File #31080: "William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_27.pdf"


March 14 fixed buckets heavy rain & sawed stake {illegible cut off}
15 fixed up fence Jock went to Lyn for the Dr in the morning I took him back at night David is doing well roads very Bad
16 made some bunks fine Day
17 went to Mc Mill with 12 1/2 bushel of wheat the roads very bad
18 made bunks for the Bull paster Jock went to Lyn for Dr Ronalds he did not come the Roads very bad
19 went to Lyn on horseback & then walked to Brockville to see Dr Ronalds about Davids foot his Brother Wm is very sick he gave me direction how to drefs it came to Lyn on the cars very stormy rain & snow
20 the Revd Mr Shaw Preached in caintown
21 altered the Bull paster fence below the house
22 drew 2 loads of hay from the cap heavy rain this afternoon made a pair of bunk bars
23 worked in the sugarbush this forenoon & then at the Bull paster fence
24 worked a little the fence very wet day
25 worked at the Bull paster fence
26 finished the fence
27 went to caintown & heard the Revd Mr Shaw preach in the afternoon
28 went to Mill with 3 1/2 bushel of corn 8 of oats roads very bad
29 sawed stuff for staks & made them & bu{cut off} Margret was put to Bed of a Son
30 Lay all day in Bed with inflammation in the left Eye
31 went to a raisen of a shed of McClarys fine Day
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