternoon {in left margin} first rain {illegible} storms
9 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached in caintown
10 went to Mill with 10 bushel of oats for the horses
11 James Clow & his wife came to see Granpa drew in the wheat from Criste place rain this afternoon
12 thrashed the wheat from criste place cleaned it & had 8 bushel took it to the Mill
13 the Boys went to Mallorytown to a picnic
14 went to Brockville & met John Robeson & his daughter Agness they came on a visit
15 drew stones to the dich at the Barn


Sept 16 the Revd Mr Armstrong preached in caintown
17 went to Wm Hazelwoods with John Robinson & Granpa Jock Margret & Elen the Boys cut the {cut off}
18 Hazelwoods are all here & at Jocks
19 went to Brockville with John Robinson & Daughter seen them on the Railcars for Careton
rain {illegible)tuist 20 went to John Younge with Elizabeth stopt over night then went Oxford to look at a farm of Kenneth Morrisons do not like it
rain 21
rain 22 came from John Youngs this morning heavy wind David plowing in the field west of the Barn Granpa very poorly
23 the Revd Mr McKenzie preached at caintown
rain 24 began to dig the potatos at cristies fine day John Younge & his Wife came to see Granpa he is very poorly rain at night
rain 25 rained most of the day Granpa was taken with spiting of Blood spit about a pint went for Betsy & Dr Keer
26 Adam went to Gibsons for wild grapes David helped Jock to log I fixed at the Barnyard & cut part of the Buckwheat
rain 27 finished cuting the Buckwheat in the forenoon & thrashed Jocks Buckwheat
frost 28 heavy rain last night thrashed & cleaned 13 bushel of schotch wheat & pulled a waggon load of corn heavy wind
29 very heavy frost the first to kill the vines cut the cornstalks that we picked the corn off & diged some potatos Picked Snow apples
30 the Revd Mr Har{illegile} preached in caintown

{probably Oct 1860)

{first part of page largely illegible}

4 very wet day went to Bobs & Kincaids to get there {illegible}
{large chunk illegible} Robert & Mrs {rest illegible}
11 drew in & thrashed the Buckwheat
12 cleaned the Buckwheat had 30 bushel John Innis came at noon to thrash the Peas finished & then went to Jocks & finished them
13 drew a load of punkins & picked some apples
14 the Revd Mr Armstrong preach at caintown
rain 15 cleaned the peas had 35 bushel very wet day {illegible}


May 28th Bought of N. Baxter L s d
40 yrds of cotton 7 1/2 per yrd 2 5
6 Do print 7 1/2 Do 3 9
1 Pair of shoes 6 6
1 vest 3s 1 quart of vinegar 7 1/2 3 7
1860 Sept 19 10s 6 Susan
July 11 Bought of Lamb & Sec
1 scyth 5s.6d 2 snaths 6s.2 whitstone 8d L 12


Received from {illegible} 4 yrd Cotton bought out of it or paid

March 2s for Roof spent 2 1.3 horse nails 7 1/2 sugar 1.2

March 12 .2s.6d candle

12 Crity for sash 7s.6d

March 19th bought a piece of uper leather 8s.2d

sundrs 2s

April 13 paid Dr Ronalds 20S iron 16s.3d

chain 4s barley & rice5s coal 3s.4 1/2 razor 1s.3d nails 2s.9d

harnefs leather & buckles 2s.9d shoethread 7 1/2 oil 2s.9d

Agriculture Sc 10s Jesup 5d sundres 1s.9d


May the Barn acount gave Harvy Hay a cow for 30 dollars towards his pay per the Framing $30

gave W. Weeks for shingle a cow 26 for 13 thousand

June received from Jock 30 dollars
bought 224 lb nails 4 1/2 cents per lb & 2s for kegs
bougth 10 lb boards nails 2 6
Do 10 lb shingle nails 2 6
Do 5 lb large Do 1 3
D 2 lb small 6
August Do 3 lb wrought Do 1 6
Do 10 lb st{illegible} 2 6
Iron for hinges 4 1
Nov 20 lb nails 4 6
4 set of hinges 6 1
screws 1 4 1/2
2 lb nails 1 3
5 lb Do 1 1 1/2
1860 August 7 2 lb wrought nails 1 3
{illegible} 24 {illegible}
Apr 19 Joseph Davis choped
22 John Ackland Do
23 Joseph Davis Do
24 Wm Hazelwood Do

Work done for John Elingham


butter 3 9
Mar 29 Went to Farmersville with 65 flour barrels to P Wing 6 3
April 6 Adam went to Lyn with 30 butter firkins Darling 10 Baxter 10 Jakes 10 6 3
May 25 Went to Lyn with 24 butter firkins Baxter 18 Derby 6 6 3
July 13 Do to Farmersville 30 butter tubs Williams 6 Green 12 Blanchard 12 6 3
{illegible} 25 Do to Charlestown 22 Do to Do Bues 6 3
Sept 24 Do to Farmersville 36 pork Barrels 10 to Wills & Mr Wign & Bl 16 to Green 6 3
Nov 4 Do to Charlstown 24 Pork Barrels to Bews 6 3
Dec 5 Do 8 Do Do 6 3
1860 Do to Lyn 68 flour Barrels to Colman 6 3
March 27 Do to Lyn 54 flour Barrels for Colman 6 3
May 12 Do to Farmersville with 32 firkins 8 to Mulvorne 10 to {illegible} 14 to Green 6 3
26 Do to Lyn 53 flour Barrles to Colman 6 3
June 13 Do to Farmersville 32 firkins 10 to Mulvence 20 to Green 6 3
20 Do to Charlestown with 20 firkins for Bewes 6 3
29 Do to for a load of bolts 6 3
July 13 Do to Do Do Do 6 3
16 Do to Lyn with 30 flour Barrels 6 to Colman 5 firkins to Baxter 6 3
5s 5d

1859 pay received frim John Elingham

L s d
Jan 23 received from P Wing jug 1s.10 1/2 d Syrup 4s sugar 9d 9 pills 1.7 7 10 1/2
April 6 received fish 1s.3d candle 1s.3d Salavatus 3d 2 9
May 25 Do from Baxter 10 lb nails 2s.6 plow shear 2.6 5
knife 1s.8d crockry 1s.2d candles 1s.8 4 6
starch 6 redlon 4 1/2 10
July 13 10 lb shingles nails 2s.6d salaratus 7 1/2d candles 1d coffe 1s.3d {illegible} 1 10 1/2 7 3
25 paper starch files allspice powder broom candle 6 3
Sept 24 horse nails 7 1/2 rosen 4 soape 1s.3d spoons 1s collar 1s.1d file 7 1/2 thread .3 pencl 4 1/2 5 6 1/2
1 barrel 1 6
Nov 4 1 lb paper 1s.3d 1 Jack knife 3s.9d 1 barre 6 6
Dec 5 niting needle 2 horse nails 1s.3d opum 10 1/2 d salaratus 7 1/2 2 11
thread 1s rope 1s.6d
May 12 receivd from Green 7 yrds cotton 7 1/2 lining 3s9d buttons 5d 8 6 1/2
June 5 two Butter firkins 2.6 each 5
13 papper 1s Book 1s.3d hoe 1s.10 1/2d Bowls 1.8 pins 7 7 7 1/2
20 pills 1s.3d paper 1s.3 slate 7 1/2d spoons 1s.3d allspice 5 1/2 shoethread 3 paper 6d thread 6 6 3
29 1 pair shoes 5 from Elingham 1 pair of shoes 7s.6d July 6 5[7 6
July 13 from Bues 1 hayfork 4s 1 lb salavatus 7 1/2 4 7 1/2
16 cash 11s.3d 4 7 1/2
5 11 3

1859 July got some Buds from Mr {illegible} in caintown

{illegible} at his house East then No 2 then No 5

1 went to Adam Armstrong on A visit Thomas Scott & wife was there on A visit to
2 drew wood for Elingham half Day
3 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr McMurry preach
4 went to town Meeting

sent 1 dollar to Thompson & Co for the Ath{cut off} October 21. 1859

Sketch #1:

{2 lines at 45 degrees diagonal meeting up to a vertical. 1 horizontal line from base of first 45 diagonal line, intersecting 2 45 diagonal line meeting vertical}

5 feet long {on 1st 45 degree diagonal}

Do {on 2nd 45 degree diagonal}

1 foots 3 inches {on Horizontal Line}

6 feet {on Vertical line}

teeth 8 1/2 inches {under sketch}

Sketch #2

{looks like a stake in the ground, hilled up around base with 3 horizontal bars insecting at regular intervals}

11 inches long {on first horizontal bar}

10 inches long {on second horizontal bar}

9 1/2 long {on third horizontal bar}

6 inches apart {on vertical in between horizontal bar}

{on vertical stake} 3 inches {between ground and first horizontal} 6 inches { between first and second horizontal bars

15 inches from sadle to the top Bar {written vertically on right hand side of sketch

Sketch #3 {A curved arc with a circle and the beginning and end, and at the top midpoint of arc.}

7 inches to the center {written above first half of arc}

this is the cavis or halter part of the Breaking harnefs {written below sketch}


William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_01.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_02.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_03.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_04.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_05.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_06.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_07.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_08.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_09.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_10.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_11.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_12.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_13.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_14.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_15.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_16.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_17.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_18.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_19.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_20.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_21.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_22.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_23.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_24.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_25.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_26.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_27.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_28.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_29.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_30.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_31.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_32.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_33.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_34.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_35.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_36.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_37.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_38.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_39.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_40.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_41.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_42.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_43.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_44.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_45.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_46.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_47.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_48.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_49.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_50.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_51.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_52.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_53.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_54.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_55.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_56.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_57.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_58.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_59.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_60.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_61.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_62.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_63.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_64.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_65.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_66.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_67.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_68.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_69.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_70.pdf
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_71.pdf


William Beatty, “William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/398.

Transcribe This Item

  1. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_01.pdf
  2. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_02.pdf
  3. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_03.pdf
  4. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_04.pdf
  5. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_05.pdf
  6. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_06.pdf
  7. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_07.pdf
  8. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_08.pdf
  9. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_09.pdf
  10. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_10.pdf
  11. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_11.pdf
  12. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_12.pdf
  13. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_13.pdf
  14. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_14.pdf
  15. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_15.pdf
  16. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_16.pdf
  17. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_17.pdf
  18. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_18.pdf
  19. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_19.pdf
  20. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_20.pdf
  21. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_21.pdf
  22. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_22.pdf
  23. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_23.pdf
  24. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_24.pdf
  25. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_25.pdf
  26. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_26.pdf
  27. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_27.pdf
  28. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_28.pdf
  29. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_29.pdf
  30. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_30.pdf
  31. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_31.pdf
  32. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_32.pdf
  33. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_33.pdf
  34. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_34.pdf
  35. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_35.pdf
  36. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_36.pdf
  37. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_37.pdf
  38. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_38.pdf
  39. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_39.pdf
  40. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_40.pdf
  41. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_41.pdf
  42. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_42.pdf
  43. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_43.pdf
  44. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_44.pdf
  45. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_45.pdf
  46. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_46.pdf
  47. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_47.pdf
  48. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_48.pdf
  49. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_49.pdf
  50. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_50.pdf
  51. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_51.pdf
  52. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_52.pdf
  53. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_53.pdf
  54. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_54.pdf
  55. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_55.pdf
  56. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_56.pdf
  57. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_57.pdf
  58. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_58.pdf
  59. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_59.pdf
  60. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_60.pdf
  61. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_61.pdf
  62. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_62.pdf
  63. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_63.pdf
  64. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_64.pdf
  65. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_65.pdf
  66. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_66.pdf
  67. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_67.pdf
  68. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_68.pdf
  69. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_69.pdf
  70. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_70.pdf
  71. William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_71.pdf
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