15 |
picked stones on the cristies place in the forenoon & then plowed |
16 |
Jock went to Colmans Mill with 16 bushel of wheat & 4 of corn David finished the plowing at cristies I steemed cradle stuff |
17 |
got 6 bushel of coal from J Cumins & Innes made shoes for the horses |
18 |
hoed the corn had a picking bee very warm day |
19 |
Jock went to Lyn for A load of sand for Wm Hazelwood & I went to charleston with firkins the boys hed the corn |
20 |
the Revd Mr McMurry preached in caintown fine Day |
21 |
went to the funeral of old Mr Marshel I drew his corps he was buried at Booths |
22 |
sowed the turnips first 4 rows Golden ball ground Still wet but they are late worked on the road {in left margin} Turnips |
23 |
went to Westport with the wool Jock & the boys howed the potatos |
24 |
Do Do Do |
25 |
got home from Westport with the wool stopt one nigth at Clarks & one Sheldos very hot weather had 154 1/2 lb of corn & 179 1/2 25 of granpas in all |
26 |
made a trough for the calfs & one for the bull well very warm Day |
27 |
David draged at Cristes Jock & I went to caintown & heard the Revd M |
28 |
David draged at cristies Jock drew dung to the Harper field I fixed cradle stuff |
29 |
went to A Stewarts for the Revd Mr Morrison he came to visit us & preached at caintown at 5 oclock & I went to Lyn with him after |
30 |
went to Lyn with 27 firkins for Elingham very dry weather David helped W Hazelwood |
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