File #31088: "William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_35.pdf"


July 18 Cut the fall Ray good crop drew in a load of hay
19 the boys helped Jock to cut his fall wheat & shelled 5 of Bushel Corn & got 3 bushel of wheat from Bob & went to Mill got 650 feet of boards pine from J.J McIntosh
20 went to Brockville with Elen & met Jonney & brought him home he came on the cars from Caralton
21 drew in hay front of Elizes hay very light Wat helped bob to cut his fall wheat
22 the Boys mowed & I shingled part of the stable
23 mowed a little & drew in from Eleyes
24 the Revd Mr Harvy preached in our School house & the Revd Mr Willson in caintown
25 heavy rain this morning David went to Charlestown with firkins for Elingham Adam & me raked up some hay in the afternoon
26 mowed this morning heavy rain about 9 oclock
27 mowed below the orchard grafs very light showry weather
28 drew in 2 load of hay in the forenoon & the Bal{cut off} wheat after dinner then rain & heavy thunder
29 drew in the rest of the fall wheat & Ry & drew in some hay below the orchard
30 finished mowing the field below the orchard in the forenoon Wm Moores came here with the Head stone for Mothers Grave Granpa & e went to the Graveyard with him & put it up at the head of the grave & he came home with us
31 went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach
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