File #31095: "William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_42.pdf"


Nov 1 drew sleepers for the stable in the forenoon hewed some of them in the afternoon
2 Went to Mallorytown to the cattle Show took the premium on the 3 year old Bull & on the year old 2 on the Bull calf & on the Black cow 1 on 2 year old heffr 2 on the year old heffer 1 on fall wheat 1 on turnips 1 on Sugar Beets 2 on carrots 3 on fall wheat in the field 1 on turnips in the field
3 killed the hogs Bob & Wm Davis helped in the forenoon went to caintown heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach & helped to dig A grave for Samuel Younges child it died last night
4 went to Samuel Youngs child funeral the Revd Mr Harvy preached in caintown church there was a large funeral fine wheather kind of smokey
5 laid the floor in the horse stable
6 went to Lyn for Granpa he was at the Quartly meeting cold day
7 went to Larzena Mats & trade horses {illegible} is to give him 15 dollars next spring then I helped Edgly to thrash
8 helped Edgly to finishe thrashing his wheat worked at the stable in the afternoon
9 worked at the stable in the forenoon thrash oats for Edgly in the afternoon
10 I Killed a Bull of Robs & gave him ours 2 part at his his was 2 year old ours 1 year old rained & snowed all day
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