File #31098: "William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_45.pdf"


Dec 18 very stormy Day no Meet meeting heavy snow
19 stormy snow drew wood in the afternoon
20 went to the funeral of the Widow Bail she died at her Fathers Mr John Mansils
21 went for our hay at the Marsh Bob & Wat went with me
22 Do Do Do Do Do
23 went with Bob to the marsh he bought A stock for eight Dollars
24 thrashed with Jock at his oats in the forenoon then went to Charlestown with John Elingham & to Farmersville to see about our cloth
25 heard the Revd Mr Harvy preach in our shool house very cold Day
26 went to Farmersville for Blue cotton yarn got 2 bundles paid 10s per bundle & took 8 bushel of turnips to John Kincaid he got 2 bushel on the 11 of December that made 10 in all I got 7s worth of mogezins leather & I fell at Kincaids & cracked one of my ribs
27 not able to work with my side
28 Do Do Do very cold weather
29 Do Do Do Do Do Do
30 snowed about 5 inches last night
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